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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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volunteer corps, the siberian battalion , they went to areas in two regions of the russian federation, namely belgorodsk and kursk, in kursk there is a settlement of teotkino, which is now controlled by russian volunteers, and the other two settlements are kozinky and spodaryushyn, where the hostilities are also ongoing, in fact these are raids by these... russian units, the main goal, as their leaders declare, is primarily to ensure that the russians have an alternative in terms of how the situation in russia should develop federation, and this is precisely based on the military capabilities of these organizations, and we see that military equipment is indeed used, tanks and mlrs are also used, which speaks of the good training of these units.
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are currently operating on the territory of the russian federation , of course, the effect is informational, political, propaganda, it prevails over the military effect, and the russians can see what could really be an alternative to such a vote, which is currently taking place in russia, and from the point of view of the military sense, well, it is not that significant but still, one must also understand that there are certain nuances in this sense, because the kursk, belgorod, and bryansk regions are located somewhere on the border... 20 thousand personnel of the russian troops, in particular , the regular part of the russian army is there , the border guards and the guards, and now they are actually involved in these hostilities in order to hold this area, and one way or another, if these hostilities of russian volunteer units and units are continued, it will in a certain way affect that to the russians will have to continue to transfer forces to these areas, of course.
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it will not significantly affect the situation on our front line, but one way or another, there is a military component, an informational component, and a propaganda component in these actions of russian volunteers, and we can see that it has a fairly positive effect on perception, it is such that what an alternative, i just remembered somewhere poredevyansky once wrote, it is culturally there that what is reasonable, and is there a reasonable alternative to this, well , there is none, and on the other hand, i want to remind you, well by the way, these are maneuverable strikes, they are quite effective. they can be, if there is of course high-quality support, intelligence support, there is aero, well, aerial reconnaissance, there is some provision of armored vehicles, then it is possible, you can maneuver for a longer time, if there is nowhere to go, you can always bite like a dog at a bear, and she bites, jumps away, well, until the bear does not get its paw, of course, but it is not a fact that it will get, so we see a video where it is used, i repeat, a drone, and artillery, and armored vehicles, so it says about the fact that the russian volunteer corps, the siberian battalion, other units, the russian... volunteers were well prepared,
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based on the experience they gained in ukraine, fighting against the russian occupiers, and indeed, such raids, if they are large-scale , regular, then they can become another important component of our actions against the aggressor, there was such a nazi saboteur, he was specially appointed, that he should be called otos kortseni, who, well, he is italian, but who is there with a certain group, almost in belgium himself i didn't take it, of course these are different, different possibilities, but i'm leading to that. if people are sufficiently well trained and have support , understanding and coordination, well, a lot can be done, plus here you can also cause some support in russia itself, or at least lead to some kind of reaction to it, so far the reaction is that with kursk oblast, from bryansk oblast , in fact, russians began to leave in droves, this is also an important effect, because it was warned that there would be strikes on russian military facilities there, please leave of this territory and... well, someone more or less
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intelligent listened and around there , as reported, about 700 trucks or cars left these areas, that is, in fact, well, russian volunteers fight in a civilized manner, they warned, then they act, and well, not far to leave russia, at least for information purposes, let's talk about the oil refineries in the russian federation, how planes crashed in them one after another, now oil refineries are burning in them one after another. and there are also certain other chemical plants, well, which are connected in some way to well production of oil products and or some other elements, today is new in kaluga , well, we will now, as they say, illustrate all this for you to look, and here we have, well, now you will see exactly the top 15 oil refineries in russia, we will show , how important is it and how important do you think it is... you see, well, we haven't got all of them yet,
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of course, i can see some of them all the way there, it's interesting, yes, that is, we see these plants that are located in the impression zone of 1000 km . with our drones, indeed, there are too many large oil refineries in russia there are about 30 factories, there are 80 small ones, but the five largest ones are already there, among them there are those that were hit by ukrainian long-range strike unmanned systems, and this is a reflection of this strategy, which we, the security service of ukraine, talked about there, and the main intelligence agency, what will we be... critical infrastructure objects that affect the economy of the russian federation, its military power, its industrial power, and in fact, this today's plant, which was hit there in kaluziv, in fact, it is already nine that's more or less the case
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a powerful refinery, to which the ukrainian media got an impression, what are the consequences of this now, well, it has significantly shrunk there. oil refining in the russian federation, we say that in general, since the beginning of january this year, when these targeted attacks on russian refineries began, refining has decreased by about 11-12%, bloomberg reported, that is, actually there from 300 or so million tons per this year, these 30 million are not recycled, relatively speaking, the price of gasoline and diesel has increased. in russia, russia stopped restrictions there for six months for export, so one way or another it will affect certain difficulties for the russians with fuel, i think that first of all it will affect civilian users, and then
