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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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at 5 p.m., a news release on the espresso tv channel is for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. an unknown kamikat drone attacked a military unit in transnistria, the so-called ministry of state security of the unrecognized region said. it is about one of the parts on the territory of teraspol. there was an explosion, after which a fire broke out. all this is allegedly due to a drone strike. local telegram channels also publish videos showing how the helicopter caught fire. eight previously without victims. five civilians were injured in an enemy attack in mykolaiv. they are in a moderate condition. among traumatized girl with shrapnel wounds. the child was given first aid on the spot, after which he was hospitalized, the regional police said. many destructions in the private sector are recorded in the city, windows and roofs are damaged in houses, and windows are also blown out in high-rise buildings. humiliation cars, some of them
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caught fire, so rescuers had to put them out. let me remind you that the russians hit mykolaiv twice with rockets on a forgiven sunday afternoon, before with iskanders. the russians also attacked sumy region. an hour ago, the enemy struck twice on the city's infrastructure, the regional administration informed. the consequences of the shelling are being clarified. and the russian insurgents announced that they captured in ... in the belgorod region of russia, the siberia battalion reports. they claim to have taken full control of the local administration building. in confirmation , a video was released showing that the military is removing the russian state and municipal flags from the premises of the administration. meanwhile, the authorities of the region said that after the work of the air defense there, they have one dead and 11 wounded. also, allegedly, there are damaged houses. and cars. 55 countries
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of the organization of the united nations stopped the election of putin in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. but even in erefia itself, their legitimacy is very doubtful. the process of conditional expression of will was extended for three days. without opposition candidates, without independent observers, and fake machines. traditionally, the russians only managed to passively protest. spoiled ballots, explosive mixtures and mass protests, without a single opposition candidate and independent observers, the third and final day of the so-called presidential elections is underway in russia. at 12 o'clock in different cities of the country and abroad, actions called noon without putin began. law enforcement officers began to detain activists. voters who do not agree with the dictator's policies came to the polling stations at noon and formed huge queues at the entrance. in this way he tries.
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to demonstrate the scale of the protest, they also publish corrupted bulletins on social networks, on which russians wrote about their disagreement with the war and expressed their negative attitude towards putin. the authorities called the action extremist, so it was not without traditional detentions. at least 60 voters were placed in the auto bags. in the capital of georgia, tbilisi, citizens of the russian federation gathered on the central street of rustaveli. similar actions also took place in cyprus, new zealand, japan, armenia, and australia; in moldova , a man was arrested who threw a molotov cocktail over the fence of the russian embassy, ​​where voting continued, there were no casualties, and the polling station continued its work, but the widow oppositionist oleksii navalny, yulia navalna voted in berlin, she stood in line outside the embassy along with other russians, they applauded and chanted her name, and also held anti-putin banners, because such protests are possible only abroad. the motor vehicle accident occurred
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on the dnipro-zaporizhia highway, where a minibus with passengers flew into a ditch and overturned. it is previously known that three people died. more than a dozen passengers. were injured, children are among the injured, medics and law enforcement officers are working on the spot, the causes of the accident are currently unknown unknown protection against potential threats. safety audits help identify problem areas in communities and improve them. this project is implemented in 14 regions of the country by a consortium of six women's organizations, including the ukrainian public health foundation with the support of the government apparatus. on issues of gender policy of kateryna levchenko. so, our correspondents saw how security issues were resolved in the lviv region. well, i was like two and choose a color, it will be purple. pupils of the bibersky support
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lyceum play board games in the shelter during air alarm, in order to create a comfortable and safe space for schoolchildren, the local authorities equipped a protective structure. we bought. here are such functional things that help them learn effectively, this is actually a projector, tables, chairs, they bought a lot of games, heating was done, a security audit was conducted in the biber territorial community, steering cities directed their efforts to improve the areas near educational institutions and hospitals , here we fenced off the environment. what else are schools for, because really, schoolchildren stood under the open sky, this also the safety of children, transportation , anything can happen because there is a guard, it is already guarded and fenced off , inclusive toilets have been installed in public institutions,
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ramps have been made and escalators have been purchased, so in the biber community they are trying to take care of people with inclusive needs, we are now we are in the resource room. which is equipped for children with special educational needs, there are classes, remedial classes with such children, in the fall of 2023 , training was organized for community representatives within the framework of the women's project peace, security, responses to the challenges of war. after that, local authorities, together with activists and law enforcement officers, conducted a safety audit on two routes, as a result, they found safety. threats and eliminated them, during the night period we went to the territory in the same way, we saw problematic places, namely the playground was for children and there was not very strong lighting, we carried out the lighting of the given territory along the given route, as well as the installation of sewer hatches and re- performed and installed the pedestrian zebra crossing
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transition, conducted a security audit for the first time ukrainian public health foundation back in 2019 after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the methodology was updated, because now security issues are related to the challenges of war. but in fact , our experience has shown that there are many common problems in the context of women's security in the east and the west. a security audit is such a tool, which primarily allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security, that is, in fact, the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want. to go and spend in order to understand, and really this road, or this lighting, or this or that traffic junction, what should be done? 28 communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine participated in territory security audits. this tool helps transform dangerous urban
