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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl winter's broadcast, two hours of air time , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. channel espresso. and ukrainian pen
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present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel continues its work, together beber talks about the temporarily occupied crimea and talks about how the so-called referendum took place 10 years ago, and how today on the territory of the crimean peninsula, in particular, unfortunately, the so-called re-elections of the russian president, because it's time to elect putin again. putin's chats, enthronement, how
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else can you say it, it's so funny, but you know, in principle, it's funny from the point of view, if it is considered as a kind of democratic procedure, it's funny, but from the point of view of the occupation, it's not funny, and because they are this dust, they let it in their eyes for quite a long time, and some in the west, especially the agents are corrupt or just such leftists, they believe, i remember how immediately after the so-called referendum - a ten-year strangeness, mustafa dzhemilev said that according to his data, about 34% of those registered as voters in crimea took part in the elections, and we remember that dead souls voted there. everything else, but even in ukraine at that time not everyone believed mustafa dzhemilev, because there was such a myth that in crimea everyone... is much more with russia, and even some
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people, well, allegedly said patriotically, well , they did, they all loved russia there, this is not true, this is a lie, and then there are data at the atr tv channel, we can show anyone, a few minutes before the closing of the so-called polling stations, our film crew was filming, there were transparent ballot boxes, and it was clear that the data that was said in the booths did not match at all. there is the so-called electoral commission and that's simple saw there three times less at the bottom of these urns, and this is all documented and we constantly refute this myth, but he actually lives in many and helps them, well , in fact, to fool the world in his favor, now it is more difficult, but still something still works , you know what i wanted to say, to point out to khrystia that despite everything... the appeals there, even
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there by navalny's wife, who says: don't recognize him as the president, he killed my husband, so what the hell, well and in general, in principle, well, this is the only thing that she said intelligently in all this time, yes, but we we see that the west jumps, jumps on the rake, as in the past, all the past times, that is, the past presidential elections, i am the so-called russian russia, i heard exactly such rhetoric, there is the west, well, put the united states, germany, the european union there, no recognizes the elections of the president of the russian federation in the occupied territories of ukraine. that is, in fact, if you translate it from diplomatic such political language to normal, we recognize putin as the officially elected president of the russian federation, period, no one can be misled such formulations, because this means yes, to us,
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we cannot say that these elections are fair, even the head of the council of europe, charles michel , wrote such an ironic post. ironic, i would like to congratulate vladimir putin on a convincing victory in the elections, which begin today without opposition, without freedom, without choice, it is so beautiful, like some humorist's performance, probably there, if you still smile somewhere, but in fact, it means the political inability of the west to face the truth and say, well, they looked at the truth eyes when there were the last elections of lukashenka and they said: "no, you are not." legitimately elected president, we don't consider you the elected president, we consider another person elected, and you - no, illegitimate, yes, in the case of putin, there is fear, and it's just visible in the way they react in advance, recognize
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this election, that is an absolute lie, just in essence a lie in form, it’s just hypocrisy, but in essence it’s a lie, i explain very simply: in russia, in the elections of the so-called president... there is a single, first and only district, federal, so-called, just to which was annexed by the occupied, temporarily occupied ukrainian territories, in this way it is impossible to separate the votes that they draw or receive there from the general public, that is , this is the same deception of the west, you already say , either you, he is illegitimate, and period yes, or you, well that is it's impossible, it's just , well, how hypocritical, i thought, i hoped so somewhere, i had a chance that they would say this time, well, it's enough to pretend that he's legitimate, no, it's an old rake, and all actions are completely fake, as it was, unfortunately
