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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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this number of territories that he seized in ukraine, in these territories the elections will of course not be recognized by anyone, i did not recognize them in crimea, so as for the non-recognition of putin, there is a problem here, you do not recognize him, how does all this work further , ugh, negotiations, direct communication between the ministries of defense and the general staffs, you see, the head of the central intelligence agency and the director of the foreign intelligence service meet from time to time, from time to time it dilutes. chief of the general staff and head of the united the joint chiefs of staff of the united states, there is this hotline in case of a nuclear emergency, if you believe that power has been usurped in russia, how are you going to talk to them? well, this is a problem, the problem is not that they are legitimate or illegitimate, the problem is the need to maintain contact with such a state, just look at how it happened before the 70s with china. the united states had
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no contact with the government in beijing, considered them usurpers, had contact with the government in taipei, well, it couldn't be forever, it was with the soviet union, they believed that it was an illegal government, a government of usurpers, well, only in the 1930s did they decide to establish diplomatic relations, the first american president who established diplomatic relations with the soviet union was generally a franklin divorce, it was already the 1930s . and the bolsheviks came to power in 1917, as you remember, but what was the problem: the united states thought there should be some government that would pay off the debts of the russian empire, uh, and the bolsheviks said, sorry, but you have very good ones desire, but you don't you recognize us as a government, why, how can we pay you anything, when you believe that we are not a government, we are from whom, on whose behalf we will pay you money, we are usurpers, you do not have diplomatic relations with us... mutually, you
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don't negotiate with us, it's not you that we have to send money to the mail, beloved american aunt, auntie, well here, and the united states, hoping for this money, the great depression began, ugh, and every dollar was in the account, they don't care especially did not pay, as you understand, they decided that they will establish a diplomatic mutual, well that such mechanization, although they did not think that this government was legitimate, they just wanted to have contact, and with putin. i think that in principle there would be nothing, it would not be bad, if they did not recognize it as legitimate, but then the question arises, why now, and not before, you can think that the previous elections were more legitimate than these, a larger number of territories, well , it is possible not to recognize it as legitimate in the largest number of territories, logically, which was not recognized in the same way in crimea, just then you know, the idea of ​​world democracy is that... elections must be democratic, must
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take place according to certain rules, must, well, all this must have a certain form in order to be able to talk about anything at all, the legitimacy of power is not always connected with democracy, the united states has good relations with states that have never known what democracy is, it is a question of the legitimacy of the government, you can not recognize a certain government that came to power through a coup and and deprivation. the mandate of the government that received the people's mandate, so the russian federation does not recognizes the ukrainian governments since 2014 , as you know, and they say that the ukrainians didn't hold elections, it was a coup d'état, but here is another interesting thing, that they sometimes recognize it, sometimes they don't , well, they said it was the junta , remember the 14th year, this is the junta, they came to power through state transfer, this is an illegal president, the elections are not recognized, when putin came to the meeting in normandy.
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he did not want to meet with poroshenko, because he believed that he was an illegitimate president. then he walked, walked, seriously, you do you remember how it all was, i saw that everyone was talking to poroshenko. merkel, hollande , all the world leaders, well, somehow he looks strange, and he started these contacts because he decided that he would then declare him legitimate for a certain time, then again the junta, an illegitimate president, a coup, and zelensky.. . it is possible to play this way with african countries, not only there the united states but other countries, they do not talk, then suddenly they talk, remember when the government of the syrian opposition was recognized as legitimate, vashara, no, and now all return, some return.
