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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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which is still insufficiently prepared, because the main fortifications are 17 km from the city. however, the defensive line runs through the river and lakes, and this makes it a natural obstacle. in general, according to the analyst, the donbas defense line of the armed forces of ukraine, marked in yellow on the map, is more complex than the russian surovykin line, and consists of well-fortified systems separated by fields where the elements of the defense system are less than a kilometer apart. each such fort can be defended from all sides, in order to advance, it is necessary to take it. all of them, any engineering structure, it is not ideal, and never guarantees 100% survival of the personnel, but you have to leave certain things there, yes, there are drones that can bring this fpv directly into the dugout, so for this, if the entrance to the dugout is built with the letter double g, so a if it is a direct entry, well, i congratulate you, well , you are nominees for the award... darwin, well, you are either
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idiots yourself, or you have not been taught, that is, there are moments. the second is, of course, bitons, dugouts - this is a very good story, why, because if the roof is wooden, then you can see the heat, and the russians fp, there are drones that directly with thermal imagers, sensitive, they see us, directly cover, this is a big problem, why i know very much. many people who, being in the battles on the edge of the spv, simply got ordinary frostbite, because physically they could not even melt a cobbler, because they were afraid that it would fly, the second, third is the saturation of our lines with minefields, with normal minefields. ukrainian prime minister denys shmigal announced at the beginning of march that this year the cabinet of ministers allocated a record 20 billion for the construction of defense lines.
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they will be distributed among all regions, including border and kyiv regions. 3 billion will be received by the ministry of defense, the rest will be transferred to regional administrations, according to him, a coordination headquarters has been created, in which the defense ministry, the general staff and the ministry of defense work together. since last year, both the ministry of defense and the general staff had at their disposal enough funds to build reliable defensive fortifications on the first and second lines, whether it was done, this... the question itself, it lies within the limits of the general staff and the ministry of defense, publicly we do not we can communicate it, civilians do not have access to all elements of this report, according to the side, from its side the cabinet allocated, allocates enough funds, to date we only have the fact of transfer, well, that the funds were allocated, it was said that they will be allocated there to regional councils, to military-civilian administrations. these, although
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it's very strange, we have engineering troops, we have an army that must have the means, give the fighters the means, give them the tractors, the ability to dig in, build defenses, and they will our work was chosen in a more bureaucratic way, that is, we will hand it over to the regional councils, there is a tender, all these contracts and all this trouble, which will be delayed again, we have to dig for a replacement. pour concrete today and now, because the russians are advancing, we see at what pace, at what pace, people really want this to be the first line of defense, to be the first line, but think soberly, if the enemy there took this line, then there would be nothing behind him, and the defense could simply be overwhelmed. at considerable depth,
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in fact, this is not a single line of defense, as some would like to see it, it is a whole system dotted over the terrain, over a large area, where there are a lot of various fortification structures, some of them existed even before, the main part of them began their construction began approximately last december year, even before the time when... the withdrawal from avdiivka took place, could it have been done earlier, or could something like the russian line have been done? well, maybe not in this form, but maybe you will understand correctly, if in the entire donetsk luhansk and the autonomous republic of crimea, which is occupied, that is , you cannot find cement in this occupied part of ukraine, because all the cement and python are directed to the construction of those lines, it was in the spring of 2023, and... in the 22nd year, for some reason, we
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focused on on the construction of roads, and not on the construction of defense structures, but defensive defenses, that is, they must always be, there must be a second, third, even fourth line. you can roll back, because there is no problem that you will lose the landing there, who needs it, but you have to leave at the border, and those lines should protect the soldier first of all, and not as it sometimes happens, that the second or third line is up to the waist, yes, and the soldier would roll there, and during the battle he still has to think about how to dig in, well into the ground volyn - ukraine's border with belarus, according to military analysts, is one of the potentially dangerous areas. the russian army can go on the offensive here to cut ukraine's logistical corridor for the supply of weapons and ammunition from the west. protection and defense
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of the state border in this direction echeloned, that is, it is not concentrated literally near the state border, it is stretched over a fairly large distance to the rear of the area of ​​responsibility. here we can observe an anti-tank ditch, anti-tank barricades of the tetraider type, as they are popularly called dragon's teeth, are installed to prevent the passage of enemy heavy equipment , a mesh fence is installed to prevent the penetration of both sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy, as well as any manpower, the enemy , which can be used for possible probable offensive in this area. a concrete wall for kilometers, pricking... with electric current in this place, in a relatively calm environment, fortifications have been actively built since the beginning of a full-scale war. we are now directly on the ukrainian-belarusian border, there is already the territory of belarus behind my back, as you can see, there is already a border post painted in
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the colors of the belarusian flag, and ukrainian border guards have dug a huge anti-tank ditch here, which is wider and deeper than usual, besides here... very tall the level of groundwater, so the water has risen, and this will create additional obstacles in the event of an offensive, for example, however, probably the main obstacle in the way of a possible russian offensive is the terrain of the ukrainian forest, the forested area and the swamp - a serious natural obstacle, the area is quite difficult to pass, first of all, as for the enemy's manpower, i am already silent about the enemy's heavy equipment, that is, if here... to carry out any offensive actions, it is also disadvantageous for the enemy, the cost is high, the expenditure of resources, for offensive actions, er, so here the most likely such directions are the action of small sabotage and reconnaissance groups, but we are currently
