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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, now let's talk about the situation in the bakhmut direction. oles melyarevych, in touch with us, deputy commander of the achilles 92 separate assault battalion of unmanned attack systems. brigade. glory to ukraine, mr. olesya, congratulations. glory to the hero, i wish you health. well, the situation in the bakhmut direction, a message from the general staff. eight attacks were repelled. our fighters are in the areas of ivanivske and klishchiivka settlements. donetsk region. would you like to assess your current situation? well, everything has been said precisely, yes, we are in active defense at the klishchivka border, andriivka, ivanivskyi bohdanivka. the goal
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of the occupiers is now known, so everything is being done to prevent them from succeeding. currently , the thieves have not made any territorial technical successes, and the battles continue, the assaults continue almost continuously. mr. oles, we would like to clarify with you, if possible, what concerns ivanovsky, because the deep state maps show that the enemy there is now significantly trying to press, if it is not secret information, what will you allow us to share with us, then we will... how about they say, you are grateful for ivanivskyi, well, somewhere there, the line of defense is being crossed, the first zero , as they say, that’s all that can be said, and what is the enemy using there now, are they actively trying to use mechanized units, or are they still using small such infantry groups, what does this attack of theirs look like? but an attack by purely infantry groups has little he can do, the only thing... that it can be done thanks
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to the support of fpv drones of the same, such cases often happen, in principle, if an assault, then it is usually supported by bmp, brdm, tanks, well, the artillery fire must first go, that is, they use all the available means to attack, press on the entire area. what is the situation with unmanned aerial vehicles, that is, if we are talking, for example, about the depth of amazement. enemy forces and positions? well, if we talk about fpv, then fpv is also more difficult to work now, because the saturation of the front is crazy, here we are already interfering, and we are interfering with ourselves , and the enemy is using rebs, their drones are flying, a lot of drones, fpv, night bombers work at night, therefore we we look at what works, we use it, they are currently actively using remote mining, and there are several new directions... we are developing it, because here
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it is important to move forward and always be technologically ahead of the occupiers in order to be effective and destroy them, then what worked yesterday will no longer work tomorrow, so we understand that, you are working on new solutions every day, you mentioned the means of radio-electronic warfare, is the situation on our side leveling off a little , have we reached the so-called parity on this issue, no, parity has not been achieved, but in our battalion there and in the units there are similar to ours, literally whole platoons of rebu, they are now being filled with specialists, undergoing training , including abroad, so what... we are actively developing and we already have such very successful cases of using rebo and tracked where the enemy drone came from and warned our pilots that they might be attacked now, they killed the response, that is, rep is not only his task - it is to shoot down the drones and let
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them fly to ours positions, and this and full route tracking, where they work from, how it flies there, height, speed , everything, how they work, it's all rap, radio struggle, sir? i would also like to clarify with you about the enemy's tactical aviation, how actively it is currently using it, and has the number and intensity of the use of so-called guided aerial bombs increased? guided bombs are used, because for this it is not necessary to fly close to ours to the front line, they will do it several tens of kilometers away, so the ventekrils are not they fly, their aviation sometimes flies there, well, there was such an action by our ppooshniks that they shot down there and... then there was a little less activity, and now, as i understand it, the intensity has increased after this period, to be honest, during these i don’t even follow, we have other tasks in our sector that have not arrived, look, if we talk about the intensity of the fighting and
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the offensive activity of the enemy in general, can you note that it is increasing, or is it staying at plus or minus such a high, stable level ? and well, the goal is a priority checker for them, because this is the dominant height in this region and the capture of chasy yaru by the invaders is a very bad signal for the four cities of slavyanska kramatorsk, druzhkivka, konstantinivka, so of course they will try to capture chesivar with any effort and losses, we understand that, so here i think , the situation will remain acute for a long time, but we are definitely not going to lose chasiver and even... i heard that there they want to return bahvut, well , let's see, while there were no such orders. fortification and generally arranging our positions with the help of auxiliary equipment, feel any improvement in that direction? well, this is not just about, i don't know , the second or third line, maybe, maybe you saw
