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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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well, that's the version , you know, we understand that they are terrorists, but they have fewer missiles, you mean that they thought there was something there, yes, yes, yes, that is, what kind of missiles do they have there were thoughts, they are hitting, they are hitting those parts where it is hoped that they can hit, fly to the relevant objects of critical infrastructure, or including there, i don't know, some military objects, although on the territory of the city , you understand, in the third year of the war , there are no such objects today... well, but they also know that no one would be so stupid as to large military facilities are placed in the city , you know, it is very difficult to explain the logic of terrorists, i always say so, it is not inexplicable, it is terrorist in its essence, it is the russians, mr. sergey, thank you for participating in our broadcast, serhiy bratchuk was with us, the leader of the ukrainian volunteer army south, by the way, this is the scenario that they used in odesa, they did this for a long time in kherson, then...
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we will just talk about kherson region further on our air , a short pause and we let's return to the ukrainian south, the key to beauty is this a healthy liver, karsil gives the liver strength, there are discounts on karsil 15. in pharmacies plantain, ban and oskad. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and materials for windows. riv, we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynsky bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on spasmal pills, 15% in podorozhnyk bam and thrifty pharmacies. every week, maria gurska meets with
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the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important thing happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday. at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio. an
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espresso event with anton borkovsky. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what a world you dream of, mr. norman. all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september on saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who... talk about and
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comment on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special , proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. we are coming back we remind you that the invincibility point is now in sizeran, you can warm up there, two refineries were lit at the same time to make it warmer. and we also remind you that we have a qr code and a card number down there, so please put as much money as you can on cars for various units of the armed forces of ukraine, well, on such a day, we are actually collecting information for you from all corners, now kherson, therefore kherson oblast, is half and half there... and
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temporarily occupied about the situation and we will ask the deputy of the kherson oblast thanks to serhiy khlan for contacting us, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory to khersoncha. is ukraine being spanked this night or were they busy with gossip and putin's election? you know, no, despite the pseudo-action that they launched in the occupied territory, and it seems that everyone would be busy, because those election commissions go there exclusively accompanied by armed russian soldiers, but the shelling still does not stop, and a little less became, but covered. the right-bank part of the kherson region from of the occupied left bank, constant shelling, and this applies not only to the regional center, but also to the settlements located directly on the banks of the dnieper, the occupiers are massively hitting them with artillery, and you know, our defense forces,
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here in the city with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, the people of kherson were still able to push back the equipment there a little. from the coast, and there are no longer such cases where a tank simply drove up, as it was once, and fired from the left bank at the liberated kherson, or suburb of kherson, there are no such cases anymore, because even there they cannot get closer than 15 km, they will be immediately hit by our defense forces with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, which is why they started using them. they began to use artillery, even rockets , well, the same drones are being used again, and they are dropping explosives against the regional center and on populated areas, but it is not
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possible for them to approach a tank or fire a cannon, although the shelling continues anyway , the intensity is quite high, it increases there, decreases, but the shelling is constant, we constantly... state that there are casualties, so no one died in the past day, but two were injured as a result of the shelling of the rashits. and how do they, mr. serhiu, react to the successes and advances of ukrainian troops on the left bank? that is , we have already seen that they know how to beat up civilians, but when they deal with the military? well, the occupiers again, with aerial bombs. well, now aviation is used a little less, they are no longer afraid with impunity as it was before, because before they actually bombarded us with aerial bombs, but the use of aviation continues, and this is observed by people in the occupied territory as well, there is already a certain schedule, how
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helicopters and russian aircraft fly, but some do not return anywhere, so it is not so... safe for the occupiers already use aviation, although they do, well, accordingly, again these same air bombs and the occupiers are trying to hit artillery, but again, i repeat, to use equipment even on the left bank, they can no longer, because any approaching vehicles are immediately shot down. what is going on with our people in the occupied part of kherson oblast due to the fact that they... yesterday they were having fun playing these pseudo-elections, they were nervous, because there were scandals in different parts of russia itself, but what about us, because we are so we have such and such excerpts of information about skadovsk, a little something about genichesk, maybe you know more, well, some polling
