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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this is in informational. marathons with mykola september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko
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every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we're coming back if you know. on the occasion of putin's re-election, on the day of putin's re-election, which putin announced, russian bomb their russians to the border, meanwhile , they report that the website of the state services, through which you can, in particular, electronic voting, they have such a thing, it is lying, there are interruptions, as they say, an unprecedented number of applicants, and at first oksana and i thought that this of course, propaganda, and... then i
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saw a video, a blizzard, as they call it, snowdrifts, and this is what the far east looks like, and here in vladivostok, they are directly blown away by the wind, and they go through these piles and to the song i am russian go to vote, that is, it is even better than hedgehogs pricked and continued to climb the cactus, these are slaves walking and saluting putin, but in order to understand the depth of the cringe, let's watch the video from your precincts, how joyfully the russians themselves show how they vote, this is the vote, look at here we are, here we show , look how the russians vote for their tsar, here he comes, he asks where you can get a suder, you see, in the form of this uneducated syphilitic who came from holland, cut off boreda in the form of a fifth , the first one came, there are still others cringe stories, in a word or. the powder is still only
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i haven't come to vote yet and this is what theirs looks like, oh, look, it's beautiful, we would immediately say, take them to pavlivka or kulparkivska, they have it at the polling station, well, it's a standard scheme, like the other one, because not only such characters are carnivalesque, but maybe the carnival is going on in them, but not only such people vote, not only that, what do they all vote for, but look, why is she dancing, you know why, because... she goes to in a wooden toilet, because it does not have sewage, because even such grandmothers do 30% in this gas station doesn't even have ordinary gas, that's why she dances , putin will provide her with this for half her life, but there are those who don't dance, will never dance again, they also vote, so-so, you don't know the lists of those who did not just participate in the elections, who actually voted for putin, are those who were captured. ukrainians, i.e.
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russian soldiers, who were taken prisoner, who are considered to be missing, and most importantly, those who have already died, yes, a person died, but he fulfilled his civil duty posthumously duty, i voted for putin, dead souls, 100 or more years later it is still valid, well , today we have such a gogul day with those votes, when dead souls also vote, well, we will. are very surprised if putin does not win, gaining 138.5% of the vote, because it means that after all, the website of public services did not work well on the remote, but there is also a legal issue here, but this is what they will vote for, now under dulas machine guns are voted in the temporarily occupied territories, two grandmothers walk around, a box of machine gunners, and so on now there are already many videos from our ukrainians, who say that they are under occupation, they are simply forcing...
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to vote from apartment to apartment, from entrance to entrance, which means that from the point of view of any legal logic, these elections had would be recognized as illegitimate, just as they were not recognized as illegitimate. deputies of the state duma of russia, who were elected there from the occupied crimea at the time, well, this is simply forcing people to vote in the temporarily occupied territories, this is simply an unthinkable thing, but also according to the international point of view legislation, this is actually a violation of the geneva convention, that is, it does not go beyond any limits, it does not go to the head, but they do it all, by the way, there are... european democratic observers, they simply did not go there, that is, in fact, the whole world the entire democratic world is boycotting now, whether they will boycott the results of these elections, the question is whether they will recognize the future, that is, the current russian government
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as legitimate after, there is a precedent here, look at europe, this is also about precedential law, then there was a precedent, when these self-appointed dictator lukashenko said that... now we will ask doctor of law boris babin, he was a former representative of the president of ukraine in crimea before the occupation, mr. boris, we congratulate you, good day, but there will be elections, i don't know, let there , 200-300% draw putin, but including the voices of dead, living, unborn, captured people, and people who are in the occupied territories of crimea and others. of ukraine, will the civilized world continue to call putin the president, recognize the results of these elections? look, well, of course what is happening in the occupied territories has nothing to do with the elections, it is a component of crime, aggression, an attempt on the nexus
