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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EET

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repent, but there was an extremely important visit of president zelensky to recep tayyip erdogan, to turkey, so we understand that president erdogan also has certain initiatives, putin's visit to turkey was also expected there, and it was postponed, postponed, well, i understand, now that it won't happen until reassignment, although there is no cancellation of this visit, well, it's probably because of an exacerbation, cyclicality is certain. in these conversations about the end of the war, about the need for peace negotiations, in fact, for two years of the war, this situation is time has arisen for some time, now it is somewhat exacerbated for several reasons, first of all , somehow the whole community has already agreed that the war will not end this year, that it will most likely be postponed, at least ... next
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year, that this year a lot what will determine the military, successes, failures, there will be a breakthrough of russian forces, there will be no breakthrough of russian forces, how will the elections in the united states and in the european parliament end , that is, this year is kind of, well, as a transitional year, you don’t want to call it, intermediate, yes , and on on the basis of what this year will end with, certain strategies are being built, well , we hear talks about... about peace from russia all the time, they were quite actively present when putin made his next boring speech, now his tone has become significantly more aggressive, he is practically there during this finish line of his reassignment, he is simply talking about the fact that what are we from which badun is this, are we going to stop the actions there now or? this is what we have in general,
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due to the fact that the ukrainians have run out of ammunition, we have something to stop there let's talk, to negotiate, that is, he has sharply radicalized, and on the basis of his statements it is very difficult to talk about a desire, because he used to repeat this mantra that we were always for peace, we proposed, and there is a decree of president zelensky, which generally forbids talking to... putin, that is, he has entered this phase, which simply practically does not allow anyone who acts as a mediator to somehow rely on putin's position, because the phrases that you and i hear, that cannot be no peace is achieved if can't there be any peace conference if russia is not there, well, now it is obvious that russia is not even interested in it, but that does not mean at all that...
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there are leaders like dogan or countries like china, they will not trying to gnaw away at his status as a mediator, or it is a very profitable status, economically profitable, attracts attention, well, erdogan in general, he already understands that he has stepped on this pedestal for the last time, he would like to somehow write his name in history, and that's why this aggravation is happening right now, although our position, well in my opinion... quite clearly and clearly, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to talk about peace when putin has the desire to talk about it, but if he does not have the desire to talk about it, then we have between itself, the democratic camp should agree on a position among themselves, and then invite putin and put him on notice, somewhere around such moods prevail now. well, there was also an extremely important trip by a special representative of the people's republic of china. lihuey, that is
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lihui, so to speak, gathered information rather, in different capitals, respectively , xijin ping conducted a reconciliation of the information received, and so, china will be nominated to switzerland as an observer, and here the question is how active or passive china will be, and in general, this is the coincidence or non-coincidence of the position of the republic of china , the russian empire in the matter of the deployment and escalation of the war. china's position at... in principle has not changed, and many observers say that this visit, well, it was, to put it mildly, about nothing, china did not offer anything new, as you they said correctly, he was there listening to some initiatives or some larger interpretation of this chinese peace plan of these 12 steps, in which one single step interested us the most, this is the recognition of sovereignty and the inviolability of state borders.
