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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm EET

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should say that the most important thing we need now is more weapons to hasten our victory and end the war. we have learned to do something ourselves, but we need this help for a lot of components, and delaying every time is the life of our relatives, so as of now , macron has triggered a situation that i believe is in favor of ukraine in terms of awakening this empathy in other leaders , to be more proactive, and yet... that you should not delay with help, because otherwise you will have to send your soldiers or get up already other borders of defense, and now so far it is , i count with less blood and small efforts that they can exert and do it for themselves, including, but in general, look, it seems to me that there is already some such informational component about the dispatch of troops from other countries, it is already happening, that is, not officially, but it seems that in the information field there is this discussion about the fact that... that the british are conditionally
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monitoring the use of their missiles, german generals, well, in germany there is, let's say so , to her determination some questions from ours side, although it is their country , they have to decide for themselves, german generals say that if there are taurus, our instructors are also needed, macron is talking about soldiers, maybe soldiers, his people, there was wording in odesa, there is a feeling that something is being prepared, well soil, maybe potentially in order to later sell it to their voters, unfortunately, and they will have to sell it to those who want to even embrace the fact that starting with a full-scale invasion in the 22nd year in february, march, and you know , that lviv is still the first, they are came here, they were legionnaires from other countries, and when you talk about the british, germans, poles and other guys who stood by our guys, to defend our land as girls, they are already here, they are present, and the information... i think , are very well versed, and
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the fact that there may be more of them now, let's say this, when they start to be more proud of that information, or to attach it to themselves for the next elections, then of course it will play a different role, i am attaching to our conversation volodymyr nazarenko , military officer sonechko, artillery officer of the fourth rubizh brigade, we we welcome you on our air and say glory to ukraine, we play glory, good evening studio, good evening tv viewers, i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all my brothers on volunteer day, especially those who have joined the defense of our homeland since 2014. well, as an artillery officer, you will immediately have a question, when ukraine fought for avdiivka, we all, the whole world talked about the fact that we did not have shells, well, the world said that they did not know where to get them, then they seemed to find them somewhere, but which... to buy, they started looking for, well, well,
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in a word, what is the situation now, has it improved in the last two weeks with the amount of artillery, has it not gone down, if of course you can talk about it live, of course i can't talk about the number of shells, about the amount of ammunition, about the amount, how many bodies we can work out is rather dangerous information for the enemy not to know, but in any case there are enough shells, i do not tire of repeating this, this is when all the enemy targets are destroyed. moving even one at a time the orcs are exhausted, they are destroyed, until they are destroyed, let's say so, until that pit is dismantled, until that dugout and orcs are dismantled, as they say, they are gone, the old earth itself remains, a quote from one such artillery song, that's enough shells then -what caliber, everything else is not enough shells, that is, there is somewhere to shoot, there is someone to shoot at. and
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it is not necessary for the enemy to know about the actual ammunition, moreover, we know, well, that is, every officer, every gunner knows what he needs to know, what he does not know at a level higher, and this that's right, because there is no leakage of information, but actually in any case we perfectly understand our priorities, the first priority is counter-battery fighting, counter-battery... duels, which, unfortunately, take place regularly, because the artillery protects our brothers, infantrymen, and this is definitely an axiom, and secondly, indeed, when we see the accumulation of the enemy, it is better to work on the enemy somewhere a few kilometers away, i will not say specifically how many kilometers there 2 3 5 10 clear in order to again still an enemy did not understand but well, in any case
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, we are working, we worked a month ago, and a week ago, and two months ago, that is, such that they simply put it down with... you know, lowered the barrels, fortunately there is no such thing, although we would like much more of ammunition in order to work out every target we saw before taking out that enemy dugout, enemy akov. what is the general situation in the eastern direction now, because if you carefully monitor the information field there, there were certain fears that after the loss of avdiyivka, the temporary loss of avdiivka, it is so important to emphasize this, well... the occupiers will be able to move forward more actively, after all , avdiivka was a fortified area that had been held since the 14th year, a good geographical location, in fact the dominant height, but then well it did not turn out as predicted by the russian propagandists, and indeed the ukrainian
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military, even at the edges of the front, which , from the point of view of geography, are perhaps less advantageous for holding their positions and maintaining defense, still do it... now, thanks to why and your analysis in general situation? i would like to answer in the following way that the front, the front line, the battle line is holding, that is, a lot, but we must understand that the front consists of areas of responsibility of various units, and in all areas the front is holding, the units are fulfilling their task, they repel in most of their attacks, the attacks actually take place... these are not some, you know, combined military attacks in the form of thousands, as one might be used to seeing from some soviet propaganda films, when there are battalions running face to face to attack across the field,
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machine guns mow down everything else there, now in fact fighting and war are taking place for tens of meters of trenches and... landings on en-nyh there, if we talk about populated areas, building by building, house by house, in private sectors, in villages , it really is a house from a house, a building from a building or a landing from a landing, and in the landings there are tens of meters, that is, they are all dug up, dug in trenches, in trenches, and the entire smearing line, it is actually built and the war takes place in... endless daily, hourly skirmishes, and no matter how the enemy wanted, after, unfortunately , he managed to advance in some places, including in the area of ​​abdiivka, in the area west of avdiivka, ah, there was, let’s say,
