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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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and our system, it's also protected, and we didn't take into account deeply enough the security that we have to provide to the people, so how did it happen that the israeli army and the israeli people and the government were so surprised by this... as things turned out, that's the question , which must be solved further. today we need to win this war and replace the people who were in charge when hamas launched its attack on october 7. so, when we talk, we talk about winning the war and the need for national unity, there is always a question that is addressed to you as to an experienced politician, when the military cabinet was created, one of yours... oleg benz
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decided to cooperate with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and you decided to refrain from this participation and remain in the opposition, what guided you? well , in fact, in a real democracy , there is always an opposition, even in wartime, and only one. one thing is national unity on the battlefield, and another thing is national unity in the political sphere, we know that there were many slogans that russia is united, afghanistan is united and so on. source, the source of strength in any democracy is precisely the ability to talk about things openly. i remember the experience from when i was. the second
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world war and when democracy continued in britain, when the government was replaced by chamberlain and vice versa, that is, we need to discuss and we need to be able to disagree, and this is not a weakness, this is a strength, this is the advantage of democracy, this makes us powerful and it separates us from our enemies, meaning i wouldn't be er... i wouldn't be afraid of things like disagreeing with someone else's position, and i know that people think that you have to think alike, but that's not what democracy is about, and that's if we become like our enemies, then they win, ukraine and israel are democracies and they should remain democracies, despite everything, and this gives us the opportunity to conduct... i wanted
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to ask you whether even the attitude of israeli society towards ukraine is changing at all, in general, to what extent ukraine has appeared as a separate figure in the consciousness of israeli society during this time. well, you know, it was for a long time for, unfortunately, in the last few months, we have immersed ourselves in our own pain and fear and the need to win, of course, that we have a lot of sympathy for ukraine, and we understand that our situations, our wars, they are similar, but really really in our minds , in our... in
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our minds we're thinking of you, we're praying for you, just like you're praying for us, i'm sure. and tell me, please, if we talk about russia and the current attitude towards it in israel. for many years it was believed that russia is a neighbor of israel, and good relations with russia, even with by president putin, a guarantee of some security for the jewish state, after the well-known events in syria began, has this attitude changed against the background of what we see today. and against the background of constant visits by representatives of the khomas organization to moscow, even after october 7. yes, of course , it has changed, there is a lot of outrage in israel today, the fact that these are criminals and terrorists, they are received in moscow as honored guests, of course, this cannot be tolerated. hamas is a terrorist organization. and it is
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recognized, it was recognized by both the european union and the united states, and any country that understands its dignity, it recognized hamas. with a terrorist organization, a lot of young people who came just for a concert were killed by hamas, a lot of women were raped, children were killed, and those people who did this are received in moscow as diplomats or as full participants discussions, i think that everyone does not accept it in israel, that is, it causes oba. israeli flags could be seen in many countries of the world and there was such unanimous support for israel in many societies and not only in the west.