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spaces into safe ones and prevent violence. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our assembly of the 74th battalion. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and you and i can help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we were able to collect more than 280,000. join our gang and help the armed forces. you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, our team is working so that you can see the updated news release already at 20:00, well, you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. my colleague mykola continues the broadcast
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september. good health, ladies and gentlemen , my name is mykola verysyn, i would like to apologize to mr. oleksiy melnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs of the rozumkov center, because i will take a minute and a half, i will take time, why will i take it, because in the morning i was looking at various news feeds, well today is st. patrick's day in ireland, i decided to find out if there are any connections to ukraine? it turned out to be very interesting, so st. patrick is ireland, yes, they went there
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the normans, i.e. the varangians, saw that he was a christian, they liked it, they returned to their home there in sweden or norway, and then from there they went to kyiv, and supposedly the people of kyiv heard about the christian religion for the first time, not from the south, as we are sure understood, from chersonesus tavriskyi. and from the north together with the normans, the zvoryags, as they were also called there, what does this mean? this means that ukrainian historians have to study the realities for a very long time, because all this was imposed by russia, as we know, and then it was said that this is all byzantium, and we are from byzantium and christianity, or maybe it wasn't like that, or maybe it was different in different regions of ukraine , that's the story, that's how i was preparing for the program today, and now... oleksiy melnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy programs of the oleksandr center for international security reasonable. good
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health, mr. oleksiy, thank you for finding time for us on sunday, it is always interesting to listen to you, and i ask not only you, but everyone, why odessa, there are some internal ones there, i understand that you are not a psychiatrist , but putin still needs a psychiatrist, but something is going on in his head putin, why exactly on ode. he oppresses and kills odessans so zealously, congratulations, mr. mykola , thank you for the invitation, why odesa, in my opinion, there are several reasons here, is it possible to explain why odesa in particular, why kharkiv in particular, first of all, it is the most russian-speaking cities were before the large-scale and for putin, it is the residents of these places that he understands
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as traitors, because for him all russian-speakers should welcome the russian liberation army, and therefore this resistance that was in kharkiv, that was in odesa, is how you noted, perhaps such a psychological trigger for putin and his team. well, the second or second explanation is purely from a military point of view, because these are easy targets for russian drones, for russian ballistics, if we are talking about kharkiv, for example, because almost the entire stretch of the path that this missile flies to odessa, or the missile is ballistic, takes place over the sea, where there are no ukrainians. their anti-aircraft forces, where there are no mobile groups that can
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destroy the shaheds, so at least two reasons, and the fact that the russians are constantly there they themselves say, this is odessa, well, if you believe their statements, then it is a solid military base, that's why they constantly destroy there mercenaries, foreigners, huge warehouses with weapons and so on, mr. oleksiy, look... the basis for this question was two pieces of information. colleague saplyaenko said that there is a secret order from shoigu to mobilize 300,000 residents, including those from the temporarily occupied territories. second, the russian federation is sending more and more foreigners to war. we know that there are hindus and black people from africa and so on. is it in your opinion. thinks that putin does not want to take people to the front with such traditional
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russian territory, that he is afraid that there will be some mutiny or some kind of discontent, not only in moscow, leningrad, which we know about, well, in st. petersburg, but let's say over there in the urals or over there in siberia, there are a lot of people there, well, not as many as in the european part, but there are enough people, but for some reason they don't get there , so many, but the temporarily occupied territories, if you believe, colleague tsaprienko, and foreigners from nepal, from india, from africa, they are increasingly captured, and we see it. we just see what you think , first of all, this was one of our biggest miscalculations, in the sense that all the experts, ukrainian intelligence, thought that there would be a certain threshold after which the russian population would start
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protesting against this war, and this threshold somewhere we saw about 15... thousand dead , that is, it is something on the level of afghanistan, we remember, you and i at least remember for sure, that somewhere towards the end of the 80s there were already quite powerful, powerful protest moods, even in the soviet union, against that the campaign that the soviet union organized in afghanistan, this did not happen in russia, the losses have already exceeded these, well, at least 20 times, and the protests are like a storm in the making, no more than what concerns, eh, but still such a threat is internal destabilization, that is why, first of all, russia is betting on certain remote regions, and as a matter of fact, there are journalistic investigations where statistics of confirmed dead people
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from various russian territories are given, and it is this distribution there that is very nervously uneven, the most... depressing , distant from moscow region, as far as foreigners are concerned, the so-called far abroad, actually there, well, we can talk about hundreds, well, maybe several thousand, that is, it is not the main resource, although russia does not neglect it either, er, foreigners who are of great interest to the russian ministry of defense, these are wage earners who came from the former soviet republics, and they are simply... faced with the fact, that is, either you have a choice of deportation or prison for illegal stay on the territory of russia, or to sign a contract, and sometimes this even happens with oman , that is, he is given this ee immigrant sign like some kind of paper, and he himself doesn't even know that he has already signed the contract, and