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of the occupied territories, accordingly, support for war crimes, genocidal measures that are committed there, this is particularly important as an example, if we are talking about... some assessment of these events by foreigners, as an example by so-called foreign observers and the like. our association for the integration of crimea has already addressed this issue to all civilized countries. we also heard the statement of the ukrainian parliament, there are certain results. it is against the fact that until this very thing, as such, should be measured in the occupied territories precisely in terms of criminal-procedural qualifications, and the rest, as they say to the defense forces. of ukraine, the issue is that we somehow perceive the kremlin dictator as a chosen person. everyone perfectly understands that putin is not a defense person, regardless of whether or not elections were held in
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the occupied territory, because in russia itself, elections are a farce, yes, first of all. secondly, in russia itself, this gentleman, he, is, well, actually in office, we all understand perfectly. that he will now be removed there in quotation marks, and because of the violation of their own and that country's constitution, which, among other things, they have trampled many times, not only in relation to the aggression against ukraine, and in the framework of these new, so -called terms of putin, so i repeat, from the point of view of the world , he is a dictator, they conduct and will conduct a dialogue with him in exactly this format, that is, if those who will do it want to, but that. that he was elected there, he was not elected, well, you know, this is, to put it mildly, not a legal category, it is purely a category propaganda, and from the point of view of the occupied territories also criminal, ugh, mr. boris, what does the voting look like in crimea now, for example, from luhansk region they report that there are
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queues at polling stations, somewhere in russia, russians are being fed pancakes, like in crimea is everything happening well, look, there are several factors here, for them, in fact, the main thing was to demonstrate the so-called stability in crimea, so what does this mean, their main, as they say, precisely in relation to the full piostre, the main mandrake was something so that nothing got there, yes, and what is there happens, they draw according to a standard scheme, that is why they concentrate in crimea first of all, well, on such a constant declaration of stability, you know, take it as a kind of soviet... election campaign, so there, to put it mildly, everyone whom the occupiers wanted to suppress, they oppress in the format of the turnout, the so-called turnout, today all the so-called budget workers and the like, so of course
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there is such control, it has a total resto in certain areas, so that everyone arrives and reports on the tick, however, they have absolutely relative there. and an inexhaustible resource yes the so-called internet voting, sorry, online voting, you can draw there, of course, in general, anything, even, well, as they say, without any imitation of the election. precincts , therefore, in principle, with regard to the occupied peninsula, the main task of the propagandists is precisely this kind of nonsense and grace in quotation marks, this is what they will broadcast, in fact, well , crimea, since it is not russia, there are no features of the so-called political struggle of the russian navalny, those there, as they say, happy half-past, as it is... they say, noon, when there should everyone go to the elections, this is a crime, and that is why they have the task
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of reducing such an absolutely sterile picture of so-called happiness, although of course, in reality , the mood on the peninsula is absolutely, mr. boris, by the way, what are your expectations, because we we understand that putin's election was a certain stimulating and a certain restraining factor, stimulating - it was they who launched meat assaults in order to... report to their fuehrer that they took the audio unit in and then they scratch the back of their heads, they say, but we put more there than for bakhmut, well, this is stimulating, deterring - it is something that was very unpopular, there , for example, restraining fuel prices, restraining the ruble, restraining and not announcing a total mobilization at the table, stand up , huge country, we heard such things from many our analysts, what do you expect? will the results of the elections be announced, what will happen in russia? and you know, our respected analysts,
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all those who do this, have such a specific feature: for some reason, they perceive the russian government as such, if they are worried about public opinion, there is a dictatorship there, which has a peculiar format of such a tendency towards totalitarianism, they are absolutely not interested in what people really think, for them the main public expression is not just support, but, you know, to clap , get up and clap again, and what do you do at the same time you think, it doesn't matter, it's their policy, and that's why when currents try, you know, try to extrapolate, well, it's not that democratic, even semi-authoritarian approaches to what people will think about russia, it's completely fake, and it's important, because we model their behavior and prepare for it, for some reason, based on the fact that they treat these elections as a dialogue with the population, they do not treat them, absolutely... elections are so-called, this is a propaganda show, a show,
