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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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and what forces are actually opposing you, i.e. who are you currently fighting with, what kind of forces are they, to what extent are they generally able to hold their borders? received by border guards.
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you are persecuting, because there is your appeal , but i don't want to quote it, i want you to tell simply what it is, why it is being done, well, there is a whole group, let's say, which we want to implement, we have already partially implemented it.
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and regarding the fact that putin cannot be recognized as a legitimate president, he is a criminal, and we must move on from this, and by our actions we we draw the attention of the international community to the fact that there is such a force, russian volunteers, who are ready to fight putin, and that this should be taken seriously. i personally believe that when it comes to the opposition. authoritarian rule and such a repressive, aggressive regime, of course , armed struggle is much more effective than coming and standing at the polling stations, that's for sure. and tell me, well, now they have russian propaganda, they said yesterday that there were several dozen of them, they killed them all, in short, a lot of equipment was destroyed there, well, i obviously understand that you cannot say now. about
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their real losses there, but still, how they measure up to these conversations of russian propaganda, i can't, i can't say, in our country. i can say that in fact we have no casualties, no killed or wounded, we have prepared very effectively, and we conduct our offensive actions in such a way that our fighters are safe, and we succeed in this, good preparation guarantees a good result, and so and so also tell such stories that... as if there were rumors that some representatives of putin's regime would be punished for appeals from local residents to you, well, there , as if they brought the head of the local united russia, something else, how true is this or are these just some already legendary stories?
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it got to him because local residents are hiding in basements and doing the right thing, we urge them to stay in safe places, in shelters, you can hear the sounds of shooting, artillery and the like. but in general the train of thought is correct and will continue to do so in terms of how our expansion will spread inside the country, maybe not this time, but we have once again taken a broad step towards liberating russia from putin, and how
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in general do the local residents somehow react to your actions, that is, do you already see them or do they they are just hiding for now. wants to join our struggle, and this indicates that in fact people are waiting for liberation and are ready to join it, and this is inspiring, and there is another nuance, well, actually yesterday you already announced some of your actions a little,
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saying that it is worth get ready for the defeat of certain ones all over there on the territory of the belgorod kursk regions, well, whatever... they know very well, because they live near them, and all these places are now as dangerous as possible, in kussk, in belgorod, it is best to leave these cities, yes elections, because elections
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are so elections that everything will go so easily for him. currently, we are preparing to strike military facilities in belgorod, and you know, the local residents are really beautiful, even there, in a certain way, during the initial actions, we saw that they they can see perfectly. when they fly from their places of residence there, there are planes, bombs, and others, and rockets that fire at kharkiv , for example, or other ukrainian territories there, and they should understand that, in principle, when the territory of ukraine is fired from these territories,
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sooner or later something will fly there, it's quite like that, you know, and the people of russia are to thank for that. first, the war came to the cities of ukraine, now it has come to the cities of russia, and only putin is to blame for this, it is his responsibility. tell me what you think how long can this raid of yours last , and in general, what can it cause, well, how long can you hold your positions? well , anyway, we came to vote anyway, we came to vote, the elections will be held only on march 15-17. and this is the manifestation of our will , it is awaiting its implementation, so far
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the preliminary vote, everything depends on how quickly putin's military machine will be able to recover, after this missed blow, the technical knockdown in which the russian army is in the kursk region, we will see as events will develop, we have. well, at least from what i saw, apparently they were waiting for you somewhere else, and they were sure that they had already succeeded in everything there and they had already repelled everything somewhere else, here's a surprise, here's a surprise, here's a surprise , and it continues, and judging by everything, so far they have not been able to reorganize, so you are now in principle, i understand, you can see that they still... pulled up, by the way, there were some shots that seemed to there is some kind of bombing by russian troops there
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aunt or others, well, that is, i understand that the residents of the belgorod region still have to fear that the russian army will bombard them, well, they are not just afraid, they already feel it, because how the russian army fights. they start shelling the streets if they get information that the volunteers are there, we are not there for a long time, but they continue to shell civilian buildings, houses, that is, putin's army did not count on this factor in ukraine at all, and the same.
