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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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more, it is one hundred percent, yes, than with a foreign supplier, we will lose here, and foreign suppliers, most of them built their enterprises of this level with state subsidies, grants, they do not have the load today on loans and investment obligations of what is in our suppliers, therefore, for the domestic supplier, this situation is quite unpleasant, quite critical, well , it is impossible to do something here, because if we say the same for localization... we can protect ourselves from turkey or china, protect ourselves from european manufacturers, we can’t at all, that’s why ukrainian companies need to find some other mechanisms in order to survive and develop, there to expect state subsidies, guarantees, benefits, preferential loans, we understand that today is a war, that is, something needs to be done , to find something on our own and find a way how we can compete more effectively with companies that have more advantages than us. potentially their
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opportunities there are bigger and wider, you know, that is, we have no other way out, yes, that is, we have no option not to fight, just as our army has no option not to fight there, that is, we must ensure the development of the ukrainian defense industry today, that is, the supply of products, that is, we simply have no other option, that is. we need to look for mechanisms , we need to attract private investments , we need to understand how we can make the final product cheaper, what we can automate, that is , there is a slight advantage in principle in the labor force, it is cheaper here today than abroad, we need to look for internal advantages at the expense of this to win. mr. maxim, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work you do for our armed forces, you can count on our informational support.
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to fight with foreign suppliers and your competitors, i will remind our viewers that it was maksym plekhov, the chairman of the board of the defense sector enterprise, the lviv defense cluster, which is now, as we can see, developing into a number of technological components, in particular the appearance of an enterprise that will manufacture ceramic armor for bulletproof vests, this is actually quite top news, and the main thing is that it really becomes the basis for such a re-equipment of personal protective equipment that you use today. soldiers on the battlefield, then we will talk about a company whose products are characterized by the military themselves as follows: we are being strangled by the enemy, your radio stations are working, that is, there really are domestic tactical level radio stations that can provide reliable communication between soldiers on the battlefield in in conditions where the enemy makes maximum use of radio-electronic warfare, and this project a month ago... collected such a venture
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support in the range of $500,000 from ukrainian and foreign investors who are ready for this company to develop and acquire new capacities to create even more modern means of communication. about all the details related to this khumira company after the advertising and information block. bosnia and herzegovina ukraine on mego. victory will allow us to play in the match for qualifying for euro-2024, so our team needs your support! cheer on march 21 at 9:45 p.m. with meago. there are discounts on maridoza of 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on motilium 20% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in travel ban and savings pharmacies. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks live, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw the conclusions themselves, events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course,
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the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events. modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. a special look at events in ukraine and
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beyond. what a world mr. orban dreams of. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. we continue our "war and weapons" program. and then we will talk about products of the shimera company. last year, this company was recognized by the ministry of statistics as the number 1 military startup in ukraine, and this year, this company received such significant financial support from... from ukrainian and foreign venture investors that, i repeat, such an unexpected situation is enough for the ukrainian defense market , and in fact this company, well , in my opinion, creates sufficiently technological products, i am glad that both kanal espresso and defense express contacted
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representatives of the company and talked about this products even before this company gained such, well, all-ukrainian recognition, and now we are joined by... oleksiy oliynyk, representative of the hemera company, mr. oleksiy, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear you. now we are looking for a shooting point so that we can talk calmly and comfortably. this is exactly how it happens in combat conditions, when communication is the main thing, and the rest is actually tangential and derivative. mr. oleksii, i congratulate you. on the express channel, glad to see and hear, i would like you to tell our viewers a little about what the advantages of the radio station of the chimera company, because of course the military knows, the experts there know, but after all, it has been more than two years since the product has been on the market, it has definitely
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been transformed, so what are the advantages, how are the herrera radio stations currently used by our military at what levels , what results, what reviews. uh, well, two years , probably not yet passed, somewhere around two years, it will soon be two years, how we work, we started with a small radio station, a unit, so, well, small radio stations of the soldier, which were created especially for reconnaissance groups, for sniper groups, for special operations forces, these radio stations turned out to be quite, quite convenient and very convenient for people, they began to be used in many city councils. the main of the possibilities they provide, they are resistant to suppression, they are very difficult to be detected by enemy radio intelligence, and they are very, very budget-friendly and close to the user, that is, they can be easily programmed, they can be easily worked with by anyone with civilians, for this you don't need
