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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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still use it. it's getting close to 9:00. this is the time when we honor and remember all those who died because of the russian invaders. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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where is the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the geography of attacks on russia is expanding, reaching very close to the kremlin. the domodedovo airport is on fire in the suburbs of moscow. he hit there drone, write propaganda articles and publish videos. although the mayor of the city reported the alleged downing of two uavs. there were also explosions in the belgorod region, where four drones dropped explosives on the village of
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zhovtneve. electricity and gas supply lines were damaged, the governor said. in the ministry of defense of the country, the terrorists noted that the drones attacked eight regions. air defense forces allegedly destroyed 35 drones, in particular in the kalush, oryol, rostov, yaroslavl and kursk regions. drones also attacked russian oil refinery in the city. slovyansk in the kuban, a fire broke out at the enterprise due to a drone strike. according to the operational headquarters, one person died. propaganda media also write that rescuers have just now completely extinguished the fire at the syzran refinery in the samara region, which burned for almost a day. yesterday, the company was attacked by drones. and to operational events in ukraine. one person got it. as a result of the shelling of the city of selydova in
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donetsk region. private houses were damaged there, administrative buildings and power lines. this was reported in the city military administration. also that night , the russians hit the village of tsukuryne. as a result of the attack, a fire broke out at the enterprise. that night, the russians again attacked odeschyna with shaheds. drones flew from the black sea. and maneuvered between residential buildings, hit two agricultural enterprises, fires started there, the buildings were completely destroyed, fortunately , people were not injured, oleg kiper, the head of the region, reported this. the russians launched everything 16 shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky managed to destroy 13 drones within the odesa region, another drone was eliminated in the mykolaiv region.
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president volodymyr zelensky promised the russians a military response to the terror in odessa. he stated that the armed forces of ukraine are becoming stronger and have a powerful strike force in the sky. thank you to our defense-industrial complex, to everyone who works for the sake of ukrainian power, because this is truly ukrainian remoteness, what our own drones can do. ukraine now. will always have its own strike force in the sky. today we spoke with chief syrsky, the operational situation was discussed in detail, our opportunities are available, threats are available. it is felt that the armed forces of ukraine are becoming stronger. the occupiers shelled 15 towns and villages of the kharkiv region. in particular, the village of liptsi was hit by a guided aerial bomb. as a result of the attack.
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an educational institution and private houses were damaged, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, also attacked the kupyan district, there were no casualties. during the day, the enemy also attacked 10 settlements of the zaporizhzhia region. the occupiers launched two airstrikes on a small tokmachka and fired at robotyn's rocket salvo fire system, - informed the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. residential buildings and infrastructure objects were damaged, people were not injured. 167 shells were found in a forest in volyn, they were dug up near the village of kolpytiv. a tragedy happened there earlier. three local men went into the forest with a metal detector and blew themselves up. having come across ammunition from the first world war. the shells lay in the ground for more than a century. all found are explosive the items were destroyed, local
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rescuers reported. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 58 combat encounters from. took place at the front in a day. the hottest time was in the novopavlovsk direction, the enemy tried 28 times to break through our defense near krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka, and budyany. another 11 assaults were stopped by the defense forces in the avdiiv direction. restless also in zaporizhzhia, near the robot and willow, our defenders repelled four russian attacks, two more assaults were stopped in the kherson direction. for... the ukrainian aviation struck four areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers, rocket launchers and gunners hit the control post, two areas of concentration of personnel and destroyed the means of air defense of the muscovites. on memorial day,
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the armed forces of ukraine irreversibly demobilized 1,160 russian soldiers. so almost 431,00 occupiers have become on... ever unusable since the start of a full-scale invasion. also, during the day, our defenders sent 11 enemy tanks, 24 bmps and 28 art systems into reserve. one air defense unit was also demobilized enemy and 60 units of cars and special equipment. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i will remind you about our collection, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are asking for help with purchases. ley mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpvvi drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault, on minefields, drones are needed. and we
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can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected uah 246,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so join the gathering. you can see all the details on the screen. there will be no peace in europe if ukraine capitulates, french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with ukrainian journalists. he emphasized that europe should unite to support ukraine and speed up aid. our goal is to bring lasting peace back to europe. sustainable peace is peace. will allow ukraine to fully restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty, restore international law and guarantee security for ukrainians and all europeans in order to realize this goal, we will not follow the path of escalation.
