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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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authorities in chisinau in tiraspol to glue together such a federal country, yes, in fact, a confederation of independent subjects and thus cement moldova in a gray zone in russia's sphere of influence, and i do not see any circumstances under which russia would refuse to kill that moldova has left their sphere of influence. well, right here we remember this famous phrase of one of the russian generals that they should go to the borders with transnistria, so it was literally in the first month. they don't say that now, but it's obvious that it was part of the plan, i will tell you more that this is part of the plan, no one refused this plan, in my opinion, there is no possibility for russia to use this plan now, but this does not mean that this is no longer the main plan, it still remains the main plan, well, let's see, for example, here, i will remind you that such a story has already happened, you remember, in 1924 on... on the territory
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of today's transnistrian region , the moldavian autonomous soviet union was created socialist republic within the ukrainian the first and main goal of this republic was the annexation of bessarabia, or as it was then called transnistria, and in 1940 it happened, i emphasize that it was bessarabia that was annexed to transnistria, and in this way... or moldavia resre, not the other way around , well, they are planning to do the same thing once again , or has it already been done, there will be such a far eastern republic, here, but i believe that they will not enter moldova, because they will not cross the borders moldova, and it was not such a plan, because it is violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another country.
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and so they can say: look, we united this country, it is now a very happy, cool country, it is under our influence, and by the way, there is our military presence there to guarantee the neutrality of this country, here how, it seems to me that this is such a plan, there was a plan, it was and it still is, and i will remind you once again that now russia does not have these opportunities, and you know, in a certain sense , moldova is now just... a safety net , which was built for us by ukraine, because we already have it two years of peace thanks to ukraine, because it is russia, because it is ukraine that stopped these russian geopolitical efforts, we have peace thanks to ukraine, you are no longer thanks to what, because it is ukraine that has borders with russia, we do not have them. and how do you consider the mood in moldovan society in general, to what extent what you say is shared by the majority of people, how many people remain hostages of russian propaganda? hello, this is very difficult. the question is very difficult, whether there are any
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circumstances there to make a change in moldova power? unfortunately, yes, and we need to tell the agent that the internal situation in moldova is difficult, not all people, people are satisfied, and i have already told you that one of the main achievements of the moldovan government is stability, it is that there was no war, and now it will be, it will be destroyed, here, well, for example, i, i to you... such an example, i yesterday, when, when, when i came to my house, eh, there was such a company , five people, and they began to ask me, please tell me if there will be a war in moldova, and we talked with him for a long time, and after that i asked, why are you asking me about this, and they say, well, we are wondering when to leave the country, because it has all come very close to us, and yes, you still have a large population in moldova who... agreed voluntarily with
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the status of the country as a mature zone between the west, the west and the east, because it should, well, i would, you know , this is it, i would compare moldova with ukraine in 2013, probably something like that, that is, there is such an understanding that russia is a threat , but remember that moldova has been under the influence of russia since 1812, this does not happen according to week. in two or a month, it will take years, and moldova, unfortunately, does not have that time. well, on the other hand, in 2013, no one believed that russia could attack anyone on such a large scale. there was a war with georgia, but it seemed to be far away for both ukraine and moldova, and it was a few days that have already been forgotten there, but no one faithfully imagined such a thing, both among ukrainians and among moldovans, it seems to me also . it is so. vitaliy,
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it seems to me that such sentiments still exist in moldovan society, and well, for example, i i saw somewhere there was such a survey in kazakhstan, where also... 65 or 70% said that a russian attack on kazakhstan is impossible, it cannot be, well, the moldovans did not do such a thing, did not carry it out, but it seems to me that it is the same in moldova, because in moldova they do not really understand what war is, we have not seen it in our country, and here is another question, to what extent russia can now behave freely in moldova, because you you are talking about the year 2013, but in 2013 russian tv channels were part of the information. space of ukraine, in moldova, as far as i understand, it is not like that now, only one year, only one year, and this, this is not enough, this is simply not, not enough, so and so, this, this, this, this, this, this is very an important topic
