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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. we come back and there's one more thing which we did not talk about today, we did not mention, and this is also very, very important. we remind you that we collect for three different cars. a pickup truck, a land cruiser and a refrigerator for three different units, for our defenders. uah 900 00 must be collected, this is not a joke to you, so be active and donate, despite the fact that it is sunday morning and you might want to think about something else a little, no. it is not possible while
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the war is going on, we only think about how to end it with our victory, and for that, everyone who is not there picks up their phones and donate, who can, how much, qr code , card number you have, then you know what to do with it, what we know, at the moment, there are 35 peaceful drones, six regions of the russian federation, including sobyanin, who did not sleep, says in moscow, because they said that... everything was completely shot down, and we , according to the video that they post themselves, counted at least seven hits in the kuban, in the krasnodar region, so you yourself understand how to read their messages, they shoot down our drones with their analog nets refinery, you see now everything is white, this is the second time in a row, and there are frames after frames in russian. the guys are counting hits
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, there are a few of them, at least in a short video, disrespectful russian-fascist occupiers , remember, if something buzzes, jerks in the sky, immediately shoot quickly, it will be a normal, correct testimony, shoot in hd quality, download to network, in the end the coordinates on the map should match in real life, so the more your videos, the more we are grateful to you, hang on, unfortunately there is information. from our colleagues from public affairs about the fact that three explosions were heard in okhtyrka in sumy oblast, disappeared, they are writing light in the city, actually now, and perhaps some information that can be made public by our colleague alyona yatsyn from sumy, mrs. alyona, we congratulate you, greetings, do you have any information that you can share about the explosion, about these explosions, which just recently sounded, well , now the county is sounding. on the alarm, so i
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will not comment on anything right now on the air, let's be patient, i can say for okhtyrska for okhtyrska district, we have velikopyserivsk community, one of the communities of the district, where active hostilities have been going on for a week, in fact, as of now , another part of the front has opened, paramilitary formations such as the legion of freedom, rdk, siberian battalion, through this territory entered the territory of the russian federation and actually ... the community is simply being destroyed by the russians now to zero, that is, the fighting is also going on along the border, because since they did not go deep into the territory of russia, it is actually coming to our communities, i correctly understand what you are saying, that's right, ground battles are taking place directly on the territory of russia, but 150 cabs are flying to us, literally in a day.
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air missiles, i.e. villages located along the border, there are actually none, velyka pyserivka itself, it is the center of the community, which is about 7 km from the border, but it is simply being cleared of everything they can, tonight a make no mistake, about three hundred faps, these are aviation bombs, 500-kilogram and about 20 controlled aviation bombs. on the territory of the community, it's only at night, ugh, it's there now it's happening, it's just terrible, ms. elena , that is, it's your video, we're showing it now , thank you for sharing it with our viewers, i understand that it's in that version, yes, on that side, a big scribbler, on that side , a gray crow, and they ee why are they beating on their own, or they, as they say, there are battles on the ground, and we are beating on velyka pyserivka, you went there, tell me how it looks, at least logically. about this shelling according to the logic, as it
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looks, they believe that there are some rear units here, including the rear, or something legion and just beat houses, in peaceful villages yesterday. destroyed the cultural center in the bilopol community, this is another community of its own, where an additional, hopefully temporary, front has been opened. in velikopyserivska hromada, they destroyed the three-story premises of ukrposhta, destroyed the editorial office of the local newspaper, and they are simply destroying the houses of civilian residents. tonight there was also a hit to an infrastructure object, so far he cannot comment, we will wait for some more or less official data, but the situation... does not become, has it been possible to evacuate everything the population of this front-line zone? unfortunately, no, people remain in the villages along the border , it is physically impossible to reach these villages, but when we are there,
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there is no silence for five minutes, that is, it is constantly working, at least enemy artillery, aviation is constantly rising, it is also working , all the anxieties... which are in sumy oblast, this week, they just don't stop, we have anxieties that last for several hours, for 10-15 minutes there is a break, sometimes up to half an hour, and it's just happiness, and then again anxiety, the enemy aircraft is constantly operating and destroys everything below zero, there is the village of popivka, for example, the russians cut it off in the very first days, last week they completely cut it off from this week , i’m sorry, it’s still sunday, it’s just that it’s kind of... too long, it was completely cut off from civilization , it is impossible to get there, people , a few people managed to escape on foot , to get out at night, and what they say, just even in two years, they were cut off, ms. alyona , what does it mean they were cut off, taken into an entourage or something,
