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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. already 21 dead. in odesa , the number of victims of the bloodiest russian attack has increased. from the beginning of the full-scale
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russian invasion. a rescuer who was in a very serious condition died in the hospital - reported the deputy mayor of odesa, svitlana bedrega. more than fifty injured people are in the hospital, many of them seriously. let me remind you, it was around noon yesterday the occupiers launched two missile strikes on odesa, attacked with iskanders. today, a day of mourning was announced in the region. 7, a six-year-old woman died as a result of shelling in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhia, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. the russians made 253 strikes on 11 cities and villages of the region. 16 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. one injured due to enemy shelling of donetsk region. the occupiers hit 11 settlements. 10 residential buildings, a school, and critical infrastructure were damaged.
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tura, administrative building and boiler house, said in national police. the first prisoners on the territory of russia rdk released a video of the interrogation of the military army of the russian federation. they assure that they captured a group of invaders at the russian border. the military operation of russian volunteers in the belgorod and kursk regions continues. our car was fired upon while carrying out minesweeping tasks. in this case, it was the rdk, the russian volunteer corps. those who were in my place, they all died. i am the only one left alive. did you even see the killed soldiers of the russian volunteer corps? no, i didn't see it. oleksiy is a stubborn person, but even he admits that the ministry of defense of the russian federation does not convey information quite correctly. two russian plants caught fire due to a drone attack, the syzron and kuybashiv oil refineries in the samara region. videos are published by propagandists. media
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reports that around six in the morning , the drone hit the first enterprise. the area of ​​the fire is about half a thousand square meters. after that, the drones also attacked the kuibysh plant. western intelligence confirmed the transfer by russia for the first time tactical nuclear weapons to belarus. this is reported by foreign media. the lithuanian defense minister was the first to inform nato of this information. he stated that the alliance...will strike back if russia uses nuclear weapons. let me remind you that recently the russian dictator vladimir putin declared that moscow is ready for a nuclear war. in order to prevent pseudo-elections in russia, cyber specialists of the ukrainian intelligence hacked the system of public services of the russian federation. this is reported by the public with reference to sources in the main intelligence office. on this online voting of russians takes place on the platform. also. niks launched an attack on
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the electronic services of putin's united russia party. 4 tons of russian auto parts were tried to be illegally imported into ukraine, the state border service of ukraine reported. at the border with poland, customs officers stopped three trucks for inspection. the drivers assured that they were transporting chinese spare parts and metal products. however, after an additional inspection, border guards found 900 pieces of car spare parts with markings. arefia. the goods were confiscated. cost will be assessed additionally. they tried to flee ukraine illegally. border guards detained ukrainians near the tysa. previously, two men wanted to swim across the river to get to hungary. for this, they put on children's life jackets. and the shipper was paid thousands of euros. another offender planned to reach romania. all men were detained. and made admin protocols.
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the businessman, who has family ties to the ex-president of russia, continues to work in ukraine. the owner of a commercial office. of the gulliver center, a chain of household appliances stores and a number of other businesses, viktor polishchuk owes 14 billion hryvnias to two state banks, but he was not filed for foreclosure and was not fined, the journalists of the scheme project found out. polishchuk, whose wife is a relative of dmytro medvidev, freely travels abroad through the shlyach system as a volunteer, and brings in commercial goods rather than humanitarian aid, the journalists claim. also, his chain of stores allegedly misled customers by promising to transfer part of the profits to the armed forces of ukraine, but never did. and i will remind about our collection the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are asking for help with
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the purchase of maviks and their components, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporizhzhya region, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help, our goal is 5000 uah, with your help we have already collected more than 230 00 uah , remember, every donation you make is important, so join in collection, you can see all the details on the screen, the tragedies of ukrainian families who survived the holodomor, an exhibition opened in kyiv... dolls for the unborn. the author visualized the stories of ukrainians with the help of motanas. more about the project, further in the story. as the ears of corn bent in a dead field, the young mother i wept bitterly, became sad. her baby
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did not appear in the world, it settled in the sky as a pure angel. these lines of valentina miroshnyk became the epigraph to the exposition of the doll for the unborn. a woman is also a participant in the project, along with other craftsmen, she creates motanka dolls, a visual element for stories about the terrible tragedy of the ukrainian people. it is impressive, truly unique, it gives a visualization of the holodomor, which is very difficult to organize, not only to read about the holodomor, but also to show it. each puppet composition tells a real story about the tragedy of ukrainian families who had to survive the famine organized by the soviet regime. the cultural and educational project was created in 2018 and presented for the first time in hamburg, germany. its author is a folk craftswoman, now a diaspora woman tatiana zolochevska. it was her doll that started
