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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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stafin. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of the consequences of the attack of the russian invaders. in odesa, 20 people died, more than 70 were injured. russian terrorists hit the city with iskander m ballistic missiles. 10 buildings were damaged. footage of the rescue operation, no comments.
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eternal memory to the dead and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work simultaneously on several platforms, live on the tv channel, as well as on youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on youtube. please take part in our vote. today we ask you about this. will
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the west dare to send its troops to ukraine? yes, no, or your comment, please write below this video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you believe that the west can send its troops to ukraine. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. call, at the end of the program, we will sum up. this vote. so, 20 people died, more than 70 were injured. russian terrorists today iskander m. hit odesa with ballistic missiles. 10 buildings were damaged. as reported from odesa, more than 200 odessa residents and guests of the city donated blood for the victims after the armed attack. the state emergency service reported that eight of their
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employees were among the victims, president zelensky expressed his condolences to all the relatives and friends of the victims in odesa and promised not to leave this terrorist act unanswered, let's hear what zelensky said. rescue operations and aid are still ongoing in odesa after the russian missile attack, which is very vile two rockets hit these remnants. and the second, when the rescuers and doctors arrived at the scene of the impact, among the dead and injured, there were paramedics, ambulances, rescuers of the state emergency service, my condolences to all relatives and friends, i instructed the regional authorities to fully support all the victims, our defense forces will definitely do everything, so that the russian killers will feel our just reaction, one way or another, but here... what happened today in odesa
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happened after the russian dictator putin promised to take revenge on ukraine for the actions russian rebels in the belgorod and kursk regions, let's listen to what the kremlin grandfather said. in order to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, the kyiv neo-nazi regime planned and is trying to implement. a number of criminal demonstrative armed actions. this is the task of strikes on peaceful settlements on the territory of russia. about 95% of missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense means. nevertheless, we have casualties among civilians. all of them and their families will be provided with all the necessary help and support. these blows go unpunished.
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it is likely that the attack on odessa was directed, including at the russian electorate on... who will cast their votes for putin from today, pseudo-elections are starting in the russian federation, putin needs to demonstrate his strength, and where else can he show his strength to show how peaceful cities and homes of ukrainians are not attacked in ukraine. well , during this week we saw how the russian volunteer corps, as well as the legion of freedom of russia together with... siberia went deep into russian territory in the belgorod and kursk regions, these were citizens of the russian federation, who attacked russian territory and said that they were going to putin's election, they said that they would
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achieve the goal of removing putin from power, why vladimir putin decided to give. the answer is not to his own citizens, but to the citizens of ukraine, to those people who absolutely, no, no, did not participate in these special operations, and in general live their lives in the city of odessa, putin certainly does not give an answer. i would like to invite the former head of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine valenty nalyvaichenko to the conversation. mr. valentine, i congratulate you, and thank you. glory to the heroes, today is a rather difficult day, odessa was attacked, 20 people died, more than 70 were injured, zelenskyi said in his address that our defense forces will definitely do everything to make the russian killers feel our fair
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reaction, but what should it be a fair reaction of the defense forces so that the russian killers feel this bitter. the loss that all ukrainians now have? we must respond to missile terrorism with return strikes to destroy exactly those calculations, exactly those armed groups of the russian terrorists, despite the fact that they are in the military uniform of russia, and to destroy them is the only correct answer, and i will tell you that we have worked and continue to work with france, and with germany, and with our other great ... european partners to receive such weapons systems, well, the french crotali system is an anti-aircraft system, but in addition to the kratali, we always insist and will receive additional skalp missiles, we need them faster, i think in the coming months the f-16 and
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the missiles they will receive will be covered by them, and the main thing is that any russian terrorist groups will be destroyed by the military, which is striking both in odesa and in... kharkiv and in fact throughout ukraine. tonight was a restless night near kyiv, and these shaheds of theirs were restless. actually , our answer and preparation for it is only to receive additional modern systems, and i repeat not only the downing, but also the destruction of such systems on the territory of the russian federation. mr. valentin, over the past few days, four days , we have seen how the russian volunteer corps, the legion of freedom of speech and the battalion. freedom pardon the words, freedom of russia, which is the same thing, almost freedom of speech, and freedom, and the siberian battalion entered the territory of the russian federation in the kursk and belgorod regions. today, they made
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another humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians. the rebels are calling on the international committee of the red cross to provide aid to the victims, according to their data from the war zone last night. there were about 800 civilian cars. from the point of view of transferring the war to the territory of the russian federation. these are the raids that he periodically carries out rdc, and it was last year, today, and these days, this raid is much wider, this raid is bigger, what they give for ukraine and what they, what they threaten putin with. let's start with the main thing, what it really is. truly the internal russian situation and even these last of those that we know about the strikes and raids of the siberian battalion, the rdk, the russian volunteer corps and other groups, russian, by the way, this is an indicator of
