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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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component elements of ceramic rafts without vat, but for everything else we will pay internal vat, that is , our internal price will be a few percent higher, this is one hundred percent, yes, than with the named supplier, we will lose here, and foreign suppliers, the majority built their own enterprise of this level for state subsidies, grants, they do not have the load today on loans and investment obligations of what our suppliers have, therefore... for an internal supplier, this situation is quite unpleasant, quite critical, do something here it is impossible, because if we also say in favor of localization, we can protect ourselves from turkey or china, protect ourselves from european manufacturers, we cannot at all, so ukrainian companies need to find some other mechanisms in order to survive and develop, there to wait for state subsidies, guarantees, benefits, preferential loans, we understand that today is a war.
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there is a need to do something independently find something and find in the way how we can compete more effectively with companies that have more advantages than us, well, you see such ways, relatively speaking, you have the feeling that you can fight there with the germans, the french in our market, even though their opportunities there are potentially greater and wider, you you know, that is, we have no other option, yes, that is, we have no option not to fight, just as our army does not have the opportunity not to fight there, that is, we must ensure the development of the ukrainian border today, that is, the supply of products , that is, we simply have no other way out, we need to look for mechanisms , we need to attract private investments, we need to understand how we can make the end products cheaper, what we can automate, that is , there is a slight advantage in the labor force, it is cheaper here today than abroad. you need to look for internal advantages
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at the expense of this to win. mr. maxim, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work you do for our armed forces, you can count on our information support to fight against foreign suppliers and your competitors. and i will remind our viewers that it was maksym plekhov, the chairman of the board of the defense sector enterprise lviv defense cluster, which is currently developing a number of technological components, in particular the appearance of an enterprise that will prepare ceramic armor for body armor. this is actually, well, quite top news, and the main thing is that it really becomes the basis for such a re-equipment of the personal protective equipment that our soldiers use on the battlefield today, then we will talk about the company whose products we ourselves the military describes it as follows: we are being suffocated by the enemy, your radio stations are working, that is, there really are domestic tactical level radio stations that can provide reliable communication. combat between fighters
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on the battlefield in conditions when the enemy makes maximum use of radio-electronic warfare, and this project a month ago collected venture support in the amount of $500,000 from ukrainian and foreign investors who are ready for this company to develop and acquire new capacities for creating even more modern means of communication about all the details associated with this chimera company. after the advertising and information block. there are discounts on spazmal tablets of 15% in psyllium pharmacies for you and economically. there are discounts on healpex anticool 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are 10% discounts on zzilor at podorozhnyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on noshpa tablets in psyllium pharmacies.
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the sponsor of the national team presents united by football together stronger two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives two hours to be aware of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news , good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special look at events. in
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ukraine, on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17.10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project, own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what
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news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. actually. titles with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. we continue our "war and weapons" program. and then we will talk about products of the chimera company. last year, this company was recognized by the ministry of statistics as the number one military startup in ukraine, and this year it, this company, received such significant financial support from both ukrainian and foreign venture investors that, i repeat, such an unexpected situation is enough for the ukrainian defense... market and in fact, this company, well, in my opinion, creates sufficiently technological products, i am glad that both kanal espresso and defense express contacted representatives of the company and talked about this products even before this company gained such, well, all-ukrainian recognition, and
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now we are joined by oleksiy oliynyk, representative of the hemera company, mr. oleksiy, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear you. now we are looking for a shooting point so that we can talk calmly and conveniently, this is exactly how it happens in combat conditions, when communication is the main thing, and the rest is actually tangential and derivative. mr. oleksiy, welcome to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear, i would like you to tell our viewers a little about what advantages of the company's radio station. mayor , because, of course, the military knows, the specialists there know , but after all, more than two years have passed since the product has been on the market, it has definitely transformed, so what are the advantages, how is the radio station currently used by our military at what levels, what are the results ,