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when the last elections were held, it could actually be used by the west if they had a real interest in not recognizing putin as the legitimate president of the russian federation. the ukrainian regions are included in what is now called the russian constitution, could become, you know, a poison needle in a good sense for us, and in the end we can already talk about the fact that your constitution is toilet paper, you wrote yourself there, damn it you know, i would like to add some more maldives, dear, dear, in fact, you are absolutely right, christ, it was supposed to become leverage, leverage. recognition of illegitimacy, and now putin is like this, he is a bandit like that, he says, you are there again, something, you are there to me, those little things about occupied territories, it is, it is mine, everything i took, it is mine, but democracy is always limited , but here we have the constitution, our actions
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correspond, but what about us, but now we have martial law, and we have a president, and the political leadership, and terms of office, and what is the constitution, and is it possible to go to the constitutional court at all for clarification. and democracy, even as young as we are, is really limited, you know what, i have an idea, i don't know, maybe someone will hear us, maybe they won't, but i think you shouldn't wait for the reaction of the west, it never does anything , well, until such a conditional crossing of the harbor did not happen for him, they will not change anything in their attitude towards putin, they will condemn, i don’t know, they will say something, but de facto, that is, more precisely before yura, they will recognize him as the president the so-called russian federation, well , for... that for future negotiations there for some contracts there, although it is absolutely clear that no one will believe putin's signature under any contract and no one will actually become a mediator and guarantor in this, so ukraine may have to take
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such a step after the results of these elections, the step is very simple, submit to some international court, institution, i don't know, to our lawyers , maybe in the ministry of foreign affairs in... well, it is definitely more clear about the recognition of vladimir putin as an illegitimate head of state due to the fact that the votes of ukrainians living in the territories occupied by russia were taken into account in his so-called elections, which are not legally recognized as russian territories, and because of this, through legal procedure, judicial or judicial or any, to declare it illegitimate as. a representative of so-called russia, and a little about how the so-called elections of the president of the russian federation are taking place in crimea, about how all this is happening against the background of successive waves of detentions and oppression of representatives of the crimean tatar people, simply ukrainians
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who continue to live in crimea, trying to lead a banal everyday life, all this is in the focus of our attention with gyana yuksel, journalist, member of the mijlis of the crimean tatar people. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, salam, a few words about what we know about the voting process in crimea from my budget sources. as always, they are driven away, they are required to arrange almost photo sessions of ballots with ticks for the recommended candidate, we understand who we are talking about, well, more intelligent people take photos and put a few more ticks there in parallel, thus hoping that the ballot will be damaged, disregarded and so on, but in the end when it prevented the russian federation from acting the way they usually act and not taking something into account, here i want to ask, in general, what is the official position of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, it should definitely be
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announced in general, maybe it was already published, i just didn’t notice what to do to the people in the occupied territories with these elections, so-called, how to respond to them and what to do, or do nothing? please, thank you for the question, well, in fact, the position of the midjlis remains unchanged during the 10 years of occupation, if you remember, march 15 on the eve of the so-called crimean... referendum, which you mentioned in your speech. the mijlis appealed to all residents of crimea, regardless of nationality, not to participate in the illegal referendum. during the 10 years of occupation , unfortunately, elections were held there, and there were elections for president putin, because this is not the election of the president of the russian federation, the election of another president of putin, just like now, there were also local elections and... the position of the midjlis in this the context remains unchanged, in under no circumstances to take part in
