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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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in the bogodukhiv district, we also had kabams beating in the zolochiv united territorial community, but today we can say that it is one of the most peaceful nights for the kharkiv region, that's for sure, today we rested, slept at least a little, so little is like that, so far i i am meditating, mr. oleksandr, on a historical postcard, it says 1918 bilhorod, ukraine, beautiful. the same with the churches, with everything, so how far are these events in the belgorod people's republic, which is moving, as i understand it, to the all-belgorod referendum, or should it be independently, whether to join the kursk people's republic, or to call on the voronezh republic and all three to join ukraine, i don't know, these are such scenarios for the future, but how have these events now affected, let's say, the activity of beating from belgorod to kharkiv and along the border
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, well, for two years, more than two years, without orders, practically, from the belgorod region, from these territories, where active hostilities are currently taking place, this is the graivoronsk district, there is also the village of kozinka, which is located on the border, and from the districts of other , were constantly on the territory of kharkiv the arrival of both the s-300 and guided ones. aerial bombs, and it was simple, just constantly, and at the same time people were cynical, the population cynically rejoiced that kharkiv was constantly being shelled, today there are hostilities there , and today the population does not understand why they, for example, need to start evacuating from the city of graivoron, this is the border of belgorod, why do they need to leave their villages and
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why in general... russian volunteer corps, siberian corps, why did they enter the territory and destroy the military infrastructure, there is confirmation destruction, there is confirmation of the destruction of the s-300 complex, from which they are constantly aiming at the city of kharkiv, and in general, such a theater of operations today. we are right there in bohodukhiv oblast, for example, we can see the constant work of our, our aviation, helicopters are flying, there is constant shelling from two of the two sides, well, there is such a thing, you know , the front line has moved a little towards these populated areas, please clarify mr. oleksandr, because in their official and unofficial media, in one way or another, they talk
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about ukrainian drgs, nowhere is there a word about the fact that this, the russians have entered russia and are fighting against the russian putin junta, that is, they , whether they know it or not, or pretend they don't know it, even though they do, especially in the context of the fact that the russians have now attacked our ukrainian tv and radio infrastructure in the north on near the border, that is, the russians draw an adequate supply from us. extremely powerfully attacked and the main communication systems were the day before yesterday , the message and task of this shelling is informational about clearing the information space, so that people on the territory of russia in no way in no way understood that... in
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the end there are their countrymen, their russians, who want to live exactly the way they live, they are free from putin, from this beastly regime of his, and people who came and proved that the elections will be incendiary in russia, especially in the territory bordering ukraine, belgorod, kursk, orlov, so they know that this is a russian unit, i don't know? no, they are trying to clean up this information as much as possible, calling it simply the ukrainian derg, but you know, today it is very difficult to clean up information, because there telegram channels, there are other, other types of communication, and they know that the russian volunteer corps came in to free them from this regime, so what does the actual information field look like now?
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border, and how the locals there react to the russian volunteers, i don't know, to welcome such an old russian... soviet narrative with flowers is probably not entirely relevant, but in general, that is, they want to cooperate, they want to join in there, i don't know, at least to feed , treat yourself to coffee, there is such a thing, or on the contrary, they run away from them, i i cannot comment on this particular moment, but today they are very surprised that why exactly they got into such a story and why they should evacuate, deal with evacuation, because for today... and yesterday the evacuation of the city was announced by greyvor, and there we have the village of kozinka, which is nearby, into which the russian volunteer corps entered, entered and led there, entrenched, conducted powerful combat operations, they have the main informational, informational
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message, they do not understand why they are from their territory, kharkiv was shelled for two years, the kharkiv region was simply destroyed. children, destroyed the infrastructure, why should they suffer now, and this is the main message for them , and they do not understand why they should answer, but everyone, everyone, everyone should know russians, by the way, a lot of russians watch your channel, for that , in order to understand what is happening on the territory of ukraine and on the territory of the border, everyone must understand that this is a game that can be played from two sides, and today, i think, will be the biggest, the most inflammatory, the most inflammatory election in the full sense of the word in russia, because i think our military today, well, they will
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have an act, an act of retribution, you can say so, so that the russians understand what they are doing on the territory of ukraine, mr. oleksandr, but how will it be possible in general then... at least somehow talk with people who have suddenly lost even the doctrines of dostoevsky's fascism, crime, punishment, the cause-and-effect relationship has completely disappeared in them, you say, they don't understand why they suddenly have to evacuate the humanitarian corridor and 700 cars only from belgorod, and they can't connect it, simple things a three-year-old knows that if he sticks two fingers into a socket... he'll get an electric shock, what, what's wrong? well, you know, once upon a time on television, from all information resources, you are told 24 hours a day about the most powerful army, that we are the strongest, that we are an empire, that we are exclusive, that we are