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what are the reviews? well, two years, probably not yet passed, somewhere around two years, it will soon be two years that we have been working, we started with... a small radio station of the unit, that is , well, small radio stations of the soldier, which were created specifically for reconnaissance groups, for sniper groups, for special operations forces. these radio stations turned out to be quite, quite convenient and very convenient for people, they began to be used in many types of troops. the main of the possibilities they provide, they are iki to suppression, they are very difficult to detect by enemy radio reconnaissance. and at the same time, they are very, very budget-friendly and close to the user, that is, they can be easily programmed, any civilian can easily work with them, for this you do not need to be some kind of specialist, well if a military man, who can study for a long time, this is such a very, very resourceful gadget,
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he got, he got, well, if all the possibilities of military communication, radios jump on frequencies, sanctions are difficult to suppress, they have completely encrypted communication and the enemy it is very difficult to do something against it. but over these almost two years, the product has changed, as i understand it, they started there from the tactical level, and in our previous conversation you hinted to me that the military is not really using the full potential of these radio stations that are installed there, although in fact, you made them as usable as possible, so that they are comfortable. and did not require special technical knowledge from our military, what do they need to know then, what are the additional advantages of these communication systems of yours? now we are moving as much as possible in the direction of the network, now we are moving in the direction of creating a proper
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protected network, which is meant, it is conditional, now they say there is a network centric war ee. as, for example, a mortar calculation is working there now, he is advancing to a position, he needs to receive some the information that happens at the same time, i know when the calculation is instantaneous. drags starlink with it, it’s wrong, it’s completely , if it is, starlink allows you to watch there in hd youtube quality, it’s not needed exactly where it’s needed, here’s one of our crazy ideas at the moment, we give access to the internet through our radio stations, mobile groups, that is , in order to work out the combat task in an innovative calculation, you need to have a new machine, a tablet with you there, move forward to the position, see. everything they need, including there weather forecast, all they get is to work out their combat mission,
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get together and get back in 2 seconds, and all this is a secure connection, and for this you don't need a sperlik, but now if one of the crazy ideas, we give a mobile unit access to the internet through their radios, in fact it's not so much the internet as access to a secure, correct network, a unit, and through that network they have access to the system. on the battlefield, under battlefield management systems, they can carry out all their tasks very well quickly, coolly, without making a single voice call, they see everything on the tablet screen, during the assault the commander can advance, he sees where his fighters are located somewhere in some district buildings, because now it’s happening like this, there guys, if you see, we we see a couple of trees there, but between those couple of trees you have an enemy, this should not happen, the commander must see... where his fighters are, and he simply must have a clear command, there 20 m to the left, 5 m to the right,
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move forward, do something, minimal voice traffic, maximum exchange information, we are now fully moving and all the forces of the team are now going in this direction, that is, in fact, you are approaching the shelter or already close to the creation of a tactical battlefield control system, yes, where your radio stations are the basis, and it can be added to it, let's say this, the other... there is equipment, ala there is kombat or nettle, that is, whether or not even nettle and kombat are not needed, all this can be done on the basis of your radio stations, no, no, nettle kombat is definitely needed, it is the same software , but for this software, the correct transport level must be protected, so we provide this transport for the information of the same nettle and the same kombat, but the kombat is already working, the nettle is currently working on integration, but in fact all this rests on the correct protected communication line, well no the lines are accurate. the communication system, we are moving precisely in the communication system, we
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will not go into the control software itself, of course, we do not need it, they are engaged in this, and those people who develop for a very long time in this system, we cannot to cover, but we now have a communication system we make it correct, normal, good, and we can improve it as much as we can, it is not as much as a radio station, a radio station is only a small part of this communication system, the main thing is still the exchange of information, a good, correct, fast, secure exchange of information, that is, you will ensure . just a secure communication channel that will allow the groups to operate safely because they will be invisible when they are working, and it will actually, well, allow to expand the spectrum of use of such groups, because your radio station is much cheaper than haris, because, as i understand, such opportunities are provided only by the haris radio station, which costs tens of thousands there for one product, so everything is correct, or starling, well, starling is not exactly a military story, now we are working on that. ..