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a collapse of the front line, that is, there was no panic, a certain operation was indeed planned, and the defense forces on... our brothers, heroes, from the armed forces of ukraine, from the national guard, they carried out a certain operation, and the enemy does not have such that he can go to any operational spaces there, to march with large forces and advance, that is, any attempts to advance the enemy, be it in small groups, be it some kind of stormzets, assault units, they will work out, and even if, unfortunately, somewhere in some part... area, be it in the bakhmut direction, be it in any other direction and happen , then they happen at a very high cost to the enemy, and in most cases, i repeat, what we see is the official establishment of the general staff, then again, these are dozens and dozens of attacks
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in only one large bakhmut direction, what i can say on attempts are repelled north of the bakhmut direction the enemy, despite its use, despite... the use of dozens of artillery barrels , if not hundreds, despite the use of the same guided air bombs, aircraft, quite often these attempts to advance, they, they are with the cover of light armored vehicles, sometimes with the cover of two, three and so on, that is, it’s quite difficult, i don’t want to specify anything for security reasons, but in general, a lot of these attacks are repelled and... how is it west of avtiyivka, how is it west of bohdanivka, the time of yar, or beilohorivka, our brothers, again from the armed forces of ukraine, very intense attacks are taking place, the withdrawal is fun from the solidarity, and and there, well, again, dozens and dozens
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of places where the provocations of the enemy are repelled by the heroic efforts of our brothers, which almost do not happen every day. of pro-russian people on the youtube channel, velikiy lviv speaks, this means in fact that these things about... which we talk about in our studio, they are burning, i want, you know, to comment on one very funny comment by lars berger, who writes that in lviv massive hang tricolors and flowers will dig with the z logo, i can't even translate that, well, i want to explain to you what is actually happening massively in lviv, red and black colors and in the biggest studio of our city, bandera and shukhevych, ukrainian heroes, mr. buchyn, i give you my word , but... we have a fresh statement from macron, we negotiated as much as we could, but
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there is nothing to talk about with him, ukraine must win, troops in france will be in ukraine, exclamation mark, well, here is a period, but we need an exclamation mark, no red lines will be, i am the president of france and i decide how about you this is lightning, definitely, but actually before that i want to touch on the two more political issues that my colleagues actually discussed, this is the issue of... about the election and those in russia, the so-called elections in russia, and actually those actions , which are currently taking place, how they will influence, and the actual question of the possibility of introducing foreign troops into the territory of ukraine. first, i wanted to say that in fact, if we are talking about a democratic society, such things as, for example, the actions of russian volunteers now, or shelling and strikes on critical infrastructure of russia, they were in theory supposed to... give a colossal effect, i remember one interesting case when in 2004 in madrid
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, spain, three days before the parliamentary elections, large-scale terrorist attacks took place in the subway, and in fact these terrorist attacks led to absolutely to the unpredictable results of the elections, when in fact the leaders of the election races lost and the opposition won, and in fact the course and fate of the country changed, the same could theoretically happen here, but i agree with mr. taras that... it would be possible , if russia was a democratic state, there would be democratic procedures and, accordingly , the identification of citizens was taken into account, and so we understand that they are drawing as it should be, the result is already there, they say that it should be somewhere around 75%, it is somewhere around it will be, but everything is the same, you know, as they say, a drop sharpens the fireplace, it's all the same actions, it's all the same destabilization, it will haunt even zombified russian citizens. to think about why we are in such a situation, why we have been there for two years
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international outcasts, we have been living in fear for two years and why do we need it, therefore, in principle, such actions, they are all the same, at least in the strategic perspective will have a certain positive effect for ukraine. now, if we are talking about the actual statement of macron, which you talked about and the problem in general, the base from macron, then this is also the actual issue of the possibility of introducing foreign ones. visa on the territory of ukraine, i would also like to add to what ms. oksana said that the very raising of this issue and the fact that it appeared on the agenda started about it speaking, it is already a great victory for ukraine. and i would also like to draw attention to the fact that , by the way, some countries, for example, the united states, or a number of other countries have started talking about this, but ukraine has not officially asked us to, say, introduce our troops to the territory ukraine is a delicate moment, yes, but keep in mind that all the same
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even such questions are asked and potentially this gives ukraine opportunities, for example, to submit the same requests, i am far from the fact that, for example, america is leading troops there to ukraine , but you know, another rule can work here, that is, the principle is that they will tell us, well, look, we will definitely not send our troops into ukraine, but let's compensate you there with more military aid, more... financial support and so on, so everything already gives us certain maneuvers, and everything already gives us certain opportunities for bargaining and for obtaining a positive result, both in relation to macron and in relation to france in general, well, we understand that macron wants to position himself as a sinner the leader, and actually, well, it plays into our hands, and it ’s great, eh, regarding mrs. le pen, who today also gave a certain base, as for me, and well, that too... of course, well, to a certain extent , it is perceived positively, but, i would still be a little more careful here, why?
