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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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hearing the fact that ukrainian grain really had a negative impact on both the polish market and the european market, this cannot be denied, but there is a large set of other factors that caused a certain crisis in the european union, and through this triangle kyiv, warsaw , brussels, warsaw just waiting for a decision in brussels, brussels is tied hand and foot, because it is all'. economic policy is a policy that has been developed for years, and the last time this policy was reformed was in 2003, when there was the largest expansion in the european union, and the future accession of ukraine to the european union will also force the agricultural sector to be reformed, the common factor is the agricultural policy of the european union, and in the aggregate of all these large number of factors and the war, which is also somehow modestly silent, that the war has a negative effect on the market situation, about the fact that the market for...
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rural grain has collapsed by 30% in the world, not not in poland, in the world, and about the same, banning the import of ukrainian grain, they were silent until the last about the import of russian grain, only in the last weeks they started talking about it to speak publicly, and not only in warsaw, but also in brussels, for some reason this problem has been going on for two years. well, it was not included in the policy, the sanctions policy of the european union, only now there is some kind of public discussion about the fact that perhaps it is worth thinking about the same, if not completely banning, then obviously somehow quota, so this history, in a word, if at all to summarize, the problem of polish farms blocking the ukrainian border, it started as a problem of ukrainian grain back in november 23, but as of... january 24
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year, it was far from a grain problem , it was far from a problem of ukrainian-polish relations, it was already a pan-european problem, the solution of which is currently understood, well, there is none, when it is solved , we include ilya ponomarov, a russian oppositionist, a person which is associated with the rdc by the legion of freedom of russia, mr. ilyak, we welcome you to our studio, one of the few russian politicians who has learned the ukrainian language, it's a pleasure. what is happening now on the territory of russia, good evening, because there is information that literally somewhere recently another village was managed to be taken by the fighters of the rdk and the russian freedom legion, what do you know about this, how does this special operation take place in general, if it can be called a special operation , how correct is the term, i used it in general, well, it is spreading little by little. so our guys even came up
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with the term liberating special military operation osvo, that is , liberating in russian, and now it is taking place for more than 40 km, there is a rather huge area in the kursk region and also. quite a huge area in the belgorod region, they have already returned to gryvron, there it is the second time that the mayor of gryvron fled, the first time it happened in may last year, and each of the battalions has its own section of the front, its own direction, where they are currently working and
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advancing forward. mykola buchin, our studio has a question for you. i have a question, i understand, maybe you can't voice everything, at least what you can. already in the summer of the 23rd year, in fact, the legion of freedom, rdk carried out a similar special operation, or whatever you want to call it, but in principle, as they say, with a certain noise, they turned back and nothing... no, no, well, they did not try to save what was conquered, i would like to hear from you what you can say, how much the current operation differs in terms of methods, possibly goals, and consequences from what happened in the summer of six months so, well, look, the question is that we can't get and hold this territory for a long time, because we don't have heavy artillery. in
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our composition, because it is western, and as you know, western partners prohibit the use of their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, that is... the weapons that we have, well, heavy weapons, we already have several tanks there, they are all of soviet production, and there are several armored vehicles, but they are trophies, it is not as an official supply and we can use them, but this cannot be done with artillery, we cannot capture artillery 155. meter there to use them, because we will take ammunition for these guns, and that is why our fighters, they will not have any there of protection, that is, here you are
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remember, there was an operation there in the summer, when we liberated shibekin, as well as the district center in the belgorod region, and... well, they just started pouring artillery into this city and turning it into the same bakhmud or avdeivka or mariupol, and what it made sense, it was fitting, now we have grown in terms of our power, now we have tanks in stock, and we are now there... we are building a new direction in kurshchyna, and there is more powerful resistance from the russian putin army , the ivanovo paratroopers are standing there, well, that is, it has a military meaning, but even more, we keep in mind
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the political meaning, well, first of all, of course, the so-called elections inside russia, and we want to show that this is all this toothless... russian opposition, which calls to come to the polling stations and vote for anyone there, well, it's just delusional, it's a waste of time, that it's necessary to join the armed protest, that it's possible, that it can win, it can achieve results, and secondly, we want to help ukraine from the point of view of receiving international financial help, because now such pessimism is widespread in... in various countries of the world and actually there in the united states, and we need some positive news, and if they do not come from the main front line, well, here we can show what we are seeing, even in russia already