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if someone else can do the same, we agree to integrate there with anyone, well , except for the moscarites, i will take a step back, because i had questions before. rom standard how much do the radios cost where can i buy when do we order when do we get them how about that to say, this is now the current version of the first, well, the first generation of the radio station, it is now mass-produced, you can get them, well , you can order it from us, of course, without any questions, we also give the contacts of some foundations that constantly cooperate with us, which on an ongoing basis collect money and provide the fighters with the first stations. they, well, everyone actually knows it, sees it, and now
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the next version is coming to us, just this version is already new , it has a lot of possibilities, it is already as close as possible to khalis, up to the fact that it will be distributed via the internet at the base point, well, that's all that is needed, it would be in the mode of everything being developed, now we are already accepting pre-orders for them, ordinary stations are released there for a period of one or two days. and the new stations will be passed by the deadline in two months, what is the status of these radio stations in relation to our communications management, they are certified, i don't know, they are codified there, what is this process now? well, the entry of these radio stations into the armed forces, because we have turkish ones there radio stations, american radio stations , everything seems to have passed the test there, as with your initiatives, this is a very interesting question, from the point of view of the state, they do not exist now, the first radio stations do not exist at all, apparently,
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this is how we are now resuming contact with oleksiy olinnyk , this is one of the active... participants in the chimera project - this is the creation of protected tactical radio stations, which are primarily used there by snipers, special operations forces, fighters on the front line, now we resume our conversation, mr. oleksiy, there continue your opinion, er, the second type of radio station has been submitted for all the documents have been submitted, they are now looking and we are close to getting a permit for operation and further progressing to the installation of arms to the borders. and these radio stations, if they already meet many correct official standards, i will not disclose the details now, but all these tests that are currently being carried out satisfy me, that is, in fact , some positive dynamics really took place in relations with the military, and when the product has good technical parameters, after all the military is beginning to contribute to the fact that,
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as soon as possible, i will reach the battle order, i hope that this is so, yes, yes, yes. the most help we have right now is from the military, well, the biggest one is, let's say, not returns, it's everything that is connected with state bodies, well, it's traditional, but what about the situation with production itself, are there opportunities, because i remember yatayu, in the first interviews you said that we are ready to outsource the supply of radio stations, there are some other works to increase the number of manufactured radio stations, what is that now or is there already at the base, well... there is more opportunity to manufacture more such radio stations, that ’s right, that’s what happened, we outsourced everything as much as possible, we have several contractors who work on the production of our radio stations, we made decentralized production, in our there are no problems with that, and well, it was actually created, well, from the point of view of such protection, that they do not gather in one place, if necessary
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, we have backup sites there, backup options of contractors who can manufacture it. er, if needed we can to quickly deploy the production of these products in europe, well, in the nearest europe, it is more likely that where poland and the baltic states, and both there and there there will be opportunities to deploy production precisely from the point of view of the fact that - the project must be decentralized, maximally protected from there any risks, in the event that somewhere, well, god forbid, it flew somewhere, we still have the opportunity to continue, it will just be some temporary losses, eh, that's how we build our business now, not only in this way. and yet i will return to the question of money, because i would i would have kept quiet, but forps wrote , yes, that is, in fact, that the lviv venture fund provided you with such, well, substantial financing in the amount of 500 thousand dollars in order for this project of yours to develop, and there even joined, it seems, french
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investors there, which are also not quite unusual, of course, where will the money go, what about you? how do you plan to use them so that investors are satisfied with the new result and the quality of your product, where will it go? so the very first thing it was done for, it is very important for the project to move at all quickly, before, well before i won't say exactly when, we had problems with the fact that, for example, we have some financing, and i need to understand for myself whether we are now buying some, well, some equipment that we need or we are now... connecting certain people to the project, certain expensive specialists that we need, eh, do we not have such an opportunity, because then next month i will not have the opportunity, for example, to pay the salary, now we do not have such eh , well, these investments were made precisely in order for us to move, we definitely, i definitely i understand that we need it, we are now making a decision and two hours later, this