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how much this colossus called the putin regime is on clay feet, and the fact that such forces and such groups do it for reinforcement. informational, informational influence from such actions during the voting or on the eve of the voting in russia only strengthens the confidence that this is an internal russian situation. at the same time, it must be understood that i have already said that it is unstable throughout russia, and the picture that is being shown to the russians themselves for tens of billions of budget funds and they are trying to show us, you know, the putin regime, that it is supposedly so strong and powerful, is absolutely not so, well, let's remember only this year's recent events, dagestan, ingushetia, distant east and many things that putinsky never showed. regime throughout russia, riots , shootings, explosions, fires, and so
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on and so forth, and a lot of internal russian forces, and even chechnya itself, which do not recognize the existing putin regime and choose and fight for a completely different, or russian, federation , whether it's dagestan, whether it's ingushetia , or whether it's chechnya, this is what is inevitably happening in russia, and my prediction is that it... will only intensify, because the fifth or sixth string has been pulled putin on the russian federation, i think that many territories of the russian federation do not agree with this, many in the russian opposition and russians do not agree with this, especially after the murder of navalny, especially after such brutal removals and intimidation of other presidential candidates, all this in total on... such a cauldron that boils and from time to time the lid jumps up and steam escapes,
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but this is only the beginning, i think that these are processes that will only intensify further in russia. and tell me, please, whether we can count on what will happen in russia provoked a civil war, you have already mentioned the enslaved peoples, not only of the caucasus, but also of the north, and this may well be the reason, will it come to this in russia, or both ? can it be like this? i think that putin 's regime is now grasping, first of all, for punitive special services, trying and trying to suppress at least the first leaders of either the opposition or the national change movements, but this is absolutely impossible, because , first of all , the russian federation is too big, -secondly, the national liberation struggle has not just a decade, but some centuries of history, its own movement, its leaders, including from... armed formations, so my prediction is that the national liberation struggle will not stop any
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putin regime in any way, and secondly, yes myself, i predict, especially looking at how these so-called elections started this year in the russian federation, i predict that the russian opposition will also be more toothy, and the protests will also increase, moreover, i... shared with our european partners, today they worked online, and with the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, we are now seriously discussing and agreeing that the world should not recognize these elections, and the main reason for this is that if they write victory again to putin, then this is a person who has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, it is not compatible things, to go to some position or... to some elections, when you have to be in gas on the dock, these are not compatible things, when he gives, he gives
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orders for crimes against humanity, even today in our odesa, and this is a crime against humanity, because the second missile was deliberately aimed at the rescue services , that is, it is really not just a war crime, but a crime in the field of international humanitarian law, that is, i have already qualified it as a crime against humanity, and as such a candidate, if he is painted, can be the president of some country, the answer is in international law, as in our ukraine, it cannot, so i think that this is also illegitimate, as lukashenko is also waiting for putin, but the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, who descended on the territory of the russian federation, posted another video of combat operations on the territory of russia, this time they showed how they conduct mortar shelling of the positions of the russian army, and we will hear what they say. we are sending ballots for
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voting, i hope they will hit the table directly to volodymyr volodymyrovych, it would be very good, because our mine elects him. mr. valentin, you said about the illegitimacy, the possible illegitimacy of putin, in order to recognize, or not to recognize, rather, the authority of putin, some kind of consensus is needed. western countries to say that the president of russia cannot be elected on the territory ukraine, all votes cast for putin are illegitimate. and this cannot be , this is the first, second, you said about the warrant of the international criminal court, he is a criminal, and moreover, such a criminal is certified by the world community, not just by some district court of the krasnodar region, if, after all, part of the countries of the west do not recognize the legitimacy putin, what will this
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mean? this will mean another defeat for putin, firstly, secondly - this will mean a stronger strengthening of support for ukraine, which is resisting the third year of russian aggression, and in fact putin's aggression, since he gave the first order and until today, including all his orders to destroy the population of ukraine and commit other crimes against humanity, and the international community, i assure you, especially the european union, except for the political the support of such is further greater. will further provide more economic and defense support to the armed forces of ukraine, and just before your broadcast the confirmation of our words with you on the air, let's say that scholz, macron and tusk came to the press conference, these are three countries met, the so-called weimar triangle, the leaders of these countries, france, germany, poland, and what, and there is a decision that there are already
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profits from the frozen assets of the russian federation. in the european union are sent and will continue to be sent to ukraine to support, to support our defense and counter aggression, these are billions of euros, and this is the decision of today, here is my main conclusion that with the beginning of such so -called elections in russia and completely fake elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, the position is changing very quickly of the european union and our other countries. according to the anti-putin coalition, it is changing in the direction of strengthening support for ukraine and, you know , there is greater firmness, it is especially inspiring, it is french president macron, and now we have just mentioned what they announced at the press conference about the confiscation of russian money and profits , this is a cool step, this is a cool step, and we
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have been waiting for it for a very long time and we have been working on it for a very long time with our european partners, since i am in the parliament right now in the committee on the issue. integration of ukraine into europe union, and it is we who will congratulate our partners on such a step and ask them to proceed more to the confiscation and sending of the aggressor's money to ukraine. we are now going to hear, mr. valentin, exactly what olaf scholz said after the meeting with macron and tusk at the meeting that took place in berlin. let's listen. it is clear that we will support. effective protection of ukraine against russian aggression. we will use surplus profits from russian assets frozen in europe to finance arms purchases for ukraine. a crystal-clear signal is received in moscow.