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such expositions, which have been shown abroad and in ukraine for the seventh year in a row, virtually and offline, to remind the world of those terrible years. this one a sad, tragic topic should be highlighted not only at the end of november, as we are all used to, lighting a memorial candle. today, everyone who will come to the opening of the exhibition are the children of those who were born thanks to people who survived the famine. currently, 65 works created by 40 female artists are exhibited in the capital. mom , cut off my finger, golopupyanki or yushka. all these are the names of creations, which are not easy. stories of ordinary ukrainian families. mrs. natalia, for example, created her doll based on the stories of her relatives. before going to sleep, i asked her to tell a fairy tale. and my grandmother probably didn't know fairy tales, so she told me stories from her
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childhood. and every time before going to sleep , she tells. i'm afraid of a fairy tale. natalia portrayed her great-great-granddaughter varvara and her youngest son andrii. both died of hunger in the 33rd. i've never seen a granny barbarian, so i wanted to make one bright image, leave it in memory. and such a terrible family history has been experienced by almost every ukrainian family. in memory of unborn children, of their murdered parents, of the terrible crime committed by the soviet union, and such dolls are exhibited. in the capital, the exhibition can be viewed until april 12 at the national museum of medicine of ukraine, as part of a tour of the museum's permanent exhibition. such
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was the morning in ukraine. read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, bet. likes, i'm with you goodbye, see you tomorrow, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. stabilization of the front, the intensity of hostilities in the east and south from... when the window of opportunity for the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine will open. existential war for
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europe. macron promises not to go on the offensive, as european leaders agreed at the summit in berlin. putin's tough election. in polling stations are burning and exploding in russia. how individual actions of the opposition and insurgent raids will affect the vote. about this and about other things in the next hour. we speak with general serhiy kryvonos, former head of the security service of ukraine valentyn nalyvaichenko and executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda. in the second part of our program, there will be a journalism club with the participation of kateryna nekrechi and oleksiy mustafin. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of the consequences of the russian strike occupiers in odesa, 20 people died, more than 70 wounded, russian terrorists hit the city with ballistic missiles, iskander m.
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10 buildings were damaged. footage of the rescue operation, no comments.
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death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work simultaneously on several platforms, live on the tv channel, as well as on youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on youtube. please take part in our vote. today we ask you about this. will the west dare to send its troops to ukraine? yes, no, or your comment, please comment below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and... vote if you think the west can send troops to ukraine,
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0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end program, we will sum up this vote. so, 20 people died, more than 70 were injured, russian terrorists hit odesa today with ballistic missiles. ndrm damaged 10 buildings, as reported from odesa, already more than 200 odesa residents and guests cities donated blood for the victims after the enemy attack. the state emergency service reported that eight of their employees were among the injured. president zelenskyi expressed his condolences to all the relatives and friends of those killed in odesa and promised not to leave this terrorist act unanswered . let's listen to what zelensky said:
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rescue operations and aid are still ongoing in odesa after the russian missile attack, a very vile attack, two missiles and a second one, when rescuers and doctors arrived at the site of the impact. among the dead and injured, paramedics, ambulances, rescuers of the state emergency service. my condolences to all relatives and friends. i instructed the regional authorities to fully support all victims. our defense forces will certainly do everything to make the russian killers feel ours. a fair reaction, one way or another, but what happened today in odessa happened after the russian dictator putin promised to take revenge on ukraine for the actions of russian rebels in the belgorod and kursk regions, let's hear what the kremlin grandfather said. in order to disrupt the voting process,
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to intimidate people. kyiv neo-nazi the regime has planned and is trying to carry out a series of criminal demonstrative armed actions. this is the task of strikes on peaceful settlements on the territory of russia. about 95% of missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense means. nevertheless, we have victims among peaceful citizens. all of them and their families will be'. provided all the necessary assistance and support, these attacks of the enemy do not and will not remain unpunished. it is likely that the strike on odessa was directed, including at the russian electorate, at those who will be from today cast their votes for putin, pseudo-elections begin in the russian federation, putin
