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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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or telegram, it can all work against us later, so keep that in mind, well , meanwhile, we got closer, got closer to 8 o'clock in the morning, which means that annoyeva melnyk will tell us about the news that happened in the last hour, anno evo, to you word, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, then the news team will work and tell about the most important things, in particular about the situation in the regions of ukraine, what is happening at the front, how the world reacted to the pseudo-elections in the russian federation. more details, stay tuned. at night, our defenders of the sky destroyed 17 enemies shahedov in total, the russians released 22 attack drones over ukraine. in addition, the enemy
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attacked kharkiv oblast with five anti-aircraft guided missiles, s-300, s-400 and two kh-59 guided air missiles against sumy oblast. and also at night, russia attacked the poltava region with drones, the sounds of explosions were heard in the kremenchug district, the head of the region, philip pronin, reported about this. fortunately, there were no casualties or infrastructure damage. in france, the occupiers fired at a fire department in the kharkiv region, a rescue worker was injured. it was reported in the civil service emergency situations. at night, the enemy fired rockets at the border settlement. as a result of the impact, the building of the fire station, windows and doors were broken, the roof and facade were destroyed. in addition, four fire and rescue vehicles were damaged. there were 11 rescuers on duty, one of them got an arm injury. meanwhile,
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a residential building was burning in kharkiv. in the evening , a five-story building in the central part of the city caught fire, the rescuers reported: the insulation of the outer wall and balconies from the first to fifth floor. the fire covered 100 m2 of the building. rescuers took 20 residents out of the apartments, and the fire was extinguished within a few hours. the reason for its occurrence is being investigated. one person was killed and another was injured due to an enemy strike. according to a large registry office in sumy oblast. the occupiers dropped a fap aerial bomb on the center of the village. it was reported in the regional military administration. enemy shells hit 15 private houses, a high-rise building, a shop, a branch of the cultural center, a library, a hospital, a kindergarten and a gas pipeline. muscovites also damaged infrastructure facilities in the regional center and in konotop. in total , during the day, the enemy shelled the populated areas of the region 60 times.
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new defense structures are being built in odesa region, oleg kiper, the head of the region, told about it. currently , defensive fortifications and barriers are being actively built in the region, including the so-called dragon's teeth, anti-tank ditches and other barriers. about 150 workers and 80 pieces of equipment were involved for this. more than 70 combat clashes took place at the front during. the enemy continues to storm the positions of our troops in seven directions, reports general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the heaviest battles continue in the novopavlivskyi and avdiivskyi directions, where the ukrainian defenders repelled up to fifty attacks of the invaders, several times the russians unsuccessfully tried to break through the defenses in the kupin area and near rozdolivka in the donetsk region. also, the zso repulsed eight russian attacks near bakhmut, and another seven in the robotyny area of ​​zaporizhzhia. three times the enemy stormed the positions of the armed forces
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on the left bank of the kherson region. over the course of a day, our aviation and missile forces destroyed nine enemy concentrations. i remind about our collection the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers are defending our country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, we need... drones. and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected almost 280 thousand. join this gathering. any amount is important. you see the details on the screen. for vladimir putin, the central electoral commission is drawing a record victory in the so-called presidential elections. after processing 99% the russian dictator has allegedly already typed up the protocols. more than 87% of the votes, the turnout allegedly amounted
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to more than 73%, these are new record indicators, because previously the highest support for putin was in 2018 . almost 77%. let me remind you that the pseudo-elections in russia were held without a single opposition candidate. all three nominal competitors are members of the russian parliament, who in their pre-election program fully supported the actions of the war criminal, in particular in ukraine. the civilized world condemned the fake presidential election in russia. germany, in particular, criticized them for imprisoning political...opponents and censorship, british foreign secretary david cameron said that the vote in russia was not at all like a free and fair expression of will. at the same time, the leader of slovakia , zuzana chaputova, emphasized that staging elections in the occupied territories of ukraine is