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the only one, the only nation in the whole world, which one, the strongest and the most powerful one, and... then you just have to pack your things and go somewhere and we don't understand why, why he needs you to leave, you know , we are with them, we had very good relations with them, everyone knows that kharkiv and belgorod had very good relations until the 14th year, they came to rest in our place, they came to our place they came to the barabashov market, the largest market in europe. to eat with us , to buy food, because food in russia is just, well, they, you can't eat them, it's just garbage, we had a very, very close relationship, and now, after they mock kharkiv, we never told them that
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sorry, and in my opinion, there will never be a normal relationship between us and them, never, it's, i don't know how long it's going to take to sort of... mend it, they're our complete enemies because they accept this regime, they do everything so that we, we, we die, they kill us simply, this is the enemy, he is insidious, he is strong, and we will never be like in that poem, we will never be brothers , i wanted to ask you one more thing, i understand that this is not the chernihiv section of the border, and that not belgorod. from which they used to travel so happily to our place, and this is a slightly different area, this is su, aunt, this is where sumshchyna is, but there was a terrible thing, i will tell you now, i will quote the russians from the summer of last year, even
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the distillery was bombed, something for you it is known about this tragedy of the russian people, you know that for a russian a tragedy is... when the vodka ran out, by the way, there were always riots in the empire that were connected with vodka and cigars, they can tolerate it, they can. in different periods of time, these are simply hysterical facts, but when did it end vodka, this is the biggest tragedy for them, because alcoholism is extremely common there, and they can live there in absolutely terrible conditions, in terms of their lifestyle, they ate terrible food, but when the vodka ran out, it was the greatest grief for them, so ... i understand, i understand and share their pain on this matter, you see, because for them
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, vodka is sacred, and for a ukrainian, there are completely different priorities and a different sanctity, so i sympathize with them, and so what, so be it, as they traditionally do, let them brew and they drive moonshine and this is theirs, this will be their fate until the end, until the end of life, mr. alexander, we have every minute. but i want to ask whether the emergency workers are coping, whether there are enough people, and transport, and resources, etc., to put out fires, i am also talking about fires that arise as a result of those first field, maybe works, when grass is set on fire there, and also about fires , which arise after the arrivals, the forces of the national emergency service in kharkiv, kharkiv region are extremely powerful, very organized and fearless people, they... great respect and admiration, because they always immediately after the flight, fires appear on the scene and
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are extinguished. we have such a situation that for the third day in a row grass is being burned on the ring road, and since it is mined there, it is practically impossible to put it out, it is some kind of element of sabotage, because it is constantly burning, almost the whole city sees it. there is a stench, and it looks like some kind of sabotage, and well, there are many people and they are so alarmed, and there is also a moment when something is burning, and people do not understand that it is burning, how it is burning and why it is burning, but it is impossible to work there in this city to work, because it is a mined territory, so people remember that there is no smoke without fire, and so it is logical, but look, what i was meditating on, i think it is a sin. to show to our people, this is a gift to you, mr. oleksandr, this is the postcard that i was meditating on, no, this is
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the decree of the 19th year, where it is written very much that in view of the natural attractions of the belgorod district, and to the kharkiv region, the workers' and peasants' government of ukraine decided, well, according to the petition of the revkom, to join the bidgorod district to kharkiv oblast, it was in the 19th year, and this postcard is from the 18th year, i think it is overdue, but we can repeat it, maybe? we can repeat, historically, look, it so happened that there are a lot of kharkiv residents in belgorod, a lot of people from the sumy region, why, because you remember, during the soviet era, a lot of people worked in the north, and then they worked there for a certain time, had a russian pension, in order to stay on the territory of russia, they bought, bought housing in belgorod, and that was actually... they were registered in belgorod as residents, such bilhorod has grown a lot
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in terms of infrastructure, thanks to our people, that is why we have a lot of our ukrainians in belhorod who will gladly join, but this is not our way, we would like them to leave our territory and not touch ukrainians, to do this, as they say bash na bash, mach na mach , that is, who knows what his plans, plans, one way or another, we repeated the story, mr. oleksandr, thank you, thank you, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council was with us, it was a picture kharkiv oblast, next to us is mariupol in the afternoon, because petro andryushchenko will be with us in a few minutes, and oh, even disney is there with joy that we will have petro andryushchenko, made a decision, i mean the disney studio, and we will tell you about it literally in a few minutes.
