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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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the aggressor will no longer receive so much fuel, because we, all of us who did not leave, i never left ukraine during the war, from kyiv and the kyiv region, we saw that when the occupier temporarily entered chernihiv, they were the first to drag what, that's right, such gas pipelines are artificial, because without it , no equipment, no army, and especially russian, does not move, because russian tanks are soviet tanks, and they use tons of fuel in order to... cover 100-200 km, just imagine , if more, in a word, without fuel, without such power, russian the army is not that it cannot and will not move, fight, so this is the first serious reason why it is good that the oil refinery complex is being destroyed, but also the second serious circumstance, the russian federation does not have and will not have more technologies, equipment and techniques to something to replace those capacities or that equipment. which
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is destroyed and burning day and night, these are two things that should really be paid attention to, i think that bloomberg and other economic publications of the world will pay more attention to the fact that russia has nothing replace, there is no way to repair those capacities that have burned out or will still burn. mr. valentin, during the last week two important statements were made regarding russian agents in ukraine. first: the special operation perun, about which the main intelligence agency warns that russian agents will be activated for russian information and psychological special operations, and the statement of one of the leaders of belinket, hristo grozev, that there is a network of agents of the russian federation in ukraine among politicians and public figures officials who did not take money in the russian federation, and khrestogroziv's investigation will soon be released
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about these a what can you say about this network, which is clearly there, or let's say, it is a dormant network, that is, hidden, and sooner or later it will become active, and how can you quickly find and protect themselves from these russian agents, do you mean representatives of the ukrainian state? it is possible and necessary, especially now during martial law, that intelligence information. was at the disposal of counterintelligence, that is, the sbu, and for this it is necessary that the sbu right here and now began to eliminate, detain, detect , and so on, any enemy agency, and i know that the force of means is enough, like the terrorist act against the malaysian boeing in the sky of ukraine in july 2013, i am saying that i know these people well and it is well known what they do, that is why the statements of one of the investigators, mr. groziv. i think that
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the british and american partners already know who exactly mr. groziv was talking about, the only thing i hope is that in the near future, through such partnerships with the cia and mi-5 and mi-6, the security service of ukraine and other special services of ukraine receive information and will be able to verify it without reacting. well , the very end of our conversation is the law on mobilization between the second and between the first and the second. reading, for some reason there was a big pause, 4,000 amendments, in this question, the question of the law on mobilization, is there more of a political or military component? there is no political will in this matter, and we saw this in person on march 14, when it was yesterday, when we all came to the verkhovna rada, i mean the opposition, the motherland faction, all 100% voted especially for the decision and
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resolution of the verkhovna rada that we will never recognize fake elections in the temporarily occupied territories, after that the representatives of the majority left, well, after the alarm, so what, after the alarm, we returned to our workplaces, they left for that's why, that's why i'm telling you absolutely responsibly, there is no political will and political presence of a monomajority from within the parliament, i think that they need to figure it out and then everything... will fall into place, well, the first thing for them, probably volodymyr to zelensky, as the leader of this monomajority and in general, i would not say, you know, how this is not a kindergarten, that they constantly have to, you know, point to a portrait or to the president, well, they are people's deputies, well, for the president, he is the commander-in-chief, he has his own job, as we see every day and every night, people's deputies, that's me, my belief is that they should work 24/7
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, and their place should be returned, i don't know where they all really are, where they went and in which business trips, but it's time to go back and work. thank you, mr. valentin, for you conversation, it was valentyn nalyvaichenko. people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on youtube and facebook, if you watch us on youtube, take part in the vote. today we ask you about whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, your own opinion, leave it in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you ... think, that the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine 0.800 211 381, no, 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world
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politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers what. .. think whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine, i will ask you about that too. i proceed from the logic that people who think about their own future elections, will not make a similar decision. this means that germany and france, germany and poland, that is, olaf scholz and donald. well, i am talking about the participants of today's meeting of the weimar triangle, first of all, they most likely will not go to it , while emmanuel macron, who is in the second presidential term, and has a certain space to react, to this, mr. yevgeny,
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macron actually this big discussion started whether these troops will be foreign. on the territory of ukraine or not, he was speaking with some kind of hints there, in conversations with leaders of french political forces, in interviews with tf-1 and france 2 , he stated that the war in ukraine is existential for europe and for france, but ruled out the possibility that french troops would attack russia. let's hear what macron said. we will never be on the offensive, we will never take the initiative. with the will and courage to say that we are ready to invest resources to achieve our goal, which