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a gross violation of international law, so these results will never be recognized by the international community. meanwhile, the leaders of bolivia, cuba and venezuela congratulated putin on his re-election. russian rebels the night before went to the village of kozinka of the belgorod region and raised their flags there. soldiers of the siberia battalion and the legion of freedom of russia announced this on social networks. they published photos in this settlement, at the same time emphasizing that their special operation on the territory of the russian federation continues. let me remind you that on sunday, russian volunteers also entered horkivska in the belgorod region. ukraine will not continue the transit of russian gas and the contract with gazprom. the terms of the current agreement expire on december 31 of the current year - he said minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko. he noted that stress tests of the ukrainian gas transportation system and
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underground storage facilities were conducted last year. therefore, the system can function without transit. at the same time, according to the minister, ukraine is increasing domestic production of blue fuel. protecting against potential threats, security audits help identify problem areas in communities and improve them. this project is implemented in 14 regions, countries, by a consortium of six women's organizations, including the ukrainian public health foundation, with the assistance of the office of the government commissioner for gender policy kateryna levchenko. have you solved the security issues in lviv? my colleagues will tell. well, i was like two and choose a color, the most will be purple. pupils of the bibersky support lyceum play board games in a shelter during the air raid, in order to create a comfortable and safe space
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for schoolchildren, the local authorities have set up a protective structure. we bought here such functional things that help them to teach effectively. this is actually a projector, tables, chairs, bought a lot of games, heating was done. a security audit was conducted in the biber territorial community, and city leaders focused their efforts on improving areas near educational institutions and hospitals. here we fenced off the school environment for what, because in reality the schoolchildren were standing under an open roof, this is also the safety of the children. bring anything nice to happen, because there is a guard, it is already under guard fenced. in public institutions , inclusive toilets were installed, ramps were made and escalators were purchased. in this way, the bieber community tries to take care of people from inclusive needs. we are now
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in the resource room, which is set up for children with special educational needs. here. there are classes, correctional classes with such children, in the fall of 2023 , a training was organized for community representatives as part of the women peace-security project, responses to the challenges of war. after that, the local authorities, together with activists and law enforcement officers , conducted a security audit on two routes, as a result, they identified security threats and eliminated them, we left at night also on the territory, we saw problematic places, namely... the playground was for children, there was not very strong lighting, we carried out the lighting of the given territory along the given route, as well as the installation of quarantine hatches and re-performed and installed the zebra crossing. for the first time, the security audit was conducted by the ukrainian public health foundation, back in 2019, after
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the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the methodology was updated, since now security issues are related to the challenges of war. said that both in the east and in the west there are many common problems in the context of women's safety. a security audit is a tool that first of all allows the community, and later the funds they have. direct to the coverage of priority issues related to security, that is, in fact, the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand, in fact, this road, or this lighting, or this, or this traffic junction , what has to be done? 28 communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine participated in territory security audits. this tool helps transform dangerous urban spaces into safe and for... be with
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espresso. well, congratulations to everyone who watches the espresso tv channel. the informational marathon on our tv channel 754 lasts for exactly as long as the full-scale russian attack on ukraine. well, in russia, the old new tsar was elected, and vladimir putin became him without special, special, so to speak, surprises, and in principle he was even congratulated, you know, you know who congratulated putin, who was the president of honduras, the president of the north korea, kem chin-in, well of course, the president of uzbekistan, so you see, already. a good company, er, i think that we have a good company, but, but you
