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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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that elections are elections, that everything will go so easily for him, but this will not happen, elections in the territory of the kursk and bilgar regions may not take place, we will see how events will develop, at the moment we are preparing to strike military facilities in belgorod and corner well, in general, you know, the local residents are really beautiful, we even there in a certain certain way, so during the initial actions we saw that they can see perfectly when they take off from their places of residence there, and there are planes, and bombs, and others, and rockets with which kharkiv is shelled, for example, or there are other ukrainian territories, and they should understand that, in principle, when the territory of ukraine is shelled from these territories.
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sees the results of this aggressive policy, tell me, how long do you think this raid of yours can last and, in general , what can depend on how long you can hold your positions? the elections will be held only on march 15-17, and this is an expression of our will, it is awaiting its implementation.
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i saw, apparently they were waiting for you somewhere else and were sure that they had already succeeded in everything there and they had already repelled everything somewhere else, here's a surprise , here's a surprise, here's a surprise, and it's going on, and it looks like they haven't been able to reorganize yet, so you're basically right now, i understand, you can see that you haven't recovered yet , by the way, there were some shots that seemed to be some kind of bombardment.
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they are not just afraid, they already feel it, because the way the russian army fights, it behaves on the territory of kursk in the same way as in ukraine.
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really go somewhere to evacuate, i certainly wish you success and the opportunity to stay there well, it's best for the peaceful population there as long as you can, thank you very much for joining us oleksiy baranovskyi, a volunteer of the legion of freedom of russia, we will see you in this format in a week. see this week in the collaborators program. rashistka-kherson regional council. who are they, deputy deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how traitors wash the bridges of schoolchildren. only development awaits the kherson region. greetings, i am olena kononenko and this. the collaborator's program about
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traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet went to serve the russian occupiers. last fall, russia held so-called elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. in particular, in the kherson region. as a result , the so-called kherson regional duma was formed, which included 36 deputies. the largest number of fake elected officials came from the united russia party, 28 of them, followed by a few each from ldpr, fair russia, communist party of the russian federation and fair russia for truth. the main task of this racist illegitimate body is to establish life in the region according to the laws russian federation. i already told you. about some who decided to fall to the social bottom and received a mandate from the kremlin. today's issue is a continuation of the acquaintance with the newly elected fake russian officials. at the first meeting of the so-called kherson regional duma , deputy deputies elected their head. she became
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57-year-old tomilina tetyana yuriivna. before becoming a collaborator, she was a candidate for mayor of kherson in 2015 and the director of the mishukov academic lyceum near kherson. war of ukrainians against ukrainians i am tired, personally i am fed up with pseudo-patriotism, and i am also very fed up with politics for the sake of money and vanity. i am going to the mayor of kherson to engage in politics for the people and for development. please help me. at the debate of the mayoral candidates, tomilina said at the time that the americans were equipped at the place of the city sanepidemstation. but a biolaboratory. a secret laboratory of particularly dangerous infections is operating in kherson in the center of the city. the contract between the us department of defense and the ministry of health of ukraine exists, no one knows about it. the adequacy of the director of the academic lyceum even then raised questions. the diagnosis
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was confirmed when it turned out that the woman was among the founders of the kherson public organization public safety and development, and her partner was oleksandr gulyaev. a well-known separatist who represented the fake kherson people's republic at the congress of the so-called republics in yalta in 2014. even then, their pro-kremlin views began to be exposed. when the russian troops completely captured kherson, milina began to actively cooperate with the occupiers. in summer the faithful dog of the kremlin master, as kistko, was appointed to the position of rector of the kherson state university, for which the collaborator paid. on september 12 , 2020 , an explosion rang out in the apartment of the so-called rector. tomilina was seriously wounded, and her bodyguard was killed. after this incident, she began to glorify putin's regime even more actively, literally with her back in her mouth. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but this turned out to be not enough for the big ambitions
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of the traitor. she wanted to become a politician, and therefore, after winning the prairies, she was listed as a united russia candidate. and tomilina got it. toy mandate almost two years of crawling in front of the occupiers were not in vain. when the special military operation started, but everyone thought i was crazy. of course, when they told me on the trolley: oh, the orcs have arrived, who called them here? i went to the center of the trolleybus and said: i! but even now, we do not consider tumilina to be an adequate person. after she was elected head of the kherson pseudo-regional duma. she drives russia, he meets with politicians from moscow and st. petersburg, speaks at forums where he reflects on what will happen after the victory of russia, tries to integrate a part of the kherson region under russian laws, develops plans for his further political career. a fool gets rich with an opinion, it is a bit like