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putin's election and a huge number of such examples can be given, but an election in a territory that is not obvious from the point of view of international law may not be recognized even in the most democratic state, uh, and control may not be recognized even in the most democratic state, that's why there are no embassies in jerusalem , in addition to the embassies of the united states and other countries, they are located in tel aviv. because the status of jerusalem has not been settled to the end, but there are completely transparent democratic elections and local elections are transparent, but also, when local elections are held in jerusalem, the residents of east jerusalem do not always
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participate, because they do not believe that they should participate in israeli, even local elections, now in local elections in jerusalem the change is starting there, because there's running for office... the candidates who are saying, listen, the problem isn't whether it's legitimate or illegitimate, it's that we can't solve the sewage problem, for 20 years, and that 's also a problem to some extent, ugh, here's how to act in such a situation at the local level self-government, when the territory is not settled, so there are a million different things in this regard in the international plan, everything is transparent with putin, it is a territory that has just been conquered, and there is an occupation regime there, when he holds elections... or a referendum there, it looks comical, everyone understands it, eh, let's, if we're already talking, let's still take a look at the middle east, at what is happening directly in israel, in my opinion, joseph biden's thesis
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regarding mr. netanyahu, his approach to war can harm israel, yes, that is, even from the mouth of the american president... there are doubts about the severity of the military tactics that were chosen in relation to the gaza sector, or rather the terrorist hamas, which paid off there as it should, as you now see the development in general of this situation, look, president biden has a very difficult situation, electorally, uh, because a large number of voters of the democratic party, they really consider this policy of israel to be... moderate from the point of view of operations in the gas sector. and they believe that president biden's support for israel in this situation looks archaic. and these people organize protests, even during the primaries they organize protests. and
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biden understands that this may harm him to a certain extent in the presidential elections, as is not known. because these people are definitely not going to vote for trump. ugh. because they will be aware that trump will be deep. to all these opinions of theirs, but they may not go to vote for biden, they may simply not go to vote, believe that both candidates feel the same way about this problems, and biden needs to prove that this does not apply to israel at all, which is not the same, huh, and that's why he talks about humanitarian aid to gaza, but today, when he speaks, he talked about aid to ukraine, about aid to israel and of course. aid to gaza, building some kind of pier there will not solve the problem, but it will at least show his interest in the humanitarian problems of gaza. israel lives its own political life,
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prime minister netanyahu is absolutely not interested in who is elected president of the united states more states, he absolutely does not want to elect biden, uh, he absolutely does not need biden, he will absolutely not ... if trump turns, then no one will worry, he will calmly finish this operation, drive hamas out of gaza, and that's the end of the story, it seems they don't care as much about aid as we do, they care about aid, it's harder for them to fight, but i'm just telling you that biden, not netanyahu, is not an ally of biden, only biden is an ally, that's one, you see, that even senate democratic majority leader chuck schumer says that israel new elections are needed. because this government won't listen to us and it could cost us an election win or congressman democrats win a non-election win, uh, it's totally an election story, on the other hand, there's another problem here that when
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the democrats say that, about gas , then they may be losing the traditional electorate because american jews vote for democracy. this is the core democratic electorate, and i've already read texts in the american media saying that they are increasingly watching fox news because they believe that everyone the democratic media of the belsky democrats party there, cnn and so on, they simply do not give an adequate picture. in the middle east from these people's point of view, and it might be an additional republican electorate, and that's why they're confused, this is not a middle east story , there's an anti-terrorist operation going on in the middle east, uh, and the goal of that anti-terrorist operation is supposed to be to destroy the terrorist group hamas, of course there are serious problems for the civilian population in the gas sector, and the civilian population of the russian federation also has problems when we strike belgorod, are we going to the graivoronskyi district, i want to... go, is there a village of chotkin there, these are serious problems for the civilian population, by the way, this is a civilian population, unlike
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the gas sector, it could be ethnic ukrainians, because they live there, you understand , there are two villages on the border, there is tiotkina, this is an ethnically ukrainian village, opposite a village on the territory of ukraine, ethnic russians live there, that’s how it happened, that’s how the borders look, and these ethnic russians who live on the territory of ukraine want... with these ethnic ukrainians living on the territory of russia, rdk did something. well, we, no one , we will not tell our citizens, you know, you are some kind of animals, you do not feel sorry for the people who are currently suffering under shelling in belgorod, because they will say, let these people stop the war, we haven't started, huh, what is different from the point of view of the civilian population of the gas sector, 90% of whom are supported by hamas in their families. holding these hostages, helping the terrorists, of course
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you feel sorry for any child, any woman of any civilian who dies, but that's the situation if you're conducting an anti-terrorist operation, the civilian population is used by terrorists as a shield and becomes an unwitting victim of this whole disaster. if you want terrorism to continue, you can stop listening to the international community, the europeans and the americans, and you have to have a new raid if you want to ensure security. spitting on absolutely everyone and ending this matter, from netanyahu's point of view, i'm just giving you a position, because netanyahu understands that if he doesn't do this, he will lose power, he may lose it anyway, but he has a chance, if he will accomplish this task if he doesn't accomplish what 's left of him and so they're maneuvering, the americans are talking to the opposition leaders who are now in netanyahu's cabinet with beniganz, beniganz and... to washington, uh, met with kamala hadis, vice - the president of the united states, without