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after which we could talk about a lot, but this visit did not increase any pressure on russia, he did not propose any new initiatives, and when answering the question, what is the position of... china, well, china in principle, repeats the same phrase , but when you analyze his actions, you understand that he in fact, it is really beneficial that the war continues and the war weakens its main opponents there on the world stage, these are the united states, and russia, and the europeans, because ukraine is a no, well, it is not a no for china. not the right scale, not the right dimensions, not the right influence, china personally or individually does not pay attention to ukraine, and therefore, when our journalists there tried somehow, or whether our experts tried to interpret the importance of the visit of the chinese
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leader to kyiv, no, they are not kyiv considered as an independent player, but already is it is a well-known fact that the world has clearly understood that russia is, to put it mildly... china's junior partner, and not russia, but china determines the geopolitical goals, what to strive for, what conditions to impose, that is, china is the elder brother in these in this situation, and in principle nothing has changed here, ideologically it is important for china that russia does not disappear, that it weakens, but that it exists. the key story here is resourcefulness, our resourcefulness, our resourcefulness. allies, so to speak, let's try now to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, on the one hand, on on a certain rhetorical level, everything is fine , but we understand that not everything is completely good with money, so we do not know how the united states will behave now, and the issues
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of equipment, ammunition, ammunition, weapons and so on, but president macron is now ready to try an imperial confederate, well , i'm being ironic, of course, but extremely harshly and... specifically, president macron used his words, what do you think this might mean in practice? yes, and just macron, well, as a political animal, he felt this opportunity, because formally, well, in terms of numbers, the largest donor to ukraine is germany and scholz, who there simply called on all european partners to significantly increase aid, the 8 billion that we received from germany is now... the largest contribution, but scholz broke down, that's it these tauros, and politically we see that the opposition is pressing on him from all sides, there it is very difficult for him to explain, and why not, and the most important thing is that scholz does not have these
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personal traits, and probably the desire to be , well, how you said emperor or the newest emperor, and macron has it, but for macron. what is more important is that both scholz and macron competed to see who would talk longer with putin, and who would conduct more telephone visits, and everyone tried to explain, they tried to explain to the world that in fact russia is not a threat, that with putin can speak, i have a feeling that the transformation that happened to macron is, in particular, macron's realization of how much he was used by putin and in what idiotic world he looks. now for any world leader out there because it was through macron that putin sent these the belief that he would never attack, well , all you know, and i think macron still had that human, he, he hoped, he felt that they had established a relationship, that they had a warm, trusting relationship there,
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well, in fact, in the french language there is also you, and they were with putin, and macron demonstrated it in every way, what is happening now, it is... very important for us, because macron stated several fundamental things, i like it the most his phrase that russia, aggressive russia in that form, in which it exists, must cease to exist, that is, it must disappear, well, this is a very cool form, but this would involve the allocation of, i don't know, several aviation squadrons, it would require the allocation of some additional missile systems, the same ones, i don't know. .. patriots or their analogues, well, put it all on the industrial level, and instead we hear about the potential and, so to speak, the possible prospects of the foreign contingent, it must be said that again, well, at first, we thought that, well macron is like that
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got angry, yes, he said that out of spite, and that the refutations would follow, and instead of the refutations, there were phrases like that everyone... the word is checked, we have a plan, mr. fix, and we are going to this plan now, i.e. macron held an internal, there french consultation, very clearly set. putin's political supporters are in a very awkward position, because you are now forced to make excuses, actually ratify this agreement through the parliament, announce your visit, but the most interesting thing to me is that on his other european leaders began to respond to the initiative, and a nucleus is forming among nato countries, there are cautious ones, there are those who are active in their words, and... there are countries ready to act, as the president of the nordic countries, the baltic states, and macron just
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touched her somewhere with this, because these consultations are going on there now, and the europeans, well, we just have to note, these changes are unheard of, these maneuvers of nato in the first military, it will be, mr. oleg, you believe that the french will send a contingent, is it possible that the french are there plus estonia, lithuania, latvia, maybe there, i don’t know finn... or someone else, if we remember what macron was talking about, that is, he talked about the fact that if the russians break through the front line, and there is such a threat, and putin has such a hope, that there are no weapons, they now have such a free space, walk the field, where they can choose some weak chains to probe, and if there is such a threat that this arava goes there, as macron said to... kyiv or odessa, that then they will enter, then it seems, well, first of all, the probability