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madness: to manage a body that exists and is legitimate only in the sick imagination of russians. still in the summer of 2022 on the website of the office of the prosecutor general. the first suspicion of tomiliny appeared under the article of collaborative activity. the case is now being considered by the malinovsky district court the city of odessa. and later this sale earned itself a second suspicion, in relation to which proceedings were initiated on the facts of aiding and abetting an enemy country. this case has already been referred to the pechersk district court of kyiv. what remains of tumilinium in this case? there are several options: stay as long as possible in the desired mode of the red star, because when it becomes work. in swamps, it can simply be disposed of. the second option is to return to ukraine. our law enforcement agencies are always waiting for her, at least she will remain alive. our next the traitor with the mandate of the kherson regional duma moroz oksana petrivna. today, united russia
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with the support of the people's front in the skadovsky municipal district welcomes. oksana moroz was born in 1975 in the village of shevchenko , skadovsky district. first. taught ukrainian language and literature at the skadovsky school number one, then resigned and from 2006 to 2020 worked at rysu naan institute as a leading specialist in the marketing sector. intellectual property research and economic analysis and in the same after all, on the 22nd, for several months, she held the position of head of the social protection department in the skadovsk city council. when skadovsk was occupied, moroz began to look for ways to profitably betray ukraine. and in the summer of the 22nd year, such an opportunity appeared. initially , the occupiers made her the head of the social protection department of skadovsk, within a few months she became the head of the education department. at the same time, the collaborator entered the state and municipal faculty of the kherson state pedagogical university, which was created with... the invaders
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management. before the accession of our regions to the russian federation, history was hushed up, children did not know the whole truth. moroz chose her future as a role model, so it was an honor for her to become a deputy deputy of the kharson regional duma. in her new role, she travels through the occupied territories and distributes humanitarian aid from united russia appears in political advertisements and agitates people to believe in and support russian peace. it was decided to build a new dispensary for high-quality and fast medical care, since the old kyiv authorities destroyed by rockets and it is no longer subject to restoration. but moroz decided to impose the ideas of the neo-fuhrer not only on adults, but also on children. according to information from the media in the occupied part of the kherson region until the day of the constitution. russian federation, which is celebrated by russians on december 12, collaborators conducted lessons where they told schoolchildren about
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the basics of the russian constitution. moroz also joined this. she held a lesson for the second-grade students of the skadov school number 3, in which she talked about the fact that the russian constitution reflects the democracy and justice of the russian state, ensures a dignified future of society and the well-being of each of its citizens. well, as we all know, the constitution in russia exists only for ticks. because what kind of democracy and justice can we talk about when the country has been ruled by a usurper and a bloody murderer for more than 20 years, and for any display of war there they are immediately executed. i think that shortly after the presidential elections , the torture machine will resume its work in full force. in november 2022 , the sbu reported suspicion of this traitor. according to the investigation materials, it is moroz who does this so-called state control over educational institutions. in the skadovsky district, organizes and supervises their conduct of russian propaganda events. no problem, soon
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moroz will be organizing events in our prison, where knowledge of the ukrainian language and literature will be needed. neither a dead brother nor suspicions from the sbu could stop yuriy kovalev from the russian mandate. this shallow official was able to sneak into the rashysk kherson regional council. these two traitors were in earshot at first. ancient invasion. the younger kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district. after the occupation of kherson, he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. a year and a half ago, he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother, yuriy kovalev, was a deputy of the kherson regional council. after the full-scale invasion, he headed a state-owned enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers, for which he received suspicion from the sbu in the fall of 2023. but such unpleasant little things did not bother yuri. he was doing business. became more important as a deputy with the support of united russia, for
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with the support of our president in the 24th year , only development and prosperity awaits the kherson region, and all institutions of social direction will be provided for. and when did he receive a cherished mandate, becoming the head of a fake agrarian committee? the issue of re-registration of land plots is being discussed, because they... have every right to receive all means of support after re-registering according to the rules of the russian federation. yuri kovalev re-registered his company under russian law at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. among enterprises a local agricultural holding, which shipped almost 35 tons of stolen ukrainian grain to russia this year for a total of uah 140 million. in addition, the seller's companies are actively supplying food rations for the rashists who... are at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region, i feel that walking around with puffed cheeks and kovalova's mandate
