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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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is this not enough to eliminate the long-term consequences of such policies and such illegal actions? now we are talking about all this washing of cities, about the assimilation of ukrainian children, and a terrible thought arises, a terrible question, if it is possible to return these children to ukraine, will they want it? this is a question that needs to be clarified, because... if they testify on camera in russia that they do not want to return, or immediately after returning, due to the fact that they were traumatized and re -traumatized, even during repatriation will say that something is wrong here, it does not mean that they really think so and that this is their position, that is, children should undergo psychological rehabilitation, children should have a special reintegration program and, obviously, a support program, we are not talking about that each of them needs to give out, as russia does, apartments, cars
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and pay huge sums of money, because it will at least be unfair to other children who have suffered from the armed conflict, but asks and we do not want to buy these children, like russia federation after all wants, we want these children to remain ukrainian citizens, to have this ukrainian identity, which you can never actually buy, that is, the russian strategy, it works as long as they have money, when the money runs out, the children will pack their bags and go back, because that, what... we see and what we observe, at least for a group of teenage children, is not so simple and not so effective, there are even russian manipulation strategies that have been tested for many years, probably from the soviet union, and therefore, for example, now maria lvova bilova started such a new one the initiative from february 2024, when not only children, but also members of their families now go to re-education camps, that is , it is probably calculated, at first they will go there for ... such a demonstration,
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persons loyal to the russians, but then they will be there under coercion dragging those who do not want to obey president putin and forcefully re-educating them has such a double influence: by re-educating children, they want to influence disloyal families, and by looking for some loyal members in this family, they try to eradicate the children’s identity, because on unfortunately, sometimes we record such cases when the child does not want to go to russia, when the child does not want a russian passport. and she is just waiting to escape from the occupied territory, for example, or from the territory of the russian federation, and join some of her relatives here, but i am one of the parents, or, for example, a grandmother or an aunt, who are there receiving certain benefits from russia for the upbringing of this child, resist. i would like to emphasize here that this should in no way deprive this child of the right to retain his identity and return to the territory, eventually controlled by the state of citizenship. and if
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such persons resist this, they will be accomplices of russian crimes, and therefore you need to think twice before sending your child to re-education camps or to russian schools, if such a choice still remains. actually , russian propaganda claims that the ukrainian children who were returned to the unoccupied part of ukraine, that they supposedly want to return to russia, but don't they? is this a bell that russia may refuse to return them at all? i want to explain this situation because they they simply cut out a part of the ukrainian airwaves, it was disturbed there and they talk about the fact that even ukrainian human rights activists claim that the russian federation takes better care of ukrainian children than ukraine. this is delusional. there were only a few cases when someone returned to the territory of the russian federation from ukraine. that is, among the 388
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children, there may be someone alone, and if we look into his personal history, we will see that he has relatives in the territory of the russian federation, that there may have been some objective reasons why the child went there, maybe she she did not return there to her permanent place of residence, therefore, firstly, this requires additional clarifications, and secondly, the fact that the russian federation somehow assumed that ukraine does not take good care of the returned children is also not true. we see that now in connection with... significant attention of the international community to the crime of deportation, as well as in connection with the fact that new and new initiatives are being created for the return of ukrainian children, their rehabilitation, these children are returned quite well they feel, that's what we still need meet their individual needs, in particular, in terms of bridging the educational gap, in terms of psychological rehabilitation, again i mentioned reintegration, but these children are not begging, these children are in family forms of education or study in our educational institutions.