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or heard that the military administrations of the donetsk region are actively working? to be honest, there is no such information as to where it is being built, all the places. where do our pilots and our units work from, we do it independently by our own forces, using, well, including cooperation with local military administrations, and that line, you ask about the line of defense so powerfully, others do it and we are not aware, mr. oles, i will allow myself to ask a question that does not directly relate to the performance of your combat tasks, but concerns the general mobilization situation, this weekend we observed at least two scandalous situations, one of them from transcarpathia, one of them in lviv we actually understand that in some cases the employees of the tsc openly exceed their powers, on the other hand we understand that not all men went and registered with the military, so to speak, and this is the problem, there are also civilians who they say that what are you doing, how can you do that, why are you beating people, on the other hand there are
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military personnel who say, excuse me, but we also get tired, we run out, we need support and we need help, which do you personally have a personal attitude towards such situations, do you think that employees and... are justified in behaving in this way, or do you think that after all, well, these are certain red lines that they should not cross, well, whatever you could turn to those men who actually did not come and register for this account, but i will say yes, i cannot the whole system that deals with conscription is talking now, but each unit, for example ours, we find people who want to serve with us, and we accompany them from the first arrival of military personnel, then training. then they come to us, at several stages they can be intercepted by other brigades, well, it’s a bit of a competition, sometimes an order just comes, for example, all the landing forces are there and there they are raking, including ours, so we follow up, and on this issue we can to say only one thing that if you can
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miscalculate your prospect by two or three months, that you still have to serve in the army, and you don't want to be there somewhere there , swimming across it in a beaver suit, then find a unit that suits you. get in touch, get in touch with him, and you will be escorted to this unit, we have a really cool team, and there are several units like us in ukraine, because if you haven't got in, then we invite you, we find the best really and we are in. .. 1 2 3 - each person is an individual, and we invite them to us through training, through the draft, how to do it correctly in order to join the willing of your 92nd separate assault brigade, in particular to your battalion, on the following broadcasts i will give you a qr code so that it is very easy for you to contact him, and you can easily find oles malyarevich on social networks, there is instagram or facebook and write to me and we will contact and tell everything or. achilles, battalion commander yury fedorenko. thank you, we
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will definitely be in touch. thank you, thank you for tuning in, thank you for actually being very, yes, i would say, humanely trying to reach out to people and inviting them to your unit, and actually promise them to teach them, so that people feel that they have some knowledge and do not worry about it. oles mylarevich, deputy commander of the achilles 92 assault unmanned hardware complex battalion. separately, the assault brigade, which is now in the bakhmud direction, was eteria espresso. we are still moving on and will probably go on a break now, after which nataliya humenyuk will join us. so stay tuned, we'll be back in a few minutes. march 21-22 in kyiv. well-known european and american politicians and experts, representatives of the eu and nato, please. tion at the front, urgent aid to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint
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stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. the project is close to politics, close. of the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestria au. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politclub, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues, nataliya gumenyuk, head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of ukraine, is in touch with us. colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mrs. colonel, we congratulate you. glory, i congratulate you. well, first of all we would like to ask you about the activation of the enemy, when we we speak about strikes, it's kherson , it's mykolaiv, it's odesa, and it's not just random attacks , it's quite insidious, combined attacks, and the key, the key emphasis, they put most of all on iskander, we would like to ask you, first of all, about the enemy's logic in committing their next crimes against our civilian population and our civilian
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objects, you have a word, well, it's a lot to talk about catching the enemy. it is not an ungrateful task that they set themselves as a goal, we do not know, but we understand and already see the result, the result of the combat work that they do for themselves marked as a priority, and it is obvious that they are trying to put pressure on the southern regions, this was their embedded narrative at the basis of the pre-election program of the pre-election campaign, and they tried to include it in... as a maximum victory, as a conviction of the population of the south precisely in the advantages of the russian peace , but it is difficult for people with sound logic to see the advantages of the russian peace here, we see terror, we see systematicity, the systematicity consists in the fact that
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a corresponding blow was inflicted precisely on large objects, points of the south and... this blow was obviously planned carefully in time, taking into account the presence of the maximum number of people there, including rescue services and emergency response services. ms. natalia , please tell me whether it is known how many iskander m-type ballistic missiles and such installations the enemy has now accumulated in the occupied territory of crimea, just so that people understand how much the enemy now... has serious intentions to use ballistics in a sufficiently large or small amount , just so that people do not underestimate, let's say, airy anxiety? i want to emphasize that even more than a month ago, the main intelligence directorate emphasized the attention of the population, and i will remind again, the attention was focused on the fact that it is precisely in
