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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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who lost their lives due to the fact that russia attacked ukraine, due to the fact that russian occupiers, soldiers, and soldiers are attacking ukrainian cities and villages. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is morning freedom, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you. in this issue we talk about the following. chief commissar syrsky announced the beginning of the rotation, units and divisions. which have been on the front lines for a long time, this succeeds, according to the general, despite the rather difficult situation on the entire front line. what is the rotational potential in the armed forces, how many men are going to be mobilized in the near future, and is the parliament ready to adopt changes to the mobilization already this month. the authorities of the russian federation are using residents of the belgorod and kursk regions as human shields, so they say in gur. russian volunteers, who announced a mass attack in the kursk and belgorod regions, called on the locals to leave. and as if it was opened for them
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corridor. we will tell you the news from there. the online service of calling auto-tilt responded to the request of the police. so tonight the service does not work during the curfew. why did it happen, what will be the consequences and how can people get to the station or hospital without breaking the law if necessary. together with you and experts, we will discuss important news, the military-political situation in the country. write in the comments from where you are watching us and what topics you consider important this morning. more than 7,000 cars left the russian belgorod and the region during the actions of the so-called humanitarian corridor, which was announced the evening before by the armed formations of the rdk, the legion of freedom of russia and the siberian battalion, created from russian volunteers. they are the ones who report the evacuation of people from belgorod oblast. in addition, they say, another 600 cars left the city of kursk. they publish such data by referring to the information. there are
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local law enforcement officers and security forces who are opposed to the putin regime. the humanitarian corridor, which representatives of these groups declared open the day before, had operate from 9 o'clock in the evening the day before until 7 a.m. today. after that, as the volunteers said, they begin a massive attack on russian troops and even published a map of the settlements they plan to attack. information about the evacuation of people from the border is also confirmed by russia. in particular, military blogger sladkov reports that people are leaving the city of graivoru, about the accumulation of cars at gas stations in the city, the russian state tv channel rashi today reported. telegram channel astra, analyzing posts on social networks, writes that people from graivoron and border villages settle in the monastery. the local public peple writes that the authorities have allegedly organized an unofficial evacuation from greyvoron, the buses are allegedly for...
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people not from the city itself, but from its surroundings. meanwhile, the authorities of the belgorod region officially confirm the evacuation of people from only one settlement, the village of kozinka, on the border with sumy, sumy region. governor vyacheslav gladkov stated that together with members of teroborona and a priest, they took people to safe places. to kozynka itself got very strong, as gladkov says. the destruction there is serious, but there are no ukrainian troops there - he assures, the fighting is going on outside the village. and he noted that the day before, a number of russian publics claimed that a ukrainian landing force had landed from a helicopter in kozynka and that heavy fighting was going on, and i would add that the russian ministry of defense claimed throughout yesterday that they had foiled an attempt to break through the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the village of spodaryushyno, belgorod region. the department published a video of the alleged destruction of the drg, the ministry of defense does not mention the grayvoron goat. rdk, legion freedom of russia and siberian. although they are part
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of the international legion of the armed forces, they call themselves russian volunteers and say that their actions on the territory of the russian federation are autonomous. meanwhile, today the attacks on... belgorod and the region continue. in the very morning, a missile threat was announced there. according to the russian ministry of defense, the nadregin shot down seven rocket-propelled grenades . and russian publics show the moments of explosions and the consequences of shelling. on yesenin at the end. where? we go down. the cars are on fire. mark as the day before they also reported shelling of belgorod and the region, and the day before in belgorod they even stopped the work of shopping centers, and this morning the state agency of rianovo reported that polling stations were disrupted due to alarms and shelling. presidential elections have started in russia.
