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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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the black sea fleet, one must pay respect , as if in the clutches of our enemy's desperation, they are capable of equipping any crazy landings, we saw this attempt to direct a boat with desperadoes to the right bank, they can dare to do something similar in the direction of odeshchyna, they did it at the beginning full-scale invasion, and we must not relax and lose our vigilance. that's why we strengthen ourselves, we can be ready for anything, it's better to take an umbrella with you, then for sure, god will protect you, as they say, natalya humenyuk was with us on communications, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. well , in the meantime, we will hand over the floor to anya yevimelnyk, who prepared relevant information with the news editor. we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and actually tell us what this issue will be about. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work on the most important. we will tell more later, and i will start this
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issue with the details of what was discussed at the bet with the president. be yourself. the situation at the front and the formation of defense forces borders volodymyr zelenskyi. at the regular meeting of the stake, he heard a report to the chief of staff oleksandr syrskyi on the situation at the front, intelligence data and the costs and receipt of ammunition, discussed the purchase and production of weapons and projectiles, the supreme commander-in-chief said. in addition, the prime minister and the head of the special transport service spoke about the construction of fortifications. also at stake was the protection of critical infrastructure facilities. an additional uah 5 billion was allocated
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by the government of ukraine for the security and defense forces. for these the money is planned to buy drones - said prime minister denys shmehal. funds will be taken from the reserve fund of the state budget. agreements with manufacturers of drones in the amount of almost uah 30 billion have already been concluded. one person is injured. this morning, the russians attacked an orthodox church in the kharkiv region. according to information from the state. emergency services, the village of novoosynove is located in the area affected by the occupiers' artillery. one of the shells hit the boiler room, which was next to the church, and a fire broke out. the rescuers did everything to put out the fire did not turn on the church. as a result of the shelling , the building of the village council and two private houses were damaged. nice catch. in the zaporozhye direction, ukrainian border guards destroyed 10 enemy kamikat drones for one more touchdown.
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poured without detonation, the civil service reported. in general, today the russians attacked ukraine with 20 drones. the air force destroyed 17. he promised to receive the certificate of the combat adviser of the armed forces of ukraine. in kyiv , the police kidnapped a fraudster who promised a client to avoid mobilization for money. all thanks fake documents. during a meeting with... an alleged dodger dressed as a pixel to confirm his credentials, the pseudo-military was informed of the suspicion. abroad on a bicycle, a resident of odesa region bought a vehicle in mykolaiv, from there he drove 750 km on it to reach the border and escape to romania, he was noticed by the drone operator. law enforcement officers detained the man 350 m from the state border. a report was drawn up on the cyclist,
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the state border service reported. and in vinnytsia near the border, a collection point was discovered for fugitives. the police officers noticed that men were constantly coming to the empty garage. after checking the premises , they found and detained 12 people aged 23 to 49, all from different regions of ukraine. to illegally cross the border. they used the services of one of the messengers, in which they were remotely given instructions on where to arrive. the last point was an abandoned building 100 m from the bank of the dniester, the state border service informs. the men planned to get to moldova by boat, the violators were issued with reports. in transcarpathia in a man's body was found in the tisza river, the romanians informed the border guards about the dead person.
