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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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and what were the conclusions? this is despite the fact that , well, for these almost 700 already 50 days, there were various moments in our struggle with russia, and there were relative lulls. i don't want to talk about it now. i want to go back to the other one. i think both you and our viewers remember how by the forces of the armed forces of ukraine with the help of ukrainian neptune missiles. the missile cruiser moscow was sunk, right? tell me, you saw, you heard, that we communicate this with our nato partners, that we remind about it, for example, in the turkish media, do something similar to such an information show and talked about it, because thanks to the fact that moscow is at the bottom, turkey began to dominate completely in the black sea, russia ceased to be... just
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a competitor, you understand, that is, we have to speak with our partners in the language of our common interests, and the missile cruiser moscow is with russian vocabulary, aircraft carrier killers, what killed aircraft carriers, turned into a diving object, how is this treated in the american sixth fleet? we had some kind of attitude about it, i just mean that... we should not only thank our manufacturers for their support and strengthen our defense capabilities , this is quite natural, but we must communicate our victories, this includes raising morale and talking about our future successes, we must create an atmosphere that allows us to be convinced of further successes, and not just react to russia's attempts to sow . in ukraine, despair and doubts and
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various problems. this is what , i think, our joint task actually consists of today. well, that is, the russians are much more effective in spreading their information than we are. because their state information the machine is subject to a single interest. in order to destroy our independence. and in our state information machine. there are different interests, and to push the representatives of the opposition away, and to imitate violent activity, and sometimes to cover up some ineffective management actions, so they, you know, we have to remember one simple thing, that in russia there are people who consider it an honor to serve the russian empire pretending to be the russian federation for some reason is enough, and they do it up to... consistently, and they
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will be very pleased if the scalp of ukraine will hang on their wall, but i think that this will never happen as long as we exist, and as long as there are ukrainian defense forces, which from the first days, from the first hours destroyed the myth that russia is capable of destroying ukraine, precisely the ukrainian defense forces since the early days of the large-scale invasion. destroyed the illusion that russia can win, and we have to use this fact for today in our own common interests, for our independence, for us to feel more confident, and not just be, well, i don't know, strangers on this holiday of victory over by russia we have to talk about how to dismantle russia, in what way to do it. and
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discuss it with our partners as intensively as possible. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, we conduct polls on youtube and on tv, today we ask you about whether the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine. let's see the intermediate results of the poll on tv. so, 44% yes, 56% - no, according to our viewers, on youtube we have a ratio of 46 to 54, well, almost, almost the same ratio, we will return to the studio, we will have a journalist club with the participation of kateryna nekrecha and oleksiy mustafin , stay with us, it will be interesting. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already
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come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. and meaningful, no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. draw your own conclusions. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at spresso. the
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espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment. the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. congratulations, friends, the second part of the program is live on the tv channel. the fourth day of the war in russia, explosions are heard again in belgorod, russian rebels promise to renew humanitarian corridor for civilians. russian
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election roulette: vote, don't vote, the result is known in advance, will the west recognize putin's legitimacy after the sham elections. parliamentary crisis in ukraine. the monomajority in the verkhovna rada is under attack, what threatens the weakness of the ukrainian government in the conditions of war? we talk about this and other things for the next 45 minutes. i remind you that in addition to the tv broadcast, we work on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please take part in our vote, today we ask you about so, will the west dare to send its troops to ukraine? yes, no, if you have a special opinion, leave it. please in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the west will dare to send its troops to ukraine 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, vote, all calls to these
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numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce today's guests of our studio, these are my colleagues, kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio svoboda, well, since we are asking our tv viewers what they think about the west, which dares or does not dare to send its troops to ukraine, i will ask in the blitz format and you, dear colleagues, kateryna, what do you think, is the west all - still dare to send his troops to ukraine, well, i would expand the question, in which case it can happen? well, we have already heard that there are such opinions that it can also be that there are ground instructors, for example, such an option, because they do not officially say that such the phenomenon in principle already exists in ukraine, and that there are some instructors, but so that there is no official and possible number depending on this, 100% of ukrainians are very pleased that