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we will talk further about the situation on the territory of the russian federation and about the situation on the front of the russian-ukrainian war, mykhailo zhirokh also joined our broadcast. military observer, i welcome you, mr. mykhailo, thank you for joining, good morning, what do you know about the situation with russian volunteers and the situation on the territory of these russian regions, are there really heavy battles going on there and what to expect today? well, in fact , there is not much information, because i understand that this action is managed by the main intelligence agency of ukraine, well , at least it is so clear, and the fact that there are quite powerful battles, it is so, if you monitor the russian public , not official, but local publics, then it becomes obvious that something
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is happening there, but the terms, but the purpose of this operation, well, it is not open and yet i did not understand what exactly... what exactly this raid is for, that is, you do not understand at the moment, as a military expert, what the purpose is, i understand correctly, but absolutely precisely, because the purpose can be either a raid to destroy certain, a certain military structure in the border areas, or the maintenance of populated areas, but the maintenance of populated areas, it does not have, there is no sense in the fact that it is necessary to... provide for the civilian population that remained there, it is necessary to provide water, food, electricity, well, that is, everything i am not sure whether ukraine is ready to take on this against the background of what is happening in our country,
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that's why the raid that took place before that was also on a larger scale, there were several raids, well, we remember, and in that year there was... and that's enough, several pieces, let's put it this way, and even now there are such battles, such powerful battles , well, what can they mean, well, so far i personally do not understand, nevertheless, from open information, we know that russian volunteers have announced a massive attack on russian troops , and here is such an announcement and the fact that they even published a map of the population centers that they plan to attack, doesn't that make it possible, maybe? can the forces of the russian federation prepare better for this? well, here i am, trying to say that these raids are more of a media nature than a military one, because such publications, such appeals to the population, they indicate more
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that the purpose of the raid is, well somehow, well if speak directly nightmare russian. society will make the borders nightmare on the eve of putin's re-election, i will also note that you have already mentioned gur, well , they do not openly say that they rule there or anything else, officially they say that russian citizens are doing, that is, resistance to the russian authorities, but nevertheless in gur they stated that the russian authorities seem to be using their population as a human shield, and what is clear from that evacuation there? from the pace of evacuation, are the russian authorities doing everything to help and protect the civilian population in those areas where hostilities are taking place or announced? just laying out the areas where the maximum
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combat operations will be conducted, this map, it allows us to say that the russian authorities are not engaged in the protection of the civilian population, as well... the israeli armed forces have a tic when they publish before the strikes, before the offensive, the places where they will attack, and after this... hour, well there is a date that is indicated, all the civilian casualties, they attribute to the leadership of hamas, which did not go to them, here are now all the losses that there are, and if, if there are, i don’t know how the situation will develop further, then they will automatically be on the conscience, well, the conditional conscience of the russian, putin’s regime , because there was a warning, there was no evacuation,
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that means they are not engaged in the protection of their civilian population. now let's go to the russian-ukrainian war globally, about the fact that the forces of the russian federation want to increase offensive operations in the east of ukraine until the ukrainians receive help from the west, the nsdc writes . 3-4 months will be difficult, how threatening is the situation now and can the russian forces really take full advantage of this situation at the front now? but it is absolutely certain that the russians have it there is a window of opportunity, and it is related to the supply of western weapons and not how many weapons, but how much ammunition, that is, there are two markers that... the ukrainian armed forces are still holding on to,
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these are ammunition, artillery shells and missiles for air defense systems. here, the presence of them in the arsenals, it allows us to say that the front line will change, or will not change. by, let's say, artillery shells already have certain certain displacements, and they are quite powerful, although in fact. it is said that they will come soon, but there are certain shifts, and according to air defense systems, according to on missiles, yesterday's statement by the american , the american side, it allows us to say that the arsenal of air defense systems will be, will be replenished, or has already been replenished, because western aid has such an interesting feature, they talk about it when it is in... already located or on the territory of poland, or already on the territory of ukraine. the head of the committee, mr. syrsky
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, announced the rotation, and he said that it is possible despite the rather difficult situation on the entire front line, and this is the usual practice of rotation during active hostilities, or not? i don't know why the media is now on attention is drawn to this, including by general syrsky, during the anti-terrorist operation of the oos, it was a normal practice and... during a large-scale war, this is a normal practice, there is not a single unit that would be two years without an escape, i mean i don't mean the brigade, but i mean that they are taken to the rear by battalion for reformatting, for additions, and this is normal practice in the troops, every general, i don't know there, starting with the colonel, understands that... a person has limited opportunities and therefore it should be relegated to the rear at least for
