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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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once again, we ask you, in fact, to tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, i will tell you about the attack on odesa by the russian federation, there will also be information about why macron has now arrived in berlin, and who else is helping the residents of the gaza strip, so wait. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russia hit odesa with iskander m ballistic missiles, the defense forces reported. meanwhile, the death toll from the russian attack in odesa rose to 14. among them - a paramedic and a rescuer. the latter arrived at the scene. after the first explosion,
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it is now known about 46 victims, including seven employees of the state emergency service, the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper said. 10 private houses, a service station, a gas pipeline and two fire and rescue vehicles were damaged. a day of mourning will be announced tomorrow in odesa and the region. the terrible attack that took place over... the issue of ballistic weapons, the enemy insidiously attacked odeshchyna, by firing rockets from the temporarily occupied crimea, probably iskander m. as a result of the rocket attack , a three-story building in the recreation area was destroyed. in kharkiv oblast, preparations are being made for forced evacuation from the kupyan community. this was announced by the head of the city military administration , andriy besedin. according to him, the evacuation will begin from the right bank. of the oskil river,
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i.e. from kupyansk and pristina starostyna district, there are currently more than 200 children. understanding that as the temperature increases, with the increase temperature, the children will go out into the yard more, because if we say in the winter, they were more at home there and were to some extent protected there from the same explosions there or the arrivals there or shrapnel, etc. they will be in the yard, that 's why it's really important for us, i think that the next decision will be the compulsory evacuation of skupanska. to agree on the issue of support for ukraine, french president emmanuel macron arrived in berlin for a meeting with chancellor olaf scholz. the leaders of france and germany will try to work out a common position before tomorrow's meeting with the prime minister of poland, donald tusk. the disagreement between berlin and paris arose after macron's statements. about sending troops of western
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allies to ukraine. according to diplomats, the european dispute arose against the background of the weakening of support for ukraine by the united states. germany launched a mission to provide humanitarian aid to the residents of the gaza strip. the air force of the federal republic of germany dropped packages with food on parachutes. bundessphere planes based in france were involved in the operation. also help the population on gas territory also provided by sea. let me remind you that the israeli military campaign against the hamas militants has been going on for about five months, because of which the local residents are facing a humanitarian crisis and hunger. russia systematically tortures ukrainian prisoners of war, the un commission of inquiry said. in particular, it is about threats, rape and the use of electric shocks on the genitals. russians use torture everywhere, in cells,
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corridors, shower rooms and in the yard. the head of the commission, eric mesa, said that the relevant un report was submitted to the human rights council in geneva. there, at the current session , they must decide whether to extend the commission's mandate for another year. the victim's accounts reveal the relentless abuse that caused them great pain and suffering. during long-term imprisonment with a blatant disregard for human dignity, these abuses resulted in long-term physical and mental trauma. bahmud - chronicles of an indomitable fortress. the book of the writer yevgenia bogoslavska was presented at the lviv national university. in the publication, the author tells about the history of the city, which is 450 years old. why did the inhabitants love it and why did it become a fortress on the way of the russian invaders?
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the book contains a chronology of events from february 2022 to january 2023. the work consists of memories of volunteers, soldiers and medics. he also informed the public. illustrations of the destroyed bakhmut and qr codes with archival footage. this is my hometown, i am a bahamian. and i would like the city to be talked about not as a destroyed place where battles took place , but as a city that everyone needs to know, because this is the city in which the establishment of the ukrainian nation took place, it is about cultural figures, it is about artists, it is... about industry, the russian myth about russian bahamud is just a myth used for their propaganda, there are many real historical facts , and not some judgments, but people who point to the real historical significance of bakhmut as a real
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ukrainian city. memorial of chess warriors. the first international charity chess tournament in memory of the heroes of the russian...ukrainian war took place in lviv event lviv state university of physical culture and chess federation of ukraine. about 300 players aged from 5 to 80, from all over ukraine and from other countries of the world, took part in it. the competition is held according to the swiss system of nine rounds with the calculation of the international rapid chess rating. the organizers will direct all funds from charitable contributions to help the armed forces of ukraine. as you can see, there are a lot of children who are just starting their chess journey, and they have the opportunity to meet for chess with russian masters and with masters, we also have military personnel playing, that is why it is such an integrative, let's say, tournament, which still aims to have a more charitable
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component, and we also wanted to donate, of course, and honor the memory of these people who heroically laid down their lives for... last week guys from my native platoon from my battalion are calling and saying we urgently need air defense systems, we urgently need drones, we urgently need cars again, we need food again, we need it again, because one or two arrivals and that's it, what we brought transferred, he is not there, but we try to join here every day, every minute, even every second. to help the guys who are now harrowing in the trenches, unfortunately, the weather. the police checked whether bullying exists in schools in prykarpattia. the reason for this was an incident in one of the schools in ivano-frankivsk. the student's mother complained to the relevant authorities that her son was being bullied by classmates.