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this topic has been raised at all, and another important point, how much affected or not affected the russian authorities, we also... this week we basically saw the reaction in that famous interview of vladimir putin and they also talked about it and although the russian president said that it will not change the situation of foreign troops in ukraine , they will not affect the russian-ukrainian war, therefore none the less, nevertheless, well, as military experts point out, it would still be a significant blow there, which is probably why such rhetoric of the french president and in general that this topic is being raised. this can probably be a reason, well, to get nervous, i don't know, but somehow in the same tone, it is possible to talk with the russian authorities, or bring the same putin into tune. oleksia, do you think that the west, well, the west - we say a conditional west, but the countries of western
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europe, in particular, not to mention the united states of america, will be able to send to ukraine your troops? well, at some point it's obvious. do not want russian troops to come to them, it is better to make a decision about the possibility of sending troops at the request of ukraine, it should also be noted that ukraine has not yet requested to send them. to send troops, on the other hand, if such a decision is made by ukraine and by the western allies, the question arises, and it will be up to ukraine to simply join ukraine, perhaps it will also revive its discussions on this issue. well, especially since zelenskyi said this week that so far this is the case so far there is no such need, and if there is such a need, then of course ukraine will turn to... western countries, meanwhile we are witnessing how russian volunteers,
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as well as those who once fought against ukraine and were captured by ukrainians, began to fight in the russian volunteer corps and in the legion of freedom of russia and the battalion of siberia on the territory of the russian federation, today the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia posted another video of combat operations on the territory of russia, this time they showed how they conduct mortar fire positions of the russian army, let's see what is happening and, most importantly, what these fighters are saying. we are sending ballots for voting, i hope they will hit the table of volodymyr volodymyrovych. it would be very good, because our mine chooses him. our mine chooses him. oleksiy, but here. what informational and psychological effect does it have for
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russians and does it have this effect for russians? i don't think it's aimed at the russians, i think it's aimed at creating a general context, given that, well, they don't even hide that they started this campaign during this procedure of approving putin for a new term. and this, it seems to me, is aimed precisely at creating an understanding that putin does not even control his own territory, and this, so to speak, is another argument in favor of not recognizing putin, not recognizing these so-called elections and not to recognize putin as the legitimate leader of the russian federation, not the only argument, but a nezai, so to speak. i think that's actually the biggest effect that a similar,
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similar operation can have on the territory of russia. katerina, how close are such raids our victory, and what do you think the effect of these raids should be, it is clear that the border regions to ukraine feel this effect, because the population is being evacuated there, they understand what war is, the war has already come to the territory of the russian federation. and whether it can have any effect further into the depth of the russian federation, because they control the media, they control the internet, and it seems that in the last few days they, even some satellites, where we speak, including control, because they are trying to signal remove on the territory of the russian federation, in particular the broadcasting of the espresso tv channel. what else can be counted on and what is counted on according to yours? these fighters who return home and start fighting putin's regime. in general, this is a very
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interesting story, it is not the first time, we were supposed to be ready for such raids, nevertheless, this question, and for what and why, it arises, and this time as well. will this have an impact on the russian-ukrainian war in general? well, military experts say no, absolutely, and some of the ukrainian military experts do not see any military purpose in this at all. probably, yes, this is some kind of... informational informational possible pressure, we understand that at least there is a group commenting on this topic, although they say that they do not manage the process, but they, well, cooperate in this situation and note, the ukrainian side notes , that it is russia itself and russian citizens, russian citizens are doing it, hmm, probably not everyone in russia will find out about it, and those who do find out about it, they will find out about it from the russian media, and there they say that they are terrorists over there... ukrainian nazis and so on, everything that they like to repeat, that is, in fact, in the eyes of,
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probably, a russian citizen, this whole story with reid, it will strengthen this putin, putin's theses in because russia needs to be protected, there is a danger, and this is essentially what putin said, the war there is for survival, yes, if not us, then us, in fact, he said that, probably, it is so, it looks in the eyes of russian citizens, and does it somehow affect the legitimacy of the elections or not, and probably not, the main question is legitimacy - this is the fact that russian elections are again taking place on the occupied ukrainian territories, this is the second time, this is an important moment for... the legitimacy of recognizing these elections or not? and the fact that a person who has a warrant from the international criminal court is running for president of russia, that is , a criminal who is running for president of the russian federation, we will talk about the elections a little later, let's listen to what putin himself says about the actions of russian rebels in kurshchyna and belgorod region . unfortunately,