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no, no, no, look, there is a landscape of the area, there are rivers, around the villages, yes, and that is, there is no way out of the village through the rivers, because the russians broke all the bridges, ugh. in other words, in what way do people try, you say that some people manage to get out at night, they cross these rivers, then they go themselves, take some of their livestock, livestock, we understand that these are small settlements where people keep a housekeeper, who actually often takes them and detained on the spot, prevented evacuation a little earlier, please describe what it looks like, and we know that the situation is special in the border village of verezivka in sumy oblast, what happened there that night? and that near aunt, right? yes, ryzhivka , yes, it’s opposite tetkin, this is another , let’s say, part of the open new front, it was impossible to get there, in the video you see, it was filmed and actually carried out the evacuation by two local
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volunteers, they took everyone out the old women, all the people who remained there, some came out of the huts, some came out on foot , they saved themselves, people were taking out cows, taking out... a horse, cattle that they could, dogs, they were walking under a white flag, and there was still a motoblock driving with them on the first day, some went as maids, some left, that is, in the velikopyseriv community , as well as from the villages, for example, luhivka, the policemen were able to get there and help such and such old women reach the place of evacuation, well, and in connection with everything that is happening now. in fact, as you said , the second, the second front has opened, another part of the front has opened in sumy oblast , we understand that russian volunteers entered the territory of russia, are there any similar stories happening from the russian side, i mean, are the russian red army they don't try to cross the border more often now
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get to sumy oblast? we actually had a problem with dershniks, and before that, sumyshchyna was the area where there were the most. breakthroughs, yesterday at the general staff meeting it became known that we neutralized two more russian drgs, we thank our defenders for this and hope that they will hold the border just as firmly, because sumyshchyna has more than half a thousand common borders with russia, and unfortunately, most of them are forests, this is such a closed area, so the drgs try to get here from time to time, well, since actually... some kind of special special operation has started, when russians are fighting russians on russian territory, yesterday's statement by kirill budanov that we will provide courier assistance to russian volunteers, this means for even
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more and aggravation precisely on the border from russia, has something changed in the sums , have any algorithms changed, military-civilian ones work everywhere. administration, they have to take into account some changes in the situation, but now the change is happening along the border, and with the shelling and everything else that changes in sums, you know if we are talking about... the work of the military administrations, in particular the regional ones, then we do not yet notice that anything has changed, they have not yet changed their style of informing, nor their approaches, so we are waiting, maybe something will change, in sumy itself this week was rather complicated, it flew into our city, and we have casualties, unfortunately, shahed hit our five-story building, just yesterday they finished sorting through the rubble, one person was never found, in total three casualties and one more. the missing disappeared, it is counted, that is why the mood in the city from time to time is panicky,
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however, in general, life continues calmly , fortifications, we understand that now this question should have been acute for the last 30 years, and now especially, because we understand that they can penetrate from the north to our ukrainian regions more and more often. how intensive these works are and in those areas where there are forests, where... some marshes, where there are rivers, how does it all look, well, i will say briefly, intense, so intense that we can be calm that the second such active one will not open, i wouldn't be so calm as a person who works directly in those cities, in those communities, where active hostilities and fortifications are currently taking place - it's great, but this... happens on the ground, the russians have a great advantage in the sky over sumy region, unfortunately, they are not fly into our
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territory and completely destroy everything from their territory, their equipment reaches very deep into the territory of the sumy region, so i would not be calm, that is, they also use cabs, as in the east, they drop from their territory and launch these guided aerial bombs, they only are shelling or do they also work as an intelligence agency by aviation, some reconnaissance drones , something like that also flies in, drones hang constantly, for example, over pyserivka, over bilopol region, there over the border, the very middle of buda, that is, the krasnopil community, what we actually hear is their drones working in the sky, something is heard, something is seen, something is not visible, but then their work is visible, that is, they monitor our border 24x7. thank you, ms. alyona, for being with us, according to the information, alyona yatyna from sumy oblast,
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a journalist, because we saw with her eyes all this the situation, the fact that sumyshchyna became in fact not just a border area where it was very unpleasant and dangerous to be in because of the neighborhood with the russians, but in fact near the frontline region, we are going for a short break, you will inform, in a few minutes we will return about... zaporizhia region zaporizhzhia let's talk for a few minutes , wait. april 6, dead rooster with the program vundervafe, especially for you favorite action films of the legendary band. we gather at 7 p.m. on april 6 at... pest. tickets for the ua concert. bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine namego the victory will allow to play in the match for
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drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present. and to predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in