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needs to demonstrate his strength, but where else can his strength. to show how it is not in ukraine that they are not attacking peaceful cities and homes of ukrainians, well , during this week we saw how the russian volunteer corps, as well as the russian freedom legion together with the siberia battalion, went deep into russian territory in the belgorod and kursk regions, these were citizens of the russian federation, which attacked. but russian territory and they talked about what they were going to election of putin, they said that they would achieve the goal of removing putin from power. why did vladimir putin decide to answer not to his own citizens, but to the citizens of ukraine, to those people who absolutely did not
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participate in these special operations. and generally live their lives in the city of odessa, putin certainly does not give an answer. i would like to invite the former head of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine valenty nalyvaichenko to the conversation. mr. valentin, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. heroes, glory, today is a rather difficult day, odesa was attacked, 20 people died, more than 70 were injured. zelensky said in his address. about the fact that our defense forces will definitely do everything so that the russian killers feel our just reaction, and what should be the just reaction of the defense forces in order for the russian killers to feel the bitterness of loss that all ukrainians now have ? we need to respond to missile terrorism with return
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strikes to destroy exactly those calculations, exactly those... russian armed groups, terrorists, despite the fact that they are in the military uniform of russia, and to destroy them is the only correct answer, and i will tell you that we have worked and continue to work with france, and with germany, and with our other major european partners to obtain precisely such weapons systems, well, the french crotali system is an anti-aircraft system, but we, in addition to the kratali, always insist and will receive additional ones. we need the skalp missiles as soon as possible, i think in the coming months the f-16s will cover the missiles they will get, and the main thing is that the military will destroy any russian terrorist groups that strike in odesa and kharkiv, and actually throughout ukraine. today, the night was also restless near kyiv, these shaheds of theirs, actually
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our answer and preparation for it is only to receive up-to-date modern systems for, i repeat, not only the shooting down, but also the destruction of such systems on the territory of the russian federation. mr. valentin, over the past few days, four days , we have seen how the russian volunteer corps legion of freedom of speech and the battalion, freedom don't spare the words, freedom of russia, which is almost the same thing as freedom of speech, and freedom and the siberian battalion entered the territory of the russian federation in kursk. and belgorod region, today, uh, they made another humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians, the rebels call on the international committee of the red. christ to provide assistance to the victims, according to their data, about 8 thousand civilian vehicles left the war zone last night. from the point of view of transferring the war to
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the territory of the russian federation, these raids, which are periodically carried out by the rdc, and it was last year, today, and these days , this raid is much wider, this raid is bigger, what do they give for ukraine and what do they... what do they threaten putin with? let's start with the main thing, that this is actually an internal russian situation, and even these last of those that we know, the strikes and raids of the siberian battalion, the red army, the russian volunteer corps and other groups, russian, by the way, this is an indicator of how much on clay feet this colossus called putin's regime exists, and what... what such forces and such groups are doing it to increase the informational impact of such actions during the voting or
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on the eve of the voting in russia only strengthens the confidence that this is an internal russian situation, at the same time it must be understood that i have already said that it is unstable throughout russia , and the picture that, for tens of billions of budget funds, is being shown to the russians themselves and they are trying... to show us, you know, the putin regime, that it is supposed to be so strong and all-powerful, this is absolutely not the case, well, let's remember only this year recent events, dagestan, ingushetia, the far east and many things that the putin regime never showed throughout russia, riots, shootings, explosions, fires and so on and so on, and a lot of internal russian forces, and even the same chechnya , which does not recognize. the existing putin regime and choose and fight for a completely different russian federation, whether it is dagestan, whether it is ingushetia, or chechnya, this is what is inevitably
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happening in russia, and my prediction is that it will only intensify, because already in what time, in the fifth, sixth putin's slur on the russian federation, i think that there are a lot of territories. of the russian federation do not agree with this, many in the opposition of russia and russians do not agree with this, especially after the murder of navalny, especially after such brutal removals and intimidation of other presidential candidates, all this in combination, you know, such a cauldron that is boiling and from time to time the lid jumps up and steam escapes, but this is only the beginning, i think that these are processes that will continue in russia only intensify ah... and tell me, please, is it possible to count on the fact that a civil war will be provoked in russia, you have already mentioned the enslaved peoples, not only of the caucasus, but also of the north, and this may well be