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to be some kind of specialist, well, if only to a military man who can study for a long time, this is such a very, very smart gadget that he got. who received all the possibilities of military communication, radio stations jump on frequencies , radio stations are difficult to suppress, they have fully encrypted communication and it is very difficult for the enemy to do something against this, but in these almost two years the product has changed, as i understand, they started there from the tactical level there, and in our previous conversation you hinted to me that the military is not really making full use of the... potential of these radios, which are laid out there, although in fact you made them as usable as possible, so that they were convenient and did not require special technical knowledge from our military, what they then need to know, what are the additional advantages of these communication systems of yours, now we
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are moving as much as possible into network side, now we're moving towards a proper secure network, what does that mean... he needs to get some information, what's going on, i know when the mortar calculation involves starlink, it's wrong, it's totally, if this is starlink allows you to watch youtube quality there, it is not needed exactly where it is needed, here is one of our crazy ideas, we give access to the internet, mobile groups through our radio stations, that is, in order to work out the combat task. see everything
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they need, including the weather forecast there, what they get, work out their combat mission, get together and get back out in 2 seconds , and all this is a secure connection, and for this you don't need a sperlik, but now if one of the crazy ideas, we give the mobile unit access to the internet through our radio stations, in fact it is not so much. the internet is only access to the protected correct network of the unit, and through this network they have access to the battlefield awareness system, to the battlefield management system, they can carry out all their tasks very quickly, coolly, without making a single voice call, they see everything on on the screen of the tablet, during the assault the commander can advance, he sees where he is found in battle somewhere in some district buildings, because now it is happening like this, there guys, what do you see, we see a couple there trees, but between these two opposite trees, this should not happen, the commander
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must see where his soldiers are, and he simply must have a clear command, there are 20 m to the left, 5 m to the right, move forward, do this and that, minimal voice traffic, maximum exchange of information, we are now fully moving in this direction and all the forces of the team are now going in this direction, well, that is, in fact, you are getting closer to the shelter, or are you already close to creating a tactical system in... managing the battlefield, yes, where in your radio stations are the basis, and it can be added there, for example yes, there is other equipment, but there is kombat or nettles, that is, or even nettles and kombat are not needed, all this can be done on the basis of your radio stations, no, no, no, eh, nettle kombat is definitely needed, it is the same software, but the correct transport level must be protected under this software, so we give this transport for the information of the same nettle and the same kombat, so... kombat is already working, nettle is now working on integration, but in fact all this rests on the correct protected line communication, well no
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lines, more precisely, the communication system, but we are moving precisely in the communication system , we will not go into the management software itself, of course we do not need it, those people who have been developing this system for a very long time are engaged in this, we cannot get involved, but we are now making the communication system correct, normal, good, there is so much that can be improved, it is not as much as a radio station. this is only a small part of this communication system, the main thing is still the exchange of information, a good, correct, fast, secure exchange of information, that is, you will ensure just a secure communication channel that will allow the groups to operate safely because they will be invisible when they are working, and it will actually, well, it will expand the range of use of such groups because your radio station is much cheaper than harris, because such capabilities , as i understand , is provided only by the haris radio station, which costs tens of thousands there for one. product, everything is correct, or else starling, well, starling is not exactly a military story, now we
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are working on ensuring that the last 2-3 km on the battlefield there were no starlicks, only the right secure communication systems, will it be ours or someone else's, please, ours now have the best chance from the point of view of ee, it is a mass product and well very secure, if someone else can do the same similar we agree to integrate there with anyone and i'll take a step back, because i had some questions before the broadcast, the standard ones, how much do the radios cost, where can you buy them, when will we place the order, when will we receive them, what would you say to that, uh, now the current variant of the first, well, the first the generation of the radio station, it is now mass -produced, you can get them, well, you can order it from us, of course, without any questions, we give... also the contacts of some funds that constantly cooperate with us, that collect money on a permanent basis and provide the fighters
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first stations, they, well, everyone actually knows her, sees her, and now the next version is coming to us, just as this version is already new, it already has a lot of possibilities, it is already as close as possible to khalis, the flesh of what it will distribute the internet is there at the ee base station well, all that is needed is if... in the mode , everything is being developed, now we are already accepting pre-orders for them, ordinary stations are released there in 1-2 days, and new stations will be released in 2 months, etc. the status of these radio stations in relation to our communications department, they are certified, i don't know, they are codified there, what is the current process, well , the entry of these radio stations into the armed forces, because we have turkish radio stations, american radio stations, that's all seems to have passed the test, as with yours initiatives, this is a very interesting question, from the point
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of view of the state, they do not exist now, the first radio stations do not exist at all, apparently. yes , we are now resuming contact with oleksiy olinnyk, he is one of the active participants of the chimera project, this is the creation of protected tactical radio stations, which are used primarily by snipers, special operations forces, fighters on the front line, now we are resuming our conversation, mr. oleksiy , there continue your opinion, the second kind of radio station is submitted for all the documents submitted. they are now being considered, and we are close to obtaining a permit for operation and further progress in setting up the armed border. and these radio stations, if they already meet many of the correct official standards, i will not reveal the details now, but all these tests that are currently being conducted satisfy me. well, that is, in fact