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is that russia does not win. well, that is, macron said that the offensive against russia will not be led by france, but i understand that he will still does not exclude overturning. of separate forces of the french army to ukraine , information previously appeared in the event that the russians will advance on kyiv or odessa, nevertheless, what is on macron's mind, on his tongue, we hear about what he says, and what he is he thinking? i believe that emmanuel macron has started a game, a political game for informal leadership. this position is similar to the one that angela merkel once held during her chancellorship, but angela merkel's position was primarily based on germany's economic power, and it must
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to understand, and the position of emmanuel macron in this situation, in conditions where it has been going on for almost 750 days already... it is not a russian invasion, it is a military-political one, it is logical, because the russian-ukrainian war is the biggest war in the modern world, and it creates a certain background, and accordingly, macron acts in the way that he currently organizes, provides, so i think that this discussion, it is fueled by historical experience. "because the french already landed in odessa a little more than 100 years ago, by their availability the foreign legion in the french armed forces, and the fact that, as i said , emmanuel macron is in the presidential
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term, i am on the staff, mr. yevgeny, very bad connection, sorry." we will dial you now. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel and on our youtube and facebook platforms. we continue voting. we ask you what you think. about whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine, yes, no, if you are all right on youtube simply, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you think the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, and at the end of the program we will summarize it.. .voting, waiting for the inclusion of yevgeny magda, er, some unstable
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connection, unfortunately, with our guest today, yevgeny magda already mentioned that macron, scholz and tusk met in berlin today, and this is the so-called weimar triangle, france, germany and poland agreed on what they would give income received from russian assets in europe. union for the purchase of weapons for ukraine and this was announced by olaf scholz at a joint press conference with french president emmanuel macron and polish prime minister donald tusk. he says that today the leaders of the three states have agreed that they will buy weapons for ukraine on the global market, and we will develop cooperation in production. weapons thanks to our cooperation with partners in ukraine, says macron, within the framework of the
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ramstein coalition, said the leaders of weimar, of the weimar triangle, they are going to create a coalition for the purchase of missiles and long-range artillery, and all revenues from frozen russian assets will be used for the purchase of weapons in ukraine. state, we already have yevgeny magda on the phone, mr. yevgeny, we have not finished with macron himself, let's continue, regarding macron's position and why he articulates, why he is so active now in european politics, i think that , among other things, macron, not only because this is the second presidential term, not only because that there is historical experience, but also because the united states lost a certain... leadership in matters of support for ukraine due to the crisis that
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currently exists in the relations between the democrats and the republicans, and which is unlikely to happen quickly, well, i would say , decided because the presidential campaign is only gaining momentum, therefore, accordingly, emmanuel macron has become an active foreign policy player. because this is a way to receive personal and political dividends through actions on the international arena . we have already mentioned the meeting today's weimar triangle, scholz, macron and tusk, and what do you say, mr. eugene, about this idea that the frozen assets will be used. for the purchase of weapons for ukraine, why is there no support in the whole world for the use of these frozen
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assets, because we are talking about somewhere around the world in the amount of approximately 300 billion dollars, and maybe more. there are several reasons: first, there was no legal act that would record the defeat of russia in this war, that is, there was no analogue of nurberg or tokyo. trial, respectively, of german , japanese war criminals, then, after it, after the second world war, everything was quite clear, as well as a number of treaties after the first world war, here i think that the western establishment still thinks, not excludes for myself, and i would not begin to condemn so intensely, now i will explain why, er... does not exclude for myself, well, some kind of return of russia to international, well,
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let's say, more intense, more civilized communication. there is also superficial interest. russia directly says that as soon as you start use our assets, we'll take yours. and this will mean, well, let's say, if for individual states, i will, i think, it will also mean... a political crisis, because russian propaganda will actively promote this in these countries, well, conditionally some financial organization that works on the territory of russia, and russia takes it away, takes away all its assets, then i think that at the same time it will spread in the country where the mother office of this organization is located the information that we are taking everything away from you, everything is bad for you , and in general, well, it is not clear who you are here, that is
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russia skillfully plays on these things, we have this in mind. and that is why the world is looking for an acceptable way, that is, on the one hand, they want to help ukraine, and this, this aspiration is sincere enough, because the factor of empathy in helping ukraine should not be excluded, it is really present, but at the same time, we must realize that the west is trying to protect one's own interests, and in my opinion, there is nothing unnatural in this. mr. yevgeny, over the past few days we have been watching the deployment of hostilities on the territory of the russian federation, the so-called russian volunteers, whether former prisoners are russian volunteers, rdk, freedom of russia, the siberia battalion, all this is happening on the eve of the presidential, so -called presidential elections, pseudo-elections.
