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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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based on what? on the basis of the fact that humanitarian aid was not distributed correctly, it was taken over by hamas, and of course people who are considered civilians, who are not involved in terror, did not receive this aid, and because of that these clans united, it is possible , they will also be able to help where the children of these refugees go. thank you very much, thank you very much svitlana glaz, a journalist from israel, told us everything in detail, and even i... stole 27 seconds from iryna koval, who is waiting to talk about the news on espresso tv. good bye.
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20:00 in ukraine, news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i will start the program with the fact that enemy attack drones are moving in various regions of our country. currently, an air alert has been declared, even in most of our country. it has already been announced in the kyiv region. so if you happen to be in the exact location where the air alert has been issued. stay in safe places. and to the situation in mykolaiv, one of the victims of a rocket attack on the city died in the hospital there, the state emergency service reported. more five wounded remain under observation in the hospital. among them is a little girl, she has shrapnel wounds. in the city, there is a hit to an infrastructure object, damaged gas networks, a lot of destruction in the private sector. almost fifty houses were damaged. windows and roofs, as well as glass windows
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in high-rise buildings, were damaged, cars were damaged, some of them caught fire, so the rescuers had to put them out. let me remind you that the russians hit mykolaiv twice with rockets on a forgiven sunday in the afternoon, previously it was the iskanders. the russians wounded a 72-year-old man man in vovchansk, kharkiv region, his house was destroyed by the enemy during the bombardment of the city by guided aerial bombs. the terrorists broke into the residential sector around 3 p.m., the regional police reported about it. as a result of the hit , the man's village caught fire, he is in the hospital. in dnipro , the commander of the tsunami regiment, oleksandr hostishchev, was taken on his last journey. a 41-year-old policeman from dnipro was killed during a russian missile attack on odesa on march 15. since 2014, oleksandr has participated in...
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the military operations in donetsk region. later he took the lead patrol police in luhansk region, and later in odesa region. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the law enforcement officer was appointed commander of the combined battalion of the police of the odesa region, tsuna. under his command , fighters fought in the kherson direction, liberated the village of david brit and the city of kherson itself. today we said goodbye to the hero. his comrades, friends, brothers and relatives came. he was decisive, courageous, fair, and people always followed him, indeed, the memory of oleksandrashche, he will always be in our memory, in our thoughts, in our hearts, in ours. today we say goodbye to a friend, a patriot of ukraine, my personal friend.
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friend, to whom i am grateful for personally, for my life, this is very painful, we will definitely take revenge. france can deploy its troops in ukraine to confront russia. a ground operation may be necessary at a certain point - french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with the lemont newspaper. in this way , he confirmed his statement regarding the possible placement. of the western army on the territory of our country, also added that he does not want to take the initiative, but at the same time his country has the ability to do so. the authorities of the kurdish region said that after the work of the local air defense, they had one dead and 11 wounded. also, houses and cars are allegedly damaged. earlier , russian insurgents announced that they had captured the settlement of horkivskyi in
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the belgorod region of russia, the siberia battalion reports. they claim to have taken full control of the building of the local administration, as a confirmation they released a video showing that... the military is removing russian state and municipal flags. russian provocation. thus, the main intelligence agency of ukraine described the drone attack on a military unit in unrecognized transnistria. the same opinion is held by the bureau of reintegration of moldova. they emphasized that this was an attempt to provoke fear and panic in the region. but they added that the helicopter, which... in the video published in the meeting has not been working for several years, also the official of chisinau ruled out the arrival of the drone from ukraine. let me remind you, the self-proclaimed authorities of transnistria declared about a drone attack on a military unit in teraspol, which allegedly caused an explosion there
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and a mi-8 rotorcraft caught fire. in russia , polling stations officially closed at 8:00 p.m., but even before the end of this farce, 55 countries of the united nations condemned putin's elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, and in erefia itself, their legitimacy is highly questionable. the process of conditional expression of will was stretched for three days, without opposition candidates, without independent observers, under the muzzles of machine guns. traditionally, the russians only managed to passive protest. spoiled ballots, explosive mixtures and mass actions. protest without a single opposition candidate and independent observers in russia ended the third and final day of the so-called presidential elections. actions called noon without putin were held in various cities of the country and abroad. voters who do not agree with the dictator's policies came to the polling
