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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. an 86-year-old woman was injured in an enemy attack on myrnograd in donetsk region. at night, the occupiers hit the city with three rockets. which are currently being established, the regional police informed. eight apartment buildings, three administrative buildings, two shops, two trade pavilions, a utility company and cars were damaged. previously , russian invaders attacked selidove, an elderly resident was injured, enemy shells hit the water pumping station, more than 12,000 subscribers were left without water. there is also a lot of damage and destruction in residential areas. that's not the word, i haven't slept yet, but as
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it drank, it was broken, yesterday it was fixed, and today the same again, the enemy launched a guided aerial bomb in the city of solidove, which also hit a multi-story building, at least five apartment buildings were damaged, and as a result of this an elderly resident of selydov was wounded by the shelling. investigative teams worked at the scene of the incident, groups of paramedics who provided all necessary assistance. currently, the issue of opening criminal proceedings on both facts is being resolved, which will be sent to the security service of ukraine. russian rebels announced that they captured the village of horkivskyi in the belgorod region of russia, reports the sibir battalion. they claim to have taken full control of the local administration building for confirmation. released a video
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showing the military removing the russian state and municipal flags from the administration building. meanwhile, russia was left without another oil refinery. drones successfully attacked an enterprise in the city of sloviansk, kuban. the impact caused a fire near the atmospheric columns, they were. the purpose of the operation. according to the operative headquarters , one person died at the refinery. also , the propaganda media write that the rescuers completely extinguished the fire at the syzran refinery in the samara region, which burned for almost a day, only in the morning. yesterday, the company was attacked by drones. do not be silent, captivity kills. almost half a thousand people came out in kyiv for an action with a demand return prisoners of war. relatives and friends. brantsiv would like to remind that
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almost a thousand defenders of mariupol have been in russian captivity for more than a year and a half. the protesters also honored the memory of those killed in the russian airstrike on the drama theater in mariupol. similar actions were also held today in kharkiv, kremenchuk, kovel, ovruch, poltava, chernivtsi, ivano-frankivsk, lutsk and kryvyi rih. they say there every day, there all the time. no one needs you, ukraine has abandoned you, and this is how they drip on the brains all the time, but that's it as far as i remember, we didn't believe in it, and i 'm sure that the guys don't either, and probably these are our shares, they are somehow, i believe in these higher forces, which send them signals that we have not forgotten about them here , this is the minimum we can do for the boys who... are still in captivity
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, we are already in the third spring, as they are in captivity, and to go out for a few hours at a rally and thus show solidarity and remind other people, that it is important to do, it is really the least we can do for the boys. a man was detained in moldova who threw a cocktail molotov over the fence of the russian embassy, ​​where voting for the russian president is underway. there were no casualties, nor were there numerous protests called noon against putin. took place in russia and abroad. voters who do not agree with the dictator's policies arrived at the polling stations at noon and formed huge queues at the entrance. in this way , they are trying to demonstrate the scale of the action. it is already known about several dozen detainees in russia. in the capital of georgia, tbilisi, citizens of the russian federation gathered on the central street of rustaveli. similar actions also took place in cyprus, new zealand, japan, armenia, turkey and. australia
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russian terror in europe, at least 873 passenger jets with civilians on board lost navigation. through russian electronic warfare, they are located in kaliningrad, operating at full capacity and covering an ever-increasing area. earlier it became known that the plane of the british minister of defense grant shaps lost the signal while flying near kaliningrad. france can deploy its troops in ukraine in order to confront russia. a ground operation may be necessary at a certain point - french president emmanuel macron said. interview with lemont newspaper. in this way, he confirmed his statement regarding the possible placement of the western army on the territory of our state. he also added that he does not want to take the initiative, but at the same time his country has the opportunity to do so. donate blood, get tickets to
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cultural events. in lviv, the campaign started with filling. during the month each donor will be given free certificates for visits to museums or theaters. such an initiative is being held for the second time. our kateryna oliynyk will tell who can become a donor and how to prepare for donating blood. mykola spergal, a native of lviv, has a rare fourth blood group. the man has been a donor for six years now, and now he donates platelets. there is a need for a donation , they write to me, i... er, i am a member of the viber chat and if necessary, the girls write when a donor is needed, then they come, usually it happens the day before, the day before, they warn that it was possible to comply diets, during the month blood donors in lviv are given free certificates for performances,
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concerts, exhibitions or excursions, the initiative launched last year by the institute of cultural strategy unites more than 30 city and regional theaters. museums and galleries, this year we also involved institutions located outside of lviv, many of our institutions are located in the drohobytsky district, naguyevichi, stryi district tustan, the drohobychyna museum, and the drohobytska saltworks. friends, people, donate blood and come to our theater for absolutely all performances for free, i will show you everything, tell you, watch the performances, even have fun with the checkerboard. in this way , the organizers of the action. people to donate blood for wounded defenders and civilians who are struggling with serious illnesses. every donation can save someone's life. there are no unnecessary or too many blood groups, that is, we need all blood groups. and especially rare ones, which have a smaller