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that is, it is allowed by ukrainian legislation and they are in other forms of guardianship, these children have certain payments, these children have the constant support of such a social worker from the state. that is, not everything is as bad as the russian federation here wants issue, issue what is desired, and i only emphasize that now, that it is not government organizations, that the state is trying to improve the situation of all children affected by the armed conflict, and therefore there will be special support programs, and there will be a special program of psychological rehabilitation, but we have understand that, unfortunately, these are things that require a certain amount of time to prepare, you can't organize it in one day . the russian federation has been preparing for the deportation of ukrainian children for years. mrs. kateryna, i know that you are quite often abroad, and communicate with our international partners, in particular last year in november you
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communicated with un delegations and, if i am not mistaken, conveyed to them the concept of a single mechanism for the return of small ukrainians. actually, to begin with, tell me. what is the concept, and then i would like to know your observations and your conclusions about how determined and willing our international partners are to help return the children, or whether this is just another set of concerns. at the beginning of 2023, the team of the regional center for human rights conducted such a global enough research, we studied the experience of those states that faced... with deportation, abduction of their children, experience related to identification, related to return, rehabilitation and reintegration, we also analyzed existing international standards and international treaties, in order to adapt them for the ukrainian context , but again, on the other hand, not to invent a bicycle, some kind of
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mechanism that no one has ever heard of and is unlikely to agree to, and as a result , we came to something quite obvious, perhaps for some, the scheme is enough. over what existed in the grain agreement, when ukraine and the russian federation, because the children are under its control, and we, unfortunately, without the full surrender of the russian federation, without it, we cannot return the children now, so ukraine and the russian federation have to agree, but it is necessary to do this exclusively through a third party, which will not just be an intermediary to transfer some list, as, for example, qatar is now doing, but which will also play the role of a guarantor of the return process, which will also... agree on simplifying the return process and shortening its duration, unifying the documents required by the russian federation, also accurately predicting the categories of children that ukraine will return to ukraine, that the russian federation is forced to return, that is , there are many functions and roles for this third party,
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and therefore, returning to the question of whether all these initiatives are not just declarations, we must understand that canada, the united states of america, norway, they without... joyfully returned ukrainian children already today 1900, but the russian federation will never in its life agree to their mediation, so we are looking for someone for ourselves to whom the russian federation will agree, currently it is qatar, there are still occasional rumors about the participation of some vatican, but again, the ukrainian side does not confirm this, although the russian side there issued a whole report on the role of the vatican, there are also certain initiatives from the global... south, in particular the republic of south africa, which i also visited, is interested, and this was announced by the president, to join the process, to join effectively to the process of returning ukrainian children. and here we have to understand that this has ceased to be exclusively ukraine's pain, exclusively
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ukraine's problem, and it probably has to be solved, not only for ukraine. now we have to take a leading role and develop a return mechanism. the one that is contained in our concept, is it possible that it is somewhat improved, more, i don’t know, it is so refined, you know, but that this mechanism works also for other children who are currently suffering in armed conflicts, then the probability of returning ukrainian children is also grows, the probability of supporting such a mechanism also grows, and such a weighty thing, which i want to emphasize, is impossible in one mechanism. to combine the return and bringing the guilty persons to justice, this does not mean that we have to forgive the deportations to putin and lviv bilov, to say that we did not see it, it is very good that the children were returned, but it means that in the issue of return, the priority is return , and that
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the potential written agreement on the return mechanism may not contain a provision on the responsibility of the russian federation, but this, again, in no way excludes such responsibility. and the international criminal court will definitely not cancel the arrest warrants after the return of the ukrainian children, but as for this warrant, almost a year has passed since it was issued. what has changed this year in this case, and has the list of suspects been added? unfortunately, in this case, in this episode, the deportation and forced transfer of ukrainian children has not changed in our country since march 17, 2023, when arrest warrants were issued, that is, there are no new suspects, yes just as there are no additional qualifications, additions to arrest warrants, but their existence is still unprecedented, mega-symbolic. the event is the first time in the history of the existence of international criminal law as such, not even just the international
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criminal court, that the current head of a nuclear state receives an arrest warrant in the course of an active, rather heated armed conflict, that is, it was a great victory and could not but have an impact. opinions were divided, including in the ukrainian expert environment, and the russian federation also apparently insists, that the issuance of arrest warrants only made the return process more difficult. but here , in order to be as objective as possible, i would rely on statistics: before the arrest warrants were issued, lvov-bilov published, and we will operate on their data, because they are the same, i will explain what kind of data this is, but let's start with them. so, regarding the issuance of arrest warrants, she facilitated the return of five ukrainian children. after issuing arrest warrants, the number of such children, in her opinion, where she contributed to the return, she and moskalkova 94. then tangible, so until march 17 , 2023, a year has also passed, and for this year only five children
