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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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suppliers used to pay 0.1% of the undelivered goods, today it is 0.5%. and understanding that we have a lot of problems with the actual war that is going on all over the territory of ukraine, with the situation on the polish border, it is clear that there will be disruptions in terms, so the situation here is quite unclear and critical, because companies can have big problems, this, that is, the understanding that there is a clear understanding of when... there will be a deadline for the performance of the contract, there is also no such deadline, therefore, for example, if a tender is announced on february 1 and they say, and it has a written deadline delivery of products on march 30 is catastrophic, but at the same time, when the company enters the tenter, it does not understand the codes at all, when it will be given a signed agreement, that is , today there are situations when companies sign the agreement only on march 10-15, realizing that they do not have time in terms of terms, on the other hand , to abandon the agreement, these are facts... to put
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the supply of the armed forces under control, that is why the overall picture is so average, that is, there are positive changes, there are some mistakes, well, we believe that this is actually also necessary experience for the agency to work adequately, well that is, as i understood, now the newly created agency has primarily directed its efforts so that there are no hints of corruption there and is ready to sacrifice even certain circumstances to its detriment. if i understand, that is , the terms of the contracts are sufficiently undefined, at the same time, only indicators related to the price of products and fines are determined, if these products are not delivered, that is , a fairly narrow range of interaction, or do we need to add some nuances here and there? well, i would say yes, indeed, that today's first task, which stands before the agency, there is absolutely no even possible theoretical corruption, they have appropriate in... which even control
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communication with suppliers, it is very adequate, very reasonable, on the other hand, they have other kpis there - this is a price reduction, as far as i am concerned i understand, supplies to the armed forces of ukraine and delivery terms are already the third kpi, and in fact , it is already sometimes a doubt, a problem, because delivery terms, planning, long-term tenders, so far we do not see such, corruption, let's say so, the union. with all the market there is no possibility at all no, this is a long way forward, a long way forward, but when we talk about the conditions of purchase there, well , of body armor or clothing, can the conditions of purchase be prescribed in such a way that , relatively speaking, the winner will be a prospectively determined company that has one better parameter there compared to others, this parameter is taken as a basis.
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potential signing of the contract. well, for example, it was only a one-time situation that can be evaluated in this way, it was the purchase of active headphones at the end of that year, yes? when was introduced non-price criterion. in order to give the company an opportunity, headphones manufactured by 3m have a better chance than headphones by sardin. the situation was. it is very controversial, very subjective, because on the other hand, some characteristics, the headphones were better, on the other hand, was this small improvement worth the 20 million that the state overpaid, today such tenders are not held, the situation is being analyzed, today the only criterion can be, it is only one hundred percent compliance with technical conditions and the price. on products, that's why the situation is
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this year, we only have the same as it was before, and regarding the price of products and profit for companies, or relatively speaking, these conditions and the fixed profit allow enterprises, in particular, which are part of the defense cluster, to develop, to create new models there, to purchase the balance , you said that the balance is being purchased, the question arises, where do the funds for these large-scale expansions come from, well, let's... first of all, the situation with the procedures has changed significantly since the 22nd year, yes, that is, we remember the situation , which was for what was it is forbidden for defense sector companies to make a profit, there is a specific law of the verkhovna rada that completely changed this situation, brought it into the regulatory field, but it only concerned direct contracts, if we are talking about tender procurement, there is no regulation regarding the amount of profit, that is, there is none. companies really
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work, in some cases it can work even to zero, if there is a situation where it is necessary to load the company, in some cases the company receives a profit, if we talk about expansion, then first of all today... defense segment is very attractive for the domestic investor, yes, because today many private investors, who previously invested in construction, in the processing of food products, today willingly want to invest in the defense sector, because today it has the greatest development, it is the largest market in ukraine and it is quite attractive for private investments, today we also created an investment fund within the framework of the cluster, namely a real investment fund for the possibility of attracting private investments on the one hand, on the other on the one hand, it is already helping ukrainian defense startups to get the necessary funding for further development, it is a bridge between the desire of investors to invest and defense