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such events are taking place, mr. ilya, i still have one more clarification regarding maintenance, for example, it is the settlement of tyotkino, it is geographically surrounded on three sides by ukrainian territory, it is theoretically... quite relatively easy to try to get it, well, maybe it is there will be an opportunistic approach, you, you are 100% right, and of course, this will be the ideal result there, the maximum result of this operation, and if we can hold a certain piece of territory there, then of course the next step is to raise those white-blue a white flag, to declare a free russian... the public an alternative government and now there again, bearing in mind these so-called elections, it will be very, very timely that we do not recognize putin, today the verkhovna rada also received such a resolution, we do not recognize putin as president , but here we have a real one
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an alternative government, a real alternative government. thank you, thank you, mila ponomarev, he turned on, well, the plans, what the panel is talking about, in fact, if it can bring down putin's russia, then we are definitely all in favor of this activity. we have 12 minutes left before the end of the broadcast on espresso, so a brief recap of each. mrs. ksenia, you spoke less today, so i have the floor. less. if, on the topic i raised, you see the red cross, and threats of nuclear weapons, and france, a lot, i don't really believe in these successes there, but everything is at least a little bit like the old days. uh this kremlin, it is very pleasing. i was very touched by the topic of ukrainian-polish relations, which was already mentioned here on the air. i remember, you know, these first days after the full-scale war, it was so sincere, it was so open, when we
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drove these cars from the polish side here to ukraine to the guys, it was mostly only women, because our men went to the front , and how these polish customs officials helped us with those papers, in which we did not understand anything, and you see how fragile it is our happiness, how easily this drop of tar can move this barrel of honey. what's happening in europe now, right? these are such, anti-european sentiments, this is this theory from the language, there, anti-national, er, there, coming even to the sejm of poland, this confederation, as if they are insignificant forces, but they really can do that with their drops, yes , just spoiling, that's all, but... these are those mouthpieces, russian mouthpieces, and there
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are so many of those useful idiots in europe that they, we, we should not, if we were to get excited and really become so happy, safe from what macron said there today, we must have a cold mind, soberly assess the whole situation, calculate our strength very much, because they will still be there for years, even if tomorrow our victory... comes the day after tomorrow, we will not we have the right to pack our things and go home and continue to live as we lived until the 14th year, this can never happen again, oksana yurynets, and terasrat, you are constantly discussing what is happening in our studio, it is interesting , what are you talking about, no look, we are afraid of becoming israel, but we should be afraid of becoming lebanon, we understand what oksana says, that's right, she says, it won't be like that. and no matter how scary it looks there, we all have to learn to be either those who
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help the army very much, or to go and become the army ourselves, and this awaits us if we want to live in our country, because it is true, no one can replace us will not do the job and will not protect us, and even i will tell you, share there in the family, in the family, who does what, it is clear who is in the army and who works for the army, there is no other option, and therefore there is one scenario for us, fakes, myths that russia will not impose, it has always learned this. to do very efficiently and effectively and to launch bad information, well, about what will happen a year ago, exactly somewhere at the end of february, the beginning of march, i already saw what would happen, that unfortunately, it would also work out in the russian federation, you know , when putin was asked how he once said that he would seize the suval corridor to kaliningrad, and he said when there will be all the roads, well, königsberg, but kaliningrad, and that is when all the roads will be blocked, you know, when the roads started to be blocked, i... from time to time i go the same way, there is cooperation, there is scientific cooperation of very adequate polish citizens, our fellow
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diplomats, who are still working very actively, they work and who were a number of deputies, they work a little and come to lviv and kyiv, that is, this is the format we have, well, there are different formats, i must say the following, unfortunately, the parliamentary diplomacy is only as effective when deputies stopped traveling, they had to travel, advocate and do their work, because when you have certain... powers, you have to take responsibility, we actually saw how it stopped during this period of time, and it can't just be at the presidential level there should be great love and good results, it should be the parliamentary dimension, and the local self-government, the public sector, all together, that is , when what oksana said at the beginning, that everyone should work together for victory, that is, she will speed up only then, when everyone will be activated, so unfortunately we will have a very difficult life if we want to live in our country, because we understand how we want tomorrow... victory, but it will only come when we all realize that we we are approaching it, it is difficult to be brave
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, it is difficult to be a volunteer there, but today we have to face the truth, well, if we want to live, we have to fight and only in the fight, crying has not given anyone freedom, only a fighter wins the world, and that’s it today it is very important to speak, we have to invent incredible tools, because i understand that if my son is 13 today, he has to learn to be... a drone, he has to learn to do something that will protect him as much as possible, and it's not a vest and a fairy tale, it's a special flying machine , which will help him keep him safe, so these are the things that we have to learn to do, because the world is really unfair, it's completely unfair and very difficult, and goodness has to come with fists sometimes, and we have to learn that, so we we must be an adult nation that does not enjoy any small happiness for a short time, because it is very shaky. because everything goes on, work, tears, and a lot of things that, unfortunately, it exhausts us, we, we become
