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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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these seemingly simple rules. yes, the other day a five-year-old girl got lost in one of the supermarkets in lviv. the police were called by concerned people who reported seeing a confused young child without an adult. patrolmen immediately arrived at the scene and first of all tried to calm down the frightened girl, who said her name was sofiyka, and she was lost. however, she did not remember the address where she lives. let's see how it was. hello, come on, come on, my name is oleg, what's your name, come on, do you know the way home, let's go to cars, let's get into our car, let's go, come , here, nothing, well done, well done, i'm a patrol policeman, now we'll find your mom and dad, fine, but we have to wait a little bit, what cartoons are you watching, what are you watching, on turn it on while we are waiting for this, so that you don't get bored, what are you watching there, you can use the clicks on youtube to choose. as
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they say, while little sofiyka was watching cartoons on the phone of one of the patrolmen, they looked for her parents, had a preventive conversation with them, but the main thing is that everything ended with a happy ending. in general , this story once again proves that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere, and for completely different reasons. unfortunately, not all parents and children know what to do in such a situation, so here are some ... important tips: if the child is very young, put a note in his pocket with your phone number or other contact information, if he is older than three years , be sure to learn your mobile number together, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported, also learn with the child home address, this is important, explain to your child that if he is lost where there are many people, he should stand still and wait for his parents to return, the child should also find... among adults with a child or
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an elderly woman and say that is lost, but at the same time, in no case should you go anywhere with adults who offer to take her somewhere else, and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic, remember where they last saw the child, if she has a phone, call, ask someone from acquaintances or relatives stay put in case the child returns, if possible make an announcement over the loudspeaker. "if it was not possible to find the child immediately, contact the police immediately , provide a photo and all the necessary information about the child, also contact our hotline at number 11630, our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do first of all in such a situation, of course, god forbid that you will never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down 116/30 hotline service.
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search for children, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, and another very important moment is when the child is found, in no case do not scold her, the child did not want to get lost, she, like you, experienced significant stress, it is necessary to show her in this state your love and care. and once again , i emphasize that the child's disappearance must be reported immediately without delay. in one more story, which i will now briefly tell, it was the immediate reaction of the parents that helped. quickly find their son. here he is, ten-year-old artem from the city of vyshneve, kyiv region. with his mother reported that the boy had disappeared. she said that at 7:30 p.m., her son went to throw out the garbage, but did not return home. fortunately, artem was found very quickly. an hour and a half after the appeal, the police found the boy and returned him home. and finally, as usual, i ask you to visit the site.
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child tracing services. look closely at the faces of these boys and girls and if you recognize any of them, immediately call our hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine free of charge there is below. on bronculitin phyto - 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on lip balm - 10% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on valeriana bolgarska at podorozhnyk bam and oshchad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health ma'am.
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they call me mykola veresen again. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. there will be a special look at events in ukraine - at the border of kyiv. to be in some katsaps and beyond, about what a dream world pa norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the other way around. connection, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3 p.m. with a repeat at 10 p.m. in collaboration with the sister. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between
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ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel. studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the international security component. our guests, retired colonel of the british army glen grant and former head of president yushchenko's secretariat oleg rybachuk. glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, a military expert, will be on our air now. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, god save the king. well, the situation is extremely complicated, isn't it? of military experts speaks of a possible attempt to break through the front line. we understand that our armed forces are doing everything possible and impossible, but the issue of the so-called strategic reserves that russia is trying to attract. to speak now about the level of danger on the front line, how
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do you assess them? at the moment, it is premature to say that there may be a breakthrough. we know that the artillery munitions that the czech republic is purchasing are due soon. arrive, which could significantly change the artillery battle and potentially shift the front line again , provided that ukraine has enough ammunition to use them effectively. however, the effective use and mobilization of strategic reserves remains a difficult task due to the lack of clarity regarding the number and actions of russian troops. without intelligence data on the training and movement of russian troops, it is difficult to predict where and by what means a breakthrough may occur. we'll have to wait and see what their strategies are. technical goals, although the goal of russia is obvious - to break through. we lack information on where they might try to do this and whether they have the capabilities to do so, given the heavy losses they have suffered in recent months, especially around avdiivka. it is likely that they feel strained in certain areas due to
