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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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make it so that we have it before you spend another five years destroying it, we agree, we have a consensus that it needs to be destroyed, but no matter how long you do it, as long as you do it, we're not going to get anywhere and we will not go anywhere, yes, but it must be exactly at the level of moscow, not even petersburg, if there is no fuel and no goods in petersburg, this will only cause the muscovites to be wildly happy, that is, if you want to support the russian regime, you have to tell the muscovites that the petersburgers. there is nothing, well, not as under during the blockade, but in principle, so that there was nothing to eat, i remember the joy that when st. petersburg was almost not developing, moscow was developing, muscovites came to st. petersburg and saw its shabby streets, entrances, lack of tourists, this is in the pre-putin era the pre-putin period, and this caused only satisfaction, well, such a country, such a country, you can’t do anything, such a character, that is, a moscow-centric country, ugh, that’s it... and
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by and large, you have to understand that it’s like, you know, how in these russian folk tales, this is the heart of the trash, it is not in the needle and not in the fish, it is in moscow, because this is a state, this is the moscow kingdom, after all, not in conditional republics, where conditionally enslaved peoples live, so conditionally enslaved peoples, small peoples , at most there are, well, the largest republics there are... a few million inhabitants, of course, there are large territories there, you cannot imagine the independence of yakutia and half of russia, of course, but again, it is necessary that there are conditions for this, that this ee the republic imagined how it will develop as an independent state , you understand, uh, imagine ukraine, which goes to the black sea, and therefore we understand why the russians want to er interrupt our navigation, and now imagine yakutia, where does it go, to which sea, do you remember to the seafarers, ugh
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, well, you have diamonds, but if you are blocked from land, then you will not eat them, that is, it must be something existential, so that russia itself agrees with the independence of this same yakutia, because it will have economic relations with it, you see, it is like the soviet union that we are there we recognize the independence of turkmenistan and buy its gas. but if we do not recognize and do not buy gas, then what is turkistan, turkmenistan to do with its gas, there is nothing to wash, because the rest is simple, well, now they are building something to china, but before the only one was a pipe towards moscow, and that too precisely, and here it is necessary to discuss this separately from each such territory, because, well, to say that even together, when all these peoples are gathered there will be somewhere... well, 20
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million people, and russians are still 100, 100 will be millions, well it's not like that, it's not like that was in the soviet union, where russians were half, and there were countries such as ukraine, where ukrainians were 75-80%, and those who were considered russians actually registered as such and were ready to become ukrainians at any moment, half of were these ethnic russians not russians, or some other countries? of the same type, the union republics were like that, you know, there in armenia there were 95% in armenia there, well, 90, until the moment when the number of the russian and azerbaijani population there decreased, in georgia it was mostly divided, you can continue it took so long to list it all, well, these are other possibilities, and there is an external border, yes, you understand, but even in armenia, which was blocked at once by turkey and azerbaijan, it remained. the external border with georgia
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and iran, this is an economic road, and if you have nothing, russia, what did it start to do when the independence of the union republics was being fought, it blocked lithuania, but mykola ryshkov, the former chairman of the council of ministers of the soviet union, died recently, who , as a member of the federation of federal assemblies in russia, was a supporter of the war with ukraine, everyone said: oh, there was such a reformer, and now... he supported the war with ukraine, how did this happen? and i remembered how it happened, how he held me here by the lapel of his jacket and proved to me that it was necessary to blockade lithuania, i have a long interview in the archive with mykola rusko, the head of the council of ministers of the soviet union, who also e-mailed me to the deputy e, to the soviet from lithuania, proved that if they will declare independence, then the russian will block them, there is no external border, because it is guarded by soviet border guards.
