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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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any crime against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all espresso viewers, annaeva melnyk and the news team are ready to tell you about the most important thing at the moment. in the morning , the occupiers fired at a fire department in the kharkiv region, a rescue worker was injured. reported. state service for emergency
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situations. at night, the enemy fired rockets at the border settlement. as a result of the impact, the building of the fire station was knocked out windows, doors, destroyed roof and facade. in addition, four fire and rescue vehicles were damaged. 11 rescuers were on duty there, one of them received an arm injury. meanwhile, a residential building was burning in kharkiv. in the evening , a five-story building in the central part of the city was occupied. the state emergency service said , insulation from the outer wall and balconies from the first to fifth floors caught fire. the fire covered 100 m2 of the building. rescuers took 20 residents out of the apartments. in a few hours, the fire and its cause were extinguished find out one person was killed and another was injured due to an enemy attack on velyka pisarivka in sumy oblast. the occupiers dropped
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an aerial bomb in the center of the village, reported the regional military administration, enemy shells destroyed 15 private houses, a high-rise building, a shop, a branch of the cultural center, a library, a hospital, a kindergarten and a gas pipeline. muscovites also damaged infrastructure facilities in the regional center and konotop. in general, during the day , the enemy shelled the populated areas of the region 60 times. they are building in odesa. new defensive ones construction, the head of the region oleg kiper told about it. currently , protective fortifications and barriers are being actively built in the region , including the so-called dragon's teeth, anti-tank ditches and other barriers. about 150 workers and 80 pieces of equipment were involved for this. there is no such crime that putin would not commit in order to maintain power, and no one in the world is safe. hidden from
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his evil. this was emphasized by president volodymyr zelenskyi in his evening address. he also thanked all the countries that openly declare this. all that russia does on the occupied territory of ukraine is a crime. for everything done by the russian murderers in this war, and for the sake of putin's lifelong rule, there must be a just retribution. he is most afraid of only one thing. fair there is no legitimacy in this imitation of elections and there cannot be, this figure must end up on the dock in gas. for vladimir putin, the local center is drawing a record victory in the so-called presidential elections. after processing 99% of the protocols, the russian dictator has already allegedly won more than 87% of the votes. the turnout allegedly amounted to... 73% - these are new
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record figures, because previously the highest support for putin was in 2018, almost 77%. let me remind you that the pseudo-elections in russia were held without a single opposition candidate. all three nominal competitors are members of the russian parliament, who in their pre-election program fully supported the actions of the war criminal, in particular in ukraine. meanwhile, the russian station the night before went to the village of kozinka in the belgorod region and raised their flags there. soldiers of the siberia battalion and the legion reported this on social networks freedom of russia. they published photos in this settlement, at the same time emphasizing that their special operation on the territory of the russian federation continues. let me remind you that on sunday, russian volunteers also entered horkivska in the belgorod region. israel will lead. negotiations on
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a temporary truce in the gaza strip, for this the country's security cabinet will send a delegation to qatar's capital, doha, where they will talk with hamas representatives about a ceasefire. and the release of the hostages, the israeli media reported. earlier it became known that militants presented mediators from the united states with an offer to release israeli prisoners in exchange for a thousand palestinian prisoners. however, telyava said that these demands are unrealistic. a full-scale war found him in the kherson region, far from his native home, when russian troops advanced into ukraine. from the crimean side, our military was tasked with stopping the enemy, but the forces were unequal. then, at that time , the car in which bohdan rudkivskyi was was hit by heavy artillery fire. my colleagues chatted with the mother of the fallen defender. my
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golden sunshine, mother is always with you, always. it's been more than two years. while this is how lyudmila starts her mornings, she prays for the repose of her dead son bohdan rudkivskyi, who served in the armed forces of ukraine since 2019 . the woman remembers that he played basketball from the fifth grade and could not imagine life without it, later he transferred to the regional sports high school, where he received a certificate of complete secondary general education. in 2014, when the team in which the boy played broke up, he could not find himself. places, but to do did not stop playing sports, bohdan also worked at various jobs, went to poland to earn money , but realized that it was not for him, so he joined the army, namely in the belotserk anti-aircraft missile regiment, but even there he did not leave the ball with a ring , went to the post
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of mechanic-driver of missile installations, he had such a big 18-ton car with missiles on top, in the 20th year they... went on a rotation near donbas, he told me: "mom, no worry, we are very far, we don't have hostilities here, but it was not true, we only found out how he was after that , after this six months they were there on rotation , and he came and showed a participant in hostilities, then i cried so much, bohdan stayed at home for a while, but already in july 2021 he went to the kherson region, where the all-ukrainian training. in september, the soldier took a fifteen-day vacation, and that's when the woman saw her son for the last time. in the south of the country , bilotserkivets met a full-scale russian invasion, and as mom shares, on february 23, they talked on the phone, and on the 24th , he only wrote: we are going, but not where