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these illegal actions, because the territory is occupied, the territory is not recognized, and actually conducting illegal actions on the occupied territory, not recognized by ukraine and the world, is a crime, is a reason to consider the candidates and the elected candidate illegitimate , so i think there will be clarifications. in the near future, and in principle they are, but the position is unchanged, in no case do not take, do not participate, ugh, mrs. gayano, tell me, please, we have been following lately, well, just a colossal revival russian special services, specifically russian, very often driven to crimea, because the local people at one point stopped somehow coping with their repressive functions, those local people who agreed, right? to cooperate with the occupier, and we now see a huge number of searches, acting mainly
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on our observations as well, on religious grounds, on national, ethnic features and affiliations, and what are they trying to lean towards, or what are they trying to push, when we speak in general about the crimean tatar people, so in crimea, and those who remained, and those who are now. carries out on the territory of free ukraine what is called representation, popular representation within the boundaries of the ukrainian state. they don't want to sway anything, they want to intimidate, frighten, once again emphasize their position. do you understand what the question is? recently, i was on the air, which was dedicated to such a sad date as 10 years of the occupation of crimea, and there they asked if it was possible to separate. waves of repression against the crimean tatars, well, actually waves or
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it is difficult to call it stages , what has been observed for 10 years, it is constant pressure, constant repression against the indigenous people of ukraine precisely for their position, precisely for the position of not recognizing crimea as russian, but what is important is that right after the large-scale invasion, the pressure and repression intensified , well, first of all... the illegal mobilization that was announced in russia, and accordingly, crimea, as de facto, being under the control of the russian federation, fell under this event, it led to mass migration from crimea. now we are being told the figure of 50,000 crimean tatars who have left crimea for 10 years, i want to say that there are no such studies. was carried out and in principle they are now impossible, because we simply de facto do not have access to the occupied territory, but
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if this is so, it is simply a terrible figure, 300,000 representatives of the crimean tatar people lived in crimea, and now, if 50 thousand already have left crimea, but pay attention, young people are leaving, whole, young people who are not afraid of new conditions, new circumstances, so to speak, then this is simply terrible. figure and in addition on the background of a full-scale invasion in the last two years, in principle, this was in crimea, but now it has intensified, what exactly, snooping, denunciations. various popular movements like the crimean smersh, and crimea has already turned into such, you know, a small model of the soviet union in 1937 in this context, i.e. , full-blown denunciations against the crimean tatars for everything, not only for
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citizenship, not only for activities or there thoughts, for music, which people... use for symbols, for various mentions of historical figures that are connected in one way or another with history of ukraine, that is, there is pressure and repression for everything, and the second main feature is that they are now making arrests, raids, and searches of those whom they, relatively speaking, have been harassing for eight years, but not so much now here they are they intensified all this again, they came to the crimean tatar lawyers, to emil korbidinov, to citizen journalists, ludvia-zodieva, they come constantly, and now it has intensified to representatives of the royal system and the mijlis idem dudakov, uh, other representatives, they are again pressuring and conducting repression against the heads of religious
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communities, because who is the head of a religious community, everything. these are leaders, these are leaders, these are people who are able to gather people around themselves, yes. gaia, we have very little time left, but i have to ask this. the russians also revived some kind of information campaign about the fact that, look, in fact, the crimean tatar people, they are with us, they are completely satisfied with the russian occupation, and even, they even record some videos, allegedly from which mouth, allegedly. representative the crimean tatar people, because i don't know for sure, support the russian occupier. let's put it this way, isolated cases of trafficking that occur both among ukrainians and among, in principle, this is a normal situation during the war, unfortunately, are these rare, as they say, people who pretend to be crimean tatars? yes, well, the fact that russian propaganda
