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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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said that yes, that we will welcome the presence of allied troops on the territory of ukraine, this is some kind of political statement, in my opinion, it has already been made, but you are right in the sense that it needs to be reinforced by decisions of the parliament , but with the parliament, we have a very, very sad picture, in our eyes, it is simply disappearing somewhere by itself, as our poor neighbors say, and also according to the laws on mobilization in general... at such a critical moment, this imbalance of the branches of power is very felt , but this tells me that if it needs to be, they will solve it very quickly by the decision of the president’s office, but you are right, we need to prepare for this, the parliament, by the way, and what do you think is happening with the parliament, yes, well, there were certain insiders regarding the meeting with president zelenskyi with its largest parliamentary faction, yes, well, some representatives of the servant did not fully understand.
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people, what is the policy of the central office, so regarding what and how will unfold with our parliament, your versions of why they are so actively trying to be public, not publicly, but somehow to subvert the parliament, well, because it is a legitimate authority, and it is also a key insurance story, that is, it is a key insurance platform for political stabilization in the event of something, and at any decisive moment there, even that the moment we just talked about hypothetically. it was at such moments that the parliament manifested itself, when president yanukovych fled there, when there were situations where the fate of ukraine there depended on the effectiveness of some institution, this institution has always been the parliament, now this meeting that you are talking about, between the president and the parliament, there with a monomajority, that 's right, a monomajority, but the deputies left mostly dissatisfied, first of all, it wasn't a conversation.
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the president was not at all going to listen to any opinions of the deputies, he simply gave them a lecture and sometimes switched to a high, high pitch, and therefore it was not at all what the parliamentarians had hoped for , they thought that now we will sit down, talk, yes, which is not so, because it is obvious the demotivation of people's deputies, who are already making bundles mandates are the postponement, for example, of meetings. or the transfer of the committee is caused by the fact that there is simply no stupidity, there are no powers , there are simply not enough votes, the deputies simply do not have morale at all there at the level of zero, because they do not influence anything, those who came to earn money cannot earn it , those who thought that they could, that they could not be influenced in any way politically, they do not influence anything, they do not influence the government, and the office of the president does not listen to them at all, so in this sense there is a huge crisis with... he could do quite a lot and
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this is his function mainly, but the president is not concerned about it, the task of the president was to charge them, motivate them, find them, put them in line, and they have no desire to stand in line at all, and therefore it is a matter of the president's misunderstanding of public administration in general, here he is on these five or six advisers, he continues to build a strategy on these five... hundreds, although it is already clear to almost everyone that we will not make progress on these strategies, neither with the european union, which us now it is extremely important, not with the preparation of anything, this or that swiss conference on peace, it is foreign policy , whether we will, whether we are talking about the beginning of negotiations on the acquisition of membership in the european union, when the sectoral negotiations will take place, that's where you don't go , don't get involved, this... the formula of managing the country
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with six advisers, it does not produce results and cannot produce these results, allies are needed, and when the topic of let's rearrange the chairs in the government, reduce the number of ministries, change the surname minister or prime minister, it doesn't change anything either, it's just a desire, well, to imitate the activity, but rearrange the chairs again, change people, it will be the same office of the president again, look, but where did the idea come from, right now to take and. .. rearrange the chairs, well, what , that is, not a year ago, not two years ago, that is, the government of national unity, as far as i understand, was refused in the office of the president, yes, but this is where it starts, you see, we are starting to merge the ministry of shortening and so on and so on, so what, that is, why exactly at this moment, because it is sinking, first of all, we mentioned it somewhere in vain, including inauspiciousness, or the inauspiciousness factor also worked here, because, well, before the start of the broadcast, we mentioned inauspiciousness.