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on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and save. there are discounts for pek. bolovan ivy. 10% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. according to the results of february, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among the channels. information broadcasting. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. events events that are happening right now and affect
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our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. thank you for watching. thank you for donating, and in return, we will now ask about the south, about mariupol, petra andryushchenko. of the mayor of this occupied temporary city, mr. petar, we welcome you to our airwaves, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, how did you react in the city, how did you personally react to the fact that after the loud scandal, when you decided not to show the shorter version of the televised award ceremony and the ukrainian victory for the film 20 days
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in mariupol, they still returned it to this version, well, they didn’t return it, they added it, well, it’s probably just... justice as it should be, in principle, there is no, well, there was no doubt that this this will happen after that publicity which was, because really, on the one hand , documentaries are never included in short tv versions, on the one hand, on the other hand, well, this is a completely different situation, yes, non-standard 20 days in mariupol, it is much more, well, much more than all the oscars for today day in every sense, and it should be so, so, well , and... and this is not the last, and it will be in a short version, and we see that even, you know, through the review, we were surprised that our 20 days mariupol has a soundtrack that is available on all streaming services, on today, one hundred things about the oscar came out in the selections, so it's just imperceptible when watching it, but, well, apparently
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that didn't happen, it's really an event, an important event for ukraine, especially it's important for each of us from mariupol. but in principle, this is an important event about the world, and well , there hasn’t been such a thing for a long time, such a real cinema, and this is an opinion not just because i am a ukrainian there, yes, i think that everyone who follows the oscars, who is at least interested, will confirm these words , that there was no such real film, well, ten years, that's for sure, huh what kind of story was it, what ah, since there they award 20 days in mariupol with an oscar, then let's give this story. she came to sochi, in fact, what is the situation there, because there is a lot of confusion there, there is an italian artist, muraliv, relatively speaking,
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yes, who painted in mariupol this incomprehensible thing there, and the italians conducted an investigation, gave us this data that he received 90 00 € from the russians in order to paint 10 such murals across russia and the occupied territories as were painted in mariupol, one of these murals he painted in sochi before his arrival putin and it was there that ornela muti came , our, as they say, the propaganda mothers from mariupol saw a familiar picture, immediately drew a picture of muti in mariupol, and we were tired, to be honest, of explaining that it was definitely not mariupol, it was sochi, and she i actually wrote it on instagram myself, but for some reason it came out that way, but it was an attempt to interrupt the whole story, and in this case it is very important, in mariupol people have the opportunity anyway? somehow i don’t know how to log in from gadgets through vpns, and at least watch the trailer of the movie, because these are the people who can recognize their entrances, apartments, yards
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, people in the footage, they can, vpn is still working in moriupol, that's actually why they can look, even if it's not quite legal, let's say from the point of view of copyright , but through a vpn you can watch the free version, which is posted on some youtube services and... some people, i know, our people watched, but again , mariupoli is trying to watch, you know, it's very painful to watch, especially, well, if i was in town right now, i'm not sure if i would have included this movie because it's simple boolean points and these are triggers for everyone who was from mariupol during the siege of this hell in mariupol, who was not in mariupol, this is our city, well this is very very painful to watch, believe me, and i am sure that people who are still . in the middle of everything, and especially those people who did not leave, well, i don't know who will find the strength to watch it completely, and i know our volunteers who were involved
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in the evacuation of people from mariupol, even you could not watch the entire film from beginning to end , because well it's true, it's that it is very, very, very difficult psychologically, morally to return, to remember, well, it is very difficult, mr. peter, how in... the field two such realities can be used together: on the one hand, russian propagandists want to show the city as such a showcase of donbas, they show that the city is beautiful, let's say, the house there was a little vandalized from the outside, inside everything remained as it was destroyed, destroyed, that is , in fact, it is impossible to live there, but from the outside the picture is good for their cameras, and on the other side , new and new burial places are discovered, new . such spontaneous cemeteries , how can it all exist in one city, what the locals say about it all, but there is an opportunity to simply