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if you don't get some nut or some raw material, you won't do anything, here's a simple explanation for you, how it all works, and in order for it to work, you need everyone to agree, that's why, why the collapse of the soviet union happened in the first place , everyone agreed, the leadership of the russian federation did not tell their company, you cannot ship to ukraine, back and forth, and by the way, it was at this time that everything was being prepared, everything was being done without... hide product cycles, remember when we said : oh, and if they are there, we will not give them any military products there to supply if they will treat us like this, and it turned out that they do not need to, they already produce everything themselves, they began to produce everything that they produced together with other countries, the former soviet republics, on their own, because they were preparing
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for war, and they understood that these old production ties should be broken, we kept them, and that's why we still have many businessmen trying to do business with russia, because... they had some enterprises, suppliers or buyers of their products in russia, and they no, because there were much smarter in terms of their intentions actually, so we also have to remember all this, that when we say that everything will fall apart, it's not as simple as it looks, because we have experience of this collapse, ours, when it was consensual, and there is the experience of the yugoslav collapse, it was not consensual, everything was wrong there. so easy with industry, not only with industry, let's say the government of serbia confiscated all the apartments of citizens of other former republics, well, in serbia, which means in serbia, they bought all apartments in belgrade, because it was a good
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, good investment, it was the capital of the union state, well, it's like an apartment in moscow, in yugoslavia you could buy apartments, god had mercy on us, because we didn't have a real estate market, there was. and people invested in this housing, where did they invest? on the sea, but croatia could not confiscate, because it is a civilized state and in belgrade, and people were left without their savings, maybe for a lifetime, because this is a big savings , a belgrade apartment, well, i have a person who lived in a socialist country, well yes, that's it there was a price for independence, please, you will live in your croatia, an independent country, but you will not have property in serbia, no? we ordered you, and now imagine that russia is doing this to a resident of some tatarstan, i assure you that there are also rich people who invest in russia, in real estate, in moscow, etc., it is possible to do many such things so that, to stop this movement a little bit, apart from political things,
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because i say that things are not always the same, and i keep saying, once again, get busy, you have to get busy with fortification. and not the collapse of russia, well, in general, our guarantee of our future is the fortification of nato and a democratic russia in the future, if we are lucky someday, if we are lucky, if it is at all possible, well, you understand that if russia becomes a normal state, even if it is not a democratic one, such as turkey, where , where, as our guest said, the prospective president , who does not know for sure that he is not fighting, but that he is there for... economic and political expansion, let it be, well, yeltsin times, uh, this is a guarantee that we live peacefully, how much there will be states on this territory, one or 40 , that’s another story, but even one, but adequate, is better than 40 inadequate ones,
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you know, because it’s not easier for anyone if you are fired upon by the kuban kazakh republic or whatever they call themselves there, or the russian federation, because... it is a bomb and a missile , it is a missile, you understand, if there is a nuclear weapon at the disposal of some central russia, then it is also a nuclear weapon, it does not cease to be a nuclear weapon because russia does not control the caucasus, so i say that the road should go from the point of view of adequacy, that's why the problem is modern, that there are no even hints of it before the construction of some kind of normal russian statehood, but again , taking into account the experience... of previous years and centuries, in russia, as you know, for ten years , it does not change for me, then it changes in one day, and i believe that we should also prepare for this, because what worries me is if something changes in russia in one day, so that our
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compatriots with you do not pluck all the flowers from all the flower beds and do not run to kiss and hug, oh, what happiness , no, at the moment when they don't mind, but let them they are offended and say, how come, we are so good now, let's unite, no, we are very glad that you are good, unite with china, but we left, it's the same here, i and china are unite, let them unite with china, not us, well, but it doesn't matter, these are their problems, i say once again, if we join nato, we have a real life in the european union, then what do they do? just to become china, this is their problem, we will preserve tyuchchevo poems in the ukrainian translation, and
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let them read it in chinese, it is theirs the election, uh, 55% turnout according to the results of the second day, reports the russian tsik, what enthusiasm, yes, but a rather interesting opinion was heard today from one of the interlocutors that putin is actually madly interested in the turnout... because the result of the election and it is clear to everyone, but conditionally speaking, so that there are no questions about the legitimacy and legality of these elections, it is necessary to show that people are going, people are going, and here is yulia navalna with her appeal, come at 12 o'clock, no matter for whom, in order not for putin, but come, and a lot such things in general, is putin really interested and is already thinking about options, how about these elections in general? for someone to be recognized in the world, for him to be recognized as the president, i don't see any reason for him not
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to be recognized, even the fact that the number of territories that he seized in ukraine has increased significantly, in these territories, of course, no one will recognize the elections, no one recognized them in crimea, yes, regarding the non-recognition of putin, there is a problem here, you do not recognize him, how does this all work, uh, negotiations, direct communication between the ministry of defense and the general staff, you see, from time to time the head of the central intelligence agency and the director of the foreign intelligence service meet, from time to time the chief of the general staff and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the united states, it happens that this direct line exists hotline in case of nuclear danger, if you think that the power in russia is usurped, how will you talk to them, well , that's not the problem... the problem is not that they are legitimate or illegitimate, the problem is the need maintain contact with such a state.