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clarified at approximately 3:30 p.m., they were fired upon by enemy artillery, targeting the car in which 27-year-old rudkivskyi was. relatives did not know about this and hoped that he did not respond due to lack of communication. and how it quieted down a little, and this comrade who hid began to respond, began to shout , well, to hear, maybe someone else is wounded, or something, and he says, i heard bohdan shouting, he says, i ran up to him, took he says, to pull him by the hands, and bohdan was 95 meters tall, i pulled him, he says, i pulled him, well, he says, through bohdan let them go for two minutes. volunteers found the man from bilotserkiv and buried him under ash trees together with the priest. these territories are now temporarily occupied by the russians, so the 62-year-old mother believes that she will live to see the days when her son is reburied in the white church, because it will be more peaceful for her, she remembers bohdan and his
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friend yaroslav. he says that their childhood was spent together and he has a lot of good memories. the boys continued to communicate even when they became adults, but because of the service with... meetings became less frequent, a person who always she was ready to lend her shoulder if necessary, at any time, day or night, that is , regardless of the time of day, he was ready to come to the rescue, in some companies he even had a nickname like golden, he due to his hair color , that he is ruddy here, he radiated like the sun. in kindness, he transferred his mood to people, support. recently , a basketball tournament was held in bila tserkva in memory of the fallen defenseman, which will become a good tradition from now on. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. eternal memory and
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glory to all the heroes who gave their lives most dearly for you and us and for ukraine. and i remind you about our assembly of the 74th battalion. the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs maviks and fpidrones, these soldiers defend the country in the zaporizhzhia direction, and so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we... have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost 280,000 . join this collection. you can see all the details on the screen. at this point, i have everything. i i tell you, we will see you very soon, then meet my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk at eter spresso.
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wagons in hostages, back in august of last year, at the request of sbi investigators and prosecutors of the prosecutor general's office , the pechersk district court of kyiv seized freight wagons of the poltava mining and processing plant. the prosecution calls these wagons alleged material evidence of illegality. household waste from production. the investigation of this case is still ongoing, but the company's lawyers do not agree with it accusations of so many arrested wagons. we found out and received written answers from ukrzaliznytsia. ukrazaliznytsia keeps track of who transported what to whom, in which wagons, and so on. we managed to find out that only 158 wagons were involved in the transportation of products for this particular counterparty. at the same time, all were arrested. which are owned by pgz. we see clear illegality in this. the factory emphasizes that the seizure
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of wagons has a negative effect on production indicators, because it has become much more difficult to sell products. such a decision of the court in fact jeopardizes timely delivery. therefore, we are now seeing a decrease in the volume of shipments of akatki, an increase in our cost price, as a result of which our company will have a lower profit, as a result of which the volume will be reduced. tax deductions due to the seizure of its own wagons , the plant had to rent transport from several private owners. the technical condition of the wagons can be said to be unsatisfactory and not intended for the transportation of our goods due to large gaps, as a result of transportation, leakage occurs our cargo i would still like to find an understanding in this question, why our cars are standing, but not working for our benefit. our ukraine. due to the lack of wagons, the sale of products is delayed, which can lead to the loss
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of sales markets and significant losses. moreover, due to such actions, the company, which is one of the largest taxpayers and an employer in the region, has already suffered losses of over uah 150 million, and more than uah 30 million of taxes have not been received by the budgets of all levels. at the poltava mining and processing plant hope for the speedy correction of this regrettable mistake, which can... lead to the destruction of the enterprise, and all involved officials, the investigator, the prosecutor, the judge and others, will suffer the appropriate punishment for such deliberately illegal actions, - the lawyers emphasize. dear friends, good morning, we are starting the broadcast week on espresso, continuing
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the marathon that has been going on for 754 days, as long as the full-scale invasion lasts, les vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, this week will work in this studio for you, join to our airwaves, we will talk about all the topics that concern each of us now, and of course we will talk about the war, and today we will also talk about how the russians elected putin. and were elected , which was not a big surprise, probably, well, but it is interesting, in fact, that the same people as putin, well, they may be people, of course, they can draw any percentage they want, and they are like that there, that is it was thought out somewhere about 88%, i actually said a year ago, somewhere roughly this is how the result is drawn for him, well , you see, they drew it, i wonder how much it really is russians voted for putin, but let's not deceive ourselves, probably the majority of those who came, the turnout was probably not bad, so unfortunately... unfortunately, russians and putin are not, you know, like flies and meatballs , these are, so to speak, the same flies in
