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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 3:30pm-3:59pm EET

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somehow someone provides the network, there is none in t2, yes , yes, well, let’s go back to the situation of shelling, and that today and yesterday we spoke with the head of the military administration of sumy, but he said that they are working hard in the fields, that today, they, in i have a feeling that we should understand that they are training, for them the sumy region is a training ground, because for the past two months they have been dropping cabs every day, and maybe even several cabs are flying around these communities... there in pyserivsk, krasnopilsk, bilopolsk , in sumsk, cabs fly, it is clear that they are on fellow pilots, somehow they don’t fly to the border, well, or to the conditional front line, and i have the feeling that they are just training, their pilots, maybe they train young lieutenants like this before sending them to the audio unit, or maybe they are training some new ones , well, these are bombs that are being processed there , yes technically, i’m not an engineer, so don’t ask...
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i’m strict, but something is being processed so that she can plan, yes, so that she can plan, be more accurate, and that’s why they are testing, in this way, apparently, they are testing, as if on sumy oblast, the same feeling that they are preparing their own units, new mortars, for example, somewhere they got a part of it under the audiivka, but it was taken away, they have 30% of the personnel left there, the rest are either in the hospital or already in bags, so 30% are , i choose them. yes , some mortar unit, and it comes and trains in the sumy region , they shoot at the surrounding villages, and how far do they get there, well, 5-7 km, that is a five-kilometer zone, and some artillery comes there, and they also train in some way to objects, that is the sumy region, about 540 km of the front, is actually a training ground for their military, they fire at peaceful villages, and plus their snipers are also doing something there... they try, they go out,
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their snipers are working, that is, on the one hand , it is a low-intensity front, such comparable to what happened, let's say there in the 16th, in the 17th year after debaltsev, yes conditionally, in the 18th, when every day somewhere they shoot, but this is not the front that under the coal-fired officer avdiivka, it is of course of course not that, but people die every day, there is no such thing, the last week flies by in sums, well i'm knocking on wood today. it hasn’t happened yet, but for a week, every day something arrives directly and in sums, here we have a shahed, we had casualties, well, mr. viktor, what have we heard from the russian volunteers who are currently conducting a raid from bilhorshchyna to kurshchyna, or something is reaching you, some information from there, well, so that we understand why they went to the mother's house and what they got out of it, but it didn't work out so well in bilhorod region, they are playing the crow. this district also borders
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the khvyserivska community, i want the audience first to say that tiotkino, suja, graivaron, these are all slobozhanshchyna, these are all ethnic ukrainian villages, uh, they speak the same dialect as i do, there are even adequate ones there, well , i was there in the zero years, yes, when i was euroregion yaroslavna, we took students there to explore the ukrainian-russian border, they felt themselves... well, at least 20 years ago, they were ukrainians, they knew that they were ukrainians, now it is different, because propaganda is working, and many already he still speaks surzhik, well, he considers himself a russian, a russian, that’s right, but where the rdk went, it aunty, here is our red hair and here is aunty's, and there is even, well, it is one street, there is a street, a road, and you don't even notice how you get from ukraine to russia. the rdk
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went there, this is actually this aunt, well , they captured him, i do not think that there will be any military effect from this, it is of course a political effect before the elections, it is in order to show the same scholz again , that we should not be afraid to hand over taurasi to us, if we are already walking in russian with our feet, well, let it not be the armed forces of ukraine, but this allied to us is the russian volunteer corps, which teams. armed anyway by the state of ukraine, let's be honest, it's possible somewhere and it's a structural unit, i don't know about it, budanov has some kind of special special operations unit, well, somewhere, yes, and it has a political significance , a military one, well, i don't think it will be anything , well they will push out, if not today, then tomorrow they will push out, they will report, and i think the kremlin has already reported, they reported yesterday that they killed 300 there, although they did not have any
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large armies, because what else, this proves that in fact, in fact, they do not expect our offensives, they do not expect us to enter the russian federation, that is. that they can come here, and we won't go there, not only that, in 22nd year, when we just went to the border, they fired at us for the first months, we didn't answer them, it was like that, well, it passed, if the reds the lines are shifting, now if there is any noise from there, ours respond without thinking, yes, mr. boberenko, but we understand that the enemy also may be so to speak to create additional problems in sumy oblast, the key story is that you are ready for... yes, i am leading to this, yes, some fortifications are being made, although it is ridiculous, we have a platoon stronghold there, well the tender was canceled, 45 million was submitted to the tender, a platoon base, this is what the third assault unit is doing near avdiivka with a harness