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is working there at full throttle, so to speak, at full throttle and full interest, is normal. you know, i want to point out, i don't know, they've been doing it for 10 years, but you it is clear, that is, it is not normal, but i understand how much time we have left, i love statistics and facts, because it is one thing to relate and some emotional state, but completely different indicators, let's take 10 years of occupation, the russian federation came there and declared, that for 23 years you didn't have or feel anything, ukraine didn't care about you, didn't do anything. the question arises: what did the occupiers do? what specific projects did the occupiers do for the crimean tatars during these 10 years, these are 10 years, not a year, not two, no a few months, 10 years. let's take specifically the cathedral mosque in simferopol - this is a ukrainian project, the multi-ethnic cultural center at the crimean engineering and pedagogical university, which they completed, this
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is a ukrainian project, the so-called school of the four presidents is a ukrainian project, museums, schools, national, university, theater, these are all ukrainian projects, the only thing they can show us is a monument to the victims of deportation in the town of suren, suren near bakhchosaraem, there really was a station there, from where gathered crimean tatars, but again, when we were in crimea, and we will return there, we always said that such monuments should be on main roads, in main central places, because... they should know about the tragedy native people , or somewhere in the village, yes, where only those who know about these memories can go, you understand, i understand, i still want to sum up everything that you said, all that, in principle, is positive, that was initiated during ukraine's control over crimea, i would
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still like to say that with the legal the status of the mezhalis of the crimean tatar people in the ukrainian state. it would be good in the end to somehow decide and fix it, i really hope that we will talk about it separately about the indigenous peoples and it must already be implemented and implemented, that is, it must be proven, thank you gayana yuksel, journalist and member of the crimean tatar people, was in touch project together beraber, a joint project of espresso and atp tv channel, ayder, khrystyna, we say goodbye to our viewers, for a short time, until next saturday, stay with us. after occupation russian troops continued to advance west of the city, occupying the villages of steppove, severne, and lastochkina, including due to the fact that directly behind avdiivka simply did not
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turn out to be a sufficiently prepared line of defense for ukrainian fighters. we visited the front, as well as the border of ukraine with russia and belarus, to see with our own eyes how the fortifications are being built and at what stage is the work now? we will talk about this in our issue, as well as... let's try to figure out why everything is not going smoothly the time of creation of defensive fortifications for the armed forces. these are donbas realities, congratulations. the zaporozhye direction, one of the places where the russian army regularly storms the positions of the armed forces, the contractor's company. under the leadership of military engineers, trenches are dug, anti-tank ditches are dug, and tetrahedrons, so-called dragon's teeth, are installed. work is carried out in the morning until dark. all the moves of the connection are torn off
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in a zigzag manner in order to reduce the probability of hitting the personnel with fragments. these trenches were dug out recently, they are still lined with geotextiles and metal mesh. fortifications for technical equipment are dug separately. and its crews, concrete pits, platoon strongholds for observation and fighting with the enemy are installed everywhere, they are buried in the ground. this concrete structure is installed at a depth of 1.70 approx. protects personnel from being hit by small arms and art projectiles or mortar mines. the loophole, it should be 30 cm from. ground level, so that it would be possible to observe with it, yes, or introduce fire, and these fortifications are almost ready, it is difficult to say how effective they are, but the military
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engineers claim that such a line of defense will create serious problems for the enemy during the offensive, it is the same fire structure, but it is already ready, cumulative nets have already been mounted on it, here they are, they are placed about 30 cm from the concrete slabs themselves, i.e.. . if the projectile will hit the cumulative grid, the cumulative jet will be destroyed before it hits the concrete slab, if the projectile , if it flies, will hit the gabion, then it will be much better than if it will hit the cumulative grid itself, yes, that is, he will break on the gabion, ugh, what about the corners exactly, which here, for example, there is not one yet, and because if we put... it right here, then we will block the firing sector for this and for this loophole, ugh, that is, to him you have to look to the right side towards the enemy.
