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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the rescuer who died today in the odesa hospital after an enemy attack is the 39-year-old firefighter vitaly alimov. as reported in the state emergency service, the man was seriously injured as a result of a repeated missile strike. he became the 21st victim of the bloodiest russian attack since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. more than fifty victims remain in the hospital, among them many difficult some patients were in a state of clinical death. the occupiers launched two rocket attacks on odesa the day before. the city was shelled. iskander, today the region
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declared a day of mourning. currently, the condition of the patients is serious, four patients are in extremely serious condition, all patients had external injuries of varying degrees of severity, two patients are currently in a specialized burn intensive care unit with burns. unfortunately, the condition of many is extremely difficult and serious. many are in intensive care, the figure may change because the patient applies for outpatient care, but given his current condition, he is hospitalized and is already in inpatient facilities. rescuers of the state emergency service helped to evacuate the civilian population from the border of sumy oblast. in particular, we are talking about residents of the village of velyka pysarivka, the state service reported. emergency situations, they
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added that their employees first traveled with the village to notify the residents, and later helped them get to the assembly point and load things into the bus, few mobile rescuers had to carry people to evacuation buses in their arms, everyone was taken to safer regions. there is concern again in belgorod oblast, where a massive attack on military facilities and positions has begun. army of the russian federation. it was previously announced by the russian rebels. they also called on the civilians who did not have time to evacuate to go down to the shelter. meanwhile, local authorities have announced the closure of shopping malls, as well as schools and colleges in the region. we are talking about belgorod itself and several border areas. according to the local governor, they had to go to such events because of the difficult operational situation. commercial drones attack the city every day. centers will not
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work on sunday and monday, educational institutions of the region will have a weekend on monday and tuesday. in addition, the local authorities urge parents not to bring their children to kindergartens. on the second day of the so-called show of will in russia, the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, complained that polling stations were tried to be set on fire eight times, and the violators also spoiled more than two hundred ballots. opened all over the country at least 15 criminal cases in connection with the incidents. one of the attempts to burn down the voting premises was caught on video in the volgograd region. there, the woman entered the booth and threw the incendiary mixture. in the kaliningrad region and yekaterinburg, two russian women filled the ballots with zelenka. and in belgorod, in the afternoon , explosions rang out at one of the precincts. the ministry of defense of the enemy announced that...
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air defense shot down three drones over the region. the premiere of the film "i, victory and berlin" took place in ivano-frankivsk the novel of the same name by the musician kuzma skryabin. the tape directed by olga ryashina was supposed to be released two years ago, but the premiere was postponed due to a full-scale invasion. the 104-minute comedy was filmed in lviv and berlin, and andriy played the main role. played by the actor of the frankish drama theater ivan blindar, he says, on the screen he was reincarnated as kuzma scriabin in the 90s, at the beginning of his musical career. the actor admits that this is his first leading role in a feature film. the team was very cool, the director olya ryashina connected us all to a bunch, i constantly joke about interview, that this is how we as avatars intertwined, all connected. synchronized and everyone
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added some piece of heart, soul to the whole process, we tried if we didn't try, we did, we did everything we could at that moment. for this film to become iconic and for everyone to put their heart, soul and soul into paying tribute to the memory of andrii viktorovych. send it to england, we are starving. at the end of march, it will be 91 years since those lines by gareth johnson first informed the world about the famine in ukraine. 1932-33 became black pages in our history. about ukrainian families and theirs. losses, the exhibition of dolls for the unborn tells. kateryna galko will tell more. as the ears of corn bent in a dead field, the young mother i wept bitterly, became sad. her baby did not
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appear in the world, it settled in the sky as a pure angel. these lines of valentina mirushnyk became the epigraph to the exposition of the doll for the unborn. a woman is also a participant. project, together with other craftsmen, she creates motanka dolls, a visual element for stories about a terrible tragedy of the ukrainian people. it is impressive, truly unique, it gives a visualization of the holodomor, which is very difficult to organize, not only to read about the holodomor, but also to show it. each puppet composition tells a real story about the tragedy of ukrainian families who had to survive the organization. famine by the soviet regime. the cultural and educational project was created in 2018 and presented for the first time in hamburg, germany. its author is a folk craftswoman, currently living in the diaspora tetyana zolochevska. it was her doll that started such expositions, which
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have been shown abroad and in ukraine for the seventh year in a row, virtually and offline, to remind the world of those terrible years. this is a sad, tragic topic. should be illuminated not only at the end of november, as we are all used to, lighting a candle of memory. today, all those who will come to the opening of the exhibition are the children of those who were born thanks to people who survived the famine. currently, 65 works created by 40 female artists are exhibited in the capital. mom, cut off my finger, golopupianka, or yushka, all these are the names of creations that are difficult stories of ordinary ukrainian... families, mrs. natalia, for example, created her doll based on the stories of her relatives. before going to sleep, i asked her to tell a fairy tale. and grandmother, apparently, did not know fairy tales, so she told me stories from her
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childhood, and every time before going to sleep, she told me a scary one. a fairy tale natalia portrayed her great-great-granddaughter varvara and her youngest son andrii. both died of hunger in the 33rd. i have never seen a barbarian grandmother, so i wanted to make some bright image, leave it in memory. and almost every ukrainian family experienced such a terrible family history. in memory of unborn children. about their murdered parents, about the terrible crime committed by the soviet union, and they exhibit such dolls. in the capital, the exhibition can be viewed until april 12 at the national museum of medicine of ukraine, as part of a tour of the museum's permanent exhibition. and i
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want to remind you about our collection, we ask you to help us with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd. these warriors defend country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and you and i can help, our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already raised half of this amount. remember, every donation you make is important, so join the collection. you can see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time, you and i.' see you at 18 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on my colleague mykola veresen continues the broadcast on youtube.