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and a stick, here, well, just boards, some there , volunteers hand over something that the soldiers dug, this is a platoon base, in sumshchy for a rich 45 million , well, we understand what it is arrogance cannot be either. yes, it is not the mine of defense that is being built, i say yes, the mine of defense will accept acts of acceptance of the transfer of works, yes, that is, and you can still say yes, build, guys, bring whatever you want, i will sign the act there, like, damn it, and that's it. i wanted to say something about what i wanted to say, that there is a lot of panic in the sums, and everyone there is asking me what they think, whether i am a person who is very knowledgeable about what is going on there, vitya, but the truth is that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they will attack, already they say, that's all, we're already running out of money, there will be another occupation or something else, i think that the russians
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they are heating it up, why, because now they can really expand the front, well, create a high-intensity front here and create another strike group, concentrate some troops. will attack, but i will reassure the people , i say, theoretically it is possible, but practically , well, we have this satellite called the shelter flying in space, and many more satellites of our allies, which, if there is a concentration of any troops, we will have it right here, well here our armed forces will know, and i say that you know from avdiyivka or from podkupyansk, or even from rostov firing ranges in order to transfer some mechanized ... brigade there with a tank battalion of 20 tanks, there with a bunch of trucks, well, imagine a brigade of 500 soldiers will be transferred, it needs three, four , maybe five echelons, how inconspicuous is it to bring them to suja or by the way , aunty, aunty , there’s a railway station there, how can we get there so that
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we don’t notice, it can’t be done, you talk so interestingly, but unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to finish already, the air time is quick effect, victo. boberenko, expert the bureau of analysis and politics from sumy region was in touch with us, now we have to go on a short break, after it we will add odessa to the air, so stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong unbox tv saw is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. this is the perfect tool for your. house or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, just call now and order, there is an opportunity free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement
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by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, war. in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: the drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is no one. what to argue, let's win, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second
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presidency of trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. well, the information day of the tv channel continues. our attention the country is chained to odessa. as a result of an enemy attack, 14 people died there, 4-six were wounded. now. valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council, should be in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mrs. valentina , we know that you are currently at a blood transfusion station, please tell us about the specifics of the enemy attack, where they hit, well, information has already arrived that it was as if they were hit by an iskander, a ballistic missile, and yes, yes , they hit a residential area where people are located, and it's not... far from in the city where i live with my daughter, we were very scared, and we heard two powerful explosions,
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and then 10 minutes later, and maybe even earlier, we heard the sirens of an ambulance, and i realized that there was something going on, well the enemy hit somewhere, and so far it is known about 14... dead 46 injured, among them a doctor and a boy from the emergency department, and it is also known that the injured guys from the emergency department, who arrived just in time for the call with the doctors, and the enemy hit a second time, inflicted blow and there are wounded among the rescuers, if we if we understand correctly, then this one... this is where the preflight actually took place, it is more of a private sector, where there are more low-rise buildings,
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but still we understand that the intensity and power of this explosion was so great that, well, even if we say about private type houses, yes there are one- or two-story ones, all the same , unfortunately, we now have as many as 14 dead and almost fifty wounded people . to those who suffered, how is the government trying to organize this whole process? well i can say, well, this is the residential sector of these private houses, it is located not far from high-rise buildings and from these kindergartens and schools, well, it is such a very densely populated, let's say , microdistrict, and that is why there are so many victims. uh, i can say that the services are working very quickly, everyone is working together, and right now there are
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at the blood transfusion station, a lot of odessans, a lot of volunteers, a lot of policemen came to donate blood, and when i left the house, very there was a lot more, yes, everything well, everything is fine, and a lot of ambulances went to polyclinics, that is... patients were delivered very quickly and first aid was given to them, so all relevant services work harmoniously. mrs. valentina, accordingly, we would like to clarify further. the situation with the wounded, in what condition are they, well , we understand that the general statistics were voiced by you and kiper, that is 4-six people, yes, how many of them are in serious condition? i can't tell you such statistics, because i'm interrupting at the blood transfusion station and i didn't monitor it for a while, but judging by the fact that it is fast all over odessa, these injuries are