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because it seems to me that she is reacting to the situation that has arisen, because in fact macron with those votes, with that rhetoric, with the accusation that she is a pro-russian puppet, he is forcing her to react and force her to distance herself in a certain way from the toxic putin and toxic russia, but the fact that ... after all , the process of rethinking all events is taking place in the european political community, because there were certain hopes that russia would be satisfied with certain intermediate results there. .. it will be possible to come to an agreement, it will be possible to bargain, and the current actions and inadequate toxic behavior of putin and russia, it still forces even such, you know, a staunch ally like le pen to look at the situation in a different way, and that too will well in strategic, let's say, time dimension to play in favor of ukraine. before the advertisement, we give another
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word to vitaliy smilka. mr. vitaly, as a military man, how do you look at all this? you know, we, we are talking about legal terms, including how much you believe that our western partners, as we call them, from the point of view of jurisprudence correctly, will become our allies who will fight side by side with us, you know, once again i want to deviate a little, to congratulate everyone on the day of volunteers, my brothers, with those who started in the 14th year, we still fought with those who left in the first days, in general , we have volunteers even now. so that you understand, those guys who go at the age of 22-25, although they can go at 27 out of 27, and now such guys are coming, i congratulate everyone and i want to take this opportunity to congratulate my commander sirk from the right sector, under whose command i am very proud , back in the 14th year we took sand to donetsk airport, wish him a speedy recovery, he recently received a rather serious
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injury, we will meet soon, well, let's get back to your question, i'll tell you yes: from my personal experience, let’s go back a little bit of the history of ukraine, no, not so recently, yes , in 2023, in 2003, the ukrainian peacekeeping contingent was introduced into the republic of iraq, yes, at first there was an agreement that we would not take part in hostilities, so the contingent was entered the territory of the republic of kuwait, they stood at the coyote base for 3 months, after staying there, they entered directly after 3 months. already in iraq and in velkut and eisuve in two cities, directly there he also took part in the peacekeeping mission, so i know everything from the inside, that is, at the beginning it looked like we enter, but we do not take part, if only our troops were like that, but over time it has already grown into something more, and we have already directly participated in the peacekeeping mission on the territory of iraq, this is
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the first, second, i am not a politician, but i also like to analyze. because there is no such thing, you are not interested in politics, no, politics will be interested in you, if we look at the second world war, after the victory, there were victorious countries, it was the former soviet union, the kingdom of heaven, it was england and it was the usa, although the us really wanted to to attract france there, but france was not a victorious country, so the world after the post-war european world was divided by three countries and how to live. shared by three countries: england, the usa and the soviet union. well, i think that macron now has a very advantageous position, not to stay aloof from historical events. there is no doubt that ukraine will win, but whether he will have time to be one of the leaders, to lead, to become the winning country, that's where
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ukraine will be, where england will be, so as not to be historically left somewhere on the sidelines. when we win, and i'm sure of it, that it's just a matter of time , so that we don't leave us stranded , so that we don't have ukraine, england again, the usa will take the most active part there, does not exclude the possibility of introducing troops, at first it may look like this, it is introduced in the western territory of ukraine, or, for example, to unload our troops somewhere on the territory of ukraine from the side of belarus, in order to release part of the military and engage directly... in hostilities in the hostilities in the east, in the south of the country can be used in this way, but this is a very good signal for other countries, it is very a good signal, stop being afraid , stop being afraid, so that later you , you know, time is fleeting, and victory, as
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soon as possible, that i am for it to come as soon as possible, and those countries that will take that part. then you know, they will say, oh , we wanted to, but the war is over , we didn’t have time, so get involved as much as possible, here are the countries that can, no one is telling you to go to war right away, come, relieve us here in the west in some areas of the border with belarus , in the end, our battalions stand like that, which seem to be absent with their own equipment weapons, and believe me, you will teach us to fight, your instructors. and we will tell you everything, show you everything, a short advertisement, after it on the espresso tv channel, we will continue our discussion about macron's latest statements, we are also waiting for the inclusion of a russian oppositionist, as a member of the state duma. of the russian federation, who will perhaps tell how, from the first hand, he is associated with the legion of freedom and the rdk, what is happening there, what they are going to do, until, as taras said,