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colleagues the drowned man, a 33-year-old resident of kharkiv, is informed by the state border service. since the start of the full-scale russian invasion, this is the 22nd death of men trying to cross. despite the lowering of the water level, it is extremely dangerous to cross the tisza, law enforcement officers remind. the elections in russia were not real elections - stated the minister of foreign affairs of germany, analena berbock, before the start of the meeting of the heads of state eu foreign policy departments. according to her , putin violates the rights of not only his own people, but also the un charter. the election in russia was an election without a choice, the electoral process shows not only the reckless behavior of putin against his own people, but also against the un charter. conducting the so-called voting in part of the territory of ukraine, moldova and georgia violates
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international law. we must do everything to protect ourselves from this russia from putin, and stand firmly on the side of ukraine with another 5 billion euros. so that ukraine could defend yourself from this brutal aggressive war. more than 6 thousand people had to be evacuated due to large-scale forest fires in china, the sichuan province is burning in the southwest of the country. firefighters have been trying to tame the elements for several days, chinese state television reports. more than a thousand rescuers use all possible measures. even aviation was involved. protection against potential threats. safety audits help identify problem areas in communities. the project in 14 regions of the country embodies a consortium of six women's organizations, including the ukrainian foundation for public
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health with the assistance of the staff of the government commissioner for gender policy kateryna levchenko. so, my colleagues will tell you what solved the security issues in lviv oblast. well, i was like two and choose a color, it will be purple, the students of bibersky support lyceum play board games in the shelter during the air raid to create a comfortable and safe space for schoolchildren, the local authorities have set up a protective structure. we bought such functional things here, which they are helped to study effectively, this is also... actually a projector, tables, chairs, they bought a lot of games, heating was done. a security audit was conducted in the biber territorial community, the leading cities directed their efforts to improving areas near
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educational institutions and hospitals. here we fenced off the school environment for what, because in reality the schoolchildren were standing under the open sky, it is also the safety of the children, transportation of any kind. since there is a guard, it is already under guard in a state of disrepair. inclusive toilets were installed in public institutions, made ramps and bought stairs. in this way, the biber community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs. we are now in the resource room, which is set up for children with special educational needs. classes are held here. remedial classes with such children in the fall of 2023 for community representatives organized a training within the framework of the women's peace safety response to the challenges of war project. after that, local authorities, together with activists and law enforcement officers, conducted a security audit for two
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routes, as a result, identified security threats and eliminated them. during the night period , we went to the territory in the same way, we saw problematic places, and the playground itself was a children's playground, it was not. strong lighting, we carried out the lighting of the given territory along the given route, as well as the installation of sewer manholes and re-made, installed the zebra crossing. for the first time, the ukrainian public health foundation conducted a security audit, back in 2019, after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, the methodology was updated, since now security issues are related to the challenges of war. but in fact, our experience has shown that both in the east and in... there are a lot of common problems in the context of women's safety. a security audit is a tool that, first of all, allows the community to later direct the funds they have to cover priority issues related to security, that is, in fact
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, the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits , to understand, and really this road, or this lighting, or this, or this traffic junction, what is needed to do, to conduct. 28 communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine participated in territory security audits. this tool helps transform dangerous urban spaces into safe ones and prevent violence. katrina these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault through changing fields, drones are needed, and we must help. our goal is uah 500,000. join this collection, any amount is important, you can see all the details on the screen. you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also
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subscribe to our channels in social networks, stay close. thanks to our tireless journalists, one of the leading republican senators in linz , graham, arrived today. the embassy of the united states in ukraine informed about this to kyiv. i am quoting now the official message of the american embassy. today we welcome senator graham to kyiv. unwavering support from the united states is critical to ukraine's success in confronting an illegal full-scale war with russia. during for a long time, after the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, senator graham had a more radical position than the current one on the issue of supplying weapons to kyiv. joe biden's democratic administration. well, let's wait and see what senator linzi graham brought us.
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an extremely important visit, well, but, as they say, let's wait and see. yes, we will now add lyudmila biryukova , head of the velikopysarov community in sumy oblast, to our broadcast. excuse me, not mrs. lyudmila, we will now have ihor chelenko in touch with us, the head of the center analysis and strategy, contact us. glory to ukraine, mr. igor, congratulations. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. well, we would like to ask you about those insinuations that, so to speak, grow when we talk about the work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, we understand that it is a formally independent body, we understand that the rights of people's deputies are guaranteed by the constitution, but not everything is going as smoothly as planned or wanted, we would like to ask you about the current situation related to the verkhovna rada, why is it not possible to be so active, thorough and fruitfully, if the circumstances of the martial law required it.