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as long as you can, thank you very much oleksiy baranovskyi, a volunteer, joined us. freedom of russia, we will see you in this format in a week. good evening, we are from ukraine. mike johnson has a new plan to help belgorod in the midst of what 's going on there. the german parliament decided the fate of the taurus, but the famous football coach fled abroad. new rules. rutting in the armed forces of ukraine and ukrainians do not want to go home, a fresh survey of ukrainians in poland,
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we will talk about this and other things during the next hour and 45 minutes. my name is vasyl winter, this is the big aether program, and we begin by thanking you. thank you, sincerely, sincerely thank you for participating in the collection of buggies for the evacuation of the wounded and the transportation of combat kits, as well as for automobile and trench rebs for the 12th separate special forces unit. our soldiers destroy the enemy every day. in the eastern direction, this collection will help save human lives and increase the efficiency of the unit. with your help , we collected uah 480,000 very quickly, in fact, quickly. the video report will be later, thank you and let's win together. well, we of course, we are opening a new collection and will continue to help our army to the best of our ability, and sometimes excessively. front-line vehicles are expendable, although very...necessary, critically necessary. machines work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy
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fire, so they quickly break down or suffer significant, significant damage. so we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive cars. a powerful land cruiser for the aerial reconnaissance group of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000. support the front to free ukraine from russian evil. let's start. i believe that we and this collection will also close enough. quickly, and now we are adding to the conversation dmytro bachko, the acting chairman of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, the enemy continues to hit nikopol, nikopol region with artillery, barrel, long-range, what else has arrived there, tell me about the security situation, night, day, today, like last time, unfortunately, the enemy continued the terror of nikopol and the nikopol
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district, today already in the morning the enemy attacked the city of nikopol, the central... parts, sleeping parts of the city, that is, ordinary high-rise buildings where people live, there are no military buildings nato objects, and there is nothing that we can associate as a military target, but unfortunately, the enemy, who is just a terrorist enemy, continues to shell ukraine, continues to shell the nikopol regions during this shelling , there are five victims, among them seven-year-old child, that's why, unfortunately, these are the photos that are of the sleeping... district of the city, this is the central part of our, our city, the district center, that's why, unfortunately , the situation in the nikopol district is a constant air alarm that hangs over dnipoli district, it pours out such daily, daily, nightly, evening shelling of our region, how people live in general , it’s hard to understand, one, not that it’s one thing, but well, let’s say, when
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the shaheds fly, but at least some kind of alarm is announced , there when iskander or cruise missiles there is also anxiety, ballistics quickly. shahedi is flying, well, you can also have time, at least move somewhere, but no, i understand that i am not listening, but still, when there are some large objects, it is one thing, when this artillery is constantly arriving, but how do people live, tell me a little about the rhythm of this life, because it will fall into any window, into any entrance, a stairwell, or somewhere on the street , and the fragments can injure or kill, well, yes, unfortunately, it is very difficult to get used to it, but residents... from our district, which already for a year and a half, the occupiers have been shelling even more from the vicinity of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, little by little, no matter how it sounds, they have partially got used to these shellings, which, unfortunately, arrive approximately in the region of 10 seconds, and a person has, and in order to survive and to hide, it is almost unreal
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when you are in such a loving place, in the center of the city, where there are no such certain moments of safety. their stay, therefore of course it is very difficult for people, it is very depressing, it affects the psyche, the development of the territory of our region, of course, because a lot of people left, a lot of jobs were lost, the last flight that took place in the epicenter shopping center, it not only stopped, let's say, the economy of the company, it certainly made the economic situation a little bit worse, because... some number of people, what a large number who worked in this shopping center, now they do not work, of course, these are such daily shellings, they affect the economy, the income of the local budget, they affect the children, because i always say, the most important thing is problem, we have a lot of different crises, including humanitarian crises, but we are very grateful
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to the foundations that help our region, but of course the child. who doesn't study for two years , doesn't go to school, a child who doesn't attend sports classes for two years, who doesn't participate in cultural circles, she loses a lot, it's actually a lost childhood and we're experiencing it right now . mr. dmytro, i will ask a question, in my social networks they write in local public places, in nikopol, nikopol, that allegedly the work of the military commandant's office, which was introduced, consists in... in particular, that men who are militarily obligated, or assigned to, not assigned, but are registered in one or another rtcc, are not allowed to leave the district , and people complain , but since there were a lot of such posts, maybe there are some individual stories, but is there any order, well, because then