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why, in your opinion, did putin play democracy at all in these elections, since there is already, well... complete autocracy, that is , there is no other candidate, it is clear that this is simply an automatic extension of putin's powers, and will this not be the last election for putin from the point of view of some game of democracy in general, when he will simply become the tsar of russia i don't know if he will gain some status there and will live until either he is killed or until he dies his own death. i think that the process of putin's re-election should prove to the russians that everything is fine with them, that they really are not waging a war, but a special military operation, and therefore putin's reaction to the actions of russian volunteers in the belgorod and kursk regions is quite
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indicative, he he reacts to them, telling about huge sacrifices and so on, but saying that... ukraine has not achieved success, he acts, of course, in an understandable way, in a fairly obvious, propaganda context, but at the same time one must realize that putin, for example, does not comment on the attacks on russian oil refineries and the ban on the export of gasoline, it is true, but on the attacks of russian volunteers, he is forced to comment, because they have too much resonance , that is... it affects those people who live in the border zone, and their evacuation or flight there, it also causes a certain public interest. this, these actions of russian volunteers, they definitely make sense for the reason that they make it possible to shake the putin regime. we must be aware that putin's
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regime has taken root in russia for a long time and remove it. quickly , you just know how to erase a pencil sketch on paper with an eraser will be extremely difficult. what is called putin's election can already be said today, i think with a high degree of probability that he will win more than 85%. to be honest, i guessed even more than 90 at first, but now i will make a more conservative prediction of yours. permission more 85, that is, it will definitely be the highest result in the entire history of putin's participation in the elections, and he will receive a mandate of trust and a mandate of the imaginary unity of russian citizens around the military leader, and therefore i quite obviously
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assume that thanks to this mandate, thanks to the fact that the russians demonstrate their own ... the desire to be with putin, russia can attack one of the nato countries, attack with conventional weapons, but keeping his hand on the nuclear buttons, and talking about whether it is worth, well, as you know, on the eve of the second world war, they talked about whether it is worth dying for danzeh, and now the question will be asked, whether it is worth dying for tallinn, or whether it is worth dying there for lublin. and i do not exclude, by the way, that this attack can take place through the territory of belarus and with the support of belarusian troops, i am very skeptical about the possibility. the participation of belarusian troops in hostilities against ukraine, but it may be against nato , that is, russian propaganda in this direction and belarusian propaganda work in a sufficiently
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coordinated manner, this is a very likely option at the moment, and the western world , which is watching this, and i know , for example, what was also considered at the munich security conference as a probable scenario of the invasion of russia, should be acted upon more... there , they should draw conclusions from historical mistakes, first of all their own and their predecessors. remember, 2008, georgia. i am not underestimating the fact that the position of the ukrainian authorities was the same, both yours and ours. that is, if it were not for viktor yushchenko and his visit to tbilisi, we would have covered ourselves with shame as a country. because the verkhovna rada failed to condemn russia's aggression. i think you remember it, and accordingly, if it happened, then now after large-scale russian aggression
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, it would be much more difficult for us to seek the support of the civilized world, but this happened more than 15 years ago, we will not go back to it in too much detail now, we will talk about the fact that such an escalation on the part of russia, it should receive... a consolidated response of the civilized world, and the more actively consultations within nato and the european union will now take place, the more actively ukraine will demonstrate its capacity for internal transformations, precisely the capacity for internal transformations, and not emotional diplomacy, the more chances we have that we will be able to fight back collectively, we will be able to stop. because as far as i understand, as far as i see sociological studies, i would say mildly that to the west of ukraine, the willingness to fight against russia
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is radically lower than in ukraine, right? and if before the large-scale invasion of ukraine more than 90% of western experts and analysts said that ukraine would fall apart, then i don't even know what the forecasts will be if... russia starts playing with its muscles and really implements the creation of two new military districts on the borders with nato countries. the west must act preventively, strengthen sanctions, shake russia from the inside, and we, ukraine, as a victim of aggression, have a full moral right to say that the dismantling of russia is the only possible way. in order to ensure a safe world. living in a world without russia is normal. it's just that western politicians are afraid to imagine him.