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well, we understand that the political situation now is far from the same as it was, for example, two years ago immediately after the large-scale invasion, and now there are certain points of conflict between the leadership of the parliament, between the current coalition, and... opposition factions, - first of all, of course, this is already an extremely unpleasant topic of sending people's deputies abroad, sometimes deputies are sent out, sometimes they are not sent out, then they sign a business trip again, where we do not see any normal policy with of this issue, and on the other hand, the leadership of the parliament... based on the situation that i mentioned, they are actually faced with the fact that
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until the issue of people's deputies traveling abroad is resolved and normalized and this issue is liberalized, it will actually be as much as possible consideration of the agenda of the current parliament has been inhibited, and the agenda, i will remind you, was mainly formed by the leadership and... representatives of the coalition, which usually the opposition forces had no influence on, but now even for him consideration by abbreviated procedure, especially a lot of important issues of the second reading, and there is an understanding that in the case of failure to resolve precisely the fundamental points regarding the work of people's deputies, after all, many projects may simply end up not being voted on. it is not enough to delay their consideration by time, and
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accordingly not even to collect the required number of votes in general, why can there be such an option, because the coalition itself, what we have seen, is a question about the ability to collect votes, because recently, the last plenary sessions, we have seen, rarely, when the servants of the people actually scored 175 votes and above, with the formal number of the coalition of 235 people's elected representatives, so this is really a certain problem now and... and obviously, it requires additional coordination on the part of all parliamentary forces. mr. igor, tell me, please, and this whole process that is happening now, the so-called parliamentary crisis, it is called differently, what is the main reason behind all this, it is simply unwillingness for the parliament to function as it should it is necessary to function, and actually there is a certain
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discrediting of this institution, well, it just seems to me that the average ukrainian does not fully... understand this whole situation, so why is what is happening now, why has the parliament not been able to meet normally for several weeks in a row , to vote on bills that are already awaiting approval , that is, it is important to understand that people, because very often in our country, you know how it happens, all deputies are the same, and accordingly, i am convinced that there are such deputies who want to work, but they cannot decide for everyone, and accordingly , a certain mistrust of the institution as such is created, well, we understand. that the parliament has a certain problem with subjectivity in terms of the formation of agendas, what to consider, how to consider, what decisions to make, that is, we understand that coordination with the current government works here, this has been happening even before the full-scale invasion, since the times of the turbo regime , as you
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remember from the 19th, but still from the 22nd year. in connection with the national necessity, many projects are also extremely fast voted and even gained more than 300 votes more than the constitutional majority, nevertheless, now the question arises: first, the parliament must adopt serious draft laws regarding responsibility, political responsibility, at least in the second reading the law on mobilization and... now it is not enough who wants to take direct responsibility, without resorting to the format of mutual responsibility, that is, if you vote, then everyone should vote, and right now, you know, you can feel the shifting of the arrows, from another point of view, again the question of what exactly
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the parliament is doing today, how quickly it works, based on the current challenges as well, this is a question, and again, there is a certain demand for a change in the balance of power, precisely because there are no elections and they are not predicted, accordingly, there are questions regarding cooperation with the current government, and the current government, as we see, coordination with the parliament too, there are big doubts, because, well, its efficiency is extremely low, in fact, as of today, and it accumulates there. really a huge number of problems that create a certain cumulative effect and actually form this parliamentary crisis, which is the current situation? look, mr. igor, at the beginning of our conversation, you mentioned that there is not a fully understood situation with motivation, in particular, immune to the majority, so that there are certain, so to speak, different visions, and recently
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there was a meeting of the president of ukraine with with your parliamentary faction, perhaps you have some preliminary insiders, whether it was possible to agree on something, whether it was possible to develop a certain common vision, whether it was not successful, and in general, well, there is a feeling that, so to speak, relations between the president and the monomajority have become somewhat cooler than they were, well , this meeting looked like a certain team building, that is, even the people's deputies of the coalition are not very sure now. in his positions, well, and accordingly in such a situation, and in general contact directly with the first person, well, it was not quite a long time, and this just shows that there is a need now to mobilize one's own resources at the parliamentary level, and there is something the president, it seems that
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this meeting took place about an hour ago, and in principle it was like that quite centralized. there, according to what the people's deputies told, mr. david rahamiya mainly accumulated the issues, i am narrating from their words, and voiced them, the president answered, but again called for unity, for consolidation and for further fruitful work, that is, i say, it's more like a kind of team building and a certain measurement of the average temperature in the chamber, as much as possible, so that the verkhovna... then really work effectively, and it's clear that the coalition is at its core. mr. igor, as for the work of our cabinet, how is it? they say, rumours. there are some theories about who can replace shmygal, it is already taking shape , well, you know, the situation looks very interesting, but is
