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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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the combination of these facts and factors, well, obviously can make the world look at these elections and the future of putin in a completely different way, although i do not rule out that there will be no next elections for putin, he will simply take and hold a coronation, say that he is the king of the russian empire or the russian federation, and that's it, everything will end there, if only he sees that he has some... competitors, although we see how these competitors, well, by the way, navalny should also be mentioned in this context , no matter what, but at least the murder of navalny also during the election campaign, well, that is, he relapses and he looks like a st. petersburg recidivist who got into power, who is now trying to prolong this power and seized this power and does not give opportunities to other political forces.
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political forces to move forward, here it is still important to understand that for putin, this is also a procedure, so to speak, not only to confirm his own legitimacy, but also to test the loyalty of his population and especially his own, so to speak, the nation's official body , official vertical, they have to prove, that they are in control of the situation, to do something like that, you know, as they said in the old movie... to putin, that we confirm, we are loyal to you , comrade putin, but this moment is also important for him, not only personally, but these have already begun early voting, early voting, and already in moscow, in st. petersburg, in rostov, there in various autonomous districts there are already arson at polling stations, coloring substances. they pour in zelenka and
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others, well, they protest with whatever they can, let's see, we have a small video, let's see how it all happens, here you are you see that people are trying in some way to protest about these elections, pouring zelenka, that is, this is only the beginning of the protests, of course it looks like everything. very unconvincing and funny, considering what the russians could do, and on the other hand, i don't know, kateryna, what, what, what else they could do, they will still be there on election day at 12 o'clock to protest there and mention navalny, what can those russians who do not agree with putin's policy with the fact that he is re-elected for a second presidential term, that's realistic, what
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in your opinion, they could do it and what would it look like? maybe they've already done everything they can, i mean just the day of navalny's funeral, and then indeed there were several tens of thousands of people out on the streets with flowers, and that was, maybe that's the maximum, you say protests, we see this footage, well ukrainians probably don't associate it with such protests, a single protest yes, but a mass one is something that has an effect on what... we are used to it, of course not, well, surely we shouldn't expect anything extraordinary like that, we we also see official russian sociology there, including those sociologists like the levada center, who can supposedly be trusted and can be guided plus or minus, and is there any zero support for putin, but no, he has always had a high rating, and it is probably important for putin himself to do everything within the framework of, well , if... according to the law, to confirm this not just
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visually, that this is where the crowds will vote, but what is really important for him to understand , that this support is there, or isn't it, the majority trusts, the majority trusts him re-elects again and again, this one, well, you say he will declare himself a monarch there, and maybe it is not necessary, and maybe it is not necessary, because he will be voted for again in 4-5 years there, and he has this support yes, he feels it, and his such legitimacy to these certain actions and. also has, he is quite confident, and when we saw him not confident, in this, again , in the pre-election, in my opinion, absolutely interview that we saw this week, because there was a lot of talk specifically about the internal russian some beautiful things , such fantastic, when you listen to it and understand that it is about russia, well, it sounds unrealistic, but nevertheless it is not designed for the domestic audience and it probably has such an impact, such a parallel reality in which they live, and it will surely suit them. so i don't think we
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'll see any super-global protests. oleksiy, what, what we saw and the pouring of zelenka there, and these urns and some solitary pickets, protests, is very reminiscent of what once happened in the soviet union, solitary individuals who went out there and against something there protested, don't you think there is no such concentrated protest movement in russia, at least in some part of russia, that would come out and say that... putin is gone, unfortunately, no, and, it concerns especially, it is a pity that this also applies to the so-called national formations, which actually could, they have a motive of at least self-preservation, which in fact, now russia
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is destroying these peoples, but we do not see a great potential, well, there was a little progress in bashkiria, in bashkartastan, something is happening in ingushetia or in dagestan. there were some protests, but they are not massive, unfortunately , now, but then again, well, in such regimes as the russian one, in fact, they fail at all, not at the elections, well, ceausescu did not lose any elections, he won with a huge great result , but it did not help him, and actually, even we can remember that the last election... and yanukovych won, so to speak, he was removed from power in a completely different, different way, so it seems to me that it is simply obvious that not the fate of this regime will be decided not at the elections, especially not at the simulation of the elections, although