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, where they helped there, here a year has passed and already 94, that is, the numbers are different, but we are in the regional human rights center, together with our partners , se vyukray, from the lemki institute for the prevention of the crime of genocide, came to the conclusion that even in those cases where they speak, we facilitated, we facilitated something there, we have witnesses, that is , victims of... the use of the russian federation, who say : "no, she only bothered us." that is, the russians put forward all new and new conditions, the requirement to pass dna tests, the requirement to pass a polygraph test, numerous long-term interrogations with the federal security service with other russian law enforcement officers, some kind of compulsion to undress and then be burned there to tell how they are making the russian federation solely with the sole purpose of later using this recording against these people and manipulate them, that is... even in these cases, the russian federation did not contribute, but the return process intensified, and we see
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a change in the narrative, during 2022, maria lvova byulova told everywhere that president putin said there to eliminate provolochka in the legislation, to grant russian citizenship to everyone, to transfer ukrainian children even with ukrainian citizenship to russian families, well , it happened, you can’t get the words out of the song, this is their conversation on march 9, 2022. already in the conversation on february 16, it was on the eve of issuing the order. anyway, there she talked a little about the transfer of ukrainian children to their families, about the fact that she took the child herself, but it was already clear that they suspected something, because the international community had already started to prepare, they knew that we were gathering evidence, the first children returned on their own, and already on march 17 there was a great calm, they were there preparing what they would comment on, march 17, march 17, 23 , the moment when the arrest warrant was issued, they are there something was delayed, delayed. then they started to come out with a statement by maria lviv-bilova - these are her words that president putin gave
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an order to promote the reunification of families, they do not say, they do not use the word return anywhere, because if they say return, then it turns out that they were relocated, it turns out that abducted, it turns out that they were deported, they say reunification, as if neutralizing something like that, they chose one of the words, and in fact they somewhat manipulate this word reunification, because reunification. biological families are possible , but as for orphaned children, especially if they have lost their legal guardian, it will be much more difficult here, and they understand this and do not want to return such children, but less so, if you sum up this whole long excursion, i do not will abuse, then the situation has moved from a standstill, and now we we are already talking about some international initiatives, we are accumulating the support of the international community and we are planning, we are not just dreaming, we are planning. to return thousands of ukrainian children in 2024, and i think that this is a significant merit of arrest warrants. ms.
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kateryna, on march 13 this year , the european parliament held a debate on the creation of a legal mechanism for the return of small ukrainians to their homeland. how can the european parliament influence this? i would say that this is a logical continuation process. even supplementing what happens in the level council of europe. on january 25 of this year , a resolution was adopted, which also emphasized that it is necessary to create a single, transparent, clear, legal. the mechanism of identification and return of ukrainian children. yes, indeed, the european union cannot be that third party, because the russian federation will not agree to it, and somehow they cannot physically go there and return the children. but this is only one aspect of a larger mechanism. others are the identification of children, and here the european union with its powers, including in
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relation to software, intelligence, they can help us. further. issues of rehabilitation and reintegration, here they can help both with expertise and financially, as well as with the organization of certain processes for ukrainian children. i would like to emphasize that a significant prerequisite for the return of deported ukrainian children is simply the masses, without this it will not happen, it is the reform of deinstitutionalization, that is, until we have a register of adoptive parents, until we have a queue, and it is already forming. because here you know, so that later there are no scraps, the queue of adoptive parents is already forming, and there is those people who are ready to take in deported ukrainian orphans and children deprived of parental care, and it will happen, but we need a big, important reform so that no child will be in these soviet-type barracks anymore, i won't even call it an orphanage, because 200 - 400 people
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in one territory, it is more like a colony of strict regime, and not a children's institution, we need such a thing... to come true, and this is supported by the leadership of our state, and this is a mandatory condition, by the way, of our european integration, therefore all these processes take place in parallel, the european union can definitely help in some of them , it can support ukraine in others, and after all , the european union has a huge system of treaties with the states of the global south, they quite successfully used this system of treaties, foreign trade agreements, preferential agreements, in order to to avoid riots. within the states of the global south, they can now try to somehow use trade and economic mechanisms there in order for these states to at least join the coalition for the return of ukrainian children, and it would be desirable for one of them, either collectively or individually, to mediate on this side in relations with the russian federation.