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these losses. we understand that war is not only about heroism, it's about resources. well , accordingly, i would like to ask you how you see the pace of supply as the most important to us. in particular, we are now talking about artillery ammunition. to be honest, i'm not very familiar with the details of the tactical level. at the strategic level, we are aware that the expected financial support from the america has not yet materialized. however, american politicians who support ukraine are becoming more persistent and more adept at using political and procedural tools in congress. this gives reasons to assume that there may be a breakthrough in the issue of american support. on the european front, the czech republic receives munitions from countries outside europe, such as south africa and south korea, although these munitions are already on their way, their delivery cannot be immediate due to logistical problems. associated with the movement of heavy munitions, because sea transport is usually used,
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since the possibilities of air transport are limited. in addition, there are delays in the production of the million shells promised by europe, which lead to a slower than expected delivery of them to ukraine. however, i believe there will be a critical moment when ukraine begins to receive more ammunition to potentially put it in a more advantageous position vis-a-vis russia. in your opinion, the essence of the american game now is whether they will dare and perhaps the administration of president biden would be ready to use some other mechanisms, well, like lendlease, and this is one side of the problem, to what extent france and great britain will be ready to take on a certain burden that the united states may refuse to bear is a matter of life and death indeed. oh, can you ask 10 questions, i will try to answer them. in turn and i will start with the situation in america. there still appears to be uncertainty in the white house
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about how to effectively confront russia without provoking a nuclear response. this concern about nuclear weapons is an important factor shaping the us approach. as for the congress, we know what is happening there. the political landscape in congress reflects the consequences of russia's influence during the last two decades. and trump is the answer to that. trump is so strong in the republican party that it seems many of his supporters simply won't do anything against him that he doesn't make up himself. so we have two big problems. for now, the white house still retains the option to impose further sanctions. he can do it. just last week they discovered an additional 300 million that had been saved in other contracts. however, i do not predict that the us will somehow move away from their current actions. it's likely that they will continue to do the same. trying to get additional funding and resources. it is unlikely that they will deploy their troops
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in ukraine unless putin directly attacks nato. that seems obvious to me. regarding europe, macron is trying to position himself as a leading leader. he puts considerable pressure on others to support ukraine, which is a positive thing, because someone should have taken such measures a long time ago. olaf scholz has a tendency to speak loudly, but without much consequence. then how it works. macron has also not always lived up to his rhetoric in the past, so it remains to be seen whether his recent statements translate into concrete action. as for britain, despite its lack of military resources, it still possesses significant financial capabilities. foreign secretary cameron recently visited germany to negotiate the purchase of long- range missiles. we see that britain remains active and keen to play a leading role in the current effort, but... however, the future remains undefined. despite
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a lot of talk, there have been no significant positive actions that would affect the front line. except for the purchase of ammunition by the czech republic. therefore, we are currently in a period of uncertainty. well, mr. colonel, do you personally believe that, for example, president macron can sign this or that decree, maybe not only president macron, maybe some other european leaders, maybe. great britain will agree, yes, when we are seriously talking about a foreign contingent that would help ours military, yes, on the territory of ukraine. i mean that in a war there is always a possibility that anything can happen, so there is a possibility of deployment of foreign troops on the territory of ukraine, especially when it comes to military training of ukrainian soldiers. the armed forces of ukraine are in dire need of support in training soldiers inside the country, every time they have to deploy troops elsewhere, they lose precious time for transportation and organization, time that is now
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crucial, so yes, troops partners can potentially come to ukraine, there is also a significant need for european staff officers who will help the general staff in planning and organization, especially european ones, because i believe that their culture and concepts are closer to ukrainian than to the american example. europeans probably have a better understanding of the activities of the general. headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. however, in the long term, it is difficult to foresee the possibility of introducing troops into ukraine, as for the short term, we will have to wait and watch the actions. remains undecided whether their actions will be just talk or real implementation, i understand that you are not a professional diplomat, but in any case the prospects of general zaluzhnyi as ambassador to britain, as he will be heard, is a key story in british cabinets, and perhaps he would have succeeded in persuading the government of great britain to take