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voice of america journalists presented jamal's film songs of freedom. the documentary is dedicated to the anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. singer says that this is the story of two years of loss, pain, suffering, expectation and uncertainty, but at the same time this film is about our desperate fight for our freedom. the songs use videos shot by american journalists in buch, irpen and kyiv. journalists also traveled abroad with the singer, where she spoke and collected funds to help ukraine and told the world about her homeland. you can watch the film today at espresso at 10 p.m. don't miss it. we will see you at 10 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the show, don't switch, stay with
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the espresso team. good morning everyone at espresso, thanks for being with us, thanks for donating, and we'll turn our attention to one trend, the russian occupiers themselves. in their publications they write that if they say that the gasoline reserve is incredible, and the belarusians will also help, this means that you need to urgently drive to the gas station and collect all the canisters, tubs and buckets, if they say that everything is white, then you need to cross your fingers, that’s right how is damadedov airport now, that's moscow, the most interesting thing is not that our peaceful drones worked there, but because of the staff's nagging voices that say already... for the second time, that is , here's what sobyanin says, everything was shot down and that's all they are
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they say in general about 35 uavs shot down that night, how many of them were shot down as in russian slavic, we do not know, but we can only assume, if they shouted that seven were shot down in slavic, and the commentators , local russian commentators, yes, well, we can draw some similar conclusions about 35. we can do it now and we will ask our next guest, we will ask, our guest will be in a moment, but before that, i always like to remind you, because as soon as we remind you, you will immediately become active, so we will not get tired and will to constantly remind you to be constantly active in donations, so you can see the details, the qr code is displayed on the screen, scanned, the card number, rewritten, remembered right from the screen. read and entered in the application , donated as much as you can, because both
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uah 20 and uah 20 00 are actually equally important, because they all add up together and thus reach uah 900 00, that's how much you need to collect for the cars you see now on the screen, our defenders are asking about them, we understand that a jeep pickup, for example, and this... some element of luxury there or to show the guys from other units at the front, see how cool we ride here, it's not for that at all, it's because something else simply won't go there , that's why jeepindrozers, all these are like shells, elements of the first necessity at the front. yes, you donate, and we collect the opinions of our guests for you. yes, now we will find out if there is already a connection with the head of the ukrainian center
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for security and cooperation, serhii kuzan, in contact with our morning studio. mr. serhiu, good morning, glory to ukraine. good morning, glory to the heroes. i wanted to start about two messages, they are two messages from western, respected publications of voices, but western ones. one is the institute for the study of war, which in... already has several publications with an analysis of events that the summer may be very hot along the entire front line, because the russians are preparing a huge offensive, they write, and the telegraph edition writes that another week or two, and we may run out, for example, of missiles and other ammunition for western air defense systems, so i compare these two things together in... time, and i ask you, sound the alarm, stimulate their political
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leaders to help the armed forces more, or is this a real threat? well, there's one, and one , and two answers, they're there because they're really sounding the alarm bells to encourage more help, because obviously everyone in the west is scared of the situation we've had since the beginning of this year that is, in fact, when access to shells was blocked, when we had a shell famine, and this was the only reason why we could not hold avdiivka, when we had to retreat, and this was the reason why in february we began to selectively hit russian targets, despite the fact that the intelligence provided many times five to six times more data about the targets that were already ready to defeat, but the norm. the supply of ammunition was , of course, limited in each brigade, in each unit, and that is why we see such
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a fairly normal, healthy campaign, i only note that such reports are taking place against the background of several upcoming international summits , in particular, the ramstein-format meeting, which has already will be the 20th, and which will be personally attended by defense minister lloyd austin, and therefore it is right that britain will. a respectable publication, that is , it is for the telegraph, it is a really respectable publication, and actually the american institute for the study of war, yes, so to speak, submits this information to unison and thereby... outlines the future issues that will already be resolved, must be resolved within the next few days, of course the need for air defense equipment, missiles, anti-missiles, and in general launchers did not disappear anywhere installations for air defense systems, this is what we, well, as ukraine, constantly emphasize