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the same meatball, or zmukh meatballs, zmukh meatballs, yes, so, unfortunately, they are the same thing, we say putin, we mean the russians, we say the russians, we mean mind putin, let's talk the same way about how putin's elections took place in the occupied territories of ukraine, how the russians achieved there their incredible... well, actually, let's start our morning today , we traditionally start it with a roll call, and this roll call in our country will start from the zaporizhzhia region. serhiy lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council , joins us. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning. tell me, how was the night in the zaporizhzhia region? in principle, the night passed more or less calmly in the zaporizhzhia region. there were explosions, they were heard on the demarcation line, accordingly
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, nearby settlements heard these explosions, but in general in the city and most of the territory. zapolitskyi district felt calm, but meanwhile in the occupied territories, how did the day pass there? elections were going on in the full territories, in connection with this it was more or less quiet, calm, because a large number of law enforcement officers were switched to ensuring this process, accordingly there as well as... in and in other territories all were focused on the elections, and how were the elections, for example, in melitopol, in sovietansk, which from there, how did it look? well, it looked like the first time in principle, almost like a normal election process,
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no one talked about the nuances of the type of alexander ii at the polling stations at the moment, and the peculiarity is that the occupier... first drew up electoral lists, among those who intend to come and will definitely come , even if they did not vote at home, and then the elections had already been held and thus, accordingly, created a picture as close as possible to reality, conditionally reality, and about the turnout for the elections, because those who said in advance that they would be and they were on the list, and at the same time there is a well previous ones there, house committees , condominiums, street and neighborhood committees were given the task of conducting a population census, establishing who is located in which territory, who lives, who does not live, and collect copies of passports, including from those who did not receive a russian passport, in order to
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was ukrainian, in order to clearly know whether this person is in the territory, not in the territory, etc. refused to provide documents, accordingly they were informed that in case of refusal, their housing would be designated as vilne and a soldier would move in with them, well, people in such according to the situations, they did not get on rozhon, they provided documents, and therefore it was possible to create a more or less real picture, and did people somehow manage to avoid participating in these putin elections, well, it was difficult, then... because for a week they walked around to the homes of those who knew for sure that they might not come to the elections and demanded that they vote, but those who live, relatively speaking, in two apartments or in a country house, because there are actually quite a lot of such cases, when a person lives there in his apartment, in an apartment parents, or, on the contrary, children
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, in order not to take her away, not to take her away, to create, to create the illusion that she is living, some of these people succeeded because they were simply not caught at home there, they did not go to the elections on sunday , but how high this percentage is, well, it is not yet known, in russia there was a television story about the citizens of melitopol, who are kept in prison in a high-security colony, and they are waiting for exchange, such footage from there, i will not say that it is shocking, let's say it is unpleasant and... actually it is about, in particular several melitopol citizens, these are serhiy butnar, oleg zubov, igor artemmenko, all of them worked in the state emergency service, some worked, in other words, civil servants , and one was the head of the security service of the melitopol elevator, another was a lawyer, and the former head of
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the police investigative department, oleg zubov , slomots, they are all three of these ukrainians. they make comments on camera there, which struck me, they say frankly, for example, oleg zubov, here he is standing in the background, he said, he says, to the russian journalists, he says, i took the oath to the ukrainian people, i remain loyal to her, well, that's it , well, in a word, another person said there that he really hopes that the homeland remembers them, and all of them will be sent for exchange and returned. to ukraine, well, this is the fate of officials, in particular, those who ended up in melitopol against their will, did not have time to leave, could not evacuate and were arrested. well, the fact is that, if, let's say, well , there is already public access to balitsky's verdict, and so here is the first action that balitsky committed in
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his position, gauleiter, it was he who started looting elevators with grain, demanding transfer of this grain to the occupiers, etc., so it is not surprising that the elevator worker is among the detainees. because this is also what the occupiers first of all drew their attention to, the same applies to the national security service, because they came to the national security service primarily to demand that they start cooperating, because it is such a service that cannot a-a not work , there is a need for it, especially in military conditions, and a lawyer, of course, a person tried to protect the interests of others, and in russia it is not accepted, only lawyers work there. within those limits where it is allowed and and it is not at all clear to the navy that they are needed there in such a situation, well, what are the names of these people, again, who are currently in taganrog, far away in russia under strict
