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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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do you have this ingredient? fpv is a new problem, already fpvs are flying to siversk, being destroyed, let's say, trying to destroy our logistics, but we are resisting with all means, they just put repeaters, rather everything on their wings, drones, and they now have the ability to fly very far in the rear, and this just banged, this is this sound, this is this this is working , was there any way out of this or did you get knocked down? it's hard for us to hear here through the microphone, no, well, it's artillery working in circles, russian artillery in circles around the city, around the city, ugh, you mentioned the fact that their drones began to fly further and further, that is, they are some kind of strike drones, or still reconnaissance ones, after which something else quickly works, no, these are strike drones and in a mix with reconnaissance ones, that is, fvi fly in from all over the world, this is no longer a secret, with the help of repeaters, which are installed rather all on their wings, zalla, there are eagles, and they
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have the opportunity to fly very far, right next to you there is a silver eagle, silver forestry, these were also very fierce battles, i don't know what the situation looks like there now, azov brigades are fighting there, i think that they are doing well, these guys know their business, i believe them, we will ask a little more, the change of season, it is getting warmer, but a little wetter and the whole world, is the weather somehow? changes your plans, their plans, or affects the overall situation on the front line? well , of course, the weather affects the war, it always was, is and will be, dry weather is more favorable for the use of armored vehicles, because, as a rule , it is logistically difficult to deliver the necessary property for the military personnel who are on the in the infantry trenches, the same for me as the commander of the defense group, just as the tanks have to drive at a high speed, if
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the dogs soften and the fields are generally unsuitable for the use of armored vehicles, this is very problematic, it is better to drive on such normal ground , yes, you have slush there right now, that’s all now, is the linden or has it already dried up? no, now you know it has dried up a little, it has gotten better , we wish you solid ground under your feet, favorable weather, thank you for being with us oleksandr afanas yev, officer of the 54th separate mechanized division brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. was with us, and now we will talk, we have already mentioned a little about those people who forced, were forced to leave their homes, about displaced persons, about internal migrants. so, there are now about 4,900,000 internally displaced persons in ukraine. mostly, these are those who had to flee far from the russian invaders, leaving everything in the temporarily occupied territories. the heroine of our next story is a migrant. from melitopol, in the white church,
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where she moved, began to work on her story from scratch. let's see together. milana has been engaged in reconstruction, keratin straightening and hair coloring for 10 years. previously , she provided these and other procedures in her own beauty salon in melitopol, which she opened in 2021. there were many plans, but after almost two months of living in the occupation, she decided to move with her family to... church, here from april 2022 she is trying to start all over again, she says, there was no other choice, because she did not want to live next to the russians and did not wants they went to rallies in the same way, but what could they do, but when they realized that it was not so fast, everything will understand that children need to learn , study normal history, that we need to develop further, and that this is... not a situation
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in which you can stay, i miss melitopol, our modern city, our youth city, there all life, and there are houses, there is a beauty salon left. first, in the white church, milana rented places for herself in institutions, and then she decided to revive the beauty space that she had in the temporarily occupied city, already in october of last year , the immigrant rented a room where she makes... beautiful women, the place of the bailiff furnished, at the moment i am still waiting, a new underwriting chair, a underwriting cart should arrive, well, that is, i would equip myself a workplace where it would be comfortable for both me and the clients, and i also plan to develop it further , also in the process of manufacturing the same place for another master, olga became a regular client of the hairdresser, she also resettled. and says that she met
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milana at one of the events for idps. i am also very satisfied with the procedures she does for hair, especially the care procedures i want to do it, and today i came. on styling, and really supporting each other, it is also very valuable and important, nowadays it is personally felt. before moving to bila tserkva , the craftswoman did only procedures that improve the condition of her hair, and recently she started to cut hair, because she completed free courses from the international organization for migration. in total, at that time , 30 immigrants who studied in various fields were helped to acquire a new profession with the funds of the japanese government. people who lost. lo, they lost, let's say, their previous life, lifestyle and get into a new environment, it is very important for them to find their place, and when they come to us, they are a little removed from the problems they had in that area, the fears that were there, they gain knowledge,
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they gain new emotions, they so to speak, readjusting, recharging for a more positive and peaceful life, now. milana does not yet know whether she will return to her native melitopol even after the victory, says home, where family is. it is an example that despite all the problems and troubles brought to ukrainians by the occupiers, life goes on, and the main thing is not to lose faith in your own strength. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. all the way life is full of stress and anxiety now, melamach b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recovery to melamahs b6 - a full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are
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oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day
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with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team presents united by football together stronger extraordinary look at news, good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's do better. and we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at
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espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are also returning from vinnytsia, we have bad news as a result of yesterday's attack. in the evening for the region has increased the number of victims and we know that one more person
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died, and we also know that there are four hospitalized wounded people, that is, one person died on the spot, and the other died, a woman, unfortunately, in the hospital, but now we will also look at the front line , and what they are fighting for there, and how everything is happening in the east of ukraine, the south, a little to the... north with serhiy zgurets, the director of the information and consulting company defense-express is already with us, mr. serhiy, we welcome you to our airwaves. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiu, bye of the front line, glavkom syrskyi says, the most strikes were on the avdiiv section of the front, we can see that the greatest pressure has increased in the tavria direction, and reserves are being transferred elsewhere, mainly somewhere to the north along the front line. how do you see what they are doing and where they are aiming?