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observing a lull, that is , we are not observing a major escalation of the conflict in this area, the areas are mined, they are mined in more than one row a... several rows, respectively, have both anti-tank and anti-personnel mine-explosive barriers installed. in addition, towers with thermal imaging cameras are installed everywhere, the range of one to 10 km, all together they monitor more than 200 km border. equipped remote video surveillance systems, installed multi-sensor cameras allow us to carry out round-the-clock video surveillance of the border area. directly behind the state border line and the adjacent territory of the neighboring state, they are powered by solar batteries, accordingly, we also have starlinks that allow the transmission of images, the image from the video camera is transmitted to the next
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unit of the border and also for the management of the border detachment, i.e. from these positions, we can control the video camera, accordingly monitor the situation and conduct video communication. here in volyn, such cameras are installed along the entire ukrainian-belarusian border, and what is important, they react to movement and have the function of capturing and tracking the target around the clock, it is also possible to see the border outfits of the republic of belarus, but well, on the contact that we, that they do not go accordingly. in connection with the beginning of a full-scale invasion and with the support of the aggression of the russian federation by the republic belarus, in connection with their policy, our border guards, respectively , feel calm on their territory, but the belarusian border guards try to avoid both direct eye contact and any other contacts when meeting our
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border guards, they try to go in behind the area of ​​his responsibility so as not to see us. we are now driving along the border with russia, about 3 km to it, we have to go fast, we have already seen several in the sky. traces of sabotage: russian planes fly directly to the border and launch cabs in ukrainian settlements, in kharkiv oblast the situation on the border can hardly be called calm, there are always artillery, mortars, and aviation of the russian army at work, border villages are destroyed, but despite this, ukrainian border guards under the staleva border brigades are constantly strengthening their positions, moreover, they are trying make them not only convenient for defense. and comfortable for life. at first glance, it seems that i am walking in a normal
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landing. in fact, i have a real underground city under my feet, which stretches for 3 km. logs in three rolls, sprinkled on top earth for camouflage, light, hot water, sewage, dugouts and, of course, loopholes in order to directly fight. the most important thing is that it is safe here, this wood, these rolls, they allow you to withstand a direct hit of a 152 mm projectile, so it is safe here, and it is safe for the local population, because we have completely withdrawn all our units from populated areas. the steel border brigade has been here for seven months, before that it fought on the bakhmut direction. when we arrived at this part of the front, there were just trenches.
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at first, they didn’t even believe what could be done , there was an idea, when they started planning it, they started, well, let’s say earthworks, they started an excavator, and then, when they started to receive them , they realized that we are on the right path, and it should be done, especially , when the enemy began to use artillery and mortars, the personnel did not even have to say, they buried themselves in the ground, very quickly, that this is necessary, this is security. in the conditions of a defensive battle, one of the first things that must be done is fortification and engineering structures. ugh. because, well, one thing is to dig, but to conduct a defensive battle, you need to be underground. necessarily. it was decided not to wait for some kind of state program, to do everything with our own hands so that... in order to create comfortable conditions, here we are now in one of the positions of our brigade, where, in
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principle, all the necessary conditions have been created for so that people can rest and put themselves in order, wash, wash, eat, and we constantly rotate people who return from combat rotations, there they are directly on the line of contact, they are from one to five. then they come back here , put themselves in order, and well, in principle, this allows us to maintain such a morale fighting spirit of our servicemen, this is hot food for the personnel, what are you preparing for lunch today, rossolnik and millet, salad, everything is being prepared, it’s normal, i’ll show you, maybe i'll show you, oh class, when you come in. there was water on the floor, there was dampness, humidity, well, we decided that we did not
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like cooking and eating in such conditions, they sewed up the walls, made ventilation, in all conditions, well, this is one such element that needs to be. this is actually an illustration of what the ukrainian border guards cover the trenches with planks, this is how much the ground is falling, it is practically higher here than in the next generation, it is very difficult to walk, and of course. in the case of any serious hostilities, it will greatly interfere. in addition to the fact that there are no assaults, these meat assaults, which are on the contact line, in principle the situation is the same as in the combat zone, that is, here we also have, as an example, these repeated attempts of the drg event, and now, in principle, the main task of the guys who are located directly on the state border is... their timely detection and destruction of the drg groups. in
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the salted system of combating drones. the first line detects, the second, third, fourth already suppresses. we have quite powerful anti-drone weapons and anti-drone guns. it is here in this unit that he has the highest number of such destruction indicators. of enemy drones, less, moreover, i will say that they not only destroy us it is possible to land them, flash them, rearrange them, and again we use them in quality. boomerang on the enemy's positions, continuous observation with periodic fire damage on the enemy , the introduction of fire on the ban, this is constantly carried out, well, how long have i been on the territory of russia, and if they start shelling you or how we fire, we will say in response to their firing points, mortars, machine gun