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regime in prison, serhii butnar, oleg zubov, igor artemmenko, they are not lose hope of exchange. mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, let's show these people again, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, we are now. let's take a short break, and then we'll come back, continue, talk about what's happening in sumy oblast and in dnipropetrovsk region, stay with us. bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine on megodog. the victory will allow to play in the match for qualification to euro-2024. therefore, our teams need your support. cheer on march 21 at 9:45 p.m. together with mego there are 20% discounts on moth in plantain pharmacies and savings, there are
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guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at... the premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! see this week in the collaborators program. how did a doctor from mariupol treat wounded ukrainian soldiers? during hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union,
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the union with russia, closer. on tuesday , march 19, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war. and what the world is like for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! dear friends, we are back on
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the air, we will continue our roll call, now prana. samosya to sumy oblast, will be with us volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community and deputy chairman of the sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, we are glad to see you. good morning, you are greeted by the north-eastern lieutenant colonel of the defense of our state. how was the night in sumy oblast? well, relatively calm, if you look at the previous period, then relatively calm. if you don't take into account the fact that there were two flights in the dark yesterday, in... styrka there were two iskanders, a large filing cabinet, they are hitting it very hard, they are hitting it, already tons, the ironclad has already dropped this explosive on a large filing cabinet, but today was so relatively calm, the night passed, well, you know why this is done, i think so, i spoke with bishop mifodia, this is sumy and akhtyr of our orthodox church of ukraine, then he said that the demons
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are explained as much as possible. before the fast, but today is about to start, so i understand that there were 500 explosions the day before yesterday, and yesterday there were about 40 alarms per day, so this is as much as possible during the war, this is full-scale, this is of course it can be seen that the biemons are really mad, maybe this is some kind of answer to the fact that these volunteer battalions are from russian, russian ee? citizens acted in belohorod region and kursk region in russia? well, maybe so, because well, yes, indeed , the legion of freedom is working, but from the direction of bilopil, there is the village of ryzhivka, that’s all there, and immediately after ryzhivka, aunty’s begins, which is still controlled by a battalion of russian volunteers, so it is possible, and this is a consequence of one of, and perhaps the fact that elections without elections were held in the territory of so-called russia, which is still
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very violent recently, the information war, in what way, they hit the television stations in sumy region and in kharkiv region, as far as i saw on the news, and there was no broadcast of ukrainian t2, it is in bilopil, it is still not there, it is working and being repaired in sumy, it appeared yesterday, in trestiantsi also appeared recently, so they want to create an information vacuum in the same bilopil now. so that you understand, the russian radio is already working, and there zhirinovsky decide, dokhlinovsky decide, russia is there, russian anthems are playing there, that's why it's an information vacuum, that's why i invite everyone ukrainians who can do some kind of informational resistance, some kind of informational war, join this, well, personally, i send a tiktok message, i call on the time in russian, to surrender, not to participate in these elections, because
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their water will be new. mobykov will be recruited, so that’s enough, they react to it actively , the rashists live there, write all kinds of comments that are not good, and i understand that this means that it works, mr. volodymyr, please tell me, you say that now there are a lot of attacks on sumy, whether people decide to leave and how many already in these two years, the third year of a full-scale invasion of people left sumy oblast. that means 22 settlements have already been completely evicted, the regional administration is calling on all the people, and we personally, the district council, we traveled and explained, because when they say, the roasted rooster has already pecked, when the people have already arrived, well, they did so that in the same ryzhevka, the same big pen, it is almost impossible to safely evacuate people, then it is already a little late, there are few volunteers under the explosions, few people who can... well,
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it is very dangerous to send the same buses, the same kind of transport to this area, so i once again call for an evacuation in time, so that later there will be no, let's say, regret about it, but this evacuation is untimely, it is not happening whose fault is it that people don't want to leave, or do people still have walls , as they say , at home? and charitable foundations, such as time and others, there are residences, there are estates, there are already prepared, there are hostels are temporary, there are dormitories for people who are temporary from these very cities, but i emphasize once again, until...
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such a disaster as in ryzhik, like a great plague, will not begin.


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