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some or other additional steps necessary for us. general zaluzhnyi's role is that of an ambassador. and not the famous defense attaché. it is important that people understand that the role of an ambassador is much more complex. in britain, this difficulty further complicated by a decentralized power structure where decision-making is dispersed among different centers of power. unlike ukraine, where the president takes most of the responsibility, britain works differently. which requires general zaluzhny to interact with many stakeholders to understand how the country functions, because even the process of... decision-making is decentralized and much wider in britain than in ukraine. as for his prospects upon his return, i don't think they will be primarily military-oriented, most likely his return will be associated with political activity in ukraine, whatever that political activity may be, but great britain offers him the opportunity to learn
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a different way of working, a different system or a different culture. i hope he will gain valuable experience during his stay. there, however, i am not sure that he will have enough strength and convincing arguments to win additional support. the current british government seems determined to support ukraine in all aspects, except for the deployment of troops. it is unlikely that he will be able to influence the government to change this position. along with this, his primary task is to preserve and strengthen the existing relations between ukraine and the united kingdom. zeluzhny must ensure that this relationship goes beyond... traditional channels and includes other centers of power such as the scottish parliament, the welsh assembly, the northern ireland assembly and even the church of england. it is necessary to involve various interested parties in order to gain wider support for ukraine. in this plan, he seems like a good choice due to his friendly nature, which is likely to find a good response with people. and
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to what extent will great britain be ready to become a flagship? when we... talk, perhaps, about a new structure of european defense policy, yes, well, we understand that great britain has done a lot, but the question of taking the lead is a key story, it is not for nothing that german chancellor olaf scholz does not issue taurus to ukraine, so we understand that great britain proposed the so-called circular scheme, germany supplies taurus to great britain britain, great britain will supply them to ukraine, but we see that... scholz is not ready even for this, and most likely, he received very specific signals from the kremlin. this question is quite complex, as it involves different perspectives, depending on whether we are talking about the european union or europe as a whole. it is important to note that britain is not part of the european union. well, that requires a different mindset. in many ways, great
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britain is not shy about taking a leadership role. let's get this straight. we have qualified officers, teams, the ability to create headquarters and conduct military operations. we have demonstrated this ability before and within the framework of nato. when considering the question of the involvement of great britain in military activities, it is important to recognize that this actually means the involvement of a large part of the nato command staff. this adds complexity to political negotiations and relations. however, if the situation worsens, say if trump rises to power and withdraws america, or ... biden refuses to deploy troops, britain is not afraid to take on more a serious role. i believe that there are only two countries in europe that can do this, great britain and france. germany, unfortunately, does not have this capacity, as it has suffered significant losses over the past 20 years. she lacks officers capable of effective
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administration, so either britain or france, or both together, can manage anything serious. it is worth remembering. that great britain was already effectively doing similar work in bosnia, so both britain and france are quite capable, so capable of managing something really serious. dear mr. colonel, i wanted to would like to ask you about the medium-term and short-term prospects of what will happen in the war now. in particular, we understand the difficult situation in the zaporozhye region, yes, chasiv yaar, novomykhaivka marenka and so on, these are all extremely difficult areas. on the other hand, we understand that the enemy may be preparing to raise another degree of military escalation, in particular, it is about the use of certain strategic resources, their preparation for... the spring-summer campaign, and when we talk about the current difficult situation, well, it can be to be compared with a huge, terrible downpour, yes, but the downpour can be followed
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by a certain tsunami, so is russia now preparing for some fundamentally larger-scale actions on land? i think russia is currently operating within its capabilities, i don't believe a tsunami-like event is looming, although i may... there is no intelligence to indicate that russia is amassing significant resources for a major offensive, e.g. use of nuclear weapons, we are aware of their difficulties in supplying sufficient armor to the line the front, so they have to deconserve old equipment from warehouses, it is important that they have reserves, it is about almost a thousand such machines that they can mobilize, the russians can also send many more people to the front, however... there is clearly a lack of a comprehensive training system , capable of creating a large number of well-trained personnel and equipment, because russia simply does not have