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according to ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia military administration, the cabinet of ministers allocated a record billion uah 300 million for the construction of fortifications in this region. the task facing the military , local authorities and state special forces transport service to prepare several echelons of defense in a short period of time. it is planned to make a sharon defense to a depth of up to 100 km. this is the first line on which hostilities are taking place. the second, prepared in the event, for example, of the situation that happened in avdiivka, where positions were already prepared for the withdrawal of our troops. the third - it will already be in concrete, completely forto equipment, long-lasting. and in the future there will be an increase at the borders of cities that pass along, will, perhaps will pass along the line of contact, that is
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circular defense is theirs in the future as far as the dnipro river. an important point in the defense is mining, it is carried out immediately on the first and partly on the second lines. in one of the hottest points of the front in the village of robotyne, ukrainian sappers mine the area mainly at night, so there is a better chance of survival. our main task is now to close all the main routes, approaches by which the enemy can break into the village itself, in order to stop the movement of their columns and equipment, now there are mainly two resources that stop the movement of columns, these are mini barricades and fpv drone, recently, somewhere there, a week or two ago, there was a big offensive, it was up to 31 units of equipment, which the defense forces of ukraine were able to successfully stop . to drive some approaches to the village and the like, and our task now becomes to close all possible
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options by which the enemy can... advance into the village itself, there are corresponding certain routes where the enemy can go, and we just anticipate, well, that is, we our command envisages all the routes where the enemy can go drive in, and we just cover them, ugh , this is the standard density, well , it’s big enough, the most difficult thing is going in there, if you’ve already gone in, it’s already you, well, it’s a feat to go in there and get out, it’s personal training, already in the place somehow you move to the basement from the basement. and you are waiting for some kind of conditional statement, yes, you wait, you reconcile, you go in, you get to know people in the same way, because you come, people change, you go out to different brigades and you always have to get to know each other, ask about the situation, they say one thing, but something completely different is done, on me in place everyone knows that russian troops are actively using drones with night vision devices, and in this way they are trying to destroy
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zas logistics. opening fire on any target approaching the village, transporting ammunition, respectively, mines and the like, that is, there the enemy does not meet our equipment with night drones, meets with artillery ammunition, that is the most difficult, they, when they fix the movement, they try to pay it off, that is, they can let out a pair there by four people will release hail shells or 20 to 20-millimeter mines, that is, they have a lot of this resource and... they will press the artillery as much as possible. temks, water, bars and heating pads, ugh, for two, so that you have at least two or three days of at least some elementary food, it is usually carried by one or two soldiers, because always mines and plus it is difficult , automatically it has already been worked out, but it is impossible to get used to it. every
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task is like new for you, like new, and everything must be planned, because there were such situations that stopped the flight, and everyone scattered and you gather, you shout, the main thing is to talk, because if you ordered, that's all, ugh, the main thing is this conversation, a small village liberated as a result of the summer counteroffensive of the armed forces, the russian army is shelling 24x7, - sappers say, sometimes you have to sit in the dugouts around the clock, waiting. .. the slightest pause between the attacks in order to complete the work, when the first assaults began, we were dropped at the points, we walked 200-300 meters, went to the drones, because there were two flights from the tank and that was all, and they told us that the cabs were flying, the first the event was 12 pieces, and the second event was 16, and this is the whole night, and we waited until 5 o'clock in the morning to go to work, we never managed, because it is already
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starting. 300 or 200, it’s that feeling when you’re sitting with a damn knife and it narrows, widens, and you already think, that ’s it, that’s it, because it’s such a mess from the cab that neither the basement, nor the dugout, nothing will save it, but this it was more like that behind already after... for this, it’s already so peh-pah t-62 anti-tank mine is rather anti-track mine, that is, the tank runs into it, the explosion interrupts the track, the roller takes off and the combat vehicle stops, but the tank itself is functional, ugh , that is, but under during the shelling, accordingly , it is impossible to repair it, that is, the tank remains there, and then the artillery arrives and this tank turns into a metalloon chest, there were
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moments when... they burst, tanks were buried with trawls, and they passed mini fields , they are trying to bypass them , accordingly, they also have active aerial reconnaissance there, from our side, from their side, they can monitor, in particular , the installation of mine barriers, that is , they can see it, calculate some routes for themselves and this one, that is, it is there war in two sides, that is, they mine, we mine , she stops, gives time, because we... there are always infantrymen sitting in positions, there are certain groups that put out these fires, assault rifles, advance, and it is necessary to hold on to them for half an hour, they stop, this is already a big plus, but they, well, i'll say it, the last 10 days, it 's an assault every day, an assault every day, and especially at those points where we have to mine, they tell us to go and then we get to work, and the houses are already there, and the assault group has arrived again and
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it is all being cleared. it happened a couple of times, but then we...


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