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good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we will work with you until 7 p.m. today, almost two hours. and let's start, as always, with the situation on the fronts, in general in russian-ukrainian relations, if you can call them that, these relations, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard, veteran of the russian-ukrainian wars. good health, mr. oleksiy, thank you for finding time for us. and i have the following question for you: this, putin's attraction to warm seas, that he... odesa is constantly told that what he wants from odesa is, well, once it was some
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oil, once it was grain, once it was some, well, somehow, that you can imagine that this is what ukraine needs , but when 20 people die just because some idiot just shot into a high-rise building that certainly wouldn't have done anything bad, neither to putin nor to any russian soldier, what did he forget there ? well, it's bad for them that we exist, it's just bad for them, so accordingly they wanted, well, it's them, they want to shake up the situation internally , we understand this very well, they want some mistrust to arise, some mistrust to start some, well, if not protest, then some destructive movements inside, well, at least in odesa, they , they don't hide their plans, they want to cut us off from the black sea, to continue this. the corridor that they made from russia to crimea and then from crimea further west to moldova, well, where is this one, they have such
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plans that they do not hide it, so maybe it is just steps, and besides, the elections are already one more question, one of the specialists said , when i asked, why they strike so often in odesa, he said, will you confirm or deny it, that simply, when the sea is nearby, it is difficult to track, because... the missile can to go directly over the sea, there are no changes in the landscape there, and therefore it is difficult to intercept it , as far as this is true, well , even sometimes the rocket hides behind the landscapes , it can fly there along the rivers, and it is even worse to see, it is in a state of evolution on mountains, then, well, these are landscapes, these are revengers the so-called, that is, it looks like spots on the monitors and the missile can hide behind them, that is, behind the mountain, the missile is flying through... we don’t see it at sea
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, but there are other difficulties for the missile here, it must be sufficiently technological so that it could not crash into the mountain, to put it simply, so that it could fly along these paths between the hills along the rivers, that is, there are nuances, but the hummingbird they launch is a rocket that can fly, well, now the last attack, it was not the caliber, it was exactly what it was. ballistic missiles, which are generally difficult for us to destroy them, and any ballistics, but ballistics is not tied to the fact that there are seas, that you can fly low caliber, yes these missiles, they can fly at a height there, well, ice not 10 m below the surface of the sea and see how it is possible only for, well, here you can count how much the horizon line is, there is a certain distance to the horizon line, but from our height to the horizon line with you, it is only 4.5 km... that is, if the rocket is beyond the boundary beyond the horizon line, it cannot be seen, not by the eye, not
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by the human, not by the radio station, the waves do not bent, well bent a bit behind the horizon lines, but it only adds 10% to the range, well no more radar station depending on what frequency it works, so that's how the sea can be used, well there's a very simple simple formula if you want, can tell you, take, well, approximately, to calculate what distance to to will be to... the horizon line of the rocket, take the square root in meters of this height at which it does not fly, for example, 9 m √2, and remember by 3.8, well, by 4 conditionally speaking , it will be the number 12, but it is possible for 12 km see closer , no further, we simply do not see it, that is, this is a formula, a simplified formula, well, you can calculate exactly the radius of the earth there, well, this is such a mathematical problem, yes , i confirm it, mr. oleksiy, once a long time ago , i had a wonderful moment when there was some soviet holiday , and i was a sailor, and we were standing at a distance from odessa, by the way, and it’s just
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the impression that there are salutes from the sea, you don’t see odessa, just the horizon line, from just from the sea, such beautiful , colorful roses are flying out, and and everything and you mean it then i made sure that the earth is a ball after all, and not and does not hold on to three, i think on a small raft, i think that after all, well, it is easier for him on a raft, that is, very... just remember, i think that no one it will not be remembered, but take the square root of the height in meters and multiply it by four, simply put, and it will be the distance in kilometers to the horizon line, well, that's all, that is, it is simply calculated, but eh... it's ballistics , when they fired from the crimean peninsula, temporarily occupied by the iskanders, then this is the valley the horizon has no anchor, because it flies ballistically, that is, it rises up, falls from above, it is difficult for us, we can destroy them, well, mostly patriots, patriots have such missiles, but we do not have such a number of patriots that we can cover the whole country