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of course, you should welcome any attempts by people who can somehow fix their position, express a protest, even individually, you know and... i remember the times when we also went out alone, but again, drop by drop drop by drop, it leads to something, to something, and the main thing, actually, is that people themselves feel their responsibility for what they do, and it seems to me that this is important, because sooner or later this regime will turn around, the question will be what will it continue with russia or instead of russia? by the way, i will add very briefly, from this again interview. there is dmitry kiselyov, he tells putin that the nazi regimes, they do not dissolve by themselves, they disappear in the case of military, precisely military defeat, he said so, and military defeat, they did not say this about themselves, but it is clear, because there absolutely everything, but
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they understand this very logic, and they can call the nazi state over there and the ukrainian fascist regime, any other, but still the same logic and the very meaning and rules. games they understand, and it is very important that they do voiced, i think. thank you, dear tv viewers, i remind you that oleksiy mustafin and kateryna nekrecha are on the air today. kateryna nekrecha, radio liberty journalist. oleksiy mustafin, journalist, media manager, historian. during this broadcast , we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine. so if you watch us on youtube please vote yes or no or. write your comment under this video, if you are watching us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free,
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vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and to the ukrainians realities to ukrainian politics, this week. the verkhovna rada convened for its meeting very briefly, after which ukrainian people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak announced that the verkhovna rada was approaching a parliamentary crisis due to the inability of monopolies to make important decisions. let's listen to what yaroslav zheleznyak said. so far, it is impossible to say that this is a direct crisis, but it is obvious that the parliament began to fail very often, it is obvious that i have. the majority has a huge problem with votes, it is obvious that without the support of the partners, as they are called , in the people we call them opzh, they will not be able to pass any law, it is obvious that, and
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last time the meeting was canceled not because some report was needed for the senate to do, this is some stupid thing, which, frankly speaking , it is not clear why they came up with it, or someone i went to inspect something there, no. that there were no votes, but yaroslav zheleznyak believes that we are on the verge of a parliamentary crisis, katerina, what do you think about a parliamentary crisis. this means the end of the monomajority, accordingly , and the reformatting of all central authorities, including the government, because this same majority, it is formed by the servants of the people, and in the 19th year they do not need anyone at all, because they created their own government, the second prem yer, already shmyhal, four years in office, a record, i think, yulia was prime minister twice tymoshenko, the general term is something like this and... the question is, what should they
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do? does this mean that they have to share power, and is the concept of a parliamentary crisis or the use of this concept inappropriate during a war? it is important to note that yaroslav, as an opposition deputy, and solomiya bobrovska also spoke about it on my broadcast, and we asked mr. vanislavsky fedor about it on the broadcast, that there is no such definition now, that there is already a parliamentary crisis. on the threshold, yes, solomiya also spoke about it, and it is important to understand this in our country what are the options, we cannot hold elections in ukraine now, the verkhovna rada is a legitimate body elected by the people, and we have a parliamentary-presidential republic according to the constitution, and the situation is extremely difficult, and the question is whether the body, or those people who led to this, however... what yaroslav zheleznyak says, there are other deputies, some of my sources, those who are publicly pro-government deputies
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from the mono majority, they do not talk about it on the air and are very careful in general his statements, it is clear, but really, about that everyone in ukraine understands that there are a lot of decisions, and yaroslav generally says that even the agenda of the verkhovna rada, it is formed precisely in the president's office and is passed down by the deputy, under such conditions, especially during the last year, the deputies of monobil'. they felt someone, well, their uselessness , someone was simply fed up that their interests were not taken into account, some interests that, in principle , should not be taken into account, but nevertheless people there are used to it, someone simply feels that they are not being heard and that they don't listen to deputies who can rationally do something to propose, but they are completely ignored, and the situation is such that it certainly cannot be called a riot there, but the fact that there is a certain resistance or... reluctance to work there is also there, what could be the reasons for this,
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mr. zheleznyak he wrote a column about it there, he made such an analysis and named these reasons, and well, for example, my sources there told me that if the deputies do not take the initiative and do nothing, then they said what to do, and on the other hand , mr. yaroslav writes that the initiative is generally behind her the head is pounding so much that it is better to do nothing. and most importantly , will they hear this, will they feel this moment, that a parliamentary crisis is possible right in the president's office, and will they somehow react to it and will they start to interact in a different way, that's what we have to look at now, because there is no other option for the verkhovna rada , absolutely, there is no alternative as long as we have martial law and elections cannot be held, well , elections cannot be held, and the verkhovna rada remains in power, it is just a matter of... reformatting the majority and what will be in the verkhovna rada. oleksiy, we have witnessed more than one parliamentary crisis in