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population, that is, this is a minus. distribution of blood blood is very wide. less for the region, we primarily serve the military hospital. we serve city hospitals, you can become a donor every person aged 18 to 60 who does not have chronic infectious diseases and weighs at least 50 kg before donating blood must undergo an examination and follow a special diet for two days. in our center, this takes place within 15 minutes, that is, from registration to blood donation and exit, exit of the donor from our center, this is the first priority. quick registration, then the laboratory, where blood parameters are monitored, hemoglobin, doctor's examination and blood donation itself. after you donate blood, you go to our registrars and they to you will give tickets to cultural events in our city. the promotion will last until
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april 14. you can donate blood at the lviv regional blood service center on pekarska street, or at the city blood bank on mykolaichuka street. kateryna oliynyk, studenny, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection. we ask for help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed. and you and i can help. our goal is uah 500,000. and with your help. we have already collected more than 280 thousand. remember, each of your donations is important, so join the collection, you can now see all the details on the screen. our team is working to ensure that you see
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an updated news release already at 3 p.m., you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. oksana vysochanska, roman chaik. we fulfill our promises, promised with oksana vasychanska to return to you at lunchtime , and it happened, a lot has happened during that time, you have already heard it from the news, i will miss mr. gennady, gennady moskal, transcarpathian, crimean, luhansk, whoever he was and everywhere effective, i especially liked how he explained... the correct way to work with russian wool, she understands esperanto three-story, with a checkmate, and
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only after that she executes the commands fas, sit, be silent, and gennadiy moskal told us this on tv. in fact, there will be a lack of such a worthy politician. we still we remind you that we have a collection, that 900,000 hryvnias must be collected for three cars, three different cars for three different units that are fighting in ukrainian. east, south, north. here are the details to help you join this gathering. now 138,319 hryvnias have accumulated in the account. we remember that cars are like shells, they were not a priority, they were very necessary at the front, they are insulted, they are destroyed, so they are constantly needed, i bought and forgot, because maybe another one will be needed tomorrow such, we remember it. and we will donate, well , in the meantime, we will add to our conversation taras
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zhovtenko, an expert on international security of the dem-initiative fund, mr. taras, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, we have been tracking paradoxical things since the very morning, about which orwell even did not want to write about how russians will fight russians on russian territory, and this is within the framework of the russian-ukrainian war. we see that the fighters of the siberian battalion are declaring that they have already entered another settlement, horkovsky, this is near bilhorod, that is, we can to hope that these will not be local operations, but we have to estimate whether it can be deployed in an entire area, well, in fact , yes, sooner or later we should come to this, because the first measures, so to speak , of those unknown green guys... yes, because on the territory of russia, because actually the situation is very interesting in the sense that we continue
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to re-export to russia that hybrid toolkit that russia has used against us since 2014, well, actually there in different ways moments continues to use until now, and here is the fact that on our side and to a certain extent in our strategic course, so to speak, these citizens of the russian federation are acting, which is obvious. they bought uniforms at the military market, and the equipment, tanks and everything else were dug up in the mines, somewhere near belgorod, and they are just preparing for the referendum, well, why not, well, so as not to get up twice, but there are already some the elections are going to russia, then a referendum can be prepared, so actually the very good news is that we, as they say, have mastered this hybrid toolkit, which the russian federation tried to export to us and to our western allies, and we are gradually... on an ever-increasing scale returning this hybrid toolkit to the territory of russia itself, and
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it is already absolutely obvious that the russian power apparatus, in principle, is not ready for such a development of events, therefore what about the first measures, so to speak, the rdk and its freedom of russia and the legion of freedom of russia, so on the territory of the russian federation already last year they showed that, well, the russian border guards and the fsb , in general, they are helpless before this, and even personnel of the russian military. in the end, we saw that in general, so to speak , russia has a certain problem in maintaining, trying to maintain a stable internal situation, when something so unexpected occurs, yes, either prigozhin is going to moscow, or something here are russian citizens in a purchased form, in free access, which means they are also trying to liberate, so to speak, the russian territories from putin's regime. all these things, they are somehow always very sudden and unexpected, like snow in winter, and
