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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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and there the same collaborator of yebalitsky , yes, that scumbag is spreading information to those publics, that in one day, then in two days , they are already arguing with each other there, and they will take zaporizhzhia there, but this cancels everything and completely crosses out the two factors , yes, what is there, and these two factors are the most important things that every zaporizhia resident and the residents of the zaporizhia district and the entire territory under our control should be aware of. then the most important thing is the armed forces in a sufficient direction in the number of yes on this zaporozhye direction is concentrated, which was inspected by the same syrskyi, he already reported on it, yes, that there are now enough forces, the means of attack on this, well , there is not enough of them, they always need a lot and are extremely necessary the same fivitrons and the same shells, but everything is there and the guys work regularly, the second point is that, after all, the fact that during this long period of time... of a full-scale invasion, they decided
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to do what was not done, now they have taken everything , what can be done by methods, yes, to awaken defense structures, this process is currently ongoing , it should be, there will be a lot of their work there , what is currently financed, the only yes factor we will state is that only what can be improved yes in this process, what is it so far, according to the words of the chairman the military administration is taking place, yes there for the central budget, when the cabin was allocated there. 1.3 billion for the construction of these fortifications, which , by the way, mainly takes place there at night because of security , these conditions are necessary, so funds should be added to this, since most of them are there communities of the zaporizhzhia district, when at the request of the head ova, funds were allocated by the communities from the revenue part of the budget for the construction of these fortifications, we hope that in the near future zaporizhzhia will also join in this, although for...porizhia,
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when this need, requirement, , to allocate 17.7% from the head of ova, became such, you know, not a rising link, no matter what, yes, but now in the process of dialogue, we hope, they have already found a common language, and in the near future the session of zaporizhzhya will meet of the city council and funds will be allocated when it is it was predicted there within the framework of 1-3 billion, the amount may be less, but less nevertheless , this... there should be a big controversy for further construction, the most important thing is that this work continues without interruption, it is important here that these keep up the pace, i have two more questions, but briefly but important, the first is that this strange event called the russian presidential election is taking place, but we understand that this event is simply legitimization for russia itself, the re-election of putin, let's say, occupied territories of ukraine, this there is nothing here at all, nothing should be happening, but they are doing it, and i , well, there is a little bit of noise over there in russia, especially at
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the polling stations, but that’s none of our business, we don’t know what’s happening there, well it is another country there, but what is happening in the occupied territories is important to us, i saw a little video today, and please tell me about the zaporizhzhia region, well, many people remained under occupation, unfortunately, big cities, berdyansk, melitopol, well the key thing, mr. vasyl, is that what is really happening there now, that if you ask, the most important thing is that what you like, yes, at least in this... process, if each of us takes google in the same place, google will not let you lie, and will enter, when the elections are held, into the real names of the russians with the letter p, when begins, yes, then google knows the answer and it will show when it happens, because search algorithms and artificial intelligence, it will not allow it to be saved, yes, what are they doing there, and the elections, these pseudo-elections, they have, unfortunately, continue, when a week before they had nightmares about their cars or going around
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apartment building, and when they spread the word that we will come to everyone there, meet them and similar things, then for several days they gave nightmares to the residents of small settlements, specifically in the zaporizhzhia region to the temporarily occupied territories, from today, that is, they have this from the 15th to the 17th, in the big cities , including berdyansk, melitopoldar, this started, as before... er, how to say, they have early elections there, when there will be this voting for these three days, and the 17th should be the final period when they will draw and to stretch these results , because you and i know that these are all propagandists, they announced that the support of that putler should be 94% in the elections, and that will be exactly the result from monday, it is obvious that they will paint all the truths, lies. .. to show
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something that should not exist at all, and all civilized countries in the world today, including 20 countries, have concluded, yes, and not a single civilized country in the world, these at all ... will not consider and support, but racists will continue to do so, to a great extent alas, they will continue to give nightmares to our population in the temporarily occupied territories, when automatic riflemen will go to every house and force the camera to demonstratively tick some of their own ticks, but already, mr. vasyl, now there is a certain fear among the male population and there are confirmed facts that when... for example, a young man in the temporarily occupied territories ticked this box, he was already warned that he would have to register there with their military desk, because this is how they collect this information, so there will be such a cold shower, unfortunately, for all