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i hope it will reach military units, of course this is such an optimistic perspective, but the effectiveness of the use of drones , as we can see, is quite effective if we can now... with such precision, first of all, at such a significant range, we can destroy and quite precisely these oil refineries by hitting the most critical installations on the territory of these or other factories samples of drones that were used there and have already been more or less identified there, it is not a secret there, it is precisely this new drone , the fierce, which is very similar to the bariktar of this one in the ukrainian version with a warhead of 70 kg, and this bobek is known to everyone. only with a range of 800 km, that is, now the main thing, as i said earlier, is to scale up the use of these drones at refineries, and probably at airports where russian military aircraft are stationed, which, after all, cause trouble for our military on the front line, i watched a video
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well, in one of the settlements where the drone arrived, the commentators are sitting, they obviously went to work in the morning and have not yet arrived, well, they were probably improving their health after the evening. and they look, and it flies, well, this drone of ours, how does it have such a long tail, and with this, with such a membrane, well, the bar is like that, and it would fly calmly like that, it says shoot, shoot, well this, something there -tu-tu-tu shoots, says i am shooting far, flies, goes into a bend, and for so long, he turns around for so long, hangs, and no one, and then explode, he says, no hit, so, well, it just shows how much that air defense is there, not that it is not there, well, maybe someone was shooting there, some policeman, it is unknown. the muscovites don’t have such a slingshot to shoot down our drones, but i remember the first story, when a drone strike was first struck at the russian nuclear fuel plant, it seems to be the 20th, the end of the 22nd year, and the emotional
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background is just as emotional when a russian is there there he shoots, explains something, flies, flies, hits, oh, it's probably ukrainians, that is, this effect of the first hit. so now let's leave russia in calm down, but let our drones not leave these russian volunteers alone, and we will talk about the situation in avdiivka, first of all, can we talk about the stabilization of the situation, we understand that this is not easy , first of all simply because people pull it out, well, the technique and we understand what price is paid, but is it successful? after all, to stabilize the situation, at what cost, it is meant, what possibilities, will not be, we do not know about here for sure, let's bet on what gorovyvitch asyrsky, when he is already doubled, as i understand, he was in avdiyivka, then he went to the zaporozhye front, and today
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there was again information about the assessment of actions in the avdiivka direction and that silsky says that, relatively speaking, the enemy has been trying to break through the defenses of our troops there for a long time. in the bands of three brigades, that is , we understand which brigades he is talking about, he is talking about the 47th brigade, which receives berdychi's position there, then the third separate assault brigade, it is an eagle there and that... well , the 59th brigade is exactly there pervomaiskyi will receive there, so this whole area from berdychiv, orlivka, there is tonenko and piromadskyi, it is actually now under such constant pressure from the enemy, but during this time we understand that the enemy's advance in this area is not so significant, despite the fact that the enemy has kept a significant number of reserves there, which after avdiivka, he just threw himself into continuing to... push through our defenses, but this line, although it is not good enough for
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defense, is in fact held due to the fact that, as i understand, there were additional reinforcements and reserves and artillery , and means reb, and in fact, now some algorithm of protection against the overwhelming forces of the enemy, his aviation , has been worked out in a certain way, but i repeat, this area for defense is extremely difficult and inconvenient, although it seems to pass along... certain reservoirs there along the rivers and it seems possible to hold there, but the other lines of defense, which are prepared further there, they are already really already created, i will not say there, because who wants to go deeper, you can find this data through there osinters through space satellites, but in any in this case, i hope that now the ukrainian army will continue to use the strategy of maximizing the impact of the enemy's manpower, and if you give a part there, even for a temporary period, it is very expensive for the enemy, and this is exactly what sisky also noted that,
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relatively speaking, in these areas of the enemy is significantly suffering from losses, and sometimes precisely due to the fact that a significant force of the enemy is concentrated here, in other areas of the front there is a certain stabilization, or can we talk about stabilization around the western part of the western front in particular, according to the avdovka, i think that about it is still premature to speak, because the front there is too active for you to speak. about stabilization, and then you can still get involved there, because the forced evacuation is starting there and they will talk right now, well, the situation is tense, the enemy has gathered forces, but then you have to speak cautiously, because you will say that, as a deputy alone he says that kharkiv will be encircled, 1,000 people left kharkiv, well, there is shelling , of course, but we understand that we lived under shelling before that, and then suddenly people, well, when you say something, evacuation they will seize everything from kupianskyi. a week, well, for example, and people are starting to panic, and there is no need to panic in this situation, you need to leave, saving yourself and especially the children, but
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there is no need to panic, yes, please , well, really, when we talk about kupinskva kremin, then there, relatively speaking , the enemy's strategy has not changed, go to kupinsky zlovo, push ukrainian troops there beyond the oskil river, and below where there are thorns, yampolivka, press our troops so that our troops move to... the west bank or to the right the banks of the zherebets river, this is a long-standing desire of the russians, and in fact the situation on the ground is such that the desire will be supported, the changes on the front line there are minimal, here we are again talking about the sinkivka, already there 101 times we are talking about the yampolivka thorn, where the enemy is trying to press, i hope, that the general staff fully understands these risks, and things are connected with evacuation, then they are rather such a warning. character in order to be able to operate effectively in these areas in conditions where