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well, in fact, we can say that the enemy is carrying out offensive actions there, this offensive began back in october of last year, if we remember, with the attacks on avdiivka, and now , in fact, if we distinguish any special directions there, then here now even on novopavlivskyi, this is the fact that it is more like that around maryanka... even around avdiyivka, but it is interesting that, actually, in general, despite the superiority of the enemy, if we see about the entire section of the front there, then i would even start talking that the offensive potential of the enemy is running out, of course, this is quite such a loud statement, but we see that in all areas the enemy uses such small tactical groups, and that advantage, which was at a certain stage , primarily in the avdiiv direction. it was not realized in those desires of the enemy to leave to some operational space there, we now
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have a situation where even this complex area is thin, the enemy is attacking, but we see that the defense of ukraine is quite effective, and even when yesterday, the day before yesterday, or rather, sirskyi visited two areas of the front, this is exactly avdiivska, then in zaporizhzhia, then he spoke about the fact that reinforcement measures had been taken. of separate brigades, as i understand it, this is the widow's direction, where there was a certain threat of enemy advance due to the fact that from the ukrainian on the side, reserves, means of artillery, such an advance will be made impossible, and the second direction, where combat actions really intensified, in addition to the mentioned situation on maryanka and avdiivka, this is the zaporozhye front, because there we see attacks on non-recruited works ... this is what general silsky said yesterday, but these attacks of the enemy are bought, although the enemy
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uses such tactics, as they say, bandzai attacks, when there, in particular on these various cars, the chinese production of the enemy is trying to sneak up to uh robot, and the enemy is already being destroyed there, in general, the situation seems to me to be completely stabilized and the situation will be much more effective if now... the provision of military aid and the supply of ammunition, first of all, is increased, we already see positive signs of the supply of ammunition, well, in fact, this will largely affect the nature of hostilities. mr. serhiu, can the walk of russian volunteers along the border from the russian side somehow significantly affect what is happening at the front? in fact, these are the actions of the russian volunteer legion corps. e freedom of russia, the siberian battalion, they are now more like such
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raids, they are now taking place on the territory of two regions of the russian federation, these are the kursk and belgorod regions, we see that already on the third day the raids are actually quite effective, when we first of all assess the situation due to the information and media effect on the enemy and the russian population, at the same time i must note that indeed... armored vehicles are used, and szv, that is, these actions are actually quite active on the part of these russian volunteer associations, and now the enemy. forced to react, or forcefully transfer certain groups there, primarily the rosguards , to buy these actions, and to take measures for some kind of media suppression of this effect, because now, for now, the enemy is trying to act as usual at the expense of lies, when he talks about significant there were losses, hundreds of russian volunteers there,
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about a significant amount of destroyed equipment, i even found somewhere already in bradley, which seems to be itself was destroyed, but in any case... the effect of these actions is rather informational and political, resonant in the russian environment, even if russia will now try to buy these media effects, from a military point of view, i think that the retention of these areas on the territory of the russian federation, which are currently controlled there by russian volunteers, i think that it will require additional efforts from the ukrainian side. on the other hand, i rather believe that these are such raid actions, which are usually tactically carried out there within three days there up to a week, because in such cases it is precisely these units that rely on their own stockpile of resources that they took with them to carry out such offensive actions, so in any case , the effect of this
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action is rather informational and political, it powerful enough that before hostilities, i think that... it will not significantly affect the situation on the front line, mr. serhiy, but theoretically consider the option of developing raids and such measures on the territory of russia for a more global thing, well, let's say, take under control somehow the same bilhorod, which is quite close to the border, and already has a whole patch of territory, political scientists told us, but if there was already such a whole piece of territory, then it is possible, as they say, and... at a certain point of change, we will exchange everything occupied territories to other occupied territories, there were even such models yesterday, or theoretically even the main enemy putin mentioned such models there, it seems like yesterday that these raids or actions by volunteers there aim to seize part of the territory, the capture of cities on the territory
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of the russian federation, i think that this is an event that requires a significant amount of forces and means and planning, i... do not think that now, probably, the ukrainian military leadership or even with the capabilities of the russian volunteer units is planning to carry out such a task. raid actions, regular actions in these areas with displacement of strikes on russian units and warehouses, in fact, this is enough at the current stage to ensure resonance effects in the russian environment. that there 80% or more of russians now support the war, because it is already producing results at the expense of the propaganda machine, but such moments related to actions on the territory of the russian federation actually affect both me and this unity and raiding actions are quite enough to use these mechanisms of influence on russia .