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ukrainians who are under temporary occupation, when the russians call them, they will say, well, you voted there, you made your choice for your president there, you have to go there to defend your russia... mother and something like that, and they will then use it and throw it somewhere right in the area of ​​work in the zaporizhzhia direction, so unfortunately, these are such realities, it continues, one more question, it’s short, it’s just more, you know, and to comment on don't give any prospects of what might happen god, at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, we will now show the video, i will comment, so in one of the blocks of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the enemies are like even... not a monkey, because i don't want to offend a monkey, they made a gym, they run, these that means a marathon , the soldiers, at a short distance, then they also made a warehouse of ammunition, their own ammunition, and a hangar for military equipment there, we
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just understand that, god forbid, something should happen, we understood that the armed forces of ukraine will not shoot, but don’t let it god, something would detonate, oh well they ran around there, then somewhere someone can have a drink, something else, well, everything. the russians may happen, they are not predictable , and this is just such a threat, and i think that these are precisely the places where representatives of the magats were not allowed, obviously, yes, mr. vasyl, you really absolutely rightly emphasized that the biggest threat lies not in those demonstrative runners, who are filmed there for propaganda and they run around the power units, but in some drunkard who can make a surprise over there at this nuclear power plant, what the... it is good to harm her there, and in this the greatest danger lies in the fact that there are really large numbers of explosives and weapons of destruction there, and it is there that they really restricted the access of the magate mission,
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when the nobleman went there to meet with putler yes, and this process continues , there is no demilitarization at the station at all, but for example... it is with great regret that we note the fact that oppression and abuse of workers by our heroic energy workers, yes, who work there in minorities, but they are there at the station, unfortunately they continue, and the second point is that we state the fact that, unfortunately, the station is degrading in technical terms all its equipment, like a grenade in the hands of the monkey, yes now this nuclear power plant is in the hands of the rashists, and this danger, unfortunately, it is actual, continues in the future. thank you very much, take care, dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporozhye city council, was in touch with us, and now serhii zgurets has joined, which means that military summaries of the week begin. greetings to you, vasily, greetings to our viewers, today we will really talk about what happened on the front line during the week,
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what were the top events about strikes on the russian energy structure, about the actions of russian volunteers on the territory of the russian federation, as well as combat actions , well, about the optimistic ones. hopes of the management of the red metal plant to expand the production of ammunition in ukraine, more on that in a moment. let's start, and of course, this week, attention was focused, first of all, on the events on the line front line in ukraine, but also, oski, but since the front line has been in our country for two years, and people read it every day, something new happened here on... not new, a new round, maybe more large-scale, this is an event by certain groups of russians on the territory of russia, which they came to liberate from putin, as a russian volunteer corps, there also the siberian battalion and the russian freedom legion entered the belgorod and kursk people's republics in
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order to liberate them from moscow's occupation. indeed, this news was important enough, it is currently under development. we are talking about the fact that there are indeed russian volunteer associations, three of them are the russian legion of freedom, the russian volunteer corps, the siberian battalion, they... entered areas in two regions of the russian federation, namely belgorod and kursk. in kursk, there is a settlement of teotkino, which is currently not controlled by russian volunteers, and the other two settlements are kozinky and spodaryushyn, where hostilities are also ongoing. in fact, these are the raiding actions of these russian units. the main goal. as their leaders declare , first of all, to ensure that the russians have
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an alternative in understanding how the situation in the russian federation should develop, and this is precisely based on the military capabilities of these organizations, and we see that military equipment is indeed used, and tanks are also used, and rszv, which speaks of the good training of these units that are currently operating on the territory of the russian federation. of course, the effect is informative, political, propaganda, it prevails over the military effect, and the russians can to see what could really be an alternative to such a vote, which is currently taking place in russia, and from the point of view of the military sense, well, it is not so significant, but still, it is also necessary to understand that there are certain nuances in this sense as well, because kursk, bilhorod, and bryansk regions , there are about 20,000 personnel in... russian troops, including the regular part of the russian army, border guards, and the russian guard there, and
