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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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territory, this is exactly what putin says, this is exactly what he is talking about, but considering how quickly people are fleeing from the border settlements in the russian federation, this raid will be known by both the russian volunteer corps and the russian freedom legion and the siberian battalion in various regions of russia federation. came to the territory of the russian federation on the 10th year of the russian-ukrainian war, but this war was brought to the territory of russia by the citizens of the russian federation, so we can perceive it as a civil war, that is citizens of the russian federation came to find out their relationship with putin and his henchmen, and we see the unfolding of these hostilities. will these hostilities take place?
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broad and successful, i believe that in a situation where the russian communist party and the legion of freedom of russia , together with the siberian battalion, went ahead on the day of the presidential elections, and putin had to explain something, putin had to say something about their presence on the territory of the russian federation, this is already a success , because hardly. putin, starting a war with ukraine, especially starting a big war with ukraine, since february 24, 2022, he could imagine that the territory of the kursk belgorod regions would be attacked and a war would be waged there. he hardly thought that oil refineries, of which there are already more than 10, will be hit. attack drones
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by the ukrainian state, the transfer of the war to the territory of russia, it completely changes the vision of those who are witnesses and who suffer from it on the other side of the border, of course, of course, the entry of russian volunteers into the territory of the russian federation provoked and provokes ee... russians to strike on the territory of the sumy region, these strikes are becoming more frequent, and the number and density of these strikes are increasing, but the number of these strikes would obviously be unchanged in any case, if the representatives of the russian democratic republic entered the territory of the neighboring regions or did not enter, but russia is using it to say and...
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once again use its power to break up the territory of the ukrainian state, in particular the sumy region, my native sumy region, because in fact it is a different language, a different language than the language of destruction, rather than language murders, putin and his henchmen do not know, although the same putin says that he is ready for negotiations on the future of ukraine, but demands guarantees from the west, which must be clearly spelled out. let's listen to what putin said on the eve of the elections or pseudo- elections in russia. we are ready for a serious conversation, and we want to resolve all conflicts, and even more so, this conflict by peaceful means. but we must clearly and clearly
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understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for russian federation. we need guarantees, and the guarantees must be spelled out, must be such that we are satisfied. well, that is, an ordinary st. petersburg hopota who breaks the law and kills people. demands guarantees from the world: we came to ukraine to kill ukrainians, we came to destroy ukrainian cities and villages, and you, the west, prepare guarantees for us, tell us that you guarantee that i will not sit in the boot room of the international criminal court, that i will not be persecuted around the world, that russia will have an influence on part of the countries that used to be a part of... the soviet union, that
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ukraine will never be in nato, that's what putin wants, and it seems that he will try to convince by force. west, that you need to sit down at the changing table with him. putin has already used similar blackmail, it was in december 21, on the eve of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. then putin demanded that nato return to the borders of 1997, that is, not nato expansion, he demanded that ukraine be in the sphere of influence of russia, so that... to the north atlantic the alliance did not accept new members and he demanded many, many things, but all this blackmail that was in the 21st year was ignored by the world, this blackmail was ignored by the united states of america and the countries that are part of
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the north atlantic alliance. now , two years later, putin returns to talking about guarantees, although he understands very well that these... two years he simply lost, that he has already lost this war, and the only question is how this war will end for him and in which way i mean personally for him, that is why he is talking about guarantees, he wants guarantees for himself personally, obviously oleksandr lukashenko also wants guarantees for himself, who suddenly started talking about the fact that if he lost power in 2000... in the 20th year, then a nuclear war would start between russia and the west. let's listen to another self-proclaimed president of belarus. god help us in 2020. and if we didn't resist then, there would be a war here. they would
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drag nato troops here. imagine the reaction of russia, nato troops near smelensk. this is a nuclear war. and we persevered. and i'll tell you what today lukashenko bragged to his entourage about how he called putin and congratulated him on his election as president of the russian federation. what else can lukashenko say, he does not belong to himself. he wants to continue to participate in the so-called presidential elections of the republic of belarus and also wants to convince belarusians that if they do not elect him, then war will come to the land of belarus, he says that putin and i get along so well, putin and i took and waged a great war against ukraine, and putin and i power, and you need to vote for this power, and those
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87%, says lukashenko, is generally a fantastic result that putin got, hoping that it can be seen that the tame center of the electorate of the republic of belarus and he will draw the figure of 80% in the next elections in order to to rule the republic of belarus for life, and this is also, in principle, a sufficiently important sign for belarus and the whole world that lukashenko is going to repeat putin's path and get these 76... 80%, well, besides everything, we saw an interview these days emmanuel macron, the president of france, in the last two or three weeks, we have heard different things about whether the french head of state