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stations are being blown up, people, of course, well, as we predicted, they have no desire to go to these dogs far away... before the elections and they will not go, most people are hiding to the homes, the occupiers understood this yesterday when they saw that their precincts were actually empty, and only there you can create a picture of the so-called budget employees, that is, those who work for the occupying power, they were simply brought in by buses in an organized manner, and in at that moment the occupiers were filming their propaganda videos, but people didn't go to vote... so the occupiers, well, they already rolled back these scenarios many times, and the early elections that were there at the beginning of last month, they held and rolled back there it looks like this look, here we are now
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we show the footage, that is , it is exemplary or whatever, of course, it is exemplary, because even in the early elections that were held... they didn't even give lists, they just gave ballots, didn't check documents, and these propaganda videos, these videos are recorded with people who have been transported, who... are used to create a crowd, but in fact the precincts are empty, and the only thing the occupiers are doing now is the so-called door-to-door rounds, looking, just not that, that they are looking for, searching for people, pulling them out from homes, it's not like they just came, knocked, there's no one there and went on, no, they go in, go around homes, that's what people in the occupied territories say, knock on doors, look in windows. then the task is to find everyone and to make everyone
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tick. mr. serhiy, are there already recorded violations in those precincts that they even allow that violations may be recorded? but no, well, there is no question of a violation at all, then this is a complete violation in fact, then this is a pseudo-action, but as for that, well, you understand that... it is almost impossible to resist and do something there, because any person who simply does not speak in the way that the occupiers want will be immediately arrested, so it is very difficult to understand this, and it is better for people in the occupied territories to protect their lives, and indeed it is better to avoid and hide somewhere from this pseudo-action, but the main thing is. our lives, ours, we wish strength and endurance to our people in the temporarily occupied
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territories. thank you, serhii khlan was with us, deputy of the kherson regional council. and we're going to take a short break, but that break is actually the time to look carefully and use these props through the smartphone camera, or right below it, you see the card number and it's a team of jeep pickups for our defenders, you need to as soon as possible for... what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and
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20% discounts on voltaren forte in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. weekly saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espress. vasyl zima's big broadcast.
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two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart... and caring people in the evening on espresso. thank you, espresso, keep contributing, and we promised you exclusively fun shots for that. so, watch how the dictator putin himself votes for putin radimov in his circus comedy, now we will show you these shots, remind you that you can vote at the ballot boxes, as if they say that you can vote remotely, so here it is step into this one
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a chekist, and now you will understand why all his pseudos come true, look here... he comes in, it is a computer in his office, takes the mouse, now we are watching carefully behind his hand, he presses his finger and, as they say in macron's office, voilà , thank you, you have successfully voted, that is, this agent with the nickname akurak and mole, expelled from the kgb for failure, cannot even pretend to at least pretend that he... in the 21st century, that he knows how to use some applications with everything, computer the computer was configured only for for agent mol to press a button, because, as confirmed by other chekists, he does not know how to use gadgets, even the eternally young and drunk dmytro medvediv, and he at least knows how to use some apples and tablets,
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agent okurok receives a summary of information exclusively on paper , that's why he can't play... the media, as i vote. now we will talk more about this show, which they call, for some reason, elections, with our next guest, a political expert and journalist. vadym denysenko joins our conversation. sir vadim, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. thank you for playing with us so much, the author of the book about about this kind of dormant racism and how to fight it. here is an imitation of the ideal picture of the elections for them this year, well... it doesn’t work out as much as possible, somewhere green something is burning somewhere, young people, by the way, molotov cocktails, that’s the correct name of this bottle, the finns invented it like that, they throw it, that is, something is happening , plus a picture from the south of the russian federation, well, that is, belgorod region, kursk region is not helping them much either, it will not be possible to make a democracy holiday in this
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pro-putinsky, will it work, well, we can already say that it failed with... to do, well , first of all, we just have to, before answering your question, we just have to understand what these elections mean for putin, these are elections , i have already said many times, these elections are not about war, these elections are not about putin's fifth term, these are elections about putin's lifetime presidency, and he is now going to step forward from the kremlin, these are the elections of the emperor. actually, in short, electing the emperor, as they planned, should have happened, the election of the emperor should have taken place. for attendance there almost under 80% and votes for putin 85 plus in the area of ​​85 from 85 to 90 votes of voters. actually, one of the most important things for him was to show full legitimacy, full ademryamsya and full support of his candidacy by the absolute majority of the population of the russian federation. everything we're seeing right now is