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i think that this was simply such a clear manifestation of thoughtlessness and threats to this formula of state management that zelensky holds, because it is also, in principle, about... the institutions that took away zaluzhny, changed his entire team, but they are watching very closely according to public sentiments, sentiments show that trust is falling, support is falling, and we need to look for some options, the trust there in the government is low, in the parliament is low, and my god, in the president himself, it has started to decline, and there are no results, then it is necessary, someone has to be responsible, well, no, no, no, not the office of the president. they have to be very responsible, it is necessary to show that , look, it turns out that we do not have such a number of ministries, there are too many of them, and something like that, but i am very funny about this, because for my history, for i remember the history well the establishment of an independent ukraine such there were a lot of campaigns, but after the orange
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revolution, we had roman bezsmertnyy as our vice prime minister, he was actually engaged in administrative reform and consolidation, i remember well his office there hung in these maps, everything was correct, but... everything is fine it did not give results, because in principle it does not change anything if instead of four ministries there will be two, but the principle that was personal before is always preserved, if you are close to the king, the one who is on the throne, yes, what you are bigger, the more you powers, but avakov was, my god, this is a super phenomenon, he was a super minister, he amassed so many powers, kubrakov seems to be popular there with zelensky, which means that some ministry becomes super-minister. but it is not about efficiency, not about orientation to changes and certainly not about european integration in the sense of state management, because for european integration, the basis of the foundations is precisely a strong parliament that keeps the government accountable, and the government bears all
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responsibility for the implementation of economic policy, we still have it all mixed up, but the main reason that it is necessary to switch attention to someone, it is necessary to look for extreme scapegoats . we have never had a shortage of chainsaws, so in case of need, we always found someone, so to speak, to stand on our feet and reset, so to speak, a certain cycle, it is more difficult here, yes, because there are no such powerful lightning rods, and here we turn to the possible end of the epic with the former head general zaluzhny, that is, britain, well, if we take real ukrainian politics, then for politicians, or , well, zaluzhny is not a politician, for officials of such the scale is high. well, this was always the first offer, this is what was offered to me when i resigned, it was there at the choice of the embassy of the united states, the european union, or the first deputy minister of foreign affairs with the prospect
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of promotion, that is, diplomatically, well, i understood it for myself , because in principle i spent many years abroad, it was somewhere close to me, but precisely because of what i understood, i categorically refused the situation of a slave. well, it would seem that the best thing to do is to somehow use powerful ones the knowledge of this person, his team in order to achieve victory, because the goal of a hard worker has always been victory over the enemy, but here we rely on a good ukrainian tradition, a good ukrainian tradition says that if you are fired from your position, whether you were there in the national bank, are you there, well, from any institution that you headed, especially this is very characteristic of the ministry for... foreign affairs, because we have foreign ministers changing quite a lot, which means that you never get more there after resignation , access or the opportunity to influence any decision, in the army it is even more vivid, in the army the situation is more difficult because it is the new
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commander, this is his deputy, that is, there were no options, because many of your colleagues asked me, well why not use his experience, he was actually awarded a hero, that is, he was recognized by the president as... an extraordinary, extremely talented military man, a military man, so it seems that his expertise should be used to strengthen the institution, but i know there former heads of the security service of ukraine , ex-ministers of foreign affairs, who directly say that you are formally placed in the reserve, well, the reserve is like a reservation, and you will never be allowed a step, you will be, for example, an adviser to the president, but you you will never see that president again, that's why zaluzhnyi... put yourself in his place, he is a young man, according to political brands, he needs to put his strength somewhere, he simply cannot do anything, create something , some kind of public they advised some center, well, it is clearly not his, because this is such a public activity, it is very close to a political one, we
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do not know him about the political one, and most likely it was one of the factors why he decided to accept the position of a diplomat, but i will repeat again what i have already said, for example, for roman bezsmertny, the post of a diplomat in minsk, she added, made him several orders of magnitude more interesting, he was very well versed in ukrainian politics, well, since he was 26 years old in the parliament. and here he was there for several years, and i paid attention, and i can say it again, that for a person who is so kind, you know, he is a well-informed person within ukraine, he knows the military there very well, but for him, as an individual, this school is probably the most interesting position of the ambassador of great britain, because it is commonwelts, it is 56, in my opinion , the countries of the commonwealth of nations. who are all present there, these are the tables london is the capital, where the largest embassy is, but the ambassador has
