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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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has turned into a soap opera, so in principle i have talked about it many times for a long time: firstly, it was known in october and november that such a scenario would follow, secondly, already those who wanted to give putin a pass to delay the process, they already in fact, they did it for six months, giving him the opportunity to concentrate his military efforts and allowing, well... actually trying to block the supply of weapons, let's talk about it openly, i'm not naming names, i'm not saying that this was some kind of special agreement, no, it is done at all in another way, there are such political figures in different countries who want to give certain signals, like, that's what happened, now, did it make it possible to completely block the supply of weapons, no, the administration predictably, it was ... known, but they
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still found the will and mechanisms to give a package of 300 million now, and i will tell you that despite the statement that this is a unique package, it is still impossible, i will say frankly it is possible, but of course it will not be the packages that we expect from that which you asked, unlocking, now regarding this solution, now i believe that this decision to provide aid to ukraine can now be implemented. now i say this again, they will drag on for a week, two, three, a month, but by the 22nd, in fact, before the holidays, it would be logical to finish already, even for johnson, but with such maneuvers, they are still delaying time, and in principle, this is an attempt to delay in the czech republic, in fact, these are all other conversations, the border, other interests there, these are all maneuvers, the main thing here is exactly who played which role. now there is one more point, all issues
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of lobbying of the military-industrial interests completed the complex, according to my information, well, i could see it even with the naked eye from the text itself. second, the issue of providing us with budget aid directly to the budget of ukraine, it is most likely realized through another option of credit or loan, minister malyuska actually spoke about this in washington. and the white house, of course , once again rejects such a proposal, but the ukrainian side does not officially reject it anymore, that is, we need this help, whether it will come now in the form of a direct grant, or if in the worst case the option through the option, well, the loan, but what the loan will be, with what conditions, it is difficult to say, and we return to the issue of lendlease, this is a separate topic, but i believe that
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the issue of lendlease should be taken off the table as a negotiation tool it was a mistake on the part of the democrats, on the part of the ukrainian authorities, not to prompt our partners and not to sign a bilateral agreement on lendlease, in which the conditions would clearly already be there, not necessarily huge payments, but it would have been correct to do it in advance, but now, now they will to impose, just this group will be to impose the terms of the lease on their own. on his principles, which donald trump has already voiced in part, they are not the worst, by the way , because he also began to change his rhetoric, to say that it could be, indeed, some kind of loan, well , he said a loan, a loon, although it is strange how here is loon, well, okay, loan, then the question arises of the conditions for its cancellation or repayment, there donald trump said strange things, he said that if it is a friendly country, it may not give a loan. well, that is
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, you understand that now this part, rather all the money, it will not come as a grant, but military and technical assistance, i am sure it will be completely indecent on their part, including johnson, to hold back, the time is already so long, well, all the guidelines have already been fulfilled, now all that remains is to get out of this situation, well, sir valery, please tell me, what about the aid package for 300 million, and an additional one in fact? on aid for 126, in the short term, how often can the united states use such a mechanism, or is this an isolated case? i to you frankly, i did not check whether these 126 are according to the act of 61, which allows the president of the united states to take without the consent of congress, whether it is part of 300 million or not?