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starting with everything you listed, but i'd also add more blasts on a daily basis. oil refineries, in principle, it all creates an entourage of the fact that, of course, these elections in russia will be recognized as legitimate, of course, many countries will not congratulate putin , but at the same time they will consider putin as the president, but for the future, sooner or later, this regime will begin to crack, sooner or later the question will arise about the illegitimacy in general and changes to the constitution that make it possible to vote now, and definitely these days voting, because already now... talk about the fact that it is even theoretically impossible to make an honest vote count in a number of regions, in a number of precincts it will simply be physically impossible, due to the fact that the ballots are spoiled, spoiled booths there and so on and so on , well, plus falsifications, which will definitely happen, so if we are talking about the short -term perspective, then definitely on monday morning pamfilova, the head
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of the local svc, will come out and say that she voted for putin, and once again i repeat, up to 90% of the votes of russian voters, i will clarify a little, vadim, i will clarify, here i am opening the statements, you mentioned ela pamfilova, our viewers should know that this is an aunt who makes a flight, that she is the head of the central election commission, aunt 15 marta, then it is 15 in normal people in march, she said, look, now we even have the original, this is an exposure for you to make it easier to read, head. to the election commission, that 333,600 observers came, and the funniest thing is that there are some 700 or so countries there. is called with 195 available, in one word, a piece of cake, simply, that is , the coupe does not hold, it does not matter to them , that is, in this case they show that
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everything is fine with them, that is, really from virtually all african countries, from the majority of african several countries came observers to the russian federation, there is indeed a mission from china, which, in principle, will make a very general one. statement , but at the same time they understand very well that there is no such legitimization of putin in the west that he dreamed of before, that is, now in fact the entire state machine of the russian federation is working for two things, the first is to make it so that, in principle, there is a minimization of riots, well , what are you showing all these things that we see now at the polling stations, and by the way, yesterday, already yesterday, was done a statement that... for dousing ballots with paint, they plan to impose a penalty of up to eight years of imprisonment. on the other hand, they have the whole diplomatic machine working to get the maximum number
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of first persons to come, at least from african states, because for putin it will be an absolute failure what happened last year at the st. petersburg forum, his main economic forum, at only one president came, and it was from, and it was the president of tajikistan or uzbekistan, i have forgotten now, i'm sorry, i can't remember. that's right those africans are shown, and at the same time, when they burn all these lies, they also correct it, which is even more scandalous, i.e. at first the information says 330 thousand observers and 706 countries, then they scratched the back of their heads, they remembered that a total of 195 countries were corrected to 106 countries, and so on, that is , they do stupid things, then publicly do another stupid thing, well, they know that... this is actually a lie and burns and that they hope that the west will say yes after all that the world will be interpret russia,
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the russian president, or admit it, well because it will actually be a new kind of world, i won’t call it order , but you can call it chaos, but how will the world continue to live after all this imitation, they admit, look, in principle, i am quite pessimistic here, i believe that... it will be the solomonic decision has been made, neither yours nor ours, there will be no congratulatory telegrams from either biden, macron, or scholz, there will certainly be no delegations’ references, but at the same time no one recognizes these elections, i think, after all will be, that is, with the exception of a few countries in europe, i am not sure even that poland will decide not to recognize putin, given their trade with the russian federation, so from this point of view the collective event will be kept in a sheepish pause. this will not be the same situation as in minsk, when it was decided that lukashenko is an illegitimate president, the situation here will be such that there will be silence, but at
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the same time, there will be no talk of any statements that putin is an illegitimate president, unfortunately. we will have such a situation, but i will repeat it again, it is very important that everything that is happening now is broadcast all over world and it is very important that the russians, as you say, smoke correctly, this is what will work against against. and another moment, we see the stock market swaying into business, into real business, absolutely wildly looking at these elections, and there is some kind of body movement, some commotion begins, here i am looking at the moscow times talking about uncle, uncle is putin's best friend, has a bank of russia, boris kovalchuk, here his son suddenly for... i have to say, kovalchuk, this is the one who six months ago
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remarochka, this one, this whole uncle, like you said that let's have a meeting , let's at least once, let's use these nuclear weapons somewhere in the north, we're going to scare the people, after all, what are these for some new appointments, what will the pharaoh do in the kremlin, well , look, in principle, the first thing. .. kovalchuk , just so that we understand the role of this person, er, he is one of, well, forgive me, putin's intellectual quarreling partners on historical topics, that is, he is a person who spent a year in a bunker with putin, in fact, and the final world-historical idiocies of putin in his head took shape thanks to that to miz kavarchuk's conversations, that is why he is a person close enough to putin and a person similar to putin on many issues, why did this information appear yesterday, why did it become such a trigger for so many people, because the position of head, not deputy, namely the head of the control and audit department, this is a position that was held by many.