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such a scenario is not very high, but the statement of readiness to be on the territory of ukraine sounded, it sounds there, politicians are careful to talk about it, but previously it was forbidden to talk about it at all, in other words, if the poles conditionally see that this arab is pushing towards poland. the poles have already openly said that they will be ready to defend on this side of the border, so this is a hypothetical situation, but a short, short conclusion that yes, if russia simply starts to undisguisedly implement its scenario of a full, complete occupation of ukraine, then some of the allies will be ready send your troops, well, maybe we should, somehow adjust our law as well. yes, we understand that our legislation still needs very significant changes in this regard, yes, and
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accordingly there must be some decisions and signals from our side, well, if macron tells us this, then we also have to voice something, but has it already sounded, or i am wrong , it seems to me that zelensky said that yes, that we will welcome the presence of allied troops on the territory of ukraine, this is some kind of political statement, in my opinion, it was already such, but you are right in that sense. that it needs to be reinforced by the decisions of the parliament, but with we have a very, very sad picture of the parliament , it simply disappears somewhere on our side with you, as our poor neighbors say, and also according to the laws on mobilization, in general, at such a critical moment, this imbalance of the branches of power is very felt, but this tells me about the fact that if necessary, they are there by the decision of the president's office very... quickly everyone will solve it, but, but you are right, you need to prepare for this, the parliament, by the way, and what do you think is happening with
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the parliament, yes, well, there were certain insiders regarding president zelenskyi's meeting with his largest parliamentary faction, yes, well, individual representatives of the people's servants did not fully understand what the policy of the central office is, and regarding what and how will unfold with our parliament, your versions, why are they so actively trying the public well, not publicly, but somehow to deceive the parliament, well, because it is a legitimate authority, and it is also a key insurance story, that is, it is a key insurance platform for political stabilization in the event something, and at any defining moment there, that is, even the moment we just hypothetically spoke about, it was at such moments that the parliament manifested itself, when president yanukovych fled there, when there were situations where the fate of ukraine depended there. from the effectiveness of some institution, this institution has always been the parliament, now this
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meeting, which you are talking about, of the president with the parliament, there with a monomajority, that 's right, a monomajority, but the deputies came out mostly dissatisfied, first of all, it was not a conversation, the president at all and was not going to to listen to some opinions of the deputies, he simply gave them a lecture, and sometimes he switched to a high, high tone, and therefore... this is not at all what the parliamentarians were hoping for, they thought that now we will sit down, talk, yes, which is not so, because the demotivation of people's deputies, who are already in packs, is obvious. make up the mandates, this postponement, for example, of parliamentary sessions or the postponement of a committee is caused by the fact that there is a banal lack of authority, a banal lack of votes, the deputies simply do not have morals there at all at zero level, because they don't influence anything, those who came to earn money
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can't earn it, those who thought they could, that they could influence somehow politically, they don't influence anything, they don't influence on... and the president's office does not listen to them at all, so in this sense there is a huge crisis with the parliament, he could do quite a lot, and this is his function mainly, but the president does not care about it, the president's task was theirs charge, motivate, seek out, put in line, and the desire to stand in line in them there is none at all, and that is why it is a matter of misunderstanding the president... there is public administration in general, here he is on these five or six of his advisers, he continues to build a strategy on these five or six, although it already becomes almost everyone it is clear that we will not make progress on these strategies either with the european union, which is extremely important to us now, than with the preparation of any of this or that swiss conference on peace, it is foreign policy,
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whether we will, or we are talking about the beginning of negotiations there on acquiring membership. in the european union, when the sectoral negotiations will proceed, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, this formula of governing the country with six advisers, it does not produce results and cannot produce these results, allies are needed, and when the topic of let's rearrange the chairs starts to be thrown in the government, let's reduce the number of ministries, change the name of the minister or the prime minister there, it doesn't change anything either, it's just a desire, well, to imitate the activity, but rearrange the chairs again, change people. will be the same office of the president again, see where did the idea come from to take and rearrange the chairs right now, well, what , that is, not a year ago, not two years ago, that is, the government of national unity, as far as i understand , was rejected by the president's office, yes, but here it begins, you understand, we start draining the ministry of shortening and so on and so on, well, for what, that is, why exactly at this moment, so because