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for the russian special services and the law enforcement agencies in general, well, actually, we see that at this stage, the way events unfold in the kursk and belgorod regions of russia, it once again demonstrates that, well, by and large , the russian law enforcement apparatus remains helpless before with the ever -increasing scale, so to speak, of these hybrid operations that are unfolding in... the territory of the russian federation, well, in the end, in fact, this is such a very good tool of political influence on the putin regime, well, and in the end, on a partial basis on the local population, which... therefore, after all, we demonstrate that the russian, the russian state, it absolutely does not control the situation in the regions and , in fact, absolutely does not care about what happens to the civilian population in the same belgrade region and kursk region , and taking into account the fact that the russian military there themselves destroy their own settlements with guided aerial bombs , and at the same time it is very interesting to listen to
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the impressions, so to speak, of the local russian population, which er... mr. taras, there their operations unfold not only on in this territory, in this huge territory of russia, they also work well in kaliningrad, and in the last two days here is the analyst marcus johnson, he analyzed and saw that the russians are simply working at full capacity, because of this no less than 873 planes. we could not get information properly , their navigation equipment was not working, in fact these are passenger planes in which the civilian population flies, and we understand what it means if there is no navigation, a little earlier it was known that the plane of the minister of defense britain, grant shabsa also lost the signal when he flew near
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the kaliningrad region, they are moving so gradually, gradually. in order to increase all these military operations for the whole of europe, these are such steps already before the war with nato that we are talking about, yes, of course, all the more so because, in fact, the kremlin has two whole scenarios of how they can, in principle fight with nato. the first scenario is the one that our western allies are talking about more, it's actually a little more palatable for them, if you can say so, because this scenario gives the countries of the west, nato member countries from the average. from five to eight years in order to prepare for a full-scale aggression of the russian federation against the alliance as a whole, well, in accordance with a full-scale war with russia with nato in europe, and actually 5-8 years there, they are allocated primarily to that russia should prepare itself, i.e., gather the appropriate number of its military junk there again, recruit volunteers, as
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they say and actually demobilized from among the russian population, and accordingly was ready... for a large-scale armed conflict with the combined forces of the alliance, but, in the grand scheme of things, this is a scenario that is actually not very convenient for the kremlin, because the kremlin perfectly understands that, well, it really needs to be there several years in order to prepare, well at least quantitatively, and build up the group that could be thrown against nato, but on the other hand, the kremlin perfectly understands that the alliance over these years, it will not sit idly by and he will also be preparing, that is, time is of the essence here not for good. one other side, and plus , well, actually, putin's regime, he with his numerous councils, and political and military leaders, he repeatedly spoke about the fact that, well, in russia, they recognize that conventionally, that is, in conventional weapons , they are the combined potential of nato they still lose, but they don't have analogues there, after all, there are nuclear warheads that they constantly use, that is, strategically,
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this should supposedly guarantee russia victory in any development of events. but actually the second scenario, which is apparently also being considered in the kremlin, is a little bit more unpleasant for our western allies, and it's obviously probably more realistic in terms of the fact that it can really, as they say, catch our nato partners by surprise, and that the scenario of russian aggression against the alliance, but not in the format of a large-scale invasion, or even a full-scale war, in the format of a limited hybrid operation, when, for example, the russians enter... some region, well, for example, the same lithuania, obviously from the territory of belarus , probably what yes, or from their own as well, they occupy this region for a certain time, burn it, make it a scorched earth there, that is, turn it into such a big avdiivka or a big mariupol, and then they leave there, even if they lie there in the same the lithuanian region, and still it will
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not be considered a defeat for russia in this operation, because they will add 10,000 heroes of russia there, but... but russian propaganda will get a wonderful trump card, which it will spin further, and this trump card consists of the following : the question immediately flies to the other members of the alliance: and you are you sure you are protected by article 5 of the washington treaty? yes, because look, we wanted to, we went in, we did what we wanted, well, we partially got out there, partially we didn't get out, but well, we fulfilled our task, and then you think about whether nato will protect you and whether it will be able to it will protect, in case the alliance will, let's say, talk. there, about some actions in response in russia, there will also be prepared a version of a counter-response, a counter-argument that we are no longer on nato territory, you want to attack us now, and after the aggression has ended. and you were not able to react in time, and here we immediately recall that the russian bunker grandfather told kisilov in his last interview that russia is technically ready for a nuclear war, this is
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such a passage towards this scenario, that is, russia immediately again will be slandering dmitriy alkoholivych, and shouting at all levels that if you try to move towards us, you will get a nuclear strike as an answer, another question is, of course, how much it will frighten the western allies in principle. but the fact that this second scenario of such a limited hybrid operation, it is more realistic and in time it can, well, again jump from the nest of our western allies, this is an absolutely real story, and well , it seems to me that, for example, what is happening in germany, the publication by german intelligence is far from the first report and analytical assessments that russian aggression and a clash between nato and russia in europe is inevitable, it is, in principle, such a careful preparation for... and the federal republic of germany and in principle citizens of member countries nato that it is necessary to prepare for absolutely all possible scenarios, and it is obvious that the kremlin in this situation will choose exactly the scenario