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a difficult situation due to, for example , the absence of the a50. wind, as a powerful air reconnaissance center, the enemy had to temporarily stop air attacks using air-based missiles, using sea -based missiles, there are difficulties in them, so they were looking for an alternative, and then gur stated, stated that the deployment was just operational and tactical missile complexes along. in fact, the border line of ukraine, and in the temporarily occupied territories was marked as the most active. as of today, we do not announce, we know the number of these operational-tactical complexes and missiles that they have accumulated, for example, on the crimean peninsula, but we note that the crimean peninsula is a powerful hub
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for the preservation of enemy weapons, so the reserves there are powerful. madam colonel, we would also like to ask you to share, maybe there are additional details about the russian shelling of odessa, yes, well the sad statistics plus or minus are known, but perhaps there is already an understanding and there is an opportunity, so to speak, this is already declassified information, how the enemy hit odesa, that is, in fact, they hit iskander twice in one direction at a time, so odesa, and as a result . employees of the state emergency service were also killed and wounded, yes , the tactics of both this attack and the actual attack on mykolaiv, which took place in a few days at a very short, let's say, distance and a very short period of time, they are the same, the enemy
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hit with a ballistic missile, which is very difficult to intercept, which is very difficult to predict in... military mode, i.e. the time to declare the alarm, the transition to shelter was extremely short, after this strike there was a pause, just what is needed for the arrival of emergency services, and a strike was made in the same sector, that is, the number of injured people was actually increased, including due to the fact that representatives of the emergency services were already on the scene. who provided help and rescuers, and medics, and the police, and this means that such tactics are completely enemy acceptable, normal for them, because they are ordinary terrorists, and this tactic was observed by us during the artillery shelling of kherson, and the strike, strikes by drones on the right-bank kherson region, when the enemy drops
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cluster munitions and, after waiting for their arrival, for example, the police representatives who provide assistance to the injured civilians, they attacked the car, which has characteristic signs that it is the police. car, or by the car of the rescuers who were putting out the fire, and this tactic was also used in mykolaiv, in particular, when the iskander m missile hit an industrial facility, in fact, after a pause of a few minutes sufficient for the arrival of emergency services, a second strike took place in the same sector, but this time the conclusions from the odessa tragedy were already drawn and the corresponding algorithm was measured for... to maintain maximum cooperation with the military, to specify the probability of both this threat and
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the scale of the threat, and not to additionally expose emergency workers to danger. madam chief, if we understand correctly, the emergency services that left for this challenge, they essentially risked their own lives and came to the point of the air-raid warning, and accordingly, unfortunately what happened... a tragedy, do you think that maybe we need to finalize certain protocols, yes we we understand that the people who work on these calls, they rush there as quickly as possible in order to save the lives of those who could be there as much as possible, but on the other hand, they also put themselves in danger, maybe we should revise these rules so that, in order to protect our rescuers and medics including, and in fact , no... conclusions were drawn from the tragedy in odesa upon the arrival of the minister of internal affairs, including a coordination meeting of the relevant services and structures, and
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changes in the algorithm of actions were worked out, taking into account the fact that life should be preserved as much as possible those who are in a hurry to help, and the provision of the same timely help, that is , the whole society must work here unambiguously, because people are often densely packed. they forget that warning about danger is extremely important a warning, and it cannot be ignored , you must go to shelter immediately, even if nothing has flown by your city or region for a long time, remember that the enemy is insidious, his ballistics are very difficult to detect and intercept weapons, so you must always remember remember your own safety and pass the exposure in time, mrs. colonel, the rejection of iskandar. from the trajectory, how large it is approximately, whether they can hit plus or minus with an accuracy of several tens of meters, yes , communication problems, nataliya humenyuk, head