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i don't know, that's for sure, so it's probably, the way i see it, it's probably the part that 's made up of what's listed there, plus that, if it's... an extra 126 would be great, are there any opportunities in the future, there are funds from those allocated by congress, but they are not covered, there is such a situation, in principle, the position of official washington is now such that if something is provided from warehouses, funds must be provided in advance for the american industry to produce a replacement, this is not available, so they can theoretically take that step, other countries. for such a step , for example, i know for sure that denmark takes out of its warehouses what they actually need, what is accounted for by them for the protection of the country, they add it to us, there are other european countries that do this, that is, this is a necessary political
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only the will of the president of the united states in order to still provide this kind of current assistance, but in order to really give the right signal to the kremlin, to unlock a big... package, it's not just money, the money stays mostly in america, 85%, there are a lot of directions, this is actually a plan of such actions, well, there was a year , there are other blocs and directions, well, we will not talk about it now, but this is like a whole plan, if it is launched so integrally, it is really a plan to help in not only the defense of the country, attempts at de-occupation, well, a return to active actions, that's why. .. that's the main question, that's why such packages as now, they will not replace the strategic goal of victory of ukraine, that is, they will not add to this, only turnover. and tell me, please, mr. valery , if we talk about what is happening in europe, you saw this meeting at the level of the weimar triangle, as far as it can
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be considered that there are no longer such differences between germany and poland, between germany and france , as the last few weeks have been, well, there will always be disagreements. in principle , this is competition, i would say, healthy competition for, in a situation where america is lagging a little, for active actions in continental europe. traditionally, germany and france, they have always tried to take such initiatives. however, there were still leadership initiatives here. emmanuel macron, his statements are quite decisive, against the background of several statements of olaf scholz about taurus missiles, they. of course, it looked a bit like such an imbalance and i think it worried the german side, so i think that these moments were filmed there, that is, that is purely external perception, but it is clear that they are unlikely to have finally agreed on the basic things, well, to say that we
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heard alone makes me happy , and others not so much, therefore that if at first there are such very active french statements, and then it is said that... this way the help will be maximum, uh, in conditions when there is german intelligence data that russia can attack germany, germany, nato already in nato countries already in 2026, and i would say it's uh, well, it doesn't take everything into account, i think it's going to be earlier, at the end of this, at the beginning of next year, because they don't take into account one factor, that russia attacks not when she is strong, and when others are weak. and they won't have time to prepare yet, therefore, i think that they are actually discussing these positions, well, in addition, these statements that further escalation should not be allowed, it seems to me that this is already the language of yesterday, it was strange for me to hear, based on the results of the meeting,
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that another escalation should not be allowed, this is some kind of vocabulary, which must already be forgotten, we must take steps to anticipate, until i see what this meeting would be... steps to anticipate, and the fact that they agreed on how to help the defense of ukraine now, it is, it is good. ugh. that is, as far as we understand, emmanuel macron tried to convince olaf scholz to be bolder about taurus, and olaf scholz tried to convince emmanuel macron to be more restrained in his statements about the nato contingent in ukraine, well, okay, french troops in ukraine. donald tusk's place, given ukraine's recent difficult relations. and poland, and certainly after that his visit to the united states. well, you know, the statements that are coming, but yesterday, the un security council was about this, the so-called russian elections, or the harsh assessment of the elections on
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the territory of ukraine, as another act occupying troops of the illegal, such statements are very harsh, and very clearly stated in unison in washington, thank you. the same donald tusk clearly stated the position and regarding the actions and the speaker johnson, it all looks normal, but i am looking at the specifics now. actions, regarding, we have bilateral issues, if we talk about poland, then donald tusk announced that there will be a bilateral, serious meeting at the end of march, not even the 20th, where the issues will be finally resolved, well, to put it briefly, blocking the border, and i think that the date is already suitable, here the main thing for us to do is, regarding general statements, poland is one with us. chavni, and they understand very well, the head of the national security bureau of poland clearly and publicly said that russia