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, some positive dynamics really took place in the relations with the military, and when the product has good technical parameters, after all... they begin to contribute to the fact that it reaches combat orders as soon as possible, i i hope that this is true, yes, yes, yes, the most help we have now is from the military, well, the biggest one there, let's say, not returns, it's everything that is connected with state bodies, well, it's traditional, but how the situation with the production itself, are there any possibilities, because i remember in the first interviews you said that we are ready to outsource the soldering of radio stations there... some other work to increase the number of manufactured radio stations, which , that now is there already basically, well, more opportunity to make more such radio stations? it that's right, that's what happened , we outsourced it as much as possible, we have several contractors who work on the manufacture of our radios, we did decentralized production, we have no problem with that, and well, actually it
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was created, well, from the point of view such protection that they do not gather in one place. if necessary , we have there reserve sites, reserve, er, options, contractors who can manufacture it, er, if necessary, we can quickly turn around the production of these products in europe, well, in the nearest europe, it is more likely that there will be poland and the baltic states, and both there and there there will be opportunities to deploy production precisely from the point of view of the fact that - the project must be decentralized, protected as much as possible from any risks in the event that somewhere, well... not god forbid it flew somewhere, we still have the opportunity to continue, it will just be some temporary losses, this is how we build our business now and only this way, and still i will return to the question of money, because i would have remained silent, but forps wrote, yes, that is , in fact, that the lviv venture fund provided you with such substantial financing in
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the range of 500 thousand dollars in order for this project of yours to develop, and they even got involved, the frenchman seems. there are investors, which is also not unusual, of course , where will the money go, what do you, how do you plan to use it, so that the investors are satisfied with the new result and the quality of your product, where will it go, so the very first thing it was for done, it is very important for the project to move quickly in general, earlier, well earlier i will not say exactly when we had problems with what, for example, we have certain... funding and i need to understand for myself whether we are currently buying some, well , some equipment that we need, whether we are currently connecting certain people to the project, certain expensive specialists that we need, er, do we not have such opportunities, because then in the next month i will not have the opportunity, for example, to pay my salary. now we don't have such ee,
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well, these investments were made precisely in order for us to move, we definitely, i definitely understand that we need it, we... are now making a decision, and after two hours this process is already is moving, we definitely understand that we need to be purchased, we simply initiate the purchase process and it goes, and this greatly speeds up the process, actually, well, the funds you are talking about, they announced them just now, they actually started with us there to appear a little earlier , and it is very correct, and in the last two months we have greatly accelerated all processes there, and this is actually the most important thing, that is , they don't have the money to get it. in order for the project to speed up many times and start moving much faster, because investors, that we have developed, if we were to approach investors from this point of view, they should be investors who share ours. who need to win quickly, there is no need to make money right now, we need to speed up the victory there as quickly as possible, saturate the villages with a good reliable connection and so on, and
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it is precisely such investors that we would hire, they share these views and we work exactly yes, this is the meaning of these investments to speed up as much as possible, not in the sense that this project should decide prices or something else, but speed is as much as possible ... everything we need, now there is no problem with that, it's just that everything we need, we, if, we know exactly what is needed, it is solved very quickly, if you have the law of money, it very cool thing, oleksiy, i know that in fact, there were several foreign exhibitions in foreign countries, and there your company already showed its products, what was the reaction of potential foreign buyers or foreign competitors, did they approach... what did they ask there, or what they tried to find out, what is the effect of the appearance of these radio stations on at international arms exhibitions, er, not very
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few people in general, if they believe that it is possible, they, they see the product, and well, like this cannot be, this does not happen, but it is all there, it works, well, that's how it works, the first reaction is that it can't actually be like that, but ... it's so interesting, so what if they have it now, i don't know, i don't know, i guess it's like there's a stage in their stage of acceptance, that such a product even exists, it exists, what will happen next, we do not yet know, i think that sooner or later they will they will try to do something with this, that we are like that, we exist like that, and physically we should not exist, in general, our network and the project itself, it is quite such a crazy project, well, in the positive sense of the word, and well, it causes a lot of people there. and questions and problems, difficulties, but we will fight, but we will fight, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for including these explanations, because they
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give such optimism, that our potential allows us to create samples that there are foreign observers, well perceived as madness or as fiction. let me remind you that it was oleksiy oliynyk, a representative of the chimera company, which manufactures, well, radio stations of a tactical level, what are the cool things about radio stations. you have seen for yourself, and the main conclusion after talking with our directors is that they are really determined to create a competitive product, even in the conditions when they have to oppose pressure or competition from leading foreign companies, and sometimes they have to rely primarily on your own search efforts investors, when the state is delayed in financing those projects that are really capable of increasing the effectiveness of the armed forces on... combat, these were the main points of this war and weapons program, stay tuned to the espresso channel, there will be a lot more interesting things to come.