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the united coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine is in touch with us again, the deviation from the trajectory of the iskanders, colonel, that is, the first one left and the second then what, covers the plus-minus, well, with a difference of a few meters? well, in fact, ballistic weapons are quite accurate weapons, so they can really strike even in a very narrow territorial sector, at the same time, we must not forget that the impact of debris, the impact of the scattering of debris and the explosive wave are quite powerful in ballistic weapons, so the damage to objects around can be very strong, and we would like to delicately ask you about the left-bank bridgehead in kherson. what kind of news is coming from there? the work continues, the combat work of our units is related to holding
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these positions and working on the expansion of the bridgehead, no matter how much the enemy wants to knock us out of there, in particular, the enemy continues to storm and again conducted three assaults and tried to save on armored vehicles again, but losses ... which the enemy suffers, is measured by 70% of the personnel who left for assault actions, that is, usually from three directions, such assault groups go to the detachment with forces of 10-15 people on foot without the use of armored vehicles, the gate has certain problems with the fact that the transmission of information from the buz-hust about the fact of irreversibility... execution of this mission, that is , far from everyone can return from there, and it is precisely because of this that they have difficulties with the formation of assault groups, so they are forced to conduct frequent rotations. and
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start new units from which to form these assault groups again, but without success have neither professionals nor recently mobilized, this has already been proven by our units that continue to protect the reservoir. madam colonel, please tell me if you know anything about the information that has now surfaced in the information space, that british defense minister grand chap allegedly canceled his visit to odessa because the russians found out about... his plans, his trip was apparently planned for march 8, and a day before that a russian missile hit odesa, when the prime minister of greece and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky was visiting there, or do you know anything about it? well, in the conditions of a hybrid war, such insinuations can circulate in the information space, so let 's wait for carefully verified information, for now it is at the level of such a very superficial message without... reliance on
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official sources, so my personal opinion is unlikely the leak of information could have happened because such visits are still organized enough. colonel, well, and the situation in transnistria, so a drone attacked a military unit there, and the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense reported about russian provocation, how a military helicopter was destroyed, what is possible, what is not possible. tell me, well, we saw that very combat helicopter, which simply stood there in the form of an actually neglected monument, and the phrase from a famous movie came to mind, who will plant it, the same monument, well, that's why he was already sitting , in fact, waiting for his stellar time, became the star of another russian blockbuster, madam colonel, and i would also like
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to ask you for... also, well no, not exactly official information, but there is also information circulating about the possibility of french troops in ukraine, in particular in odesa, to what extent do you think this initiative is realistic to implement, and in principle, in general, are you not surprised by such statements in principle, because now, as you rightly said, now the enemy is also trying , including some make informational throws, and how should ukrainians perceive such news, well, first of all, you should always rely on... reliable sources and understand that, as they say, we are all human, if we talk about the difficulties of translation, when it was not very reliable translated theses of the president of france, a after all, odessa is a hospitable city, why not, we are ready to receive everyone who comes to us in peace, and i think that precisely our partner troops are those who come to us with normal peace, not with russian peace,
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the main thing , what... golden words, mrs. colonel, finally, i would just like to ask you about the construction of defensive lines in odesa, dragon's teeth, anti-tank ditches and other non-explosive barriers, i am quoting the odesa military administration, we are actively building fortifications, 150 people are involved and dozens units of equipment, as it moves, so the work advances and this is normal guidance of the ranks. in the economy, when winter ends, and the coast, which has, for example, as in the case of odeshchyna, areas dangerous for landing, it must be fortified, because the war continues, despite our victories at sea and successes where the black sea fleet is now , we must pay respect, as in the clutches
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of our enemy's desperation. they are capable of equipping any mad landings, we have seen this attempt to direct a boatload of desperadoes to the right bank, they can dare to do something similar in the direction of odesa , they did it at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and we must not relax and lose our vigilance, so we strengthen ourselves, we can be ready for anything, it is better to take an umbrella with you, then... god forbid, how they say, natalia gumenyuk was in touch with us, the head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. well, in the meantime, we will hand over the floor to anya yevimelnyk, who prepared relevant information with the news editor. we congratulate you, we pass it on to you the word and actually tell what will be about in this issue. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will talk about the most important, and i will start this issue with the details of what was discussed.


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