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survive it all, well, some try, some leave, those who cannot survive, they leave, some people still go, and well, because when they get too tired, they leave, and others somehow try to live with it, well , again, there is a very... very difficult psychological moment here, which is probably very difficult for us to understand. at first, people saw the city immediately after the bombings, and in comparison , mariupol looks much better now, that's why they cling to these improvements that the russians paint, that's why the russians actually paint these facades so much so that people have something to cling to and pretend that nothing happened, you won't even find a comparison of mariupol with what mariupol was before from time to time a full-scale invasion with the current mariupol, and no russian propagandist does this, our locals also try not to mention it, because
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then you have to remember what it was like and who destroyed it, i think you know that if no kidding, it's a separate psychological disorder, i'm sure that more than one psychologist or psychotherapist will write a dissertation on the example of mariupol, on the example of the mariupol syndrome, how can it be? because it is common sense to imagine, well, how can you come to terms with this, how can you continue to live, live and look at those houses that are on one side of the street, they are still standing there burned, relatively speaking, and on the other sides of the street, they are painted, and how all this should fit in the head and pass this acceptance, well, i don’t know, in there is no answer for me, i understand logically how it can be, but here is how to accept it, those people with... with whom we communicate, those people who help us with the de-occupation, who joined the active resistance, they actually live in resistance because of this, in order not to immerse themselves in this reality that surrounds them. therefore
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, it is a difficult, well, difficult situation, and there are no simple answers here, you know, i really want to get them, but there are none, given that there are no psychologists working in mariupolsh and they do not work with people, so here is the picture, people are alone with these problems, that's why there is such strong marginalization in the city today, that's why it's so easy for russians to succeed , because people are looking for a way out, and if you don't have medical help to get rid of stress, well , it's clear what. people find help, unfortunately, and unfortunately, there is alcoholism and drug addiction, and all this is walking around the city. mr. peter, you know, here we are, you tell, we partially watch various videos from e mariupol, which i still remember, just with a fantastic resort town, and you know, i have such an easy i'm sorry, that southern ukrainian greenery is already gone, and nature is taking its toll, and it reminds me of pictures from abkhazia,
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oh... in the central area, some new mass graves have been found again, and how are the people. .. when they find it, then they explain whether it is simply a part of those that are not being conducted, the one that is not affected, and is looking for more, more and more victims of the russian occupation, or how it happens, how they then react to it, how this information spreads in the city, and this is an interesting thing, i understand about it the burial is new, yes, new, it is
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new from the point of view of what we have learned about it, but it is new, it is one of those. sat down, i will even say that there are still such burials, such wild things, when people were exhumed, at the place of exhumation, from where the exhumation took place, if there are some empty places, people bury, well, bottles, capsules of some kind of plastic, yes with a name, the patronymic of the person who was buried here is put on some kind of sign, and there are crosses of this kind, so that later you can find where, if relatives return, but when it comes to occupation, and we will return to the city. and for example, if i know that a person died there and was buried, then i will at least be able to find who was buried here, there are also such markers, and what happens with these graves, well, it is mostly, to be honest, already in the wastelands , by any means, in the abandoned territory, usually it is people who walk, walk, walk, walk, see these crosses, then it bothers someone, and he throws it out into the public and says, well, how much can you do, well, do something about it, as long as this grave can be here, sometimes it passes
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and... the exhumation, sometimes the exhumation does not take place , it happens randomly there somehow, depending on which part of the city it is located, but at least according to this photo you showed, there is still no exhumation there, so it got into the public domain , but it remains so, because it is a wasteland, there are garages that are also abandoned, well , who does not need to spend time on certain activities, so to say that new graves are appearing, or a very large number of them are located, no, is not located are not found, because they really are, it is mostly the private sector of development, and they don't find it, because there are whole microdistricts, whole blocks, the territory is still unsuitable for living and there is simply no one to find, of course, yes, mr. peter, thank you for participating in our program, petro andrushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was with us, well, it's time to tell about everything else, the espresso news team is not sleeping, but collecting, khrystyna
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parubiy already knows. much more and is ready to share this knowledge with us, congratulations, colleagues, thank you, already in the russian border an evacuation was announced, there are explosions, i will tell you how the situation develops in the release in a moment, so wait. news in ether espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. explosions and evacuation. it is getting hotter in the russian borderland. in the morning, a powerful explosion rang out in belgorod. a fire broke out. residents of the city publish videos on social networks. meanwhile, the authorities of the belgorod region announced an evacuation.


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