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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents the stronger united by football. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. we always talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, how we should perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like, in the project "close to politics close to the world" with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu.
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2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the rescuer who died today in the odesa hospital after an enemy attack is 39-year-old driver firefighter vitaly alimov. as reported in the state emergency service , the man was seriously injured as a result. repeated missile strike. he became the 21st victim of the bloodiest russian attack since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. more than fifty victims remain in the hospital, many of them seriously. the occupiers launched two rocket attacks on odesa the day before. the city was shelled by iskanders. today, a day of mourning was announced in the region. another anniversary of terror, exactly. two years ago
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, russian invaders destroyed the drama theater in mariupol, dropping a 500-kilogram aerial bomb on it. hundreds of civilians, including women and children, were hiding there at that moment. the russians knew about it, they were not stopped by the inscription next to the building in capital letters, children. the exact number of victims who died under the rubble is still unknown, as the occupiers are trying to hide the traces of their brutality crime estimated numbers range from 300 to... dead. since then, the drama theater has become a symbol of the russian-ukrainian war, brutality and ruthless russia. fell and did not break. in vinnytsia, explosives engineers destroyed the warhead of an enemy missile. it is about the russian kha-101, the regional state emergency service said. it was noted there that an explosive object was discovered earlier in the forest massif of zhmeren district. two
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russian plants caught fire due to a drone attack: the siyzran and kuibyshev oil refineries in the samara region. video published by propaganda media. it is reported that around 6:00 a.m. the drone hit the first enterprise. the area of ​​the fire is about 1,500 m2. after that , the drones also attacked the kuibyshev plant. the first prisoners on the territory. of russia rdk released a video of the interrogation of the russian military army. they assure that they captured a group of invaders on the russian border. the military operation of russian volunteers in the belgorod and kursk regions continues. our car was fired upon while carrying out minesweeping tasks. in this in this case it was rdk. russian volunteer corps. those who were in my place, they all died. i am the only one left alive. did you see the dead at all? soldiers of the russian
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volunteer corps? no, i didn't see it. oleksiy is a stubborn person, but even he admits that the ministry of defense of the russian federation does not convey information quite correctly. explosions at the polling station rang out in the russian city of belgorod, local media reports. the city authorities have not yet commented on the situation. at the same time, the ministry of defense of the enemy says that it is over their territory air defense shot down three drones. in the morning in the city too. it was restless, as a result of the drone attack in belgorod , two people were killed and three were injured, the local governor said. there were fires in various districts, debris that apparently flew onto one of the streets, damaged up to two dozen cars, traffic is still blocked there. almost 60 countries of the united nations strongly condemned putin's pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of ukraine. the text of the joint statement
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was distributed by the permanent representation of ukraine at un. all the signatories emphasized that such a fake vote would have no legal effect under international law. , as it is a blatant disregard for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. the states also once again urged not to recognize any change by russia in the status of crimea, as well as donetsk, kherson, luhansk or zaporizhzhia regions. taurus for ukraine, germany's ruling coalition supported resolutions in the european parliament regarding the transfer of these long-range missiles to ukraine. it is reported. german edition of bild. deputies adopted a resolution on the need for unwavering support of ukraine from the eu. in particular, it is about the fact that the country needs highly developed air defense systems, storm shadow systems, modern combat aircraft, various types of artillery and
