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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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that is, not by military means, but by peaceful means - this is simply not true, at least it is not true, at most it is just propaganda that is trying to deceive ukraine and the whole world. while all of ukraine was reeling from the shooting of unarmed protesters by the berkuts on the maidan in kyiv, the russian occupiers acted very quickly. they understood that, in order for the truth not to flow beyond the peninsula, it was necessary to silence all mass media. near the broadcasting centers of crimea, russia landed machine gunners and machine gunners. the last time we had a broadcast right on the birthday of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, on my shift on march 9, she announced the program for 10:20 before his birthday, somewhere she lost, maybe 5 minutes, maybe six minutes, if not less, and i heard that something else was on the air sounds like it's not our program at all. when i went on the air, i heard
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that radio news russia was already playing there. individual crimean zmi tried to work for some time to talk about what was really happening, but it was risky to do so, because in addition to threats, you could also get to play i worked underground in crimea for two years, from the 14th to 2016, until the time when my computer was put under... the kremlin's policy has not undergone any significant changes since then, today, as in 2014
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repression and persecution continue in crimea. according to the crimean human rights group, during the 10 years of occupation, at least 1,400 crimeans suffered from russian repression, at least 200 citizens are behind bars, do not receive medical care, and in most cases are victims of torture. by for all 10 years of occupation, russia has created such an island in crimea where... laws really do not apply, where only some criminal principles of the russian government operate, for 10 years in crimea , only lawlessness has been committed against the civilian population of the peninsula, the population is kept in fear, international organizations have long been recognized the occupation of crimea as illegal, today the entire world community knows that crimea is ukraine, iran.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents those united by football together are stronger, gentlemen, well , we will continue our broadcast and now we will talk about energy issues, in particular , how are the russians doing now after half of their refineries, which are at least in the european part, caught fire with a bright flame . we will talk about it with our energy expert gennady ryabtsev, if mr. gennady is already in touch, we will welcome him to our marathon. yes, mr. gennady, congratulations. i congratulate
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you. over the past week, we have watched with fascination as drones successfully hit russian oil refineries. and i understand that... concentrated to a small extent precisely in the european part of russian russian russia, so let's definitely look at the plot right away, remember how it was, and then comment on how it will affect the russian economy. columns of smoke, explosions, sirens, such a new russian arrogance. the war is returning to where it came from, this week ukrainian long-range drones had time to visit. to more than 10 regions of the aggressor country, in just two days, on march 12-13 , 12% of oil refining capacities were disabled in russia, according to the american publication bloomberg. on march 12 , the luk oil refinery in nizhny novgorod oblast, in the city of kstovo, failed, and one of
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the main processing units caught fire. the enterprise produced aviation and diesel fuel, which the occupiers use for the war against of ukraine. on march 13, our bezpi'. lotniks caused significant damage to the ryazan oil refinery. there, it was possible to hit two installations at once. losses of the company's capacity reached 70%. in russia, it is the third largest producer of bloody barrels. also on wednesday, a petroleum products plant in novoshakhtynsk, rostov region, caught fire. unknown drones allegedly fell there. due to which the russians stopped a number of technological facilities of the enterprise. all of these are legitimate military goals, because factories provide tanning. fuel as a result of their stoppage there will be some disruptions to the muscovites' plans and additional time for our defense forces, - ukrainian intelligence confirmed. a number of events are taking place at the military facilities of the aggressor state, despite the fact that it is about an oil plant in
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novoshakhtinsk, but it is a military facility that is used to supply and support the occupying group in ukraine. we do not comment on more detailed information, everyone can watch from... especially in the online mode, what is happening there, the work of the enterprise is currently stopped, and this means that there will be problems and disruptions of certain plans for the enemy, and additional opportunities and time for our defenders. on the night of march 15, three drones successfully attacked an oil plant in the kaluga region. the russian media reported damage to the petrochemical plant's equipment. on the morning of march 16, ukrainian drones attacked two more oil refineries in the russian federation in samartka. region, around six in the morning a drone hit the oil refinery in syzran. the area of ​​the fire there reached 5 m2. later, drones also hit the kuibyshiv oil refinery. such anti-terrorist ones measures will significantly hit the budget of the killer country. at the end of february, against the background