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more adults, 10 years have passed, but we have to learn very quickly, this is what we have right and to do now, and thank you, because very often vitaly portnikov raises this topic, who we are, how we should do it now and why we should look soberly at many things, another quote from macron, he is now obviously speaking to the french people, lately... we live in conditions where it is impossible, the impossible is coming between strasbourg and lviv only 1,500 km, you see, only 1,500 km, the war is already here, it is very close between lviv. next week there will be a large french delegation, it will be in kyiv there, so i think you can invite someone from those who will tell you more closely here, domo, we agreed on live broadcast, i would like to summarize briefly so that everyone has time to say, well we live on an emotional seesaw, and war is a great source of uncertainty,
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yes, of course, it is good that there were these statements and there are some certain... such, maybe such a psychological breakdown, to say that it is translated into some breakdown in the war, obviously it is not possible and should not be said, because it does not really exist, one should not indulge oneself with illusions, one should remain realistic in reality, and soberly look at all these processes, it is good that there are certain such signals, positive signals for ukraine, but unfortunately, the world loves winners, that is, it is not given simply, that is, it is given ... the struggle, the blood, of the defenders of the armed forces of ukraine, and with a lot of work, that is, of course , the main work is done on the fronts, but each of us obviously also has to contribute to this joint victory, obviously where he is, where he would be more effective,
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most useful, and accordingly , so that you understand, macron's statements also did not appear from nowhere, this is... obviously, the results of long, painstaking work, sometimes not visible to the general public, so we are not relaxing, we are working, there will be victory, but a lot more is needed for it make an effort. anatoly khrepchinsky, i would like to start with two such positive news for today, an an-12 of the russian military made an emergency landing today, an mi-8 with 20 military personnel crashed in magadan today. my eighth helicopter, therefore, i would like to turn to europe, which is not necessary... to be armed with russian nuclear weapons, a test that was conducted for the last time in soviet times, and what's more, since the 14th year, yuzhmash has not maintained the mines for launching these missiles, and again, yes, in fact, russia has a lot of everything soviet iron, it has a lot of useful idiots, but in reality we will be able to defeat russia with high-tech weapons
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, high-tech armed forces that will fight with drones, will fight with robotic systems, and not with ... personnel, but again, i'm here, we here now we are measuring in kilometers, magadan is just absolutely unknown where, it is 11 00 km there, even more, what is happening in general with these russian air forces, they are falling, well, we understand that this resource is found there, these thousands helicopters, hundreds of planes, well, let's start with the fact that the su-34 is a deep modernization of the su-27. and there is nothing modern in russia, il-76 engines that caught fire, d-30, developed back in the 50s, they could not implement, perm engines for civil aviation ms-21, dry superj, dry superj , a french-russian engine, where russia only performs assembly tasks, the ms-21 is
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an american engine, that is, everything that russia has, even that rocket, they took from the iranians. but iran, who managed to produce it, managed to produce it, yes, russia now it shows that they implemented their comet there, they make their own carbon coating there, but it’s all the same, it’s a copy, as it was in the soviet union, tu 160 - b1 lancer, tu-134 - md80 and so on, we see everything , the first 40 turbojet engines were brought to the soviet union from great britain at the beginning, before the start. the cold war, any copy is worse than the original, mykola buchyn, i was talking about russian copies, sorry it's so simple, i want to draw attention somewhere to the international situation in the context russian-ukrainian war, until about a month ago, it looked quite pessimistic, we see problems with military aid to
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ukraine from the american side, we saw the ricochet of shells, we saw, unfortunately, capture. the russians of avdiyivka and all this created a certain background, very pessimistic. now, i believe, the situation is changing in a positive direction. we see such rather, probably, as you said, basic statements by macron. we see that somewhere to some extent the dynamics are changing in america, in particular today johnson, i have on i mean that the speaker of the lower house of the us parliament said that they, that we will not leave ukraine alone. some alternative project is being prepared somewhere, well, it is difficult to evaluate it now, but it is still a certain summer , if it cracked a little and, accordingly, there may potentially be some positive news from... overseas, but i lead it to the fact that the situation is international, political, always changeable, and it is probably necessary to rely on it in the second place, first of all, as
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mr. vitaly rightly said, we must rely on our own forces, that is, our own production of weapons, transferring ukraine's economy to military lines, this is very important, because if we don't do it, we have much less chance to win, mobilization of public resources, mobilization policy, all this will ultimately give us a chance to win this war, mr. smilka, then olena zhivko well, you know, the first thing i would like to express is the words of great admiration and thanks to our special services, gurus, analytical departments, security services, for such a super cool operation that the rdk and the siberian legion are currently conducting, because i understand such the volume of information is ... to get, process and implement it in action, it is worth a lot, now, because russia will now have to use those reserves that it has accumulated or