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it is sinking, first of all, well, we mentioned it somewhere industriously, industriously including or ... the meritocratic factor also worked here, because we are ahead at the beginning of the broadcast, they mentioned zaluzhnyi, no, well , i think that it was just such a vivid manifestation of recklessness and threats to this formula of state management that zelensky holds, because it is also basically about reshuffles, zaluzhnyi was taken away, his entire team was changed, but they they follow public sentiments very carefully, the sentiments show that, well, it is falling, support is falling, and we need to look for some options, trust there in the government is low, in the parliament is low, and my god, it has started to go down to the president himself, and there are no results, then it is necessary someone must be responsible, well no no no no not the office with the president must be responsible, it is necessary to show that , look, it turns out that we do not have such
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a number of ministries, there are too many of them, and something like that, but i find it very funny. .. because in my history, and i well remember the history of the establishment of independent ukraine , there were a lot of such campaigns, but after the orange revolution, we had roman bezsmertnyy as our vice prime minister, he was actually engaged in administrative reform and consolidation, i remember well i see his office is full of everyone cards, everything was correct, but it did not give much result , because in principle it does not change anything if instead of four ministries there will be two, but the principle that was previously the personnel is always preserved. if you are close to the king, the one who is on the throne , yes, the bigger you are, the more authority you have, but avakov was, my god, this is a super phenomenon, he was a super minister, he amassed so much authority, zelenskyi kubrakov seems to be popular, which means that some ministry becomes the super-ministry, but it is not about efficiency, not about orientation towards changes and certainly not
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about european integration in the sense of state management, because for europeans... the foundation of integration is precisely a strong parliament that keeps the government accountable, and the government bears all responsibility for the implementation of economic policy, while in our country all this is still mixed up, but the main reason is that you need to switch your attention to someone, you need to look for extreme scapegoats, we have never had a shortage of scapegoats, so in case of need, someone was always found, so to speak zeroed out, so to speak, a certain cycle, it is more difficult here, because there are no such powerful... lightning rods, and here we return to the possible end of the popery with the former head general zaluzhny, yes, that is, britain. well, if we take real ukrainian politics, then for...politicians or , well, not a politician, for officials of such a high scale, well, this was always the first offer, this is what
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was offered to me when i submitted my resignation, it is there on the choice of the embassy of the united states, the european union, or the first deputy the minister of foreign affairs with the prospect of promotion, i.e. diplomatic, well, i understood it for myself, because i spent many years abroad in principle. it was somewhere close to me, but precisely because of what i understood, i categorically refused, in the situation of the industrious, well, it would seem that the best thing that could be done is to somehow use the powerful knowledge of this person, his team in order to to achieve victory, because the goal of the brave has always been victory over the enemy, but here we rely on a good ukrainian tradition, a good ukrainian tradition says that if you are dismissed from your position, whether you are there at the national bank... or you are there, well, from any institution that you headed, this is especially typical for the ministry of foreign affairs, because we have enough foreign ministers a lot changes, it means that you never
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get more access there after resigning or the opportunity to influence any decision, in the army it is even more vivid, in the army the situation is more complicated because it is the new commander - that is his deputy, that is, there were no options, because many of your colleagues me they asked, well... why not use his experience, he is real, he was awarded a hero, that is, he was recognized by the president as an extraordinary, extremely talented military man, a military man, so it seems that his expertise should be used in order to to strengthen the institution, but i know there former heads of the security service of ukraine, ex-ministers of occult affairs, who directly say that you are formally placed in the reserve, well, in the reserve it is like a reservation, and you will never be allowed to take a step... you, you you will be, for example, an adviser to the president, but you will never see that president again, so with zaluzhny, stand in his place, he is a young man with political marks, he