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, we have them, we have them, we have wandering patriots, that is , they move, they do not stand in one place, the anti-aircraft missile complex, it is not... not a stationary patriot, the others, but you see, the russians are already checking in this way , where exactly at this time is our patriots, well, maybe it is, yes, and they even say that they hit such and such, i don’t know to what extent, this is true, but they say that this is true, it is very important here, the anti-aircraft missile complex is a system of radar stations, launchers with missiles, well command post of radar stations that calculate, investigate, accompany. and then the launchers that destroy where the missile is located and that launches and destroys the air target, there can be many 10-12 of these launchers on the petriod rocket complex, well, you can, well and more, and they can be located , most importantly, at a great distance from the radar station itself with the command post, that is, there is a radar station working here that sees where what is flying, where the target
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is, pointing to the missile that is in the launcher and it starts and there is no target , the launcher was destroyed, this is not an anti-aircraft missile complex destroyed, this is a big difference, that is , once again, an anti-aircraft missile complex can have, well, at least 10 launchers, if you destroy one, then the complexes will still work, they are a little vague here the russians pretend that they destroyed the missile complex, they didn't destroy it, they destroyed one by one of the launchers, well, maybe it was even empty without those missiles, there was one, pak-2, pak-3 that were there, well, that's unpleasant, ok, it’s clear, it’s clear , and now the second question... the third question , i’m sorry, this, this, well, i wouldn’t say, i would even say directly, here are russian raids on russia, russian raids on russia, and they are there , as it was denied after 15 literally hours, lied a lot, it helps us that there
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half of belgorod has already fled, that half... has fled, and then it turns out that 10 cars, 20 cars, 30 cars ran away, but here it is already written that 600, 700, ran away, well, i understand that it affects the moment when they spread it, the nervousness in russia grows, but on the second day it turned out that they lied, and then, well, somehow trust the rdk, this russian. there is simply no volunteer corps, what do you say? well, you know, the fact that they do raids is not bad, although it is, that's it raids, they were not going to move somewhere towards moscow, because they do not have such powerful rears that would ensure their advance , well, a tank is going there to moscow, it has run out of fuel, everything it needs to do is to be in the rear, to be followed by refuelers, to
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be transported there with ammunition, shells, everything necessary, fuel and bridges. because you won't go to a gas station here, you won't refuel the tanks, so everyone perfectly understood that they would stay there for a certain time and then return, and this is the word order, that is, they entered, left, that they they continue, then they don't continue, what they tell is not exactly what is true, well, these are two words at the end, what about what is useful for us or not, what they do, yes, of course, it seems to me , that it is useful, because this component carries, this is these actions, the basis is no longer military, after all, it is political, emotional, i am sure that, well, within russian society, civilian, and most importantly, among military personnel, in including those that are now at zero russian, the question arises as to whether that they are fighting, because it is somehow
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psychologically difficult for them to go over to the side of russian employees, ukrainians, ukrainians, you and me, because why should they fight for another country, here they have nowhere to go, they will fight... yes only with russians like them, for a different, for a different russia, for a democratic russia, that is, there are such barriers that he could psychologically stand in front of these people, he seems to be destroyed, that is, there is another force, another, another , second russians, as they say, and with them you can free russia from putin's regime, and i 'm sure russians and soldiers have such and such opinions, because the relations within the russian army are not the same as the ukrainian ones, there is no trust between commanders. subordinates, the commander is mocked , they are allowed to launch local storms of russians in the eye, well, hazing is there, well, that is , it is completely different there than here, and many, if they do not immediately transfer to... rdk, well, other legions, then at least about i will think about it, but coming back, well, completing what i promised, what they say is not true, well, they are russians after all, well, what will you do, mr. oleksii, mr.