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sad and at the same time positive news: the magnolia children's search service managed to establish the probable location of six-year-old mysh melnyk. moreover, we sought out the boy's mother, who confirmed that, fortunately, everything is fine with him. this is an incredible search story, in which we were helped a lot by caring people. in particular, on our hotline 1163, we received many reports about the mouse from witnesses, and also applied in this search. the latest methods of forensic analysis, is the search for information in open sources, and this ultimately helped to obtain extremely important data about the missing boy. so, i want to tell you how
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this difficult process of finding a six-year-old miller mouse took place step by step. we received a notification about the disappearance of the mouse at the beginning of 2022. there was no information about him and the circumstances of his disappearance significantly complicated the search. we only knew that before the start of the full-scale invasion , the boy lived in the village of grechyshkino, luhansk region. we immediately spread information about mishkan on all available media resources, made many video programs about... the search for the boy, told you about his story and asked you to tell us everything you know about him or his possible whereabouts, but for more than a year about mishkan, on unfortunately, there was no information, and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left for the chatbot, the search service children in a telegram was written by a witness who said that he saw our video about the search for the boy and knows where he is, this is the message we received: myshkov... why
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kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino, his grandmother is bringing him there, we have photos. we asked the witness for details and he confirmed that myshko melnyk allegedly lives in the occupied village of grechyshkino and goes to kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino. it is located right at the school. he is alone there, his name is teremok. and this is the photo we have was during two years of searching, if we compare with the ones sent to us by the witness, the boy is indeed very similar in both photos. also in the search, as i said, we were helped by specialists from the osinflow community who are looking for information in open sources, they managed to find a page on the russian social network of classmates, the probable
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mother of mysh melnyk. here... she is, and here she is with little mouse. and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, the last photo of mishka, his mother taught at her place page in february 2023. so, judging by the witness's report, the photo and video he provided, as well as the social network of the boy's mother, everything indicated that fortunately everything is fine with myshko melnyk, he is probably in the village of hrychyshkine, luhansk region under occupation. of course, we wrote to mishka's mother on the social network, but she, unfortunately, did not answer for a long time. and imagine how happy we were when, after a few months, we did receive an answer from her. she wrote a short but very important message that her son was fine. yes, with my son is fine. currently, we are waiting for a photo or video confirmation from the mother of mysh melnyk that the boy is really with her, but already now i
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can say with great... probability that everything is fine with the child, the mouse is with his mother, and that, of course, is the most important thing. the history of the search for mysh melnyk proves once again that it is possible to find a child even in the most difficult situations, the information you provided, even the smallest details, really help a lot and sometimes become decisive in the search. so i would like to thank everyone for their help and concern. i am also asking you for... you go to the website of the child tracing service and look into the faces of these boys and girls who are still missing. if you recognize someone, immediately notify us on the hotline at number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free of charge.
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we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. the following are the consequences of the russian terrorist attack on odesa: 75 people were injured, nine are in a serious condition, - said the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper. according to him, engineering communications, gas and electricity supply were damaged in odesa. emergency services are working to restore heating and electricity. i remind you


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