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startups to receive, because without the development of the defense segment of the private defense industry, we will never be able to provide our army with everything it needs. mr. maksym, you ... said at the beginning that , relatively speaking, there are enterprises there that already manufacture unmanned systems, as i understood as part of the cluster, and the manufacture of ceramic plates for body armor, that's right the most new direction in the format of defense-industrial of your defense-industrial cluster, are there any details related to these directions, what is it about, what are the volumes, or just where are we going with these two components? well, if we talk about drones, this is the rarocar company. space is an unmanned aircraft complex ra7, which will be adopted by the ministry of defense, it is the latest generation shock semi-tanks with the necessary initiation boards, with translators completely that meet today's needs, industrial capabilities
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enterprise, today we estimate up to 100,000 units per year, this is for drones, there is still work going on there today on its own ammunition, it will be unified just for this type of drones, for the production of armor plates, this was actually a very controversial situation for us for many years, so that such factories need constant loading for 10 years at a volume of approximately 100,000 slabs per year, that is, we understood that there would not be such a surge in ukraine, so it was as if we hesitated for a very long time, but here it is... months ago the decision was made because we understand that the ukrainian army cannot still depend on supplies from abroad, therefore we must today as much as possible localize the production of anything we use, even if we say that it is a form of
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body armor equipment , this is, first of all, starting with the manufacture of the fabrics themselves, so as not to transport them from china or turkey, and ending there with armor elements, then possibly with ballistic materials, it all needs to be localized, so it is precisely by drones - these are video control communication modules, today the issue of all localization of all components is considered, because we understand the potential problems with china against the background of the fact that america already prohibits the use of drones on its territory, and we understand all the possible risks, therefore the issue of localization on the territory of ukraine, most of what is used today the armed forces are components for... for the further equipping of weapons - this is an urgent need, it must be done every day today. mr. maxim, after all, on ceramic plates, as it seems, we have well, there are not many companies that currently make ceramics for armor protection, that is, your company has really decided to deploy this
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high-tech, expensive production, despite the fact that ceramic body armor costs more there and it is not a fact that the ministry of defense will purchase them. in comparison with the standard there armored janelets with steel plates, well, if we talk about ceramic armor in general, today ukraine has the highest requirements for ceramic armor in the world, it happened in such a very strange way that we took the american standards regarding the durability of the plates, there is a drop from two meters, there is an impact with bullets, well, at the same time, they forgot and recorded the indicators for armor damage. which were in the ukrainian standard, it is 25 mm, so today we really have the highest requirements for armor plates in the world, the ministry of defense after the situation with the fact that they received samples of the 545 project of the russian corner, which has very high test
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properties, is today switching to ceramic as much as possible armor, if we talk about the production of ceramic armor there by artisans means, this is actually one situation, it... cannot give a permanent result, if we talk about industrial production, then there is only one vacuum installation for pressing armor plates, it is 600 thousand euros. investments, it requires a lot of equipment, but the understanding is that if we say that we have a million-strong army, it must be equipped with body armor, then such enterprises must be built, they must be today, if we talk about serial production, that is, before that at the moment there is only one company in ukraine, that is artem 3000, which i don’t know at what technological level , there was no possibility to produce ceramic armor plates, everything else was tried... to do it was more of some constant development, and it is simply imported
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from china of very low quality, if we take into account the needs of the ukrainian army, then there is no other way out. we need two, three, or four plants for the production of armor plates in order to provide the ukrainian army for the future ten years, well then i will mark the moment for myself, that is, despite the fact that body armor with ceramic plates will be more expensive, the ministry of defense, understanding the requirements of the battlefield... is really ready to raise the purchase price bar and focus on the fact that body armor should be made of ceramics, and this will be the most optimal solution, so it turns out, right? they have already made such decisions, the purchases that went with the letter under the chest that year were carried out only for ceramic armor, at the same time it will increase by at least 10-15 thousand, because of the high requirements for ceramic armor, they ordered. today only ceramic supplies, with the fulfillment of orders , but armor, they had huge problems with the timing
