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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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well, it's time to tell about everything else, the novyn espresso team is not sleeping, but collecting. khrystyna parobii already knows much more and is ready to share this knowledge with us. greetings, colleagues, thank you. the russian border has already announced an evacuation, there are explosions. how the situation develops, i will tell you in the release in a moment, so wait. news on espresso, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. explosions and evacuations on the russian border are getting hotter. in the morning, a powerful explosion rang out in belgorod, and a fire broke out. residents of the city publish video in social networks. meanwhile, the authorities of the belgorod region announced an evacuation. from
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the three border forces of the hayvoron district. the day before, 400 people were evacuated from there and evacuation continues. the ministry of defense of the russian federation reported a night attack on three regions. air defense allegedly destroyed five drones and two rockets of the hail system over belgorod and kaluga regions. the russians placed salvo fire systems in the middle of residential areas of the belgorod region. in... intelligence managed to intercept the conversation of civilians complaining about of the russian military for the fact that occupiers from residential areas open fire. one of the russian women complains that she could not sleep all night. mass attack. at night, the russians fired seven s-300 and s-400 missiles at kharkiv oblast and donetsk oblast, as well as one x-59 at poltava oblast, the air force of ukraine reported. in addition. the occupiers attacked 207,
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they were shot down by our air defense forces. in particular, two in khmelnytskyi region. in kyiv, the alarm lasted almost an hour. shaheds entered the capital from the north. the defenders of the sky destroyed about one and a half dozen drones on the approaches to the city there are no damages or casualties, the military administration notes. air defense forces also worked in kirovohrad, mykolaiv, kharkiv, kherson and vinnytsia regions. one person died, four others are in the hospital, as a result of the russian attack on vinnytsia. late in the evening, the enemy struck civilian infrastructure with drones, hitting residential buildings. the rescuers retrieved the body of the deceased from under the rubble, and also rescued two people, they were sent to the doctors, the state emergency service reported. in tulchynska another residential building was damaged in the community due to falling debris. two people were injured. they are also in the hospital. in the evening, the russians
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hit nikopol with heavy artillery, damaging a five-story building and an industrial enterprise. six people were injured in the city yesterday, including a seven-year-old boy. he has minor injuries, the enemy attacked the city three times with kamikaze drones and four times with heavy artillery, - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk region serhii lesak. in nivadchyna, there are about a dozen high-rise buildings, five private buildings, two educational buildings institutions, several cafes, shops, three administrative... buildings and a pharmacy, damaged cars and power lines. in addition, two more victims of the enemy attack on kryvyi rih on march 12 turned to the hospital. in total, there are 52 wounded, among them thirteen children. let me remind you, then the russians hit the city with rockets, hitting a high-rise building. five people were wounded in sumy oblast, four in the medrebobutsk community and one in bilopolska.
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the russians attacked the border area several times during the day. 450 explosions rang out, it was noted in the regional office military administration. several fires broke out due to enemy shelling of kharkiv oblast. fortunately, no one was hurt. the russians hit the village of slobozhanske. four residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. houses were also on fire in the village of liptsi, the state emergency service reported. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 76 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in the novopavlovsk direction. the russians, with the support of aviation, tried to break through our defenses 24 times. our defenders restrain the enemy in the districts of krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka and vodyanyi in donetsk region. on the ovdiivskyi direction, the armed forces of ukraine repelled 20 enemy attacks, on the lymanskyi - 16. near the old man.