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after that, we saw a change in the informational, informational agenda. and now we see how many are not even pro-palestinian, but pro-khamas anti-semitism. demonstrations, i think you and i are talking to the only country where there were not even such obvious demonstrations, but such countries are few in the world. to what extent do you think israel's informational efficiency has yielded to its opponents here? well, it's interesting that this really happened in many countries, and a lot of... er countries, in the beginning , supported israel, but there is such a thing as the propaganda, the propaganda machine that works against israel, a lot of anti-semitic slogans are going around and i think people think that it
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only comes from the gaza sector, and today actually in that equation you can say israel. he is stronger, but we have to prove that we have the right to defend ourselves, and the people in hamas, they are weaker, but still , it is a terrorist organization, and you know, killing children, women, this, this, extremism, this is nationalism , it must be stopped, that is, i recommend everyone to study the facts, because there are a lot of them automatic thinking when people hear about these rallies, i just want to really ask
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you, not even as a politician, as a journalist, what we cannot explain now in western societies, about the nature of authoritarian regimes, many people in democracies are not aware of the dangers. i'm not sure we can't do that. i think that the problem with the world today is not that there is truth and falsehood, but the ability to listen. we live in a tik tok world where... everything has to be summed up in 15 seconds, today it's only 15 seconds, not 15 minutes or other time, and if we talk about the war, then you can't explain everything in
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15 seconds, but i would say that both the right of israel and the right of ukraine to defend themselves, to raise ours. heads against authoritarian regimes or other organizations, against invasions, against the killing of our people, i think it's recognized by the whole world, the nature of humanity is that they, people just hear people who just speak very loudly better, but i think that, in particular, in the west... you are not afraid of a certain imperfection of the world order that we have now we are watching, closing international organizations, voting in
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the united nations organization, what we have learned now about the situation with the un agency for palestinian refugees, how we should act so that the international... fulfill their functions, and not become another tool for propaganda or even for terrorist activity. well, first of all, i'm really scared, i'm scared by this, and this is really a problem that exists in social networks and in other sources, it's prejudice in such discussions, and of course, sometimes people they forget that the un is not the most democratic institution, many countries in the un are not democracies. the security council and countries such
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as china or russia have the right of veto, which do not necessarily support democratic values. so we really have to accept this and work together to change... you hope for the restoration of israel's cooperation with the arab countries after this conflict, as far as it is generally assumed that israel will occupy a peaceful and secure place in the middle east. i'm really glad. this fact that such is not an agreement, which in
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we had with egypt or the emirates or bahrain, that they have already disappeared, yes, sometimes they talk about doubts, indignation, but we no longer have such misunderstandings, and this is very good, we already have the opportunity to directly discuss some things with them, explain to them that... a lot of countries clearly understand the threats that come from fundamentalist islamism, so we already have a foundation on which we can build our negotiations with... cooperation with them, cooperation for
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the future, so i think that we we will be able to really restore our influence on after this conflict the middle east and preserve our agreements with the countries of the arab world. to what extent do you hope that this war will still be localized, and not spread to the conflict with hezbollah, to the war in lebanon, to other such challenges? i hope that this will not happen, of course we do not want it to sit on our borders, today we evacuated many israelis from these regions, and if there is no diplomatic solution to the conflict, then we will ... take into account, in particular the recent un resolution demanding to postpone its
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troops from the borders, and we will be forced to react, militarily, nobody wants this, but if we have no choice, it will happen. in the gas sector, we are at war with hamas, but... otherwise, it will be a war with lebanon, and i don't want to think about what will happen to beirut, or lebanon, if this war starts, so everyone will be better off if we can find a diplomatic solution with hezbollah, and not bring everything to war. tell me, if we talk about how cooperation between. on the one hand and the united states on the other in ukraine is now following the election
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campaign in the united states, looking at how the november elections in israel may end. do they also believe that the elections in america are a certain political rubicon for cooperation? you mean cooperation, usa, usa, i think that support for israel, it does not depend on parties. we work with republicans and democrats, of course, president biden. the friendliest president we've ever had in terms of cooperation between israel and the white house. and president trump was also friendly to us, he moved the u.s. embassy to jerusalem , you know we've been pushing for that for years, and