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look at how it happened with china until the 70s. the united states had no contacts with the government in beijing, considered them usurpers, and had contacts with the government in taipei. well, it couldn't be forever. this was the case with the soviet union. they believed that this was an illegal government, a government of usurpers. ugh. only in... the 5th years they decided to establish diplomatic relations, the first american president who established diplomatic relations with the soviet union was franklin-divorce, it was already the 30s, and the bolsheviks came to power in 1917, as you remember, but what was the problem: the united states thought there should be some government that would pay off the debts of the russian empire, uh, and the bolsheviks said, sorry, and you have that very good wishes, but you don't admit that, how can we pay you something, when you think that we are not the government, we are going
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to pay you money from what, on whose behalf, in what name, we are usurpers, you are not you have diplomatic relations with us, you do not conduct negotiations with us, and not what we should send to you money in the mail, america 's aunt's favorite, aunt, well this is the united states , hoping for this money, the great depression began, uh, and every dollar was in the account, they didn't pay them anything in particular, you know, they decided that they ... well , this is such a mechanization, although they did not think that this government was legitimate, they just wanted to have contact, and with putin, i think that in principle nothing would happen, it would not be bad, if they did not recognize him legitimate, but then the question arises, why now, and not earlier, you can think that the previous elections were more legitimate than these, a larger number of territories, well, the largest number of territories may not recognize it as legitimate, well, in crimea it was not recognized that way, just then, you know,
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the idea of ​​world democracy is that elections should be democratic, should take place according to certain rules , they have, well, that is, all this must have a certain form in order for it to be possible to talk about something at all, for the legitimacy of power is not always connected with democracy, the united states have good relations with states that have never known what democracy is a matter of law'. you may not recognize a certain government that came to power through a coup and depriving the mandate of the people's government. yes, the russian federation has not recognized the ukrainian governments since 2014, as you know, and they say that the ukrainians did not hold elections, it was a coup d'état, but another interesting thing here is that they sometimes recognize it, sometimes they don't, well, they said this is a junta, remember the 14th year, this is a junta, they came to power through a state transfer, this is an illegal president, the elections are not recognized, when putin came to
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meeting in normandy, he did not want to meet with poroshenko. because he thought that this was an illegitimate president, then he walked, walked, seriously, you remember how it all was, he saw that with poroshenko, everyone was talking, merkel, hollande, all the world leaders, and somehow he looks it is strange, and he started these contacts because he decided that he would then declare him legitimate for a certain time, then again the junta, the illegitimate president, the coup, and zelensky the legitimate president, the people elected him. we will talk with vladimir aleksandrovich, then again the junta, the illegitimate president translation, you see, it can be played with this, so with african countries, not only the united states but other countries, do not talk, then suddenly they talk, remember when the government of the syrian opposition was recognized as legitimate bashar al-assad no
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, and now everyone is returning, some are returning, not all, many are returning to damascus because... sharas, really controls syria, you have to talk to him, the issue of real control, he, and his elections, i'm sorry, are very similar to putin's election and such you can give a huge number of examples, but elections in a territory that is not obvious from the point of view of international law may not be recognized even in the most democratic state, uh, and... the role may not be recognized even in the most democratic state, that's why there are no embassies in jerusalem , in addition to the embassies of the united states and other states there, they are located in tel aviv, because the status of jerusalem is not fully settled, but there are absolutely transparent democratic elections and local elections are transparent, but also, when local elections are held in
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jerusalem, the residents of east jerusalem do not always participate because they are not considered there. that they should participate in israeli even local elections, but now in the local elections in jerusalem , a change is starting there, because arab candidates are running there, who say, listen, the problem is not what is legitimate or illegitimate, but what we cannot decide the question of sewage, 20 years, and this is also a problem to some extent, well, how to act in such a situation at the level of local self-government, when the territory is not settled, so there is a million in this plan. various things in the international plan , everything is transparent with putin, this is a newly conquered territory, and there is an occupation regime there, when he holds elections or referendums there, it looks comical, everyone understands that, let's go, if we have already talked about it, that's all - let's take a look at the middle east, at what is happening