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the russians tried to attack majorskyi in donetsk region, as well as roboty and vervovyi in zaporizhzhia seven times, unsuccessfully. our aircraft struck four areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 180,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so join the gathering. you can see all the details on the screen. the ukrainian
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public health foundation helps to solve the problems faced by ukrainian women under time of war the project has already been implemented by 28 communities in ukraine. our journalists saw how it happens in the valkiv community in... kharkiv oblast. there are 102 settlements in the valkiv territorial community of kharkiv oblast. since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, its population has almost doubled. 23 thousand internally displaced persons found shelter there. most people chose valky as their home, through which the kyiv-kharkiv-dovzhanskyi highway passes with quite heavy traffic. thanks to of the women peace security project, responses to the challenges of war, the community managed to purchase and install video surveillance cameras on the city's most heavily trafficked streets. today, when there are these video surveillance cameras, they record the movement
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of motor vehicles, the population and on the territory, well , the most basic, let's say, objects in the community, and this makes it possible to be more efficient. to conduct searches for criminals there, if there are any. as part of the project, 13 active women of the territorial community were trained in conducting safety audits, thanks to them it was established that the most dangerous place in the rolling stock is kharkivska street, where road accidents occur most often. currently, we have purchased server equipment worth about 700,000 hryvnias, where about a thousand can be connected at the same time. cameras and 50 online users, today we also implemented new points on kharkivska street, thanks to this project we installed four new points, which are installed on kharkivska street, this is the central street of our city, which blocks the entrances and exits
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from the city of poltava, from poltavaska region and kharkiv region, also from kharkiv, from the city of kharkiv, currently. we plan to make our city safer. locals recall a case when a resident of the city of valka died on the street at the hands of a murderer several years ago. there was neither adequate lighting nor video surveillance cameras at that location. the community's participation in the women's peace, security, response to the challenges of war project gives people the opportunity to feel protected on the streets of their hometown. both drivers and pedestrians understand when there is... video surveillance is being conducted, it is being observed traffic rules , vehicle speed and rules, as well as pedestrians , they don't run across the road wherever they want, but they follow them, safety audits are not a new topic for ukraine,
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the ukrainian public health foundation started implementing this well-known international method in our country back in 2019, but the russian invasion made its adjustments. a security audit is a tool that first of all allows the community, and later, to direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security. we actually updated that one methodology from the 19th year, added moments related to war, because now security is about war, about shelter, about mines, about other challenges, and nine months, this is the period during which we conducted security audits in ukraine. the experience of the project showed that both the east and the west of ukraine have a lot of common problems regarding the safety of citizens. in all 28 communities, the audits were, i would say, very successful, very effective, and they also helped not only to identify problems that exist in
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the context of security for women in the communities, not only women, by the way, but also men, and everyone residents of the communities, but it is very important that they... helped the residents of the community to understand these dangers, to see what is wrong and how to correct the situation, this safety initiative from... last year was implemented in ukraine thanks to the partnership of the strongest women's public organizations with the office of the government commissioner for gender policy. when we talk about this policy and the approach of women merbezpeka. we are talking about different social groups of the population, it is necessary to identify their needs and take them into account later formation and implementation of state policy. only then can state policy. to be effective, we talk about it at the government level, but the mechanisms and tools
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are laid down in such projects. within the framework of the national action plan of women, peace, security , ukraine will continue work aimed at protecting the population and solving important security issues. tetyana golunova, iryna skrypachova, oleksandr popenko, espresso tv channel. see you soon. at 10:00 stay with us, good morning, thank you for being with us, and thank you colleagues for prompt informing, too, we must tell you that despite everything we tell you, this idiocy from the occupiers from the left bank of the loop is not going anywhere. you are in zaporizhzhia, because we always talk about drones, missiles, and other combat situations on the front line, and in nikopol