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two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are from the northern borders, which turns into a large number of such short sections of the front, which are on the other side of the ukrainian border. oksana and i have just watched the action carefully. overnight even new areas appeared, where on the territory of russia, russian volunteers are fighting with russian fascists for, well, on the territory of russia, but ours are suffering, you can be in the very center of the heartland of ukraine and have no less disturbing days and nights. 415 strikes on 10 settlements. such
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dry statistics are zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region for the past day. we will try now find out it's more zaporizhia city council deputy dmytro kyrylchuk in contact with our studio, mr. dmytro, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, where are they hitting, or are they just hitting anywhere ? well, mr. roman, really , here, you know, there is a part of the truth in your second statement, because the enemy does not abandon this shameful tactic, to erase the confluence of the land, precisely there the populated areas that are a tactical obstacle to them and... they are it 's interesting, yes, and here we are specifically talking about the fact that, as we saw, yes, that two or three days there are nuts in a row, from these statistics , which to my great regret, it is always more there, even more than 200, and now there are already 400 shellings per day on the front edge of the zaporizhzhia region, and the enemy is targeting the front-line settlements, then they are nuts now kind
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of put it aside, but because most of all... now their attention is focused on this very thing, and that is where robotyny, and robotyny and in particular the settlements that are located in the verbov district, because where they are parallel with that continue efforts their attempts to carry out assault actions there four times in the previous day and the day before, and our glorious defenders repelled these attacks, yes, but where they are... in the past day, airstrikes were carried out twice on the small takmachka, 13 times there, this is this settlement, and in particular , the robots were not exposed to fire from their msrs, yes, and the most important thing is that they are raging and that they have an opportunity with the rashists, yes , which they have quite a lot of these means
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of defeat, this is artillery, 276, in particular these shelling, yes it was inflicted. in all populated areas, there are also such works and walk the field gets in this plan, yes, wherever there is an opportunity, unfortunately, where they get it, they carry it out, and 124 launches of drones, as they always do, walk the field, maliniv residents , residents of novodniivsk in other settlements, fortunately , there are no reports of civilian casualties, mr. dmytro, and today seems to be the last day of reassignment. they also use pictures from the occupied territories as much as possible, yesterday we learned that zaporizhzhia turns out to be from the depths of siberian ruts, a bunch of people were detached from the mayor, i don’t know if they are dead or displaced, but they voted in these elections, and then something happened in berdyansk, there was a version that it was in the area of ​​the polling
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station, is there already more accurate information this, what kind of choice? and were these partisans really trying to say hello to putin in this way? well, here, let's say, you know, 50 for 50, what is at stake, yes, what exactly, it is about the merit of our armed forces, and precisely about the partisan movement, which, you know, that the armed forces, our glorious defenders, that our partisans, they cannot just look at this shameful act that is happening there. when what you mentioned, everything that is possible was brought there , so to speak, powerful, these types, varieties of this meat, yes, from the swamps, from rye, if they were accepted there. participation in the organizational processes of the elections themselves, now they are already informed that they have already voted there two or three times, because they need to draw this turnout, in addition to the fact that
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after that they began to bring all sorts of there, their nationalities and the rest of the population are hurting so that they also vote here for this turnout, then of course it cannot be tolerated anymore, and our drones cannot tolerate it either, where in particular... for the study of the past day yesterday yes, in kamianets-dniprovka, uh , the same one there, the fifth one complained, the fifth talking point of the yobaliv horn, there is such a propagandist, their main one, he cried, what exactly was done, the blows were given , yes, at the polling stations, if our drones attack this is their shameful yes this is the point of this pseudo-action, then there are no victims, that is... it is not the goal of our defenders of the partisans to hit the civilian population there, but the hunt is exclusively for collaborators, for these rashisht posipaks, and
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such two blows were inflicted precisely on kamyandniprovka, and one blow, to be more precise, i apologize, and twice was inflicted yesterday in berdyansk, at the two polling stations there, the people of kamian-dnieper are asking that the partisans, even our handsome men. they also liquidated a car with an eye, including the organizers and guards of this action elections, and in addition , there was also a strike from a drone on blagoveshchynka, this is also in the energodaro district, and all the strikes on polling stations, because this is the action that today you talked about on the last day when they there there is this tyrant gutler's death, it should supposedly end today, yes, but let's contemplate and look at the scoreboard, how it will end. mr. dmytro, do the local
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ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories of zaporizhzhya understand what is really happening, do they have information about the fact that both the turnout is drawn and their data is trivially needed in order to simply control these people, for example, to mobilize them. already in a week, already from monday, a week after these elections, do they understand that they are in fact in such a narrower and narrower trap. ms. oksana, you know here, here are our people who are under temporary occupation and are waiting to be released from the armed forces of ukraine, of course they understand all this, do they have access to information there, obviously, well, the answer is here, of course. .. no, because there is information under that pure occupation can only be that, in particular, yes, that is what the rashists need, because in the conditions when, you know, on the eve of this