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ammunition, as well as taurus cruise missiles. however, the last word, which should still be the last, belongs to the chancellor of germany olaf scholz, he was until today. against such support. cars with russian license plates are illegal in finland from today, according to the finnish customs service. exception are cars belonging to students or those russians who work in ukraine under an initial employment contract. if a car from the russian federation is spotted on the road, the customs service will arrest it and force it to pay value added tax. car owners were also reminded that it is now impossible to cross the russian border from finland, as the checkpoints will be closed until mid-april. 4 tons of russian auto parts were tried to be illegally imported into ukraine, the state
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border service of ukraine reported. on the border with in poland, customs officials stopped three trucks for inspection. the drivers assured that they were transporting chinese spare parts and metal products. however... after an additional inspection , the border guards discovered 900 pieces of automobile spare parts with refiya marking. the goods were confiscated. the cost will be assessed additionally. 39 fires broke out in the podilsky district of kyiv in the first three months of this year. the number of deaths from fire has also increased, the state emergency service informed. the rescuers informed the residents about compliance with household safety rules. firefighters warned locals about the danger of fire from electrical appliances, extension cords and natural gas. let me remind you that on march 13, two people died in their own apartment as a result of a house fire. this information and explanatory work
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is carried out in the format of direct communication with a reminder of compliance with the requirements of fire and man-made safety in housing, in everyday life, also with the abandonment of. and with the involvement of social services. i have material, as in mass media, a private house, not an apartment, and we must call a gas engineer every year, he must check everything, but how can we do without it? everything depends on a person, whether he wants it or not, if he does not want it, then a person has a life. in kyiv , plastuns organized an event dedicated to the 2010 anniversary of taras shevchenko's birthday, about 20 teams of young men and women opened a thematic fair, thus plastuns got to know the creativity and life of kobzare
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through games, quizzes, poetry and delicious food. until march 9, the community joined the charity fundraiser for spare parts for fpv drones, for which they... had honors and awards, the teams organized this collection, well, they spread it in their social networks, through acquaintances, through friends, we succeeded, we wanted to collect 210 00, so we have the 210th anniversary of the birth of kobzar , but we even exceeded this amount, it is very nice, and we have collected 246 00 at the moment, but the collection continues today, we serve sweets, pinky, all beautiful. it's super mega cool, the percentage will go to the collection for the armed forces, and i want to remind you about our collection, we ask you to help with the purchase maviks and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers are defending the country in
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the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 240,000. remember, every donation you make is important, so join the collection. you can now see all the details on the screen. such was the news at that time, we will see you at 3:00 p.m., literally meet my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, who will continue the espresso tv channel. congratulations, we are fulfilling our obligations,
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we promised with oksana vysochanska that we would return to you, we are back, thank you for the espresso, thank you for the donation, but we will remind you, for today, by the way, 2000 have already arrived, continue, please, in the same spirit, and in the meantime, we will include in our conversation mykhailo prytulo, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine and an expert on military counterintelligence, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, hero. mr. mykhailo , please tell me, it’s a little alarming that shopping centers, schools and everything else will be closed for a few days in the belgorod people’s republic, eh, well, they say something like that there, they say two explosions at the polling stations, and for one of them it’s definitely officially, some units of navalny took responsibility, who are they? i have no idea, but the main thing is that we are not there. it is russian citizens who are choosing their freedom and fighting against putin's regime. we
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what's the point here? of course, we have to observe the actions of the russian volunteer corps of the siberia battalion and the legion of freedom of russia, and we can even analyze some of their actions. for example, i really expect such a methodical move, which was once used by muscovites in ukraine. "when they appointed kharkiv as the capital of ukraine, then they began to liberate ukraine from the unf, but in this case , the same technique can also be applied by the russian volunteer corps, the legion of freedom of russia and the siberia battalion, that is, they can declare belgorod the capital of the russian federation and start liberating the russian federation from putin's regime, well , why not have such a moment and such". enough events, let's put it this way, well, it is in the traditions of the russian federation, when russian