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is a direct threat to poland, both now and in the near future, so obviously we thank poland for its support in the field of security, but in a total war, all things it is necessary if ukraine is weakened institutionally and for the benefit of some corporate interests there or the interests of the polish sectors there. in economy now, then excuse me, well, with one hand to give support in the field of security, and with the other to take away the country's institutional capacity, this is not the best scenario. donald tusk , a european politician, perfectly understands this problem, he puts, i think, issues of european security above any personal political ones, so i am sure that he will take his steps in the near future, and after that we will draw conclusions, and if we talk about that. how much this european situation affects the united states, how much the united states is interested in at all
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in order for europeans to behave, let's say , like scholz or like macron, what do they need? well, in fact, why did europe wake up, as much as we called it, yes, it woke up at the signal from washington, as soon as it became clear in europe, and this happened somewhere in october, november last year. that there would be such a situation and sagging in america, then they immediately understood that they had to prepare for the worst scenario, and this scenario could happen, but it has not yet ended, that is, help is now help, and the main thing is what the strategy will be of the united states now and after the elections , that is, they realized that they had to take more responsibility and began to take concrete steps already, so that washington gave itself... the channel that woke up paris, berlin, and the baltic countries actually did not have to be
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woken up or poland or romania, which are close to us here, but yes, he woke up these capitals even more, and in principle, now that there are such initiatives in europe, already on the other side of the atlantic they look with some jealousy, because the euro-atlantic space has always been considered , what us leader format ramshtay. this is really important and the only such format that unites the countries of nato, the european union, other countries of the world, in support of ukraine, the usa is the leader, every time the first package of aid was announced to the usa, by the way, on march 19 we expect the next rammstein and personal involvement, god bless him, er, the head of the pentagon, he will announce the first us package there again, but when the french president began to talk about ... his initiative, it was placed on the capitalist hills, so it's not only
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statements, this is also a meeting of leaders, in fact without the usa, but at the level of the head of the department of the specialized foreign policy department, but then there was no longer at the next meeting of the ministers of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, as far as i know, there was no representative of the united states, so ... romshtein will not be replaced, although such an attempt was made. and it is obvious that this pushes the us administration to take more decisive actions. so there are influences, there are influences, and the transatlantic unity is with such actions, it is back on the agenda again. thank you sir valery, valery chalyt, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-2019. ah, we were on the air, now we will talk about something more eastern, say, the region
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of our foreign policy, such an application, mykhailo yakupovovich, an orientalist in nask, congratulations, mr. mykhailo, good evening, well, zelensky was in turkey, now he is going there after his so-called elections putin, what president erdoğan wants, well, for that zelenskyi was also called, that... so that it would be possible to legalize putin's visit later, i.e. to declare that, as they say, we are the mediators, we are the negotiators, and now erdogan has elections on his nose. and local ones, which mean a lot, but in fact he has somewhat different considerations here, this consideration is to continue cooperation in the energy sphere, in the security sphere with many countries, well , having noticed somewhere that not the weakness of the west, but the delay with help is possible the second coming
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of trump, to play on this field, so he really expects... putin, although everything is possible, there are also versions that this visit can be postponed somewhere again, postponed and postponed, so hang slowly. mr. mykhailo, what would you call this format of our relations with turkey, when we understand that erdogan has his own interests and is determined to adhere to them, i want to be a mediator for ukraine and russia in our conflict, yes. on the other hand, we see and understand how extraordinary the cooperation between the ukrainian military-industrial complex and the turkish military-industrial complex is. if we recall the specific names, then this is also the turkish analogue of haimars, which is not officially confirmed, but osinters note that he works in ukraine. that's a huge amount
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of kirby cars that our marines use . well, if i remember too much. in general, the story with bayraktar, and not only, we have a corvette, and it will be powerful after the war, yes, but we are also building it together with turkey, and this is again a certain level of trust and cooperation, and what is this, what kind of relationship is it and should it be divided into two planes: a purely political one and a purely economic military-industrial one? there are several here points worth noting: first, a very good example is erdogan's relationship with the netanyahu government in israel. erdogan sells everything to israel, despite the fact that politically he makes extremely anti-israeli statements, but he sells there from food to products that go to the israeli defense army, to components, to airplanes,