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the necessary resources, the technical resources necessary to conduct operations, such as radio stations, the experience to develop complex strategies are also limited, so i predict that we will continue to see the redeployment of human resources of the same russian forces for their use in their intended ... places in the ukrainian defense. however, i don't think of it as a tsunami, it's more like a person digging a garden. you can only dig at a certain pace, dig and dig until you get tired. likewise, the russian attack is likely to develop gradually. they may launch a significant offensive, lose personnel, and then resort to a forced retreat, especially after putin's re-election when political motivation wanes. any further hostilities may occur. around october or november, as russia currently lacks the resources to break through. these 5-6 months also give ukraine the opportunity to solve some
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political problems and strengthen its defense. thank you very much, mr. colonel, for this honest and extremely interesting conversation , i want to remind our viewers that glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, a military expert, was currently working on espresso. glory to ukraine, god save the king. kudos to the heroes, and the king, as you know, is still suffering from cancer, so let's hope he recovers. at the very end, i would like to emphasize the excellent work done by the ukrainian fighters on the front lines, especially considering that they have almost no artillery ammunition. let's hope that when the munitions arrive, it will allow them to push forward and put pressure on russia, not the other way around. thank you. bosnia and herzegovina ukraine namego. victory
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will allow us to play in the match for qualifying for euro-2024, so our national team needs yours support. cheer on march 21 at 9:45 p.m. with mego. there are 25% discounts on lactacyt in the psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on amiks tablets. ic 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad there are discounts on lactial 10% in pharmacies plantain vam and ochad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene.
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live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening. now oleg
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hrybachuk will be working on the air of the tv channel. former manager. glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, death to the enemies. well, the two key tracks, the so-called swiss track, when we talk about the development of the so-called peace formula, and the beijing-moscow track, and we see that these are some parallel worlds or parallel lines, they do not intersect at the moment, but an extremely important event took place president zelensky's visit to recep tayyip erdogan, to turkey, so smart. moved, well, i understand , now that he will not be reassigned, although there is no cancellation of this visit, well, this is a certain aggravation, there is a certain cyclicality in these conversations about the end of the war, about the need for peace negotiations, but in two
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years of the war, this the situation arose from time to time , now it is somewhat aggravated for several reasons, first of all, somehow the whole community has already agreed that the war will not end this year, that it will most likely be postponed, at least until next year, that this year much will be determined military successes, failures, there will be a breakthrough of russian forces. there will be no breakthrough of the russian forces, which will end the elections in the united states and in the european parliament , that is, this year is kind of, well, as a transition, you don’t want to call it, intermediate, yes, and on the basis of what this year will end with, certain plans are being built strategies, but we constantly hear talks about peace from russia, they were quite actively present when
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he gave his next boring speech, now his tone has become much more aggressive, he is practically there during this at the finish line of his reassignment, he simply says that what is it that we are from which boduna, we are going to stop actions there now, what do we have at all due to the fact that the ukrainians have run out of ammunition, we have to stop something there pero pero. to negotiate, that is, he has become radically radicalized , and on the basis of his statements it is very difficult to talk about desire, because he used to repeat this mantra that we were always for peace, we offered, and there is a decree of president zelensky, which prohibits in general putin to talk to me, that is he's gone into this phase that just pretty much doesn't allow anyone to come in between.
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somehow rely on putin's position, because the phrases that you and i hear that no peace can be achieved, if there can be no peace conference, if there is no russia, well, now it is obvious that russia is even in this not interested, but this does not mean at all that such leaders there as dogan or such countries as china, they will not try to gnaw away their mediator status, because it is very you. status, economically beneficial, attracts attention, well, erdogan in general, he already understands that he is the last to step on this pedestal, he would like to somehow write his name in history, and that is why this escalation is happening right now, although our position, well, in my opinion, quite clearly understood, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to talk about peace when putin has the desire
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to talk about it. but if he does not want to talk about it, then we have to agree among ourselves, the democratic camp must agree on a position, and then invite putin and put to his knowledge, somewhere around such a mood prevails now, well, there was also an extremely important trip of the special representative of the people's republic of china lihui, so lihui, so to speak, collected information rather than anything else in different capitals, according to xijin ping. reconciliation of the received information, well, china will come forward to switzerland as an observer, well, here the question is how active or passive china will be, and in general, this is the coincidence or non-coincidence of the position of the republic of china and the russian empire on the issue deployment and escalation of war. china's position has not changed in principle, and many observers say that this visit, well, it was...


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