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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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could the russians do, but on the other hand, i don't know, kateryna, what, what, what else they could do, they are still there on election day, but at 12 o'clock they will protest there, and remember navalny, so what can those russians who do not agree with putin's policy and the fact that he is re-elected for a second presidential term, but it is real, what do you think they could do and how it should look, maybe they have already done everything, what is possible i mean just the day of navalny's burial, and then there are really several tens of thousands of people there went out into the streets with flowers, and that was , maybe this is the maximum, you say protests, we see these shots, well, probably ukrainians do not associate it with such protests, a single protest yes, but the mass and the one that has the effect that they are used to we, of course not, well, we certainly shouldn't expect anything extraordinary.
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we also see official russian sociology there, including those sociologists like the levada center, who can supposedly be trusted and who can be oriented plus or minus, and is there any zero support for putin and his high rating has always been maintained and it is probably important for putin himself to do everything within the framework of the law and to confirm it not just visually that the crowds will vote but what is really important for him to understand that this support there is, well, isn’t she there, the majority trusts , the majority re-elects him again and again, this one, well, you can say there, monarch, he will declare himself, and maybe it’s not necessary, and maybe it’s not necessary, because for him again there are 4 - they will vote for 5 years, and he has this support, he has hers feels, and he also has such legitimacy for these certain actions, he is quite confident, and when we saw him not sure about this, it was again during the pre-election period.
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in my opinion, absolutely the interview that we saw this week, because there was a lot of talk specifically about russian inside there, some beautiful things are so fantastic, when you listen to it and understand that it's about russia, well, it sounds unrealistic, but nevertheless , it is designed for the internal audience, and it probably has such an effect, such a parallel reality in which they live, and probably suits them, that's why i don't think that we will see any super-global protests, oleksia, that's what... that what we saw and these green filling of ballots and these urns and some individual pickets, protests, it is very reminiscent of what used to be during the soviet union, there were loners who went out there and protested against something, do you think there is no such concentrated protest in russia? movement, at least
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in some part of russia, who would come out and say that putin is gone, unfortunately, no, and this concerns, especially, it is a pity, it is a pity that this also applies to the so-called national formations, which actually could, they have at least the motive of self-preservation, which, in fact, now russia is destroying these peoples, but we do not see a great potential, well, there is a little... they came out in bashkiria, in bashkartistan, a little something is happening in ingushetia or there were some protests in dagestan, but they are not massive, unfortunately, now, but again, well, in such regimes as the russian one, in fact, they fail at all not at the elections, well, that is, ceausescu did not lose any election, he won with a huge... great result
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, but it didn't help him, and actually, even we can remember that yanukovych won the last election, so to speak, he was removed from power in a completely different, different way, so it seems to me that just it is obvious that the fate of this regime will be decided not at the elections, especially not at the simulation of elections, although of course any attempts should be welcomed... to somehow fix one's position, express a protest, even individually, you know, i remember i remember those times when we also went outside alone, but again, drop by drop, it leads to something, and the main thing is that people themselves feel responsible for what they, they do, and i think that this is important, because sooner or later this regime will not return, the question will be, what will happen next? with russia or instead of
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russia? by the way, i will add very briefly, from this same interview again, there is dmitry kiselyov, he tells putin that the nazi regimes do not dissolve by themselves, they... arise in the case of military, specifically military , he is said, yes, of military defeat, they did not say this about themselves, but it is understandable, because everything is absolutely there, but they understand this very logic, and they can call a nation state there and a fascist regime, ukrainian, any other, but anyway , they understand the very logic and the very meaning and rules of the game, and it is very important that they voice it, i think, thank you. dear tv viewers, i would like to remind you that today we have oleksiy mustafin and kateryna nekrecha on the air, kateryna nekrecha, radio liberty journalist, oleksiy mustafin, journalist, media manager, historian. during this broadcast , we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether the west will dare to send