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by the way, with regard to intermediaries, speaking of countries that can be guarantors, but... perhaps it is worth considering countries that can have some influence on russia, in particular, for example, china, was the issue of including this country not discussed? this is a very good question and i'm sure it's been discussed, although i don't have that information because it it is as logical as possible, that is, i think that our state started with two candidates, this is turkey, which was already a third party, quite successful, which now promotes the return of ukrainian troops. prisoners and probably china, i will not comment on china's political diplomatic position because i think that my opinion is not mainstream, you know, i do not want to expose myself to criticism once again, but i am sure that china will not be a third party, and therefore we need looking for someone else, but you are absolutely right, it must be a state that is in certain relations with the russian
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federation, well, not that we are on equal footing and not that we are already on top, because china refused, but... at least to be able to somehow influence the russian federation and the return of a significant number of children, because you know, when they tell me that the return of 11 children is the largest group, it is a great victory, i am happy, because every child is important who crosses the ukrainian border in the direction of ukraine, but 11 children is very little, at such rates we have no chance to return all of them within even one decade, so we need countries that can. potentially further consider what is currently being developed, for example, saudi arabia, a pretty good candidate, russia has certain interests in this state and in cooperation with this state, it could be brazil, and by the way, brazil also has such a rather ambiguous position before the russian full-scale invasion, so she in principle for the russian federation this can be a candidate for negotiations, and at the same time we
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mention brics, at the same time we mention that brazil is a large catholic country, and... we heard about the role of the vatican in the return of civilians, that is, as if the stars were aligned, it could be kazakhstan, because it is not a well-known thing, but kazakhstan is a recognized country, at least by the un , on the part of unicef, which has excellent practices in the identification of abducted children in the context of idol, in the context of the abduction of children who were in various camps that kazakhstan then repatriated them from syria and iraq. it is a great state in terms of rehabilitation and reintegration of such children, and kazakhstan has certain relations with the russian federation as well, and actually, i already mentioned the south african republic. which is also a member of brics, although we remember that putin did not go to the summit in this country because of the arrest warrant, did not take any risks, although you know, this does not
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mean that he did not go anywhere during the 23rd year after the extradition arrest warrants, he still traveled and traveled to that state, by the way, which you and i are mentioning today as possible mediators, that is , here there is a certain potential of the state that i named, to dream that it will be who? from states of our satellites, our partners, or from states with a recognized reputation in the field of protection of children's rights, such as, for example, such a state as canada, unfortunately, it is not possible, because the russian federation will simply stand in the way. mrs. kateryna, finally, i would like to ask you about the number of children who have been returned, and do you know whether there are any plans in the near future, perhaps even the return of small ukrainian children. so, to date, according to official information, 388 children have been returned, you may have heard a higher figure, this there could be a number of more than 500 children, it is also
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mentioned, but this is together with those children who were reunited with relatives because they were separated in connection with russian aggression, these children mostly returned from the occupied territories, but the number of returned deportees and there are 388 forcibly displaced children, and it is, unfortunately, very small. ukraine. plans and prepares, because i don't like the word plan, you know, you can plan all you want, but preparing is about something specific, returning more children, and we are talking about hundreds of children, we are talking about thousands of children, because no matter how we talk about the figure, which one to believe or which one not to believe, but the registers of status children, children and children deprived of parental care were and are and continue to be at our disposal, so we understand well who was deported from the kherson children's home , who were deported from oleshki, who were deported from the border areas to the so-called dpr and lpr, the newly occupied territories of ukraine, this is all well-known, not secret information for ukraine, so we have a list
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of children with whom you can work and which ones you can to return, there are many preparatory tasks , i am again mentioning this reform of deinstitutionalization, because if the children are of status, they can only be returned to their families, and ukraine is creating all the grounds to return these children, so i would not be here made a big romanticism and does not tell that everything is very, very good here, and tomorrow we will return all 1,900 children, no, tomorrow, to return all of them, it will be such a difficult situation and a very big challenge, will ukraine cope with it , ukraine he will be able to handle it, but are we talking about this and are there any plans for such a thing, no, there is not, now, unfortunately, the mechanism remains as it was, that is, if through qatar, then we will transfer a certain one. list, and together with all accompanying documents, from parents, from guardians, the russian federation sits there for one, two, three months, even they themselves talk about it,
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examines this list, i don’t know what she is doing there, reading it word by word , i honestly do not understand that it is possible to check the documents for a maximum of 11 children for so long, and then the process of physical return takes place, the mechanism will work like this for the time being. a single legal mechanism has not yet been created, but i am convinced that more children will return in 2024. well, let 's hope for that, mrs. kateryna, i thank you very much for an incredible professional conversation, kateryna rashevska, a lawyer of the regional center for human rights, was a guest with us, and the audience, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. 31 an aerial bomb was dropped by russian terrorists on the village of big piserivka in the sumy oblast. there , they fired artillery at her more than a dozen times. center
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of the village. completely broken - reported the head of the big one.


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