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now they are actually involved in that, in these hostilities to keep this area, and yes or no otherwise, if these combat actions of the russian volunteer units and units were to be continued, this would in a certain way affect the fact that the russians would have to continue to transfer forces to these areas, of course, this would not significantly affect the situation. on our front line, but one way or another , there is a military component, an informational component, and a propaganda component in these actions of russian volunteers, and we can see that it has a fairly positive effect on perception, it is such that what an alternative, i mentioned, just somewhere villager wrote once upon a time, it is culturally there, what makes sense , is there a reasonable alternative to this, well, there is none, and on the other hand, i want to remind you, by the way, these are maneuverable strikes, they can be quite effective, if there is, of course , high-quality support, intelligence support. there is aero, well, aerial reconnaissance, there is some provision of armored vehicles, then it is possible, you can maneuver
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for a long time, if there is nowhere to retreat, you can always bite, like a dog at a bear , and it bites, jumps away, well, until it gets its paw, of course, but that's not a fact, that will get, that is why we see a video where drones, artillery, and armored vehicles are used, i repeat, so that suggests that the russian volunteer corps, the siberian battalion, other units of russian volunteers were well prepared, relying on that to. .. which they received in ukraine, fighting against the russian occupiers, well, indeed, such raids, if they are large-scale and regular, then they can become another important component of our actions against the aggressor, was such a nazi, well , a saboteur, he was a special forces that him name, otos krutseni, who, well, he is italian , but who there with a certain group almost captured belgium himself, well, of course, these are various different possibilities, but i am leading to the point that if people are sufficiently well trained and have support, understanding and... . nation, well, a lot can be done, plus here it is still possible to evoke some kind of support in russia itself, or lead
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to at least some kind of reaction to this, so far the reaction is that belarus started from the kurdistan region, from the bryansk region leave, actually, er, russians, that's right also an important effect, because it was warned that there will be strikes on russian military facilities there, please leave this territory, and well, someone more or less intelligent listened and about ... there, as reported, about 7,000 trucks or cars left these areas , that is, in fact, well, russian volunteers fight in a civilized manner, they warned, then they act, and so as not to go far from russia, at least in terms of information, let's talk about oil refineries in the russian federation, such as in them airplanes fell one after another, now oil refineries are burning one after another, there are other chemical plants there. also certain , well, which are connected in some way to
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, well, to the production of petroleum products and or some other elements, today is new in kaluga, well, we will now, as they say, illustrate all this for you to look at, and here we have, well, you now you will see exactly the top 15 oil refineries in russia, we will show how important it is, and how important it is in your opinion, you see, well, we haven't got all of them yet, of course, i can see some of them... indeed, there are too many oil refineries in russia, there are about 30 of these large plants, there are 80 small ones, but the five largest are already there, among them there are those that were hit by ukrainian long-range strike unmanned systems, and this is a reflection of this strategy, which we, the security service of ukraine and
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the main intelligence agency, said there that we would attack critical infrastructure facilities that affect the russian economy. of the federation on its military power, on its industrial power, and in fact this one today the plant that was hit there in kaluga, in fact, it is already the ninth such more or less powerful refinery, to which the ukrainian media got an impression, what are the consequences of this now, well, oil processing in the russian federation has significantly decreased there. we say that, in general, since the beginning of january this year, when these targeted attacks on russian refineries began, processing there has decreased by about 11-12%, this was reported by bloomberg, that is, actually there from 300 or so million tons per year, these 30 million already, relatively speaking, they are not processed, increased
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the price of gasoline and diesel in russia, russia has stopped there... for six months there are restrictions on exports, so one way or another it will affect certain difficulties for russians with fuel, i think that this will first of all affect civilian users , and then i hope it will reach the military units, of course, this is such an optimistic perspective, but the effectiveness of using drones, as we see, is quite effective, if we are now so accurate , first of all, at such a significant range. we can destroy even critical installations on territories of certain plants. samples of drones that were used there and have already been more or less identified there, it is not a secret there, it is just this new fierce drone, which is very similar to the ukrainian version with a warhead of 70 kg, and this well-known beaver, the same with
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a range of 800 km, so now the main thing, as i said before, is to scale the use of these drones. and on the refinery, well, and probably on the airfields where the russian military aircraft are stationed, which, after all, cause trouble to our military on the front line, i watched the video, well, there in one of the settlements where the drone arrived, the commentators are sitting, you can see that they went to work in the morning and have not yet arrived, well, they were probably improving their health after the evening, and they look and fly, well, this drone of ours, in it such a tail is long and with such a membrane, well, a bar. so he flies so calmly and says: shoot, shoot, well, it’s something over there, here and there, he shoots, he says far away , he shoots, he flies, he goes into a bend, and for so long, he turns around, hangs around for so long, and no one, and then explode, he says, they didn't hit so, well, it just shows how much that air defense is there, not that it is not there, well, maybe someone there shot some of this policeman,