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its troops to ukraine. so, if you watch us on youtube, vote yes, no, or write your comment below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone if you think the west would dare to send troops to ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote , at the end of the program we will compare the results of this vote, well , to ukrainian realities, to ukrainian politics, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine gathered very briefly for its meeting, after which people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav. stated that the verkhovna rada is approaching a parliamentary crisis due to the inability of monopolies to make important decisions. let's listen to what yaroslav zheleznyak said. it is not yet clear to say that this is a real crisis, but
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it is obvious that the parliament began to malfunction very often, it is obvious that the majority of men have a huge problem with votes, it is obvious that without... mk, as the partners call them, in the people we call them opzzh, they will not be able to pass any law, it is obvious that last time the meeting was canceled not because it was necessary to make some report for the senate, it is some kind of stupidity that to be honest, it is not clear why they came up with it, or someone went there to inspect something there, no, because there were no votes, but yaroslav zheleznyak thinks that we are so... on the threshold of a parliamentary crisis, kateryna, what do you think, this is a parliamentary crisis - this means the end of mono majority, and accordingly, reformatting of all central authorities, including the government, because this same majority, it is formed by the servants of the people, and in the 19th year they
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do not need anyone at all, because they created their own government, the second prime minister has already slipped away, four years in office, a record, it seems to me, yulia tymoshenko was the prime minister twice, the general term is something like this, and here the question is, what do they do, does this mean that they have to share with the authorities, and is there even a concept of a parliamentary crisis or an operation with this concept inappropriate during wartime? importantly to note that yaroslav, as an opposition deputy , also spoke about this to mr. solomiya bobrovska on my broadcast. venislavskyi fedor, we asked about this on the air, that there is no such definition, now that the parliamentary crisis is already on the threshold, yes , solomiya also said this, and it is important to understand what options we have, we cannot now in ukraine hold elections, the verkhovna rada is a legitimate body elected by the people,
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and we have a parliamentary-presidential republic according to the constitution, and the situation is extremely difficult, and the question is whether will be able... and will that body or those people who led to this want to correct what yaroslav zheleznyak is talking about, there are other deputies, some of my sources, those who are publicly pro-government deputies with a mono majority, they are not on the air they talk about it and are generally very careful in their statements, that’s understandable, but what everyone in ukraine really understands is that there are a lot of decisions, and yaroslav generally says that even the agenda of the verkhovna rada, it... is formed precisely in the president’s office and descends as a deputy, under the following conditions, especially during the last year, the deputies of the monomajority, they felt someone, well, their uselessness, someone was simply fed up that their interests were not taken into account, some interests that, in principle, should not be taken into account, but nevertheless people there
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got used to it, someone, well, simply feels that he is not heard and that the deputies who can rationally offer something are not heard, but they are completely ignored, and the situation... is such that it certainly cannot be called a riot there, but the fact that there is a certain resistance there or unwillingness to work, he is also what could be the reasons for this. mr. zheleznyak wrote a column about it there, he made such an analysis and named these reasons, and well , for example, my sources there told me that if the deputies do not take the initiative and do nothing, then they said what to do, and with on the other hand, mr. yaroslav writes that they are knocking on the head so much for the initiative that it is better not to do anything, and the main thing is whether they will hear this, or feel this moment, that maybe... a parliamentary crisis is possible right in the president's office, and whether they will somehow react to it and whether they will start to interact
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in a different way, but we have to look at it now, because there is no other option for the verkhovna rada, there is absolutely no alternative, while we are under martial law and elections cannot be held, well , elections cannot be held, and the verkhovna rada remains in power , just a matter of reformatting the majority and what will happen in the verkhovna rada. oleksiy, we witnessed more than one parliamentary meeting. crisis in ukraine, that is, can what yaroslav zheleznyak is talking about be considered a prologue to the parliamentary crisis, and is it similar to those crisis, which we witnessed earlier, well, if we talk about formal things, then i want to remind you that the current verkhovna rada was elected in the elections that were announced after, well, that is, on the basis of something that did not exist in the previous parliament. the majority, uh, so, obviously, there will always be
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a reason to say that if there is no majority here, then it is a crisis. on the other hand, well, deputies can mention that they, in principle , we do not have an imperative mandate, they represent voters and can unite as they wish. actually, we remember the situation, er, during the revolution, when the parliament still found strength and... and even when president yanukovych ran away to gather and take responsibility, the question is whether these deputies will want to take responsibility, but again- after all, they were elected precisely so that they would take, even according to the constitution , it is not the president of the verkhovna rada who speaks on behalf of the people of ukraine, on the other hand, we remember, when you know, we are often given the example of churchill, well... of course, everyone with its implication, but let me remind you that cherchel came to power completely