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informing the prime minister about it , imagine, he is part of the cabinet of ministers, ugh, well, imagine if we had it so that we would allow, let's say, prime minister shmyhal would go to paris or washington without being informed about it green and there were some conversations of his own, it’s impossible, but these are the political realities in the middle east, others, why the americans talk with benigans, because they need to show that there are other political forces in israel that are ready for a more cautious approach, but none of these people who are talking to them is also not going to finish any operation, and that's why it's such a tedious process of changes, it 's agreed, it's clear, what, every day, they talk about... continue negotiations, everyone hoped very much, that there will be a ceasefire on ramadan, his, on
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unfortunately, it didn't happen, but the negotiations don't end for a day, well, they go on all the time, and some of them, maybe, some of them we don't even know about, well, at least such ones, of course, but the fact that they are happening in qatar, that they are happening with the mediation of saudi arabia, they say that the arab world... does not want a confrontation with israel, huh, but wants a truce and the end of the war, and this is also a very important moment, a few more words, in the iranians, of course , deny it, but information appeared in zmi that secret talks could take place between this country and the united states, despite all rather sharp assessments of each other, well, we have actually already followed similar stories, now in the focus of attention i will simply remind you of the red sea. the economic zone is crazy in intensity, and it would be good if the yemeni houthis would still
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retreat from the practice of shelling the red sea, the us is trying to achieve this, allegedly through negotiations with the iranians, who actually control this terrorist, and also as some kind of strange negotiation strange, i.e. they are, as it were there were some advisers of e biden in oman, our beloved oman. so they talked to the deputy minister of foreign affairs of iran and no one knew about it, that is , incredible things, incredible things are happening behind the scenes. you see what a politician looks like, we live here all the time in a delusion, while real secret negotiations take place in the delusion , a history not created by us, which we will learn about only after the government in ukraine changes, i think that after then we will find out what really happened in oman, something was happening there, obviously, well , but we know now how it can be in oman, not
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in qatar, not in qatar, and don't forget that this meeting in oman... was in january, and now march. now imagine what you and i know about the political process. we will learn in 2024 that there were intensive consultations in the 22nd regarding the use of nuclear weapons by russia. yes, when everyone convinced us: "no, no, no, it's all fiction, it's all delusion, it's all propaganda, no one seriously discusses it, at that time serious adult uncles held meetings that they to do if this core was not there." will really drop because they had intelligence on the table. two years have passed, we are discussing it as a political fact. now it is march 2024 , we are discussing what happened in january 2022, as if this is news. it used to be like this 100 years ago when in march someone found out that somewhere the emperor of one country
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had a secret meeting with the emperor of another until the telegraph agencies reported it and someone found out and printed it in the newspaper that was published. but here we found out, but now we are not mobs we get news day by day , but somehow we don't get the main news, so some of the news, to be honest, it's good that maybe we don't get it, or we get it in a shortened format, especially when it concerns the real armed assistance for us from our partners, a few words just from you, mr. vitaly , scholz, macron, yes, germany and france, the front... newcomers, you know, such in europe, very important players, in general, what is happening between the leaders of these countries and whether, let's say, they are now engage in ukrainian drag blankets, each on his own in efforts to prove that each of them helps more, something is happening that, in principle, always happens in the electoral environment, there is
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a struggle for leadership, that is, germany is the unconditional leader in helping ukraine in europe. but macron is trying to be a leader in terms of intent and if you want the zeitgeist, something that scholz is completely unprepared to do, which is to say that macron is starting to talk to putin in putin's language, harshly, moving the red lines, saying that there are no red lines, we heard this before only from putin. scholz is trying to act, you know, not so much as a politician, but as an accountant. and therefore becomes weaker than macron. of course, if angela merkel were now at the head of the german government, macron would not do any of this, because merkel would be in her role as the leader of the situation. i don't know how she would do it, but i am absolutely sure that she would monetize germany's aid to ukraine. ugh. well, in terms of political intentions, statements, and
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one's own weight. and shol does not want to do this? and why is he not interested in... is he just not good at it? i think he is not interested in that, because he believes that if he behaves like that, then it creates unnecessary confrontation, escalation, he does not want escalation, he is ready to help, but he does not want escalation with russia. merkel also does not look like a woman who dreamed of this escalation, but she always dreamed of leadership. yes, if you remember, merkel was the leader in the minsk process, not hollande or macron. it's true, yes. and merkel talked to putin the way she wanted to talk. it's simple right now, merkel's legacy of trying to keep putin out of war looks controversial, but that's not what we're talking about, and by the way, you remember this story i told about putin that i told william beres, what if, what since there is no merkel, there is no leader in europe, and this is also a condition for the fact that i can conquer ukraine, so putin was aware of the weight and influence of merkel, more than many of them, but we