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there a new candidate for the prime minister's chair somewhere on your horizons, or do you know who can replace him , i mean the current head of the government, well , actually, the reduction of ministries that shmyhal announced, the reduction of the ministry in general, this means saving budgetary... funds, because, well, it must be understood, yes, when they talk about certain reduction or liquidation of certain departments, then what will be the benefit of that , people need to understand this, well, i will start with the last one, we already have a reduction of about a third of the state apparatus since the beginning of the year, this was already foreseen, accordingly this the reform of the ministries, of course, it can cause some optimization there, but it will also require time. well, accordingly , certain bureaucratic procedures, which will also slow down work in certain directions, so the topic is also controversial. if we talk about
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possible candidates for prime minister, they really are are being discussed, now they are increasingly talking about andrii yarmak, the current head of the president's office, who can allegedly become prime minister on the basis of reformatting the coalition, and possibly with the involvement of additional junior partners, but obviously there will be one faction and several groups it is connected, but for now it is a rumor, that is, we understand that the logic is there, to submit an update of the cabinet of ministers as a certain government of technocrats and accordingly continue to work, and this will add to the matter. mr. girmik really already has formal powers, because he still has them interrupts officially, well, simply as the head
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of the presidential office, and this also causes certain nuances, but nevertheless, well, again, i can actually make another observation, there are other candidates, for example, now yulia sveridenko has started to show herself quite actively , that turns attention, that at the last hour of questions to the government, it was she who represented the cabinet of ministers in the parliament, and she also signed instead of shmyhal the memorandum on the allocation of 6 billion euros by the european union, the transitional 6 billion euros within the framework of this program ukraine facility until this program is finally approved, so there are also a number of such... interesting indirect steps that may also testify in its favor, but again, we do not discount kubrakov, fedorov, mrs. markarova, who is also
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they are named as one of the candidates, but for now they still talk about yermak as the most likely, mr. igor, and do you believe in a government of national unity, is such a format of the ukrainian government possible in the near future, because this question is also often is rising and many ukrainians understand... that this is a necessary step, but will there be will for it? if we talk about the government of national unity, then we understand that all this is precisely a manifestation of the change in the balance of power in power, and at a time when we really do not have an understanding about holding elections, about renewing the composition of the verkhovna rada, accordingly, such an option is possible , it is theoretically possible, but with... again, it will require reconciliation of relations between political stakeholders, and accordingly then such an option can really
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to be, but for now we see the current course , probably the polarization of relations, but this is ukrainian politics, and despite the large-scale war, it is reviving, so nothing can be ruled out here, but here is a very interesting moment, you mentioned a very important thing . in particular, the revival of ukrainian politics, although elections are not promised, so we understand that the internal ukrainian situation is, well , so-so, i would call it that, cemented, but there is a certain feeling, what's up with that? well, again, this feeling is present in absolutely everyone, sometimes even our partners make interesting statements, for example, mr. borel said that in fact the war will be decided ... the move is essentially in the spring in the summer, and we do not know how it will actually end, if something happens in the summer that will lead to the transition of the war , well, at least in a less active one. phase
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, respectively, is the possibility of returning to a special period, and these are the frameworks we lived in in the 14th year, when early presidential elections and elections to the verkhovna rada were held, therefore, with such a structure, elections are quite possible, then already in accordance in the fall, and now, based on such parameters, everyone thinks that it is necessary to really show... one's political activity, to show one's achievements, that one should leave the symbiosis just in case, but again, nothing can be 100% predicted now in this direction is simply impossible, so just coming back to the topic of the government of national unity, this could be one of the options to really balance the situation and release the political couple that is present.
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now it is also accumulating, look at the already mentioned head of the presidential office andriy yermak and, for example, could he be, for example, the prime minister in the government of national unity, which would include some technocratic circles, perhaps opposition circles, such a construction, in general, would be vital, in principle, in principle, we have to understand, if we are talking about the government of national unity, and andriy yermak is... the right-hand man of the current president, then of course it could be in fact, again everything depends on the specific structure of the government and the division of this responsibility, the introduction of this mutual responsibility, the most important thing for us is that the composition of the government should still work in synergy for ukraine, and not be divided, like the cancer swan and chuka, each in its own direction and it starts there, well, there is an interconnection, so
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in such a way. it could be, but it all depends on political parties. thank you ihor chelenko, head of the center for analysis and strategies, was on our air. we thank him for the analysis. let's move on, now a short break, after it we will return to our ether, so stay with espresso. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on maridoza 15. in pharmacies plantain you and the saver are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is ideal a tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, just call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with
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