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stations at noon and formed huge queues at the entrance. in this way, they tried to demonstrate the scale of the protest. corrupt ballots are also published on social networks. on them, russians wrote about... their disagreement with the war and expressed a negative attitude towards putin. the authorities called the action extremist, so it was not without traditional detentions, at least 60 voters were placed in auto-racks. in the capital of georgia, tbilisi, russian citizens gathered on the central street of rustaveli, in the czech republic, activists burned an effigy of the kremlin dictator and erected a banner "prague against putin" on the central street. similar actions were also held in cyprus, new zealand, and japan. i do not i am waiting for the results, to be honest, i have learned to wait, today it is important to live every day in such a way as to do at least something against putin. in moldova, a man was arrested who threw a molotov cocktail over the fence at the russian embassy, ​​where voting continued,
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there were no casualties, so the precinct continued its work. but yulia navalny, the widow of the opposition leader oleksiy navalny, voted in berlin. she lined up outside the... embassy with other russians, they applauded and chanted her name and held anti-putin signs banners, because such protests are possible only abroad. meanwhile, polling stations have already closed and the counting of votes has begun. putin, putin, putin, putin, putin. the kremlin authorities traditionally report an extremely high turnout, more than 70%. russians came to vote for the new putin. the most massive in the world. yes, the media has already managed to christen the upcoming general elections in india. almost a billion voters will take part in them. also,
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almost 15 million civil servants will be involved in their implementation. voting in ukraine has will begin on april 19 and will last seven weeks in seven stages. for the sake of revealing. india uses electronic machines, voters cast their votes by pressing a button next to the candidate's name and party symbol. almost 25 political parties are expected to nominate their candidates. incumbent prime minister narendra modi will run for a record third consecutive term. protests of polish farmers. the participants of the promotion will start blocking polish-german from today. the border in shwedsk, which is near frankfurt am orde, the promotion will continue four days, deutschewele writes about it. the newspaper notes that all traffic lanes will be closed in both directions. autobandi will hold a protest, connecting berlin and warsaw, which is used by about 17 thousand trucks every day.
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the demands of the strikers are not variable. the ban on the import of agricultural products from ukraine and the review of the european agricultural policy. and i have to remind you about our collection, we ask you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion. of the second separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields , drones are needed, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 280 thousand. remember, every donation you make is important, so join the collection. you can now see all the details on the screen. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv,
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also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. i want to remind you that the air alarm continues in those in the regions where it has been announced, please stay in safe places because the russians have launched attack drones, it is very dangerous and you know the enemy is very fierce. i am zherina koval, i say goodbye to you, i wish you well. at least on a quiet evening as it can be. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air, i'm vitaly portnikov. we will be in for the next two hours. to talk about the main trends of this week, about prospects, about what is happening, about what will happen,
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our first guest is roman kostenko, national deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. congratulations mr. roman. greetings, so let's start with these drone attacks on oil refineries of the russian federation, today there was another news, fresh, that drones hit a slavic oil refinery. plant, one of the largest plants in the russian federation, the facilities of the rosneft company, owned by one of vladimir putin's closest associates, igor sechin, were attacked yesterday. how important are eyes strikes, to what extent can they disable the oil refining industry of the russian federation and thus create problems for both the russian economy and the russian army? well, everything will depend on their systematicity in the future, this is very important, because we understand and... when the security service was working on this, there, communicating with people
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who are directly engaged in this, they try to strike precisely in those places where the russians use, including specialized specialized machines, which are of european production, which russians are not can recover on their own, yes, the russians have resilience there, we understand that the russians hit us with more powerful missiles and we recovered at the expense of... in our resilience, and that it is so easy not to knock out the russians for a long time, because in there are many of these factories, they are built to different depths on the entire territory of the russian federation, but what we see now, as many as 13, if i am not mistaken, the factories have already been affected, so this affects both exports and internal, at the internal price and in general e. the russians have problems with fuel interruptions inside the russian federation, so i think it is necessary to systematically
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continue this, and in fact there are such possibilities, even just to stop such plants for a while, there for a week, for a month, and if we do it systematically, then we can achieve several directions , first of all, it's the russians, they use fuel there in some factories for waging war, it's the economy of the russian economy of the russian federation, it's internal. the tension of the russians, including those who see the war moving to their territory, and that it is also important that the russians will have to redistribute their air defense , so we see that we are not so well protected by them now, because they are more serious objects, they are considered to be now distributed air defense, and will have to stretch it, this is also beneficial to us, we can then switch to other objects, this is a tactic at the expense of yesterday. russia is a big country and the air defense they have is not enough to close all critical infrastructure facilities. we