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of course, mr. serhiy, we will take a short break, because after it we are now on to something so big, global, serious, international. let's talk, we 'll be back in a few minutes, please stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the unbox tv strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just take a look , how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once and
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by football, stronger together. according to the results of february, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, our values ​​and ukrainian perspective remain unchanged, keep an eye on the updated espresso and thank you for your trust, serhiy zorets, director of defense express, we return to the conversation, as promised, about taurus, but there are a couple of such important points, first develt said that they have not done anything since 2018, and now they are technically upgrading. and they check all tauris missiles, the exact number is unknown , classified data, there was panic in the swamps two days ago, because the executive wing of
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the german government also said that it was necessary to directly provide taurus to the armed forces of ukraine, but yesterday another project of the opposition parties cdu, csu was failed and such information appeared from germany that it is on some personal hooks in the head. olaf scholz is so stubborn, is there any other reason? well, first about the number of tauruses, in general , bidiei concerns produced, if i am not mistaken, 600 taurus missiles, they were partially exported, and half of them are in germany itself, and there were 150 of these tauruses in combat condition, and the company's mba management. the manufacturer was told that in fact it can restore these remains quickly enough that certain service actions were not continued there, so that the process of restoring taurus is even already
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began, and this indicates that germany understands the importance of this weapon quite seriously in the context of the current hostilities, regarding the decision of the bundestag, that is, it is really there in... again there were 400 or so votes, 400 or so votes were against, 190 seem to be in favor of the transfer and in fact once again the transfer is blocked, and scholz, who was explaining on wednesday in the bundestag at the block of questions and answers there, he spoke about the fact that he does not assume the possibility of transferring these missiles to ukraine, because the arrangement is technically quite complex, in in any case, even there, if... there will be help from germany itself in planning the operation there, then one way or another it will mean involvement in concrete hostilities, and germany wants to avoid that, and scholz
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appeals to another logic, which actually now germany provides the largest aid to ukraine among european countries, he said there that it seems that germany has handed over or will hand over 28 billion euros worth of armaments to ukraine at a time when the french and the germans are there, respectively the french and britain. accordingly there transferred there to 3.2.5 billion euros, and scholz bets precisely on other weapons systems that are transferred to ukraine, and here, in my opinion, it is quite difficult to criticize scholz on the one hand, against the background of the amount of aid provided by germany, and here is the story of taurus, it really goes into some kind of paradigm that is difficult to explain, that is, in fact, this is some strange component of the non-transmission of taurus and the explanation is that it is, well, relatively speaking, unacceptable for... germany's actions, rather there are some factors that we are now we can't even estimate because it's difficult to say why these weapons are not transferred, even if britain also offers the option of such
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a blood exchange, where tauris ... go to britain, and stormshidov from britain go to ukraine, so we will follow this story, but as for me, well then at least let germany work more actively in other directions of military aid to ukraine, but yesterday for the first time we heard that tausi is also in south korea, if in one word, but the south korean access route to these super missiles exists at least in theory? well, in fact, the same with american, as with american... arms, in fact, it is necessary to seek permission for the re-export and use of foreign weapons from those countries that are the current owners, i think that now the issue with the tauruses is even difficult from a technical point of view, because there was talk about fitting them to our planes there from six months to a year and a half, there are sufficiently long technical frameworks indicated, the story is different with raine metal, scholz definitely cannot dictate to them what will happen. and
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they are planning to build four factories for the production of weapons in ukraine, what about yours the opinion that it is most expedient to manufacture this enterprise in ukraine? well, to be honest, i already have a rather restrained attitude towards reidment's statements, because in fact, for at least a year and a half, they have been talking about the fact that they are ready to expand the production of factories. first of all, we remember the story about the tank factory for 120 million, which could be built in four months, this... the tank factory was also supposed to produce bmps, there were also new panther tanks with a caliber of 130 mm, that is, since then there were many other such good ones, loud statements from pepenker, the head of red metal, and indeed there were some memoranda, even agreements have been signed with ukraine, which provide for the deployment of production, the german government has given permission for the deployment of such production, and so far... not
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closer to all these projects is the creation of repair facilities for the repair of german-made armored vehicles, then very close was the project with production of fuxs rifles, but this project stalled due to the fact that the ukrainian side did not form an order for these wheeled rifles, and now indeed, if popenkir is talking about the possibility of creating enterprises for the production of gunpowder. and partly ammunition, then this is really , well, a cool component in the interaction with renmetal, if it is really implemented, i hope that these projects will really somehow crystallize into more active and industrial actions, but let me remind you that now grand metal has significant orders there until the production of ammunition is increased to 700,000 155 mm caliber ammunition, and a significant
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amount of this... ammunition is manufactured for the purpose of transfer to ukraine, so in any case, not everything is simple with germany, there is significant potential, there are promises , but so far the main projects are being implemented on the territory of germany itself. mr. serhiy , thank you for the conversation, for participating in our broadcast, serhiy sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, and now our colleagues from radio liberty have published footage of the house in the vinnytsia region, which was hit late yesterday evening. rahet, let me remind you, it is known that two people have died, three are hospitalized, please look at the terrible consequences, what they are doing to residential buildings, to houses, to our people, and now we we will remember, we will honor the memory of these dead and all the dead who lay down, who lost their lives, because of the fact that russia attacked ukraine, because of the fact that russian occupiers,
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soldiers are attacking ukrainian cities and villages. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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