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ukraine, so can what yaroslav zheleznyak is talking about be considered, well, a prologue to the parliamentary crisis, and is it similar to the crises we witnessed before, well if we talk about formal things, then i want to remind you that the current verkhovna rada was elected in elections that were... announced after , well, that is, on the basis that there was no majority in the previous parliament, so, obviously, there will always be a reason to say that if there is no majority, then this crisis, on the other hand, well, the deputies can mention that they, in principle, we do not have an imperative mandate, they represent the voters and can unite as they want, actually, we remember the situation... times revolution, when the parliament still found the strength and even when
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president yanukovych fled, to gather and take responsibility, the question is whether these deputies will want to take responsibility, but again, they were elected precisely so that they would take , even according to our constitution on behalf of the people of ukraine does not act as the president of the verkhovna rada. on the other hand, we remember. when you know, we often cite the example of cherchel, well, of course, each with its own subtext, but let me remind you that cherchel came to power not at all as a result. elections and, as a result of purely internal mechanisms in the parliament itself, and he had a working majority, so to speak , well, that is, it was non-party, for most of the second world war, and when the war was almost over, he lost the elections in general, so the question is , what if deputies
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feel responsible, they have and feel that there is a crisis, they have to give up. some way out on their own, and actually this is what they should wish for, because simply avoiding responsibility by simply running away, well, it won't work, if someone tries to do that, there will be very serious consequences for the country and for these deputies themselves, very interesting and very quickly, that a few weeks ago there was a meeting of the servants of the people faction with the president, and as if there should be voiced concerns and even... the fact, the moment that annoys all deputies, that they are not released, for example, for the border, that they are simply interrupted by some international trips and so on, and this opportunity to ask these critical questions, judging by everything, as they tell what happened there, it was not there at all, that is, even officially those deputies from the servant who told , reported on this meeting, they did not say anything about these critical moments, which also
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says a lot, well, but, but it is not only about the servants of the people, but also about the whole parliament in general, since they... make decisions collegial, that is, everyone votes, this is the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and not only servants of the people, well here the question is whether zelensky is ready to share, well , power, i don’t know if it is appropriate to talk about sharing power during the war, but well , it turns out that if we are talking about reformatting the majority, then we are talking about reformatting the government, if we are talking about reformatting the government and it is about quotas of some fields. of their strength, is he ready to tolerate representatives of the homeland, european solidarity, voice, the question is, do you know, opzzh, they are ready to tolerate, they can tolerate everyone else, well opzzh, they simply tolerate not only in the verkhovna rada, oleksia, but also in all local bodies,
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the local council, there are more than 400 deputies, i looked at the statistics, in 2020 they were elected. to all levels of authorities, and this is also a very open question, by the way, so open, why are these people in power at all, i mean, they were repainted in local authorities, the party is banned, but there are deputies, that is also a question , you, by the way, as a person who has a good understanding of the construction of the functioning of the party, what would you say, the party members sit in the verkhovna rada of the opzh, the party members sit in local authorities, here... they pass laws, there they divide local budgets and allocate land plots, here is the question, why is this happening, and because no other decision has been adopted , well , you can't say, go for a walk, or i don't know, look for another job there, unless
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some decision has been made, some decision regarding the termination of the powers of these deputies was adopted, no, it was not adopted. they should work accordingly, i'm talking about something else, about the fact that, if decisions are not made regarding the opzh, then what are the problems with the perception of deputies from other factions, why are they, no, we cannot unite with them in any way, because they represent other political forces, well, well, that that is, i do not understand this logic, thank you, literally 30 seconds, kateryna, how do you think this crisis or the prologue to the crisis will end, from a journalistic point of view it is interesting to observe these processes, but i think that for the citizens of ukraine, in general for country as a whole, it would be good if it ended with that the deputies will feel their authority and their place here, and finally the verkhovna rada will work, probably the way it should be. thank you, kateryna nekreich and oleksii mustafin were
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guests of our program today. i thank my colleagues for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted surveys, asked you about... such as, will the west dare to send its troops to ukraine? 44% - yes, 56% no, these are the results of a television poll. friends, let's put an end to our program, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, i wish you have a nice weekend, goodbye, take care of yourself and your loved ones. there are 25% discounts on lactacyt in the psaryznyk bam and oskad pharmacies, there are 10% discounts on paraphaz at the psyasnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on pectolovan ivy 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football. stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs. of the polish sejm by pawel koval, the polish government's commissioner for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important thing happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with au sisters. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between