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the minister of education and science of ukraine , oksen lisovyi, reacted to the situation. he said, silencing bullying is unacceptable. after that, an inspection of prikarpattia schools revealed more than a dozen incidents. facts, the city also launched an anonymous chatbot where you can report bullying and humiliation in educational institutions. bullying has certain characteristics that can qualify the actions or inaction of certain individuals as bullying. the first is systematicity or repetition over a period of time. the second is the presence of observers, buller and the victim . and the third is an action or inaction that... caused psychological trauma to a child or other or physical injuries of some kind in the territory of the region recorded eight facts bullying, this is article 173 with icon four of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses, group psychological diagnosis and anonymous questionnaire of children were conducted. according to the results
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of group diagnosis and anonymous anonymous questionnaire of children, the presence of bullying in the sixth grade was determined. after that, we submit all the conclusions and protocols to the law enforcement agencies. and i want to remind you about our collection. we ask you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed. and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected more than two. uah 2050 remember, every donation you make is important, so join the collection. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 5 p.m. you
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can read more on our website follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube and then marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. wagons in hostages, back in august of last year at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office , the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged material evidence of the illegal sale of production waste. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with its charges. and so many arrested wagons. we found out, received written answers from
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ukrzaliznytsia, ukrzaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, with which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this particular counterparty. at the same time , all those owned by pgzk were arrested. we see clear illegality in this. at the combine, they emphasize that the seizure of wagons is negative. affects production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a court ruling actually jeopardizes timely delivery. therefore, we now see a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company's profit will be lower, as a result of which the volume of tax deductions will be reduced. due to the seizure of its own wagons, the plant had to rent several privately owned vehicles.
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due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed , and this can lead to the loss of sales markets and significant losses. moreover, due to such actions , the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and employers in the region, more than uah 150 million in losses have already been caused, and more than uah 30 million in taxes have not been received by the budgets of all levels. at the poltava mining and processing plant , they hope to correct this regrettable mistake as soon as possible, which can lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others will be appropriately punished for such deliberately illegal actions, - the lawyers emphasize.
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the information day of the tv channel in rozpala, well , what is important is the message from the european commission, where they announced the allocation of 500 million euros to european companies to increase ammunition production capacity under the scheme. which will allow to increase the supply of projectiles in ukraine and to replenish the stockpiles of projectiles in the european union, so it is expected that with the support of this act, by the end of the 25th year, europe will reach an annual production volume of ammunition of 2 million units. today, the european commission allocated 500 million million additional euros. this is extremely important, but the key story, to speed up, so let's hope that projectile koala. led by the czech republic and president general peter paul, they will give advice on that. yes,
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we will now add oleg katkov, a military expert and editor-in-chief of defense express, to our ethereum. mr. oleg, we welcome you, as always on our airwaves, we are glad to see you, glory to ukraine. slava, thank you for the invitation. well, european commission, let's comment on this right away, plus 500 million euros, that is, it is not space, but it is very necessary, how soon do you think we will feel it. the fact is that these are programmed expenses, there is a general one, we are talking about about the asap program, which was adopted last year, regarding speeding up the supply of ammunition, of course, everything is directly directed, including to support ukraine, to the development of the european defense-industrial complex and to the return to europe of ammunition production in general, primarily ammunition substances and powders that are, well, without which it is impossible to create any ammunition, and by the way, there is not only... about artillery ammunition, although of course in the total amount of the goal of 2 million
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by the 25th year, this will be a significant part, but there we are talking about missiles, that is, a slightly larger amount of ammunition itself, not only for artillery, the new tranche, that is, in the form of half a billion euros, is programmatic and is part of the two billion that should be allocated, these funds will go first and foremost for 3/4 of this amount in general, they are intended to increase production. namely the components of ammunition, explosives and directly the gunpowder itself, that is, this is a long-term program and, well, let's put it this way, without this money in europe, in general, the production of ammunition there will be at ease at a pitiful level and there is no help with these things to ukraine, well, it is difficult to talk about, because now, of course, there is a certain hope and due to the fact that they did not fulfill the plan to transfer 1 million ammunition to ukraine, promised by march, that is understandable, but again after all, there is