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the most influential people in the russian federation, and it was one of the first springboards for putin when he became president, and that's why yesterday they immediately started talking about the fact that this is a prankster, it started a conversation about a prankster and so on and so on. there are two reasons why it appeared. the first reason really kovalchuk had to come up with a position for the younger one, because you removed rawinter from the position, and this position was invented for him. it was necessary to make this public yesterday in order to interrupt the topic for many, that is to say , what is happening in the elections, at the elections and to start talking a little about the nice people, and what will happen next with the authorities there and so on, but i i want to tell everyone who has already started to rub their hands and think that everything, putin will say tomorrow, i am won the election, and this is my successor, no, this is a lie, putin is not going to name any successors, putin is not going to look for successors, and there will be no casting for successors, that is, for... the next
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years, how long he will rule, he thinks , that he should now build a personal cult of personality, which will be reduced to one phrase: there is putin, there is russia, there is no putin, there is no russia, i say putin, i say, i understand russia, i say russia, i mean putin, in fact, everything that we heard in the soviet union, kovalchuk will be just keep this position and nothing more, he will be one of the players, but no successor, neither kovalchuk, nor patrusheh jr., is not being discussed at all, now. putin is not going to share his power with anyone at all, but he has no other options now, after such pseudo -reappointments of himself as a life-long emperor pharaoh, this is placing the chips of everyone he trusts, and accordingly, there is no other way than to continue the war until the end his life, he has no option, is there still an option
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to get out of this war? well, you see, this is a question incredibly complicated, that is, on the one hand , he is tired of the war, and it is absolutely visible, he wants to end this war, he wants to triumph, he wants to reign, and in principle, he wants to finally get the fotomargana of his life, his mezhvya, his gilinjik , on the other hand, he perfectly understands that the nuts are so twisted, and the economy looks so destructive that, in principle, when the war is stopped. it is necessary to solve an incredible number of economic issues and economic distortions that appeared during the war and this huge mass of beneficiaries of this war in principle, from the point of view of russia's development , he should try to go to the negotiation process this year, because then all the processes will work against him, each subsequent move will be worse. will he go for it, will he try to actually start the negotiation process in 2024, so far
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he is demonstrating that he wants to do it, but further than demonstrating that he is ready to talk about negotiations, there is no word now, so is there he has options to stop the war, there are options to stop, is he ready for it now, theoretically yes, will it come to negotiations, in principle, as of now, the probability is not very high, yes, thank you, mr. vadim, for... analysis and comments, thank you for being with our viewers early, vadim denysenko, political expert , a journalist, the author of a book about how to overcome russia in particular, was with us, and the time is approaching when we remember all the dead, i just want to understand this option, well, he has an option to leave the war, we have options to leave for peace negotiations, while there are occupied territories of the army on our side there is no land, that is, as if theoretically there is, but
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there is nothing. this is such a tsutzwang, we will talk about it later, but now it's time to remember all those who died in the second russian-ukrainian war with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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