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the question simply arises, why that, because we have many districts, well, supposedly people drive there everyone leaves for lviv region and kyiv region and... from baryshivskyi district they can leave there to some makarivskyi district, well, for example, here or there to a hospital or to the district center, well, that’s the story, are there such cases, and if so, how is it regulated and what the reason, please, well, there is an order accordingly, it already exists, and it can be said that it significantly, very significantly, did not change the situation in nikopol, because there are certain restrictions, of course, they have been there since the beginning of the war. when people are checked for relevant documents, relevant roadblocks operate, and this is in principle restricted movement, because people should know where they are leaving, well, it means who from... is entering the territory of nikopol, because no matter what, we are 7 km from the enemy, and of course, such restrictions, they should contribute to the improvement of security the situation
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in the nikopol region, i can say that it concerns the move, it is meant, with regard to leaving, from the nikopol district to another district, there is some, well, for example, yes, well, of course, it cannot be compared, for example, with another part there, in ukraine, where... there are of course appropriate restrictions, roadblocks, but we are very close to the occupier, to the enemy, but there are facts that people are not being let out of the area, are they people, are they some posts, can it be someone, no, it is relevant, let's say directly that if a person wants to move, if he wants to change the place of residence, she wants to change the place of work, here are the relevant documents, the need is so-so, so-and-so security you have a history, if... a person goes to the hospital, if a person goes to sports competitions, if a person goes on his work and he shows the relevant documents, everyone understands perfectly well, it is of no use affects, that is, in principle, the situation
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has not changed significantly, as were the relevant restrictions, they still exist in the territory, it is important that you updated, because when people write and if you do not know the situation, you can think , that no one is being released , then of course it must be said that it is not unconstitutional, and so i have one more short question, on tuesday the 12th, the cabinet of ministers made a decision to prohibit the transfer of ownership and use of the land occupied by the kakhov reservoir . well, it is also far from you there. and what were the attempts to take possession of the property ? well, we saw there that some potatoes were planted somewhere, but, well, but in principle, what, what does it give the most important thing, why? well, i can't comment, maybe this is some kind of, let's say, preventive, some kind of appropriate measure for the future, so that this does not happen, but really, in addition to the fact that... potatoes in some rural communities were tried in the relevant territory a little bit in that territory where was the kakhovskaya reservoir for digging, so in principle i
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have not heard of other such cases, i think that this is some kind of preventive measure, that's why i think that such appropriate actions are not taking place now, and even to think about any economic and future plans there today in the territory that is shelled every day, i think that it is not worth it, well, i agree, but maybe someone would dig there... antiquities, thank you very much, mr. dmytro, dmytro bechko, the acting head of the nikopol district council, was in touch with us, that's why it's so important to discuss such points in general, the local public, well again we discussed with mr. dmytro, i don't know, maybe there are still some, well, about the fact that from the nikopol district, allegedly, well, not allegedly, but there they do not release men and those of mental age, who are on the register or not on the register, well, now, in principle , you should be registered so that you can somehow move around and have the appropriate documents. and you see, the explanation here is that if a person leaves in connection with a change of job, place of residence, then you have to take a break somewhere, somewhere, well, from, for example , the territorial procurement center there,
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to attach somewhere, there are various nuances, and employers now also require documents, because when you get a job, you have to provide documents, the employer provides these documents, again to the territorial recruitment centers, updates the data, well, there is a certain period time, that's all... it should be , well, it just happens that one story happens and people start writing that this is such a general phenomenon, yes, but it's not always, so it's important to always update such things and understand what 's going on happening, now another important one topic, it does not concern, well, it concerns the war, now in principle almost everything concerns the war, but listen, oleksandr hlushchenko, an expert in digital technologies, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i can. i will name everything correctly, i will try to say all the things that are now primarily bothering the viewers of ukrainian tv channels, in particular the tv channel, so the russians are somehow
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jamming the satellite signal from the astra and amos satellites, and not only the espresso tv channel, but also many ukrainian ones tv channels, as well as people in different regions of our country do not receive a signal or do not receive a high-quality signal. it is known, what could you tell us about it, what is happening , what is happening is what happened two years ago, exactly during this period, russia conducted the same hybrid war against ukraine, the ukrainian people, they fired at television towers and jammed the satellite signal of ukrainian tv channels , satellites astra, amas and hudburt, currently we have been recording for the last week that the russians again'. were involved in this plan, they jam the signal of the ukrainian tv channels of the astra-4a satellite, they jam the signal of the ukrainian hotbird satellite channels and fire at them.