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process is already moving, we definitely understand that we need to buy it, we just initiate the purchase process and it goes. and this greatly speeds up the process, in fact, the funds that you are talking about, they just announced them, they actually started to appear a little earlier, and this is very correct, and we have greatly accelerated all processes there in the last two months , and this is actually the main thing, i.e. they don't have enough money in order for the project to speed up many times and start moving much faster, because the investors we have are... if we were to approach investors from this point of view, they should be investors who share our views, who need to quickly to win, you don't need to earn money right now, you need to speed up the victory there as quickly as possible, satiate the troops. er, a good reliable connection and so on, and we would take on such investors, they share these views and we work in this way, this is the meaning of
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these investments to speed up as much as possible, not in the sense that this project should increase prices or something else, and speed is the maximum , that's all we need, now there are no problems with the simple fact that everything we need, if we know exactly what is needed, it is solved very much... if you have the passion for money, this is a very cool thing, and oleksiy, i know that actually there were several foreign exhibitions in a number of foreign countries, and there your company already showed its products, what was the reaction of potential foreign buyers or foreign competitors, whether it was suitable that they asked there, or what they were trying to find out, what is the effect of the appearance of these radio stations at international arms exhibitions? uh, not very few people in general, if they believe that it is possible, they, they see the product, and well
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, like this can't be like that, that doesn't happen, but it's all there, it works, well, okay, yes it exists, it works, the first reaction is that it can't actually be like that, but that's so interesting, if they are now, i don't know about them, i guess some, like there are stages, they are now in the stage of accepting what. .. such a product does it exist at all, it is like that, what will happen next , we don’t know yet, i think that sooner or later they will try to do something about it, that we are like that, we exist like that, and physically we should not exist, in general our network and the project itself, it is quite such a crazy project, well, in the positive sense of the word, and well, it causes a lot of questions, problems, and difficulties, but we will fight, but we will fight, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for.. .inclusion for these explanations because they provide such optimism that our the potential allows you to create samples that foreign observers, well, perceive as
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madness or as fantasy. let me remind you that it was oleksiy oliynyk, a representative of the chimer company, which manufactures, well, tactical-level radio stations . product even in conditions where they have to resist pressure or competition from leading foreign companies companies, and sometimes you have to rely primarily on your own efforts to find investors, when the state is delayed in financing those projects that are really capable of improving the effectiveness of the armed forces on the battlefield. these were the main highlights of this war and affair program, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot more interesting things to come. see this week
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in the collaborators program. rashistka-kherson regional duma. who are they, deputy deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how traitors wash cities to schoolchildren only development awaits the kherson region. greetings, it's me. olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the russian occupiers. last fall , russia held so-called elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the kherson region. as a result, the so-called kherson regional duma was formed, which included 36 deputies. the largest number of fake elected officials came from the united russia party, 28 of them, followed by a few from the ldpr, russia communist party of the russian federation and just russia for truth. the main task of this racist illegitimate body is to establish life in the region according to the laws
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of the russian federation. i have already told you about some who decided to fall to the social bottom and received a mandate from the kremlin. today's issue is a continuation of the acquaintance with the newly elected fake russian officials. at the first meeting of the so-called kherson regional duma , deputies were elected. head, she became 57-year-old tomilina tetyana yuriivna. before to become a collaborator, she was a candidate for mayor of kherson in 2015 and director of the mishukov academic lyceum at kherson state university. the war of ukrainians against ukrainians has tired me, personally i am fed up with pseudo-patriotism, and i am also very fed up with politics for the sake of money and vanity. i am going to the mayor of kherson to... at the debate of the candidates for mayor, tomilina