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authority when he has direct access to the supreme body, and when the supreme intelligence, so to speak, responds to certain messages from the ambassador, if not that connection you understand, if there is no communicative chemistry or something, then the ambassador is the person who will occupy the premises of our embassy in london, that's it. this is a key choice. this is absolutely on this this is what absolutely depends on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the stay of an industrious person in britain, but for example, well, if someone there has at least some rivet on the bank account, then this is the stupidest thing that can be done, because an industrious person is, well, this is such a portal in order to sharply increase understanding in the west, to explain in the end what is happening, well this is a brand, this is a brand with a biography and a brand that
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is based on a certain legend among the military, this is not the last thing, and that is why there will be huge attention to it, not only even like the ambassador, well, we did not have him, i must be honest , we have had a lot of political appointments, but in the history of independent ukraine, such and such a large number of personalities have not been appointed as ambassadors, this is much higher than a minister, this is much higher than a former minister there. of foreign affairs, let's be honest, because this is a global brand, and therefore, if this one the brand will simply be used in such a stupid way, well, this is a mistake for which one cannot forgive oneself, i think, i really hope that zelensky understands this, but here it is a question of personalities, since the ukrainian press said that they are not there on in recent bets , they started quarreling just after 5 minutes , so will zelenskyi... be able to step over this moment and even if it is no longer just a question of communication, well, conditionally, how do
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diplomats work, you can't as a diplomat there, you you can't even become a minister, there are some diplomats have er there several degrees , you know, the curators there who decide whether to connect you higher or not, the sleuth would normally have the status of an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador, and he should have the authority to act according to that status, as this matter is resolved, i i think that here at the level of the minister of foreign affairs, there will probably be no jealousy, because he does not seem to be such a person, but will yermak be there, not even zelensky in the first place, will yermak miss it, or will zelensky be able to hear and and there it is possible to disagree, but to perceive the information or the signals that will be sent by the zaluz, a lot depends on this, in principle. denmark played an incomparable role in supporting ukraine, and there we did not have an ambassador for six months, now it would be
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a huge stupidity, i simply do not know what words to describe, a scenario when these personal ambitions, or some grievances, non-perception can hinder the effectiveness of work ambassador in london at such a decisive time for ukraine, especially on the eve of the elections there in the united states, because britain is there always had their own. relations with the states , that is, this is a global such a key position, well, it is probably the most important secret diplomatic outpost in the world at such a difficult moment, and a person with an extremely high reputation, both in britain and in the world, got into this position, so i am very i hope, but i just don't know what words to convey this information, that you can't just marinate such an opportunity now. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this title. of course , i want to remind our viewers of an interesting and meaningful conversation that is currently on the air espresso was worked by oleg rebachuk,
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ex-vice prime minister for european integration, former head of president yushchenko's secretariat, co-founder of the chesno movement. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues have prepared a lot of important information. watch espresso live. see you on the air, take care of yourself and your loved ones. there are discounts on mabycar ic pills, 10% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, backache, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with dolgid cream, what do you want to lift, dolgiit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, ask at pharmacies good day pharmacy and 1sa pharmacy, dolgit cream 100 g with a 20% discount. there are
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the border of ukraine with russia and belarus, to see with our own eyes how they are being built. fortifications and at what stage the work is now, we will talk about this in our issue, and we will also try to understand why not everything goes smoothly during the creation of defensive fortifications for the armed forces. this is realia donbas, congratulations. the zaporozhye direction is one of the places where the russian army regularly storms the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. under the leadership of military engineers, the contractor's companies dig trenches, dig anti-tank trenches, install tetrahedrons, the so-called dragon's teeth. work is carried out in the morning until dark. all moves of connections are torn off in a zigzag manner, in order to