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citizens fight for their freedom , well, why don't they apply the old methods that were developed back in the kremlin there 100 years ago, the fact that they don't quite like what is happening in the belgorod, voroniv, kursk, bryansk regions, too, is evident from the fact that there was such a shelling this week the masses tv towers, border fences, that is, a way to block ukrainian media so that the russians do not have access to true information, because they have one solid propaganda, and so that they do not understand what is happening, because they are told that it is from ukraine, they are told completely different stories , and actually the only one of the few ways to get reliable information is the ukrainian media, and by the way, some of our guests told us that from the border, actually, from sumy. from chernihiv oblast, which in russia are actively watching in these regions, watching ukrainian tv channels, ukrainian
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television, but are these their attempts to block broadcasting, they testify that they are really worried about the situation in moscow, or for them it is something that happens somewhere on the periphery, somewhere far away and does not really affect the situation capital and in general on the course of the country. you know, again , as i reported, their work methods are the same, they stayed there during the soviet union, they could already invent the tyranny of the dictatorship in the system there, they already invented everything, absolutely everything, and therefore they will act the way they used to act, they will try to block the tv towers there, install jammers, fight those who think differently, not as accepted in the kremlin and so on, that is, the same us... who were once before in the soviet union, but they do not forget
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that the people who live there in the territory of the kursk people's republic, the bilhorod people's republic, also have their own methods, which were developed at the same time, and this did not help the kremlin authorities to retain power in any way , people can talk, they know how to read information, they understand that when there is traffic, a large number of people flee... from belgorod, then something is happening here, they understand that if fuel prices rise, er, then something is also happening, they they say, for example, that in... you find out there that putin's enemies began to seize power and so on, that is, they do not approve of all this in words, but in this way spread information about the events that are taking place, also through messengers, through information goes to various publics, it is quite rich, and that we we see, this shows that the russians, they
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follow these events quite carefully and many of them expect ee... liberation from those regimes imposed on them, let's say, by moscow, because once upon a time we remember belgorod kurdish region, it was part of ukraine, and they are really the descendants of those people who lived there, they expect liberation from, well, maybe they don’t really expect that much, the people of sumy tell us that they are maximally russified, having washed their brains with stalin’s drugs, so that it is possible... it is not worth it, it cannot be calculated to say otherwise, roman, they have no right, if even they communicate with someone, they don't trust, they say, they have to say what the propaganda says, as it is right, because it's just dangerous to say anything else, you will be sewn up immediately an article for the spread of fakes there, for anything against the russian army, you can't
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say a word there, so they quite carefully repeat the propaganda they say on tv. those people in the head, it is a completely different matter, that is , to hope that they will be faithful putin's regime, i would not do this in putin's place, because it is in vain. mr. mykhailo, i will give you an english lesson in a few seconds, but before that i want to say that there is such a circus going on in russia right now, it is called putin's re-election and the yekaterinburg news agency today. nor writes that in yekaterinburg some of the voters did not turn up to vote at the polling station, and their names were found in the lists of the so-called dpr. even funnier, voters from the chkalovsky district found themselves on the lists of occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region, this is what a circus is going on. and today
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is the great international day of africa in russia. to see all kinds of different africans , exotic, from benin, and wherever you want, but they said at first that there were 706 countries that represented 333 thousand observers, then they corrected the figure of 706 to 106, but it was too late, the screens are not lit, by all means with the presence of 195 countries, that's what ria news and tas wrote, here, and now there is an important moment, let's listen to one...