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calculations there, the main grenade for some units is one of the most popular. of targets in this area are enemy complexes observation by moore, moore m, moore p , today is already two months of this year, and in these two months we have already destroyed 15 murums, on average, the cost of one such observation complex is from 50 to 70 thousand dollars, the cost of one fpv drone is 250-300 $, that is , you can see that the proportionality is quite large. and where we have such a good, powerful, fat goal. why even the same cambrich does not have normal construction equipment to build defense lines. why should you run to that farmer, ask him for that tractor, why it is necessary to constantly turn to the authorities for help. we have to rebuild the system so that our engineering parts are so full of equipment that we just don't
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want to take it on the balance anymore, so that there are enough buildings, sorry, the same biton. we need. loans, a strategic resource , and now it is construction equipment in the hands of the military, whether it be at the level of the corps, whether it is at the level of an engineering battalion in some brigades, but it is now a necessity, well actually a necessity, we need to dig boundaries, and when we're talking about the third, second line, so it's still within reach. artillery, but you can work at night, i apologize, but i saw how the russians made their line under fire in the month of may, when our rear literally tried to hinder them, demolished whole positions, at night they built again, well, that ’s all, and it wasn’t any berserkers, it was just a simple ordinary battle, well, maybe,
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well, i'm against aping russian practices, but maybe ours... we need to think about why the russians do it, but we don't. army russia does not stop trying to break through the front line, having a serious advantage in people, ammunition and equipment. until military aid came from the western allies, a continuous, deeply echeloned defense along the entire front line and the state border with russia and belarus became one of the main factors in the war. this is the minimum required by the armed forces of ukraine for the successful introduction of hostilities. my name is igor loginov, this was donbas reali, see you soon. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in psylansky, ban and oskad pharmacies. bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine namego. the victory
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will allow us to play in the match for qualifying for euro-2024, so our national team needs you. support cheer on march 21 at 9:45 p.m. together with me. there are 10% discounts on lisophact in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on aquaspray oxy 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. exclusively on our air. channel greetings, friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our society drone attack on kyiv. and
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other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of changing processes. country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests,
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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world-front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on of the day using a telephone survey. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. friends, i congratulate you, well, this week is absolutely no different from
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the previous ones, in the field of culture we have, as always , betrayals and victories, victories and betrayals, all this goes at the same time and replaces each other, as always , everything is wonderful and fun, probably the biggest treasonous victory, which still ended in victory, but there is a situation: with oscar, let me remind you, friends, what happened, what happened, first, the ukrainian film won an oscar, and the fact that our struggles, our srachs, our comments on social networks, our appeals and dissatisfaction very often end in a positive way for us, so from monday to sunday, from sunday to monday, or rather on monday night, we found out , everyone who hasn't slept, watch. live broadcast that 20 days in mariupol, and the team of this film, ukrainian-american, won the oscar in the category of the best full-length
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documentary film, by the way, for many ukrainian moviegoers it was a fairly predictable event, yes not 100%, but many people they talked about the fact that they are almost sure of this victory, i confess that i was also almost sure, because the film is really decently made, it's interesting, it 's... covering, and it really got quite a lot in the last year and a half positive reviews from many people in the world, there are special aggregator sites, they are called reviews, and by going to them, searching for the name of any tape, you can read the truly objective opinions of people from all over the world and understand whether they liked the film or not didn't like it, here we just saw a very positive picture, the only one so strong... in this category for our tape there was a tunisian work called four days, but you see, after all, the victory
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was for us, well, for us, for the team of 20 days in mariupol i will remind, friends, everyone who complained that they did not watch this movie, where can you watch this movie, why is it not being shown, because before it was possible to watch it on youtube through a vpn through an american vpn, because the tape was made available to americans. .. looks and it is very correct , we should have gotten to know her, we had a rental twice, the film became the highest-grossing ukrainian documentary film at the box office, in terms of the money collected, but still not all people were able to watch this tape, so already from this very week it can be seen again in cinemas, i hope that the excitement will be much stronger than last time, although i will say that an extraordinary number of my acquaintances ... really want to see this film, but they say that they are psychologically that they cannot do it, and i absolutely believe them, so i think that the audience
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for 20 days in mariupol will grow with how well ukrainians both in ukraine and abroad will receive and feel the strength to watch this tape, but i will say , that she is not depressed at all , so the horrors are shown there, but the film, well... after all , it ends with some kind of hope, it ends, well , i wouldn't say that it ends well, but it doesn't kill you, on the contrary somehow, well, this film seems to me to be quite bright, let's say so, and it's good that many viewers abroad can understand our view of russians much better through this film, because you know, many people are still in all these thoughts about that this is only war. putin, and by the way, a producer of the film, navalny also wrote on her twitter that, oh, this is such a cool film, 20 days in mariupol, and we, i believe that this is a political film, and what the world saw.