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is not long, his younger brother is already waiting for him in hell. it was a program of collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about kremi sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. ¿qué tal? you, dear viewers, on the air of the television channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week. our guests today are roman bezsmertny and oleksandr morozov. our first guest is the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, roman bezsmertny. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, mr. antin. mr. roman, well, now we see and feel that putin is using
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a certain window of opportunity. especially when we talk about the situation in the united states and when we see the project. tion on the great front of the russian-ukrainian war, in particular in the east, extraordinary activation of the enemy, we understand that the united states will mature sooner or later, but the situation is critical even now. diplomatic artillery will now enter the battle, and the first such signal is two initiatives: one came from ankara, with which the president spoke. turkey's tait recep erdogan regarding the fact that he would be happy to provide a platform for dialogue, negotiations, and secondly, the special envoy of the people's republic of china, lihui, rushed to the trip. it is interesting that the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of china
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maoning, while answering the questions of the journal. letter global time, this is a newspaper of the chinese communists, in relation to what is the purpose of this trip in principle, she said about such things that here very, very subtly went through and actually named both the reason and the purpose, that the situation at the front prompts the parties to look beijing to a high probability. dialogue, it is clear that in this situation ambassador lihui could not first go to moscow under instructions, and such a meeting took place with the former ambassador of the russian federation to japan, just in the period of the events of february 2022
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, and now lavrov's deputy, where the meeting took place and. .. in the final, final information for the mass media, it was said that in moscow, i almost quote: china and russia have reached an agreement that it is unacceptable to consider the issue of the ukrainian dialogue without the participation of russia. at this, this is no longer in the chinese statement, but it is in the russian one. all other unilateral initiatives from both the west and ukraine only complicate the situation and the road to a possible dialogue. it will seem strange to some, but at this very moment, and in these same days, starting from february 28, because this story started to run and this operation started working from
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february 28. in foreign affairs, one of the most popular... foreign policy publications, in particular, yesterday the 5th, an article authored by two well-known experts in this field appeared, samuel charap and shapiro, by the way, both of them are permanent participants of the valdai format and conference, which is constantly held in russia, they are. by the authors of the well-known monograph of 2014, which is called the ukrainian crisis , two dots, everyone loses, where the path to diplomacy is written on several pages under the heading, or how to start negotiations between russia and ukraine, instructions, how
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one and the other side should act and what to do , to... painlessly sit down at the negotiating table, this diplomatic artillery, it will strengthen its caliber in the coming months, because the reason for this is not that the ukrainian troops left avdiivka, because that is how beijing presents it, that is how the two authors i mentioned above write about it, but the reason. in the fact that russia does not have the power to develop these events, and therefore it needs a pause now in order to accumulate strength, i do not know. do they understand in ankara, from my point of view, everything is simpler there , because erdogan solves his issues, because the formation of the budget of next
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year begins on the 25th, without tariffs, and where without volumes of gas pumping, without trade with russia, which is growing for turkey, well, it is difficult to do, in china it is easier, china is simply following another instruction from the kremlin and... fulfilling its role of these diplomatic voyages, and we will see now how brazil will catch fire in this situation, silva delula, although there is already a chair under him the situation inside the country is on fire, but where are you going to go, how should you decide and implement the orders that come from moscow and beijing. exactly, now there will be new offers from african peacemakers and so on. that will be included here and will be included and the saudis and so on, that is, another storm is coming, even the first meetings that
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lihui held in europe in brussels, he met with the heads of two departments, well, let's call it that, the ministries of foreign affairs of the european union, so that it is clear, it is interesting that the meeting itself , the meeting itself took place in a rather harsh tone, where... the representatives of the european community very clearly indicated that if china continues to supply russia with components for weapons such as cruise missiles, cabs, airplanes and so on, then the number of sanctions will increase, on which the position of lihui, on behalf of china and the chinese ambassador to the eu, who was present at the meeting, was unequivocal. we do not send lethal weapons to russia, we do not add fuel to the flames, we want to be constructive and add