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he's actually worked out these arrangements with bahrain and the -- the emirates and even morocco to some extent, so we think we can work with both the republican president, and a democratic president, the usa, it has always been a country that has always been the best partner for us, and i hope that it will remain so in the future. i want to return to europe and to the relations of ukraine, israel and possibly israel with other countries. central and eastern europe. when your father headed the yadvash institute, he entered into a controversy with the president of ukraine, viktor yushchenko, on issues of historical memory. and so i have always been interested in how important the discussion about national memory, which
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took place both with ukraine and with poland, is generally important for the further development of relations between our peoples and between our states, and was not always conducive to understanding, how much... it is important for us to continue this, i think that, if we say fundamentally, if we need a relationship, we need to build it on trust and truth, any country had such chapters in its history that we... would like to forget, but some of them we cannot forget, we will not ignore the fact that ukraine also had a history of anti-semitism, but not me to the point that it is not necessary to think that the whole history was painted in rosy tones, ukraine also had other experience of protecting jews and hiding them
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from nazism, and we need to be able to. to discuss all these points not because we are not friends, on the contrary, because we are friends, we are really not proud of such pages of history, but we are ready to discuss them, so that they do not repeat themselves, so of course i remember that polemic with my father, and i think that it has been a generation. so i would say that we should not try to restore the history as it was, but to discuss what it should be. thank you, i would like you to perhaps at the end of our conversation say a few words to our viewers who are watching this program now and perhaps share the experience of this, i said, psychological survival in
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conditions of permanent war. well, you mentioned about my father, i will say the following: my father was a child during the holocaust, and he was taken from him, his father was taken from him, and my grandfather, as we said, he was killed in the constitutional camp, and my father lost his childhood because of that , but... however, he was always a happy person, he liked to laugh, eat, he loved his wife, he was a very happy person, and we can always decide for ourselves how we will overcome a bitter experience, whether we will be more intelligent or depressed, shall we rejoice more because
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we have survived, or shall we be filled with grief because that. what we, what we've been through, will we understand the beauty of life or will we still wallow in this grief that we've been through, and i think what he taught me is because we always have a choice, ukraine has been fighting this unjust war for several years, and let's remember about... what we are fighting for, we are fighting for the freedom to dance, to smile, to have free families, and we are fighting for optimism. in our lives, not for pessimism, because because of what we've been through, a very wonderful question, my answer is exactly this, thank you very much, mr. lapit, i wish you victory and a peaceful
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end to all the worries we are in, thank you very much for this interview and safety to you, goodbye. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles
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of the war, and uavs are flying in russia and oil refineries are burning. the defense forces of ukraine are holding back enemy attacks along the entire front line, i remind you that you need to join the gathering for the 12th separate special forces unit, express. collects it on a buggy for evacuating the wounded and transporting combat kits, as well as on automobile and window rebs. this collection will help save the lives of our soldiers and increase the effectiveness of destroying enemies. every donation is very important and strengthens our shield. and you see the card number, you see the qr code. please, definitely join. our goal is 480,000 hryvnias by... we hope for you , and now let's move on, let's see what happened in the last few days on the front line, and then we'll discuss it all. map of military
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operations for the period march 5-13, the front has stabilized, zso drones have flown to vote for putin. the occupiers dropped a record number of aerial bombs on ukrainian cities and defensive redoubts of the defense forces, but this did not affect the front line in donetsk region and luhansk. and zaporizhzhia. after the armed forces started to receive a significant number of shells for artillery, the russian offensive along the entire front was choked. the russians continue to storm in the kupyan, bakhmut, avdiiv and ughledar directions, but the defense forces break up these attacks. on the other hand, the armed forces of the russian federation have increased the number of airstrikes . the massive downing of su-34 bombers did not deter them, instead the invaders destroyed ours. ppos-300 and hit the patriot complex in donetsk region. therefore, if february became a record month for the number of cabs dropped over 1,500, then in the third of march, the rashists have already
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dropped more than 800 bombs, including the hit of an aerial bomb with a 1,500-kilogram explosive charge in krasnohorivka. luhansk region 8 km north of kupyansk, the enemy has been trying in vain to break through the village of senkivka for a year. attempts to break through to kupyansk along the route from svatovo were also unsuccessful. in this area, after the counteroffensive of the armed forces near tavaivka and keslivka, fighting continued within the mentioned villages for a week. the most dynamic part of the front remains limanskyi direction, but even here the defense forces managed to hold back all the attacks of the occupiers. kupyansk, chuguiv, and borova in kharkiv oblast were the most affected by artillery shelling and airstrikes. a considerable amount of coffee was thrown on the heads of our supporters. defenders on the adjacent part of the front in the area of ​​occupied kremina and siversk, which is constantly under threat of attack from three sides. in fact, the entire section of the front
