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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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stronger together. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. the so-called presidential elections in the russian federation have ended, just a few minutes ago the russian center election commission released the first vote counts, if you can call it that. after processing, 24% of the protocol is active. 88% of the vote, as it should be expect in second place the communist mykola kharitonov, who received four percent of the vote, according to the exit polls of the pro-kremlin party, putin received the same 87% of the vote, as we understand, these are just numbers drawn in the administration of the president of russia, in second place is mykola kharitonov. and on the third, the representative
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of the new people party, vladyslav davankov, well, this is also very conditional, as we understand it, ilya padvarev, former deputy of the state duma, russian oppositionist, we are in touch, congratulations, good evening, i don't know at all , should we discuss these numbers, but it all looks kind of wild, everything in general what i see looks wild, you know, from the queues of russians abroad every day, and for reasons i don't understand, what people even legitimize these elections to.. . which created another queue, but allows its participants to say with pride that they expressed their protest in this way, well, what is it called with personal cynicism, because they do not even give davanka second place in order to humiliate all these queues, which, lined up and until, well, this was needed to expect i believe that there will be an approximately
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equal result between kharitonov and davankov, after all, well, so is vladimir putin, they will give him more than 85%, well, this is a hundred percent probability already, what was the meaning of all these so-called protest actions, can you explain me well, the fact that mr. akats, who organized them, wanted to make money, well, that's all, well, i... i believe that he was speculating on the desire of the russians to do at least something, to do something so that they would consider it safe, although in fact this campaign on polling station, it was not safe, because of course the fsb will record everyone who came there at 12 and after and after that, well, but people wanted to express themselves and... well, this is the good
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news that such people exist, and that there are oppositional sentiments in russia, of course, but people are afraid and do nothing, and that is why what happened today in kyiv, when the radical part of the russian opposition, which supports the volunteer battalions, gathered, and they communicated with them and expressed a program of support for the actions russian battalions, as they are now fighting in kursk and belgorodsky regions, well, this is a real poldin against putin, i just read that yulia navalny also voted in the elections, that she came to the embassy in berlin and said that she wrote the surname navalny in the ballot, but in principle, does the widow have a murdered oppositionist to legitimize the election process, well, look, even from a political point of view, that's navalny. says that she wants
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to be the leader of the opposition there, but they don't write her name, er, that is, a person who can become president, but purely theoretically, ugh well , that is, they do not even count on the fact that there can be any victory and they openly say about it, that is, actions are welcome to actions, then what are the prospects of this entire process, i would say political in the russian federation, even the opposition, when people, who are opponents of the regime, act in the logic of the regime, and most importantly, they perceive this regime as legitimate, you know, even belarusian ones. the head of state, here in principle, look, here is real schizophrenia, they call on western countries not to recognize these elections, but take part in them, how can
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it be done at the same time, i just don't understand, well, it just doesn't make any sense, it's a contradiction with elementary logic, but the only way, just the only... way, is to support an armed protest, to support a real struggle, and i really hope that now many people will be disappointed by these results, maybe they will understand and switch to a new strategy and start supporting the legion of freedom of russia, rdc and others. by the way, about the radical opposition, about what is happening in borderline, in general, can you tell us more about what we can understand? well, there was a real vote there, and even, even putin said that 95.7% of people voted there, well, i believe that they counted our soldiers who came to vote with machine guns and guns, well, if we are
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serious, then our the guys are advancing, they are now on russian territory, there in certain areas they are at a distance of... 30-40 km from the border, in others near the border, but it is not yet clear whether we will be able to receive any there is a lot of territory there or not, but if we can, then there will be a great opportunity to announce an alternative government, a chun government, raise a white-blue-white flag there and announce a new russian republic, in a few villages, as during the uprisings against the bolsheviks? that's it, that's the beginning, then you need to have any territory, now there are not many of us in terms of numbers, and we don't have heavy weapons to expand this zone, but when the international
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community is there, the politicians will see that it's all possible, well, i believe that all these so-called of the red line, they will begin to move and... gradually we receive greater support, what is happening in general with the mood of the russian elite in the situation with putin's elections, with the understanding that the rule will be extended, in general, everyone expects some kind of conditional changes in the regime, that he it will be more repressive that he will get rid of associates, does everyone think that this is the kind of stability that is simply interrupted by a plebiscite, well, everyone hopes for stability, exactly... who does not think that this is a real election, and if it is not real elections, so why expect any changes there, there was a certain lobbyist group, which is connected to the kovalchuk clan, which is trying to put its people there for positions in