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that will be the most inconvenient for nato member countries, that is, the one that will not give them the years they are hoping for and accordingly the ability to prepare for this full-scale war. mr. taras, we have to take a break, there is a minute before it, just clarify what they are doing with the rebs from kalinin. council, that is, ninsberg, which they occupied even during the second world war, this overlapping of actually normal gps, gps communication, and mobile communication, and here and there and this story with the loss of communication of the plane of the british minister of defense, grant shabs, northern poland, even car navigation does not work normally there, i think there is a similar situation in lithuania somewhere, is this not considered as an act a... i mean even by the standards unfortunately no, by the standards of the fifth article it is not an act of aggression, but from the point of view of military logic, it is obvious preparation for such an act
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of aggression, because if you look at the square, which is now covered by these russian slaves and superimpose this area, well, suppose on the map on the territory of the same, then we will see that the russians are simply testing whether they have enough power of their electronic warfare equipment to extinguish all gps signals, in that including for and at least three baltic states, part of poland - this is what has already been confirmed, and maybe even more. let's take a short break, mr. taras, and after it we'll be right back, but i want to talk about taurus and ramshtein, they say, it won't be online, but live, about all this literally in a minute. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you
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cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, there is an opportunity for free. check with the consultants before delivery: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches, once it’s done, and unlike standard saws saw, it is so convenient to use it in hard -to-reach places, it comes with a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the option of free delivery. deliveries, check with consultants, a powerful saw strong is what you need, call.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make the best roads even better us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday. 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and in fact, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special.
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proper names with miroslava. barchuk. sunday: 17:10 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, we remind you that taras zhovtenko, an expert on international security of the democratic foundation, is with us. while we are talking with mr. taras, we remind you that a qr code and card number regularly appear here, you can use these details to support our collection for the purchase of three cars for various units fighting on the ukrainian fronts, and in the meantime we will also talk about what is needed at the front, this week ramstein 20th is actually the anniversary, on tuesday in germany at the air base, mr. taras, summarize, please, what
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will attract rammstein? well, in fact, i think that in the format of this rammstein, it will be discussed how european countries are primarily ready to replace, so to speak, with their own resources, what in fact the united states of america is gradually, unfortunately, they take a back seat, that is, in terms of defense, support of defense capability in ukraine and the supply of weapons, that is why this ramstein, it will be dedicated to what exactly our... european partners can transfer from what the armed forces of ukraine need us as quickly as possible and, accordingly, what efforts they will need for this, because it is obvious that for our european allies , those previous views, previous visions of the situation with the supply of weapons in ukraine, which were before this, when they all talked about the fact that let's invest money in the defense industry of the eu countries, and we will supply ukraine with 1 million artillery shells for this year, and
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it is obvious that, well... the defense industry of the eu countries does not adjust so quickly under the conditions of a market economy, and actually our european partners changed the point of view a little and now we have the excellent initiative of the president of the czech republic pavel that 800,000 shells for ukraine can be purchased outside the european union, it will be faster that way, and we see that there is a consensus in the european union itself that this is possible do, and actually i think that this model it will be the main, central one on this ramshtan, and they will try, so to speak, to adapt this model to our other needs, including, firstly, in addition to artillery shells, it is obviously about interceptor missiles for anti-aircraft missile systems, used by ukraine, and here too we understand that the united states of america helped us a lot, and we need to look for certain alternatives to this, well, for example, there are factories in germany that
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produce interceptors for the patriot air defense system, as... and these factories are ready to fulfill orders from ukraine and fill the needs of the armed forces of our country, it will also obviously be discussed at ramstein, and alternatives will also be obviously considered in parallel, well, the united states of america has actually already set the tone here, so to speak, a few days ago, because in to the last extreme, it is more accurate and correct to say the aid package from the united states for 400 million dollars, the americans handed us, including cluster ee... atacoms ammunition with a range of 165 km, but it is as if a cluster combat unit, and actually this is something that helps a lot on the battlefield, and by supplementing the power of artillery and very often replacing the lack of artillery shells , we could see the effectiveness of these cluster munitions as early as the summer of last year, so when they appeared, we in fact, they began to push the russians very hard.


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