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to various radar equipment, everyone knows, the most important thing , everyone knows it. moreover , everything is absolutely normal in the middle east, azerbaijan is also actively cooperating there, saudi arabia, but these are already slightly different realities. with ukraine, we see that this cooperation has great prospects. why? first, erdogan is a predictable politician. the only thing is, we cannot know how he will react to such an unlikely, but nevertheless , version that the united states will withdraw from nato in the election of trump, whether erdogan will back down, if nato, indeed those statements that voices macron, somewhere he will try to advance into ukraine on a more or less official level, or erdogan will say, you know, and we will come out better with nato and we will sit in neutrality, but at the moment he is
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a predictable politician, and if the re-armament of the ukrainian army will take place, it is specifically planned. then here turkey can be very useful for cooperation on f-16 and many, many other things. they have a lot of experience, including the experience of deploying field bases, even using the same tanks and german and american and other countermeasures against them, unmanned aerial vehicles, they are extremely useful for ukraine. that is, we see how great, although not public, cooperation is. and at the same time information that the turks should openly establish military cooperation in the same way with the russians, we do not have, that is, they still have a certain vision and a certain strategy in this regard, so we see that some criticism from zelensky, well, except for that period , when he was not yet the president, erdogan's address is not
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observed, and it is unlikely that it will be, therefore... even if putin's visit really takes place, i do not think that the ukrainian authorities will, well, react very strongly to it, because what erdoğan will definitely remind about the situation of the crimean tatars, about a lot of other processes, well, the only thing, he clearly says what he always said, that without russia, no peace there is possible, but since russia is the main initiator of... the conflict, well, the reality is, in principle, somewhere that is, this phrase can be interpreted as you like. therefore, erdogan is a politician with such experience that will be projected for the future. and it seems to me that for ukraine he rather remains a positive ally in spite of everything than some such
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dark leader who stands on the other side together with iran, north korea, china, well, even though china's opposition is ambiguous, but erdogan is still in some respects more favorable and closer to us. and what does putin need from erdogan, in your opinion? well , putin needs to continue the moments of non-imposition of sanctions, let's not forget about those tankers that transport oil from the base on the black sea coast of russia everywhere, and these oil terminals, there are new russian ones, others , they work, and it all goes through the bosphorus, but here erdogan, again, erdogan is looking at what sanctions or no sanctions enters the west, and the west is fighting this export of russian oil with such steps, well , here we are fighting, here we are not fighting, it purchases through third countries, then cooperation
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in nuclear energy, that is , these are the resource and technological approaches of which turkey will be a greater beneficiary, and it feels in a position to impose certain conditions on russia , for example, to demand gas at a discount, to demand further investments in the nuclear industry, until, by the way, full-fledged sanctions against rosatom are introduced, i will remind you that russia has built a nuclear power plant there, but there are no sanctions against rosatom powerful ones, some countries only tried to introduce them there, like great britain, well, there are probably some agreements around the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and the safety of ukrainian nuclear power plants in this regard, this is classic, so that there is no escalation, because the topic is not only nuclear weapons. but nuclear power plants, it is very sensitive, annoying and timid for the west , that is why it is quite normal for erdogan, well, in syria, he is currently undergoing
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processes that are a little problematic, the thing is that the part of syria that is under control turkish troops, the international confrontation has intensified there, and it is possible that it is not without the influence of bashar al-assad's special services, because he seeks to regain control over it. territory, so somewhere the turks have to look at the balance of power and use indirect approaches, take into account the russian presence there, and there, too, they have a security issue that goes back to 2011-2012, so erdogan must also take into account this southern front in talks with putin, because putin can create problems for him there, just as erdogan created problems for bashar assad, but at the moment there is a plus or minus ugly truce in syria. and tell me, mr. mykhailo, in principle,