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the civilian population does not prevent our military from effectively performing their work, i think that this logic of the displacement of the civilian population is absolutely justified, especially those in those directions where the enemy's aircraft and artillery reach there? well, i have two questions, but i was told about recruiting and changes of people at the front, general syrskyi spoke about it, new recruiting - there are certain rules, we will talk more about it next week, because it is important, but this needs to be discussed, you know, so objectively, well, there are certain rules and we will see which will be implemented most importantly, i want to ask about what plans to build four plants , the ryne metal concern in ukraine, that's a lot actually, well actually it's really good news, thank you for asking about it, because red metal is one of the largest powerful european, even international such associations , which has... enterprises in different countries of the world. redmetal manufactures ammunition here, by the way, red metalal this year is supposed
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to produce about 600,000 ammunition by the end of the year, and it will be the largest producer among all european countries, because there, relatively speaking, the united states is trying to produce there up to 100 thousand per month, and so far only 70 are produced, and when we are talking about european producers, the french... produce 80 thousand per year and so on, that is, in fact, red metal is the most powerful manufacturer of ammunition, and the head of this enterprise proclaimed that in ukraine there will be such... expanded production of ammunition, for this it is necessary within the limits of there, he said, within one year, it will be an enterprise that will not need to build new building, says it will be used those objects that are already there now, and these artillery ammunition, according to the head of randmetal, well, they will really be extremely useful and necessary, was it necessary
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to announce such commitments or plans, i think that it is, because ... this potential of the european company , we absolutely need it right now, and i hope that it is precisely the production of ammunition that will be the basis for cooperation with redmetal, although earlier the company also announced the production of tanks in ukraine, armored vehicles and the repair of medium- sized equipment, so repair companies already are working, and now we will talk and wait for a new enterprise with the production of ammunition, thank you very much, serhiy, serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week there will be a lot of positive news from the front line. yes, thank you very much, thank you very much sergey for this conversation, and now we have the plot for your attention. donate
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blood, get tickets to cultural events to encourage citizens to donate in lviv. the filling campaign has started. free gifts will be given to every donor during the month certificates for visits to museums or theaters. katryna oliynyk will tell whether it is possible to become a donor, who can become a donor, how to prepare for donating blood. lviv native mykola shparhal has a rare fourth blood group. the man has been a donor for six years now, and now he donates platelets. there is a need for a donation, they write to me, i have it. i am a member of the chat in vyber, and if necessary, the girls write when i need a doner, then i come, it usually happens the day before, the day before they warn me so that i can follow the diet. during the month blood donors in lviv are given free certificates for performances, concerts, exhibitions or excursions, the initiative
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launched last year by the institute of cultural strategy unites more than 30 city and regional theaters, museums and galleries. this year we also involved institutions located outside of lviv, many of our institutions are located in the drohobytsky district, naguyevichi, tustan stryi district, drohobychyna museum, drohobytska solyvarnya. friends, people, donate blood and come to our theater for absolutely all performances for free, i i'll show you everything, tell you, watch the plays, even have fun with the domler. in this way , the organizers of the campaign encourage people to donate. blood for wounded defenders and civilians who are fighting serious diseases, every donation can save someone's life, there are no unnecessary or such blood types that are too many, that is, we need all blood types, and especially the rare ones that have a smaller population, that is, it is rhesus minus. distribution of blood is very wide,
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less for the region, we primarily serve military hospitals and city hospitals. further we serve: every person aged 18 to 60 who does not have chronic infectious diseases and weighs at least 50 kg can become a donor. before donating blood, it is necessary to undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days. in our center, this happens within 15 minutes, that is , from registration to blood donation and the donor's departure from our center. this is primarily a quick registration. then the laboratory, where blood parameters are monitored, hemoglobin, a doctor's examination and the blood donation itself. after, when you donate blood, you approach our registrars and they will give you tickets for cultural events in our city. the promotion will last until april 14. you can donate blood at the lviv regional blood service center on pekarska street or at the city
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blood bank on mykolaichuka street. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, tv channel. espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. there are 15% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in the psyllanyk, vam and ochadnyk pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on karsil in travel pharmacies, ban and savings. turn on well. it's when everything is as you want, click, and now you're running the game, bird and you're on a tv show, oh, what's needed, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels. thousands of movies and sports. there are 15% discounts on bronholitin fito in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on voltaren forte of 20% in
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psaryznyk, bam, and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on... channels espresso and ukrainian pen present the project own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who