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around siversk came under air attack, and these are primarily our positions in bilogorivka and serebryanka, as well as between disputed and rozdolivka, south of siversk. during the time , russian paratroopers from the 11th separate airborne assault brigade are preparing for the assault above all else. are trying to fulfill the mission and goal set before them and break through our defenses in klishchiivka and ivanivsk. if in krychiivka our 92nd brigade recently destroyed a mechanized group, in particular 16 tanks and bmp, then in ivanovsk they are already fighting for the center of the village, the armed forces of ukraine currently completely control the western part of ivanivsk, and the rashists have gained a foothold in the eastern part. fierce battles continue here every day, because this village is a gate at the same time to the temporary ravine and to the creche. to the north of chasovoy yar, in the village of bohdanivka , the defense forces managed to repel one landing from the invaders and push them back almost half a kilometer. the outskirts of avdiyivka, after
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they built. front west of avdiyivka, the main battles continue on the outskirts of the three villages of berdychi, tonenko and orlivka. if the 47a brigade in berlychy regularly knocks out the invaders from the eastern outskirts and prevents them from advancing further, the situation in the other two villages is not so positive. the 25th airmobile brigade replaced these positions the third assault, however, the rashists managed to occupy the entire eastern and central part of orlivka, they are trying to push back the defense forces to the west of ponds and canals, where our main line of defense actually runs. in addition, the enemy managed to break through to the south of orlivka and with this maneuver thinly divided the defenders into two parts, separating the northern part of the village from the southern part. in the southern part of the zso, they were actually semi-encircled and would soon be forced to withdraw to the west. the defenders of the northern part of tonenko are also in in a difficult position, because on the one hand they are pressured by the rashists, and they are limited in style.
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the house of lakes and the channel, which does not allow free maneuvering. in addition, all rear positions are under constant airstrikes, which significantly complicates defense. the russians are trying to destroy our defensive positions and advance further. to the west of avdivka. this week , the rashists were able to make some progress in the direction of selidove. in particular, they occupied 15 km2 north of pervomaisky, and also made their way several hundred meters on the slopes near the village nevelske thus, they demonstrated their immediate plans to try to bypass our defense line from the south, however, given the pace of advancement, this is currently a matter of a distant perspective: the ughledar direction, and despite the fact that the rashists entered the central part of novomykhaivka last week, and also several times already , occupied the village of pobeda and terrorized ugledar novoukrainka and kostyantynivka with kababs, the front line remained intact. armed forces for putin's election. 5 days
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before putin's re-appointment as president of the armed forces , a massive drone attack was carried out on russian cities. objects in the moscow, nizhny novgorod, oryol, kursk, volgograd , voronev, bryansk, rostov, belohorod, tula and leningrad regions were hit. a strategically successful hit was the destruction of a part of an oil refinery in the city of kstovoschu near nizhny novgorod, 900 km from ukraine. the plant provided 5% of oil processing in russia. an oil depot in kursk, as well as tets in st. petersburg, burned all day. a few days earlier , three tanks for fuel earlier this week, more than 50 of our drones attacked an air base and an aviation enterprise in taganrog twice, where they managed to destroy several planes, as well as again damage one of the a50 long-range reconnaissance planes. it also flew to the taganrod
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metallurgical plant, which produces almost 1 million tons of steel per year. to the north of moscow , a drone hit the blast furnace of a mining and beneficiation plant, in kursk, drones attacked factories for the processing of waste from the mining and quarrying industry. finally, on the morning of march 12, russian liberators rdk forces and the siberian battalion began a special operation on the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions. active hostilities continued in settlements near the border. russian volunteers temporarily took control of the village. tetkine, where the enemy stronghold was destroyed, are also conducting combat operations in lozova rutka, nova tavildzhanka and others. russian troops have retreated beyond these villages and are waiting for reinforcements. we win daily, death to enemies. well, to what has already been said, i will add that, on wednesday night and day, there are still a few friendly drones there, well, not a few, many flew to three russian refineries in ryazan, krstovo, and
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nizhhorodskaya. here in ryazan, where a big fire broke out, at the same time, the russian authorities also announced that today a drone fell on the territory of the novoshakhtinsky oil refinery, as a result of which this oil refinery stopped working and actually, well, completely stopped, and... well, no, it was not possible to intercept it and this friendly drone successfully flew to where it wanted, so what is this, well, and besides, judging by everything, this is, you know, the largest attack by drones on russian
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territory well, for quite a long time.


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