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we cannot show this synchronization, i will quote it: in order to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, the kyiv neo-nazi regime has planned and is trying to carry out a series of criminal demonstrative armed actions, which are attacks on peaceful settlements on the territory of russia, about 95% of missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense means, nevertheless, we have there are victims among civilians , all of them and their families will be provided with all the necessary help and support, these enemy strikes do not and will not remain unpunished, - said vladimir putin. oleksiyya, how about in a situation where putin will always poke at the ukrainians, how to say, you see , they are shelling us there, or their drones are destroying our infrastructure there, but we are defending ourselves, and the need for
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the ukrainian side to shell. objects of critical infrastructure, military objects on the territory of the russian federation, the destruction of oil refineries, where is that, well, i wanted to say balance, but where is the limit where ukrainians can do something, and so that it is not perceived or not so interpreted by russians, or russians will always interpret no that's how they'll make devils out of ukrainians, they're cutting corners. they say that they are ukrainians , of course, if we are talking about putin's propaganda, then in two years we have to, if in 10 years we are not used to it, then in two years we have to get used to trying to somehow behave so that putin's propaganda somehow spoke in a different way, there is no sense, this is a war, it continues, and you know, these statements about
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ukrainian terrorists, it reminds me, do you remember that phrase was used by chapyk, who in... attacked, criminally attacked our aviation, which bombed their cities peacefully, that is, actually, there is no need to look, look, look for logic there, and in general there is no need to be distracted by it, i think that we need to carry out those policies , which are those military actions that are useful to our side, i think that our allies fully understand the military necessity of those things that... and i don't think that russian propaganda can somehow affect the amount of this aid, there are rather internal problems with our allies, and actually we need more of that to pay attention, rather than to russian russian propaganda. that, that, that we are watching, what we are analyzing now,
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and what we are talking about, is just a week before the election, putin's pseudo-election, no election. there is no reassignment of putin by russian citizens, and it is clear that in this context we are talking about his legitimacy, or questioning the legitimacy of everything that started today, today putin himself sat down at the computer, pressed some buttons there, they showed that he even picked up a mouse there, which is already very strange, and he made some kind of click in online voting during the elections of the russian federation, but... we are interested in the territory of the ukrainian state and those areas that are under temporary occupation, these are millions of people who are forced, or may not be forced, some of them, perhaps with joy , go to the polling stations there and start to vote, early voting is now, full elections are already on sunday. kateryna, you already
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mentioned that this action is taking place on ukrainian territory. state, this is a reason to talk about the illegitimacy of putin, but we know that elections to the state duma once took place in the annexed there were crimea, and it is clear that probably it is already customary for western countries to make statements about illegitimacy there, but we cannot go beyond that, or can western countries, in particular western european countries, decide which one? consolidated decision that we do not recognize these elections, because there are 2 million ukrainians who are in the temporary territory, their votes were counted for... well, how can he be considered the legally elected president of russia, if he basically falsified the elections at the expense of these two million, can it
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happen, and if it happens, what will it be mean for putin, he will be called the self-proclaimed president of russia, as the self-proclaimed president of belarus? this is a very difficult question, probably globally, and from the estimates i have heard. comments, well, it seems to me that this is unlikely, of course, the fact that the elections, the so-called illegal elections in the occupied ukrainian territories, are not recognized by the world, as they were not recognized before, this is an important point, but is the west ready to simply stop all communications ties with the current russian government is a question, a question also in the matter of whether the majority of russian citizens will not vote for putin. if we don't take the occupied territories there, for example, because there is already legitimacy in this or not, and in belarus, for example, we all watched people who went to the streets,
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tried to somehow resist, but they did not succeed, but they asked whether the west sees the same efforts of russian citizens and the same distrust of the current government, which is going to be re-elected, we heard from the president of the european council, charles michel, that he has already congratulated putin on his victory, that is... it is not a secret for anyone at all and it is not a surprise in any way that vladimir putin will take this seat again, but is it worth it for the west to break absolutely all diplomatic ties with modern russia , as it is, everyone understands that, but to what extent they are ready to isolate in this sense, well, that is a big question, it seems to me that there are few chances, well , you mentioned charles michel, we will see now. in twitter tweet or in social networkx, as charles michel's tweet is now called, he sarcastically, of course, congratulated the russian