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have to use it, and we see that the security service did not touch, this is a weak point of the russians. let's talk about what is happening on the russian border, but today there are already comments about the raids of the so-called russian volunteer formations on the territory of the russian federation, but it is still not clear what is really happening there, whether there really were any ... on the territory of russia itself or on border with russia, how does this also affect the general situation in the war now? well, i think it's more than that. it cannot be said by any such large-scale combat operations, it is a matter, i think, of conducting a special operation specifically by the russians volunteer corps, we understand that their main task was, as we see it, to move hostilities on the territory of russia , including during the elections, and to show, well, to all
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of us, apparently, the population of the russian federation , or those who can, that fighting again . they, well, that putin led to the fact that hostilities are transferred to the territory of the russian federation. where there were specific hostilities, they were conducted locally in several directions, it is clear, well, it is clear that they did not reach a large number there of the russian federation, but i think that the purpose of this event was primarily to show what exactly this volunteer, russian volunteer corps is trying to show. that he is, and he opposes the elections and the regime. and tell me, mr. roman, in principle , what do you hope for the reaction of the residents of the russian federation, that if there are any actions on their territory, they will look at the war differently, they will look at their own government differently, to what extent is this justified? look, i think you should add questions here directly to those who understand them
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hostilities and what they directly hope for, so i have my own... we understand that they are russians, let's say, well, we even see how much they support the russian federation itself, they can, i think that in principle what the russian the volunteer corps is doing it, it's their business, they are fighting and no one can, let's say interfere, interfere with this struggle, we can only help, but the fact that this will give the result is that the russians will look and say, what are we going to do now.. . to join, this is unlikely at the moment, more is needed for this to work, and i think our special services should do this. if we talk about what is happening with the aid to ukraine, and how it can affect the future situation both at the front and in ukrainian cities, now
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there is information from the western media that ukraine can even get rid of missiles for air defense. no immediate measures will be taken, as far as the western allies understand it, what to do in such a situation? well, we see that now, let's say, thanking god is too much for us, let's say so, europe is taking the initiative a little, and still we receive supplies, including the 155th projectile, which, if we are talking about the tactical level, they help us, they help us by other means, the same... but of course the main part of the help we received from of our partners to the united states across the ocean, these were the largest deliveries, and of course, we need to do everything to our diplomats, the leadership of the state, which is responsible for both the conduct of war and international politics, they need to do everything to ensure that these deliveries
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there were, and here are the questions, it will be a loan, it will be a loan list, it will be help, it will be direct purchases. we have to do everything so that there will be , well, there will be no such excuses that we didn't have money, we didn't have it, we didn't have it, we don't have shells, or we couldn't come to an agreement, we need to do everything so that these shells go, that , what is currently happening overseas, of course, does not play into our hands, everyone understands this, and tomorrow now all our efforts are international, they must be thrown there, we arrested deputies there and keep them inside the country and five or six managers decide how i do this issue, we see that it is no longer working, it is not working, it is necessary to throw all the efforts that are available so that the projectiles go on the battlefield, because someone's ambitions are such, they cost the lives of soldiers on the battlefield or the lack of shells, who was there, understands what five or six shells per barrel per day are for a mortar there or for a 155-caliber,
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tell me, mr. roman, what are you can you explain such intense enemy attacks on odesa in recent days? why the attention of russians is so focused on odesa, i am not talking about the fact that, according to certain information, they even find data on the whereabouts of representatives of the military command of certain parts of ukraine in odesa, what is happening, well, i will say, i am also in the south now, and today there were also raids on mykolaiv, including, i think , that they are now hitting it in the south, because, well, first of all, they are hitting, we know from evpatoria, they put iskandera complexes there, which in principle cover their south. i think it's a question of whether they really find the goals and here they have work more the security service of ukraine, we remember when the president was there, strikes were carried out and practically at the moment when he was there, and for military purposes,
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including, now we saw that strikes were carried out and the commander of the tsunami regiment also died , sasha gastyushchiv and the military were also killed there, this is a big loss for ukraine in fact and... and this only shows me that the russians really, the russians really have an intelligence network that leaks information to them, because they are now developing a new tactics, and we can see it specifically in this example, that they initially use their own iskander, he flies into the civilian civilian. building or some kind of building, and literally 15-16 minutes, or 20, they wait, and after that a cluster iskander flies there, which already hits