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let's say, emphasizing loyalty, eh, and you know, just like that crash, or stress, checking the system for such, as they say, function, as they say, demonstrations of this fake, no more, no less, so i have a simple forecast, after these so-called elections, fundamentally nothing will change, russia leads the military. operations according to their own criminal plan and design, which have nevertheless the same military justification, there are some others, well, political, economic criminal ones, as well as an example of punitive politics in the occupied territories, it pursues these genocidal intentions against the ukrainian people, regardless of when these so-called elections are held, well, these are completely different things , they are absolutely nothing, well, they do not control their own behavior. the only thing, the only thing here, that here could be said about the relation to reality, is that the collaborators
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both in crimea and on the occupied mainland, for some reason they perceived these elections, these so-called the race, as a show of loyalty, that is, who is more, as they say, deeper, loyalty to the kremlin, that is, there was such a rat race, it was very noticeable in crimea, there were such conversations that mr. aksyonov... after this show somewhere in the summer in the fall will be replaced by another one, but in fact , i do not predict any such serious changes in this scurrying vertical, because, well, the kremlin, legally speaking, is not up to that. mr. boris, i would still return to those words of yours, it seems to me that some element of dialogue is present in these elections, why will the authorities listen population will see real results. where in which region the number of votes is not 120% for putin, a little less, and certain
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conclusions can be drawn, how do you predict what might happen where people either spoil the ballots or vote incorrectly? well, look , first of all, there is such a big question, to what extent the kremlin really monitors sociology on its territory, i have the opinion that it does monitor and for... everything, it does not need any so-called election shows, i repeat, they are there their task is not to find out what people are think, but ensure the turnout, ensure the result. everything, that is, in this process, and to ensure the minimum number of excesses, that is, this is not a way to find out what people think, for this there are no fsb, there are other penal structures, there are monitoring centers, they, i repeat, do not conduct this to find out the opinion, they it is carried out exclusively as a show of such a propaganda display of general
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loyalty, where they have low support, they know this very well, and low support in russia itself, it often concerns... no the fact that in some regions the population massively supports some democrats, yes, or liberals, but simply there they support alternative options to the kremlin, or communists , or some black hundreds, or local spills, some bandit clans, well, of course, where there are national regions, there are still the question of the national elites, who today are all comprador in russia, i.e. they serve, serve crimea, under these conditions, whether... i would definitely not expect them to react to this situation. thank you, mr. boris, for your opinion and for participating in ours boris babin, doctor of legal sciences and representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea in the past, was with us, and i will immediately pass the baton to our next guests, people's deputy maria ionova, she is a member of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary
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cooperation, ms. maria , we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glad to see you, thank you. international international politics, interparliamentary cooperation, your colleagues have already told us the cringe story of the ukrainian circus, i.e. former posipaks they voted for yanukovych, they gave their votes for tatarov's law, and this law, it 's called the bep reform, the economic security bureau, is absolutely ridiculous, everyone was against it, including deputies and ambassadors, and for this one... they were allowed on march 8 to travel all over the maldives to rest, and those who voted against, including you, i understand, received a very constitutional and legal option that mr. stefanchuk will not send you anywhere and will not allow you to go and will not give you a business trip, even if they are official, you are among the victims and punished
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, ms. maria, you know, in fact, this situation arose not... only after the bill on voting on bep, unfortunately, on such restrictions, they have been for quite a long time, in principle, we tried not to tolerate it in the public plane, because it primarily harms the interests of the state, it is extremely important for us to do our work responsibly, especially in the foreign affairs committee, especially when you and i see how the situation is changing in... the countries of the western world, because there will be and elections are taking place in different countries , and being aware of different interests and different positions in these countries, we have always emphasized the importance of systemic integrated work in interparliamentary activities, and this does not only apply to parliamentary assemblies, it does not apply
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only to friendship groups, although, unfortunately, we also see the intensity... their visits are insufficient and small, i am not talking about what is embarrassing to say, but the foreign affairs committee, you think, will be there in the summer for 5 years, since we have been working in this committee, and not a single visit was made, not a single visit, a visit of the committee was made at our hirashchenko's initiative after the funds were released, that is, you know, for me it's just wild, especially well... in the previous convocation and now we know and see how much such personal contacts are important , especially since my colleagues and i visit the front, we communicate with the military, we travel to the regions, we communicate with the families of the missing, the dead, those who are fighting, that is, there is a whole wide range of information that we