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announced that the city sanepidemstation was in place. the americans equipped a biolaboratory. a secret laboratory of particularly dangerous infections operates in kherson city ​​center the contract between the us department of defense and the ministry of health of ukraine exists, no one knows about it. the adequacy of the director of the academic lyceum even then raised questions. the diagnosis was confirmed when it turned out that the woman was among the founders of the kherson public organization public safety and development. and her partner was. oleksandr gulyaev, a well-known separatist who represented the fake kherson people's republic at the congress of the so-called republics in yalta in 2014. even then, theirs began to be exposed pro-kremlin views. when the russian troops completely captured kherson, milina began to actively cooperate with the occupiers. in the summer , kistko, the faithful dog of the kremlin master, was appointed to the position of rector of the kherson state university, for which
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the collaborator paid. on the 12th. in september 2022 , an explosion rang out in the apartment of the so-called rector. tomilina was seriously wounded, and her bodyguard was killed. after this incident, she began to glorify putin's regime even more actively, literally with her back in her mouth. we, personally, i have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but this turned out to be not enough for the big ambitions of the traitor. she wanted to become a politician, and therefore, after winning the primaries, she was listed as a candidate for the united russia party. and tomilina got that toy mandate. almost two years of crawling in front of the occupiers were not in vain. when the special military operation started, but everyone thought i was crazy. of course, when they told me on the trolleybus, oh, the orcs have come, who called them here? i went to the center of the trolleybus and said: i am. but we are still in favor of tomilin we do not consider him an adequate person. after
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she was elected head of kherson. of the pseudo-regional duma, she travels around russia , meets with politicians from moscow and st. petersburg, speaks at forums where she reflects on what will happen after the victory of russia, tries to integrate part of the kherson region under russian laws and develops plans for her further political career era a fool with the opinion of the rich, it's a bit like madness: to manage a body that exists and is legitimate only in the sick imagination of russians. on the website in the summer of 2022. to the office the prosecutor general's first suspicion of tomiliny appeared under the article collaborative activity. the case is now being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. and later, this sale earned itself a second suspicion, in relation to which proceedings were initiated on the facts of complicity in an enemy country. this case has already been referred to the pechersk district court of kyiv. what remains of tumilinium in this case? there are several options: stay as long as possible
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in the desired mode of the red star beech... it will become exhausted, in the swamps it can be just dispose of it. the second option is to return to ukraine. our law enforcement agencies are always waiting for her, at least she will remain alive. our next traitor with the mandate of the kherson regional duma is moroz oksana petrivna. today, united russia with the support of the people's front in the skadovsky municipal district, congratulates. oksana moroz was born in 1975 in the village of shevchenko skadovsky. district, first taught ukrainian language and literature at the skadovsky school number one, then resigned and from 2006 to 2020 worked at the rysu naan institute in the position of a leading specialist in the sector of marketing research, intellectual property and economic analysis, and in the same year, on the 22nd, for several months, she held the position of head of the social protection department in the skadovsk city council. when skadovsk was occupied, moroz began to look for ways to
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profitably betray ukraine and... in the summer of 22, such an opportunity appeared. initially , the occupiers made her the head of the social protection department of skadovsk, within a few months she became the head of the education department. at the same time, the collaborator joined created by the invaders of the kherson state pedagogical university at the faculty of state and municipal administration. before the accession of our regions to the russian federation, history was hushed up, children did not know the whole truth. the truth moroz chose her future with razka, so it was an honor for her to become a deputy deputy of the kherson regional duma. in her new role, she travels through the occupied territories and distributes humanitarian aid from the united russia party. he appears in political advertisements and agitates people to believe in and support the russian peace. it was a decision was made to build a new dispensary for high-quality and fast medical care, since the old kyiv authorities.
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destroyed by rockets and it is already being restored


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