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about transnistria, here, here to me, it seems to me that we should all realize that this is the direction of this transnistrian settlement, because everyone is looking at transnistria, yes, we will see... that there will be such conflict management, there will be an avoidance of escalation, well this, this is to a lesser extent, this, this is what you do, do now, now the government of moldova, today there is some, some attempt to settle the conflict, this is an extremely unpopular topic in moldova, among everyone, yes, and it can undermine any political rating of any political party, that is , any attempt to seriously advance along the path of the transnistrian settlement, it probably won't be either... and replacing european integration with the transnistrian settlement in the internal political life of moldova, this too, this will also not be in favor of the ruling party, that is, almost everyone generally avoids this topic, but from the inside, political destabilization,
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yes, this will probably be the path that russia will take, and now in moldova there is practically, well, a real internal political war, it is it it is... it is political, but it already exists, and with whom is it happening, if communists and socialists have now lost the influence they had for ten years, but the center of attention is really the shor party, as the main new one, i would say a repeater of moscow's hopes? not only that, there are a lot, there are a lot of different scenarios, because practically we, we are now, we are now at the very beginning of these events, yes, but, well, that's it. it says a lot that all the protests, they will already start in march this year, yes, and there are a lot of political parties, we still, we are not yet familiar with all the political players who will appear on the internal political scene of moldova, but,
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but what is important is that i told you that the conditions for ukraine, they are still there before this, until this time, the government in kishuniv, she, she... well , she coped with these challenges, yes, well, she avoided destabilization, how it will continue, not everyone knows this, there is, i have the impression that it is possible that we will go through, i really hope that this will not happen, but you know, the situation is, it is very hot, and how do you imagine the energy the situation in your country, after this transit contract between gazprom and naftogaz of ukraine expires, literally... i would say the last month has passed, all this time we were in an energy model when transnistria received free gas from moldova, from russia, moldova was by and large at first the country that was considered the debtor of this gas, now moldova, as far as i understand
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, no longer receives russian gas, but transnistria does, due to all this there is a certain stability in the region, but when there is no russian gas, what will happen anyway, well you you know, it's a very... difficult question, and i don't think anybody's going to give you an answer to that question right now, we can paint a lot of things in such bright colors, but we have to be very realistic, because if you misdiagnose, that's your treatment can never be correct, here, but you know, your question is very, very deep, because in this case... practically , kishenev needs to consider what and how will happen in the transnistrian region, it practically marks a political settlement or the necessity political settlement of the transnistrian conflict, because
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a lot of the region's economy depends on this gas, because this is a very big issue, it's practically us, if it happens, it's practically the entire situation in moldova. well , it will turn over and practically this is the necessity political settlement of the conflict, it will become so before the government of moldova very quickly. if you say that the situation is so unpredictable, how can you even run a country, relatively speaking, in which you can't calculate the consequences, i would say such critical processes, no, no, i'm not saying that they were calculated, they were calculated , but these miscalculations, they, they will not be made public now, here, that is, this is a plan of action, how, what, what will happen and how, how it, how it will go on, here. uh, well he, this, as far as i know, this plan does not provide for the fact that they will
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refuse from this cheap gas at all, but there is also such an option, it also exists, here, this, this will be at the end of this year, here, because we we are practically talking about next year, year, but tell me, mr. vladyslav, when you worked as the vice-prime minister for reintegration, you talked to all these transnistrian figures, they don't give you that impression on us, do they even have any independent will? that too, that's a good question too, i told you that until now the behavior of transnistria was so calm, yes, well, they, there are some signs that there will be some aggressive policy there, neither against moldova nor against ukraine, and ukraine recognized this fact, this fact that ... i have already drawn your attention to the recent comment of the ministry of foreign affairs. yes, it seems to me