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for some time, maybe we are talking about withdrawing a whole brigade from the front, but this is also a normal practice, and during the summer counteroffensive, whole brigades were exchanged right at the front, so i don’t know, it’s just that society’s attention to the army is very high now, so maybe attention is focused on this, mr. mykhailo, thank you. thank you for joining our broadcast, we talked with you about the situation on the territory of russia, directly with the raid of russian volunteers and about the situation in the russian-ukrainian war in general. mykhailo zhirikhov, a military observer, was a guest freedom of the mornings. french president emmanuel macron is flying to berlin today to talk with chancellor olaf scholz about ukraine. the polish president should join them. recently , there have been more and more disagreements between the leaders of france and germany regarding aid to kyiv. our colleague from brussels , olena abramovich, will tell you all the details. the french president is flying to berlin for
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a meeting with chancellor scholz in order to reduce tensions around ukraine, writes politico with reference to diplomats. the boiling point reached its peak when emmanuel macron did not rule out the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine. scholz then immediately objected, this was out of the question, and macron replied that there is no need to be cowards. he continued the argument. german defense minister boris pistorius said macron's comments do not contribute to solving the problem with aid to ukraine, complaints began to grow in diplomatic circles that france provides. ukraine has many times less weapons than germany. while berlin's spending on ukraine for two years and the budget for this year total more than 17 billion euros, paris managed only 2.5. for this, the french president is criticized within the country. let's face it, words
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lack action. france is only 14th in efforts to support ukraine, far behind germany, poland, and the baltic states. now is the time for unity and efficiency, not for discord among allies. i mean, it's serious. the situation cannot tolerate the reversals and delays that president macron is used to. while expressing concern a few months ago in order not to humiliate russia, today is an opportunity to attract forces to ukraine. even the most pro-ukrainian forces in the french parliament did not support emmanuel macron's idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine. this became clear from the debate that took place there the other day. before voting on a security guarantee from france for ukraine. before that, the ukrainian president reassured the french live on a local tv channel. like, it was only about instructors, not participation in battles. as long as ukraine stands, the french army will be on french territory. your children
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will not die in ukraine. the french president, tim sometimes on a thursday evening before going to berlin. also took part in the telecast and once again confirmed that he does not back down from his words. we are doing everything necessary to achieve our goal, because if russia won, the lives of the french would change. there would be no more security in europe. who could even think for a second that president putin, who did not respect any of his limits and any of his obligations, would stop at this. but exactly how and under what conditions he, as the guarantor of france's security, is ready to send in the future. composition of ukraine emmanuel macron refused to inform, so that putin did not know it either. olena abramovich, marek hajduk, radio liberty, brussels. according to operational news from ukraine, the number of dead as a result of the attack of russian forces on vinnytsia has increased to two people, serhiy borzov, the head of the vinnytsia regional military administration, reported this, and at least three people were injured. the day before,
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late in the evening, a russian drone hit a residential building, borzov did not specify the settlement . in which the hit occurred, adding only that the relevant services are on the scene. the state emergency service reported that they rescued two people at the scene of the attack in the vinnytsia region. next, let's talk about mobilization, more precisely, about changes to the mobilization legislation. the draft law on mobilization may be ready for consideration by the parliament in the second reading by the end of march, beginning of april, said oleksandr kornienko, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada. on the air of the telethon, according to him, 660 amendments out of more than 400 have already been considered by the committee on national security and defense. the most passionate discussions, as the speaker of the parliament says stefanchuk, it's about restrictions. in particular, people's deputy, servant of the people, member of the national security committee oleksandr fedienko noted that, most likely, the rule on restricting the right to drive vehicles for
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evaders will still remain. at the same time, solomiya bobrovska, a member of the defense committee from the voice party, says that there are many. questions regarding the reservation of workers and that the office of the president does not see the political will to pass this bill now. the committee was scheduled to continue consideration of amendments to the mobilization bill this wednesday, but its canceled for an indefinite period without explaining the reasons, wrote ms. bobrovska. we will discuss this further with the people's deputies. servant of the people oleksandr fedienko and serhiy rakhmanin are both members of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. gentlemen, welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good day, glory to ukraine. good. my first question to you, mr. serhiy, is that according to your words, they decided to consider the amendments in the committee so that it would be more effective and efficient. and there is still no understanding of how much time is still needed for this because of what edit, what reason was the last committee meeting postponed? first, the committee meeting was postponed not because of the editing.
