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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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united by football, stronger together. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all the viewers, and now to the most important events: five civilians were injured due to an enemy attack in mykolaiv, they are in a medium serious condition, informed the head of the region vitaly kim . the russians hit the city twice with ballistic missiles on sunday. there was a lot of destruction in the private sector, in houses, windows and
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roofs were damaged, and windows were blown out in high-rise buildings on the ground by cars. an 86-year-old woman was injured in an enemy attack on myrnograd in donetsk region. at night, the occupiers hit the city with three rockets, which are currently being installed, the regional police informed. eight apartment buildings, three administrative buildings, two shops, two trade pavilions, and a utility company were damaged. and cars. earlier, the russian invaders attacked seledov, injured an elderly woman, enemy shells left the water pumping station without water, more than 12,000 homes were left. there is also a lot of damage and destruction in residential quarters. it's not the right word, i haven't slept yet, but as it was falling, it was fixed yesterday, and today it's the same again. in the city. when
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he fired a guided aerial bomb at the enemy, which also hit a multi -story building, at least five apartment buildings were damaged, and as a result of this shelling, an elderly resident of selybola was injured, investigative and operational teams and paramedic teams worked at the scene, providing all the necessary assistance, the issue of opening criminal proceedings on both facts is currently being resolved, which... will be sent to the security service in ukraine. russian rebels announced that they captured the village of horkivska in the belgorod region of russia, the siberia battalion reports. they claim to have taken full control of the local administration building. in confirmation , a video was released showing that the military is removing the russian state and municipal flags from the premises of the administration. meanwhile, the authorities of the region said that after the work of the air defense there. they have one dead
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and 11 wounded, and they are also allegedly damaged houses and cars. do not be silent, captivity kills. almost half a thousand people took part in an action in kyiv demanding the return of prisoners of war. relatives and friends of the prisoners want to remind that almost a thousand defenders of mariupol have been in prison for over a year and a half. in russian captivity, the demonstrators also commemorated the victims of the russian airstrike on the drama theater in mariupol. similar actions were also held today in kharkiv, kremenchuk, kovel, ovruch, poltava, chernivtsi, ivano-frankivsk, lutsk and kryvyi rih. and how will you take us, there every day, they say there all the time, nobody needs you, ukraine has abandoned you, and that's all the time.
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they drip like that, but as far as i remember, we didn't believe in it, and i'm sure that the guys don't believe either, and probably these are our actions, they are somehow, i believe in these higher forces that send them signals , that we have not forgotten about them here, this is the minimum we can do for the boys who are still in captivity, we are already in the third spring, as they are in captivity, to go out for a few ... in this way solidarity and remind other people, that it is important to do, it is true the little we can do for guys france may deploy its troops in ukraine to confront russia. a ground operation may be necessary at some point, french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with the lemt newspaper. in this way, he confirmed his statement regarding the possible placement of the western army on the territory of our state. he also added that he does not... want to take
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the initiative, but at the same time, his country has the opportunity to do so. a terrible accident happened. on the dnipro-zaporizhia highway, there a minibus with passengers flew into a ditch and overturned, previously known about three killed, more than a dozen passengers were injured, children are among the injured, medics and law enforcement officers are working on the scene, the causes of the accident are currently unknown. protests of polish farmers. starting today, the participants of the action will begin to block the polish-german border in shvedsk, which is not far from frankfurt on the... oder. the action will last for four days, deutschewele writes about it. the newspaper notes that all traffic lanes will be closed in both directions. the autobahn, where the protest will take place, connects berlin and warsaw. about 17,000 trucks move through it every day. requirements builders are unchanged. the ban on the import
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of agricultural products from ukraine and the review of the european agricultural policy. russian terror in europe, at least 873 passenger planes with civilians on board lost navigation due to russian electronic warfare. they are located in kaliningrad, work at full capacity and cover an increasingly large area, osting analysts claim. earlier it became known that the aircraft of the british minister of defense grant shaps lost the signal while flying near kaliningrad. 55 countries of the organization the united nations condemned putin's elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, but their legitimacy is highly questionable in refia itself. the process of conditional expression of will was stretched for three days, without opposition
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candidates, without independent observers, under the muzzles of machine guns. traditionally, the russians only managed to passively protest. chanting, explosive mixtures and mass protests. without a single opposition candidate or independent observers, the third and final day of the so-called presidential election continues in russia. at 12 o'clock in different cities actions called noon without putin began in the country and abroad. law enforcement officers began to detain activists. voters who do not agree with the dictator's policies came to the polling stations at noon and formed huge queues at the entrance. in this way , he tries to demonstrate the scale of the protest. they also publish corrupted bulletins on social networks, on which russians wrote about their disagreement with the war and expressed their negative attitude towards putin. the authorities called the action extremist, so it was inevitable traditional detentions. at least 60 voters were placed in the auto bags. in the capital of georgia,
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tbilisi, citizens of the russian federation gathered on the central street of rustaveli. similar actions were also held in cyprus, new zealand, japan, armenia, turkey and australia. and in moldova it will be delayed. the man who threw a molotov cocktail over the fence of the russian embassy, ​​where voting is ongoing. there were no casualties, and the station continued its work. the process of voting for the new putin in ukraine will end at 8:00 p.m. the most massive in the world yes, the media has already managed to christen the upcoming general elections in india. almost a billion voters will take part in them. also , almost 15 million civil servants will be involved in their implementation. voting in ukraine should begin on april 19 and last seven weeks in seven stages. india uses electronic machines for will detection. voters cast their votes by pressing the button next to the candidate's name and party symbol.