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of regular drone attacks and fires at the refinery, the kremlin regime banned the export of gasoline from march 1 to august 31 of this year, because fuel prices in the russian federation reached their maximum in february. in six months, if it turns out that the primary oil processing facilities are damaged, the production of not only gasoline, but also diesel fuel will decrease. so, now we will talk with gennady ryabtsev, an expert on energy issues. in the meantime, i want to remind you to our viewers, this is our final 15-minute broadcast of the espresso marathon with andrii saichuk. so you have an opportunity, if you haven't already, to donate to our military. i will remind you that we are collecting for cars, we need uah 900 for three cars, you can see the qr code on your screens, in the corner, you can scan it and transfer the funds. for our military, we have 17,405 hryvnias out of 900,000. for this morning, you and i
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collected uah 25,000, but don't hold back, if you haven't already contributed with your donation, you can do it in these 15 minutes. sir gennady, we come back to you, we can also show you such a beautiful plaque, i saw it in slawomir shirakovsky, a polish journalist who supports ukraine and ukrainians. if the ukrainians remember, he was collecting for bairaktars and for many other things necessary for ukrainians, and i saw in him, in fact, what they look like, how many oil refineries in russia have already been crossed out, this is so beautiful, these red crosses are especially pleasing , and of course we expect that there will be more of those red crosses, meanwhile, even that result, which is now, to what extent... he exhausted, bled the russian oil industry, i
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first want to ask you, to be honest with you, whether it is the same as the polish colleague, well, let's be honest, we are for the truth, yes, fine, let's do it, then , it is not necessary to exaggerate these very successes, from what i heard, 12% of the oil refining capacity in the russian federation has not been disabled, it has not decreased. for 70% of the okstow oil refinery, the novoshachtinsky plant does not produce marketable oil products, they did not hit the novokuibyshivsky oil refinery, therefore, but this does not mean that nothing is happening, let 's see with you what is really happening without any such hype and without, well... being given overly optimistic results or convincing us that everything, everything, everything
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is fine, in fact, what, yes , there were indeed attacks on at least a dozen russian oil refineries, where they hit exactly, i can say for sure, i was watching, because after all, an oil refiner by first education, so exactly where they hit, they hit... important installations that really affect volumes production of oil products at at least five oil refineries, maybe six, well , i can't say about the sixth, i didn't see it personally, what does this mean, a significant hit, significant destruction, it means that the full recovery of production at these five or six enterprises, maybe in six months or... what does the oil refining industry of the russian
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federation not receive as a result? it does not receive at least 16 million tons of oil products in annual terms. what is 16 million to? the russian federation processes 280 million tons of crude oil. well maybe 270 is a little less there. that is, 16280 is no way. by not 12%. what are the consequences of all this? first of all, are all the factories that are attacked located in the european part of the russian federation? what does this mean for deliveries in the territory of the russian federation? this means that it will be necessary to think about how to organize these disorganized supplies, because someone, of course, from kstovo, from volgograd, from ryazan, from syzran, they
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will still receive all these petroleum products, and they are now these petroleum products, if and receive, then in a smaller amount. second, the shoulder of transportation is increasing, because it will not be necessary from these factories, which are located near the front line or near the main centers of consumption, but located somewhere remote from... it will be necessary to transport petroleum products, it will be necessary to redistribute both supply and consumption in a new way now, because the spring field work begins, but the military says: to the farmers, or rather, they do not say anything to the farmers, but show them a figure from the three-quarters, respectively: here is diesel fuel for sowing, then there is a need to increase production, loading at other oil refineries, that is , a significant logistical problem arises, a logistical
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problem that needs to be solved in parallel with this problem, which has already arisen. in front of the russians back in february, when a decision was made even before the attacks of unknown good drones on russian oil refineries, to somehow protect the european part, or rather the largest consumers of russia, russian regions, from a shortage of gasoline back. amendments and an embargo was introduced from march 1 on this same, on the export of this of automobile gasoline itself, why precisely automobile gasoline, because of the 280 million tons that i mentioned, which are processed petroleum raw materials, not so much gasoline is produced in the russian federation, there
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is more than 50 million tons, despite the fact that consumption is more than 40 million tons, and this means that if the same unknown fragments continue to be hit by drones at the primary oil processing facilities, of which there are several at all the plants i mentioned, and which are the primary link that allows obtaining components, from which commercial gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, other for... aviation are then produced, if these volumes will decrease, if we continue to observe drone attacks on these same oil refineries, then the biggest problem that awaits the russian federation is this the very shortage of automobile gasoline,