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that they have their own interests, and it seems to me that being such a geopolitical, geopolitical tool of moscow, well, not necessarily, it is the main interest of the transnistrian region. in principle, if you imagine the situation. with the way these people can act if they see that moscow does not have a 100 percent influence on the situation there, they can take some steps according to real agreements with moldova, and now i see that they are going in the opposite direction, so we saw this people's congress deputies, so-called, you know, what worried me there was not even what they said there, but the fact that they sat in the first row next to the first... president of the transnistrian moldavian republic, the so-called igor smirnov, who is such a father of this entire
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process, which is precisely identified with the idea of an independent state, it was he who created all this back in soviet times, and when they, let's say , take him out of the mausoleum, because he has not participated in politics for a long time, then this speaks of a certain direction of thought, and vitaliy, it seems to me that if there is an escalation, there will be no escalation. yes, and everything completely depends on ukraine and on the war that ukraine is waging against the aggressor country of russia, yes, if, if russia does not reach the transnistrian section of the moldovan, moldovan-ukrainian border, this is one situation, if it does, then it is in general the other situation, but for the authorities of moldova it is now very important not to disturb the situation. and not to provoke some kind of large-scale
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destabilization in moldova, because it is necessary to understand that war is such a thing, it is such a thing, which is somewhere in the transnistrian region, it will not remain, it will cover almost the whole of moldova, so you know, well, that 's it, that's what came to my mind, that the kremlin... talks a lot about some kind of brotherly peoples, the russian, belarusian, ukrainian people, that it's something like one family there, and i have the question is, why are they coming to moldova, what do you need for what do you need in moldova, it seems that there are not fraternal people there, well, this proves one thing, it proves that it is not all about fraternal peoples, it is all about the distribution of spheres influence, yes, it's all about ambition, it's all about the neo... colonialism that russia accuses other countries of. and, well, this is a very
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important thing, because we are now living in such a geopolitical, geopolitical era, where international law does not work, where there are no agreements, it seems to me, from the fact that i saw that russia is dreaming of a return to some kind of yaalta or potsdam of the chiden congress of 1814-15. the five empires there have completely redrawn the political map of europe, yes , they expect that it will be the same now, they will not ask anyone, and less than that... well , maybe they just think that there is one church, by the way, that's also a good thing question, the russian orthodox church, but moldova has not disappeared and remains such a center of influence, you can also say that it is part of the russian world in this regard, phew, this is an interesting, interesting thing, i am about i intended it that way, yes, yes, it is also yes,
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but you are right, you can say, you can say anything, well, it seems to me, or it must be a psychologist. it is not far away, are you generally optimistic about the development of these events, if we take the year 2024, to what extent will we assume that moldova will emerge from this situation as a stable country with a pro-european government? vitaly, i look very realistically at everything that is happening, because i will say once again, if you, if we do not have the wrong diagnosis, then we will not be with... we can take the right steps, the government of moldova has done everything possible to make it so, well, this is just the beginning, and yes, i am very optimistic , and i think that everything will be fine in moldova, that mayasandu will win presidential elections in november 2024,
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next year we will have parliamentary elections. elections, and it seems that there will be no majority, ah, but some kind of coalition is such that, if it were a pro-european coalition that would treat the negotiations regarding moldova's accession to the european union very seriously, i it seems that this is important, but now it is important for the government to avoid destabilization, because destabilization will be... not in favor of the current government. thank you, mr. vladyslav. vladyslav kolyumskyi, former vice-prime minister of the republic of moldova for reintegration, executive director of the institute of strategic initiatives, was in touch with us. now we will literally break for a few minutes, but you will stay with us, because in these few minutes we will have a conversation with the ambassador of great britain to ukraine, mr. marcin harris,
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see this week in the collaborators program.