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reduce the probability of hitting the personnel with shrapnel. all the trenches were dug recently, they are still lined with geotextiles and metal mesh, fortifications for the equipment and its crews are dug separately, installed everywhere concrete pits, platoon strongholds for observation and fighting with the enemy, they are buried in the ground. this concrete structure is installed at a depth of approximately 1.5 m70, protects the personnel from the impact of small arms and... artillery shells or mortar mines. loophole, it should be 30 cm from the ground level, so that you can enter observation with it, or enter fire. and these fortifications are almost ready, it is difficult to say how effective they are, but military engineers claim that such a line of defense will create serious problems for the enemy during attack this is the same fire structure, but it is already
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ready, cumulative ones have already been mounted on it. grids, here they are, they are placed about 30 cm from the concrete slabs themselves, that is, if the projectile will hit the cumulative grid, the cumulative jet will be destroyed before it hits the concrete slab, the projectile, if it flies, it falls into the gabion, then it will be much better than if it falls into the cumulative grid itself, yes, that is, it will break on the gabion. well, what about the corners , exactly what here, for example, there is not one yet, and because, if we put him here and there, then we will block the firing sector for this and this loophole, uh, that is, he has to look to the right side towards the enemy. according to ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia military administration
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, the cabinet of ministers allocated funds for the construction of fortifications in this region. a record billion 300 million hryvnias. the task facing the military, local authorities and the state special transport service is to prepare several echelons of defense in a short period of time. it is planned to make an echelon defense to a depth of up to 100 km. this is the first line on which some of us are located, combat operations are conducted, the second is prepared in the event, for example, of the situation that happened in avdiivka, which has already happened. prepared positions for the withdrawal of our troops, the third - it will already be in concrete, fully fortified equipment is long-lasting, and until further notice there will be an increase at the borders of the cities that pass. they will probably pass along the line of contact, that is, this is their circular defense and in the future all the way to the dnipro river. an important moment in the defense is
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mining, it is carried out immediately on the first and second partly on the second lines. in one of the hottest spots on the front, in the village of robotyne, ukrainian sappers mine the area mainly at night, so there is a better chance of survival. our main task now is to close all the main ways, the approaches that the enemy can break into... the village is to stop the movement of their columns and equipment, now there are mainly two resources that stop the movement of the columns, they are the minibarrage and the fividron, recently, somewhere there two weeks ago, there was a big offensive, it was up to 31st equipment, which the defense forces of ukraine were able to successfully stop, after that, well there is no major advance of equipment, there are some sporadic ones, such as there are equipment that... there can go around some approaches to the village and the like, and our task now is to close all possible options by which the enemy can advance into the village itself, there are, respectively certain routes where the enemy can enter, and
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we simply predict, well, that is, we, our command predicts all the routes where the enemy can enter, and we simply block them, uh, this is the standard density, well, it is large enough, the more difficult is enter there, if you have already entered, it is already you, well this is a feat. to go in there and get out is personal training already around the place, somehow you move into the basement from the basement and wait for someone, wait , wait, reconcile , go in, get to know people in the same way because you come, people change , you go out to different brigades and you always need to get to know each other, ask about the situation, they say one thing and the second one is done on the spot, everyone knows what the situation is with the russian troops themselves. use drones with night vision devices, thus trying to destroy zasu's logistics by opening fire on any target approaching the village.
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the delivery of ammunition, respectively, mines and the like, that is, the enemy does not meet our equipment with night drones there, they meet with artillery ammunition, that is the most difficult thing, when they fix the movement, they try to suppress it, that is, they can release a couple there by four people shells hail. that is, they have a lot of this resource and they are pushing the artillery as much as possible, so we have work, temks, water, bars and heating pads, well, for two, so that at least two or three days you have at least some elemental food, it usually carries one or two fighters, because always mines and plus it is difficult. it has already been worked out automatically, but to get used to it, well, it’s unrealistic, every task is like new for you, like new and
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everything has to be planned, because there were such situations when the flight arrived and everyone scattered and gathered, shouted, the main thing is to speak, because if you shut up, that's all, ugh, the main thing is this conversation, a small village was liberated as a result of the summer counteroffensive of the armed forces, the russian... the army is shelling 24x7 - sappers say. sometimes you have to sit in the dugouts around the clock, waiting for the slightest pause between shots to get the job done. when the first assaults began, we were dropped off at points, we walked 200-300 meters. we went to the drone operators, because there were two flights from the dance and everything, and they told us that the cabs were flying, the first time was at 12 and the second time was at 16, and it was all night. and we waited until 5 o'clock in the morning to go to work, but we never managed, because it's already starting to rain, fp drones are starting to fly, and it's already 100% you're