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which is now not possible even with the available reserves. to remove from the agenda, because gasoline prices really, here as i confirm the information that was heard, despite the export ban, continue to rise, they are not already as high as they were there, for example , there last year, there are not 70 thousand rubles per ton, but there it is already approaching this indicator, so... as they say in a good way, i hope that the forces the defense of ukraine will not change tactics, because these strikes have a definitely military effect, because they can cause problems with the supply of diesel fuel to the armed forces of the russian federation on the front line, they have
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an economic effect, because they contribute to the increase in prices. therefore, inflation by all indicators, because there are oil products infrastructure goods and the prices and tariffs for all goods and services in the russian federation depend on them, and they have a really propaganda effect, which, well, good news, we, we really missed good news and it is quite clear that it supports all of us, well and the mood of some russians. of course, it is getting worse, especially since the oilmen made personal commitments to putin that everything will be fine, despite any development of events. we see that not even everyone can stand the representatives of top managers oil companies, the heart can't stand it, so
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let's hope that the tactics of force defense. ukraine will not change in the coming months. we have a couple of minutes left. thank you for such a detailed analysis. and in fact, we remember that two years ago , the attack on russia on ukraine actually began with this, with the fact that they attacked our processing facilities and oil depots, but now they hardly do anything like that. what is this connected with, or is our current energy system exactly the same. leg, she is now protected from such russian attacks, how does it work now? well, first of all, it is clear that then, especially in the 22nd year,... profile experts repeatedly warned ukrainian traders that it was necessary to disperse the stocks they had as much as possible, and
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unfortunately, not all of them listened to these advice, and we received huge e problems due to the destruction of reserves of petroleum products at large oil depots e. the leading players in the market are now already trained in oice, these problems, these losses, damages, companies try not to create large reserves, disperse them on various storage bases, and in addition, we now have a fairly efficient supply, which is called from wheels, that is... that is, there are a lot more gas trucks than before the war, they work and supply gas stations with fuel
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by directly transporting it from the factory, this increases, to be honest, the retail price, because there is a larger transport component, but it still allows you to protect the oil product supply system from such unfortunate cases. unfortunately, the situation regarding oil refineries is bad, we can recall at least eight missile and drone attacks on ukrtatnaft's kremenciutsk plant, and it is clear that this is the problem here, in ukraine we process much less oil with gas condensate than before the war, here the russians have ... their goals have achieved, however, we still have sufficiently efficient work of mini refineries of low productivity, which are sufficient in ukraine
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now to provide, in particular , the same farmers, small agricultural enterprises, and consumers in the field, and plus sufficiently established imports, which even this did not significantly affect... these strikes on the polish-ukrainian border, thank you for the answer, nadiy ryabtsev, an expert on energy issues was on our airwaves, and lesia vokulyuk and i are actually completing today's marathon segment, we will pick it up later our colleagues, dear friends, thank you for being with us, thank you for staying with espresso and thank you for continuing to donate to the qr code, you can transfer your hryvnias, for this morning you and i collected 26 hryvnias, we we collect 900 for cars. we need it to achieve such a goal, we are separated from such a goal by a little more than 700 00 hryvnias, but we hope that very soon this amount that
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separates us from the goal will be much smaller, it is possible if you contribute your hryvnia. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, and you stay with espresso, because ether espresso continues, there will be a lot more interesting things to come. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home. garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free
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12:00 pm
greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am annavamelnik and the news team tells about the most important things at the moment. a gas station was on fire in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. ignition at the gas station happened because of an enemy attack on the city. it was reported in the state emergency service that the rescue gas column caught fire. managed to stop the spread of the fire and put out the fire. there were no casualties. two people were injured by enemy shelling in myrnograd, donetsk region. during the day, the russians shelled the population center of the region 15 times, reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. two k-500 aerial bombs.


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