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almost 25 political parties are expected to nominate their candidates. the current prime minister is narendra modi will run for a record third consecutive term. high-climbing penguins: ukrainian polar explorers in antarctica spotted a sub-antarctic penguin that built a nest at an altitude of almost 300 m above sea level. previously, the highest point where scientists saw the nests of these birds was at an altitude of 180 m. biologists say that, in general, subantarctic penguins like to nest at elevations, because this increases the chances of successful breeding . but why? which birds climb so high, in fact, they still have no logical explanation. and i want to remind you about our collection for of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade. the military urgently needs mavics and
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fpv drones. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we were able to collect more than uah 280,000. join the gathering and help our armed forces. you can see all the details now. on the screen. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch on youtube. our team is working to ensure that you see an updated news release already at 6 p.m.
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greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today we will talk about the outstanding artist, sixty-year-old alu gorska, about how today's full-scale war, the war with russia, manifests. expresses the destinies of the whole generation of sixties, which we have not finished reading, did not evaluate, no no saw and did not feel, and this is exactly how the events that are happening now, how they express the fate of an entire generation and, in particular, of alegorskaya. olena grozovska, an art critic, is on my air, i congratulate olena. good evening. olena is the co-curator of the ongoing exhibition. in kyiv, in a ukrainian house, and the exhibition is called "alagorska boreviter". we
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will talk a lot more about this exhibition, about what can be seen at it, it has already opened and you can visit it. but i will start with the name borewiter. boreviter is the same name of one of the mosaics, which was performed, in particular by ala gorska and the group, yes. opanas zalevakh was there with a group of her colleagues in mariupol in 1967. i want to clarify opanas zelovakh at that time , he was in prison in prison from 1965 to 1970 for anti-soviet propaganda propaganda, that is, there was another group, that is, they were there she had a lot in various creative groups, but zaretsky was there. there was zubchenko, that is, pryshedko, by the way,
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zubchenko, there are many mosaics in mariupol, but the fact is that the fact is that these the mosaics were destroyed by the russians in the 22nd year, when you were thinking about the philosophy of the exhibition and the name, you had this in mind when you called it boriviter, absolutely, but the whole hall of the ukrainian house should be dedicated to it. precisely to these mosaics and destroyed mariupol and precisely to this resonance of the fate of gorska, yes, because this is really a person who experienced many tragedies and dismantling, destruction of works and expulsion from the artists' union and later brutal murder, and even today we have destroyed mosaics, that is... this whole story continues today, unfortunately, this
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this boreviter, he, and there is another tree of life, that’s right, it’s such a kind of palimses, because they were opened there by some repair of it, they were covered up, they were somehow there or closed, so the tree life in general spent 40 years under a brick, and well, shortly before... uh, full-scale invasion, this mosaic was opened, but for a very short time, actually now they are in a terrible state, i'm not sure if they can be restored and if anyone will do it, in general, unfortunately, actually we we have only two mosaics now in controlled ukraine territory, because gorska worked a lot in the east of ukraine, mosaics remained in donetsk, but there is only one mosaic left in mariupol, well, we do not know at least about
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its current state, but some time ago it was intact, and this is a very, very pity, once again, a separate section of the exhibition will be dedicated to the monumental heritage of gorska this is a very important topic in the context of gorsky, because it is actually the only one. the sphere where she had the opportunity to realize herself as an artist, because precisely in these mosaics, in the monumental. mariupoli, and you say that everything is destroyed, here i am monumental art, who were in i want to show one book by oleksandr chernov and stanislav ivanov, these are actually researchers
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who collected and photographed everything, it is called all. mariupol mosaics, it is not only alya gorska, in fact, there are also various mosaic artists here, and this is what was actually saved from the fact that we, i understand that everything has already been destroyed there in mariupol, and at least we, we'll know what, what we've lost, please, please mariupol is generally the city where there were most mosaics, it was very actively rebuilt after the second world war. but in the end there were no such destructions as today, and there , i think, about 20 generally large works of mosaics, by different authors, existed before this tragedy, what remained there, we do not know at the moment 20 years, i read the 67th in 1987, these, these