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know what struck me the most, by the way, in these presidential elections in russia, the fact that in russia they elected that putin, or in those in the temporarily occupied territories , people were driven to those precincts, they showed all kinds of terrible stories, well, that's all, they gave out pies, free appointments to the gynecologist, i don't know whether in those booths or not, well, there was also an appeal there by this, yes, but i was actually even more impressed by the fact that... russians who are abroad, who have russian passports where it is allowed, for example, they actually went to vote en masse at the polling stations in these countries in the russian embassies, they for these countries to think whether it is necessary for these citizens of russia to inhabit their countries, just for whom they were going to vote there, well, if they were going to vote for putin, and there many of them said that they voted. exactly for putin, in that case, what are they in for in principle, for example, they are sitting in london
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, there is sky news, they filmed it, look, what a huge queue is standing, my god, there, and they are saying something there, in principle, we are for navalny, there is something else, for navalny, and why did you come who to vote for, for navalny, he is not on the lists, well, in a word, it is amazing, but the majority actually calmly said that we are voting for putin, we really haven’t been there since the 90s in moscow, well, they say that it is not bad there now for putin , a special military operation. now we will ask about how the elections for putin took place in the occupied territories mariupol, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, will join our broadcast, in the meantime, dear friends, i want to remind you that we are collecting for cars for the front, we need three four-wheel drive cars, not us, our for the military, for the air reconnaissance group , the main intelligence department, we are with... a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes and
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we need to collect uah 900,000, dear friends, you now see a qr code on your screens, you can also write down the card number that appears under it, if you don’t know how to use the qr code, 5375, 41.12, 16.66 04. we have to collect 900,000, you and i are moving quite well, in principle, in the last days and weeks, they are so pleasing, because i i see how we close each collection little by little, so dear friends, you can join the next one, those who didn't have time to join our previous ones, well, those who did have time to join, you can look on the website and find the espresso section there. find those collections that are already closed, to which you may have also joined, amuse
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itself by the fact that it is already written next to these collections: the collection is closed. well, there is petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol , already with us, mr. peter, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. peter, how did mariupol vote for putin? mariupol did not vote for putin, let's say so, well, in principle, the process of creation is over for today. affected the people very much, it allowed the absolute majority of moriupol citizens to simply avoid actually voting and these mobile patrols with machine guns, which were supposed to drive people to voting in the yards and, in principle , from visiting the polling stations, because people were not really needed there either, that is why we do not have a global video, there are photos, that there are some
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crowds in mariupol, unlike, for example, eu countries, yes , in these ambassadors of theirs, that's why... it passed and passed, as if they ticked the box that it was over, the only thing people were waiting for was that now we have to reduce patrols around the city, and thank god, as they say, but how is it happened, this is a separate story, because it is definitely not an election and we should not even use this word, that's why that, for example, there are no voters in the list , yes, when the russians talk about some kind of turnout, it is not known where they count it from, that is, from the ceiling, because there is no voter list, you could vote at the same time... on these , at least so far, there was remote voting, these mobile patrols were broadcast around the city, you could vote as many times as you wanted to do it, do it, depending on the number of documents, you could still use a passport of ukraine, a passport of the russian federation, according to the passport of the so-called dpr. our people, by the way, from sorotiv, from ours, at our
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request set up such an experiment on wednesday, and voted, one person voted 15 times. that is, for the sake of understanding, she met eight groups, in seven groups she voted simultaneously on the passport, first russian, then ukrainian, without any problems, and only one group said, no, let's choose one passport, because it somehow looks abnormal , well, 15 times in one day, that is , this is actually not a limit, it just happened too lazy to look for these patrols there , the same story with the polling stations , there are actually no lists... the lists were formed directly on the spot, as you come, you say, my registration is like this, if you found your polling station, you were given a ballot, so show, show , the real circus show was held in order to legitimize putin once again, i think that this is the last election illusion, at least in russia, yes, next time they will