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, traditionally, we say with you, the sun rises in the morning, in nikopol, even very often the map of ukraine's worries looks like this the whole country is of the usual color, red, luhansk region, red, temporarily occupied crimea and nikopol region, well, actually such a small red spot where you can see that there is continuous they drive, drive and drive , we thank the dear viewers that the collection is underway, but we need to speed up a little, because this is the option when jeeps and pickups and other vehicles, including a car for the removal of two soots, all this is necessary for our fighters , now oksana, who doesn’t know yet, about the fact that we now take 900 uah for three such cars, we are talking about it, here are the details, these are our new details, because the previous ones were before the previous collection, which we closed, so now 900 hryvnias need to be collected. we started yesterday and already 34 00 has accumulated in the account
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, thank you for your activity, please do not stop, do not limit yourself, if you have the opportunity, if you have the opportunity to donate even 10 hryvnias, do it, do it as often as you can, because this is a part of our common big cause , which unites all ukrainians on the way to our victory, you often ask our guests, who in one way or another, at least follow this issue, what are ukrainians doing who do not want to vote for putin with russian peace, how can they leave , if it is occupied territory, and on the other side the front line, well, how about you, i just always put myself in the place of people who found themselves in those, and then i think, what would i do and how to act, so the investigation was made interesting by the community of the insider, that is, they somehow summed it up and realized that it was one of those eastern ukrainian lands. them to russia, because this is the only way that is open, in
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one way or another 1,200,000 ukrainians left, you can imagine the number, so here and how, how it looks for them, well, they were helped, they are given a russian passport and a one-time payment 10 00 rubles per person, i quickly translated it at today's exchange rate, because in our country, as they say, as i wrote and... 100 hryvnias, you can imagine , that is, people left completely with nothing, they are in russia, in their hands a passport and uah 4,100, and that's all a one-time payment, no more payments, unlike for ukrainians, who in different european countries have very different aid packages, and compensation for housing, and certain welfare benefits. for those who have not yet found a job, in a word, this is what it looks like, but people, i know, actually
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met a woman who escaped with her family from mariupol at the beginning of the invasion, and they actually left in this way, that is , they understood that they could not evacuate through all these roadblocks, they say, we were actually fleeing through russia under bullets and shelling , through the north, through the baltic countries, ended up in germany. and already there, in a stable place, they were thinking about how to return to ukraine, which city in ukraine to return to, where to start life, that is, people also follow this route and scenario. use, and it's good that there are people who are so resourceful that people are not afraid, we will show you another story now, our colleagues will tell you, it is again to the south, kherson region, there were many questions, how the russian troops advanced so quickly all the way to mariupol itself, which we talked about today, it is far from the native home, its full-scale the war caught him in
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the kherson region, and then the russian troops moved to... from the crimean side, and our military then received the task of stopping the enemy with all their forces, but remember, the forces were very unequal, and then came under heavy artillery fire and car, where he was bohdan, about whom we will tell, our colleagues talked with the mother of the fallen defender. see further: my golden sunshine, mother is always with you. always. for more than two years, lyudmila has started her mornings like this. she prays for the repose of her dead son bohdan rudkivskyi, who served in the armed forces of ukraine since 2019. the woman recalls that he had been playing basketball since the fifth grade and could not imagine life without it. later, he transferred to
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the regional sports lyceum, where he received a certificate of complete high school. of the world in 2014, when the team in which the boy played broke up , he could not find a place for himself, but he did not stop playing sports, bohdan also worked at various jobs, went to poland to earn money, but realized that it was not for him, so he joined the army, and it was in the belotserkiv anti-aircraft missile regiment, however, even there he did not leave the ball with a ring, he went to the post of mechanic-driver of missile installations. he had a very big car of 18 tons, on which there were missiles on top, in the 20th year they went on a rotation near the donbas, he told me: "mom, don't worry, we're very far away , we don't have hostilities here, but it wasn't true, we only found out how he was after that, after this six months, they were there on rotation, and he
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came and showed a participant in hostilities, so i cried, for some time bohdan was in and already in july 2021 he went to the kherson region, where the all-ukrainian training took place. in september, the soldier took a fifteen-day vacation, and that's when the woman saw her son for the last time. in the south of the country , bilotserkivets met a full-scale russian invasion. and as mom shares, 23 they talked on the phone in february, and on the 24th he only wrote: we are going, but he did not specify where. at approximately 3:30 p.m., they were shelled. enemy artillery, having aimed at the car in which 27-year-old rudkivskyi was, the relatives did not know about this and hoped that he did not respond due to lack of communication, and how it quieted down a little, and this comrade who hid began to respond, began to shout, well , to hear if someone else was wounded or something, and he said