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, they only buy ceramic armor, from metal armor, the ministry of defense and other units of the defense forces of ukraine have already refused today, well, this is news for me and it is actually good news, but is this in the background , foreign suppliers of their bulletproof vests did not become more active, what is the situation with competition between our products and foreign ones, is it now somehow leaning in the direction of... our manufacturers, well, if we talk about the situation, there is also a very difficult situation, because the dot publicly announces that he needs to buy products as cheaply as possible, that is, he can buy it in ukraine or buy it abroad without any difference, and in order to make it as simple as possible for foreign manufacturers to enter, the terms of the agreement were added to it, which can now go to auctions to enter not only directly the manufacturer company, its conditional representative, that is, either a branch or a branch, today
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this is already allowed, we see today the interest of foreign manufacturers in the supply, this, well , on the other hand, on the one hand, it encourages competition, yes, and improve the provision of the armed forces of ukraine, on the other hand, there are really such strategic problems that we can develop a foreign supplier instead of a domestic supplier, there are two two... problems that need to be paid attention to , firstly, it is for tax benefits, if the company is there today, provided it is from france, bulgaria, the forces of ukraine, it will supply them completely without vat for 100% and without duties. if a ukrainian company will produce body armor on the territory of ukraine, it will import material, only material for armor, it will be soft ballistic packages and composite elements of ceramic. without vat, but for everything else we will pay internal vat, that is
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, our domestic price will be a few percent higher, this is one hundred percent, yes, we will lose here compared to a foreign supplier, and foreign suppliers, most of them built their enterprise of this level with state subsidies , grants, they do not have the burden today on loans and investment obligations, what is in our suppliers, so for internal the situation of the supplier is quite unpleasant , quite critical , well, it is impossible to do something here, because if we say the same for localization, we can protect ourselves from turkey or china, protect ourselves from european manufacturers, we cannot at all, so ukrainian companies we need to find some other mechanisms in order to survive and develop, we need to wait for state subsidies, guarantees, benefits, preferential loans, we understand that today is a war, that is, we need to do something on our own. to find something and find it on the way, like us can compete more effectively with companies that have more advantages than us,
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well, you see such ways, relatively speaking, you have a feeling that you can fight there with the germans, the french in our market, even though potentially their the possibilities are bigger and wider there, you know, that is, we have no other option, yes, that is, we have no option not to fight, just as our army has no option not to fight there, that is, we... must ensure the development of ukrainian today orom, i.e. supply products, that is, we simply have no other way out, we need to find mechanisms, we need to attract private investments. it is necessary to understand how we, we can reduce the cost of the final, what we can automate, that is , there is an advantage of the cost of labor in principle, it is cheaper here today than abroad, we need to look for internal advantages to win at the expense of this. mr. maxim, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work you do for our armed forces, you can
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count on our informational support, to fight with foreign suppliers and your competitors. i would like to remind our viewers that it was maksym plekhov, the chairman of the board of the defense sector enterprise lviv defense cluster, which, as we can see, is now developing into a number of technological components, in particular the appearance of an enterprise that will prepare ceramic armor for bulletproof vests, this is actually, well, quite top news , and the main thing is that it really becomes the basis for such re-equipment of personal protective equipment, which is used today by our military on the battlefield, next, we will talk about computer products , which the military itself characterizes as follows: we are being strangled by the enemy, your radio stations are working, that is, there really are domestic tactical level radio stations that can provide reliable communication between soldiers on the battlefield in conditions where the enemy makes the most of means of radio-electronic warfare, and this project a month ago gathered such venture
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support in the amount of 500 thousand do... from ukrainian and foreign investors who are ready for this company to develop and receive new capacities to create more more modern means of communication, about all the details related to this chimera company after the advertising information block.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast , two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and