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elect putin in some other way, mr. peter, but look, just if so, just how do we s... to have this figure of 87% is still, well , how to interpret it, it is still real support for putin in russia, we have seen polls, for example, that young people would like putin not to run for office, to a large extent, russian young people, in the words , how, as far as this figure, what it testifies to, in principle, it testifies to the fact that now everything will be different for them, yes, that the process of marginalization of russia, in principle, to date... is complete, it is not just number, let's look at the speech of putin himself after the announcement of the so-called results, even before the announcement, just after the end of the exit polls, as they say , yes, and his first mention of navalny, this is his first mention of navalny in general, in principle, it seems to me that during his entire period of reign, during all these periods, this means , that 's all, his hands are free, this is the final
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legitimization of the dictatorial regime, and what about putin's support. kyivans, well, these people will support anyone, i completely agree with kolebo, he very aptly noticed that don't even do it, they are so marginalized the russians, well, let's even look at their so-called opposition, yes , they killed the leader of the main opposition in front of their eyes, and what are they doing, lining up in order to write navalny on the ballot, instead of just organizing some direct actions actions, let's put it this way, yes, well, what does it say, it says that... russia has made a circle, and they are exactly at the point where russian emigration was at one time after the arrival of the bolsheviks. only now they don't have enough for putin, it's clear that it's on the 21st, 21st century, certain amendments need to be made there , but the fact remains, and i assure you that we will very quickly see
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iguls in a different order in russia, and now he can do everything, and he feels it, that is, everything, to say that... russia, again, there is no support for putin's regime, well, let's look at the meat assaults, where do these people come from, they calmly go to oboe for money, and they know that they may not return, and they still go, go, leave, and we are pelted with these corpses, it is clear that they then leave and they vote for putin absolutely sincerely and absolutely believing that this will be fine, and they are russians, well, i mean , the putin regime did the same during... soviet times, the main enemy of the fact that the inhabitants of the soviet union lived poorly, who there was, there were some imperialists, yes , there were jews during the hitler regime, and now there is a collective... they vote not so much for putin, but against the collective west and for the person who, in their opinion,
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protects them from this collective west , that's why these numbers, i wouldn't count the numbers, taking into account the degree of rigging and all this, and the turnout to be taken into account, but what the absolute majority of russians really support. well, these are actually numbers that indicate that a dictatorship has already arrived in the country, just 87, they recruited more, i 'm just looking at who recruited more, 99.5 saparmarat niyazu, a person who erected a golden monument for himself in the center of the capital, 98 heydar aliyev, 97 nazarbayev, when he was recognized as the father of all kazakhs and... he had a special name and gurban gula berda muhamedov in turkmenistan also 97%. well here, you know, here it seems
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to me that the question is not even about the number, yes, well, let's look in mariupol, they say that 280 thousand mariupol residents live, and based on this figure, without taking into account the russians, because they also added 1,100 russians, i.e. only about 300-400 thousand ballots were brought to mariupol, it is clear that they drew support for putin from these ballots. what was needed by those 85, 87, 90%, as much as they were told, that much they drew, all this is included, including in the general numbers that they are trying to voice russians, so the percentages themselves are not important , yes, it is completely drawn, here is another matter, the fact is that the russians themselves are satisfied with these percentages, we do not see a voice, even among the opposition, who would say, no, there is no such support for putin , which means that they can draw any number. but at the same time, the absolute majority of the active population really supports putin, and the passive population, well , if it was passive, well, putin and putin, a
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dictator and a dictator, or there was a tv in the refrigerator, that’s about it the marginal logic of the russians today, well global, what the russians show because, you know, i was so indignant with all these videos from european countries, these queues, yes, crazy, which we seem to see, and then theirs ... this ministry of foreign affairs of zakharov published the figures , i looked honestly at these figures and see that in reality, i don’t understand, for example, where the queues are coming from, it’s just very aptly filmed, because there are embassies in which it took place, well, for example, in the netherlands 82 people came, something like that, but it was filmed as if there were thousands are standing in that queue, so there are also questions to be submitted here and there, but the fact remains that people living in europe fled from russia. go and vote for putin, this is also, well, if the indicator of the processes that are taking place in the russian population, if