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major, look, but you suggested a cool idea, i just imagined the luk oil gas station somewhere in russia, such a beautiful ukrainian tank with a flag pulls up and asks so neatly for money, no need to rob, it suits me, please. you can fill up 400 liters of diesel fuel here immediately , i think it’s some kind of mozhenetsky from todesa , as he said that when you go to the tanks and ask how much, how much is it for a kilogram or a bag, that is, and immediately starts a completely different other prices, maybe yes, maybe the discount will be big, well, that is, this is the raid on in your opinion, the territories of russia still somehow help, maybe a little bit , but they are useful to us, well, you know, at least they spoiled, spoiled this so-elian picture of putin's elections, that everything is fine on the victory front, that's all it's okay, then
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if putin starts to make excuses, but to go to kiselyov and talk about the fact that everything is not so bad, that's the truth, he started to make excuses for these actions that the russian legions did, this is very, very important, in russia i can forgive everything to my king. if he is strong and he gives them the confidence that they are also strong , invincible, we can repeat, and so on , although you know, we can repeat, i really liked it, we saw a picture of macron in a napoleonic uniform and it is written, and in the background the executioner of moscow, this is what macron says , we can repeat, that is, i liked it very much, that’s why when the tsar in them becomes weak, when he starts to make excuses, when he starts to look into the eyes of the shaygu, to say, what is this, why don’t we shoot down all 100% of the air force , but only 95, and everyone is smart. that he is lying that it is less than 95 are beaten down, that is, the weakness of the tsar in russia will not be forgiven, and it has been shaken, which is no less a question, please, whether this
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nuke is the next to the last, another 145th nuclear blackmail by putin, when he says, we have nuclear weapons, we have passed here, we here are thoughtful, we won't start , but we will hit, and if, well, it's like wolves wolves, you know, it, it has been since the 22nd, even before the 22nd year, it shouted that we have weapons. and this is the 150th time it screams, eventually they will just stop believing him and do whatever they want, i.e. why is he doing it then? yeah, that's a little weird you see, this also does not add to his popularity and does not raise his rating or what to call it in the middle of the russian federation , including because constantly saying that we will use nuclear weapons, well, you know, nuclear weapons are very powerful, a powerful weapon, and it is used extensively. the accumulation of manpower or in populated areas or , well, some other military facilities, that is, thanks to and this in contrast to high-precision
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weapons, which stuck there like a needle and that's it, neutralized something, it destroys something very it is great to use nuclear weapons in a field where there are 1,500 km of contact lines, well , there is simply no sense, it will not give any advantage, that is, it will not lead to anything. that is useless, that is, even if he uses nuclear weapons and he, well, i think that he is told by the military, who are not alinivodes, but really understand honestly, i can say that it does not make sense to use nuclear weapons in the field, gives only bad consequences for the image of the world and for the image of the international, and this can lead to the fact that in response something can fly very seriously on some very clear objects. on the black sea fleet, on some bases , that is why, but you see, many people continue to be afraid of nuclear weapons, they are not so terrible, there are very exaggerated,
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the danger from nuclear weapons is exaggerated than it really is, well, he continues, although you know, i i think that everyone is already thinking about this , that again, well, yes, what is there, but nuclear weapons say again, well, well, let him say, thank you very much, oleksiy hetman, major of the reserve of the national of the guards, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian wars, was with us. thank you very much for the communication, although on the other hand, you might think that no one wants to test it, and suddenly one rocket buzzes , the russians have, well, there will be big victims, okay, now we have advertising, and then we will go with you to the united states states of america, and it does not require a visa, at least in the program i run. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use and for carpentry. it is the perfect tool
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be
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terrifying. a project for everyone. and thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. so, ours continues. programs, as i promised, historian, political scientist, professor of rudger university of the united states, oleksandr matyl, will appear with us now, mr. oleksandr, mr. professor, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, thank you for the invitation, look, such a question, we roughly know the answers of the white house, and the answers of the intellectual environment, the answers of experts who write, who argue
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somewhere out there. on fox news, on cnn, the new york times and so on, that macron said that we we can send troops to ukraine, there in some case, in the case of something, someone told balta , it should not be rejected, and the finns also said, it should not be rejected, and the americans said no, this, this is incredible, and the experts, this is washington he said so, and the experts, in which angle they discuss, because it is the same thing. i don't know, they didn't provide tanks there, but today they do, they didn't do anything the day before yesterday, but today they are doing so on and so forth, and there was no talk of any foreign troops, and now if the talks start, what they say what they say in america.


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