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it is not known, but these attacks, but there it was possible to shoot down with a slingshot, well, he flew so low and flew for so long and he, well, you see, there is no such slingshot. the muscovites to shoot down our drones, but i remember the first story, when a drone attack was first carried out on a russian oil refinery, it seems to be the end of the 20th year of the 22nd year, and the emotional background is just as emotional, when a russian is filming something there explains, flies flies, hits, oh, it's probably the ukrainians, that is , the effect of the first hit was so colossal, yes, in fact, a meteorite, yes, now let's leave russia in peace. but let our dorons not leave the russian volunteers alone, and we will talk about the situation in avdiivka, first of all, can we talk about stabilizing the situation, we understand that it is not easy to give, first of all, not easy due to the fact that it is extracted by people, well, the technique, and we understand what price is paid, but is it still possible
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to stabilize the situation, at what price , it is meant, what possibilities, no, we don’t know about here, for sure, let’s do... a bet on what golovkomovich syrskyi said when he was already twice, as i understand, avdiivka, then he went to the zaporozhye front, and today there was again information about the assessment of actions in the avdiiv direction, and that sirskyi says that, relatively speaking, the enemy has been trying to break through the defense of our troops there for a long time in the bands of three brigades, that is, we understand which brigades he's talking, he's talking about the 47th brigade, which will get berdychi's position there, then the third separate assault brigade, that's orlivka and tenky, and the 59th brigade will get pervomaisky right there, so this whole area from... from berdychi orlivka is thin there and pyromatsko is actually under such constant pressure from the enemy, but during this time
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we understand that the enemy's advance in this area is not so significant, despite the fact that the enemy has retained a significant number of reserves there , which after avdiivka, he just threw on that to push our defense further, but this line, although it is not good enough for the defense, will actually get it. due to the fact that, as i understand it, reserves, artillery, and reb's equipment were additionally strengthened there, and in fact now some algorithm of protection against the overwhelming forces of the enemy, his aviation , has been worked out in a certain way, but i repeat, this area for defense is extremely difficult and inconvenient, although it seems to pass through certain reservoirs there and along the rivers and it seems that it can be kept there, but... eh, the other lines of defense that are being prepared further there, they have really already been created, i won’t say there, because whoever wants to dig deeper, you can find this data through the osinters,
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through space satellites, but in any case, i hope that now the ukrainian army will continue to use the strategy of maximally impressing the enemy's manpower, and if you give up part of the territory there for a temporary period, it is very expensive for the enemy, and this is exactly what the syrian also noted that, relatively speaking, in these areas, the enemy is significantly suffers from losses and sometimes precisely due to the fact that a significant force of the enemy is concentrated here in other areas of the front, there is a certain stabilization, can we talk about stabilization around the western part of the western front with avdiivka, i think it is premature to talk about it yet, because the front there is too active to talk about stabilization, and even then you can still get caught there, because there is an evacuation. is forced to start and they will talk right now, well, the situation is tense, the enemy has gathered forces, but you have to be careful she says, because you say so, how about one deputy, she says that kharkiv will be encircled, 100
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thousand people left kharkiv, well, there was shelling , of course, but we understand that we lived in the foothills before that, and then suddenly people , well, that's why when you say something, the evacuation from kupyansk will be taken over in a week, well, for example, and people start to panic, and there is no need to panic in this situation, you need to leave to save yourself and especially children? well, really, when we talk about kupinsk kremin, then speaking there, the strategy of the enemy has not changed, to go to kupinskiy the evil one, to push the ukrainian troops there beyond the oskil river, and below there, where there are thorns, yampolivka, to push our troops so that our troops move to the west bank or to the right bank of the zherebets river, this is a long-standing desire of the russians and... and in fact the situation is such that, despite this, the desire for change on the front line is minimal there, here we are again talking about sinkivka, we are already talking about