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we also talk about the elections in mariupol, how they took place, i saw such an interesting video on your telegram channel, where the slicing is going, it seems like some kind of time machine, and i was transported back to some of my soviet childhood. because there are some girls in such costumes and other such costumes of russian beauties there, these serafans, kokoshniks , performed, here they are, here they are, russian beauties, but and and and those, and also the boy was dressed in a pilot's jacket , such russian beauties, what is interesting about this video is that from afar you can see the russian military standing there, they were called to their concert called what kind of polling station is this with concerts, with songs and dances, there is such a concept in russia, it is very strange, not only in mariupol, well, we also had
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the same in the occupied part, as a media polling station, it is officially exists, it is there where journalists film, where propaganda is filmed and where such dances take place, this is one of those, there were two, there were two such districts of mariupol, both were located in schools, and there it was from morning to... night just non - stop, that’s how the show was for three days, in fact, i don’t know who was entertained there, in fact, you see, there was only a commission of military personnel and that’s all, there was no one else, that is, not so many people, and what were the military personnel doing, there were two military personnel , well, double direction, on the one hand they alternated as if for safety and at the same time they were watching what was happening, and on the other hand, there were vienkomas on duty at the polling stations and they were checking the results of the vote. when people came with passports, i mean men, they put them in order by order of the donetsk regional military commissariat and the so-called dpr, and they renewed and clarified the military. that's why
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the military was there, well, it's clear that there were facebookers there too, so that, god forbid, someone there didn't set fire to some ballots or something else, the same thing that happened in russia arranged, that's why the military was there, they tried to hide them, there and on the video, we see them, but you can see that they are there at a distance and constantly try to hide them so that we do not show them and do not show how the free pouring actually takes place at with such, well, with such a number of soldiers, and the military and... they brought the russian occupiers to vote , that is to say, and they took turns directly in cars, that is, well, if it was taken from the inside, and you could also see in front of the entrance, there were military trucks everywhere, already directly with the military, just in case, suddenly there will be a riot or something like that, so it's like, well, standard russian warfare under the muzzles of machine guns, if it didn't sound like it, but in fact
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it is, and they are... too they understand, and that's why they hide their soldiers from the cameras all the time . by the way, you say that you abused men, especially those who came to vote all the data, i literally just received a message from our viewer, who occupied luhansk is watched from the press , he wrote that mobilization will begin in the occupied territories from march 25, but in luhansk... they want to start it from april 1, and do you know anything about this, what is being said about it in mariupol? they don't talk about mariupol, it's the same again, let 's not do it yet, it's not mobilization, mobilization, as it should be, is conscription, in fact, it's covert mobilization under conscription measures, the first wave was already in the fall in the occupied territories and in mariupoli, in particular there are approximately 53 men
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took away but now it will start en masse, that is why they are clarifying, and everyone from 18 to 30 years of age is subject to conscription, and it is clear where we will see them quite quickly, and this time it will be a really, really big wave, military registration has been renewed, in addition to the renewal of military registration, there was another thing that happened a few weeks or a month ago, when the military districts were reformatted, and now all the occupied territories are included in the so-called southern military district in... russia, and this means that now the draft is absolutely goes within the framework of the russian bureaucracy, if it wasn't like that in the fall, there is deneria by itself, leneria by itself and so on, then today everything is a completely centralized russian process, the ministry of defense of russia, which means that it will be for real, and without any test regimes, and all, which means that all men, well, for example, in mariupol from 18 to
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30 years old are subject to... because none of them served in the russian army, well, we warned about this, here it came, going back to the beginning of our conversation, yes, now putin he can do this without looking back, as they say, without the absolute support of the rest of the population, thank you very much, mr. peter, petro andrushchenko was with us, an adviser to the mayor of mariupol, we thank you for this conversation, we are going for a short break. on march 21-22, in kyiv, well-known european and american politicians and experts, representatives of the eu and nato, will talk about the situation at the front, urgent aid to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint victory. the arseniy yatsenyuk open ukraine foundation hosts the annual kyiv security forum. kyiv tells the world, we
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