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must to convey to our partners, v including about the hostages, but it is difficult today. the anniversary of how the theater in mariupol was bombed, in principle, we will now have such difficult days when we will often remember mariupol, and we need to remind the world about it, unfortunately, the world really forgets, and we owe it to remind, especially when we know that, for example , more than 900 azov citizens are still in captivity, international humanitarian organizations cannot get there in any way, and you and i see in what condition our boys and girls return, so... i think that these are criminal actions of the authorities, that is why i, among other things , filed a lawsuit against stepanchuk when he limits my activities, limits my activities, where i can defend my... ukraine, where i can speak and press for different sanctions, secondary sanctions, we , we very often forget about them
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, about freezing assets, that is, at the online level with our permanent partners there, those we have contacts with, we work, but understand correctly, when we are asked questions, and we sent you an invitation, and you can't come, well, i really need it too gently explain, because then the next one... to the question, when they say that my business trip was not opened, they say, what about your democracy, and then we see the result in the european parliament resolution document, where it is clearly written about the non-persecution of the opposition, about the fact that there should be freedom of speech, pluralism in the parliament , again, it is difficult to comment due to the fact that while visiting the front, we now asked ourselves the question: why did the parliament not meet, and why are they not letting you go ? you know, we have to do our jobs, guys, let's imagine to ourselves that this or that commander is there only because of some political affiliation, or
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what we say, in principle, we draw the attention of the authorities to the insufficient attention paid to the work of the parliament, that we do not work so often, that there are no journalists in the hall of the verkhovna rada , the fact that we need to pay more attention to the security and defense sector, well, that is, we... in principle , we do not propose anything so super oppositional, on the contrary, well, we realize that we need to preserve the state and really strengthen our security and defense sector, those more about the economy, but you talked about the bill on be, i don’t know how to make any statements, so that the authorities also understand their responsibility, when publicly our partners already say no, you, we also. we realize how many times these signals were behind closed doors, and then we wonder why there are some difficulties with this or that help, because trust is lost, which
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is very difficult to restore. and i listen to you, and i want to understand everything, according to our norm, if suddenly something happened to the president, then the president stefanchuk appears, i look at his portrait and think, stefanchuk, whom you sued, and, for example, this economist... no wonder named oleg tatarov, they will be in chocolate in the maldives later, or will they still be responsible for all that we 're listening to right now? you know what concerns tatarov, and why he is not in chocolate now, how long has he been in charge, and we see what is happening in principle with the heads of those state institutions, law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption agencies, which in fact should be independent, but with the other side excuse me, if tatarov is in place, then it is the responsibility of the president, he is satisfied with such an employee, and that is why i
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filed a lawsuit, why, because i am being attacked, i am defending myself, because i believe that if i am a representative of a political force, i elected by people who believe that i should be defending the rule of law. certain actions and in general pay attention to the violation of rights when i cannot protect my rights, we are very sorry, but we just have time, but let's put three dots and we will monitor that the court, we will receive an answer to your presentation, we just really ran out of time, but we thank you for the story, maria ionova, people's deputy, member of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, which did not materialize. no visit due to volunteerism, so zoom is left, some skype for communication, well, we already have that
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option, roman and i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care of yourself, have a peaceful, safe day and be sure to watch espresso, because in a few minutes in the news, khrystyna parobii will talk about how the temporarily occupied territories are simply kidnapping people to force them to vote, don't miss it, stay tuned. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unpack tv strong saw is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 g also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, saw branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all
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