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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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it seems that certain security guarantees will be signed in 2024, in fact, whether all this will come true, what to expect from the aid package, we will find out, we hope, quite quickly, but this is all the information i have at the moment, so vasyl, i will pass the etar to you, thank you hello, kateryna galko was in touch with us, live from kyiv, she told about the visit of the american senator linzi graham to ukraine, i remember when, well, it is somehow from... i will tell about the conversation between linzi graham and vitaliy klitschko in munich on the eve of the invasion on february 24, 22, it is very interesting story actually, well, but now a short pause after that money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, stay with us. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melama b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute fully.
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at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman. can we imagine it? all this is in informational. marathons with mykola september saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko , from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the expense of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko
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every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we from... ukraine will extend money during the war, it is an important matter, and oleksandr morchivka is talking about it. alexander, congratulations, please. greetings viewers, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will talk about sowing, you will find out what is on the border and what sanctions against the aggressor country will be carried out by international transnational company, all about it in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchanka, congratulations. this is a column about
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money during the war, important figures are in the first news, in particular, i will start with the fact that the council of foreign ministers of the eu made a final decision on the allocation of an additional 5 billion euros. this is money for military support of ukraine within the framework of the european peace fund, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, who directly participated in the meeting, thanked his colleagues, and also thanked the czech republic for the timely procurement initiative artillery ammunition for our country and all eu member states that have contributed to the realization of this matter. well, and also an additional 5 billion hryvnias have already been allocated by the ukrainian government for the security and defense forces, with this money they plan to buy drones, prime minister denys shmehal announced this, the funds will be taken from the reserve fund of the state budget, now they have already signed agreements with manufacturers of drones in the amount of almost uah 30 billion.
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let me remind you, an additional 5 billion to those that already exist and are already working. let's go further. ukraine is not is going to extend the contract for... the transit of russian gas, energy minister herman galushchenko announced. no additional agreements are planned, - adds the government official. our gas transportation system has passed the stress test and is ready for life without transporting fuel from the aggressor country. however, earlier, the expert environment discussed the further fate of our pipeline, about the possibility of continuing gas supplies from russia, but bypassing the contracts with gazprom. well, but in the government it is... rejected. online tickets for the train to austria is already on sale from today. this was reported in ukrzaliznytsia. it is noted that travel documents for the kyiv-vienna route are available in the mobile phone at the expense of the carrier.
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you can also pay for your trip to the austrian capital at international ticket offices. at the same time, ukrzaliznytsia announced that they will sell online train tickets to hungary in the near future. and we are joined by denys marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council. i congratulate you, mr. denis. congratulations. well, i will start with such information about something blockade and traffic jams. there are huge queues at the polish-german border, farmers from poland have been on strike since yesterday. they blocked the main autobahn connecting berlin and warsaw. let's watch this video. every day, close to this road moves. the traffic jams stretched up to 5 km, the demand of the strikers, the permanent ban on the import of agricultural products from ukraine, and in general to revise the entire european agricultural policy. well , we will not only talk about this with you, i ask for your reaction to the fact that these actions
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of polish farmers, in fact, expand geography, and if only you and i discussed the problems on the ukrainian-polish border, now... already germany, is there still a point in this problem, very briefly, further to the sowing? well, actually, these are not the first actions to close the polish-german border, they took place in february . in fact, it is nowhere crowned with any success, because the accusation that the ukrainian the food through these customs points on... then gets to poland, it is not confirmed, it was the same with lithuania, now the same thing is happening in the border territories with germany, i perceive it more as political actions of the approach of local elections, this is another attempt to use the situation for to popularize themselves, to popularize
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their ideas, and this is unfortunately used by certain politicians who manage, including certain actions of farmers, who in fact could really achieve something more important from the european... union, but become hostages here are such events, and i hope that in the future, when there will be a meeting at the end of march between the governments of ukraine and poland, businesses and agricultural associations, it will be possible to reach some kind of understanding, and we will see that partially, at least these shares will disappear in order to establish a normal economic life, including for poland, because the poles agree with you, mr. denys, that it is really in the hands of the politicians there, they have their own... but at the same time they rub palms and in the kremlin, therefore that this plays to the advantage of the aggressor country, perhaps this situation also affects, well , i am sure that it affects the sowing, here is the blocking of the border, did the agrarians think before starting the sowing of cultural oil crops