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many of them are comfortable living in the same world as russia. because there are a number of reasons, i will not take up the issue of money and everything else. but having such a situational ally, with whom you can frighten someone in case of need, is very beneficial. and it was very profitable to play on the contradictions between the european union and the united states at the time, and russia , for its part, did not spare money, supporting , for example, in italy, romano prodia, silvia berlusconi, in the czech republic, vaclav klaus and milos zeman, at the same time supporting, understand? and, for example, in the czech republic , only vaclav havel, who was a firm man, scared russia. democratic principles, and the more people there are in the western world tend to business as usual with russia, the more they will face
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the threat that russian soldiers will come for their, sorry, already worn underwear and used washing machines, this threat will grow, and what they saw on television, it can be embodied in ... lives and in completely different realities, not such as ukrainian ones. unfortunately, russia knows very well how the western world works. she knows how the principles of democracy work, and she actively works with it, and, for example, undermining trust in relations between poland and ukraine, this is quite an obvious prelude to possible aggression against poland and other nato countries, or, for example, the desire to interfere in... elections , to shake up the situation in the united states in one way or another, it's the same, or to promote russian, pro-russian parties in germany - these are also actions
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aimed at on strengthening the role of russia. russia skillfully uses hybrid instruments of influence. by the way, they learned well that in this way you can achieve your goals much cheaper than using the armed forces, which suffered heavy losses during the war in ukraine, which continues even now. president zelenskyi, mr. yevgeny, yesterday, during a video address to ukrainians. stated that ukraine is stockpiling domestically produced long-range weapons. let's listen to what zelensky said. i had the opportunity to thank the workers of our defense complex, the people who dedicated their lives to the ukrainian force, who make our weapons that manifest themselves at the front, at sea in air strikes against
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the russian system of war. for ukrainian shells, guns, for drones, for our missiles, for our reb systems, for everything that helps for our soldiers to fight, save the lives of ukraine and ukrainians, there will be even more of our weapons, shells, our drones, our reb systems, and every day we accumulate more and more of this power, such necessary power, such long-range power of ours. the third year of the great war. the president says that we are starting to accumulate long-range weapons of domestic production, the president is saying that we are starting to build fortifications at a distance of 200 km, which are necessary for us to protect ourselves from the russian invaders. why do you think, with with such a delay, these decisions are made and these decisions are being talked about, well , they are being talked about now, but obviously we will see some
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result. mr. sergey, for ethical reasons and for the reasons of a person who is a citizen of a country that has become a victim of aggression, i will not question the words of volodymyr zelenskyi, i would very much like them to be embodied directly on the battlefield, and then, i i think we will all be grateful, as well as the president, grateful to the workers of the ukrainian defense and industrial complex and... i am quite i am aware that it is not within our competence to discuss what kind of rockets may appear tomorrow or in what number and how they may appear, but when it is seen that during the last month the costs of fortifications have increased by several times, then the question arises, who and what did they think about before this, and
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what were the conclusions, despite the fact that... really , for these almost 700 50 days, there were different moments in our struggle with russia, and there were relative lulls, i don’t want to now to talk about it, i want to go back to the other, me i think you and our viewers remember how the armed forces of ukraine sank the missile cruiser moscow with the help of ukrainian neptune missiles. the truth, tell me, you saw, you heard, that we communicated this with our nato partners, that we reminded about it, for example, in the turkish media, did something similar to this, an information show and talked about it, because thanks to the fact that moscow is at the bottom, turkey began to dominate completely in the black sea, russia ceased to be...


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