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mosaics were made there, please tell me: please, how, what, what is the significance of aleigorsky, we will talk about her identity, her civic position, but now i want to start with culture, yes, because actually what you show at the exhibition, what is its meaning, for a person who has not encountered her work, what is its meaning, and you know, the exhibition is large-scale, the figure is incredibly large-scale , and you can talk about gorska in different aspects, and we talk about her... we talk about her as an artist and as a dissident and as the center of this sixties movement, which is very important in general for our history and modern history, and how this is the heart of the dissident movement in ukraine, and about various aspects of it
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creative path and communities of social development. this is actually a hall of mosaics, a separate hall will be dedicated to her works, her creative tandem with les tanyuk, these are five performances that never came out, they were also banned, and that's all she has, all her works , costumes, scenery, yes or so, two two two performances were banned already at the stage of general rehearsals, they were supposed to come out, and this is true... this could change the face and history of ukrainian theater in general, because in these works she turns to the tradition of the avant-garde of the 20s, to creativity petrytskyi, who inspires her a lot, and these are absolutely bold, very interesting decisions, scenographic, absolutely innovative, and
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again, all this remained only in the form of sketches. whom we represent, and separately, of course, we will talk about gorska's circle, about her like-minded people, about the choice of identity itself, about the choice, the choice of ukrainianness, about the discovery of ukrainian culture by her, already at a sufficiently mature age, we must remember this, that she was already about 30 when she switches to ukrainian, when she learns the vida language. because she didn't teach at school her, and in general she is a person who, let’s say , there were no prerequisites for this, because she grew up in such a nomenclature soviet family, her father, he is a high-level soviet official, he headed the yalta
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film studio, then leningrad, then kyiv, and she... she also had an absolutely cloudless childhood, studying at an art school, then studying at an institute, the beginning of the career of this very powerful, traditional career of a soviet artist, yes, and then everything changes dramatically, yes, and she opens for herself ukraine, ukrainian culture, she is starting to learn the language, i am learning it at a good level, she writes her diaries in ukrainian. she starts to do some things that at that time no one expected her to do, but who knows what happened later? that a person chooses such an identity in, you know , it's hard to say, i think it's a sum of influences , a sum of factors, i think that the same ktm,
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creative youth club had an influence, because it changed her environment, and new people appeared near her , very interesting, very bright, young people, with with which they began to make performances, they begin to make shevchenko holidays , but no no not like this, not as, as it is practiced, so in the soviet union, they open, shevchenko, as severstyuk said, bronze shevchenko, and again well, in this context, we can talk about her stained glass window, because in which absolutely, let's talk about the stained glass window, let's finish about the creative youth club, it takes place in the 60s, i understand correctly, the 60s, in general, the opening of the club is very interesting the background of this, that is, i know that his is like that too
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a kind of potemkin village was planned, a delegation from canada was to come to ukraine, and they wanted to see the club where young people spend their time. and very quickly they set up this club, but it started to live some kind of thing, it got out of control, it started to live some kind of life of its own, and very quickly they realized that it was dangerous, but there was nothing they could do, it was already in another palace, so they gathered, so they were allocated, again, this is under the guidance of the komsomol, they were allocated a room, and they start there... several sections, they start putting on performances, they start discussions , they hold creative evenings dedicated
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to repressed artists, and they are for a moment and stus and simenenko and leshtan, and svetlichnyi and all, that is, the whole whole, this whole group of people, you have already mentioned about the stained glass window, you mentioned the stained glass window called mother shevchenko, please tell me. what kind of story was this, because her loss, that is, the tragedy of fate, it is somehow repeated all the time, the fact that none of her theatrical work was embodied, and all of it was destroyed, that's one thing, and now stained glass window, what kind of stained glass window is this, what kind of story is this, and the story is quite well known, moreover, i would say that they know about gurska, mostly thanks to this dramatic event, it was opened at all. for himself, the image of shevchenko, and until now, until the 60s, he has already experienced many waves, sacralization, desacralization,