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committee meetings, or rather two committee meetings, were adjourned after two. the reasons are not related to the committee in any way: firstly, it took time for the authors of the bill to agree on their positions, because they are not satisfied, they have their own reasons for everything, i do not comment there now, i do not criticize, i do not support, just i comment that they, or rather, i simply record that they needed additional time for consultation, because the norms that were rejected by the committee during the review of the amendments, they are not satisfied with it, so they took additional time for consultation, because of which they will... one committee meeting was postponed, the next one was postponed due to the fact that, for reasons unknown to me, we suddenly announced a plenary meeting, originally planned plenary sessions are canceled without explanation, without understanding by the deputies, and then for the same reasons they are appointed, in such and such conditions , under such circumstances
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, it is quite difficult to fill the committee, if these circumstances did not exist, the amendments would be considered properly, as for how quickly, this is a rhetorical question, why, because 4195 amendments were submitted, approximately 300 of them we passed, well there in a technical way, i won't. explain about 300 amendments, even more, almost 400 , we passed during the first day of the meeting, then everything will depend on how many deputies will insist on their amendments, if everyone insists on their amendment, well, add three minutes to each amendment, you can to get a certain certain figure, so that it does not depend on the capacity of the committee, on the activity or the passivity of the deputies who submitted theirs, well, of course, but mr. oleksandr, and you as a representative of the pro-government faction, tell us: to the service, what norms do you think should remain in order for the updated
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draft law to work effectively and solve the issue of mobilization? i did not understand the issues that the state does not have the right to call for service, it has the right to call for service, i mean what incentives should be, what are the main norms, what should be the main basis, i want to remind you that they are. .. on the constitution of ukraine, this is everyone's duty citizen of ukraine to defend ukraine, this is defined in the constitution. yes, indeed, you are rightly saying, regarding the question of motivation, which , in my opinion, i am looking for motivation in this bill, but i supported my colleague, mr. serhiy, that the authors of the bills have not yet given me an answer to this question, therefore personally, when they are constantly considered, by the way, there will be committees today too, we will consider these amendments, i am with the authors of the bill. asks, look, okay, we are all at the front, all colleagues from the committee, we communicate with the military, the military really, who have already been at the front for a long time , are tired, they at least need
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rotation, that is, this is also part of the motivation, and let's make such a mechanism in the first place, so that it will still be effective, at least it will start to happen rotation, therefore , first of all, i believe that mechanisms should be laid down in this draft law that will motivate a military ... employee, that he will understand that he has served some time there on the front lines, i am talking purely now about the front lines, i do not i'm talking about the rear parts, and after some appropriate term, at least, at least he can return to the rotation, regarding demobilization, i immediately answer your question, i support the norm that is in the draft law, that the terms of demobilization are determined by the rate, uh, and what terms, that is, in the law. .. in the draft law , it will not be prescribed in order for this to be the case, and once again, as of today, the draft law, which i remember, contains a provision that determines the terms of demobilization of the rate, i
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want to remind you that the parliament is not at war, the committee, it is not the cabinet that is fighting, but the general staff of the ministry of defense of ukraine is fighting, all of us, all of us, we are purely an additional resource that helps, well, we, as legislators, from the point of view of forming legislation in order for them to fight effectively, so no ... we can determine military policy, namely, the military directly, who fight, determine military policy. mr. serhiy, do you agree that this should be the decision of the military, and what should be done taking into account the issue of people's rights, which your colleague, ms. bobrovska writes a lot, so that issues of justice are settled, so that controversial amendments such as, for example, regarding who should be booked, so that they are settled by this draft law. well, first of all, there is a whole series of proposals, and we have previously passed this law, we have the approval of the decision, which part should be deferred, which part should be
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reserved, there is no decision on rotation , or rather, there is no decision on, it is not demobilization, demobilization is the wrong term, but okay, so be it demobilization, demobilization is set for 36 months of continuous service, regardless of where you complete this service, relatively speaking, in mukachevo or near avdiyivka, the ticks are the same as in krynk, and it is adopted for the decision of the bet. there is no solution here, i will explain why, because war requires a large number of resources, the military insists that they must rely on this resource, and that is why a large number of military personnel, including those under fire, who may be subject to release from military service, can put safety is at risk, especially if you can't, you can't to predict, because it is not up to us... it also depends on our military, how the events at the front will develop, this is the time, as for the stake, i am not sure that the stake should decide this, because it does not belong to its competence, as far as i am concerned remember