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ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. attack drones to kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. country. should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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greetings, we want to share a very important thing with you and at the same time positive news, the magnolia children's search service managed to establish
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the likely location of six-year-old mysh melnyk. what's more, we tracked down the boy's mother, who confirmed that he was fortunately all right. this is an incredible search story, in which we were greatly helped by caring people. in particular, to our hotline... 16:30 we received many reports about the mouse from witnesses, and in this search we applied the latest techniques of osind-analytics, this is a search for information in open sources, and this is ultimately helped to obtain extremely important data about the missing boy. so, i want to tell you how this difficult process of finding six-year-old mysh melnyk took place step by step. we received a notification about the disappearance of the mouse at the beginning of 2022. data. there was no information about him and the circumstances of his disappearance, which greatly complicated the search. we only knew that before the start of the full-scale invasion , the boy lived in the village of grechyshkino, luhansk
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region. we immediately spread information about the resident on all available media resources, made many video programs about the search boy, told you about his history and asked you to tell us everything you know about him or his possible whereabouts. however , more than a year about myshkan. there was no information and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left, the chatbot of the child search service wrote in a telegram a witness who said that he saw our video about the search for the boy and knows where he is. so what message did we get? mishko is in kindergarten, in the village of grechyshkino, his grandmother brings him there, we have photos. we specified in witness details and he confirmed that myshko melnyk is allegedly present. in the occupied village of grechyshkino and goes to kindergarten, we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino, it is located right next to the school, it is the only one there on...
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it is called teremok. and this is a photo that we had for two years of searching. if we compare with the ones sent to us by the witness, the boy is indeed very similar in both photos. also in the search, as i said, we were helped by specialists from the osinflow community, who search for information in open sources. they managed to find sides. classmates of mysh melnyk's alleged mother in the russian social network. here she is, and here she is with little mouse. and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, the last photo of mishka, his mother posted on her page in february 2023. so, judging by the witness's message, the photos and videos he provided, as well as the social media of the boy's mother, everything pointed to the fact that, fortunately,
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the miller mouse. it's all right, he is probably in the village of grechyshkine, luhansk region under occupation. of course, we wrote to my mother mishka is on a social network, but unfortunately she has not responded for a long time. and imagine how happy we were when, after a few months, we did receive an answer from her. she wrote a short but very important message that her son was fine. yes, my son is fine. we are currently waiting for myshkamelna from my mother. photo or video confirmation that the boy is really with her, but already now i can say with a high probability that everything is fine with the child, the mouse is with his mother, and that, of course, is the most important thing. mysh melnyk's search history once again proves that it is possible to find a child even in the most difficult situations, the information provided by you, even the smallest details, really help a lot and sometimes become decisive
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in the search. so by chance... thank you everyone for your help and concern. i also ask you to go to the website of the children's tracing service and look into the faces of these boys and girls who are still missing. if you recognize someone, immediately call us on the hotline number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. about the state of affairs in the state is the name of the traditional speech with which the us president addresses congress every year, but for the third year in a row, joseph biden begins it with the war that russia has unleashed against ukraine.
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this year, the american leader. compared putin to hitler, and himself to president roosevelt, who more than 80 years ago managed to convince congressmen not to stand aside from the second world war and help the anti-hitler coalition, so biden once again called on congress to immediately approve a package of aid to ukraine in more than 60 billion dollars. if anyone in this hall thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, then for... you, he won't. but ukraine can stop putin if we give it the weapons it needs to defend itself. my message to president putin, whom i have known for a long time, is simple: we will not back down, we will not bend. i will not bend. the speech was heard by members of both houses of the congress, in particular.
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house speaker mike johnson. when the us president talked about the danger of putin's russia to the western world, johnson nodded his head and even applauded. but, as the american press notes, he did it uncertainly and hesitantly. it is johnson who is currently blocking the adoption of the aid package for ukraine. few people doubt that if the project is brought to the floor for a vote, it will gain the required number of votes. but the speaker. he does not do this, he, a long-time admirer of donald trump, was elected to office with his support and listens to him on all issues. trump's position is known, he complains that the us spends too much money on aid to other countries, and promises to end the war in ukraine within 24 hours after victory in the elections. at the same time, he will refrain from criticizing putin, whom he often calls
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a smart guy. of $150 billion


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