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the russian president should know that our support for ukraine will not stop. well, it would be desirable if... scholz spoke not only about the frozen assets, but also that the frozen assets can be used for the purchase of taurus long-range missiles, which are to come to ukraine. that is why, in your opinion, mr. valentine, scholz, despite all the rhetoric, which is quite aggressive, i would say, or the leadership rhetoric of macron, scholz still, well, every time he makes excuses that they cannot give us these taurus missiles, in budnystaza had a vote yesterday, failed voting, the germans say that we cannot do this, because it will mean that, well, we will be involved in shelling, including the territory of crimea, which is legally ukrainian, but which is under the russian federation, why are they so afraid germans, are these the consequences of what happened in the second world war, or do they have
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some other reservations? well, let's start with the main thing, crimea was, is and will be. ukrainian, then there is no doubt, and this is not only here in ukraine, but also in the un, in all the resolutions of the general assembly, to the main thing, well, yes, let's let's give a little time to mr. scholz, mr. chancellor of germany, because to come out with such a statement today, believe me, it's really a huge step, and i think that the french president just showed leadership and convinced, and most importantly, convinced his partners of the key economies of the european union, go for confiscation. revenues and send them to whom it is not easy to send them, but right away it was crystal clear, it was clearly announced by the chancellor of germany that they are sent to purchase weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, this is... the main thing. now about rockets. i am saying to you as a person who conducted and continues to conduct direct negotiations with german partners. we will solve the issue in the near future. only
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one thing, i already talked about it, i can repeat it, it will not be sent directly to ukraine, but through one of the third countries of our key partners. but there is also the issue of long-range, concrete-piercing, high-precision missiles, no matter what name they have, but including german- made ones as well. uh, i think it will be decided in the near future, and the most important thing here is that we have to understand that the rocket or rockets themselves are only, you know, the first step, the most important thing is to get both guidance systems and to train specialists who can use them, and most importantly - from where to launch these additional serious high-precision missiles, i will not reveal all the military secrets to you, but it is simply so that you understand the complex of issues that such negotiated is being resolved, the only thing that can be said is that these issues are being resolved positively, and give it a little time, i think there will be more news and more specifics. on the night of march 15
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, ukrainian drones hit an oil refinery in the kalusa region of the russian federation, and drone attacks over the past few days have already shut down three oil refineries deep inside russia, accounting for about 12%. auto-refining capacity of the russian federation, well, at least that's how bloomberg calculates. gasoline prices in russia reached a six-month high amid drone strikes on refineries. can we say, mr. valentin, that russia is gradually turning from a country of gas stations into a country of beggars, and it is on this way, because oil and what comes from oil, that is, all products, they were, you were the core at the expense of which russia also built its army and invested millions and billions in the defense complex, absolutely exactly, absolutely exactly, you
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say that it was oil and gas dollars that financed the war against us and are financing it now, as well as financing the punitive special services inside the country and in fact the entire putin regime , they do not stand on anything else and do not share with anyone and their own citizens absolutely there . you know how desert and begging if you leave, especially from moscow and or st. petersburg, but i will return to oil and gas complex, well, let's start with the fact that , for example, lukoil's management has turned into a gallows in general, there is already a tenth top manager liquidated under the guise of hanging or poisoning and so on and so forth, such processes are going on with them, further, why so is happening, why are they liquidating... top managers or people who have serious profits in their oil and gas companies, oil or gas, and the very simple answer is because the organization of smuggling
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oil from through the smuggling so -called tanker fleet has concentrated huge billions of dollars, but where are they in the hands of smugglers, where are they in the hands of the very people who are now hanging each other, destroying each other and so on... and all this is happening inside russia, for which i give this as an example, because in fact, even these profits from such, you know, black trade in oil around the world, through bogus or other tankers, in fact, money was not given to the budget of russia, to crime and criminal showdowns. now about the oil refineries and the fact that they are burning and hitting them, well, this is happening on the territory of the russian federation, it is destroyed. their oil refining potential, but the most important thing here, serhiy, is that the aggressor's troops will not receive