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needs to put his strength somewhere, he simply cannot do anything, create something there some kind of public activity, or was he advised by some center there, well, it is clearly not his, because it is such a public activity, it is very close to political activity, we do not know him about political activity, and most likely it was one of the factors that... .he decided to agree for the position of a diplomat, but i will repeat what i already said, for example, for roman bezsmertny, the position of a diplomat in minsk, she added, made him several orders of magnitude more interesting, he was very well versed in ukrainian politics, well, since 26 years in the parliament , and he was there for several years, and i paid attention, and i can say it again, that for a person who is like that, you know, there is good information inside ukraine. as a person, zaluzhny knows military affairs there very well, but for him, as an individual, this school is probably the most the position of the ambassador is interesting for great britain
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, because it is the commonwealths, it is 56 countries, in my opinion , the commonwealths, which are all present there, these are the tables , london is the capital, where the largest embassy is located, but the ambassador has the authority when he has direct access to the supreme body , and when in... the spiritual intelligence, so to speak, reacts to certain messages from the ambassador, if there is no such connection, you understand, if there is no communicative chemistry or something, well then the ambassador, yes, a person, which will occupy the premises of our embassy in london, so this is the key challenge, this is an absolute challenge, this is what the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a person's stay in britain absolutely depends on, but for example, if... someone there has at least some kind of nail in the bank account, then this is the stupidest thing to do, so that zaluzhnyi is, well, this is such a portal
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in order to sharply increase understanding in the west, support, to explain in the end what is happening, well, it is a brand, it is a brand with a biography and a brand that is based on a certain legend among the military, this is not the last case and. therefore to him is huge attention will be paid not only to the ambassador , well, we didn’t have him, we have to be honest, we had a lot of political appointments, but in the history of independent ukraine , personalities of such, such a scale have not been appointed ambassadors, this is much higher than a minister, this much higher than the former minister of foreign affairs there, let's be honest, because it is a global brand, and therefore, if this brand is simply used so stupidly. well, this is a mistake for which you cannot forgive yourself, i think, i really hope that zelensky understands this, but here a question of personalities, since the ukrainian press
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said that they... there at the last stakes , they started quarreling just after 5 minutes, so will zelenskyi be able to step over this moment and even if it is not just a question of communication, well conditionally, what diplomats work, you can't be a diplomat, you can't even become a minister there, some diplomats have several degrees there, you know the curators who decide to connect you higher or not, the status of a meritorious person will of course be extremely good.. ... important ambassador, and he should have the authority to act, according to this status, how will this issue be resolved, i think that here at the level of the minister of foreign affairs there will certainly be no jealousy, because, after all, he does not seem to be such a person, but will there be yermak , not even zelensky in the first place, will yermak miss it, or whether zelensky will be able to hear and even there it is possible to disagree, but well
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, to perceive... the information or the signals that will be sent by zaluzbe, from this there is a lot depends in principle, britain played an unsurpassed role in supporting ukraine, and there we did not have an ambassador for six months, now it would be a huge stupidity, i simply do not know what other words to describe, a scenario when these personal ambitions, or some grievances, non-perception can hinder the effectiveness of the ambassador’s work in london at such a decisive time for ukraine. especially on the eve of the elections there in the united states, because britain has always had its special relations with the states there, that is, it is a global such a key position, well, it is probably the most important secret of us such a diplomatic outpost in the world is now at such a difficult moment, and a person with an extremely high reputation, both in britain and in the world, got into this position, so i really hope, i just don't know what
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words to convey this information. that you can't just waste such an opportunity now. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this extremely interesting and meaningful conversation , i would like to remind our viewers that oleg rybachuk, ex-vice prime minister for european integration, former head of president yushchenko's secretariat, was currently working on espresso. co-founder of chesno movement. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues have prepared a lot of important information. watch espresso live, see you on the air, take care of yourself and yours. quiet, what is bakhmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end.
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represents the stronger united by football . every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what are they saying about ukraine in the eu, how do we... every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with seestre eu.


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