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is going to send his army to ukraine, whether he is ready to support ukraine to victory over... the russian federation, so the interview of macron came out, and he gave this interview to ukrainian journalists, he assured that his ukraine has no restrictions in helping ukraine and will respond to how russia will behave. let's hear what macron said. i said what our goal is: russia cannot and will not must win this war, and plus our goal is... to return permanent peace to europe, in order to achieve this goal, we will not follow the path of escalation, because we do not need another war, but we are ready to say , that we have no limits, and we will react depending on how russia will react, and the ukrainians
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must at a certain point come out of this war and be in a strong position when they lead negotiate it for this permanent peace. it's a pity that macron didn't say which one he saw the future of the same putin and russia, because when the leaders of western countries and the leaders of western... europe talk about the fact that ukraine must necessarily win the war against russia, i always have a logical question: what do you mean, gentlemen, there is a defeat of russia, what is a defeat, this is the departure from putin's power, this is the deputization of russia, this is the demilitarization of russia, this is the denuclearization of russia, that is, the withdrawal. they have nuclear arsenals so that they do not thunder with nuclear weapons, this is the denazification
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of russia, or the derasization of russia, for some reason in this history, when the west tells it about the inevitable defeat of russia, for some reason there are not all these points, without understanding how the leaders of the western countries see the defeat of russia, it seems to me that it is impossible to formulate a general concept of what the west wants to see as a result , so that putin leaves ukraine, so that putin does not rule russia, that is, there are many questions, answers to which the leaders of western countries do not give, why, the question is obvious to them, and the main question, of course, is how will they be now... on legitimacy, or how they will be to comment on the legitimacy of putin after these
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elections, when they are taking place or took place on the territory of the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, that is, the ukrainians apparently elected putin, and this result, which the kremlin says is more than 87%, is unambiguous. cannot be accepted in any case , not even, even in any case, why, because, according to the kremlin, there are also the voices of those people who live in the territories that are temporarily occupied by russia, and this is a violation of international law, i'm not talking about what putin is the owner of the warrant of the international criminal ... court, that is, he is a criminal who took advantage of the so-called presidential
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elections in russia and sat down again in the chair of the president of russia, said that i won with a result of 87%. friends, we are conducting a survey during the broadcast, and we are asking you exactly whether, in your opinion, the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or on... write your comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, then vote by smartphone or phone, if you believe that the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories 0.800-211-381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call. well, against the background of what is happening in russia, in the united states of america in... everything is already moving towards the start of the pre-election presidential campaign, and
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trump is starting to speculate on the topic of supporting ukraine on the eve of the elections. trump calls zelensky the best salesman in the world, because he always returns with of the united states of america with money. let's hear what trump said. and you know what, we must, we will. to do something with ukraine, we should borrow money, not send them money, lend them money, not just hand over a check for $60 billion. i will tell you, zelensky is one of the best sellers in history, every time he comes to the country, he leaves with 50 or 60 billion dollars. it would be necessary to remind trump that ukraine gave up nuclear weapons. in exchange for the guarantees of the united states of america and the russian federation, and in principle,
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the russians violated the budapest memorandum, they did not guarantee our security, on the contrary , they attacked ukraine, and this happened 10 years ago. trump should also understand that the united states of america guaranteed us security, regardless of who is the president of the united states of america, washington promised us no... peka in exchange for the nuclear weapons that we gave away, that we destroyed, this, unfortunately, for some reason, trump does not remember and starts talking about the fact that... zelensky is the best salesman in the world, and what is left for zelensky, if not defend in the war against russia, and accordingly represent ukraine in negotiations with washington, and demand weapons, and demand money, and demand support, and what should the president of ukraine do? of course, he asks for money, and she, as trump says, demands it,
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the best salesman in the world, by the way. trump so often speculates that he is the youngest candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, or a contender for the next presidency, and mentions the age of joseph biden, which he joked about his opponent and said at the annual dinner in club in one of the clubs in washington that one candidate is too old. and mentally unfit to be president, the other is me, this is the sense of humor of biden, who is criticized for being too old to lead the united states of america. well, meanwhile in
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hungary, viktor orbán, who is one of vladimir putin's... friends and now a great friend of donald trump, in a speech once again criticized the european union and the western world, and also called on the audience to help him occupy brussels in the elections to the european parliament this summer. let's listen to orban. if we want to preserve the freedom and sovereignty of hungary, we have. there is no choice, we have to occupy brussels , we will march on brussels and bring changes to the european union ourselves, we are not foals, we are a millennial state, we have been deceived, it is time to rebel, it is time to restore the self-esteem and pride of europeans, we are not alone in this, we are not alone in this, said orbán, and
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he was obviously right, because behind orbán is putin, behind... orbán is trump, and orbán now it looks like such a trojan horse for the european union and for the north atlantic alliance, we know how much hungary is doing, well, in quotation marks, it is doing so that ukraine does not receive aid from the european union, one can only imagine how many more claims there will be in hungary, in in the event that ukraine begins its journey towards transition from the european union. union regarding joining this alliance, and of course, of course, the hungarians will have a lot of questions when the ukrainian state will join the north atlantic alliance, this is a big question and a big problem, not only, a big challenge not only for ukraine, but for