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thorn for the 101st time there, yampolivka, where the enemy is trying to press, i hope that the general staff fully understands these risks, and things related to evacuation, they are more likely to be of such a prejudicial nature as to be able to act effectively in these areas in conditions where the civilian the population does not prevent our military from carrying out their work effectively, i think that this logic of the displacement of the civilian population is absolutely justified, especially those in those directions where enemy aircraft and enemy artillery reach there, well, i have two questions, but i am talking about recruiting and the change of people at the front was mentioned, general syrskyi spoke about this, the new recruitment is now there are certain rules, we will next week about we will talk about it more, because it is important, but it should be discussed, you know, so objectively. well, yes, there are certain rules and we will see which ones will be implemented most importantly. i want to ask about the fact that rain metal, the reid metal concern in ukraine, is planning to build four factories, that's a lot, actually. well, actually, that's really good
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news, thanks for asking. because red metal is, well, one of the largest , powerful, european, even international such associations, which has enterprises in various countries of the world. red metal we manufacture ammunition, by the way, red metal has a vigo this year. to produce about 6,000 munitions by the end of the year and it will be the largest producer among all european countries, because there, relatively speaking, the united states is trying to produce there up to 100,000 per month, and so far only 70 are produced, and when we are talking about european manufacturers, the french produce 80 thousand per year and so on, that is, in fact, red metal is the most powerful manufacturer of ammunition. and the head of this enterprise was shouting about what was happening in ukraine the production of munitions will also be expanded, for this it is necessary within the limits of there
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, he said, within one year, it will be an enterprise that will not need to build new buildings, he says, the facilities that are already there will be used, and these artillery ammunition, according to the head of randmetal , well, they will really be extremely useful and necessary , was it necessary to announce such commitments or plans, i think that it is, after all, because this is the potential of european companies, it is absolutely necessary for us now , and i hope that... just the production of ammunition will be the basis for cooperation with redmetl, although earlier the company also announced the production of tanks in ukraine, armored vehicles and repair of medium category equipment, so repair enterprises are already working, and now we will talk and expect a new enterprise with the production of ammunition. thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week there will be a lot of
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positive news from the front line. yes, thank you very much, thank you very much serhii for this conversation, and that's it now we have a plot for your attention, donate blood, get tickets to cultural events to encourage the citizens to donate, in lviv the filling campaign has started for the second time. during the month , each donor will be given free certificates for visits to the museum. or theaters, whether one can become a donor, who can become a donor, how to prepare for donating blood, katryna oliynyk will tell. lviv native mykola shparhal has a rare fourth blood group. the man has been a donor for six years now, and now he donates platelets. there is a need for charity, he writes to me, i am a member of the chat in vyber, and if necessary, the girls write, when they need a doner,
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then they come. usually it happens before the day, the day before, they warn so that you can follow the diet. during the month , blood donors in lviv are given free certificates for performances, concerts, exhibitions or excursions, the initiative launched last year by the institute of cultural strategy unites more than 30 city and regional theaters, museums and galleries. this year, we also involved institutions that are located outside the country within the borders of lviv, it's very... many of our institutions are located in the drohobytsky district, it's naguyevichi, it's the stryi district of tustan, it's the drohobychyna museum, it's the drohobytska saltworks. friends, people, donate blood and come to our theater for absolutely all performances for free, i will show you everything, tell you everything, watch the performances, even have fun with the damlarka. in this way , the organizers of the action encourage people to donate blood for wounded defenders and civilians who are struggling with serious illnesses. every
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donation can save someone. there are no unnecessary ones or such blood groups, which are too many, i.e. we need all blood groups, and especially rare ones, which have a smaller population, i.e. this is a rhesus minus. distribution of blood is very wide, for the region it is less, we primarily serve military hospitals, city hospitals, we serve, every person aged 18 to 60 can become a donor. who does not have chronic infectious diseases and weighs at least 50 kg, before donating blood , it is necessary to undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days. in our center, this happens within 15 minutes, that is, it is from the registration to the donation of blood and the exit of the donor from our center. this is , first of all, quick registration, then a laboratory where blood parameters, hemoglobin, and a doctor's examination are monitored. and
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blood donation itself. after you donate blood, you go to our registrars and they will give you tickets for cultural events in our city. the promotion will last until april 14. you can donate blood at the lviv regional blood service center on pekarska street or at the city blood bank on mykolaichuka street. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. well , that's the material, and now it's the second hour of the big teru. starts , interesting, important information ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war, today 's economic results of the week, and sports news, as well as the weather from natalka didenko, let's now talk about the most important events for this hour, until 19- and, unfortunately, the number of victims due to the missile attack on odesa increased, 73 people were injured of varying degrees of severity.


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