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to the west, that if we had a sufficient number of launchers... projectiles on each section of the front, then we would be able to level the superiority of the russians in these su- 34 bombers -x and in their cabs, and of course this will become , of course, perhaps the main issue of the future of ramshteyn, well, this issue is related to the same offensive actions, when actually the europeans are already worried, afraid that there will be no repetition of the situation with winter. and if there are further delays in delivery ammunition, it is natural that the russians will have time, this is the main resource, what, what, what they need, it is precisely time to accumulate and , perhaps in the second half of the summer , to try to resume their offensive actions, this situation must not be allowed , and the only, in general, the only tool, how
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we can thwart these plans of the russians, is more infantry shells on the ground and... and more anti-aircraft shells, so to speak, for our air forces, if these two conditions are fulfilled, it is similar to and everything is going to the fact that they will be fulfilled in the near future these processes have started and they are going quite well, then of course the enemy's plans will be thwarted, that is, it is not a question of the enemy giving up his offensive campaigns, but at least, at the end of march, his offensive potential will be exhausted, this is because yes... our intelligence, and of course we can see from the battlefield, so the russians will need at least a few months to build up again for a new offensive campaign, this will be our window of opportunity, how much we can use it depends from the west partners, from their efficiency, and if indeed all the declared, well, promises will be
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fulfilled, we will simply disrupt the enemy's plans and not... let them accumulate for the future offensive. so be it, mr. sergey. you know, 60 years ago, when the whole hebrew, the whole world was reading herbert's dune, which had just been published, i think they did not even imagine that i would be 60 years old, and this would actually become a reality. there is a war, the war goes underground, something is constantly flying in the sky, and those who are on the ground are simply hearing any sound, immediately descend into the dungeon. do you see that this war, which is now between russia and ukraine, after their attack, is actually moving in such a direction that you will have to hide and actually fight from there? well, you quite correctly noticed the trend, because a new type of weapon has appeared, which breaks, that is, changes the course of war,
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just as drones changed the course of war and now they force the construction of additional fortifications. additional protection for all mobile equipment, additional hiding, i.e. it is no longer possible to simply camp somewhere in tents, which we we still remember very well, from the 14th year it was very calm, any formations and the enemy, and it was as if they were located in tents and in fact only artillery was active, then drones became such, well, to a certain extent, a game changer, and here these cabs are guided aerial bombs, well that is... aerial bombs that increase the range of their planning, then this became a challenge, including for the west, how to counter russian enemy aircraft, and so far, unfortunately, we have a very, very limited resource, how to respond to the enemy, well, first of all, to him attack drones, such as the lancet, and secondly,
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of course, most importantly, it is for the most powerful weapons, these are actually aerial bombs, with which the enemy falls asleep. us and the numbers that he, with which he bombards our positions, they are really such unreal numbers , this is the most powerful weapon in this war, but thanks to the fact that we are building fortifications, we actually have hope that we will win this time until the first shells arrive, and the second - aviation, with which we can fight back, but just like in dune, it's quite interesting there, what was... uh, these rebels, their territories, the places where they hid, their bases were called sich, very similar to our sich, cossack sich, so to speak, according to... the very example of the organization, well, actually speaking, it is precisely our units that arrange the positions that seemed should have been broken through, but this
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became a surprise during this winter-spring offensive campaign itself, a surprise for our western partners and an unpleasant prospect for putin, because he was counting on a breakthrough after avdiivka, that is, he groped in five different parts. .. to break through weak points, hoped to break through ours defense, to enter the operational space and further develop this offensive, i.e. resources, reserves were accumulated in him to move at least more than 100 km, well, the goal is clear, this is an exit to the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, that is, this was his task before the elections, as we can see, there is a certain advance, of course those few kilometers, a few villages, but... not even that they have not taken over the access to the administrative borders of donetsk and even the luhansk region as of now, so that is actually unexpected for
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everyone to a certain extent, but this offensive campaign of the russians was completely thwarted by our forces , at least this is clear from the eastern and southern fronts, because it is, according to a certain military science, something from the first, something from the second world war, something completely new, well, in particular , about that we... spoke almost in vietnamese underground infantry forces, now it will be possible to speak, this is due to the fact that drones and everything else are flying, but there is a completely different logic when hostilities unfold in many points e of the russian-ukrainian border, in russian territory, oksana and i looked at deep state today, we even found several new, completely different places, where there was no noise in... well, let's say, in the community, there is some nehoteyevka of the bilhorod district, in particular, i'm looking, here there are others, some have appeared, near the centurion cossack on our side, there is