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the most interesting thing about this is what you say about the occupied territories, because when it comes to... er, the statistics of russian losses, even foreign journalists always write such a note at the end that it is practically impossible to collect this data in the temporarily occupied territories, therefore russia is obviously exhausting everything possible, they have already exhausted the so-called ordlo territories, and now unfortunately, many of those men who remained in the occupied territories of zaporizhzhya. of the kherson region, it is obvious that forced mobilization awaits them. look, again, this is a question that is just floating around, and here, it means, it is being asked in different ways by journalists, these raids of russian legionnaires, which are reported, budanov says that they are becoming a force, we will
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help, they say that we captured horkovskyi, the village of horkovskyi. residents of belgorod region are outraged by the elections during the hostilities, well, the elections in russia, we will talk about this later, what do you say, how much seriously and to what extent can you believe this at all, because here in the newsroom, when we discuss, the skepticism is quite high, there are no such, you know, solid confirmations that they came in, they attack, they go, and a lot of investigators say that it stinks fake, what do you say? how much do we need them and how effective are they, well, i would say so, these russian, that is, the so-called troops? well, here, a few theses need to be voiced, the first is that you absolutely correctly defined it as raids, that is, it is not an offensive, this is not an attempt to seize these territories, these are
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raids, and a raid means a move and then an exit from these territories is foreseen. after a certain time, the second thing, which is also important to remember, is that such operations are really a special operation, and such special operations should not be carried out by the decision of the head of gur, but such things are carried out with the approval of the highest military-political level of the state, because these are not only human resources, not only... material resources, but also military-political, political goals and risks, and i am in this. situation , i would even talk about geopolitical risks, because even if ukraine had the opportunity to occupy a small part of the territory of the russian
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federation, it can be said with great confidence that it would not be rejected or supported by our partners, and if additional frictions really arise with our western ones. partners, then this is not at all what is needed for ukraine, well, and as a third party, regarding the results, well, and possibly a whole of such actions, then i would say that it is obvious that at the moment, the result is already there, the very fact that putin mentioned these raids, these battles, indicates that this causes big problems for the russian government. well, that is, those who directly suffer from this,
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i think that this is also a certain effect in that dissatisfaction, certain questions that concern not only moscow, but also the armed forces of the russian federation, whether they should defend belgorod, do they need capture even more new aldiivka, and the main question, i put it off until last, mr. macron confirmed the plans that it is possible, it is possible, it is possible to send french troops to ukraine, we can do it - he said, we will do it today and continue to pay attention, what do you say, is this reality or is this... let's try to analyze what happened from the moment
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of macron's first statement, it was made during a meeting in paris, and his statement, well, it was just an explosion, and the first reaction was, this is an absolutely total rejection by everyone participants, objections, and well... a very critical short time turned into a discussion of how it is possible, this is not such a provocative idea, regarding the practical implementation of such an initiative, first of all, what i would like to say, exactly these troops there will not be, if such forces are sent to ukraine, they will not be units that without... on average will take part in hostilities right on the contact line, but i think that in the process of discussion, acceptable
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options can be found from the point of view of international law , with from the point of view of how it can be justified for western societies, for western politicians, well, for example, when macron talked about odesa, then, going back to the beginning of our conversation, the vulnerability of odesa is that there are not enough means of air defense, that is, why not to discuss with french partners the possibility of redeployment of several air defense units, not for the protection of military objectives, not for the protection of the front line, but for the protection of civilian residents of the civilian infrastructure of odesa, in addition, for example, we can talk about the use of something like peacekeeping or stabilization forces on
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the ukrainian-transnistrian border, where from time to time russia tries to incite a conflict, today there was also a rather strange explosion on the territory of a military base, because, as i said, the what looked at the time of the statement as provocative is completely impossible. currently , there is already support in the discussion process, so let's watch. thank you very much, oleksiy melnyk, military expert, co-director of foreign policy programs and of the international security center named after oleksandr rozumkov was with us. thank you very much, now there will be advertising, then we will still not return from international topics, we will talk about international circumstances with oleh savakyan , the founder of all. national platform for sustainability and cohesion, but now there will still be a four-minute commercial. usual tasks become
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25% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends, politclub is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help
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disassemble in the present and to predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, as i promised, oleg sahakyan will be the co-founder of the national platform of sustainable stability and cohesion, he is not there yet, because they say he already is, they managed to recruit, this is great, great news, mr. oleg , thanks for finding it it's time for us, well, what is the first question for mr.
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oleh, since he is a co-founder of the... platform of stability and resilience, the first question is whether congress speaker johnson, he will be able to rally congress around the fact that ukraine receives money from the united states of america , as far as we can believe, we understand that what is in mr. johnson's head, well, no one knows, but some kind of feeling, because it really changes every week, one week, i at least, oh, they will hardly give, the second week, oh, faster can they will give, the third will not be given again, and so on, which ones do you have thoughts on this please? don't hear, don't hear, hello, but you see, we're to blame again, it's not mr. oleg, it's our fault, it's the hardware, the experts are sitting there, he doesn't have a sound, he'll say that they're innocent, you see.


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