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not as a result of the elections, and as a result of purely internal mechanisms in the parliament itself, and he had a working majority, so to speak, well, that is, it was non-party, for most of the second world war, and when the war was almost over, he lost the elections in general, therefore, the question is that... if the deputies feel responsible, they should and feel that there is a crisis, they should find some way out on their own, and actually this is what they should wish for, because simply escaping responsibility by simply running away, well, it will not work if someone will try to do that then there will be very serious consequences for the country and for these deputies themselves, it is very interesting and very fast that a few weeks. that's why there was a meeting of the servant of the people faction with the president, and it was as if these concerns should be voiced
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there, and even the fact, a moment that annoys all deputies, that they are not allowed to go abroad, for example, that they are simply interrupted by some international trips there and so on , and this opportunity to ask these critical questions, judging by everything, as they say, what was there, well, it was not there at all, that is, even officially those deputies from the servant who told stories, reported about this meeting, they did not say anything about these critical moments, it also passed a lot. says, well, but, but we are not talking about, well, not only the servants of the people, but also about the entire parliament in general, since they make a collegial decision, well, that is, everyone votes, this is a decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and not only the servants of the people, well, here the question is whether zelensky is ready to share, well , power, i don’t know if it is appropriate to say during the war, to share power, but that’s how it is it turns out that if we are talking about reformatting the majority, then we are talking about... we are talking about reformatting the government, if we are talking about reformatting the government, and it is about quotas
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of some political forces, are they ready to tolerate representatives of the homeland, european solidarity, voice, that is the question in this, or her duet, well, you know, they are ready to tolerate, they can tolerate everyone else, well , op, they simply tolerate not only in the verkhovna rada, oleksia, but also in all local bodies. there are more than 400 members of the local council, i looked at the statistics, in 2020 was elected to all levels of government, and this is also a very open question, by the way. and why are these people in power at all, well, it means that they were repainted in local authorities, the party is banned, but there are deputies, that’s also a question, you, by the way, as a person who has a good understanding of the construction and functioning of the party , no matter what you say, party members sit in the verkhovna rada of the opz, party members sit in local authorities, here they pass
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laws, there they divide local budgets and allocate land budgets. plots, that's the question, and a why is this happening? and because no other decision has been made, well, you can’t say: go for a walk, or, i don’t know, look for another job there, unless some decision has been made, some decision regarding the termination of the powers of these deputies was adopted, no, it was not adopted, they should work accordingly, i am talking about something else, that if... no decisions are made regarding the opz, then what are the problems with the perception of deputies from other factions, why they, no, we cannot unite with them in any way, because they represent other political forces, well, that i mean i don't understand this logic. thank you, literally 30 seconds, katerina, how do you think
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this crisis, or the prologue to the crisis , will end, from a journalistic point of view it is interesting to watch these. processes, but i think that it would be good for the citizens of ukraine and for the country as a whole if it ended with the deputies feeling their authority and their place here, and finally the verkhovna rada would work, probably as it should. thank you, kateryna nekrech and oleksiy mustafin were guests of our program today. i thank my colleagues for their participation in the program. during the program, we conducted a survey, asking you whether the west would dare to send its troops to ukraine. 44% - yes, 56, no, these are the results of a tv poll, friends, we put an end to our program, i say goodbye to you until monday at 8:00 pm, i wish you a good weekend, bye, take care of yourself and your loved ones, watch this week in the
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collaborators program, the rashist-kherson regional duma, who are they, the non-deputies from the kremlin. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but how do traitors wash the bridges of schoolchildren? on only development awaits the kherson region. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and purses, went to serve the rashi occupiers. last fall, russia held so-called elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, in particular in the kherson region. as a result, the so-called kherson oblast was formed. duma, which included 36 deputies. the largest number of fake elected officials came from the united russia party, 28 of them. and then there were already a few from the ldpr, just russia, communist party of the russian federation and just russia for truth. the main task of this racist illegitimate body is to establish life in the region according to the laws