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the european union and even for the north atlantic alliance, because hungary is a country... which is subsidized by the european union, where european democracies do their best to ensure that hungarians live with dignity and were worthy members of the european union, but orbán always says that he has his own opinion, and he is ready to impose his own rules in the european union, and this also causes, to be honest, absolutely such... sincere no no sincere misunderstanding in the european union and the north atlantic alliance, because one country for some reason constantly dictates conditions to everyone, one country for some reason constantly says that ukraine should deal with the russian federation on its own, everything should revolve around hungary and the interests of
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the hungarian side. there are a lot of questions for... viktor orban, and obviously volodymyr zelenskyi, the ukrainian side, should also ask these questions, because to have such a western neighbor, and to have such neighbors as russia and belarus, well, it's too much, you understand, that's why that orbán does not participate in the opening of russia's aggression against ukraine, but he... constantly plays along with putin, now orbán, then szijjártó make some curtseys towards putin, talk about the fact that ukraine must sit down at the transition table, ukraine must give... a clear putin's response to so-called peace initiatives or calls for peace talks with putin. in hungary, they must have forgotten
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how the soviet army once destroyed their capital and other cities, how the occupation of hungary by soviet troops took place, they must have forgotten, or the money is really gone smell, and orban is ready... to do everything to be convenient, first of all for putin, and then for those with whom he is part of the great european union and part of the north atlantic alliance. well, one more piece of news today, which is quite actively discussed in social networks and not only in social networks and mass media, is the detention of a local... volunteer in lviv, kyryl taran, by employees of the tsc. on the night of march 16, employees
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of the territorial assembly center detained the volunteer , which by the way does a lot for of the front and collects for the front and provides assistance to the front, you can see information about this incident on your screens now, as an employee of the ktc... they forcefully push him into the busik, this video was published on social media by his wife, that is, kyryla ptarana, according to her , a volunteer refused to go through the vlk right away, as he did not have medical documents with him, but the order for his mobilization was already ready in the morning, he was immediately sent to the military unit in rivne. ombudsman dmytro lobin'. insisted on the appointment of a second vlk, based on the results of which the regional tsc will approve a new decision regarding a volunteer. today, the tsc in
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lviv clarified and explained that this whole story that happened with kyryll taran is the fault of kyrylo taran himself, because he changed his place of residence and did not inform the tsc about the changes for seven days. of his residence, the word warlord has nothing to do with it, and those people who detained him are veterans of the russian-ukrainian war, and here in this story we see two sides, we also see the reaction of the person authorized to rule, dmytro lubinets, so it is obvious , obviously, this story needs to be meticulous the attention of the human rights commissioner, and... including the tsc in order to understand this story and put the dots, why kyrylo taran was sent to the state central committee in such a way and
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why he was sent to the military unit in rivne without a vlk. we will follow this story and of course listen to all sides and all comments, if there are any and we will quote those comments, because it is very important for us to do exactly and correctly. his work, well, one more piece of information that appeared just these days, that the physical training coach of the odesa chornomorets ihor kasyanenko did not return to ukraine from the training camp in turkey, but decided to move to his family in miami. the press service of chornomorets has already confirmed information about the escape of the coach abroad in the parliamentary committee on national security, where, by the way, the law is currently being considered. the bill on mobilization to be considered in the verkhovna rada in the second reading says that they will do their utmost to prevent evaders from fleeing abroad, and in principle
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the control over them was much stricter, moreover, yehor cherniev is one of the members of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, said that the committee itself is currently looking for an acceptable one. a formula for providing people with disabilities with the necessary care to close the loophole for evaders. when this mobilization bill will pass the second reading in the final is not yet known, but it will obviously happen during march and april, so we will wait for the result of this vote, my personal opinion is that the commander-in-chief armed forces of ukraine. zelenskyi should take political responsibility and invite the deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to adopt this bill and enlist their support. of
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the verkhovna rada, if there is no such appeal, it is not a fact that this law will be adopted in the second reading. friends, that's all, i will say that today, during our broadcast, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. now we will see the results of the television survey: 27% yes, 73 no on youtube we also conduct this survey, the results we see are as follows: 35% yes, 65% no. this, friends, is the end of today's verdict, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye.
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10:00 pm
good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, my name is vasyl zema. this is the big ether program on the espresso tv channel. we are starting this informative week and will sum up informational monday. we begin with the announcement of the collection. and i know that this is your favorite thing. donate to the armed forces of ukraine. we are only happy about this, becoming mediators between you and the zsu. what are we collecting for? so, cars for the front are expendable, cars work at full speed. intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so they quickly fail. therefore, we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive cars. this is a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence agency ministry of defense of ukraine. a pickup for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000, support the front to free ukraine from russian evil together. and
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we will talk today.


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