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the reason, or whether it will come to this in russia, or can it be so? i think that putin's regime now grabs first of all the punitive special services, tries and tried to suppress at least the first leaders or the opposition. or national liberation movements, but this is absolutely impossible, because first of all the russian federation is too big, secondly, the national liberation struggle has not just a decade, but a centuries-long history, its own movement, its leaders, including armed formations, so my prediction is that the national liberation struggle will not be stopped by any in a way, no putin regime , and secondly, likewise, i predict, especially looking at the way these so-called elections started this year in the russian federation, i predict that the russian opposition will also be
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more toothy, and the protests will be in to increase, moreover, i have already shared with our european partners, today we worked online and with the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, we are now seriously discussing and agreeing that the world should not recognize these elections. and the main reason for this is that if they write victory again to putin, then this is a person who has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court. these are incompatible things, to go to some position or to some election, when you should be in gas on the dock. these are not compatible things, when he gives, he gives orders for crimes against humanity, even today in our odesa, and this is a crime against humanity. because the second missile was deliberately aimed at the rescue services, that is, it is really not just a war crime, but a crime in
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the field of international humanitarian law, that is, i have already qualified it as a crime against humanity, and as such a candidate, if he is painted, can be the president of some country , the answer in international law, as in our ukraine, cannot be no, so i think that this is also illegitimacy, as lukashenko is also waiting for putin. well, here are the fighters of the legion of freedom russia, which invaded the territory of the russian federation, posted another video of military operations on the territory of russia, this time they showed how they lead a mine. we are sending ballots for voting, i hope they will hit the table directly to volodymyr volodymyrovych, it would be very good, because our mine elects him. mr. valentin, you said about illegitimacy, maybe putin's illegitimacy, in order to
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recognize. or not to recognize, or rather, the authority of putin, some kind of consensus of western countries is needed for them to say that it is impossible to elect the president of russia on territory of ukraine, all the votes cast for putin are illegitimate, and this cannot happen, this is the first, second, you said about the warrant of the international criminal court, he is a criminal, and moreover, such a criminal is certified by the world community. not just by some district court of the krasnodar territory, if after all some of the countries of the west do not recognize the legitimacy of putin, what will this mean? this will mean another defeat for putin, firstly, secondly, it will mean an even stronger support for ukraine, which opposes it is already the third year of russia's aggression, and in essence of putin's aggression, since he gave the first
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order and until today. of the day , including all his orders to destroy the civilian population of ukraine and commit other crimes against humanity, and the international community, i assure you, especially the european union, in addition to political support, will continue to provide more economic and defense support to the armed forces to the forces of ukraine, and just before your broadcast to confirm our words with you live, let's say that... scholz, macron and tusk came to the press conference, these three countries met, the weimar triangle, the so-called, the leaders of these countries, france, germany, poland, and what, and there is a decision that the profits from the frozen assets of the russian federation in the european union are sent and will continue to be sent to ukraine for support in support of our defense and counter-aggression , these are billions of euros, and this is today's decision
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, so... my main conclusion is that with the start of such so-called elections in russia and completely fake elections for a temporary the occupied territories of ukraine, the position of the european union and our other partners in the anti-putin coalition is changing very quickly, and is changing in the direction of strengthening support for ukraine, and you know, greater firmness is appearing, and this is especially inspired by the president of france, macron, and now. and we just mentioned what they announced at the press conference about the confiscation of russian money and profits, this is a cool step, this is a cool step, and we have been waiting for it for a very long time and we have been working on it for a very long time with our european partners, since i am in the parliament in the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, and it is we who will congratulate our partners on such a step and ask them to proceed more to the confiscation and sending
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of money to ukraine. we are now going to hear, mr. valentin, exactly what olaf scholz said after the meeting with macron and tusk at the meeting that took place in berlin. let's listen. it is clear that we support ukraine, and it is also clear that we ourselves are not at war with russia. our common goal is to provide effective protection of ukraine from aggression of russia. we will use over. the russian president should know that our support for ukraine will not stop. well, it would be desirable if scholz spoke not only about the frozen assets, but also the fact that the frozen assets can be used for the purchase of long-range taurus missiles, which are to come to ukraine. that's why, in your
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opinion, mr. valentine, despite all the rhetoric.


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