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analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. own names from myroslav. sunday: 17:10 implementation of the national plan 28 territorial communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine joined the women, peace, security, response to the challenges of war project, which was financially supported by the british government. the initiative from last year is implemented thanks to the partnership of six of the strongest women's public organizations with the office of the government commissioner for gender policy. when. we are talking about this policy and the approach of women's security measures, we are talking about different social groups of the population, it is necessary to identify their needs and take them into account
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then the formation and implementation of state policy, only then can state policy be effective, we talk about this at the government level, but the mechanisms and tools are laid in such projects. citizen security issues today. unites east and west, south and north of ukraine like never before. the experience of the project has shown that our state is in dire need of solving common problems, which audits of territory security help to cope with. in all 28 communities, the audits were, i would say, very successful, very effective, and they also helped not only to identify problems that exist in the context of security for women in communities, not only women, by the way, but also men. and all the residents of the communities, but they are very important that they helped the residents of the community to understand these dangers, to see what
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is wrong and how to correct the situation. as part of the project, the valkivska territorial community of kharkiv oblast managed to purchase and install video surveillance cameras on streets with more traffic, which reduces the risk of road accidents. it was thanks to security audits that the community identified. what places in the region carry biggest risks and threats? decided to specify in the project that a safe space on kharkivsya street is the most important thing, because there are even fatal outcomes on this street, and it is very important for the police to understand how and what kind of vehicles move on this street, both drivers and pedestrians understand , when there is video surveillance, traffic rules are followed, quickly. the bones of motor vehicles and the rules for pedestrians as well: they do not run across the road wherever they want, but follow the rules. a
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security audit is the first step to a better life, it is the zhytomyr urban territorial community demonstrates by its own example. as part of the project , cluttered areas near the local park were cleared, which could be a place of attack on women or children. also, the local cultural and sports center was able to start an eco-flot. and lanterns on solar batteries, so that children can do normal activities even during blackouts. we were all engaged in security issues even before becoming a deputy, but now we have received very clear such instructions, information has already been collected, and it seems to me that global grants are still extremely important to monitor, which are related to ecology , which are related to security, because this is the work of more than one generation, but of european countries and... we have a lot to learn, in addition, we also monitored, regarding security measures, all 29 programs, the mission of urban
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target, which are in our community, and in order to find out, in general, what our situation is with the inclusion of security measures in the programs that are funded, to find out what are the gaps, and maybe somewhere they are, well , to work on avoiding them . security issues the lviv region is also actively deciding. in the bibra territorial community , the condition of the territories was improved after security audits. in educational institutions and hospitals. a protective structure was set up for the students of the local support lyceum. in public institutions, inclusive restrooms were installed, ramps were made, and escalators were purchased. in this way, the community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs. we have accessibility to all medical institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the national health service, ensuring inclusiveness. now we have moved on to educational institutions, and this is precisely why we have a passion for the lyceum.
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the staircase was purchased from the local budget. the ukrainian public health foundation started implementing security audits in our country even before the full-scale war, but the russian invasion made its adjustments. a security audit is a tool that, first of all, allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security. that is, actually. community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand, in fact, this road, whether it is lighting, or this one transport interchange, what needs to be done, but within the framework of this project, which is being presented now, there is also a donor, the british embassy, ​​there are other donors who are ready to provide support to ukrainian women's organizations in addition to community funds. the security audit of territories is an important component
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of state policy. because during the period of the russian-ukrainian war, the security issue is in the first place, the active participation of communities in the audit helps prevent violence and guarantees the right to protection for every ukrainian. tetyana golunova, espresso tv channel.
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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta
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lazur, vlasta. france has been considering the possibility of sending its troops to ukraine since last year, writes the french press. what will be the consequences of loud and very ambiguous statements of president emmanuel macron, we will talk today immediately after direct inclusion from odesa, where tomorrow has been declared a day of mourning. the number of victims as a result of the missile attack on odesa increased to 16, and another 55 people were injured in the hospital, the head of the regional military reported administration oleg kiper. the southern defense forces reported that russia fired iskander missiles at the city from the occupied crimea. as a result of the shelling , at least 10 private houses, a service station, a gas pipeline, an ambulance and fire-rescue vehicles were destroyed and damaged. russian troops have now shelled odesa twice. the second time, it happened when, after
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the first impact on the place... there were rescuers and medics, so that just in...


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