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300 or 200, it's that feeling when you're sitting in the dugout and it's narrowing , is developed, and you're already thinking, that's it, that's it, because the excavation is such a mess that neither the basement nor the dugout will save anything, but it was more like that from the art even after that it's already so much a t-62 anti-tank mine, rather an anti-track mine, i.e. a tank runs into it, an explosion interrupts the track, the roller takes off and the combat vehicle stops, but the tank itself is in good condition, ugh, that is, but during the shelling , accordingly, it is impossible to repair it, that is. it stays there, and then the artillery arrives and this tank turns into a chest of metalloon, there were moments when they were digging in, tanks were digging in with trawls, and
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they were passing mine fields, they are trying to... bypass them, respectively, they are also active there with aerial reconnaissance, from our side, from their side, they can monitor, in particular, the installation of mine barriers, that is, they can see it, calculate some routes and that , that is, it is a two-way war there, that is, they mine, we mine, it stops, gives time, because the infantrymen are not always sitting in positions, there are certain groups that put out these fires assault is advanced and it is necessary to hold out for half an hour, they stop, this is already a big plus, but they, well, i will tell them, for the last 10 days, it is an assault every day , an assault every day, and especially at the point where we have to mine, what do they say to us, go there, here we get to work, well, it's already home, and the assault group came again and they are clearing the holes, it happened a couple of times, but then we closed all their passages and the assaults
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stopped, they are dead. .. he is already writing a letter, that is , some guy drives up there conditionally to some boundary there for 500 per m per kilometer and drops him off the landing party and those further begin to move towards them in different ways there with small arms there with artillery ammunition with skids simply disassemble our last task was that we were supposed to go out into the field and we saw them under raincoats already he says they don't crawl this is such a job that you can meet them in the same field... also in the fall of 2023, when it became clear that the armed forces of ukraine were moving into active defense along the entire front line, president volodymyr zelensky instructed the military and officials to accelerate the construction of defensive fortifications on all main directions. the cabinet allocated almost uah 800 million for this. three months later, ukrainian troops left avdiivka and, as the command reported at the time, went to pre-prepared positions, however,
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according to the military and... experts, in reality , this was not quite the case, and ukraine has problems with fortifications. the commander in the direction reported: the fighters have reached new lines of defense, they are building, let's call it, engineering and fortification structures, a new defense. why now, why after leaving avdiivka, where the defense was already built , when avdiivka was burning, when avdiivka started... to be a critical place, why was this not mentioned in advance, why do we not have separate units, individual people, we had a campaign there, it is very wonderful, when people are involved there on armor, for salary, well , for postponement, to be more precise, there to dig defenses, and they were engaged in this, but our infantry storms, repels, fights, and also has to dig engineering and fortification structures for themselves,
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well... we shared a lot of soldiers with their thoughts, the state of affairs there, and engineers, and infantry, that is, and our defense leaves much to be desired, of course, not everywhere, somewhere there are responsible comprigs, combatants, praise and honor to them who think ahead, who dig, look for opportunities, build up, think through this entire defense, protect their soldiers, and there are frankly just... unscrupulous people who ignore all of this, that is, and then it all becomes a consequence at the cost of the lives of our soldiers, this should not be, this is a problem that needs to be solved, because because we have the most precious thing, this our fighters, who must be protected, valued, valued for their lives. western osinta analyst clément molin notes that the defense line behind avdiivka
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is still not sufficiently prepared, because... the main fortifications are 17 km from the city, but the defensive line runs through the river and lakes, and this makes it a natural obstacle. in general, according to the analyst, the donbas defense line of the armed forces of ukraine, it is marked in yellow on the map, is more complex than the russian surovykin line, and consists of well-fortified systems separated by fields, where the elements of the defense system are less than a kilometer apart. each such fort can be defended with on all sides, to advance, it is necessary to take them all. any. the nervous system is not perfect and never guarantees 100% survival of the personnel, but you have to get out of certain things there, and there are drones that can bring this fpv directly into the dugout, as if the entrance to the dugout with the letter double g is being built for this purpose , so if it is a direct entry, well, i congratulate you, well, you are nominees for the darwin award, well, are you or are you idiots? or
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you were not taught, that is, there is


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