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pseudo-election, this shameful act will be repeated, and when under their administrations, so to speak, it is created there there are special working groups, so to speak , yes, specialists in monitoring those comments, in monitoring the entire media plane there. yes, and literally everyone is there, uh, in social networks , all traffic is completely filtered, if people, god forbid, somewhere there is someone there, you know, just in words, well, they are simply declaring some kind of opposition or disagreement with their election of this putler and similar things with their slogans, then you immediately know that they are going after this person, and this terror continues simply on the streets when a person is stopped, searched and they completely review all possible information there, of course they
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know about the degree of responsibility of our citizens, and of course they also proceed from the fact that, yes, that is an explanation, well, that information is also conveyed to those or by other methods, and when the same dmytro lubinets was there , he explained that whether they would face criminal liability , yes for participation, yes for coercion, no, of course they understand that. and, of course, they try to avoid this participation by one or another method, yes, to come and tick this box for the rascals, but of course, when it does not threaten life, then, after all, these cases are very common there, if we remember it we are driving all these power blocks, these rosgvards, these are all that is possible, only there are machine guns that walk and these are premature they held elections on the eve of these three days and this know-how, which the world has not seen before. and 60 countries of the world have already simply said that it is something incomprehensible that is happening, yes, that these elections have been going on for three days and today they are pseudo-elections there and should end today, no one cares.
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does not understand what is happening, but the threat there does not become less because of this, and today it will be too, and please tell me more, you mentioned, reminded that our citizens know that ukraine has not forgotten about them and any, even if the participation is under duress, it is not collaboration, but this their supreme military reindeer herder subverted the decree, which andrii tsaplienko made public yesterday with a message to our scouts. everything is very logical there, i.e. now the elections are being held on the 17th of the 25th in the occupied territories, and they call it the newly acquired russian territories, the mobilization will be announced, the figure was set by shoigu and inflated by 300,000, are these elections actually held, and documents are needed, absentee coupons, it's like updating the database, people may not know there in the occupied territories this is the whole mechanism, how they are quickly
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refreshed, so that later they know where to go. to come and mobilize, do boys and men in the occupied territories still have any chances not to go fight against their own people, that is, those who do not want to, because i understand that there are collaborators who want to, but those who do not want to have a chance to somehow escape somehow and avoid mobilization, for those men who remain under temporary occupation, this is their chance to escape this forced mobilization of the rashis, it is meant, they are left with these... chances are getting less and less every day. what happened on the eve of these pseudo -elections, yes, when the information first appeared there with you there conditionally, what they call the dnr there, yes, when there people start to warn each other in their correspondence that do not go to elections, because there were already the first reports that a summons was being served there, well, like a summons, to their military commissariat there, at the same time, their administration there, and to appear there at this
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military desk there. for which it is conditional to be registered there, and of course that they thus correctly called that it is being updated database, and about what we have already said more than once, yes, that no one forcibly canceled this mobilization, they need cheap labor, cheap meat, and why are they considering these categories cheaply, because we know you even comparable, if you live in the swamps there in the area somewhere in your muscovite region, they are there for contracts, yes, which they will then... impose on our men starting from tomorrow, yes, they are 800 thousand there in rashka there are rubles of wooden dresses, yes, somewhere in the area there are other regional centers there for 500 thousand each, yes, here a person is offered 200,000 of these rubles and let’s go for a contract, after these reports that this will be a forced mobilization to develop, there were attempts by men to leave for the crimea, after which the ephesbeshniks blocked this flow and less and less
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chance to leave. territory, and from tomorrow the intensification of this unambiguous process will begin, when he will be summoned and informed, well, come on then, go protect mother russia there and get ready to go to work there somewhere, i understood, that is, the men saw the only option through the permanently occupied crimea, and then i don’t know there, probably through an illegal bridge and on the territory of russia, such a single route, of course, or hide somewhere, sit out, but from the fsbshniks... but the fsb and there are too many russian guards to sit out, mr. dmytro, thank you , the ukrainian national moment of silence is coming, we have to thank you and say goodbye, it was a deputy of the zaporozhye city council, dmytro kyrylchuk, such people know, that means that their are violently mobilizing according to updated data in the style of elections, because modern technologies can still be used even there, now
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it is approaching. 9:00 is this time when we honor and remember all those who died because of the russian invaders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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