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the government and in the presidential administration, but according to my information, putin, well, if the ball now, he will not make any substantial changes there, well , we will see what will happen. medvedev, who already says that ukraine does not exist, and all other former soviet republics do not exist, and all this is already declared with such, i would say, a claim to world domination, i am not talking about the simple destruction of ukraine as
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elementary solution, i believe that medvedev is just playing the clown in order to look safe, first of all for the power elites. and thereby unite them around him so that it is such a compromise figure, because they cannot agree with each other, and they need some kind of political figure? there is a symbol, and that is why he can be a candidate for mr. putin's supporters from this environment, and that is why , i believe, he makes such a radical statement. what is happening in general from the point of view of the intentions of the russians, but you admit that they are military and political will they be ready to go further in some kind of offensive, or will they defend their positions in the occupied territories, what would they really like to achieve? in your opinion, well, i believe that putin will try to bite off pieces
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of territory, first of all in the so-called dnr, in order to improve the negotiating position for the future, because they all expect that trump will be there and that he will force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table, uh, and here it was very interesting what he said, i think the day before yesterday, that... he perceives what we are doing now on the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions , as an attempt to later change this territory to the territory of the zaporizhia and kherson regions, of course we did not have such an opinion, but it is interesting that he thinks so, and here we can be proud that he perceives our power in this way , that we will be able to liberate uh... the same territory that corresponds to the territory of zaporozhye, or could this be just
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an attempt to intimidate the russians to look, you know, like in his youth, when he was a guarantor of security against the backdrop of the chechen war? no, i don't see him scaring the russians, it's not to his advantage now, because he's the president of the so-called stability, and he's pretending... that he's not in control of the situation, someone can seize the territory of russia, it's not his image, it's very bad for him, and that's why i think that no, on the contrary, he tries to play, usually, that nothing like that happens, it's such a simple process that continues, that everything is normal, that everything is under control, and tell me, please, what do you think is the situation, which, according to... consists of the russians with all this talk about negotiations, how adequate is it from the point
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of view of their intentions, why are they doing it? well, i think that putin needs to declare some kind of victory, and the situation when they liberated the so-called dpr and lpr and kept crimea, it will look like the same victory for the vast majority of russians, and they are aiming for that now, and there is zaporizhzhia i and kherson region, because there are parts of the territories there, this is a potential trading card, well, but i believe that even there trump will not be ready to to choose this as a basis for negotiations, you can theoretically offer to zelensky. to adhere to the agreements in istanbul
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that were planned there, but they provided that russia would release all the annexed territories of continental ukraine and keep crimea, i believe that the americans would offer putin to stay in all the annexed territories, that this probability is very low. if we talk about all these efforts of the countries of the so-called global south to create alternative platforms for negotiations, it is in order to find some an opportunity for russia to get out of the situation, or would they really like an end to the war? i believe that it is to make money, russia is a supplier of resources, oil and other natural resources of this country. and when they express the opinion that it is not difficult for them to do there, because it is not their issue and it is not their problem,
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in return they can receive some privileges, discounts, something like that from the kremlin, that is, it is useful for them, and that is why that's how they feel about it. as you predict, in principle, the development of the situation is in the process of preparing an event for some, i would said, new more serious actions. against moscow, do you believe in these conversations about the troops of western countries in ukraine? well, i believe that there will be certain competitions there in europe as well, i believe that this is not accidental. what macron is doing now, and there are two things, one is strategic, and one is tactical, and the strategic thing is because they also expect trump, and if trump, that will determine that the role of the united states in nato will shrink, and europeans will have their chance to create their own separate
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army, and here france will compete with in germany well, i believe that this is why macron is talking about this, and there is also such a tactical, i would even say personal thing, there the family of the current minister of foreign affairs of france was convicted in russia for some very sad pedophile scandal there. that is, i believe that putin took a certain hostage there, and there were negotiations between france and russia to release him, but they did not lead to anything, and that is why i believe that france was radicalized here, and this is known. that it was france that sponsored this trial at
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the international criminal court, by the way, today is the anniversary of the issuance of the arrest warrant. iss well, there is also the question of how much the west can jointly act in this situation? this is also very important, because we can see that this statement by macron caused, to put it mildly, misunderstanding among many leaders of western countries. well, well, no one wants to force their military, that's one hundred percent, both the united states and germany. and everyone else, they want to avoid it, well, but probably there macron thinks that this will not be necessary, but exactly such a statement, such intentions, such a threat, it can strengthen his position and his role in the security of the entire continent. thank you, mr.