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this is such a short english lesson, no way occupation is not visible here, people are happy, there are not even roadblocks, how to install such useful american idiots, the sbu can calculate it and tell us, and we will already tell people who they are, no idea how much. his american, really american language , something like that, the pronunciation is purely american, well, not really, i would say, there are certain moments that it is too soft, that is, you don't think the staged version, because they say, you see the staged version before everything, well , secondly, a person could generally be caught in
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the expanses of texas, or at all once arrived look at deliberate actions against the territorial integrity of ukraine, we have such articles and he is actually denying the occupation of actions in favor of the enemy, so we could as a minimum. he, being on the territory of ukraine, violated the laws of ukraine, at least, yes, and in this case he should bear criminal responsibility according to the legislation. in ukraine, this is one question, but another question is how much this person generally understands where she is and what about her, what she is being asked about, the person may have come there for some
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sex tour to moscow, he was caught there by facebookers and said: guys, boy, come on, kill yourself there, we will take you somewhere on safari, and you will see what is happening there, well, they brought him, he did not see anything, because he was in a bag, and then he will say something... that is, it was taken out of context, and in russia they are now trying to create such an appearance of national, well, worldwide support, even loosely based on the number of countries that you mentioned, then they probably have all-planetary and all-universe support, that is, certain martians have to fly there from other planets, because there are too many countries, here and there, this appearance of such, you know, worldwide approval of putin's policy, this is, well, again, the methods from the times of the soviet union, the information space is clogged with this garbage, and we
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remember what happened, for example, in north korea, when they won the world cup on their television, that is, all this is happening in russia right now , right now, and people have to pretend that they approve of putin's policy, they have to fall, well, who. .. who did not approve, i will leave already, of course, these are episodes of the big north korean tv series in russian, of course, mr. mikhail, look, the german business insider writes that germany received data, this is fresh information, it is not that there were ideas about training before, about the scenarios when russia attacks, but what are the data now about the possibility of russia attacking nato, nato member countries, from the 26th year, that is, somewhere in about two years. well, we remember that just the other day scholz said: yes, yes, we need to create a coalition of long-range artillery, missiles must go too
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to ukraine, and the germans, the ruling coalition of germany and the members of the european parliament, they still supported the transfer of the tauruses, they will probably put pressure on scholz, it’s all one story, this is actually the reason, the data on the possibility of an attack and... the decision on missiles continued , or are these other stories altogether? this is one story, i think that the intelligence, they indicate that the russians are really preparing to do something there against the european union. as far as they will have it, well, let's say this, plans are one thing, the fact that they draw a picture, in there are special people there who make fantastic tv series, write scripts, and so on... to what extent it will correspond to reality, i don't know, i 'm not lanta's grandmother, i don't know what's wrong, i'm not a psychiatrist, but here's the thing they
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make such plans, well, it's obvious, because there are relevant departments that have to make such plans, they will most likely do something about those plans even this year. mr. mykhailo, we watched this series called taurus from scholz, there were so many series, there was an opposition series and... this vote, there was an opposition series number two with the support of the executive wing of the german government and failed again. series number three: here the german ruling coalition, the ruling one, supported the transfer of taurus missiles to ukraine. in the fourth series, scholz will agree to this, or we need to learn more about these personal hooks, which are allegedly in russian for scholz. roman, at the time when the series about taurus is running, germany transfers shells to ukraine almost everywhere, almost every week, transfers cheetahs,
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transfers a lot of other weapons, not only taus, we are fixated on something about taurus, because they fly well, germany does not transfer taurus, we were answered by missiles similar to taurus, scalpel and what... transmitted by great britain and transmitted by france, so we cannot say that germany does not help ukraine, there is indeed a series going on, and probably this series is distracting attention, and the public is certain, and enemies from what is happening , whether germany will hand over tauruses to ukraine, i think that it will, the fact is that... how many of them are there in germany, is there enough of them , it seems there were 300 tauruses that were decommissioned are already obsolete, sure they had to do a mod
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with it there. russians, that is, technically they were not ready to counter modern means of reb, radio electronic intelligence of russia, modern air defense systems, and of course, in order to transfer missiles to us, these missiles must meet the requirements dictated by today's modern battlefield in ukraine, that's why i wouldn't look at it there, that germany is not helping us, or that germany is delaying something, this one. that is, the chekists have nothing against sholtz, that is, it was just an informational throw. i think scholz understands from the fact that since the attempt on the heads of state sponsored by the russian federation was exposed in germany in december 22nd, there are no illusions against what russia is doing. of course, mr. mykhailo, thank you for your comment
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and current analysis. mykhailo prytlova , a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu , you helped us, look at what cunning serials everyone is playing, it's good that we have people who can help us figure it all out, a short pause, after which we will return with the military, we will fly again, we are tired from heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work , it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, there is an opportunity free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement with a strong saw, just look how fast
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the most. current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country must get the right to start negotiations. stepping into the eu vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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