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kept somewhere for further assaults, it will have to close those tens, if not hundreds of kilometers of the border , so that it does not happen again, accordingly they will weaken and reduce their offensive, because their reserves are also not infinite, they will have to close the border there and keep people there, that's just words of admiration. from such an operation, he, and the second thing to say, you know, is that, well, he can it will sound harsh, it may be so , you know, cut your ear, but i will say this, it is necessary for all our people, ukrainians, as much as possible, because everyone should help the army in their own way , you understand, so that our boys, excuse the word, but so that our boys did not turn into crosses and graves, we should all do our best from... everyone who depends on her commander, to protect and appreciate the military serviceman as much as possible, from the citizen who has, or business, or works, to help, does not know what
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to do, in every city, in every village there is guys, there are families who are at war, ask them , they will tell you, now i have a very big request , the guys say, sometimes you raise your head, it seems that a beehive of bees is flying above you, drones fly terribly, so we need drones, but also we need ee... rap rigs, mobile small rap rigs, we need who can help financially, who can't financially, weave nets, who has no health, yes, no financially, pray for our boys, who, who there is such a large percentage it doesn't matter, shut your mouth and don't criticize those who works, to the authorities, first of all, that's how we once dreamed of tanks, we once dreamed of hai. we once dreamed of an f-16, we need one thing from the authorities: start talking about missiles, we have seen the crazier work of our services on the shaheds, but you will understand, well, it is our
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ukrainian, let's say this, drones that hit the oil refinery, we need a missile with a range of 500 , and even better 100 km, this is the first step, and the second step is to give permission to fire them at military objects on the territory of russia, in the depths of russia, so that this, you know, as before they said... let it be ukrainian, the ukrainian military, the long arm of the pentagon could reach all the way to the urals, and the one beyond the urals , that is, to magadan, where the guerrillas are, and the japanese may still pull up there, adan is closer on that side, so what can stryenberg has already stated that f16 , if provided, it is possible to consider using them for strategic purposes, by the way, f16 can be used by jasons, which fly at 1000 km, in fact, this is very ... yes olena zhivko, i will briefly summarize, actually, today in conversation we often talked about that germany should, france should , indeed, many countries have obligations
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to ukraine, but each of us saves first of all his family and his state, and we talk a lot about who owes us how much, being again in states in washington, i thanked the americans for their support and said that i saw their javelin stingers at the beginning of the war change the course of this war, and today we are saying whether they will become our... allies, they already are our allies, let's be honest , our army is legendary and the best in the whole world, but without support of america and other allies, we would not have resisted and would not have lasted until this time, and therefore, of course, everyone must start with themselves. today, for example, in lviv oblast, in the village of kupochvolya, an acquaintance of mine, who returned from hard battles in bakhmut and other cities, spoke out against a local disco where there were 250 youths and called the military, returned home and found. your shot dog, it’s true, but tell me, you can fight for such a people, you want to go, in america, probably, such a case was considered for such a thing, thank god, i am grateful to the national police, they opened
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criminal proceedings and i... a certain person will be guilty, the guilty person will be punished, if we knew who it is, believe me, my brothers and i would do everything to make this person suffer the appropriate punishment, because this is not even about a criminal the crime is not about the killing of a living person, it is about respect for our defenders, well, that is , what kind of society are we, let's do something good and right in ourselves, and not tell the government, well, while the boys are fighting, while we were all at the front , why don't you ask questions, the brokivka does not fit, 10,000 people came out, v we are a democratic country. and you can change it if you want, but if you sit and say that everything is lost, fear war, today you will not go to fight, tomorrow you will watch your child being killed, your old grandmother being raped, that is, it is a war, it is cruel, and the opponent is not has no principles, morals and nothing human, and believe me, what we had to see on the front, you will not see even in a terrible dream, so i think we should all unite and understand that victory depends on each of us, and we don't
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have to already to be such a hero... to go to the defense countries, protect your child and your family first. thank you, thank you for today's broadcast, thank you to everyone who watched us on the youtube channel velikiy lviv says, on the espresso tv channel and on the nta tv channel. thank you to all our guests for the meaningful discussion , traditionally the project speaks velikiy lviv, the largest discussion platform of ukraine, says, see you all next week on thursday, traditionally at 21:15 we start, and i hope that we will have even more positive news. in this difficult time, thank you for your attention, frenchman, april 6, black dead rooster
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united by football, stronger together. on the territory of russia , hostilities continue for the third day in a row, how far can they go russian volunteers, in ukraine they continue to discuss the draft law on mobilization, and in slovakia, in the meantime, they propose to return conscripted men to their homeland, what can this indicate? well, the eu seriously talked about giving armenia the status of a candidate for joining the european union. what can we expect from such a geopolitical reversal of yerevan in ukraine? we talk about all this at
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svoboda live. my name. sashko shevchenko, we are starting.


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