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of the russian federation. i have already told you about some who decided to fall to the social bottom and received a mandate from the kremlin. today's issue is a continuation of the acquaintance with the newly elected fake russian officials. at the first meeting of the so-called kherson regional duma , deputy deputies elected their head. she became 57-year-old tomilina tetyana yuriivna. before to become a collaborator, she was a candidate for mayor of kherson in 2015 and director of the mishukov academic lyceum at kherson state university. the war of ukrainians against ukrainians is dear to me, personally i am fed up with pseudo-patriotism, and i am also very fed up with politics for the sake of money and vanity. i am going to the mayor of kherson to engage in politics for the people and for development. please help me. at the debate of the mayoral candidates, tomilina said at the time that
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the americans had equipped a biolaboratory at the site of the city's senepidem station. works at kherson secret laboratory. dangerous infections in the center of the city, the contract between the us department of defense and the ministry of health of ukraine exists, no one knows about it. the adequacy of the director of the academic lyceum even then raised questions. the diagnosis was confirmed when it turned out that the woman was among the founders of the kherson public organization public safety and development, and her partner was oleksandr gulyaev, a well-known separatist who represented the fake kherson party in 2014. people's republic at the congress of the so-called republics in yalta even then, their pro-kremlin views began to be exposed. when the russian troops completely captured kherson, milina began actively cooperating. with the occupiers. in the summer , the faithful dog of the kremlin master, as kistko, was appointed to the post of rector of the kherson state university. for which the collaborator paid. on september 12
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, 2022 , an explosion rang out in the apartment of the so-called rector. tomilina was seriously wounded, and her bodyguard was killed. after this incident, she began to glorify putin's regime even more actively, literally with her back in her mouth. we, personally, have been waiting for russia for 30 years. but this one. turned out to be not enough for the big ambitions of the traitor, she wanted to become a politician, and therefore, after winning the primaries , she was listed as a candidate of the united russia party, and tomilina received that toy mandate. almost two years of crawling in front of the occupiers were not in vain. when the special military operation started, but everyone thought i was crazy. of course, when i was told on the trolleybus, oh, the orcs have come, who are they? will call out: "i went to the center of the trolleybus and said: me! but even now, we do not consider tumilina to be an adequate person. after she was elected head of the kherson pseudo-regional
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duma, she travels around russia, meets with politicians from moscow and st. petersburg, speaks at forums where she reflects on what will happen after the victory of russia, tries to integrate part of the kherson region under russian laws and is developing plans for his further political career. a fool is rich in thought. it's a bit like madness: running a body that exists and is legitimate only in a diseased imagination russian back in the summer of 2022 , the first suspicion of tomiliny under the article of collaborative activity appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office. the case is now being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. and later on, this sale earned itself a second suspicion. proceedings were initiated against her on the facts of complicity in an enemy country. this case. sent for consideration to the pechersk district court of the city of kyiv. what remains of tumilinium in this case? there are several options: stay as long as possible in the desired red star mode, because when it becomes
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exhausted, it can simply be disposed of in swamps. the second option is to return to ukraine. our law enforcement agencies are always waiting for her, at least she will remain alive. our next traitor with the mandate of the kherson regional duma is moroz oksana petrivna. united russia with the support of the people's front in the skadovsky municipal district, congratulates. oksana moroz was born in 1975 in the village of shevchenko, skadovsky district. at first , she taught ukrainian language and literature at the skadovsky school number one. then she resigned and from 2006 to 2020 worked at rhys naan institute as a leading specialist in the sector of market research, intellectual property and economic analysis. and in the same 22. in the second , she held the position of head of the social protection department in the skadovsk city council for several months. when skadovsk was occupied, moroz began to look for ways to profitably betray
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ukraine. and in the summer of the 22nd year, such an opportunity appeared. initially, the occupiers made her the head of the social protection department of skadovsk, within a few months she became the head of the education department. at the same time the collaborator entered the kherson state pedagogical university, created by the invaders, at the faculty of state. and municipal administration. before the accession of our regions to the russian federation, history was kept silent. the children did not know the whole truth. moroz chose her future as a role model, so it was an honor for her to become a deputy deputy of the kherson regional duma. in her new role, she travels through the occupied territories and distributes humanitarian aid from the united russia party. appears in political advertisements and agitates people to believe. to support russian peace. it was decided to build a new dispensary for high-quality and fast medical care, since the old one was destroyed