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, in particular also to expand the fields, or after all to reduce them, because the future for now, for export, in particular, well, enough is so gloomy. no, no, the future for exports is quite the opposite, positive, because our sea is increasing, and logistics are switching again, as in the pre-war period , to the ports of great odessa, god willing, we will expand the port infrastructure. at the expense of other parts, the month of february is one of the best indicators for the period of full-scale invasion, 5.2 million tons of grain crops were exported, so the signal to sow is really there. another problem is that farmers do not have financing, there are no working capital, and this will affect the quantity and quality of applied fertilizers, seeds, and therefore the number of cultivated fields in order to grow certain products. in general , it is planned to sow about 12 million hectares, plus or minus, for the spring season. everything will be again depending on the category of readiness, there may
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even be a partial reduction of almost 500-600 hectares, because there is simply no funding, and there is simply not enough people, because a large share is the second important problem that today affects the workers, mobilized people, people at the front, and the mobilization continues, accordingly , it is no longer possible to cope only with our own resources, and this will also affect the progress of work, so from the point of view of the question... with exports, they are difficult, but for the border areas, in particular, those bordering on borders with our european neighbors, but they began to use more detours through slovakia, hungary, romania, but at the same time, this is also an additional financial burden, that is, the products you sell, the cost price, it increases, so you will be able to receive less funds, so it is really affects the business and it affects the state of preparation, because what you received... and planned to receive, you planned to buy so much fertilizer, so much seed, so much fuel, but you understand that you
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will spend, you are idle and you are not you can calculate your economy, so you will get less, accordingly, you will invest less in the seed company, sorry about spring crops, you mentioned a possible slight decrease in sown areas, and this will affect, in particular , the share of exports and, accordingly, export revenues, will it affect the domestic market ? purchases of grain or oilseeds by agro-processing enterprises, processing enterprises, or is it, well, it is really, perhaps such an insignificant figure, which in fact will not play any role for the farmers, in the conditions of war for us, every number has a role, every export lot is marked by the fact that it will receive funds, whether for business, or the proceeds in the form of taxes for the state or customs payments, therefore, of course, first of all , it will be marked on the... potential, this will not affect domestic consumption, i.e. domestic supply on the market,
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because all that we did during the winters and will do now with the yars, crops, it will be more than enough for food security, another question is that it will partially limit, well let's say so, insignificant volumes on against the background of the overall export potential, but everything is equal from the point of view of the economy, when we count every penny, it would be important for us, so it would be very correct to find now in the credit system for commodity producers to support the pro... program 579 to increase the limits to 150 million and we didn't even talk about reducing the number of sown fields then, because the commodity farmers had the funds to carry out their work. and to what extent it is possible to quickly clear the territories that can still be used during the current sowing campaign, or there are enough funds for humanitarian demining from international donors, i know that a certain state bank, which i will not name, joined this program. also issues loans, as in this area? well
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, at the moment, the state program for the allocation of funds for demining costs about 3 billion, and there the agrarian will need to register in the state agrarian register, then through a humanitarian demining organization, such a specific institution, documents will be checked, then information about provision of services, to be elected then demining brigade and still know? a long system, and in principle, if it works, it is not bad, but we must understand that 3 billion uah in conditions when an examination can cost 1 gara with professional work more than a thousand dollars, it is actually very little, and funding must be attracted, from the point of view from a quantitative point of view, let’s say survey, already in the new year in the kherson region about 50,000 hectares of land were surveyed, let me remind you, for the entire 23rd year, it was more than 200 thousand hectares of land, which were transferred to direction, but... in general, in the de-occupied territories we need to monitor about 2 million hectares of land, that is, the volume of work and the involvement
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of funding is very, very large, so we do not need to continue communicating with international organizations and foundations in order to call for establishing funds and make ukraine safer from the point of view of both people and the cultivation of products that we can then supply to their markets, well, the main thing here is to remind people once again not to try to demine something there with their own hands... torami, because from time to time there are sad news that a certain owner has been blown up, whether in kharkiv region or in kherson region, indeed the process of demining is long, but it must be completed. thank you, denis marchuk. the deputy head of the all-ukrainian agrarian council analyzed the situation with spring sowing, i will analyze the next news from the world of money, but that will be tomorrow, there is still a big broadcast going on, watch us, there will be more, let's thank oleksandr morchavka together and
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invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation , because the verdict program traditionally starts at 8 p.m., about what will be discussed today, let's ask, sergey, congratulations, please, good evening, vasyl, at 8 p.m. we start the two-hour verdict, well, of course, the most important topic is putin's pseudo-election and 87%, who are drawn in support of putin throughout all three days of voting in the so-called presidential elections, including in the temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian state, today i will have general malomuzh, political expert viktor boberenko, and energy expert mykhailo gonchar as guests. let's talk about the consequences of this pseudo-voting and about what these numbers drawn in the results of the central election commission of the russian federation actually mean? does this mean
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that almost 2/3 or more even citizens of russia. chose war together with putin, and if they choose war, then what does this mean for the oil refining complex of russia, mykhailo gonchar will explain to us the situation that is currently developing in the oil and gas sector of russia after the strikes of ukrainian drones on more than 10 oil refineries in the russian federation, how it will affect russia's export potential, and eventually finances. the potential they use to wage war against ukraine. mykola malomuzh and i will talk about the russian volunteer corps raid on the territory of the russian federation, how to weaken the russian occupiers and the russian federation,