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because of her, how putin is attacking ukraine with his troops, although this is not a political film, it is a film about war, it is not a film that shows that it is putin's regime that attacked everyone, it shows that it is the russians that attacked us, and by the way, mstislav chernov, the director of this film, the director of this film, he emphasized in his speech at the oscar ceremony that it was not putin, he did not say that it was putin's war, but clearly said several times that these are russians, russian troops and russia. and the russian liberals are somehow avoiding this so far, so what's the betrayal, friends? first of all, after i woke up after this ceremony, i started reading the reviews, then i saw generally positive ones, of course, it was impossible not to be happy, but still there were those who remained dissatisfied, even wrote comedic things, like this, well, it's better than nothing, well, okay, oscar, it's better than nothing,
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but there were complaints like this, they said, well, what will it do, or rather, they should give us weapons, and we what now of this oscar? i don't even know how to comment on such reviews, but even more so, i 'll emphasize that there were not enough of them , you know, this is a kind of catastrophic devaluation, when even the highest, most prestigious film award can be devalued and they say, why is it needed at all, well, it is needed, again just as i will say for cultural, in particular diplomacy, because if we recall... the navalny film, which won in the same category last year, then it became for the russians, for these russian liberals, for himself davalny, for his there, well, his closest circle is extraordinary, now you see just the moment when this film is awarded, and here it is in red, and even then the wife, the widow of navalny, she also said in her speech, and it was so very vivid, and the film
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received a huge. the emotion was also promoted quite well for 20 days in mariupol, but navalny was really such a superhit, he also received a lot of awards, and i must say that it was made, at least from my point of view, partially manipulative, because navalny is shown there only as a positive character, his eyes are very smooth , they are all there together, his russian marching eyes are nazi, or semi-nazi, and there were also moments when he and his wife were in germany there. together with some kizonkas or lambs, how they fed them there, such a good, beautiful family, but here, but the film was shot as such a political thriller, it is captivating, and well, it is clear that he got, it is the director, by the way, it seems , and he also received a lot of attention, and thanks to this film, points were added to navalny himself, to his positive image and a little bit of this, well, a little bit
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, well, it's quite distorted, and well... well, a brawl like that also happened, well, a brawl, to put it mildly, because when in public culture, when they discovered another version of the international, abbreviated, they in it was discovered that 20 days in mariupol were cut from this ceremony, i will remind you, friends, what is an international abbreviated version, usually the oscar ceremony, well, it is correct to say the awarding ceremony of the american film academy, but here is a statement from... common well abbreviated version, viewers first watch this long version live for several hours, and then disney , the organizers of this ceremony, they distribute a shortened version on all tv channels, all over the world, so that the ceremony can be repeated, but since people will not watch four or five hours again, they give an abbreviated version and cut there, or rather insert, leave there the most vivid in
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their opinion. moments and when they already saw in the public that in this international abbreviated version there is no 20 days in mariupol, which and in most categories , the best screenplay, the best music, and so on are usually cut from there, but the public was indignant, made a statement about what you saw, and they said that they said that we repeated the full version that was on the air, so that our ukrainian viewers do not... need this ceremony without a moment with the awarding of the 20 days in mariupol ribbon. disney explained that in its corresponding statement, it explained that this is such a shortened version, well, sorry, we are over there for two or three weeks to find out which categories we will leave it in the abbreviated version, which we will not leave it to, but we decided in advance among ourselves that whoever won the category, but the best documentary category...


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