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by rockets from the kyiv authorities and is no longer subject to restoration. but moroz decided to impose the ideas of the neo-fuhrer not only on adults, but also on children. according to the media, in the occupied part of the kherson region, before the constitution day of the russian federation, which is celebrated by russians on december 12, the collaborators held lessons where... they taught schoolchildren about the basics of the russian constitution. moroz also joined this. she held a lesson for students of the second grade of the skadovsky school number 3, in which she told that the russian constitution reflects the democracy and justice of the russian state. ensures a dignified future of society and the well-being of every citizen. well, as we all know, the constitution in russia exists only for a tick, because what kind of democracy, justice can we talk about when the country has been ruled by a usurper and a bloody murderer for more than... years, and for any manifestation of war there they are immediately executed. i think soon, after the presidential elections and the golagov tortur machine will resume its
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full operation. strength in november 2022 , the sbu reported suspicion of this traitor. according to the investigation materials, it is moroz who exercises the so-called state control over educational institutions in the skadovsky district. organizes and supervises their conduct of russian propaganda events. nothing. soon moroz will organize events in our prison. knowledge of the ukrainian language and literature will be needed there. neither a dead brother, nor suspicion from. the sbu could do nothing to stop yuriy kovalev from the russian mandate this shallow official was able to sneak into the kherson regional council of vrashya. these two traitorous brothers were in earshot of the first full-scale invasion. the younger kovalev was a people's deputy from the 186th district. after the occupation of kherson, he remained in the city and cooperated with the russians. a year and a half ago, he was killed in a bare pier. his older brother, yuriy kovalev, was a deputy of the kherson regional council. after
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a full scale invasion. state enterprise in the kherson region and also cooperated with the occupiers, for which in the fall of 2023 in 2006, he received a suspicion from the sbu, but such unpleasant little things did not bother yuri, he was engaged in more important matters, becoming a deputy. with the support of united russia, with the support of our president, in the 24th year , the kherson region will only experience development, prosperity, and all social institutions will be provided with everything. and when did he receive a cherished mandate, becoming the head of a fake agrarian committee? the issue of re-registration of land plots is being discussed, because they have the full right to re-register according to the rules of the russian federation to receive all means of support. yuri kovalev re-registered his company under russian law at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. among the enterprises
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is a local agricultural holding. who transported almost 35 tons of stolen ukrainian grain to russia this year for a total amount of uah 140 million. in addition, the seller's companies are actively supplying food rations for russian soldiers who are at russian checkpoints in the occupied part of the region. i feel like walking around with puffy cheeks and kovalova's mandate not long left. his younger brother was already waiting for him in hell. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about... krem sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today in
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our program war and weapons. a conversation about private defense enterprises that work to ensure that our fighters, which are our relatives and relatives who are now fighting the enemy, were of high quality protected, well clothed and had reliable communication systems. it will be about the enterprises that happened to be related to the city of lviv. with the beginning of the large-scale invasion , the lviv defense cluster was created, which produced body armor, and now the range of products has significantly increased, and the rest is young. the defense company is called the chimera company. last year, according to the estimates of the ministry of digital, it was recognized as the number one military startup in ukraine. and already in february of this year from the lviv venture fund united angels network and a number of private investors, including foreign ones, chimera's team received half a million dollars for the development of means of communication for the armed forces. in the conditions of war, this is a rather
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unique situation for ukrainians. who of the defense-industrial complex, hence the war, our technologies for victory and the labyrinths of bureaucracy that we must get rid of in order to get a noticeable result on the battlefield. this is what we will talk about in our next edition of the war and weapons program. my name is serhiy sguryts, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which now, together with espresso channels , aims to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense industrial enterprises. and now we are joined by maksym plekhov, chairman of the board of the lviv defense cluster association of defense sector volunteers and enterprises. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good day, sergey. first of all, i would like you to remind our viewers what your lviv defense cluster is doing, what it is producing now, how the life of enterprises that have changed in two years are part of it.


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