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more, so much fuel, because here we are, all of us who did not leave, i never left ukraine during the war from kyiv , and from the kyiv region, well, we saw that when the occupier temporarily entered chernihiv, they were the first to pull, that, correctly, such gasoline pipelines are artificial, because without it, not a single piece of equipment, not a single one, moves. and especially russian, because the tanks are russian - these are soviet tanks, and they spend tons of fuel in order to overcome 100-200 km, and imagine if more, in a word, without fuel, without such a supply, the russian army is not something that can not move, fight and not will be able to, so this is the first serious reason why it is good that the oil refining complex is being destroyed, but also the second serious circumstance, in the russian federation there is no... and there will be no more technologies, equipment and techniques to replace these capacities or the equipment that is destroyed and burns during the day and
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at night. here are two things that should really be paid attention to, i think that bloomberg and other economic publications of the world will pay more attention to the fact that russia has nothing to replace, there is no way to repair those capacities that have burned down or will still burn. mr. valentin, during the last week two important statements were made regarding russian agents in ukraine. the first operation, the special operation perun, about which the main directorate of intelligence warns that russian agents will be activated for russian information and psychological special operations, and the statement of one of the leaders of belinket hristo groziv that there is a network of agents of the russian federation in ukraine, among politicians and public figures, that they took money from the russian federation, and khrestogroziv's investigation about these agents will soon be released, what can you say about this
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network. which obviously is, or let's say, this network is dormant, that is, hidden, and sooner or later it will become active, and how can you quickly find and protect yourself from these russian agents, it is meant representatives of the ukrainian state? it is possible and necessary, especially now during martial law, for intelligence information to be at the disposal of counter-intelligence, that is, the sbu. and for this, it is necessary for the security service of ukraine right here and now to start liquidating, detaining, identifying , and so on, any enemy agency, and i know that the power of the means is sufficient, as well as the specialists of the security services of ukraine. i simply urge everyone who has or becomes aware of such information or suspicion to inform our counter-intelligence agents, they will handle it, in this i have no doubts, the more i will repeat it during the martial law, especially since i myself have done
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a lot with international partners since the 14th year. in order for modern equipment, modern technologies, cyber equipment to appear , and most importantly, young patriotic officers were trained, and they are trained in order to effectively stop and neutralize any network, any agent agency, whether operationally, agent agency, whether subversive. secondly, about the investigation of the racket, i am not stopping work and cooperation with international investigators, next week i will have serious work from the dock. and other international organizations that helped then, and now in gaza there has already been a trial of those who committed a terrorist act against the malaysian boeing in the sky of ukraine in july 2013, i am saying that i know these people well and what they are are engaged in, that is why the statements of one of the investigators, mr. groziv, i think are already known to the british and
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american partners. who exactly was mr. groziv talking about, the only thing i hope is that in the near future, due to such partnerships with the cia with mi-5 and mi-6, the service security of ukraine and other special services of ukraine receive information and will be able to verify it without reacting. and the very end of our conversation, the law on mobilization between the second and between the first and second readings, for some reason there was a big pause, four. thousands of amendments, in this matter, the question of the mobilization law, more of a political or military component? there is no political will in this matter, and we saw this firsthand on march 14, when it was yesterday, when we all came to the verkhovna rada, i mean, the opposition, the faction motherland, everyone voted 100%, especially for the decision and resolution of the verkhovna rada about...
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that we will never recognize fake elections in the temporarily occupied territories, after that the representatives of the majority left, well the truth is after the alarm, so what, we after the alarm returned to their workplaces, they disagreed on that, that's why i tell you absolutely responsibly from inside the parliament there is no political will and political presence of the monomajority, i think they need to figure it out, and then everything will be their places, well, the first thing for them, probably volodymyr. as the leader of this monomajority and in general i would not say, you know, that this is not a kindergarten, that they constantly have to, you know, point to a portrait or to the president, well, they are people's deputies, well, the president has the supreme commander, he has his own work, as we see every day and every night, people's deputies, here i am, my belief is that they should also work 24/7 and their place should be returned to them.


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