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and most importantly, what to expect in the next few months. re-appointment of putin as the president of the russian federation, because it is clear that the support, the percentage of support that was drawn in the election center of russia, for putin , it will be used by putin to the full, obviously, and putin will use this figure in order to continue to attack ukraine, maybe not only ukraine, because if ... ... people in russia support putin so much, then of course he will do everything to use them for his further aggressive plans. in short, we will talk about all this in the first part of our program, in the second part of our program, which will begin in 21:15, let's talk about the results of these
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few days, and i will summarize the most important things that happened during the last three days... the most important statements, the most important funny stories, including related to various statements of politicians abroad, as well as of course, what concerns elections or pseudo-elections in russia. we start at 20:00, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, i'll say goodbye to you until 20:00, stay with us, vasyl, i promise you. thank you very much. serhii rudenko, we are waiting for him and his guests at 20:00, but now the news that it is worth noting that instead of ignat, ignat, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi appointed a new spokesman for the air force. he became major ilya yavlash, he previously served in the command of the ground forces as a senior officer of the
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public relations service, headed the public relations service of the group of forces and means of defense of the city of kyiv and. the press service of the khortyts operational-strategic group of troops, the spokesman of the eastern group of troops worked before conscription in 2020 a correspondent on the espresso tv channel. we remember very well, appreciate ilya for his work as a journalist and wish him success in his position, great success in the name of our common victory. well, now about sports, what happened there on the fields of competition, yevhen pastukhov in detail. the national team of ukraine continues its preparations for the decisive play-off matches of the european championship. the ranks of the national team are joined by players who play in various european championships. on monday, legionnaires arrived from italy and belgium, midfielder ruslan malinovskyi and
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serhii sydorchuk. instead, the previous morning , six youth players left the blue and yellow camp in marbella to help the main team in the preparation process. ukraine will hold the qualification semi-final against bosnia and herzegovina on thursday , march 21 in the bosnian city of zenica. the final matches of the 21st round of the ukrainian premier league were played over the weekend. metalist 1925 suffered yet another failure. on saturday , viktor skrypnyk's team defeated the movement 1:4. kryvbas suffered victory over kolos - 1:0. polissia, under the leadership of serhiy shchyshchenko, lost to obolon 0:1. on sunday, veres beat chornomorets 1:0 away. this victory allowed the equals to rise from the penultimate 15th to the 14th line. of the tournament table, instead , metalist 1925, the last team of the championship, fell into the relegation zone, as before, minai. leadership is held by shakhtar. the miners
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are ahead of kryvba in additional figures, having 43 points and two matches in reserve. in third place is dnipro-1 - 39 points. dynamo is fourth with 38 points. kyivans have three matches in reserve. the top five is closed by movement. promotion in class. the ukrainian women's ice hockey team won the world championship 20-24 in the 3a division. in the final match of the tournament, the blue and yellow defeated the hosts of the championship, croatia - 6:1. at the same time , after the first period, the croatians were ahead. however, our hockey players scored four pucks in the second and two more in the final periods. thus, ukraine finished the championship with five victories in five matches and a goal difference of 28:8. previously, blue and yellow were taken. over the teams of romania, lithuania, serbia and bulgaria. in division two, ukraine will play for the second time. in 2020, our national team took sixth place and
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was relegated. igor shvontyk at the top. the first racket of the world triumphed at the tournament of the wta 1000 series in indian wells. in the final, polka defeated the representative of greece , maria sakari. two sets were enough for shvontak to win. he was relatively competitive among them. there was only the first - 6:4. in the second game, sakari lost without a chance - 0:6. thus, during the performances at the tournament, iga did not give a single game to her opponents. earlier in the semi-finals polka won over ukrainian marta kostiuk. 6:2-6:1. šviontak continues to lead the world ranking. for the victory in indian wells , she will receive 1,100 thousand dollars. usa. thank you yevhen, this is a decisive week in principle, in many respects for the national football team of ukraine, of course, you can say, now football is not important, probably
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of a certain level, but the victories of the national team, they are important for some general positive, and also for the military, and for civilians, well, let, let, let it succeed, if ukraine is represented at the euro, well, maybe it will be a great positive and an opportunity to convey something to europe, at least if our national team loses to bosnia and herzegovina, and then israel or iceland and gets to germany for euro 2024, it will be cool, so we wish success to our players, i saw a lot of football players, they help to the armed forces of ukraine, i know for sure that people in england, those in spain, and those in ukraine will give a lot of grief, that's why the guys understand everything clearly, many relatives are fighting, there are also dead people, unfortunately, that's why they are clear patriots in our field, let them be lucky, well, i call you stay with us because now the weather is literally in a few moments, then the program... spend this evening with espresso, don't regret it, bye everyone, synoptic
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hello, our dear viewers, we start together a fresh, new synoptic week, not always the weather the way everyone would like it, somewhere warmer, somewhere colder, well, but the atmosphere , of course, is governed by its own laws, as always, and we... respect them, today we will start our meeting with a small visit, we will pay a visit to the wonderful, luxurious, i would say, even museum, an open-air museum in the village of pyrogova, but i emphasize that it is called an open-air museum, it is a wonderful open-air museum for relaxation, for knowledge, as they say, for the soul, and for the heart, and for the physical and mental health, very positive, well , a little like from... always statistics, a little history. the national museum of folk architecture and life of ukraine, as it is correctly called. architectural and landscape complex of all historical and ethnographic regions of ukraine.