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how a doctor from mariupol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during hostilities , many ophthalmologists left the country mariupol but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. on tuesday , march 19, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. so , we continue the politclub program on the espressa tv channel. our guest, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of great britain to ukraine, martin harris. congratulations, mr. ambassador. very nice, i congratulate you. you and i are meeting on the last day of the presidential elections in russia federation. and for the first time, these presidential elections are held not only in the annexed territory. crimea, but also on the territory of other occupied territories of the russian federation, ukrainian territories, in the donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhia regions of our country, to what extent, i would say, is the legitimacy of these elections undermined by this
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holding them in the occupied territories of a foreign country? well, this is a gross violation of international law, and russia has no right to hold elections, especially such elections in a region on the territory of ukraine, so we said very frankly, that... that there is no reason, that these are illegal events in russia, and this is a violation, even a violation of the un charter, because krim is ukraine, and kherson is ukraine, and donbas is ukraine, and zaporizhzhia , this is ukraine, so i can't say that. to run for elections is an illegal act, tell me how you now consider the possibility of further aid to ukraine from its western
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allies, and what can great britain do here in a situation where we see that the united states is delaying the allocation of aid for six months, as , and between european ones there are certain differences between the states in terms of what should be the volume and, i would say, the quality of this. well, when our prime minister rishiy sunak visited kyiv on june 11, well, on june 12, he came with a very clear message that firstly, and this is our position, the uk, we will increase our support for ukraine, and he came with the largest package of support for ukraine and... secondly, that we should now be focused on long-term support for ukraine, then, ryshy sunak together with the president
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of... signed a new security agreement, and this for a period of 10, 10 years, and it is very nice that now, i think 9 or 10 countries have already signed agreements of this type, i think that it will become denmark, then i think that now there is an understanding in europe, that the security of ukraine is... an existential issue for europe, and even more countries share the position of great britain, so these agreements on guarantees of support that were signed, indeed, that began, in particular with the agreement with great britain, in ukrainian society cause i would say such a contradictory attitude, on the one hand, it is very important that such solidarity, on the other hand, many fear that it will be a substitute for a real guarantee
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without... from nato. well, i think it's on its way to nato. we will not create an alternative to nato. and we believe that now it is very important to support the zdsu of ukraine more for integration into nato. so i think that now we have created a new element of the security architecture of europe, but it is temporary, because we believe that... the accession of ukraine to nato, this will be the most important achievement, not only because ukraine will belong to nato, well, how said rishsunak, because nato is stronger with ukraine, it will be in the interests of the security of europe in general. and in general, what is the position of the allies before the washington summit, what can be counted on, in your opinion, from a point of view.
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well, i think it's very interesting to me, because you know, there is this, well, there's always been this position on the part of the united states, it's a policy regarding the distribution of responsibility for the security of europe, and in my opinion, well, it's right that ... the americans expect a greater contribution from the europeans to the security of europe, i believe that the best approach is the entry of the most powerful army in europe, that is, the zdsu into nato, and such, because after the victory, the threat from russia will certainly remain, and we... said that even
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now we have an unbreakable alliance with ukraine, in the future we will be allies within nato, and ukraine should have a very important contribution to the security of europe. tell me, in the situation in which we now find ourselves, we see that there are differences in the positions of the allies on various issues. in particular, we recently encountered a situation that arose in the third year of the war discussion on whether the troops of nato countries can be present in ukraine. ugh. there are statements by french president emmanuel macron, there have already been many of them, we will not quote them for a long time, because we see the position of the french president, it is absolutely obvious, it does not exclude such a possibility in the future. there are statements from the minister
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of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron. who say that it absolutely cannot be in any case even for the training of the ukrainian military, i.e. here great britain found itself among those countries that this is ruled out, although earlier she was just a leader from the countries of central europe, if you will, an example of the opposition for them, and now these countries, poland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, which have always supported london, they support paris, how did it happen, well, i i think that, as i said, i think that now... the understanding is that we understood for a very long time that this is an existential issue for us, for the security of europe, we do not plan to introduce troops into the territory of ukraine, we have already organized training for more than 30,000 ukrainian soldiers, in great britain, i i think it was very effective.


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