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sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many people, they have become similar. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. we continue our "war and weapons" program, and we will continue to talk about the products of the chimera company. last year, this company was recognized by the ministry of statistics as the number one military startup in ukraine, and this year it, this company, received such significant financial support from both ukrainian and... them venture investors that, i repeat, such an unexpected situation is enough for the ukrainian defense market. and in fact this company, well, in my opinion, creates sufficiently technological products, i am glad that both the espresso channel and defense express contacted with the representatives of the company and talked about this product even before this company gained
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such, well, all-ukrainian recognition, and now oleksiy oliynyk is joining us. representative of the hemera company, mr. oleksiy, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear. now we are looking for a shooting point so that we can talk calmly and comfortably, this is exactly how it happens in combat conditions, when communication is the main thing, and the rest is actually tangential and derivative. mr. oleksiy, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see you. and hear, would like to you told our viewers a little about the advantages of the chimera radio station, because of course the military knows, the experts there know, but still it has been more than two years that the product has been on the market, it has definitely transformed, so what benefits, how are chimera radios currently being used by our military at what
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levels, what are the results, what are the reviews? well, two years, probably not yet passed, somewhere around two years, it will soon be two years that we have been working, we started with a small radio station of the unit, but so small soldier's radio stations. which were created specifically for reconnaissance groups, for sniper groups, for special operations forces. these radio stations turned out to be quite, quite convenient and very convenient for people, they began to be used in many types of troops. the main ones from the opportunities they provide are very difficult to suppress, they are very difficult to detect by the enemy's radio intelligence, and they are very, very, quite budget-friendly and close to the user, that is, them. can be easily programmed, they can be easily worked with by any civilian, for you don't need to be a specialist, well, if you're a military person who can study for a long time, this is such a very, very
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smart gadget, which got er, which got maybe, well, if you had all the possibilities of military communication, radio stations jump on frequencies, radio stations it is difficult to suppress, they have a fully encrypted communication and it is very difficult for the enemy to act on it , but in these almost two years the product has changed, as i understand it, they started there from the tactical level, and in our previous conversation you hinted to me , that the military is not really in fully use the potential of these radio stations, which are laid there, although in fact you have made them as much as possible, so that they are convenient and do not require special technical knowledge from our military, what do they need to know then? what are the additional advantages of these communication systems of yours? now we are moving towards the network as much as possible, now we
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are moving towards the creation of a proper secure network, which is meant, it is - well, conventionally, now there is a network-centric war, as they say, uh, like, for example, now the mortar calculation is working there, he is advancing to the position, he needs to get it. any information, eh , what is happening, i know when the mortar calculation involves starling, it is wrong, it is completely, if it is - starlink allows you to watch youtube quality there, it is not needed exactly where it is needed, here is one of of our now crazy ideas, we give access to the internet to mobile groups through our radio stations, that is, in order to work out the combat task of er... hineru, tablet, advance to the position , see everything they need, including the weather forecast there, what they get,
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work out their combat mission in 2 seconds to gather and go back, and all this is a secure communication, and for this no need a sperlik, now if one of the crazy ideas, we give the mobile section access to the internet through our radio stations, in fact, it is not so much the internet as access to... the right network of the unit, and through this network they have access to the awareness system on the battlefield, control systems battlefield, they can carry out all their tasks very quickly, coolly, without making a single voice call, they see everything on the tablet screen, during an assault the commander can move forward, he sees where his objects are located somewhere in some district buildings, because now it happens like this, there guys... what do you see, we see a couple of trees there, between these couple of trees you have an enemy, this should not happen, the commander should see where his fighters are, and he should just have a clear command, there 20 m to the left, 5 m to the right,