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what will happen cannot be called an election take place in the russian federation, they will re-appoint putin as their tsar there. advertisement, we'll come back after it. laughter. physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on healpex anticold. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. usual affairs become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with
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we are back on the air of spresso. thank you for being with us. president macron, now the person who will be talked about in ukraine throughout the night, he is the president of france, and he decided to help ukraine with his troops. do you want to believe? what is this man, he keeps his word, during commercials, we continued to talk on youtube, ksenia klym about volunteers, these are important things, so i nailed you very briefly to come back for viewers espresso, continue, why this it is important today to talk about ukrainian volunteers, even in the context of the fact that, we would like to believe, the military from other countries will help us, they will find a million. if in one word, then really all of our struggle rests on these people, you see, it seems to me that if it were not for them, everything would have gone in a completely different way,
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however, i think that the politicians would have used this situation completely in a different way, and it was these very simple boys and girls who took up weapons and stopped... near kiev, behind kyiv, then in the east of ukraine, in the south of the enemy, they decided everything that is happening today and continues, yes, but we still need to work on that, in order to lead to our victory, because it's just saying, yes, we will definitely have this victory, but the odds are very high, and really everything can play out in a completely different way, that's why i say. that the work of our eu partners and our activists abroad is very important, who remind us every day that we are at war, because this war
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is far from france, it is far from britain, the united states or australia, but our ukrainian activists go there, take february 24 as an example, more than 20 countries of the world in hundreds of cities lit up. e blue-yellow flashlights and it was said that such light will defeat the darkness, and - if we continue to work like this, if we do not get tired, even if in two years, and globally it is in 10 years, we really feel this very strongly in that, then we must this victory will definitely happen, but with a lot of work, mr. khrepchynskyi, next i see oksana yurynets, please. ignited the latest statements macron, in fact, including our studio, judging by all of putin's direct threats
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are already direct threats directly. kosovo, sierra leone, congo, iraq, operations that impressed everyone, i want to note that, for example, i had to visit baghdad in 2003. during the operations, and the ukrainian military, experts in electronic warfare, the american military noted on the positive side, because during the escorting of the ukrainian military, there was not a single detonation of the column. and regarding macron's base, i want to point out that actually, let's see, what europe said in 2022, that we will hold and help ukraine as long as it takes, now they are already saying that we...
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want ukraine to win, and here, in principle, these two years show that how europe goes to our side, well, in fact , you should probably give it and you help us , we used to help with our military at one time, mr. rad, i promise you, it seems to me that it is also very important news today in the context of these geopolitical moves on such a large geopolitical chess pieces are a statement of a private factory in germany metal, who says that he wants to build up to four factories on the territory of ukraine for the production of artillery weapons, of course they are talking about money, they already calculate that such production can bring them 2-3 billion dollars, but in the end, well everything costs money, and our victory must also cost money, and unfortunately, it will cost a lot, it will also be a price for those ukrainians who win this victory, but the financial aspect is also very important from
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the point of view of the weapons that are on. .. the look is happening now because we started with that with you, and now a new statement by macron, which really, well, i want to believe, very seriously increased the rate in our favor. before answering your question, i will return to macron's base and support the opinion of my colleagues, why is this statement of macron's very important, and which actually should have been voiced back in the 22nd year to someone, it is important by president biden, well, it is important from the point of view of called management. uncertainty, this is what the russian federation is very good at, that is, it is a bluff, you never know, your opponent never has to understand for sure what your actions will be, but the west has been doing exactly that for the past two years , clearly declaring its reluctance, in no case even, even in thoughts, not that in any actions, but to sow in putin the idea
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that they can potentially... take part in a war with the russian federation, so in fact macron, with his latest statements, broke this paradigm, which unfortunately prevailed in the west for the past two years, that is, he actually started the management of uncertainty, that is, initially, unlike , by the way, from other countries that immediately renounced they said, including the secretary general of nato, i understand that this is a political position, and he must certainly make certain statements. but instead of being silent, sometimes, and not declaring that we will not be sure, sometimes you can just be silent, not necessarily comment, let others guess whether your silence means support or, on the contrary , denial, so macron actually with his categorical statements, well, that's enough of shuffling the cards...


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