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a czech initiative that provides for the purchase, and the money is constantly new, there is sweden. a small amount of an additional 30 million was allocated there, but these are also funds, and here the only question for all ammunition is that they arrived as quickly as possible, especially since there are constantly new sources, it is clear that it's not one country that supplies, it's just various countries, various suppliers, the key thing we heard is that 500 million will be very, very helpful, well, even if it's such a small thing, but it's nice, yes, but mr. oleg, today actually a terrible tragedy happened , another russian... crime against ukrainians in odessa today at least two iskander m. we understand that, by the way, the number of dead is already 16 people, the number has increased and the number of victims has also increased, there are already 55 of them, 10 of them in serious condition condition if we are talking about the launch of iskander m from the territory of the occupied crimea, how quickly does such a missile reach odessa and, in principle, is there a chance for people to somehow save themselves, if,
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for example, well, i don’t know, the missile flies, yes, how many of them have plus- minus minutes to... have time to run into the shelter, and how many of them are such iskanders on the temporarily occupied crimean land, relative to the flight time of the iskanders is a very important issue, usually, when it comes to an attack with ballistic missiles, the flight time is measured in 300 seconds at a range of 300 km, this is average , well, because it still slows down along the ballistic trajectory, that is, depending on the region of origin, but in any case we are talking about... several hundred seconds, that is , several minutes, and here it is important aspect is that it is from the moment of launch, and not from the moment of detection of the missile, which means the announcement of a missile danger air alert, that is, not immediately from the moment of launch that the missile is not immediately sent
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an air warning signal, because it is not at once the launch itself is fixed, that is, 300 seconds must be subtracted from these conditional ones. the time it takes to identify a target, to transmit a command , to announce an air alert, and in general remains, well, objectively, well, in the best case, maybe a minute, quite often there is a situation when already, well, for example, capitals, this is quite a lot, well , there have been such situations when the means of anti-air defense, anti-missile defense are already working, and already against this background an air alert is announced, and by the way, how to shoot down the m iskanders in odesa? well, we're not talking about deployment of ukrainian air defense, but in principle, do we have such air defense equipment in our arsenal that could shoot down such types of missiles. of course, they exist, but we are talking about complexes such as the padriot pac3 with mc or qi missiles, or we are talking about samopti. the number of these complexes is obviously, well, it is publicly known, that is, we are talking about a very
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small number in principle as such, which can be counted there. on the fingers there are, well , a little more than one hand, and their number is obviously less than is outside, well, just any necessity as such, so again, we need more, of course , pact 3 patriots, we need to provide them with ammunition, that is, anti-missiles such as mce, and this is also a problem now, because the united states of america does not accept help, and without this help we can count on... constant and stable supply of ammunition to the patriots is impossible, and that is why there is another aspect regarding this, how many patriots the enemy has in crimea, iskanders, iskanders and, unfortunately, there is no such information as to the number of iskanders, there is a total figure , which is voiced regarding the number of launchers, if i'm not mistaken, this is the latest data from the main
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directorate of defense development of ukraine, 48 launchers around ukraine, this was a slight increase from 46 last year. period, i.e. here the enemy obviously has more launch missiles than stockpiles of missiles that he can fire every day, roughly speaking, because again , iskander attacks, they are not so massive in nature, i.e. not all 50 missiles are released at the same time, they are released for day and apparently a few rockets just for nothing, but again, that ballistic missiles, which must be shot down by a patriot, mr. ulazh and... iskander is modernized, that's how we understand it, and what is the special feature of this iskander mu over the regular iskander, is it a longer range of action or a more powerful in... impression, explain, please, and what is the aspect, iskander m is simply the name of an operational-tactical missile complex, which received modernization directly,
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due to the expansion, well, the increase in the speed of reaction, the decomposition of automation, digitalization and the introduction of the nomenclature ammunition not only of the ballistic missile , but the iskander missile itself, roughly speaking, that's what it's called, just a ballistic missile, it has, of course, its index, as well as a summary. he has a cruise missile, that is, he can use both at the same time depending on the load, which is known as 500, that is, the ballistic missile itself, by the way, it now, on the contrary, received certain e, well, it is possible to say that it is a demodernization or at least changes, in particular there is information regarding the fact that the iskander ballistic missile itself was previously equipped with such with false targets, that is, the missile flew and in the end... scattered traps on which anti-missile, well, anti-missile