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are not talking about that now, just about ... this attempt by macron to show that he is a leader, it spills over into public statements. these public statements create a certain background in france itself , forcing other politicians to catch up with it, and that is why marine le pen goes to the podium of the national assembly and says that russia is an aggressor, you know, it was hard to imagine even a month ago, yes, everyone understands that they must work out this agenda if they do not want to lose to macron, especially before the european parliament elections. that's point number one, point number two is that they're forced to do all of this because they're actually conducting a dress rehearsal of what they should do. before the presidential elections in the united states, uh, because if the united states leaves europe, then there will be a different configuration
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of forces and efforts altogether. i always say that it is not necessary to assume that this may not happen at all. the world role of the united states is not so many years old, it all started after the second world war, not after the first, after the first world war, the united states gave up on. their world role, they could have it, but most americans thought that it was not necessary, that legacy of president woodrow wilson was simply denied, and no one said that the legacy of the post -world war ii presidents would not be denied, because trump is about a different legacy, this is a return to the traditional policy of isolationism, and that the comeback did not begin under trump, but under lobolov laureate barack obama. ugh. it was barack obama who came up with the policy of isolationism. we do not interfere anywhere. he was forced without
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his own will, because it doesn't happen like that. but he already set the tonality, which was in grotesque form, then repeated by donald trump. so, by and large, the real heir to barack obama is donald trump, not joseph biden. because so does hillary clinton, duh. biden, they are rather the heirs of this post-war political line of the role of america, that is, there is the america of reagan, bush, biden, clinton, i don’t know, this is america from roosevelt and truman, relatively speaking, to biden, through bush jr., so to speak, and there is america of obama and trump, left america and right america. but very similar isolationist america, exactly as before after the second world war, both the democrats and the republicans, both parties were absolutely isolationist, they had no disagreement
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on this issue. relatively speaking, the political program of obama's isolationism and the political program of trump's anti-cylinism are not very different from each other. well, trump is just putting an emphasis on migrants that obama didn't. but if we do not interfere, it is both. they are the same. they are political twins. and this must also be understood, and it means that if such different people as donald trump and barack obama profess the same religion hating each other, then it means that we have problems, what, what is, that the world has problems, that america's isolationism is not an accident, it's not some, you know, anomaly related to trump, it's a serious political movement, who can win, and then, of course, europe will be left alone with russia. china, well, unless china attacks some area of ​​american interests, and forces america to come back to life again, in a bloody way, and you have to prepare for that, i
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think, because it will be a serious test, i i think that in this case, russia has every opportunity to increase its chances for, if not for war, then at least for political control in europe, because europeans can react to this situation. different than we think they may be scared, not politicians, ordinary people, will look for those politicians who will negotiate with moscow, if we are not protected by washington, there must be someone who will negotiate with moscow, marine le pen, alternative for germany, sarah vagekhnet, geert wilders, matteo salvini, viktor orban. polish confederation, robert fizo, party, what was it called there, revival, i don't want such a european union, but as for me,
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i'm just naming you the forces that already exist and some are already in power. but some, but we are talking about a trend that is gaining momentum, but what you don't want in the european union in ukraine will be exactly the same political forces in power, which will have 73% of voters, and zelensky will be considered by these forces. the leader of the war party, uh, well, these are not fleeting processes, and it is necessary to understand the consequences that may be in the event that america comes to isolationism, these are real possibilities, it is not political fiction, it's just one of the options, the other option may be that this trend will not win, i sincerely hope so, but i can't give a guarantee, as you know, we have to consider both of these options, america...
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we love or america, obama and trump , huber, ugh, that america we don’t know, thank you, thank you, it’s a little scary, to be honest, but next saturday we will meet again and talk again about the main events of the coming week, vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and saturday politkrup. there are discounts on motilium of 20% in the pharmacies of psyllium pam and oskad, there are discounts on pulmobriz of 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and oskad, there are discounts on mikrolax of 20% in the pharmacies of travel bam and oskad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment based on facts. and the forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday's political club, every saturday at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live
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greetings, good evening, my name is miroslava. this is a self-titled program, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today we will talk about the outstanding artist, the sixty-year-old aluhorska. about how today's full-scale war, war with russia, reveals and clarifies the fate of the whole generation of the 60s, whom we have not read enough, did not appreciate, did not see and did not feel, and this is how. actually the events that are happening now, how they express the fate of an entire generation and, in particular, alegorskaya. olena grozovska, an art critic, is on my air. greetings elena. congratulations. good evening. olena is the co-curator of the exhibition that takes place in kyiv, in the ukrainian house, and the exhibition is called "alagorska boreviter". we will talk a lot more about this one the exhibition, about what can be seen at it.
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it has already opened and you can visit it, but i will start with the name boreviter, boreviter is the name of one of the mosaics that was executed, in particular, by aloyhorsk and a group, so opanas zalevakha was there, so a group of her colleagues in mariupol in 1967, i want to clarify, dear zelovakh, at this time he... was in prison in prison from 1965, it seems until 1970, for anti-soviet agitation and propaganda, there was another group, that is, yes, yes, there were a lot of them there in different creative groups, yes, but i was there zaretskyi, zubchenko was there, that is pryshedko, there are many mosaics in mariupol, but the fact is that...


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