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everyone who has gathered with shrapnel, that is why we have such losses among the emergency workers and the civilian population, because this is such a terrorist tactic that the russians use, well, it can really be effective only if someone tells them that they have already gathered, or that they can strike. and here, of course, it is the security service of ukraine should work and new rules should be worked out in general for working out the objects that were struck. in principle, if we imagine moscow's further actions, we believe that after putin's elections, which have already ended in fact, russia may have a tougher position on the war, that they will try to carry out a new mobilization, by the way, they are talking about mobilization. 300,000 residents of the occupied territories, i do not understand at all, where does such a figure come from? our intelligence
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does not tell us about it, let's say so, because the intelligence says that they will now try to conduct offensive actions in some specific directions or active actions there, and what we see is that what we call mobilization in the russian federation, we see how they conduct it. they conduct it mainly by hiring contract workers there, because the mobilization itself, like the mobilization of volunteers there, it does not go as well as they would like, and even in some regions, i saw information there yesterday, they raise as material aid , because they had it for a long time realized that the motivation is money, it works, and it's a... fact, if whatever motivation there is on an ideological or patriotic basis, it has to be backed up financially, the russians understood this
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before, and they already used it, and now that they've had their mobilization suspended, they've been ordered to increase their payments, and they 're resuming like that again, so let's say they're recruiting, they're... they're going to maintain the reserves that they have, but what they're there now will directly raise the amount of mobilization there dozens of times in order to to carry out strategic consequences, well , in order to say that, you need to have strategic information , what the intelligence tells us, they do not see this at the moment, what will happen exactly after putin's election, we will see, in principle, you imagine the possibilities for mobilizing such a huge the number of people in the occupied territories? countries, and if we are talking specifically about the occupied territories, and i do not see such a number of people, seeing what numbers we get in our country, seeing what numbers we
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get there, if we reduce the age there, there even 27 to 25, and this is all over the territory of ukraine, so i don't see at all that it is possible to gather 3,000 people there from all over, well, from those occupied territories, from which there are many people. and left, well, it’s difficult to say , i think that if they will call , it will be small numbers, it’s just that there is probably not such a number, if we talk about it already at the end of our conversation with you, you allow the possibility of the appearance of the troops of western countries here, about which there is so much talk now, i admit, i have been talking about it for a long time, it is the troops that are meant personnel, because there are different volunteers there under different... we already have some directions there that help us too, but i allow and i will say that it will be right, and let's say
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the countries that count on leadership in europe. they must understand that they will never have leadership without that, without making such decisions, by the way, i recently spoke with the representatives of france and britain about, they certainly do not rule it out, they are just looking at what scale it will be, but i offered them my version, i said, look, and what i just said about motivation, financial motivation, it is now very important even for professionals on the battlefield, no matter what they say, no matter how they distort finances. motivation, when a soldier joins the army now, it is the basis, and it is correct, in addition to the financial one, of course there should be a veteran policy, social, but it should be the basis, i offered them, i say, look, i have a whole bill of mine 11012 regarding the motivation of the service, and precisely the salary and motivation are what we pay for from our budget, and it is often very painful for us to raise salaries are there, we see that 30,000 have been taken away, i say, take it upon yourself. this
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is a matter of your national security, for example, the destruction of the enemy's military equipment, payments to our soldiers, and it is there, well, it is necessary, well, for example, a billion dollars, france undertakes the destruction of the equipment , because the destruction of the equipment of the russian federation is your issue of your national security, and you do not need to send soldiers here, we will destroy it, and you explain it to your, for example, taxpayers, there germany takes on itself some other direction, britain the other one, and they're... i think it would be no less important than sending our fighters here, and we have to think about that too, because while we're closing ourselves off from that, our fighters, they need another motivation, patriotism , you need to come to the battlefield and talk to the soldiers , our task now, now is to make the 100,000 who are on the first line of infantry, make them a separate caste and make sure that professional people go there, and we have provided
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them with everything they need ... sat on the front line, everyone who is further in the rear, a separate conversation. thank you, thank you, mr. roman, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us. we will continue this conversation in just a few minutes, please stay with us. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm suffocating that there is no health. but what kind of health is there, in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. the new gerovital energy is even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once day. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. riv is a leading manufacturer of windows and materials for windows. ditch. we have been creating
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