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missiles from the same patriot were supposed to be aimed, and now it has already been recorded that instead of these deadly traps, instead of these things, at this place additional satellite navigation systems are installed, which are more stable, making this missile more resistant to electronic warfare. look, mr. editor, we would also like to ask you about our quite successful actions on the territory of the russian federation with the help of our of the drone fleet, so russian oil refining was slightly subject to 12-13% was destroyed, and the secretary of the council of national security and defense of ukraine danilov noted that there will be more. if we are talking about the depth of damage to the russian territory, and how much... well, if we take quantitative parameters, how much can we overload their air defense system? in terms of distance, it is still obvious that we are talking about
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the central, geographically european part of the russian federation, and the most distant result is the destruction of the baltic sea, even an oil refinery, well, there is a terminal that dealt with gas condensate, but the essence is the same as all other oil refineries, in fact, according to cycles, technological and so on, according to shrinkage, and now we are talking about what in general about systemic strikes, that is, for example , this morning, at night , the largest oil refinery in the region was struck in the kaluta region, so it is not the same as, for example, in nizhny novgorod, which was struck there a few days ago, which in itself fueled novgorod , he processed there 5% of the total volume. of oil refining in the russian federation, but even the impressions of such are relatively small, and there, for the sake of understanding, we are still talking about 15 tons of oil per year,
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the volume of refining near kaluga is still a significant volume, and we are talking about the systematicity of strikes, and the important aspect here is that this systematicity, even it did not start yesterday, not the day before yesterday, it has been happening for quite a long time, and at the same time we see that such strikes remain. videos with drones are the most effective and efficient, well, simply filmed by the rashists themselves , the oilmen, and all the others there, and where you can see that usually nothing even works on these drones, that is, despite the fact that the vorok understands that now the oil refineries are paying him, for some reason we do not see next to them for the means of anti-aircraft defense that worked, that is, they don't put armor there, they don't put tori, and in my opinion... this just means that either these means are in excess, at least the russian federation does not have them now, they are all at the front, or well, in particular,
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when moscow was attacked by drones and eyewitnesses well to moscow city every day, several beavers, so-called in moscow, flew by these morachos, then the russian federation just dropped the shells of the s-400, put the shells even on such towers assembled, that is, on... as the third ray used to do in his time, he made flexturms, but with regard to the refinery , they do not have such an opportunity, that is , the question is debatable, why so, but now it is necessary to use it as much as possible, and the defense forces of ukraine are using it now , obviously, destroying the nato processing infrastructure of the russian federation, and this in fact, it's not about the production of gasoline there for civilian cars, it's not about what the russian civilian citizens of the russian federation will fill their cars with. it 's about what tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, military trucks carrying the same ammunition and all that will be fueled, and even airplanes, actually. thank you,
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oleg. katkov, the editor of the defense express agency, was in touch with us. extremely interesting conversation. yes, well, let's go now for a short break, after it literally a couple of minutes, and we will again inform you about everything is most important. wait. do you think that a high full mattress costs at least uah 10,000? but also the delivery is so inconvenient and so expensive. it's time to replace the mattress profitably and without problems. a new product from mattress market is the casper vitaflex springless mattress. the casper vitaflex mattress is able to provide the comfort of ordinary spring mattresses and, at the same time, is devoid of their shortcomings. look how compact it is in the package and how tall it becomes after unpacking. no more hassles with shipping and handling. and most importantly, casper vitaflex - this is a complete mattress. it's all about the porous structure of the filler. support is provided by hundreds of thousands of small air cushions, the mattress itself perfectly
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, pa- norman, we can imagine that. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. from now on in the new two-hour. format , even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time,
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two hours... to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the information day of the tv channel continues, that 16 people, 55 people died as a result of the odesa flood. were wounded, oleg, the head of the odesa military administration, reported this the keeper, i quote, is the head of ova odeshchyna. unfortunately, as a result of the russian missile attack , felsher and an employee of the state emergency service, who came to help on the scene after the first explosion, were killed. later, information appeared that the enemy hit odesa, a civilian city, with two iskander ballistic missiles from the temporarily occupied crimea. well, we will
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talk in the meantime. about geopolitics, in particular about...


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