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directly in israel, in my opinion, joseph's thesis was very sharp. as for mr. netanyahu, his approach to war can hurt israel, yes, that is, even from the mouth already the american president has doubts about the severity of the military tactics that were chosen in relation to the gaza strip, more precisely, the terrorist hamas, which paid off there as it should. as you now see the development of this situation in general, you see, president biden has a very difficult situation. electorally, uh, because a large number of democratic party voters, they really consider this policy of israel to be excessive in terms of operations in the gas sector, and they believe that president biden's support for israel in this the situation seems archaic, and
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these people are protesting, even during the primaries, they're protesting, and biden understands that this can ... hurt him to some extent in the presidential election, as you don't know, because these people are definitely not going to vote for trump , uh, because they 're going to realize that trump is going to care deeply about all these opinions of theirs, but they might not go vote for biden, they might just not go vote, think that both candidates feel the same way about this issue, and biden has to prove it does not apply to israel at all, which is not the same... uh, and that's why he talks about humanitarian aid to gaza, but today, when he speaks, he talks about aid to ukraine, about aid to israel and of course about humanitarian aid to gaza, to build something there. spears, this will not solve the problem, but it will at least demonstrate his interest in the humanitarian problems of gaza.
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israel lives its own political life. prime minister nittanyak has absolutely no interest in who is elected president of the united states, and even more so, he absolutely does not want elected biden. ugh, he doesn't need biden at all, he will absolutely not mind if trump turns, so no one will bother him. won't finish this operation, drive hamas out of gaza, and that's the end of the story, it seems they don't care as much about aid as we do, they care about aid, it's harder for them to fight, but i'm just telling you, biden is not a soy, netanyahu is not biden's ally, only biden's ally, that's one, but you see that even the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, says that israel we need new elections because this government won't listen to us and... it might cost us to win the election, or the congressmen, the democrats won't win the election, uh, this is absolutely an electoral story, on the other
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hand, there's another one the problem is that when the democrats say that about gas, they can lose the traditional electorate, because american jews vote for democracy, that's the democrats' nuclear electorate, and i've already read the text. in the american media , say that they watch fox news more and more because they think that they are all democratic media parties, bull democracies there cnn and so on, they just don't give an adequate picture of the middle east from the point of view of these people, and this may be an additional electorate of the republicans, and that is why they are confused, this is not a story about the middle east, in the middle east is going anti-terrorist operation, uh, and the goal of this anti-terrorist operation should be to destroy the terrorist group hamas, of course, are serious. problems for the civilian population in the gas sector, and the civilian population of the russian federation has problems when we strike at belgorod or we enter the graivoronsky district, do we want to go to some village there, these are serious
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problems for the civilian population, by the way, this is a civilian population, unlike the gas sector, they may be ethnic ukrainians, because they live there, you know, there are two villages on the border , that is my aunt's house, this is an ethnically ukrainian village, opposite the village. the territory of ukraine, ethnic russians live there, this is how it happened, the borders look like this, and these ethnic russians who live on the territory of ukraine want to do something with these ethnic ukrainians who live on the territory of russia, well, we, no one, we will not tell our citizens, you know, you are some kind of animals , you do not feel sorry for the people who are currently suffering under shelling in belgorod, because they will say, let these people stop the war, we they didn't start, huh. ugh , how is it different from the point of view of the civilian population of the gas sector, the 90% that support hamas, keep these hostages in their families,
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help the terrorists, of course feel sorry for any child, any woman , any civilian who dies, but this is the situation if you conduct an anti-terrorist operation, civilians are used by terrorists as shields, become unwitting victims of this whole catastrophe, if you want terrorism to continue, you can stop listening to the international community, europeans and americans and have a new raid, if you want to ensure security, you spit on absolutely everyone chatter and finish this thing, from netanyahu's point of view, i'll just give you a position, because netanyahu understands that if he doesn't do this, he will lose power, he may lose it anyway, but he has a chance, if he fulfills this task, if he doesn't, what is he for... it is written, and therefore they are maneuvering. the americans are talking with opposition leaders who are now in netanyahu's cabinet, with beeniganets. gantz went to washington, uh,