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dictator putin on his victory, he said that he would like to congratulate putin on a landslide victory in the elections that begin today, without opposition, without freedom, without choice. oleksiy, if in russia there is an autocracy, an autocratic regime, a dictatorial regime, why does putin have these pseudo-elections in order to demonstrate that he and the people are one, that they have a single choice, a single thought, a single action, well, why should he go through these all procedures where there is no democracy, and where in in principle, the result has long been known. well , look, why were elections held, why were elections held? well, so to speak, it is obvious that to some extent it is for him, for him personally, an element
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of legitimizing his own power, because the system is built in such a way that it imitates, imitates democracy, imitates electability , he cannot refuse this, obviously, although in principle, if they decided to proclaim him... a monarch or even, i don't know , god, this would not prevent them from doing so, given that there are no countermeasures there is no competition in russia , there is no competition in russia, it is obvious that he still adheres to this way of proving his legitimacy, so to speak, but for the world it does not matter at all, the world can communicate with monarchs, i don't know there. .. with people who proclaim themselves prophets of god, because in principle the internal, so to speak, procedures are not, are not important,
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the question is that putin actually seized, announced the annexation of the territories of a neighboring state, and here, from my the world has no point of view to put up with it, so to speak, and if we say, well... in fact, they recognized the parliamentary elections, despite the fact that some of the deputies were elected in the captured territories, well, it's bad that they didn't recognize it, i think that we need to insist on whether this will lead to any immediate consequences, maybe not, but at least it is a principled position that allows us to build further policy, again, not recognizing legitimacy does not mean that some communication on some issues is impossible. well, that is, putin leads russia, because he was elected in the previous elections, in fact, and the sedges were not elected, his
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successor was not elected, then he still leaves. in power in russia, but remains an illegitimate, illegitimate president who has not confirmed his mandate for the elections, this is a completely normal position, just as it is a completely normal position of ukraine, when we say that we cannot but recognize russia's membership in the united nations, since it is also illegitimate, does this mean that russia is now not allowed to attend security council meetings, unfortunately, no. but that doesn't mean we have to to abandon this line, well, but the current elections for president putin are completely different, because he enters and speaks in these elections as a candidate who has a warrant from a criminal, international criminal court, he is a person who started a great war against the ukrainian state, that is began began, i want to, by the way, serhiy, i want to emphasize another
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... point, it has the so-called nullification, nullification term, which was introduced by a completely illegal referendum, which was also held in the occupied territories, and this referendum should not be recognized, and that is why it undermines its legitimacy, well, but the combination of these facts and factors, well , obviously, can make the world look at... these elections and putin's future in a completely different way, although i don't i rule out that there will be no next elections for putin, he will simply take and hold a coronation, say that he is the king of the russian empire or the russian federation, and that's it, that's all, if only he sees that he has some competitors, although we see how these competitors by the way, navalny should also be mentioned in this context, no matter what, but
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well, the murder of navalny was also during the election campaign, well, that is, he relapses and he looks like a st. petersburg recidivist who ran into power, who is trying now to prolong this power and seized this power and does not give the opportunity to other political forces, the leaders of political forces to move forward, here it is also important to understand that for putin this is also a procedure, so to speak... not only to confirm his own legitimacy, but also to test for the loyalty of the population itself and especially of their own, so to speak, on this official, official vertical, they have to prove that they are in control of the situation, make such, you know, as they said in the old film kutin, that we confirm, we are loyal to you, comrade,
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putin is there. this moment is also important for him, not only his own, but these early voting, early voting have already begun, and already in moscow, in st. petersburg, in rostov, there in various autonomous districts there are already arson at polling stations, substances are poured into zelenka and others, well , they protest as much as they can, let's see, we have a small video, let's see how it all happens. you see that people are trying in some way to protest about these elections, they are pouring zelenka, that is , these are just the beginning of the protests, of course, it all looks very unconvincing and funny, considering what the russians could
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do, and on the other hand. i don't know, kateryna, what else could they do, they will protest there on election day at 12 o'clock and remember navalny, what can those russians who do not agree with putin's policy and the fact that he is re-elected for a second presidential term do, what do you think they could do and how it should look, maybe they have already done everything that maybe , i mean just the day after... navalny , and then indeed there were several tens of thousands of people who went out into the streets with flowers and that was, maybe this is the maximum, you say protests, we see these shots, probably ukrainians do not associate it with such protests, a single protest yes, but the mass and the one that has an effect, what is it for if we are used to it, then of course not, well, we certainly shouldn't expect anything extraordinary like that, we
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also see sociology. er, russian there officially and including.


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