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if we are talking about this very distribution of forces in the middle east, then there is russia in the interests of syria, there is turkey, there is iran, together with this , russia is conducting joint military exercises behind china's wounds, this has to disturb turkey. i don't think it worries her much, because they don't have very bad relations with iran now, they have their own relations with china, with russia, basically the black sea issue here, at one time turkey the montreux convention was applied, and zare is constantly trying to talk about the fact that she will apply it, and, by the way, independently building warships for ukraine. with this blurred wording after the war, and this is how and when, especially from the point of view of international law, that it is happening at all now, but i do not
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think that these chinese-iranian exercises constitute other training, especially the turks, as no one sees how the russian ships in the crimea were relatively well beaten, and the forces, the naval forces of many countries now are in somewhat... such a rethinking, that is, this component is marine, it has become extremely vulnerable to missiles, drones, everything else, despite the fact that it simply requires huge financial investments for maintenance. i would say that the turks will now study countermeasures, including the defense of their naval forces. therefore, these trainings are being monitored, but it is possible even from the positions that you show. we must do everything possible so that in the future we do not lose our fleet in some conflicts or not lost our flagships, because turkey still positions itself as a leading maritime
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power and the east. and even more so in the black sea. i can't get out of my head one thesis from the mouth of, god forbid, vladimir putin, he gave an interview there on the eve of his elections in russia, to the russian state assembly, and said that we are technically ready to use nuclear weapons. why, in your opinion, did he emphasize the issue of technical readiness, well, that is , earlier... all kremlin propagandists shouted about political readiness, radioactive ash and so on, and now they emphasize the technical condition of this entire system, their nuclear triad, and how can and should china react to this, given its traditional position? well, first of all, china is also rearming its nuclear forces,
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meaning not that they are...creating new warheads, but that they are testing and modernizing missiles. by the way, most of the programs for modernization and re-equipment of this nuclear component in countries such as france, great britain, the united states, china and russia started 5-7 years ago. it is possible that there was a premonition, an actual increase in the importance of these things. china will now take advantage. by what other nuclear states declare, in particular macron's statement caused quite a lively discussion, because france remains the only nuclear state of the european union, so to speak, well, there is a potential introduction or not an exclusion, such a careful wording, the use of troops somewhere in ukraine, after all, nuclear state and so on, this causes a certain degree of rhetoric,
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to which putin reacted accordingly. china in in this plan, he has already learned to distinguish where putin is intimidated, where putin is taking real steps, but so far, at least the basic information on which everything about russian nuclear threats is based, that there is a certain agreement between russia and china to avoid the level of this escalation, it is being carried out, and the united states, actually through the state department, immediately declared that they do not see any movement of weapons there. and preparation, although it seems to me that in the event of a negative war scenario, russia would be able to move nuclear weapons on its territory they can start, and no china will do anything to them in this case, the other question is that this scenario is not considered possible now, no matter what, but everyone, the whole nuclear club, more and more
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attention will be from... add to the nuclear component , in particular on the carrier, there are ballistic missiles, supersonic missiles and everything else, everything that will be difficult to shoot down, that is , a race of nuclear arms will begin, it is already foreseen , there can be no talk of reducing the arsenal, and china will also work here, therefore that you have to rely in this situation only on myself, but until now there have been no such signals from china... that they say moscow needs to slow down, they always, when they criticize moscow, then as they say, one word against moscow, 10 words against the west, don't escalate you, then they will not escalate these, that is, beyond the limits of this discourse of the political xi jinping, as long as he did not come out publicly, but he also expects the elections in the usa, he also expects whether trump will return, how these european statements will be confirmed, whether there will be a transfer of troops
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nato and... the nuclear component to eastern europe, because there the poles gave signals that they are not against nuclear weapons on their territory, well , if russia can do it in belarus, why not, for example, in the united states or in france, in poland, even though the french component is not under the control of nato, that is, these processes , which will take several more years, but the dynamics are clear, this is a transition to a better understanding of the more important nuclear component in a potential future war. thank you, mr. mykhailo, orientalist mykhailo yakubovych was on our air, and now we will break literally for a few minutes and we will continue our conversation after this small pause, please stay with us and we will be in touch, there are discounts on broncholithin phyto 15% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings. a guarantee of beauty. this is a healthy
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