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ilya, ilya panomarov, russian opposition leader, former member of the state duma. of the russian federation was at our party, we talked with him about the actions that are currently taking place on the russian border and about the results of the presidential elections of the russian federation, now we will move on to one more neighbor of ukraine, but a friendly neighbor, and on the territory of this country, on important events are also taking place in the territory of the republic of moldova, our interlocutor will be vladislav kulmynskyi, the former deputy prime minister for reintegration. of moldova, the executive director of the institute of strategic initiatives, and we will talk with him about what happened in transnistria on the territory of the transnistrian moldavian self-proclaimed republic today, when there was an alleged drone attack, and no one knows whether it is true or fiction of the so-called transnistrian leadership, and
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as a result of this attack, a helicopter burned down on the territory of one of the... military bases, transnistrian, that is, transnistrian, russian, i say, russian military bases, because it is a russian military base, and as a result of all this, a new such moment is happening on the territory of moldova, because precisely the leadership of the republic of moldova believes that the representatives of the so-called transnistrian moldovan republic are rather inventing this story to say that... their territory is in some danger from russia, well, now let's try to understand with mr. kolminsky what is actually happening in this situation, and to what extent the situation in transnistria in general depends on the stability of the republic of moldova, how serious the situation is related to
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the way things are happening in this region, you know. that there was recently a congress of people 's deputies at all levels of the so-called, which was gathered by the leadership of the transnistrian moldavian republic, and after that, after that, a resolution was adopted asking the leadership of the russian federation, the leadership of international organizations to protect transnistria from moldova, and many i wondered what was really going on. and now we see what the continuation can be. congratulations, mr. vladyslav vitaly, thank you for the invitation to your broadcast. well, tell me, do you understand why, what this whole story has to do with this, or? and a pseudo drone attack. well, yes, i understand that there will be no war, that now everyone wants to avoid an escalation in transnistria, but i
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also very much understand that this will have an impact on the internal political situation in moldova, because now, well, this is the main story in moldova - this is that russia is trying to change the government in moldova, ah,... in the parliamentary and presidential elections, and it seems to me that this whole story, it will not be in favor of moldova, because one of the main achievements of which the moldovan authorities are rightly proud is that it did not allow war to ensure stability, and russia will do everything possible to ensure that this destroy the narrative in order to prove to the voters in moldova that the government, the current government, is bloody government, that it is a war, and to create defeat. that moldova is now on the verge of war, but no one wants war, the calculation will be that moldova will not vote for the party, that's a little
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schedule about the mood of society, and this whole story, it will have a negative impact on the internal political situation in moldova. and in principle, you believe that the leadership of transnistria can generally come to some such actions, which will be an escalation. to create in moldova itself, including kishenev , is it possible to use those power structures that are at their disposal? vitaliy, anything is possible, but until now, that is, until this moment, transnistria's behavior was considerate, that is, there were no signs of aggression, neither against moldova nor against ukraine, ukrainians, they understood what situations they are in, because for now, it seems to me, a threat. much more goes from the gagauz side than from transnistria. and i would like to remind you, i would like to draw your attention to a recent comment by the ministry of the interior of ukraine, where it was said that ukraine
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is closely following the events in the region, in the transnistrian region, that ukraine advocates a peaceful settlement of the transnistrian conflict, and that ukraine calls for a peaceful resolution of the problematic issues in relations between kishenev and seraspol. that is, well, any escalation with side transnistria, it would be arbitrary , i don't expect, and neither does chisinau, nor does chisinau expect that there will be such an escalation from the side, from the side of transnistria, and kisheniv himself will not so faithfully escalate this situation, because you you know, in the first months of the full-scale invasion , there was a threat that the war would reach moldova, russia tried to buy ukraine there in three days and reach the border of moldova in 5 days, it failed. and the strategic situation of transnistria worsened, so the kishinev warned that somehow someone would try resolve the transnistrian conflict
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by military means, this inevitably means that the war will come to both banks of the dniester, that is , well, in particular, to the right bank, that it will not be limited to the transnistrian region, but that the war will be there on both sides of the dolstrakh, that is, now the escalation - it seems to me that she is not... in anyone's interests. and, by the way, about gagauzia, this is also a very interesting story, because the leader of this region, yevgenia hutsol, a representative of the shor party, she visited russia, she met with valentina matvienko, also asked for protection, but the most important thing that she met with vladimir putin was her meeting with putin at the so-called world youth forum in sochi, and i think that she is the highest-ranking representative of moldova who met with putin after the beginning. russia's war against ukraine after the 22nd, it is even difficult to imagine a meeting between putin and the head of gagauzia, do you remember that