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of various degrees, as well as severe, as well as... shrapnel, well, you will get more detailed information closer to the evening. thank you, thank you for responding and donating blood, thank you to all odessans who are now donating blood for the wounded and we sympathize with all of odessa because of this tragic page in our history, we understand that the enemy is treacherous and terrible, but we stand together , helping our armed forces, this is now the least we can do. thank you, valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council, was in touch with us, and... we remind you that the defense forces have already reported that russia hit odesa this morning with a ballistic iskander m, it is clarified, and with rockets were flying in the temporarily occupied crimea, we understand that there was more than one rocket , well, let's remind you that at first there was one flight, after which all the rescue services arrived on the scene, including medics and
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rescuers, and actually after that there was another flight , and unfortunately, an ambulance paramedic help and rescue. died like that, well, what are we bringing into our marathon now oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine. oleg mykhailovych, congratulations. glory to the heroes, you have such a cool wording, let's start a marathon. yes, this is professional slang. forgive me, yes. we would like to ask you about parliamentary slang, about the realities of our parliamentarism, because just a couple of days ago, an early emergency arrived, so to speak. meeting which, as far as we understand, due to the air alarm did not end as planned, that voted, why there were not enough votes , where did the deputies go, and in general , what do you think is happening to our parliamentarism, because there is a feeling that they would like to weaken our parliament, and these are some such internal ukrainian currents, so you have a word,
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well, first of all early meeting of the parliament did not happen by chance, you know that european solidarity on this issue of the absence of plenary sessions of the parliament adopted a separate statement, an appeal, with which we tried to restore the work of the ukrainian parliament from speaker stefanchuk, and i believe what is the very quick announcement of the decision to convene a session of the parliament, it was precisely the government's fear that people would stand on the european side. honor , because it is obvious, the parliament has to work, and that is why yesterday, i would say, a rather strange meeting of the parliament took place, strange primarily because of the agenda that was formed and presented for consideration on this plenary day, it was ukraine's appeal to the governments of foreign countries regarding the attempt of muscovites
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to hold their pseudo-elections in our territories that are currently occupied by muscovites. and another 10 various ratifications. we had a direct, clear and simple question. tell me, please, representatives of the authorities. please tell me, mr. stefanchuk, why there are no clear questions that society demands today. the first issue is the issue of construction of fortifications. the second issue is the issue of banning the moscow church and those organizations whose center is in the country of the aggressor. and the third, finally. mobilization law, let's go we will seriously approach its consideration, because this is a draft law with which the authorities have already frightened society, and this is a negative result, and now we need to correct this situation, as a result, we did not receive on the agenda either the issue of fortification, or the issue of banning moscow, or the issue of
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b concerned mobilization, and unfortunately, after consideration of the first issue, when an air alert was announced as a result of... migu's take-off from the territory of the muscovites, after the air alert ended, there were only 203 people's deputies in the hall, i.e. no decision, it was impossible even to make a decision, which is obviously related to ratification, and stefanchuk again announced a break, announced not until today, no matter how it should happen, announced again for some indefinite period, so we from... we can conclude from this that - firstly, the monomajority as such no longer exists, secondly, the authorities are not interested in the rhythmic work of the parliament, well, thirdly, how do they only issue opzzh for... countries, because this time they signed about four representatives from opzzh to be able to stay abroad of ukraine and
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to hold some pseudo-meetings, i.e. if the representatives of european solidarity present their invitations to attend the european people's party congress or other forums where the interests of ukraine can be defended, then we do not sign the delegation, but the opzh representatives, speaker stefanchuk. please, by the way, when there was a question in the hall, two questions, one question from our co-chair of the faction iryna gerashchenko, and then another question from people's deputy zaliznyak, please tell me who is there today and for what purpose on a business trip, the speaker usually hid and did not give any answer. this is such a sad story with the organization of the work of today's authorities of the ukrainian parliament. well, look, you mentioned the fact that the deputies could not meet, there is already a clear understanding there, well, by faction, and what trends there were, well , we understand that part of our people's
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deputies, they are responsible and disciplined people, and here suddenly they couldn't get together, maybe there are some additional ones, i don't know the reasons, insults, why so? well , it seems to me that today is the key to work ukrainian language. he was in the government offices, because even when there was a successful vote, which concerned the condemnation of pseudo-elections in the occupied territories , only 170 deputies from the servants of the people were present, i understand that after that some of them also left the hall, and today the organization of the work of the parliament is exclusively the competence and responsibility of the authorities , and mr. stefanchuk in particular, why don't they want... for the parliament to work, well , they probably don't want those questions, of primary importance, to be heard today needed, they don't want people to hear,