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, i heard bohdan shouting, he said, i ran up to him, took him, said to pull him by the hands, and bohdan was a meter where... 95 height, i dragged him, he says, i dragged him, well, he says, after two minutes bohdan let him go. volunteers found the body of bilotserkivets and buried it under ash trees together with the priest. these territories are now temporarily occupied by the russians, so the 62-year-old mother believes that she will live to see the days when her son will be reburied in the white church, because it will be more peaceful for her. he mentions bohdan and his friend yaroslav. he says that their childhood was spent together and he has a lot. memories, the boys continued to communicate even when they stopped adults, however, because of the service, meetings became less frequent. a person who was always ready to lend his shoulder, if necessary, at any time, day or night, that is, regardless of the time of day, he was ready to come to the rescue, he even
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had a nickname in some companies, such as golden, he due to the color of his hair and the fact that he is ruddy in our country, he is like a little sun, radiating kindness, conveying his mood to people, support. recently, a basketball tournament was held in bila tserkva in memory of the fallen defenseman who from now on, it will become a good tradition: yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. thanks colleagues, yes for this one. history , it is very important to remember everyone and tell these stories so that we understand and never forget at what cost we have and keep our independence, but we also have. there are a couple more interesting things for you, and actually they are no less important, because there are different directions of the struggle with russia, the struggle for our independence, and in this case, which i want
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to talk about now, korea joined it, the south, of course, korea, so in seoul they canceled the ballet production, why did they cancel it, a ballerina like zakharova was supposed to dance there, but her last name is also popular, she is of ukrainian origin, but there is obviously something a little wrong in her head, because she supports putin's narratives, russian propaganda, tells about the fact that all russia, yes somehow, but not even that way, it just directly supports, was supposed to go to dance at the state seoul arts center at the end of april, a ballet show dedicated to the life of coco chanel, but the koreans canceled, why did they cancel, because ukrainians, the ukrainian embassy in korea spa... quickly, competently, informed that it is not okay at all, that both zakharova herself and the director of today's belshova theater
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publicly constantly support putin, they do all this actively, yes, the war, the russian regime in ukraine, canceled the production, it will not happen, and i would still ask her to be allowed to dance, but only the number from swan lake as soon as possible, well, when putin is after all... you have to dance, you have to sing there, and then you have to dance, well, it's just important here that the actual this culture, it was not in politics, look at some interesting ones news that also concern the russian-fascist occupier, you know, we were surprised that russian slaves do not even have the dignity to protest normally, we were surprised that navalny's widow said, we invented a terrible protest here, that is, you come to the precinct at the same time on the 12th... an hour, come, stand and disperse , wow, what a terrible protest, and you think, we laughed, but on the other hand, we must, on the other hand, they knocked from the bottom, here is
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an official appeal from the prosecutor's office of the city of moscow, which warns that this is noon against putin, that's the name of the action, come and disperse, that it is equivalent to an uncoordinated mass public peace initiative, that is, it is criminal responsibility and jail. such things are happening, well, actually today, this whole show started, that is, from today until sunday , they will vote for three days, i came to the polling station, stood and told you, you are a criminal, in a word, it is definitely antimatter, antithesis and the anti-state, in the meantime, we will collect information for you from the first mouth, that is, from an officer of the 54th separate of the mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr... afanasiv, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. we know, we will not be there, there are any exact locations, but we know that your direction is the one
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called siverskyi, this is the direction on which, russian propaganda says, kharkiv us, ours, we take kupyansk, we take kupyansk nodal, then directly to kharkiv and that's it. how is your situation? look, nasiverse is near lysychansk. well, i know, but they are here, there , the same direction, or they strike south more? they are not, they are of course, look, the northern movement, it was formed in connection with the fact that solidar was left and bahamud was left, that is why such a movement came out, because we stayed in place, we are also fighting, especially the boys are fighting in bilogorivka and there were big assaults, but fortunately for our units at great cost and effort. managed to destroy those units that carried out assault actions, if we could normally introduce such a large number of manpower equipment into battle, sacrifice it