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forested slobozhanshchyna, poltavashchyna, carpathians, nadnipryanshchyna, podillia and southern ukraine. the prosteneb museum was founded on february 6, 1969. it is located on the southern outskirts of kyiv, these are historical lands that once belonged to the kyiv pechersk lavra, and it received its first visitors in 1976. today, on the territory of skansen there are about 300 monuments of folk construction of the 16th-20th centuries. architectural exhibit of a house from the village of samara , volyn region, 1587. the museum's holdings include about 100,000 of the most diverse exhibits: folk clothes, fabrics, furniture, ceramics, tools, work, potters, crafts , bonders, carpenters, well, folk painting, of course, painting, musical instruments and children's toys, the museum is actively and now engaged in the development of the spiritual culture
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of ukrainians, not in words, but in action. i am there very often, and, for example, they kindly provide opportunities for folk ensembles to perform, for example, there is an amateur bach choir that performed in the mykola church on the territory, they always go to the meeting, this landscape is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful the views are always the best impressions, spring must have already started, warmer, visit again and again. this luxurious museum is open to the sky and i want to emphasize once again, they are often confused and say pirogovo, by no means, we do not say kyiv, we say kyiv, and therefore pirogov, the museum is just the sky, we are now moving from the museum to the upper layers atmosphere and let's see if there will be magnetic storms tomorrow , how the earth's magnetic field will behave, for your attention a prognostic diagram, from which it can be seen that there are minor fluctuations, that is
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, no... powerful, even some moderate ones fortunately, no magnetic storms are predicted, so we will return to the weather itself and see what it will be like tomorrow , march 19, in each region of ukraine, so i want to say right away that it will be humid everywhere, a cyclone will determine the weather in ukraine, in the western regions, rain is expected tomorrow and wet snow, the maximum air temperature is the lowest in ukraine, even during the day +1 +5°. dress warmly. in the north of ukraine it will also be cold +2 +6°, cloudy weather at night with rain and sleet, during the day gradual weakening and cessation of precipitation, in the eastern part it will be very warm in ukraine, well, in comparison , of course +8 +13°, so the precipitation will certainly be in the form of rain. in the central part of ukraine , the precipitation will be distributed in vinnytsia, which will be much colder, there is a possibility of wet
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snow, for example, in... petrovshchyna , rain will prevail. in general, the weather will be humid and the air temperature will be from 3 to 8 degrees celsius in the central part of ukraine. in the south, it is slightly warmer +7 +12 and cloudy, humid weather will also prevail, rain will fall in places. in kyiv, in the capital, cloudy, wet weather is also expected tomorrow, the cyclone will still determine weather and kyiv, rain and sleet are expected in the coming night. wet snow may even stick, dear drivers, be very, very attentive and careful in the evening and early morning, tomorrow the precipitation will gradually stop, but it will still be cold, at night in kyiv it will be around 0.2°, during the day +5° . this is the weather expected for the next day, it will be so fresh and cold on wednesday as well, and on march 21-22, on the eve of world
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meteorologist's day. warming awaits us, keep a close eye, as always, on the updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, we from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine. about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. putin is breaking records. the center of the election committee drew unprecedented support for the dictator and a sky-high turnout. will the kremlin grandfather manage to cement power for the next six years. sanitary area. the rebels are liberating the border regions of russia from the putin regime. in response, the russian army strikes sumy oblast. is she capable of
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breakthrough? ukrainian long-distance in.


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