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really, what is happening in the country and the most important thing that needs to be done, it seems to me that this meeting, which took place or did not take place yesterday, is another signal that it is necessary to form a government of national unity , which needs to be combined on completely different grounds and the parliamentary basis. and society in order for us to really have an organized, professional, systematic government, a patriotic government that would take on the responsibility that the government should bear in the time of war. mr. oleg, you don't think so, well i don't know, maybe you have a different opinion on this matter, that the return of journalists to the verkhovna rada can somehow change this process a little or speed it up, because we understand that without public coverage of the parliament's work, it is somehow very difficult. work of the verkhovna rada, perhaps it is worth thinking about making it more public, so that these or other deputies, these or other persons, who are in power, so that they
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understand that people will find out about it, because journalists will have access, which has not been available for more than two years, well accordingly, it is obvious that the authorities are afraid of the return of journalists to the session hall, and in general, the authorities are afraid of freedom of speech today, by the way, in europe. parliament, during the pre-revolution, the issue of freedom of speech sounded like one of the first priority, as one of the basic ones that we need as a country to fulfill in order to pave our way to the european community. by the way, the negotiating framework approved by the european commission in order to synchronize ukrainian legislation in order to complete the accession negotiations of ukraine to... the union, it contains three very clear challenges. and the first challenge is the question of democracy, among which freedom of speech is basic. the second is the functioning
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of democratic institutions, including the parliament. pluralism in the parliament is obvious. and the third is the fight against corruption. i have the impression that the government does not want to fulfill either the first, second, or third, and therefore does not want to see journalists in the parliament hall, does not want society to hear. indeed, who stands for what position and who supports which positions, only this is how i can explain the reluctance of the authorities to have journalists present, to report information about the work of deputies, about live broadcasting, well , it is already obvious today that there is no session hall, and no professionalism in such approaches, because when i hear that the ministry of agriculture will be united with the ministry again. well , we already had this, and it was during the tenure of this government, or when i hear that they want to liquidate the ministry of culture, it seems to me that
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no other government has allowed itself to do so. and think about such things, because if we are fighting today, then we are primarily fighting for our values ​​and democratic and authentic ukrainian values, and if the government does not understand this, then the price of such a government is money, that is why these are all statements about changes in the government, about the formation of centers , the association, i think it is profanity, unprofessionalism and the desire to just talk about the problem, today the question is very ... simple and thank you, mr. antin, for forming it, this is the formation of a government of national unity, when society, when will cause the parliament, by performing his function, formed a government that will support all sections of the population and that will be distinguished by professionalism, patriotism and responsibility, mykhailovych, forgive me, but for this you have to conduct certain negotiations, so to speak, and i
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don’t know... agree with your political, i don't know if there are competitors or potential partners in the government, that is, well, there should also be some kind of clear and tangible process, for example, with candidates and so on, with european solidarity it is very easy to agree, because everything that goes in the interests countries, we will support, we are still voting for all draft laws related to european euro-atlantic integration. we are already voting for all the bills related to the support of the ukrainian army, that is, to come to an agreement with us, it is very simple, we put on the table all the issues related to the victory in the war , the development of the state and the accession of ukraine to the eu and nato, and all our votes, and all our work and support will be there, because these are our principles that we have stood for and will stand for, if
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anyone expects us to... change and exchange positions for corruption schemes , for various dividends, then no one will expect this from us, and that is why they do not even start talking to us about it, because they already know the answer, that the answer will be no, because the issue of corruption is an issue of defeat ukraine, the issue of fighting corruption is the issue of our integration into the european union and nato, everything is simple, clear and obvious. thank you, mr. oleg, oleg synyutka, the national... of ukraine was eteri espresso, we are moving on and will literally in a few moments transfer a word to our colleague, since it is the time of news for the press, the time when our colleagues, yes, the news editor is ready to share with you the most relevant and freshest information, so we pass the floor to irina koval, yes, congratulations, iro, once again to you, and actually, please tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, what can i say. about
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the attack on odesa by the russian federation, there will also be information on why macron has now arrived in berlin, and who else is helping the residents of the gaza strip, so wait. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine. news time on the tv channel espresso. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russia hit odesa with iskander m ballistic missiles, the defense forces reported. meanwhile, the number of people killed due to the russian attack in odesa increased to 14. among them - a paramedic and a rescuer. the latter arrived at the scene.


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