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that is, shevchenko was different, very different, bronze, and not bronze, yes, but hungary finds its shevchenko, and this is a very expressive image, it really is. unlike anything, and very, very powerful, this is such a fierce, angry shevchenko, and eh, it's on grotesque, it's very bold, even today, stained glass, it's decided not so expressively, but it impresses, it really does not, absolutely does not correspond to this soviet dogma about this singer. of slavery and the singer of the friendship of peoples, yes, this is the angry shevchenko, who embraces mother ukraine, and this
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story, and he also makes such a threatening gesture, with a punishing right hand above his head, he holds, holds a kobzar in one hand, threatens others, and this everything is accompanied by an inscription, i will explain. i will put a word to these dumb slaves and watch out for them, and i find it very ironic also because it is the same as ktm started with some absolutely soviet such idea, so that it was the 150th anniversary of shevchenko, so it is in the red building of the university, the red building of the university, and actually, when they present the model in real life size, and the rector, seeing this in the morning, he for... repents and with his own hand he destroys this stained glass window, just a window sill, there are, i have memories of mykhailyna kotsyubynska, actually another brilliant sixty-year-old, he says:
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she quotes the words of the rector, who says : why is the mother of ukraine so sad, what court, what punishment and who is taras calling on, in general, why is ukraine behind bars, because we will actually show it and show it like this, actually in this stained glass window, it looks like an arrest, it could have been like that, but it seems to me that it is like this, well, they talk about it, that is, they see playing there, well, probably there was not even such an idea there. but, well, it really is like that, and in general, this topic is with shevchenko, ktm and actually the youth at that time, they are really turning to shevchenko again and are starting to disarm him, they are starting to side with these soviet boring and insincere celebrations, they need to find some tradition of their own, and they are starting
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to honor shevchenko even more. may 22 is the day of the reburial, and it causes terrible resistance in the government offices, and it seems to me that some komsomol functionary is also writing a resolution that, god forbid, the commemoration of shevchenko on may 22 offends the brotherly russian people, like that. this is a documentary quote, because i am already a consequence, i am a witness of the consequences of this, because actually this is how i understand that you say that it is alaskan this tradition, well, one of those who started this it is a tradition to lay flowers to shevchenko on may 22, and when i was a student, we studied, i studied in the yellow building, and we knew that on june 22 you cannot lay
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flowers, because... you can be summoned to the komsomol committee, you can be called out of the party, those who were part of the party can be expelled, because this is the quote that you hate, it is lunch, and it lasted until 1989, this is again a story about persistence and how, how is it all continues to influence, and in general, if we talk about ktm and about this one, let's say this circle of gorska, it seems to me that... that it was such a germ of civil society, that is, everything that this entire network of solidarity, which we see today, and the volunteer and aid network, was formed just then, in its modern form , sometimes these are the same liu people, their descendants, it's just a continuous tradition from there, and i now remember this poem written by stus. about her,
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cheer up your soul, cheer up and don't cry, and he says about these germs of this civil society, that we are small little beings, only for prayers and hopes, and but, but i want to say that i was impressed, this generation of people born somewhere between 20, 1928 and 45, in the west, this generation is called the silent generation. and it seems to me that in ukraine, well, actually, it was also a silent generation, if it weren't for the sixties, that is , it's really such a small group of people, but they found their voice and they created, created a completely different face of the generation. you said ostap zalevakh, uvan zalevakh was arrested in 65, 65, that is,
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this is this wave of arrests in 65. he writes about internationalism or russification and he gets up and talks about the wave of arrests at the premieres of the shadow of parajanov's forgotten ancestors, and in principle, this is really not a silent generation, because there are people who speak, who speak, i understand that behind it aleya gorska was being watched and she knew that she was being watched, so absolutely, moreover, she knew some of them in the face of these fathers... thugs
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