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move forward, do something, minimal voice traffic, maximal exchange of information, we are now fully moving exactly and all the forces of the team are now going exactly in this direction, that is, in fact, you are getting closer to the shelter, or already closer to creating a tactical battlefield management system. yes , where your radio stations are the basis, and you can add, let’s say, other equipment there, alyatam kombat or nettle, i.e. whether or not even nettle and kombat are needed, all this can be done on the basis of your radio stations, no, no , no, nettle kambat they are definitely needed, this is the same software, but the correct transport level must be protected under this software, so we give this transport for the information of the same nettle and the same kombat, but kombat already works with nettle. now working on the integration, but in reality it all rests on the correct protected e-e communication line, well, not the line more precisely, the communication system. well, we are moving precisely in the sample system,
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we will not go into the management software itself, of course, we do not need this, they are engaged in this, and those people who develop these systems for a very long time, we cannot enough, but we are now making the communication system correct, normal, good and even improved, as much as we can, it is not as much as a radio station, a radio station is only a small part of this communication system, the main thing is still the exchange of information, good, correct , fast, secure exchange of information, so you're providing just the right kind of secure communication channel that will allow groups to operate securely, because... they'll be invisible when they're operating, and that's actually, well, going to expand the range of use of these groups, so what is yours the radio station is much cheaper than harris, because, as i understand it, only the harris radio station, which costs tens of thousands for one product, provides such opportunities, so everything is correct, or starling, well, starling is not exactly a military story, now we are we are working to ensure that there are no starlicks on the battlefield for the last 2-3 km, only
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correct protected systems. will it be ours or will it be someone else's please ours now have the best chance in terms of it being mass produced and well protected if someone else will be able to do the same, we agree to integrate there with anyone, well, except, except for maskarit, and i will take a step back, because i had questions before the broadcast, standard, how much do radio stations cost, where can you buy them, when will we do order. when we receive them, what would you say to that? now the current version of the first, well , the first generation of radio stations, it is now mass-produced, you can get them, well , you can order it from us, of course, without any questions, we also give the contacts of some funds that are with us constantly cooperate, who collect money on a permanent basis and provide the fighters with the first stations, they all actually know and see them.
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and now the next version is coming to us, this version is already new zh1pro, it has a lot of possibilities, it is already as close as possible to haris, up to the point that it will be distributed over the internet at the base point, and that’s all that is needed, it if everything is being developed in the regime, now we are already accepting pre-orders for them, ordinary stations are released there in a row in one or two days, and new stations will be released on time in two months, what is the status of these radio stations. these are in a relationship with our communications department, they are certified there , i don't know, they are codified there, what is this process now, well, the entry of these radio stations into the armed forces, because we have turkish radio stations, american radio stations, everything seems to have passed the test there, as with yours initiatives, this is a very interesting question, from the point of view of the state, they do not exist now, the first radio stations do not exist at all, probably so.
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we are now reconnecting with oleksiy olynnikom, this is one of the active participants of the chimera project, this is the creation of protected tactical radio stations, which are used primarily by snipers, special operations forces, fighters on the front line, now we resume our conversation, mr. oleksiy, continue your opinion there, the second type of radio station is submitted these documents have been submitted, and we are now looking at them... these are to obtain a permit for operation and further advance in the deployment of border radio stations. and these radio stations, as if they correspond to many correct ones already there official standards, i will not reveal the details now, but all these tests that are currently being passed satisfy me. well, that is, in fact, some positive dynamics really took place in the relations with the military, and when the product has good technical parameters
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, the military, after all, begins to contribute to it... so that it reaches combat orders as soon as possible, i hope that this is so, yes, yes, yes, uh, the most help we have right now is from the military, well, the biggest one there, let's say, not a turning point, it's everything that is connected with state bodies, well it's traditionally, but what about the situation with the production itself, are there any opportunities, because i remember in the first interviews you said that we are ready to outsource there, there is the soldering of the radio station, there are some other works. in order to increase the number of manufactured radio stations, what, what, is there already basically there, well, more opportunity to manufacture more such radio stations? that's right, it happened, we outsourced it as much as possible , we have several contractors who work for the vision of our radio stations, we made decentralized production, we there's no problem with that, and actually it was designed, well, from the point of view of such protection that they don't...


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