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there was never such attention to komarat from moscow, what is going on? and this, i also draw your attention that this is happening in conditions where the government of moldova refuses to deal with the teacher of gagauzia at all, because they say that the head of gagauzia is a representative of gang formation. and it is obvious to me that there is, there is a bet that gagauzia will be such a weapon against fishinel, and it is being blown out like that now. unfortunately, today the representatives of the authorities in gagaluza, they openly say that overthrowing the authorities in moldova is their goal, and that they will destabilize the situation, that's when we, when we are here... think about transnistria and gagauzia, maybe we're looking in the wrong direction because it seems to me that gagauzia will face a much more difficult question today. for kishinev
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, than, than in transnistria, because, because once again , if, if something like this will happen in transnistria, then this, this means the spread of war and escalation, which no one will be able to control anymore, because let me remind you, that there is romania, a member of nato, and many other things nearby , that is, yes, industry - that will be a serious problem, but does georgia really have the opportunity to... praise the authorities in moldova? vitaly, no, magaz does not have such an opportunity, but garuzia, she, it, it's just, it's just one story, yes, i'll remind you that in october or november of this year there will be presidential elections in moldova, and in march next year there will be parliamentary elections. victory, or at least not defeat, in these elections is very important for the authorities in moldova, because it...
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the path of moldova will depend on the outcome of these elections. in ukraine, the path is already defined, in moldova it is not yet. but why is russia trying to overthrow this government? and they will, they will use protests, gagauz, whatever possible for this, to achieve this goal. well, it's very, it's very simple, because for many years, decades, practically, moldova was in such and such a gray zone between the west and the east, and practically every government built its own rules. and this was quite convenient for the kremlin, because in practice it indicated that moldova is not moving and not trying to get out of russia's sphere of influence, and today's government, the current government, is very serious about getting out of russia's sphere of influence, and this turn is practically took place after everyone saw what russia is doing in ukraine. in this way, practically the first government of moldova, which refused to leave moldova in the gray zone, and russia, well, they will. everything is possible
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to avoid this, as it is, chisinau, moldova is leaving our sphere of influence, and russia seeks to bring to power its own government, a government that would be loyal to russia, that would again agree with the fact that moldova is such a gray zone between the west and the east, it is a buffer formation that does not have any independent policy, or is there any limited external a policy in which there is a military presence there, the military presence of russia and so on and so forth. well, that's not all, because i, you know, i follow very carefully how the moldovan issue is being discussed in ukraine, well, it seems to me that there is a lot to talk about here, well, for example, for example, the fact that russia is still planning to physically reach transnistria, and you remember that map with a bear on its face, yes, there it directly concerns moldova as well. because
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russia is trying to change the government in chisinau in tyrastoli to glue together such a federal country, and in fact a confederation of independent subjects and thus anchor moldova in a gray zone in russia's sphere of influence, and i do not see any circumstances under which russia would refuse the fact that moldova withdrew from their sphere of influence. well, right here we remember this famous phrase of one of the russian generals that they should go to the borders of transnistria. so it was literally in the first month of the war, now they do not say so, but it is obvious that it was part of the plan, i will tell you more that it is is part of the plan, no one has given up on this plan, in my opinion , there is no possibility for russia to use this plan now, but this does not mean that it is no longer the main plan, it is still the main plan, well , let's see, for example , here i will remind you that such a story has already happened, you
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remember in 1920. in the 4th year, on the territory of today's transnistrian region , the moldavian autonomous soviet socialist republic was created as part of the ukrainian presidium, and the main goal of this republic - it was the annexation of bessarabia or as it was then called dniester, and in 1940 it happened, i emphasize that it was bessarabia annexed to transnistria. and in this way they created the moldovan resre , not the other way around, well, they plan to do the same thing once again, or it has already been done, there will be such a far eastern republic, here, but i believe that they will not enter moldova, because they will not cross the borders of moldova, and this was not the plan, because ...


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