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a vine grove in russia, all these are small territories where units enter, they call themselves the legion of the freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps, the siberian corps also appeared there, they also say... the people of rykhyr, chechens, and the ingush join there, and after that our head of intelligence, kyrylo budanov, says that they are transforming, becoming a military force, we will help, and we cannot yet understand the logic of some new northern russian front such as sumy, because these are not deep raids, even with heavy equipment, all the same bc, its fortifications. fuel, all this is necessary, all this logistics, that is, how it should develop, the number of such small bites
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on the territory of russia will simply increase, will there be an attempt to do all this in to unite something and in fact then another front line should appear? well, really, the tactic of a thousand cuts is the most effective today, that is, to concentrate somewhere... we can't make any large formation , even on our so-called already stable front line in the donetsk or zaporizhzhia direction, we don't concentrate anywhere great efforts, great connections, and nowhere are we ready for a great breakthrough, but the main task is the very task of inflicting significant losses on the enemy and destroying his military infrastructure. this is something that is very good with… today the russian volunteers will manage, well, because it is no secret that from the border strip , which is the nearest 5-10 kilometer
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one, mortar attacks were and are constantly being carried out from there, saboteurs who constantly tried to break through our border are also driven there, reconnaissance takes place there, and gathering information, and this entire military infrastructure is actually being destroyed today... small groups of russian volunteers who operate in such a raid method and hit targets, well, look, destroy russian military personnel, conscripts, there are russian guardsmen , the ranks are also officers, the rank of major , the military destroys their bases, their fortifications , destroys equipment, takes prisoners, including among the officers, and the most important thing is that they perform... political work, that is, they show the failure of putin's built defense is what is shown to all, so to speak, putin's partners, and all authoritarian countries. in particular
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china, they currently see that putin, first of all, cannot protect his own border, that is, what europeans are you talking about, conditionally speaking, you declare your ambitions if you cannot protect the borders of your own state, and secondly, you cannot organize elections, but dictators have a very simple rule: you cannot organize people to support you, so you simply do not hold such elections. if you spend, then be kind, but provide, show that you are the owner. at the moment, putin is not able to show control over this territory, and this is why his chaotic, perhaps nervous reactions, which say that someone wants to seize the territory for exchange, and the second thing is that of course the disruption of the elections, everything is correct, and despite the fact that the results will be drawn in the kremlin, they are already drawn, that is, under any conditions.
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but the very fact of the disruption of the elections, it has already happened: firstly, five occupied territories, and plus two belgorod-kursk regions, i.e. seven territories of the russian federation, where it is absolutely impossible, well, to agree that people really participated in the elections and carried out detection, even under this shameful russian legislation, this is the first thing that such a campaign is being conducted in the countries of the south , and the second is a signal for everyone, for all partisans, rebels who are in the russian federation, and who, after the defeat of prigozhin and the destruction, the destruction of the entire top of wagner, they are hiding somewhere, they understand that this is a huge group , which was concentrated on the border, cannot do anything with small raiding groups, so the russian state... the machine
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and the power vertical can be beaten, and today russian volunteers show exactly how to beat this administrative-military vertical. serhiy, thank you for the analysis, serhii kuzyn, head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, about the tactics of a thousand small cuts, and that it is, in addition, a deep cut on the ambitions of adolf rurikovich, putin, because he cannot organize everything. normal election re-election campaign of myself, and it is not for nothing that this morning began with the fact that the old bearded joke in the swamps got a new, new reading, you know this joke, like a christmas tree, this is me a christmas tree, only it is not a christmas tree, the cannibal of ilfa petrov, it is pamfilov's christmas tree, she the head of the electoral center comes to rurik putin, i tell you that i have two news for you, good and bad, he says, well, which one is good,
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he says, well, i congratulate you. you were re-elected, he says, and what a bad thing, well, but no one voted for you, well, look, old bearded joke, in a new way, in the swamps today russian newspapers started to print, eh, i will only add one thing to all that, that we they said, we asked, they reminded us, and you immediately picked up the phones and did your job, i am about donating, thank you, 10 00 literally in 15 minutes three cars flew in for our defenders, this qr code and card number you see on the screen now is... something worth saving until we collect all 900 00 hryvnias. thank you for donating, do not stop, do not limit yourself in good deeds and on our way to victory. we are going to take a short break, then we will talk about the temporarily occupied territories. stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then
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