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only chinese wisdom to the need for dialogue, i am almost quoting from what was printed, written, said within this dialogue, to which the european representatives answered quite harshly that we are ready to exchange. and to be in dialogue, but china must draw conclusions, because china does not leave the european union has no other option than to increase sanctions and reduce trade with china due to the fact that it is actually helping russia to bomb ukraine, these components already make up a clear situation. regarding the next months of maneuvers that will be carried out by moscow. mr. roman, you have very correctly described the two main tracks, the russian-chinese and euro-atlantic tracks,
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correct? well, we, ukraine, also participate in the euro-atlantic track. but there's an additional track called donald trump's appearance as a serious political figure who can fundamentally change the situation, it is not known in which direction. mr. antin, very wise. it is not known in which situation, although from my point of view today it is already possible to predict if trump will be the winner, because i understand internally that knowing all the american election scandals, as much as i can say that i know, and today to be sure that this it's too early for trump, but god be with him, the answers to this question would rather be heard by our compatriots. they want to hear arguments for, against and so on. the situation that is unfolding now is, to hell, almost completely similar to the situation
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in 1979, 1980. let me remind you, this is actually the coming to power and the election of ronald reagan. perhaps those who remember, or those who read, know that on november 4... 1979, in tehran, as a result of the seizure of the embassy, ​​60 american diplomats were taken hostage, they were released, they were released to america on november 4, a few minutes later, when reagan took the oath, for a long time everyone broke their spears, what is a hundred... that november 4 exactly in a year, they were captured, life will take us through a famous military operation, which was called...
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it was called rice plate, it was also called eagle's claw, it had many names, where the carter administration simply failed, and within this operation, the military asked it to be canceled , although 10, i think 10 soldiers died, a lot of equipment was lost, but a few minutes later, as soon as reagan's inauguration took place. were released as hostages, what happened when they asked the newly elected president, roynald reagan, what did you do that you managed to achieve the result so quickly, he said: i did not do it, my people worked, in a few years it will become known that the so-called people of reagan needed 40 million dollars to bribe the leadership of iran, in that
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among them, this money got into the ... doyatols, not khomeini, khomeini, not khomeini, but khomeini, well, the predecessor of the current one, so that they would not give carter, as the president at that time, these hostages, the situation is currently developing in such a scenario, turn focus on when mike johnson was elected speaker house of representatives, it must be remembered that the elections this time from will happen, but as it should be on the second tuesday, that is, it will be the fifth tuesday, the first tuesday after the first, the first weekend of november, it will be the fifth, on the fifth the americans will go to the polls, they will vote, depending from that, and from my point of view , few people here can say, depending on what, because it does not matter in principle,
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a vote will take place somehow. if similar decisions, which were last week by the supreme court, which were taken in favor trump, they will not solve the problem in advance, because including this vote, pay attention , mike johnson comes out of the president's office, says: aid to ukraine will be voted when it is needed, a unique phrase, this phrase indicates that it is being announced inexperienced a person, but a person who is in the information field, who understands what may come from mashka, or from whom it may come, so this scenario that we see then in 1980, it is very similar to what it is now, will pass years, as well as now, because what i said became known only about eight, seven or eight years ago, before that it was just
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after... reagan's death they started talking about it more, journalists started digging, found out about these funds that were transferred by the persians and so on , and then a point was made, which is not very well liked, now, which americans do not like to talk about very much, but in this drama that is developing now, it is quite similar in the script, and you have to understand that in the americans as well as in ukrainians are people for whom absolutely everything is the same, how many... then died of those who were hostages, how many died of american soldiers who tried to save them, these are people with a completely different character, their cynicism, their thirst for power, it pushes them to any steps, and the topic of trump is actually the topic , well, the essence and content of what sometimes happens in politics, and here, when they tell me that trump
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is saying: that he will be like this, mr. antin, i want to emphasize once again, i perfectly understand that whoever, how even if reagan had come to power, his efforts would have destroyed the soviet union empire, and i am convinced that the military lobby behind trump, if he wins, will do a lot to kill russia, and the thesis that trump will go to... they are aimed at the fact that the ukrainians will now break spears with trump. i warn the ukrainian leaders in advance that there is no need to interfere in that process. as far as possible today, we should get help from everyone, including the united states of america, but not to go into that process so much that after the fourth november to regret that we have interfered in this process, and i ... completely
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