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met with kamala hadis, the vice president of the united states, without informing the prime minister. can you imagine? and he is part of the cabinet of ministers. ugh. well, imagine if we had it so that we would be allowed. let's say there , prime minister shmyhal would go to paris or washington without being informed about it with zelensky also had some conversations there, it’s impossible, but these are the political realities in the middle east, others, why the americans talk with benigans, because they need to show that there are other political forces in israel that are ready for more cautious approach, but none of these people who are talking to them is also going to... and that's why it's such a tedious process of changes, it's agreed, it's clear why, every day, they continue negotiations, everyone really
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hoped that there would be a change. .. truce for ramadan, unfortunately, it did not take place, that is the negotiations don't end for a day, uh, they go on all the time, and some of them, maybe some of them we don't know about, well, at least we can, of course, but the fact that they are happening in qatar, that they are taking place with the mediation of saudi arabia, says that the arab world does not want a confrontation with israel. uhu, but he wants an armistice and an end to the war, and this is also a very important point. a few more words, iran usually denies it, but information appeared in zmi that secret negotiations may take place between this country and by the united states, despite all rather sharp assessments of each other. well, we have actually been following similar stories. now the focus of attention is just to remind you, the red sea is simply a crazy economic
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zone in terms of intensity. and it would be good if the yemeni houthis would still retreat from the practice of shelling the waters of the red sea. the usa is trying to achieve this, allegedly through negotiations with the iranians, who actually control this terrorist activity. in some strange way, a strange victory, that is, as if they were happening, some advisers, biden in oman, our beloved omani, they talked to the deputy. incredible things, you see what politics looks like, we live here all the time in a delusion, while real secret negotiations are taking place in the delusion, a history not created by us, which we will learn about only after the government in ukraine changes, i i think that after that we will find out what really happened in oman, something happened there,
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obviously. oh, but we now know how it can be in oman, not in qatar, not in qatar, and don't forget that this meeting in oman was in january, and now it's march. now imagine what you and i know about the political process. we will learn in 2024 that there were intensive consultations in the 22nd regarding the use of nuclear weapons by russia. yes, when everyone convinced us: "no-no-no!". it 's all fiction, it's all delusion, it's all propaganda , no one seriously discusses it, at that time , serious grown-up uncles held meetings about what they should do if this nuclear bomb was really dropped, because they had intelligence information on the table, two years, we are discussing it as a political fact, it is now march 2024 we're discussing what happened in january 2022 as if it's news, it used to be like that 100 years ago when i was in march... somebody
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found out that somewhere the emperor of one country had a secret meeting with the emperor of another while it's telegraph the agencies reported, and someone found out, and they printed it in the newspaper that was being published, so we found out, and now we receive news every day without words, but somehow we won’t get the main news, so , well, some of the news, frankly, and it’s good that maybe we don't finish it, or we get it in a cut format, especially when it is refers to the real armed assistance for us from partners there? a few words, just from you, mr. vitaly, scholz, macron, yes, germany and france, the front-runners, you know, such in europe, very important players, in general, what is happening between the leaders of these countries, and whether, let's say, they are now are engaged in pulling the ukrainian blanket, each on their own, in an effort to prove that each of them helps more, what is happening, which in principle
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always happens in the electoral environment, is a struggle for leadership, that is, germany is unconditional the leader of aid to ukraine in europe, but macron is trying to be a leader in terms of intentions and if you want spirit, spirit of the times, something that scholz is absolutely not ready to do, that is , macron starts talking to putin in putin's language , hard, moving the reds. lines, saying that there are no red lines, we heard this before only from putin. scholz tries to act, you know, not so much as a politician, but as an accountant, and therefore becomes weaker than macron. of course, if angela merkel were now at the head of the german government, macron would not do any of this, because merkel would be the leader of the situation in her role. how she does it, i don't know, but i am absolutely sure that she...


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