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like the russians, then it would probably be much easier for us it would have been to fight, but during the battles near beilohorivka, we even had a meeting for our defenders, because we knew that it was very hot there, or as they say, the tension has decreased and they will return to their question, that is, they want to advance in this direction in order to strengthen it. .. strike in the direction of the south or still to the north of this lemano-kupien region, where are they directing the thrust of their attacks? was created in bilogorivka, siversk and in general in the siversky ledge, it has been standing for a year and a half, yes, and we are holding on to the positions that were ours for a year and a half, their task - it is to move the front, and they did not succeed due to the fact that every battalion, even the neighboring one, which was not in belogorivka, was on the flanks. helped to destroy the enemy's equipment, because it applies to everyone, and then , when they get nervous, they shoot at
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siversk over your heads, what are they? what do they do after every unsuccessful assault, how do they freak out? artillery works constantly, it’s not at all, there’s nothing to talk about, artillery, aviation, cabs, i mean bmp tanks, when they go in columns, go in the offensive, they, for example, their main goal was bilogorivka, but they were helped by those battalions that defended both verkhnekamsk and the positions to the right of bilogorivka, that is, the main task was to destroy the equipment, the guys worked very effectively and a lot was destroyed, there were attacks. where 90% of the enemy's subordinates and equipment were destroyed, this is very cool and effective, the volunteers with whom we spoke, they equate siver now with the situation in siversk, if, as far as the civilian population is concerned, with what is happening and in new york, and in the time of yar, they say, these are all similar, similar stories, when it is actually very dangerous to get there, and well, it would be worth evacuating people, asking them to evacuate, so that they do not interfere and do not
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... .to the danger of themselves and those volunteers who reach them, do you see it better on the spot, as it is now in siversk, but from this point of view? well, in what way? there are about a thousand civilians who are helped by both the army and volunteers, there are volunteer points, they come, they bring those who want to help, they come, they take risks, of course, but they bring volunteer aid, for example, the other day they literally came from lviv, from volyn, bringing aid for civilians. and what about the infrastructure there, pharmacies , medical institutions, emergency workers, that’s all, how quickly it works, how sufficient all these provisions are in these areas, seversk does not exist as a city, you see, it’s a destroyed city with a complete infrastructure, where the aviation is broken, hospitals, burned down, railway stations, people live in basements and 99% of the housing stock there has already been destroyed, so that's what you
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're saying about belgorka, right? or prosiversk, no prosiversk, prosiversk, prosiversk, and these small settlements behind you , or near there verkhnyokyanskyi, hryhorivka, serebryanka, that’s it, even though there are still whole houses there, or the same, verkhnyakamenska is the advanced village, which is held by a battalion and verkhniakamenskyi is gone, there are some cellars left there, huh, do you have any information on the other side of the front, where the russians are now, how wide are they? of the ukrainian population, people left, evacuated, i don’t know, we even help, because we have a brigade in donatsia and there are parents who are literally 15-20 km away from here who are under occupation, and we find ways to even help with money, through the simple, well, through the banking system, we help parents who are under occupation, well, yes, but i mean that the help goes through the front line, and
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communications? there is some, but apart from bank transfers, do people manage to tell, explain what is happening, convey information, of course, but look, mr. oleksandr, you said that they actually burned the columns, and they are pulling up the reserves even further and then they are trying to break through in columns at speed, or have they already changed their tactics, at least in the region of belogorya, russian tactics, they are just advancing from different directions. they look for weak spots , i.e. they rushed to the armor, it didn’t work out from another place, that’s it, or on foot, yes, when the equipment ran out, on foot, then another unit again on armor, blown up, destroyed by fp, in general, this is a serious job, in fact, of every commander , and i look very cool, how many fpv attacks they have on you now and how much there is a possibility somehow
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churn? struggles to hinder, has this component increased in you? fpv is a new problem , already fpvs are flying to siversk, being destroyed , let's say, they are trying to destroy our logistics, but we are resisting with all means, it's just that they put repeaters mostly on their wings, drones, and they now have the ability to fly very far in rear. and this just banged, this sound, this is this is working, is there any way out of this? was, are you shot down, because it is difficult for us to hear here through the microphone, no, well, this is artillery working on kolytsakh, russian artillery on the outskirts of the city, around the city, uh, you mentioned that they, their drones began to fly further and further, then these are some kind of strike drones, or after all, reconnaissance ones, after which something else quickly works , no, these are strike drones and in a mix with reconnaissance ones, that is, fpv and...


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