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the powers of the rate. but the fact that the military should decide on what resources they should rely on is for sure, and a plus, i insisted and my colleagues roman kostenko and selomii bobrovsky, some of the other members of the committee support that there should be differentiation, people who passed military service directly in combat conditions, they have, must have priority, unlike those who enter the service, for example, at the territorial centers of equipment, they are also military personnel, they can also without exception. already in 36 months, or in body parts, etc., that is why this question is difficult, for today, for now, well, in my opinion, this is the most difficult, most painful norm, and there is no solution to it yet, that as for, let's face it, this law, when it becomes law, not everyone will like it, whatever did not have a final form, it will still be
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one that causes dissatisfaction. or one part of the population, or another part of the population, because unfortunately, or we are talking about the mobilization of all available resources, and then unfortunately, the full scope of human rights will be forgotten for a while, by the way, the law on the legal regime martial law, and the constitution provides for it, or we are talking about human rights, and therefore we have problems and will have problems with mobilization, it is completely impossible to combine these two things perfectly. we try it to harmonize as much as possible, but it will be quite difficult. but at least, in your opinion, colleagues and mr. oleksandr, can you tell me whether the issue will be settled as much as possible, so that there are no questions in society, that the rules of the game are the same and clear for everyone, and what do you say about to ms. solomiya bobrovska's thesis that she does not see the political will in the president's office to adopt this law right now. mr.
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alexander, mr. alexander. and this is a question for me, well, first of all, i am not the press service of the office the president, you still have to ask the president's office, and i am not the branch of government that can comment on the decision of the president's office, by the way, i have not heard of such a thing, on the contrary, as far as i can see, they are trying to push us from all sides, but i i want to remind everyone that the authors of this draft law are not the people's deputies of ukraine, but directly the cabinet of ministers of ukraine in the form of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the general staff, i.e. without a doubt... they are directly the authors, and every time, as my colleague said , serhii, the committee does not is going to, it's purely because there are some rules that the authors of the bill don't like, which the deputies rejected, and that's why this kind of story keeps happening, i'm sorry, bad communication, because i didn't hear everything, but mr. oleksandr, well about such a moment of general justice there, here is what mr. serhiy said that it is impossible
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to ensure human rights and... and all of them here, because the war is still going on, and if we talk about the clarity of the rules, do you see now the committee is working on those amendments to how the deputies who submitted these amendments are going to remove something and still leave something , so that this bill will be so clear and fair, well, at least the story is clear, that the people who are currently serving, they understand the rules of the game, people who will now join the army, they also know what the rules of the game are and when they will be there demobilizo. i expressed my opinion, which i have already expressed many times, first of all, i believe that all the deputies should be gathered, and taken not for show photos somewhere in the trenches that are overgrown they didn't see a single bullet through the grass and trees, but directly somewhere on the line of scrimmage, so that they at least understood what a real bucket is, how do they do it, by the way , when committee members constantly go on such business trips, then maybe the deputies will understand that the game in politics during such
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a full-scale phase of the war. not entirely appropriate, because as i saw, when deputies come to the committee they defend their amendments, well , i understand them, they have a representative mandate and perform a representative function, as provided by the current legislation regarding the people's deputies of ukraine, but i still want to remind you that now the balance is in the balance, or there will be ukraine at all, yes, or we will somehow start to stop the enemy, to defeat the enemy, and for this, either... it is necessary stop the whole country and make a total mobilization, i.e. stop everything, switch completely to military rails, or still find that balance, that compromise, when the economy will somehow work there more or less to receive, by the way , our army, and motivated people, first of all motivated, i want to emphasize once again, will defend our country, that is, i do not have, you know, a universal answer now, because there has been such a war in the last 70 years.


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