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the objects of the rrt concern, which are equipped with repeaters of digital broadcast television and fm transmitters, the scheme is very simple, they want to intimidate the ukrainian people, they want to sow panic, when a person has some main source of receiving information, and with this main source some four metamorphoses, and this technology does not work or works poorly. and is there any information, first of all, i will ask our viewers, since we are talking about this now, are you on youtube in write in the comments whether you receive a high-quality signal, if you have a satellite signal, what medium is there, is it a tv or what do you have, well, a tv or a plasma, please write in the comments, if you have the opportunity, whether you have this signal or don't you have a signal, it's not just espresso, it's the fifth, direct single marathon there, it's interesting to know and understand if there is an understanding from where and...
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where is this blocking of the signal from the russian federation, is it possible to move it in a certain way , and then choose it as a legitimate military target. of course, in the world of physics, geometry , especially where there is radio radiation, it is quite easy to calculate where the radio interference is coming from, the russians do it so defiantly that they say they are not ashamed of the fact that they er... send signals that they are trying to replace the signal of ukrainian tv channels from their satellite communication centers, this is the moscow region, bear lake, these are objects that are under the management of the federal, federal company, state-owned enterprise space communications, there are two types of possibilities, this
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do. they use large satellite antennas, which are just installed in the suburbs of moscow, they also use mobile military vehicles, rebu, on which these complexes are installed, on which satellite antennas are installed, thanks to which they also try to mix the signal, from a technical point of view, the satellite works as repeater, and they just try the same signal with the same technical parameters, with the same audio-video pods. only more powerful to send to the satellite only with a different picture, with a different audio sequence in order to the satellite, receiving a stronger signal, relayed it back towards the earth. they did not come up with anything new. there is another important thing here, and what i would really like is for those people, i don't know who they were there, two years ago, in the spring, who turned off, let's say
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espresso, the fifth and... we from the t2 network returned these tv channels, because people watch espresso is the rating among informational tv channels, this is just a fact, and it has been for quite a long time, and if this happens, a person wants to hear portnikov or winter, or our experts, or of september or iryna koval, well, whether olga len is there or my colleagues larisa gubina or svetlana orlovska, my god, that’s why it’s very important, it’s not a question, it’s just a call and if you... hear that people should have an alternative, well, you can’t make these tv channels, we allow them, we don’t allow them, i think that by the third year of the war it can be finally fixed, here one more question is important, there is such an international telecommunications union, and it can certain introduce sanctions against a country that engages in such information piracy, well by electronic means, but is it possible and would these sanctions do anything for russia, or
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what? mosquito bite, in fact there are quite a lot of different international organizations that we can categorize sportslotto, it's the red cross, the international telecommunication union, the un, and other such virtual organizations that can just pretend that they don't see anything, in my humble opinion, only economic sanctions are more effective, and it seems strange to me that... in the second year of the war, in the third, sorry, active phase, the war has been going on since 2014 year, the state of ukraine, in the person of some officials, did not mature enough to formulate the position of the state of ukraine regarding precisely the introduction of various types of telecommunications enterprises and persons related to these companies, both managers and owners, to...


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